From the President Work-life Balance?
From the Executive Director Looking Ahead
In the News Online Veterinary Credential Renewal Coming Soon
Legal Briefs Anatomy of the Sale of a Practice to a National Firm
WVMA/OSHA Alliance OSHA Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting Requirements
2017 AVMA House of Delegates Report
The “Cloud”. What is It? Why Back-up to It?
What is Your Brand and Why is it Important?
Visit With These Exhibitors at the WVMA Convention
The WVMA Officially Endorses the Collections Services of Transworld Systems Inc.
20-23 Classified Ads
Proposed Bylaw Changes to Be Voted On The Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association (WVMA) Executive Board have approved the following changes to the association bylaws. Membership approval of these changes will be voted on via a mailed ballot. All members will receive a ballot and a return envelope for voting. The proposed bylaw changes can also be found on the members only side of the WVMA website, www.wvma.org. By-Law 4, Executive Committee A. The Executive Committee shall consist of eight five members: President; President Elect; Immediate Past President; Vice-Chairperson, House of Delegate and Alternate Delegate and the Treasurer of the Executive Board; and the Executive Director, as a nonvoting member. The Executive Board Vice Chairperson will serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee. B. The functions of the Executive Committee shall be the tasks set forth below and for any emergency action when the President determines that it is not feasible to call an Executive Board meeting. The Executive Committee may meet and vote telephonically and electronically. The Executive Committee shall not change or modify any action taken by the Executive Board. All actions of the Executive Committee will be reported to the Executive Board at the next meeting of the Board. The Executive Committee shall (i) review the Bylaws and the Standard Operating Procedures and Policies and send any recommended revisions to the Executive Board, (ii) select candidates to run for the President Elect position, and (iii) select candidates to run for the AVMA Delegate and AVMA Alternate Delegate positions. The Executive Committee shall (i) review year-end financials and any audit or annual review made by a professional auditing firm, (ii) review mid-year financials and (iii) prepare a budget for the following year. The Budget and Auditing Committee will review and make recommendations on any requests for monetary commitments that are not included in the annual budget. The Executive Committee shall (i) review the performance, compensation and duties of the Executive Director and make recommendations to the Executive Board, and (ii) review the Executive Director’s evaluations and compensation recommendations of other WVMA staff and make recommendations to the Executive Board.
Work-life Balance?
Dr. Scott Spaulding
“Work-life balance” is a common catch phrase embedded in our social fabric, oft times associated with one’s state of well-being. A work-life balance Google search yields a notion of a proper priority of “work” – career and ambition, and “life style” – health, family and leisure. A few guiding principles pave the path I follow – “opportunity abounds in animal health”, “the vision to recognize opportunity” and “courage to say yes to opportunity.” These principles allow me opportunities and experiences beyond my wildest dreams, many of them life changing. My quandary is reconciling this seeming dichotomy – work-life balance versus doing it all. I speculate this dichotomy is a significant component of the rampant emotional distress our profession experiences. What’s my beef with work-life balance? The implication that work and life are separate and achieving balance is both desirable and possible. I can’t, for the life of me, reconcile these implications. Is work-life balance attainable? I suspect not. Is integrating your passion for veterinary medicine, your life’s work, into your life possible? Maybe, just maybe, it is! There are times in life where I feel every waking moment, even moments when I should be fast asleep, is controlled by everyone but me. I respond to the horse owner with the loudest voice demanding my attention; I respond to colleagues requests for my assistance, feeling quilt if I decline. Life goes by so fast, kids grow up so quickly, can we slow time down? Don’t waste your time trying to segregate your work from your life, accept the challenge to adopt the concept of work-life integration. This subtle change in perspective, from balance to integration, pays me huge dividends. Set your priorities, delegate the tasks, maintain responsibility, leverage technology, and put process in place. Develop and maintain your vision to recognize opportunity; have the courage to say yes. Are these tasks easy? I venture to say no, they’re not. They may require heavy lifting and perseverance to your intention. Instead of trying to maintain balance and stress associated with balance, integrate your work into your life. You’ve spent a lifetime honing medical and surgical skill, improving business acumen, perfecting leadership and mentoring prowess. Now integrate these attributes into everything you do and leverage opportunity. Whatever it is for you, perhaps a subtle change from the notion of work-life balance to work-life integration is a key to improving emotional well-being. l
2017 WVMA EXECUTIVE BOARD President President-Elect Past President District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4
Scott Spaulding, DVM Robert Leder, DVM John T. Been, DVM Katrina Geitner, DVM Chris Keim, DVM Jeffrey Bleck, DVM Ronald Biese, DVM
District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 Student Rep.
Judith Batker, DVM Sally Harper, DVM Karl Solverson, DVM Kevin Landorf, DVM Gary Johnson, DVM Morgan Randall
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Treasurer David Jeans, DVM AVMA Delegate Douglas Kratt, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Paul McGraw, DVM WVDL Director Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD, DACVP Student Rep. Danielle Schuld
Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny, MS, MBA Office Manager Torrie Kennedy Communications and Project Specialist Bailey Quam Development and Marketing Specialist Jeremy Panizza Food Armor® Outreach Specialist Katie Mrdutt, DVM Advertising Assistant Heather Klinkhammer
The WVMA Voice is published WVMA the beginning of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Looking Ahead
Kim Brown Pokorny
Member: First 35 words $20; each additional word $1.50. Non-member: First 35 words $65; each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to ensure consideration for the next month’s newsletter. New classified ad rates went into effect February 2, 2017.
January December 1 January 1 February January 1 February 1 March February 1 March 1 April March 1 April 1 May April 1 May 1 June May 1 June 1 July June 1 July 1 August July 1 August 1 September August 1 September 1 October September 1 October 1 November October 1 November 1 December November 1 December 1
As we near the last quarter of 2017, many of us are beginning to think about the year-end and plan our charitable contributions. As you contemplate your different options, I ask that you please consider the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Foundation (WVMF) or the Food Armor® Foundation. Both foundations are 501(c)(3) organizations, meaning donations are charitable and tax deductible. The WVMF has a tremendous Board of Directors comprised of veterinarians and nonveterinarians. They have outlined areas of impact for the foundation and are excited to start executing their mission of helping animals through people and community. There are many areas deserving of time and money. Ranging from helping the elderly keep and care for their pets, to military and K-9 dog care, to helping pets stay in their forever homes. The Board is prioritizing their list and would appreciate support from those within veterinary medicine as well as family and friends outside the profession. The Food Armor® Foundation’s entire focus and purpose is to produce safe food and ensure proper drug use in food producing animals. If you are passionate about food animal medicine, food safety or public health, please consider contributing to the Food Armor® Foundation. Finally, we have the WVMA Political Action Committee (PAC). While this is not tax deductible, our policy and legislative work is more effective when we can have conversations with decision makers. Our PAC is small, but critically important for veterinary medicine and small business owners. It is non-partisan and donations do not reflect your personal preferences. All donations are used with both parties. Every year our policy and legislative work demands more from our association and the stakes continually rise for veterinary medicine. Help us work on your behalf by becoming involved and engaged. If you are interested in supporting one or all three of these organizations, please write separate checks out to the entity of your choice. If you choose the WVMF or Food Armor®, you will receive a letter back stating your contribution is tax deductible. All PAC checks must be from personal accounts and not from a business. An envelop for donations is included within this newsletter for your convenience. Again, thank you for supporting this fantastic profession and the growth of the WVMA through these entities. l
Silver Sponsor
DeWitt Ross & Stevens, s.c. Marshfield Labs Midwest Cremation Services of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
Friend Sponsors
Merck Animal Health Sedecal USA Merial
Online Veterinary Credential Renewal Coming Soon By the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Wisconsin veterinary credential holders must re-apply to renew their credential before December 31 of every odd numbered year. The next re-application/renewal cycle will begin October 1, 2017. You will need to establish a MyDATCP (https://mydatcp.wi.gov/Account/RegisterPIN) account in order to renew your credential online this fall. Please refer to an email from Veterinary Examining Board (VEB) staff sent in August 2016 with instructions and a personal identification number (PIN) to register for MyDATCP. Be sure to check your inbox or spam folder. If you have not received this email, please contact VEB staff at (608) 224-4353 or datcpveb@wi.gov. VEB staff will issue credential Expiration Notices beginning in October 2017. Please be sure your mailing and email addresses are current so that you receive this important information. Remember, you may not practice in Wisconsin with an expired veterinary credential. 7.06(20); 9.05(11) l
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Anatomy of the Sale of a Practice to a National Firm By Gregory E. Scallon, DeWitt Ross & Stevens s.c. In the May 2017 Legal Briefs article, I introduced the topic of ownership transition for a veterinary medicine practice. I briefly discussed the various forms that such a transition might typically take. Certainly, every practice and every transaction, has its own unique features and there is “no one size fits all.”
in proceeding with more substantive discussions, the next step is typically entering into a Letter of Intent (an “LOI”). The LOI is not a binding contract, but it sets out, generally in a fair amount of detail, the intent of the parties with respect to the nature of the sale. The LOI will typically establish a target purchase price, and terms for post-sale In this article, I’d like to focus on the dynamics of a sale of your practice employment of the selling owner(s). to one of the national firms, what you should likely expect to occur After the LOI is signed, the national firm will engage in a more detailed during the negotiations and then during and after the sale. analysis of the practice, generally referred to as “due diligence.” In addition to more detailed financial analysis, this generally includes a The initial “courtship” may be started by a “cold call” solicitation from the national firm inquiring about your interest in selling your practice, review of the employment status of employed veterinarians, leases for clinic real estate and equipment and other contractual arrangements or by you reaching-out to the national firm. You may have noticed relating to the practice. advertisements in the WVMA Voice suggesting a practice owner contact the firm to discuss a potential sale. In almost all instances, at the stage of the cold call or the response by you to an advertisement, the national firm has no material information about your practice.
Assuming there is mutual interest in discussing a sale, this “starts the dance.” The national firm will request financial and other information regarding your practice. Before you provide any such information, we highly recommend that you have the national firm sign a NonDisclosure and Confidentiality Agreement (frequently referred to as a “NDA”). By the terms of the NDA, the national firm agrees to hold all the information you provide in confidence, to be used solely for the purpose of deciding whether there is interest in proceeding to negotiate a purchase and agreeing not to disclose the fact that you are engaged in such negotiations beyond key employees of the firm and its outside advisors (e.g., lawyers, accountants, etc.) who are an integral part of the analysis and decision-making process. You don’t want “ the word to be on the street” that you are planning to sell your practice. You should involve not just your attorney, but also your accountant and any other key business advisors to prepare or review documents, to assist you in preparing the information you provide to the potential buyer and to provide tax counsel. Depending on the circumstances, you may want to be more selective in the information that you initially provide. If the preliminary review and discussions that occur simultaneously indicates an interest
Upon conclusion of the due diligence, assuming there is still a desire to proceed, the parties will enter into a Purchase Agreement. The great majority of practice sales are structured as asset sales, although we have seen some willingness of national firms to acquire the capital stock of a selling practice.
In most instances, the acquiring firm will want the principal owner(s) of the practice to continue as employees of the practice for a 1-2 year transition period. The acquiring firm will also, almost certainly, require that the principal owner(s) of the practice sign a covenant not to compete with the acquiring firm for several years after the purchase. We have written previously about limitations on the scope of such restrictive covenants in the context of the employer/employee relationship; however, such limitations are not generally applicable to a covenant given in the context of an ownership sale. As discussed in the May Legal Briefs, a sale to a national firm can be a very good alternative, especially where there isn’t a good internal candidate to take over the practice. In future Legal Briefs, we’ll discuss other scenarios. As expressed in the May Legal Briefs, I’d be very interested in receiving comments from readers about personal experiences, good or bad, in ownership transitions. We may share your story, we will not reveal your identity. Please send your insights to ges@dewittross.com. l
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WVMA Member Benefit Program
The WVMA has aligned with following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, ScriptSave, Professional Insurance Programs, Association Gloves and Avis. Visit www.wvma.org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!
OSHA Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting Requirements By Leslie Ptak, Department of Labor/OSHA compliance assistance specialist Did you know that over the last four years traumatic events have been the leading causes of injuries to employees in the veterinary clinic setting? Moreover, OSHA requires employers to collect and report these workplace injuries to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Charts 1 and 2 are prime examples of information collected using the OSHA recordkeeping and reporting systems.
• • • •
Transfer to another job Medical treatment beyond first aid Loss of consciousness Significant injury or illness diagnosed by a professional licensed healthcare provider • Meet recordability criteria of 1904.8 – 1904.11
The requirement to maintain OSHA records might apply to your workplace depending on your NAICS1 code and the number of employees in your firm. Table 1 lists NAICS codes that might apply to WVMA members, and all four of the listed industries are required to keep OSHA records if the employer has more than 11 employees.
You may have questions about these criteria. For instance, what are the definitions of restricted work, medical treatment or a “significant” injury or illness? (Hint: there are specific definitions for each of these criteria and they are not intuitively apparent. See the OSHA 300 Recordkeeping 101 Quiz.) If you want to know The OSHA rule for recordkeeping, also known as Part 1904, specifies more about OSHA recordkeeping, you can take a course from the Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Program. A link to available that any company that had ten or fewer employees at all times sessions is here, http://www.slh.wisc.edu/occupational/wiscon/ during the last calendar year, does not need to keep OSHA injury safety-and-health-wiscon-training/. and illness records. A company consists of all its single physical If you do not feel like sitting through a four hours long recordkeeping establishments. For example, Dr. Green has veterinary clinics in course, and still want your questions answered, contact the Injury three locations: Columbus, Beaver Dam, and Fall River. Each clinic Statistics Program at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene has seven to nine employees at any one time throughout the at 1-800-884-1273. The people who run this program love to answer year. Because Dr. Green’s company includes all three locations, his recordkeeping questions, because they really want Wisconsin total employee count ranges from 21 – 27 employees. Thus, each employers’ OSHA data to be accurate. That means no over-recording establishment is required to maintain OSHA records (even though and no under-recording. A link to staff and their emails is here, http:// each alone has less than ten employees). www.slh.wisc.edu/occupational/bls/contact/. What is an OSHA record? The required records include the OSHA 300 Form, OSHA 301 Incident Report, and the OSHA 300A Summary. These are easily accessed at no cost through the OSHA web site, https:// www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/RKforms.html. Each establishment must have its own OSHA 300 Form, although employers have the option to centralize recordkeeping. For instance, Dr. Green must complete an OSHA 300 Form for each of his three locations. He can choose to maintain them at each office or have one office take the responsibility to maintain separate OSHA 300 Forms for all three locations. The OSHA 300 Form is also called the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (~Log”) and is a list of work related fatalities, injuries and illnesses that are (1) work-related, (2) new cases, and (3) result in one or more of the following: • Death • Days away from work • Restricted work activity
An OSHA 301 Incident Report must be completed for each case reported on the OSHA 300 Form. Wisconsin employers often use an insurance form called the WKC-12 Employer’s First Report of Injury or Disease instead, which OSHA allows, because the information it captures is equivalent to the OSHA 301.
The OSHA 300A is the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, and is maintained on a calendar year basis. At the end of the year an OSHA 300A is completed for each OSHA 300 Form (even if all the entries on the OSHA 300 Form are zeros), and posted from February 1st through April 30th for three months in the workplace for employees to see. For instance, Dr. Green will post his completed and certified 2017 OSHA 300A Forms in each of his three locations in 2018.
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OSHA Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting Requirements
What else needs to be posted? Regardless of the number of employees you have, you must post Department of Labor posters in your workplace. That being said, these posters are at no cost to you! Because OSHA is an agency in the Department of Labor, it has a required poster titled “Job Safety and Health – It’s the Law OSHA 3165 – 2015”. It is available in ten different languages and can be downloaded from the OSHA website (see Resources). There are other Department of Labor agencies and each has its own poster. To determine which ones apply to your operations, visit elaws – FirstStep Poster Advisor and complete the series of questions and answers. The Small Business Administration has provided a list of the required posters with links to free downloads on their web site (see Resources). What do I do with the data I collect? Your OSHA records do not have to be sent to OSHA or the Bureau of Labor Statistics unless: • Either the Bureau of Labor Statistics or OSHA contacts you and asks for the data. They will contact you before the
beginning of the calendar year; or, • Your company meets the electronic submission requirements as outlined in 1904.41 (Table 2). Electronic submission of OSHA records is a new requirement going into effect this year. However, veterinary medical services (NAICS 541940) employers only have to comply with this section of the standard if they had more than 250 employees in each establishment. • All three forms must be retained for five years following the end of the calendar year that these records cover. Once a completed OSHA recordkeeping form is older than five years, it can be discarded. OSHA reporting requirements OSHA requires that employers report to their local OSHA offices all employees’ work related fatalities, hospitalizations, amputations, and incidents resulting in the loss of an eye. Nothing else has to be called in to OSHA. OSHA’s webpage for helping employers report these cases is linked here, https://www.osha.gov/report.html.
Table 1. North American Industrial Classification Codes Applicable to WVMA Members NAICS
Veterinary medical services
Disease testing services, veterinary
Veterinary medicinal preparations manufacturing
Pet and pet supply stores
Table 2. Employers Required to Electronically Submit Records to OSHA Establishments with 250 or more employees whose NAICS codes are 541940, 325412 or 453910
Establishments with 20-249 employees whose NAICS codes are 325412 or listed in 1904.41 Appendix A**
Submission Deadline
Calendar Year 2016 300A Form
CY 2016 300A Form
December 1, 2017
CY 2017 300A, 300, 301* Forms
CY 2017 300A Form
July 1, 2018
2019 & beyond
300A, 300, 301* Forms
300A Form
March 2 of every year
*WKC-12 is equivalent to the 301 **NAICS 541940 and 453910 are not listed in 1904.41 Appendix A The requirements are based on establishment size, not company size. For example, Dr. Green (example above) is required to keep OSHA records because his company has 21-27 employees. He would not be required to submit records electronically because none of his three establishments has 250 or more employees.
OSHA Recordkeeping, Reporting and Posting Requirements OSHA 300 Recordkeeping 101 Quiz All these instances are work related. Are these statements true or false? See answers at end of Resources, below.
True or False
This case does not have to be entered on the OSHA 300 Form. Scenario: Ann is injured at 8 am on Monday morning, visits urgent care at 10 am, receives minimal first aid treatment, and goes home for the rest of the day. She returns to work the next day at her usual time with no restrictions.
True or False
The use of surgical glue to close an employee’s wound is considered medical treatment.
True or False
Once a doctor prescribes a prescription to an employee the case must be entered on the OSHA 300 Form, even if the employee does not fill the prescription.
True or False
This case must be entered on the OSHA 300 Form: Sam is kicked by a patient resulting in a chipped tooth that does not require dental or medical treatment.
True or False
This case does not have to be entered on the OSHA 300 Form. Scenario: The only treatment for a laceration is administration of a tetanus vaccine.
Resources The web site OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements addresses all aspects of OSHA recordkeeping and it is linked here, https://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/index.html. The Injury Statistics Program at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene answers questions about which workplace injuries and illnesses need to be recorded on the OSHA 300 Form. They can be reached at 1-800-884-1273. OSHA records can be obtained online right here, https://www.osha.gov/ recordkeeping/RKforms.html. A search engine dedicated to helping employers determine if a work related case needs to be entered on the OSHA 300 Form or not is here, https://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/faq_search/index.html. A link to the OSHA recordkeeping regulation, Part 1904, is here, https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owasrch.search_form?p_doc_
type=STANDARDS&p_toc_level=1&p_keyvalue=1904. A link to the elaws – FirstStep Poster Advisor is here, http://webapps. dol.gov/elaws/posters.htm. A link to the mandatory OSHA poster is here, https://www.osha.gov/ Publications/poster.html. The Small Business Administration website on workplace posters is here, https://www.sba.gov/managing-business/running-business/humanresources/workplace-posters. Training about OSHA recordkeeping is available from the Wisconsin Onsite Consultation Program. A link is here, http://www.slh.wisc.edu/ occupational/wiscon/safety-and-health-wiscon-training/. Contact information for the Wisconsin State personnel who answer OSHA recordkeeping questions is here, http://www.slh.wisc.edu/occupational/ bls/contact/.
OSHA 300 Recordkeeping 101 Quiz answers: All of these are true. The OSHA and Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Alliance developed this fact sheet for informational purposes only. It does not necessarily reflect the official views of OSHA or the U.S. Department of Labor.
Proposed Bylaw Changes to Be Voted On
By-Law 5, Standing and Special Committees and Task Forces Section 1.
Standing Committees
The following Standing Committees are is hereby created in order to carry on recurring responsibilities: A. Nominating and Procedural Committee: 1. The Nominating and Procedural Committee shall consist of the three most recent Past Presidents, the AVMA Delegate and the AVMA Alternate Delegate. The chair of the Committee shall be the Past President in his/her third year on the Committee. 2. The Committee shall (i) review the Bylaws and the Standard Operating Procedures and Policies and send any recommended revisions to the Executive Board, (ii) select candidates to run for the President Elect position, and (iii) select candidates to run for the AVMA Delegate and AVMA Alternate Delegate positions. B. Budget and Auditing Committee: 1. The Budget and Auditing Committee shall consist of three members, each appointed for a three year term, with one appointment each year. One of the members shall be an Executive Board member. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio voting member of the Budget and Auditing Committee. 2. The Committee shall (i) review year-end financials and any audit or annual review made by a professional auditing firm, (ii) review mid-year financials and (iii) prepare a budget for the following year. The Budget and Auditing Committee will review and make recommendations on any requests for monetary commitments that are not included in the annual budget.
C. Personnel Committee: 1. The Personnel Committee shall consist of the voting members of the Executive Committee. 2. The Committee shall (i) review the performance, compensation and duties of the Executive Director and make recommendations to the Executive Board, and (ii) review the Executive Director’s evaluations and compensation recommendations of other WVMA staff and make recommendations to the Executive Board. D. A. Legislative Committee: 1. The Legislative Committee shall consist of six members, each appointed for three year terms, with two appointments each year. In addition, the following shall serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the Committee: (i) two students from the UW School of Veterinary Medicine, (ii) an Executive Board member and (iii) a Wisconsin Veterinary Technicians Association member. 2. The Committee shall maintain liaison with regulatory authorities and with the WVMA Legislative Counsel. The Committee, along with the Legislative Counsel, shall keep the Executive Board advised regarding legislative matters. The President shall make appointments to Standing Committees as soon as possible after taking office. The objectives and responsibilities of each the Standing Committee shall be made known to each appointee by the President. Section 2.
Special Committees and Task Forces
Such other committees and task forces shall be created by the Executive Board from time to time as are pertinent to the needs of the WVMA and the profession. l
EMERGENCY NUMBERS Foreign Animal Disease Response Emergency Numbers Wisconsin Emergency Management 24-hour Response (800) 943-0003 emergencymanagement.wi.gov Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Division of Animal Health (608) 224-4872 www.datcp.state.wi.us USDA – APHIS – Veterinary Services (608) 662-0600 www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth
The WVDL would like to welcome Dr. Betsy Elsmo to its Madison Laboratory Dr. Elsmo is joining our team as a diagnostic pathologist in Madison. Dr. Elsmo is a Wisconsin native, originally from Racine. She earned both her BS in Wildlife Ecology (2008) and DVM (2013) degrees at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She completed her speciality training in anatomic pathology at the University of Georgia (2016). Dr. Elsmo has special interests in infectious disease, wildlife health, and avian pathology. Welcome to the WVDL Dr. Elsmo!
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Take Full Advantage of Social Media From the WVMA!
Crank up your clinic’s social media! Share, retweet or repost any of the content the WVMA posts on Facebook, Twitter or on wvma.org on your clinics social media! All information shared on these sites is for our members to help in sharing news and can also be shared with clients. If you have not already, like us on Facebook, Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and follow us on Twitter, @WVMA. By following the WVMA through these outlets, you will be able to stay current on happenings in Wisconsin and on the national veterinary medical scene.
2017 AVMA House of Delegates Report By Dr. Douglas Kratt, AVMA delegate Hello Colleagues,
Discussions were held and actions were taken by the AVMA House of Delegates (HOD) at the annual summer session. Topics included marijuana therapies for pets, telehealth, the opioid epidemic and the use of service and assistance animals.
Delegates also approved a new AVMA Policy on Telemedicine and a revised Model Veterinary Practice Act to help begin to address advances in technology that are leading to more people seeking remote delivery of health information and education for themselves and for their animals.
Each of these topics and more were addressed during the HOD’s Veterinary Information Forum (VIF), and the HOD’s efforts to address The AVMA is committed to ensuring access to the convenience and them are examples of how your AVMA continues to represent the benefits afforded by telemedicine, while promoting the responsible interests of all veterinarians in this diverse profession. provision of high-quality veterinary medical care. The VIF, now in its second year, is an open discussion in which AVMA HOD members address high-profile issues of significant importance to AVMA member veterinarians. The VIF topics are chosen with input from AVMA members, and the forum provides for sharing ideas and rapid response to issues if needed. If you have ideas for discussion topics for the next VIF, which will be held at the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference in January, please reach out to Dr. Douglas Kratt or Dr. Steven Erickson, who represent Wisconsin Veterinarians to the AVMA House of Delegates. Marijuana therapies As the use of medicinal marijuana products continues to grow in the realm of human medicine, more and more pet owners are wondering if their animals might benefit from similar therapies. In response to the discussions held during the HOD meeting, delegates agreed to recommend to the AVMA Board of Directors that the association consider creating and disseminating informational pieces on: • The current legal status of cannabis as it applies to veterinary practitioners • Unified definitions of cannabis and its derivatives • The current research available • The signs, symptoms and treatment of cannabis toxicosis in animals for both practitioners and clients The HOD also recommended that the AVMA investigate working with other research organizations and medical stakeholders to attempt to reclassify cannabis from a Schedule 1 drug to a Schedule 2 drug to facilitate research opportunities for veterinary and human medical uses.
Given the current state of technological capabilities, available research and the current regulatory landscape, the AVMA believes that veterinary telemedicine should only be conducted within an existing Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR), with the exception for advice given in an emergency until that patient can be seen by a veterinarian. Without a VCPR, any advice provided through electronic means should be general and not specific to a patient, diagnosis or treatment. We also recognize that future policy in this area needs to be informed by evidence-based research on the impact of telemedicine on access to care and patient safety. Opioids and prescription monitoring programs We’re all aware of the nation’s growing opioid epidemic, and more states are looking to require more veterinarians to participate in prescription drug monitoring programs. In an effort to better understand the issue and to better educate our members and others about the veterinarians’ role in opioid prescribing, the HOD recommended that the AVMA develop model language related to: • Information on how to positively interact with state boards of pharmacy • Recommendations for reporting that are practical, reasonable and realistic • Development of appropriate reporting software • Methods of permanent identification for animals • Veterinarians’ responsibility in monitoring, and • Continuing education for veterinarians, such as best prescribing practices and identifying diversion and abuse
Service and assistance animals The AVMA has been actively researching the role of service, emotional support and therapy animals over the course of the last two years. The AVMA has developed policies and drafted a white paper titled “Assistance Animals: Rights of Access and the Problem of Fraud.” The HOD also recommended the following:
• Resolution 7: The Importance of Federal Veterinarians in Food Safety (Also coming out of the VIF was a recommendation that the AVMA include information about careers in public veterinary practice, specifically the federal government and the Food Safety and Inspection Service, when making presentations to veterinary students and veterinarians in other career stages.) • Resolution 8: Handling of Companion Animal Remains
• That the AVMA create educational materials on service and assistance animals for the public, veterinarians, businesses and human medical professionals
• That the AVMA advocate for unified definitions for service, assistance and emotional support animals
Delegate James Brett from Mississippi was elected to the HOD House Advisory Committee.
• Resolution 9: Revised Policy on End-of-Life Care
The HOD also voted to elect the following AVMA members to AVMA • That the AVMA Steering Committee on Human-Animal councils: Interactions create a working group, that includes human healthcare providers, to develop communication materials • Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents: Dr. Bruce in support of the exchange of information between human Coston, Dr. Brian Lubbers, Dr. Brad Tanner healthcare providers and veterinarians • Council on Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Bylaws amendments and resolutions Medicine: Dr. Allan Drusys, Dr. Patricia McKane, Dr. Christopher Olsen, Dr. Misha Robyn The HOD also approved the following during its regular meeting session: • Council on Research: Dr. Alicia Bertone • Bylaws Amendment 2: Student Chapters of the AVMA • Bylaws Amendment 3: Constituent Allied Veterinary Organizations • Resolution 4: Therapeutic Use of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine • Resolution 6: The Importance of Federal Veterinarians in Emergency Response
• Council on Veterinary Service: Dr. Duane Colmey, Dr. Manuel Himenes, Dr. Robert Sager • Judicial Council: Dr. George Cuellar Thank you for allowing Dr. Erickson and myself to serve you in the AVMA House of delegates. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time. Dr. Douglas Kratt dkratt@centralanimal.com
Dr. Steven Erickson drerickson@allpetsvc.com l
The “Cloud”. What is It? Why Back-up to It? By Steve Newton, WDA Insurance & Service Corp. The “cloud” is a relatively new, trendy and confusing term that marketers and IT professionals use to define different platforms, applications or processes. The confusion exists because the cloud is not a single physical thing. The cloud in its most basic sense is simply a network of servers working together that perform different functions or operations. Some common examples of functions those servers perform are: • Run Applications or Deliver a Service. (Think Netflix or QuickBooks online)
share, collaborate, produce and transmit information is easier than ever before. 3) Better controls and security- By using services from expert providers in the cloud, a small business with benefit from having dedicated IT resources who are constantly monitoring, maintaining and improving the reliability and security of the cloud based application you’re using. Think about it this way; technology companies spend billions of dollars on resources and team members who are specifically dedicated to working to ensure their cloud infrastructure is stable, reliable and secure for all their customers.
• Securely Store Important Data. (Think DVM Safe to back-up your practice data or Apple’s iCloud to store pictures from So why back-up to the cloud. your phone) First, when you work with a reliable and knowledgeable back-up Why are so many things going to the cloud? partner to encrypt and back-up your information to the cloud, you’ll Utilizing the cloud can provide businesses of all sizes many benefits. likely be sending your information to some of the most secure backThe cloud allows us to offer and tap into the resources and expertise up locations in the world. of other companies like never before. Second, by backing up to the cloud, you’re able to improve the For example: A small business might use a software program hosted reliability of your back-up. A common back-up process for many in the cloud instead of one that resides on the server infrastructure small businesses is simply back-up to an external hard drive. If this within their business because of the many potential benefits, such as: is the only back-up an office has, it can be quite risky because of the high failure rate of external storage drives. A network of cloud 1) Lower up-front investment cost- Typically, when using a based servers, which back-up and protect some of the most critically solution hosted in the cloud, it helps to reduce the size, important information in the world is significantly more reliable. footprint and amount of hardware and infrastructure that is needed to manage and run the software within your Lastly, by backing up to the cloud you’re able to remove yourself business. from the manual aspects of the back-up process, enabling you to focus on what you love doing best, helping your patients. l 2) Easily share and collaborate- Because applications or information in the cloud can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere there is an internet connection, the ability to
New for 2017 WVMA Convention
• Save $10, register online! • New exhibit hall layout • CE Lunch Bunches available on Thursday and Friday • Thursday evening awards reception and ceremony • Friday morning President’s Address • Exhibit hall lounge with demonstrations
WVMA Convention October 12-14, 2017 - Madison, WI
Alliant Energy Center
What is Your Brand and Why is it Important? By Kelsey Tardew, Botham, INK. Contrary to popular belief, your brand is not your logo. While it is essential for any business, a logo is only the visual representation of the brand. The brand is really defined as the emotional and experiential connection that customers and other stakeholders make and retain with a business. The secret ingredient in brands is trust. And trust is critical to long-term business success.
customers’ families and/or a reflection of their business success. This makes the nature of the experience your business creates exceedingly important if you are to build and maintain strong relationships with future and current clients.
A successful brand creates a consistent connection with its customers. Consider Starbucks, the infamous coffee brand that began in Seattle. Starbucks customers keep coming back for more because each customer who walks through those doors or drives up to that window receives the same quality coffee and fantastic service every single time, at every location anywhere in the world. There’s no questioning, no doubt. Customers see the Starbucks logo and trust that it means ‘delicious coffee just the way I like it.’ That is the Starbucks brand.
These questions help pinpoint the type of experience your business is relaying to customers and are critical in building the brand. Discussion and communication are also key components in building trusted brands; develop strong messaging that is delivered in a consistent voice and in language that resonates with the brand’s audiences.
As you begin the process of understanding and building your brand, consider: • What is your business promise to its customers? Without a solid and consistent brand, potential customers can • If your brand had a personality, what would its become confused, uncomfortable and ready to move on to the next characteristics be? more “trustworthy” business. Consistency is the best prevention. This • What services make your business stand out from the includes everything from the customer experience to the way your competitors? staff treats each and every person who walks through the door. Your • How do you want clients to feel after they have done brand is the thing that differentiates you from every other business business with you? in your category and the reason that customers return.
Creating an emotional connection in the building of a brand is no easy task. It takes brainstorming, discussion, forethought and persistence. In many instances, it is best undertaken at the hands While a veterinary practice provides a much different type of service of a team of professionals with experience in assessing your needs, customers and business goals. But, if you take the time to fully than Starbucks, just like Starbucks, the experience your business understand the value that a well-developed brand can bring to your offers, and the emotion your customers feel after that experience, business, your marketing strategies will become purposeful and has a lasting impact on your brand value. strong, while you watch your client base grow. l Large animal or small, the care your patients receive is no small issue for any owner. Animals are considered an extension of your
MARKETING The Marketing Beat BEAT is the latest monthly column series! Look for monthly articles to help you and you business be successful.
Visit With These Exhibitors at the WVMA Convention Advanced Animal Hospital Group............. 224
Keller, Inc............................................................ 104
Positive Impressions....................................... 109
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition.............. 203
Lake Superior X-Ray........................................ 113
Professional Insurance Programs.............. 321
Bayer Animal Health....................................... 221
Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists................ 403
Purina PetCare.................................................. 426
BCF Technologies............................................ 208
Madison Veterinary Specialists................... 123
Roadrunner Pharmacy................................... 108
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health...... 216
MAI Animal Health.......................................... 303
Royal Canin........................................................ 420
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health...... 307
Marshfield Labs................................................ 305
Shor-Line............................................................ 301
Cal-Ray Inc.......................................................... 315
Memorial Pet Services, Inc........................... 424
Sound and Antech Lab.................................. 400
Cargill Feed & Nutrition (Nutrena)............. 115
Merck Animal Health...................................... 322
Starion Bank...................................................... 223
Christian Veterinary Mission........................ 411
Midland Veterinary Surgical Instruments....................................................... 202
SVA Veterinary Serices................................... 110
Midwest Cremation Service of Wisconsin...................................................... 105
ToSolution.......................................................... 422
CryoProbe.......................................................... 324 Dechra Veterinary Products......................... 201 Diagnostic Imaging Systems....................... 317
TechMix, LLC...................................................... 204 Total Practice Solutions Group................... 220
Diamondback Drugs...................................... 215
Midwest Cremation Service of Wisconsin...................................................... 106
Elanco Animal Health..................................... 423
Midwest Veterinary Supply.......................... 428
UW School of Veterinary Medicine........... 222
Food Armor®..................................................... 211
Midwest Veterinary Supply.......................... 429
UW Veterinary Care......................................... 323
Great Lakes LLC. Elsevier Books.....................99
Minnesota Medical Specialists................... 425
Vet Ray Technology by Sedecal.................. 419
Hawaiian Moon................................................ 200
Multimin USA.................................................... 214
Vetamac.............................................................. 302
Henry Schein Animal Health....................... 225
MWI Animal Health......................................... 107
VetCor.................................................................. 309
Heska-Cuattro................................................... 300
North Woods..................................................... 114
Veterinary Books by Success Concepts... 407
Hill’s Pet Nutrition............................................ 418
OSHA.................................................................... 415
VetMatirx............................................................ 325
IDEXX................................................................... 308
Parnell.................................................................. 427
WEAVR................................................................. 102
Immucell Corporation................................... 421
Patterson Animal Health/Animal Health International...................................................... 111
Wells Fargo Practice Finance....................... 209
IMMVAC (Maker of Endovac)....................... 121 iVet Professional Formulas........................... 402 Jorgensen Laboratories................................. 304 K-Laser................................................................. 404
Patterson Animal Health/Animal Health International...................................................... 112 PNC Healthcare Business Banking............ 316
Universal Imaging........................................... 127
Wisconsin DATCP Division of Animal Health................................................... 101 Zoetis................................................................... 122 Zoetis................................................................... 205
The WVMA Officially Endorses the Collections Services of Transworld Systems Inc. Transworld Systems Inc. (TSI) has been in the collections business since 1970. Think of them not as a collection agency, but rather a service to help veterinary clinics get their delinquent accounts collected internally so they do not have to send them to traditional collection agencies. Devlin Holt, Transworld rep for WVMA members, states “Our service is a great fit for businesses with balances that range from $50 to $1,000. Our flat fee of just $11.75 per account submitted makes it much more cost effective to collect accounts rather than giving up 33% to a collection agency. That small, fixed fee allows businesses to submit their accounts to us early, typically around 60-90 days, where the chances of collecting are much higher. Most collection agencies get accounts when they are 6 to 12 months old and recovery rates are pretty dismal.”
Devlin should know. He started with Transworld back in November, 1999 and has seen it all. “If clients use Transworld like a traditional collection agency, we generally get pretty low recovery rates. But when clients see us as an extension of their in-house collection efforts, recovery rates are drastically higher. This isn’t about “Let’s try and do everything we can to collect the account before we send it to collections” but rather “Ok, we’ve contacted our customer twice about their bill and they still haven’t responded. Time to send it to Transworld.” If anyone would like more information about Transworld Systems or would like a free consultation, contact Devlin at (608) 358-9742 or devlin.holt@transworldsystems.com. For more information on TSI, visit www.transworldsystems.com l
108 hours of CE to choose from. Over 25 hours of CE available per registrant.
Save $10, register online!
To register online and to view the full schedule of speakers visit www.wvma.org/2017convention
WVMA Convention October 12-14, 2017 - Madison, WI
Alliant Energy Center
CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES All classified ads, including veterinary relief ads, will be published at the following rate: Members: First 35 words, $20. Every additional word after 35 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 35 words, $65. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Priority placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. New classified ad rates are effective starting February 2, 2017. SMALL ANIMAL Two-clinic practice in southern Dane County. Latest equipment, excellent support staff and a collaborative veterinary team allow us to practice a higher standard of care. We are equipped with therapeutic laser, digital dental rads, ultrasound and in-house chemistry. No after-hours emergency. We have successfully created a family friendly work environment in a perfect location, whether you prefer city life or the quiet of a small town. Interested parties should send resume to Dr. Terri Osgood at edgertonvet@frontier.com. Summit Animal Clinic in Oconomowoc, WI is seeking a PT SA Veterinarian. Oconomowoc is a quaint community located in the beautiful Lake Country area and offers a small town, healthy lifestyle. Recently ranked the safest and deemed the second best city to live, work and play in Wisconsin. We gladly invite you to join our experienced and established clinic. We are an AAHA accredited, privately owned, 2 doctor practice looking for an enthusiastic, motivated and hardworking colleague to join our team. Our practice is well equipped with digital x-rays, surgical laser, complete in-house IDEXX laboratory testing equipment and full surgical suite. Our highly skilled staff works as a team and are dedicated to provide our loyal clientele with superior service for their pets. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package, 401(k), CE allowance, vacation, dues and liability coverage. Interested candidates may send resume to Summit Animal Clinic, LLC, 1740 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 or email to office@summitanimal.com (Attn: Windi Sallmann). The Milwaukee Emergency Center for Animals and Specialty Center (MECA) has an opening for an emergency DVM. MECA is a fully equipped, 10,000 sq.ft. 24/7 emergency/critical care and specialty
hospital in Milwaukee offering a fast paced environment and a diverse caseload. We also offer technical and support staff providing the highest quality care to our patients, pet owners and referring veterinarians. Milwaukee Emergency Center for Animals is a full service 24/7 animal emergency hospital/specialty center. MECA offers specialty services as well as emergency and critical care for dogs, cats and exotics, including birds, reptiles and most small mammals. We promise an excellent wage, great benefits and an enthusiastic atmosphere! Additional salary information: 401(k), health benefits and vacation. If you are interested in joining us, please submit your resume to Marla Lichtenberger at marlavet@ aol.com. Growing SA practice looking to expand to encompass a third veterinarian. If you like to practice high quality, compassionate and customer-driven medicine that includes digital radiography (including dental), surgical and therapeutic lasers, and full in-clinic diagnostic lab with proficient support staff, then we want to hear from you! We believe in a work/life balance and central Wisconsin offers an array of opportunities: from living in the city, to country life, to lake life in a matter of minutes. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. No after-hours emergency. New graduates encouraged to apply. Email Dr. Hofstad at tamvet13@ yahoo.com.
the Grand Theater which brings in Broadway shows. Send resume to Kelli.Dowhaniuk@nvanet.com. Sandhill Pet Clinic on Madison’s eastside is seeking a PT SA Veterinarian. Work with a great support team, including 4 CVTs at a small, well-equipped clinic. We practice preventive medicine, urgent care, dentistry and surgical services. We value compassion. Flexible work schedule, no after-hours emergency. Please send resume and cover letter to Dr. Susan Berg at Sandhill Pet Clinic, 3225 East Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53704 or drsbergsandhill@ outlook.com. Our well established, SA hospital needs help with our growing pains! Our prescription requires a FT/PT DVM with an interest in ultrasound to join our team in SE WI. Our small town values include family friendly hours with no ER duty, two 1/2 day Saturdays each month and comprehensive benefits package. We use Cornerstone software with integrated IDEXX laboratory system. If you’d like to fill our Rx please email a resume to our practice manager: dianar4414@gmail.com. Seeking experienced PT DVM for growing AAHA SA practice outside Sun Prairie, WI. We are a 1.5 Dr practice with great staff and pleasant clientele. In-house lab, digital dental radiology, laser therapy and no rushed appts or emergencies. Please email resumes to doczilker@ tokencreekvet.com.
The Harmony Veterinary Clinic in beautiful bluff country is expanding and is seeking a SA associate veterinarian to join our 7 doctor MA practice in northeastern IA/southeastern MN. This position will primarily focus on SA medicine and surgery. PT or FT is available. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package. Harmony is located on the Root River Bike Trail with over 60 miles of trail, close to Rochester and La Crosse and has affordable housing, excellent schools and a new daycare center. Please send cover letter, resume and references to Emily.hvc@gmail.com.
Northside Pet Hospital has an opening for a FT Associate Veterinarian in a growing, progressive practice located in Eau Claire, WI. We are a full service, SA clinic. Clients include cats, dogs, avian, and exotics. Our office has expanded, and we are looking for a motivated colleague to join our practice. Northside Pet Hospital is well equipped with new digital x-ray, ultrasound, laser surgery and digital dental radiography. We offer great benefits, and mentoring for new veterinarians! Email cover letter and resume to info@northsidepethosp.com, or mail to: Northside Pet Hospital 1727 Western Avenue Eau Claire, WI 54703.
We have a PT position available for a SA veterinarian at our busy practice in Lake Country (Hartland). Our staff has been together for a long time, so it is a very family friendly, energetic and fun group of people you would be working with. We are looking for 15-20 hours (flexible schedule) per week. If any interests please email at lcvc2006@gmail.com to discuss further.
The Mayfair Animal Hospital is hiring for associate FT/PT veterinarians in Wauwatosa. Excellent mentoring makes this clinic a phenomenal choice for any veterinarian looking for growth opportunities. We support top notch medicine with excellent facilities and equipment. This clinic supports digital x-ray, dental x-ray and ultrasound. Continuing education, licensing, paid vacation, health insurance and 401(k) provided. Base salary and production bonuses based on experience. Interested parties should contact Renee Henning; Business Development Manager at ReneeAAHG@gmail.com.
Community Animal Hospital located in Stevens Point, WI is seeking an experienced Associate Veterinarian to join our practice! Stevens Point, WI is a small college town located in central Wisconsin. We have all of the conveniences of a big city but not all the hassle. Community Animal Hospital is a full-service veterinary medical facility that has been in the community since 1967. Our professional and courteous staff seek to provide the best possible medical, surgical and dental care for our highly-valued patients. We care about our patients and our community. We are seeking an individual who is passionate about giving the best care to every patient and seeks comradery with fellow co-workers. FT and PT positions available and although experience is preferred, new grads are welcome to apply! For more information, please visit our website at http://mycommunityanimal.vetstreet.com/. ABOUT THE HOSPITAL: radiology, ultrasound, microchipping, hospice and euthanasia; fully stocked pharmacy. About Stevens Point: Stevens Point is a college town, about 26,717 people live here. If you enjoy the outdoors, we have many great recreation areas where you can bike, hike or swim. If you have a hobby Stevens Point most likely has your club. About 30 minutes north of us is Wausau known for Rib Mountain State Park, Granite Peak Ski Hill, great shopping and
Associated Veterinary Clinic, a MA practice in Ripon, WI, seeks a FT SA associate veterinarian. The qualified candidate will join an experienced SA doctor in a busy full-service practice. An excellent staff will support you, and you will practice in a fully equipped clinic, including a new IDEXX in-house laboratory station, new high speed dental unit, and new digital radiology unit. After-hour emergency work is referred. Competitive salary and benefits package. Will consider new graduates as well as experienced doctors. Ripon is a wonderful college town located within 60-90 minutes of Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay and the Fox Cities, and within 15 minutes of the Green Lake recreation area. Please send resume to Dr. Michael Herrick by email associatedvetclinic@gmail.com, by phone (920) 748-5144, or by regular mail, Associated Veterinary Clinic, P.O. Box 352, Ripon, WI 54971. Countrycare Animal Complex in Green Bay, Wisconsin is seeking a FT or PT veterinarian to join our patient oriented team. Our mission is to provide innovative and integrative veterinary care with compassion, respect and humility. We focus on prevention and
wellness care with a holistic approach to medicine. Our state-ofthe-art facility includes digital radiography, surgical laser, therapy laser, in-house laboratory and more. Learn more about us at www.countrycareac.com. The ideal candidate is compassionate, enthusiastic and dedicated. The ability to provide a wide variety of medical and surgical care as well as excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills is required. Individual areas of special interest are also encouraged and the ability to deliver exceptional client service is expected. Please send resume to Dr. Karen Strickfaden at Countrycare Animal Complex, 4235 Elm View Rd., Green Bay, WI, 54311 or kmsdvm@theglobalnet.net. Please join us - we are interested in an enthusiastic, amiable and affable individual, who enjoys learning. PT or FT. Prefer an experienced veterinarian interested in traditional western veterinary medicine and surgery and dentistry with some interest in integrative/holistic therapies. Benefits can include CE, vacation days, personal days, CE days, and IRA contribution. We are a friendly group, in a pleasant ambiance. Please send resume to careanimalclinic@gmail.com. This position is being offered due to a family emergency. Interested veterinarians should have a strong interest in dentistry and softtissue surgery. Orthopedic interest is a plus. Details of offering can be found at: http://www.prairiesidevet.com/jobs. Companion Animal Hospital is a respected, 21 year established SA veterinary practice in Madison, WI. Open 6 days a week, serving 2,000+ clients. Equipped for general surgery, dentistry, laboratory and digital x-rays (dental and flatbed). Experienced support team in place. Hiring FT or PT Associate Veterinarian with valid Wisconsin license. Hourly wage based on experience, $45-$60. Modern dental extraction techniques preferred. FT benefits: Individual health insurance and HSA contributions, PTO, IRA, some CE. Email resume to the Hospital owner, Christopher Pagel, DVM, at catdoc@gmail.com.
FT or PT SA veterinarian to join our AAHA practice 35 min north of Madison in Beaver Dam. Practice high quality medicine with emphasis on wellness care and client education in a beautiful facility with wonderful staff and growing clientele. Established client base in place for new associate. In-house IDEXX lab, SurgiVet monitor, digital radiography, ultrasound, blood pressure, electrocardiography, Tono-Pen, bronchoscope and well-utilized CVTs. Beaver Dam is a lakeside community with a growing population located between Madison and the Fox Valley on Hwy 151. Flexible schedule with no emergency call. Future ownership potential for the right candidate. Experienced practitioners and new graduates welcome. Must have good communication skills and a commitment to practicing high quality medicine and surgery. Must also have a willingness to educate clients, be supportive of staff education and eager to share new ideas and techniques. Contact Vicky Smith DVM, at vickys_dvm@yahoo. com or Wyllow Pet Hospital, 126 Corporate Dr. Beaver Dam, WI 53916.* PT SA DVM for a walk-in clinic in Sun Prairie. Minimum 2-3 years experience. Modern diagnostics and surgical equipment. Flexible work schedule, weekend availability required. Candidates should be client oriented with strong communication skills. Excellent benefits, CE allowance and 401(k). Enjoy clinical freedom in a stimulating and challenging environment! Interested candidates please forward resume to the attention of Dr. Singh - DRGSS95@ yahoo.com.* Wow!! Check us out: we love vet med and seek another motivated vet that has great surgical, medical and communication skills to join our team. We deliver exceptional service and place the best team and equipment in your hands: laser, ultrasound, on site lab, electronic records. We want YOU to shine. Call today!! Dr. Lyn Ludwig (715) 661 0178 (o) or Lyn Ludwig@hotmail.com. See us on our Facebook or at northcountyvet.com.*
FT/PT Associate needed for family-friendly Appleton SA/Exotic practice. We are a busy 3 doctor practice looking to expand. Utilize our ultrasound, digital/dental radiography and IDEXX Catalyst/ Procyte. Rotating Saturdays, no holidays or on-call. Generous compensation package including CE, licensing, PLIT and Simple IRA. We’re seeking a client oriented, team-player committed to quality medicine. Interest in exotics preferred, previous experience not required. All Creatures Animal Hospital has served the community for over 30 years, come join us! RLSieber1@TDS.net
We are looking for a 4th veterinarian to join SA practice in Wis. Dells, WI. New addition and hospital renovation will be completed this year. We have an excellent, caring and fun group of skilled support staff. The hospital is equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, digital dental x-ray, surgical laser, full in-house diagnostic lab and more. No emergency duty. Benefit package includes competitive salary, health, life and disability insurance, CE and vacation. If interested please send resume to: Dells Animal Hospital, 4135 Hwy. 13, Wis. Dells, WI 53965.*
We are looking for a FT Vet to expand out busy SA practice. Experience is preferred but not mandatory. Must have strong clinical and personal skills. Newer facility, digital radiography, complete lab and surgical suite with monitors. Entirely new computer equipment with cloud based software accessible from any mobile device. Located on the edge of Wisconsin Dells, directly off the interstate for easy access. We serve a growing number of local clients and vacationers. We pride ourselves in providing a friendly, caring environment for pets and their owners at all stages of life and believe that every employee makes a difference. Benefits package with a very competitive salary with ownership potential. Email resume to info@noblehoundvet.com.
Lake Geneva Animal Hospital is a SA practice located in beautiful south central Wisconsin. We are looking for FT or PT associate to join our 7 doctor team. Our practice offers a state-of-the-art, recently remodeled facility, not to mention fabulous support staff. Equipment includes digital and dental radiography, ultrasound, surgical and therapeutic laser, laparoscopy, and more. We offer incentive based pay, no after-hours emergency time, and a benefits package. Interested candidates should please send their resumes to lgah@genevaonline.com, to our address at 801 Townline Road, Lake Geneva WI 53147, or fax to (262) 249-9365, all attention Dr. Mona.*
FT/PT associate wanted to join our 3 DVM AAHA accredited practice in La Crosse, WI. We are a well-staffed, progressive practice that focuses on communication and compassionate care. Experienced DVMs or new graduates are welcome to apply. Please email resume to thompsonamc@centurytel.net. Countryside Veterinary Services in Appleton, WI is seeking a PT or FT veterinarian to join our busy companion animal team. We provide comprehensive preventative veterinary medicine in a modern environment. Our caring staff of veterinarians and veterinary technicians creates a fun atmosphere of learning and sharing of ideas and knowledge. Our clinic is fully equipped with digital radiology, digital dental radiology, ultrasound and a complete inhouse laboratory. A secondary location, Countryside Veterinary Wellness, opened in July 2016 and offers well patient examinations and veterinary acupuncture. No emergency hours required. Our salary structure is competitive and based on experience and skill level. Please contact our Office Manager - Tara Thurber, CVT at (920) 209-0029 or Jay Peters, DVM at (920) 209-0025, jpetersdvm@ countrysidevets.net. Please visit our website - http://www. countrysidevets.net.
Do you have a caring, positive attitude and are looking for a new adventure with awesome coworkers? Join us – Animal Health Center in Watertown! We are AAHA Accredited and are looking for an associate veterinarian (PT/FT) with high standards of medicine, strong client communication, and surgery skills. We have an excellent culture and show genuine care for our patients. Doctors’ hours Monday – Friday! Please send resume to dr.gooch@ sbcglobal.net for consideration.* Immediate openings for SA veterinarians FT /PT in busy SA multidoctor practice. We are well established practice in downtown Milwaukee for the last 30 years and conveniently located between Marquette university and Miller park (Home of the Milwaukee Brewers). We offer full range of benefits: AVMA/ PLIT dues, 401(k), health insurance, licencing fees, paid vacation, holiday pay and much more. Work 4 days/week with excellent compensation in the range of 80 - 120K, based on experience, along with production bonuses. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Mentoring and training available from experienced doctors. Interested candidates please forward your resume to the attention of Dr. Singh at DRGSS95@yahoo.com.* We are seeking a FT or PT SA veterinarian to join our team in a
growing 2 office practice in Berlin and Ripon, Wisconsin. Our current 4 DVM’s utilize digital radiography, surgical and therapeutic lasers, ultrasound and in-house diagnostic lab. We have wonderful staff at both locations. Excellent benefit package including paid vacation, retirement, health insurance and a continuing education package. Contact Gary Batenhorst at veterinary@vetclinicsberlinripon.com or (920)361-2101.* Barron Veterinary Clinic is seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic professional to join our well established team as a SA Associate Veterinarian. We are a progressive 5-doctor MA practice that specializes in providing high quality, compassionate care for our patients. We have a newly remodeled facility with equipment that includes surgical laser, digital radiology, dental equipment with digital dental radiology, and in house laboratory. We offer a generous compensation package including: liability insurance, CE, PTO, licenses, dues and subscriptions. New graduates are welcome to apply. Please email your resume to 1bvcbookkeeping@gmail.com.* Come join our team! We are a customer-focused, well established practice located between Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake Geneva in western Kenosha County. This area has great schools, scenic views, lakes and that small town feeling. Family values run deep, as does collaborative teamwork. We strive to offer progressive medicine and assets including: fully equipped and dedicated dental suite, in-house laboratory, therapy laser, acupuncture, ultrasound and more. All this housed in a brand new sunshine-filled facility. We also offer behavior training and strive for fear free veterinary care. We are Gold certified feline friendly. The right candidate will enjoy generous benefits including 401(k) matching, set hours (no afterhours emergency) and a flexible schedule, making it easier to achieve that work-life balance we all strive for. We are seeking a FT veterinarian but would consider PT, provided he or she is the right fit for our veterinary family. Check out our website at westoshavet.com and our Facebook page. Email inquiries to westoshavet@yahoo.com or mslux@att.net.* We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic Associate Veterinarian, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. We are located only 15 minutes west of Green Bay. The clinic is a full service SA hospital and welcomes both emergency treatment cases, as well as routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians that focus on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records, and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an in-house IDEXX laboratory. Please take a look at our website (www.pulaskiveterinaryclinic.com) to find out more about us - take note of the excellent reviews our clients continually give us. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity - we would love to hear from you! We support our veterinarians with benefits which include health insurance -along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability, as well as long term care coverage. We see clients Monday - Friday and 2 Saturday mornings per month. Evening and weekend emergencies are seen at Green Bay Animal Emergency Center. Must have DVM and be licensed in the state of Wisconsin. If interested, please send resume to pvcinfo@netnet.net.* Solo practice owner would like to slow down. Would like independent veterinarian, not only to help with current workload but would like to have the opportunity to follow some of their passions. Have been referring way too much due to current case load. Send cover letter concerning where you have been, where you want to go and expectations to: tricountyvetcenter@gmail.com.* 20 year established SA practice in western Wisconsin has an immediate opening for an experienced and reliable associate veterinarian. This individual must be skilled in surgery and diagnostics and enjoy working in a friendly, supportive atmosphere dedicated to the help and care of clients and their pets. We are located 20 minutes from downtown St. Paul, MN. Competitive salary and benefits. Please send resume to kinnicvet@yahoo.com.* Blackhawk Veterinary Hospital is excited to be hiring a FT/PT associate veterinarian. We are a progressive, well equipped, FEAR FREE CERTIFIED hospital. We are looking for an experienced individual who will aid in our continued quest toward excellence. We are a 2 doctor, companion animal practice that always strives to provide compassionate high quality care, superior client service, positive communication and attitude all within an optimum work
environment - And with an all certified staff! This qualified dynamic doctor is sure to be an enthusiastic team player. No Saturdays. Great location: close to Madision, Milwaukee and Chicago. Email resume to Julie Leuzinger, CVT-CVPM at juleuzi@hotmail.com.* Expanding SA practice, in family friendly northern Milwaukee suburb, seeking FT or PT associate. No afterhours emergency with close referral and specialty support. Competitive salary and benefits including insurance, 401(k), dues, CE and vacation. Excellent close knit support staff. Great opportunity for confident new or recent grad. Freedom to practice medicine as you wish in a collaborative environment. Please contact Dr. Greg Wood at gwooddvm@gmail.com.* We are a 4 doctor AAHA-accredited hospital in southeastern Wisconsin seeking a PT or FT experienced doctor. Hospital amenities include ultrasound, digital radiography (including dental), CO2 surgical laser, in-house labs, class IV therapeutic laser and VSMT. Benefits include 401(k), CE, professional liability insurance and association dues. No after-hours emergency or on-call. We pride ourselves on practicing high quality medicine in a low-stress environment. We enjoy working with each other and are looking for a candidate that fits well with our team. Send resume to Amy Ray at amy@bellecityvet.com.* Dodgeville Veterinary Service (DVS) is AAHA accredited and a Fear Free practice. We are seeking a FT associate veterinarian to join our busy practice. We are a very progressive practice in a rural community. DVS is a 3 doctor SA practice that focuses on high-quality medicine, client education, teamwork and overall fun! Competitive salary, 401(k), health insurance, CE and more. Learn more about us www.DodgevilleVet.com. Send resume to Dodgeville Veterinary Service, 105 County Road YZ, Dodgeville WI 53533 or DVS@ DodgevilleVet.net.* Seeking FT SA veterinarian in southwestern Twin Cities area of Minnesota. Experience, people skills, teamwork needed; all applicants considered. Call (952) 492-2725 between 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.*
LARGE ANIMAL Signing bonus available!!! Elkader Veterinary Clinic, Elkader, IA is seeking a FT LA associate veterinarian. The practice is located in scenic northeast Iowa. We are a well-established MA practice with a LA haul in facility and a full scale SA hospital. LA work consists predominantly of dairy and cow/calf. On-call is split between 4 doctors. Truck and box are provided, as well as a competitive salary and benefits package. Future buy-in potential is also available. We are looking for an enthusiastic, hard-working and team-oriented individual who is engaged in advancing the practice and themselves. We are a youthful, innovative and energetic group of veterinarians with an excellent support staff and friendly work environment. Please submit cover letter and resume to elkadervetclinic@gmail.com. Looking for a PT or FT LA veterinarian, predominately bovine, with some SA ruminants, to join a 3 DVM LA veterinary practice. Must be ultrasound capable. Truck and equipment provided. Call and holidays equally rotated. Competitive salary and benefits. Located near beautiful Green Lake in Berlin, Wisconsin. Contact Dr. Gary Batenhorst at (920) 361-2101 or email at veterinary@vetclinicsberlinripon.com.*
DAIRY Seeking a veterinarian with excellent ultrasound, observation and communication skills. Clients range from 10 cow artisanal cheese-maker to 5,000 cow free stall operation. Vast majority of work is centered around: ultrasound reproduction diagnosis and protocol development; implementation and monitoring. There is a small amount of medicine and surgery performed, with very limited emergency work. Vehicle, ultrasound, computer and necessary equipment and supplies will be provided. Compensation is competitive and negotiable. Ownership opportunity available. Opportunity to grow in both number of clients and services provided. Interested parties should contact Zach Janssen, DVM at zjjltd@gmail. com or (262) 949-1278. Associate veterinarian needed to join progressive 3 doctor dairy practice in south central Wisconsin. Candidate adept in palpation or ultrasound preferred. Stable client base with large, progressive
dairies. Proactive fresh cow work allows us to work closely with our clients and helps to minimize after hour emergencies. Equipment, ultrasound unit and DC305 provided. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. Put your palpation skills to work! Minutes away from Madison, known for its lakes, restaurants, and extensive network of parks and bike trails. Regional airport allows opportunity for convenient travel. Contact Dr. Richard Wedig, Prairie Veterinary Associates, 2414 Montana Avenue, Sun Prairie, WI. Email: sandianddick@charter.net. Growing dairy practice seeking an associate veterinarian. Located in western Wisconsin, close to the Twin Cities. On call will be shared between 3 doctors. Competitive salary and benefits. Reproductive and surgical skills required. Please contact Schommer Veterinary Clinic at schommervet@gmail.com or (715) 977-2787. FT dairy associate position available in our practice - 1 hour south of Madison, WI. Established 5-doctor practice (50+ years) equipped with ImproMed software, EasiScan, bacteriology lab and chemistry machine. Our services include: reproduction, surgery and general herd health. Competitive salary, plus vacation and all insurance (health, disability and liability). In addition CE allowance, 401(k) and licensing are included. On-call responsibilities shared equally. Please send resume to: Monroe Veterinary Service, S.C. Attn: Dr. David Jeans 1317-31st Avenue Monroe, WI 53566.*
MIXED ANIMAL An associate position is available in our 7 doctor MA practice located in the SE Wisconsin town of Cedar Grove. LA is primarily dairy production medicine with ultrasound and DairyComp305 utilized. Companion animal medicine is supported by digital radiography, IDEXX CBC-Chemistry, laser therapy and more. New associate should possess a current interest in both large and companion animal areas. The area offers a multitude of recreational and entertainment venues. Competitive salary and benefit package offered. Please email resume and questions to info@cgvet.com or visit our website at www.cgvet.com.* Progressive veterinary clinic seeking PT/FT SA, LA or MA veterinarian to work in central Wisconsin. Fond du Lac is a small town with a great selection of private and public schools at all levels. We are the home of Mercury Marine-Brunswick and the famous Walleye Weekend Fishing Tournament on Lake Winnebago! Fond du Lac is also home to Fondue Fest and is only a short distance from Lake Michigan, the Fox Cities, Green Bay and the Milwaukee/Madison area. It is an ideal location to be close to everything! Our veterinary clinic has been serving Fond du Lac and the surrounding communities for over 50 years and have many dedicated and well-established clientele. Our hospital is fully staffed with four certified veterinary technicians, one small animal veterinarian and one mixed animal veterinarian. We have a strong small animal client base with a growing case load. We have a solid LA case load with room to grow. Equipment includes, but is not limited to: IDEXX laboratory equipment including Catalyst, Lasercyte, SnapShot Dx (T4/Bile Acids/Cortisol), Coag Dx, UA Analyzer, SA & LA Ultrasound, Isoflurane gas anesthesia unit, Advisor Monitor v9200 with NIBP, ETCO2, SPO2, ECG, Radiosurgery Unit, Tono-Pen, AccuGard NIBP, Summit x-ray & AGFA processor, ImproMed Infinity software & hardware. New graduates encouraged to apply! Pay commensurate with experience. Benefit package including vacation, CE, health, dental, life, and long term disability insurance! Supplemental insurance also available. For practice in-site, please visit our website at www.fdlvet.com. Send resume to shannon@fdlvet.com or call Shannon at (920) 923-8886 or (920) 948-1832.* Broadview Education Consortium is an equal opportunity employer, who supports a diverse workforce. The Resident Veterinarian is eligible to receive; dental insurance, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, medical insurance, a 401(k) plan, tuition benefits, flexible spending accounts and personal time off (PTO) Some duties include the initial intake examination of animals obtained, formulate the diagnostic and/or treatment plan, monitor animal records for accuracy and proper SOAP format, and complete the discharge information. Oversee the performance of CVTs in procedures requiring the supervision of a DVM. Perform surgery and other special procedures that require a DVM license; make diagnoses, write prescriptions, and sign health, sterilization, and rabies certificates as indicated and/or work with adjunct DVM
instructors to accomplish the same. Interested parties should email resume to gretchenjohnson@broadviewuniversity.edu.* Seeking FT veterinarian for a MA practice, very close to Twin Cities in Minnesota. Call (952) 492-2725 for details, between 7:00 am 5:00 pm.*
RELIEF Experienced DVM (UW ‘03) available for relief in your clinic. Background in SA practice, emergency medicine and surgery. Contact Shawndrea V. Lennix at (608) 215-2238. 20 years experience, Excellent surgical skills, diagnostics and client communication. Milwaukee area. Will adopt your hospital team. Jagmohan Singh, DVM. jagmohan6041@outlook.com (414) 788-0507. People patient, interactive and adaptive SA veterinarian with 35 years experience as self-employed, FT or PT associate or relief services; available for per diem or regular weekly relief or PT services within +/- 75 miles Madison. Some small mammal experience also. Karen Bressett, DVM: Background, references on request. I look forward to hearing from you. Email: kbressett@live.com. Experienced relief veterinarian for Madison and surrounding area. Professional, easy to work with and adaptable. Christie Iliff, DVM. (608) 215-3736 or Iliffveterinary@gmail.com. Iliff Veterinary Services, LLC. SA relief or part-time in SE Wisconsin. 34 years of client satisfaction, medicine and surgery. Flexible personality. Be confident that your practice will be in good hands while you are gone. Available Thursdays, Fridays, and occasionally Mondays and Tuesdays. Brenda Long Relief Services - bilong3885@gmail.com (262) 763-3885. Experienced SA daytime & ER DVM who loves pets and people available in SE/SC Wi and NE/NC IL. David Trask, DVM, traskdr@gmail.com. Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 567-2832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com. SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, over 20 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (262) 862-1121, macdjc4209@aol.com. Reliable, competent, SA relief with over 25 years’ experience. WI license, accredited. Will travel. Capable at soft-tissue surgery and medicine. Great communication skills with clients and staff. ShortTerm Relief, LLC. Call Kate Short, DVM at (608) 963-5208 or email: windsor9917@gmail.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in western WI, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu. 20+ years’ experience, skilled in surgery, diagnostics and client communication. Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Let me care for your clients and your hospital team. Erika Gibbs, DVM, doctor. gibbs@gmail.com, (920) 988-4431. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 5718091 or paul.danhaus@gmail.com. SA and equine relief work. 28 year experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net.* Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance52@gmail.com or call (608) 369-4115 or (608) 429-9408.
Dependable, 20+ years’ experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/ Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail.com.
RELIEF WANTED I am a recruiter reaching out to you from Activ4vets in regards to a work opportunity as a relief vet in your area and nationwide throughout the United States we do offer PT or FT permanent positions and we would like to speak with you regarding these opportunities. Could you please contact me and let me know if you’re interested, or any other vets who might be interested or seeking extra work? Please feel free to either reply to this message with your resume and your experiences. Looking forward to speaking with you. http://www.activ4vets.com/join-our-team Celeste Maruhn Recruiting Coordinatorr contact@activ4vets.com or (786) 518-2241. Looking for a change of pace? We have an exceptional practice with GREAT staff and state-of-the-art practice and gear: laser, ultrasound, electronic records. Looking for relief through the fall September October. Flexible. Contact North Country Vet Clinic: Dr. Lyn Ludwig at lynludwig@hotmail.com or (715) 661-0178 (c) Can turn into a PT/ FT postion.
SERVICES AVAILABLE Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987. Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.
TECH/STAFF Whitewater Veterinary Hospital seeks a FT SA Certified Veterinary Technician. Candidates must be comfortable performing duties involving surgery/anesthesia, dentistry, x-rays, in-house labs, preventive medicine, client education/communication and basic nursing care. We offer competitive pay and benefits. Some Saturdays required. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter to: Whitewater Vet Hospital; Dr. Gildner 527 S Janesville St, Whitewater, WI 53190 or to WVH@WhitewaterVetHospital.com. We have a PT/FT position available for a CVT. We have a very family friendly, energetic and fun work staff. Your schedule can be negotiated depending on availability and what you are looking for hours-wise (PT/FT). If any interest please contact Andrea at lcvc2006@gmail.com for further discussion. We offer great benefits and wage scale depending on experience. We are in the Lake Country area (Hartland). Community Animal Hospital located in Stevens Point, WI is seeking an experienced Multi-Site Veterinary Hospital Manager! We are looking for someone who is energetic, friendly and can help bring our hospitals to the next level. This position will manage both Community Animal & Stevens Point Animal Hospitals, therefore multi-site experience is preferred. The successful candidate should be familiar with the financial aspects of a business; including but not limited to: profit and loss statements, budgeting, cutting costs, labor, scheduling, etc. Experience with direct personnel management is a must, including hiring, training and developing staff. If you’re creative, consider yourself a leader and have great communication skills, we want to hear from you! Community Animal Hospital is a fullservice veterinary medical facility that has been in the community since 1967. Our professional and courteous staff seek to provide the best possible medical, surgical, and dental care for our highly-valued patients. We care about our patients and our community. We are seeking an individual who is passionate about giving the best care to every patient and seeks comradery with fellow co-workers. More information at: http://mycommunityanimal.vetstreet.com/. ABOUT THE HOSPITAL: radiology, ultrasound, microchipping, hospice and euthanasia, fully stocked pharmacy. About Stevens Point: Stevens Point is a college town, about 26,717 people live here. If you enjoy the outdoors, we have many great recreation areas where you can bike, hike or swim. If you have a hobby Stevens Point most likely has your club. About 30 minutes north of us is Wausau known for Rib
Mountain State Park, Granite Peak Ski Hill, great shopping and the Grand Theater which brings in Broadway shows. Interested parties should contact Kelli.Dowhaniuk@nvanet.com. Wausau Animal Hospital is looking for an experienced CVT or Assistant for a permanent position on our team. Applicants interested in FT or PT may apply. We are a busy 3 doctor SA practice. Competitive pay based on experience. Benefits include 401(k) and shoe/scrub expense. FT employees recieve health Insurance and paid vacation. Email your resume to the office manager at jeff@ wausauanimalhospital.com. Bay View Veterinary, a well-established and high-quality general practice, seeks to add an experienced Veterinary Assistant/ Technician to our friendly team. Our clinic boasts an enjoyable working environment with great leadership and excellent support staff including 2 CVTs. We are looking for a responsible individual with a few years of experience and great communication skills. This is a FT position and rotating Saturday shifts will be required. Candidates must have experience in the following areas: surgical assistance, pharmacy duties, lab work, radiology, monitoring of patients, maintaining anesthetized patients and handling medical records. Top priority will be given to candidates with experience. A caring and compassionate attitude is required of all team members. Benefits include a great hourly rate, career growth potential, health insurance, 401(k), vacation, training and more. If you are interested in joining our team please contact Angie, Clinic Manager at aurban@ vetcor.com. We are seeking to hirea skilled FT certified veterinary technician to join our fast-paced close-knit team. Prior experience in the field is strongly preferred, newly certified applicants accepted. Looking for a highly motivated applicant who is eager to learn and has an interest in learning about integrative modalities. Fear free handling background or knowledge is a bonus. Benefits include 401(k), CE and paid vacation. Duties include: taking patient history, management of appointment flow, in-house laboratory work, radiology, equipment/ instrument maintenance, anesthesia and surgical assistance. No oncall or weekends required at this time. Please email resumes to info@ integrativeveterinaryservice.com. Country Doctors Veterinary Service in Menomonie, WI is looking for a FT Certified Veterinary Technician. Must be a graduate of an accredited program and licensed in the state of Wisconsin. We would like a mature individual who works well with a team and is dedicated to helping our patients and educating our clients. Must be willing to work Saturday mornings and on-call emergencies. Competitive salary and benefits available. Email resumes to Beth Burntvedt at bburntvedt.pm@countrydrs.com or call (715) 235-8555 with questions.* Certified Veterinary Technician, FT/PT - We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic FT/PT Certified Veterinary Technician, who takes pride in offering exceptional service and compassionate care to our patients and clients. Pulaski Veterinary Clinic located only 15 minutes’ northwest of Green Bay. The clinic is a full-service animal hospital and welcomes both “daytime” emergency treatment cases as well as pet patients in need or routine medical, surgical and dental care. We currently have 3 licensed veterinarians, focusing on the treatment of cats and dogs. We have electronic medical records and are well equipped with digital radiographs, digital dental, surgical laser, therapy laser and an in-house IDEXX laboratory. We support our staff with many benefits which includes health insurance along with a health savings account (HSA), 401(k), CE allowance, long and short term disability plans as well as long term care insurance coverage. If you are excited about working with a dedicated team whose core values are excellence, education, friendliness and integrity, we would love to hear from you. Please send resume to pvcinfo@netnet.net.*
(715)-273-4632.* For sale: 90’ Dodge diesel to truck with 90 Bowie box; also older Porta-Vet pony model and horse stocks. Contact Dr. Steve Hines at (608) 586-5768 or email sjhines@maqs.net. *
PRACTICE FOR SALE Buying or selling a veterinary practice? Count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See display ad. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg for free consultation: 1-800-380-6872 o kurt@tpsgsales.com. SA Practice grossing $1.0M along Lake Winnebago. Practice and RE offered at $1,280,000. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. SA practice grossing $465K along Ironwood-Duluth corridor. Practice and RE offered at $398K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. New - AAHA certified, Appleton area SA practice grossing $693K. Practice and RE offered at $765K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. NEW - SA practice grossing $473K northwest of Green Bay. Practice and RE offered at $398K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Appleton grossing $494K. Beautiful facilities. Should grow rapidly. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@ tpsgsales.com. Grossing $590 along Madison-Fond du Lac corridor. Practice and RE offered at $625K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg ot TPSG - 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. South of Green Bay – Near Lake Michigan, SA practice grossing $613K. Px and RE offered at $610K. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG: 1-800-380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Wausau/Stevens Point Area – well respected, AAHA, SA practice grossing $1M. Digital dental and radiology - 2 Dentalaire units, 2 surgical lasers. Emergencies referred to local emergency service. Beautiful free standing hospital. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG: 1-800-380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. NW Wisconsin near Twin Cities. SA revenue $1.0M. Practice and RE offered for $825,000. Easy terms, low-cost ownership entry. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TPSG: 1-800-380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com. Northeast Wisconsin – Well-equipped SA practice. Revenue $390K. Call for more information. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of TSPG: 1-800380-6872 or kurt@tpsgsales.com. FELINE ONLY practice for sale. Same location for 20 years. Veterinarian scheduled for 18 hours per week. Currently closed on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. The current gross $250K on this limited schedule. Great opportunity for PT employment or person willing to grow the practice by expanding the hours. Excellent opportunity to expand a current practice with a feline satellite practice. Asking $100K for practice and equipment. Owner willing to finance. Contact at (414) 379-3446 or westwoodfeline@gmail.com. Serious inquiries only please.*
FOR SALE Doctor retiring - Many varied items besides just these listed. Vet Test Analyzer. 6 place centrifuge, tooth scaler and polisher, microscope, micro-hematocrit centrifuge, hemoglobin meter, QBC autoreader, plus many scellaneous surgical equipment. Call or text (920) 3363794 or email deperevet@gmail.com. Terafloat Standard Set. Bought new and used one year. Two Motors #2, Four 2.0 Ah batteries, 4-bay charger, Two turnflex shafts, Two heads (rotary disc, apple core burr), incisor speculum, and case. $4,250. Contact Frank During, DVM at office number:
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 4610 S. Biltmore Ln., Suite 107 Madison, WI 53718
Beat the WVMA Convention Registration Deadline. Register by September 25! wvma.org.2017convention