WVMA Voice - September 2012

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WVMA In This Issue


From the President Heartland Veterinary Conference Recap


From the Executive Director Making a Difference Through the WVMA PAC


Legal Briefs Volunteer Intern or Employee: What Are the Rules?


In the News WVMA Sponsors State FFA Proficiency Award


Bylaw Changes


2012 WVMA Convention Registration Form

12-15 Classifieds


Dr. Christopher Booth Nominated for WVMA President-Elect Vision Statement

My vision as candidate for WVMA President-Elect is to provide leadership and guidance that continues to foster the WVMA mission – “To advocate and promote veterinary medicine, while enriching animal and human health.” One of the great strengths of the WVMA is the diversity of our membership. As an organization representing members in all facets of veterinary medicine, there are critical issues facing our profession that are important to all of us as a whole. The WVMA needs to continue being proactive in leading the animal welfare discussion with the public and addressing legislative and public policy issues affecting our profession, such as the veterinary practice act and unlicensed practice. We also need to continue improving food safety and providing tools and resources that enable financial viability in the future for our members. An organization can only be as strong as the members that actively participate. I hope to encourage veterinarians throughout our membership base to take an active role, however big or small, to help advance our profession as we move into the future. Biography

Dr. Christopher Booth is an owner of Dairy Doctors Veterinary Services – a five veterinarian practice located in Plymouth, Wis. that focuses on providing the best possible animal health care and production medicine services while fostering a rewarding and profitable environment for clients and their families. In 2000, Dr. Booth graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. He has been a WVMA member since then and has served on the animal welfare and public health and food safety committees. He also participated in the AVMA Emerging Leaders Conference, the National Holstein Foundation’s Young Dairy Leaders Institute, and the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Manager’s Academy. Dr. Booth is currently serving on the Sheboygan County Holstein Association Board of Directors and is a state junior advisor for the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association. Additionally, he serves as a county-wide 4-H dairy leader and enjoys helping coach his children’s sports teams. Dr. Booth, his wife Courtney and their four children - Cole, Ava, Campbell and Royce - own BoothHaven Holsteins, a small show heifer and cow care operation. The Booth family enjoys spending their spare time working together exhibiting show cattle and teaching others about agriculture.



Heartland Veterinary Conference Recap Robert Klostermann, DVM

The purpose of the Heartland Veterinary Conference is to give direction to the individual organizations, answer questions and exchange ideas between associations. Thirteen state associations annually participate in the Heartland Veterinary Conference. This year, the conference was hosted by the Iowa and South Dakota VMAs in Des Moines, Iowa. Content presented by the three speakers was excellent. Link Welborn, a past AAHA President, led off the conference by giving an overview of the AVMA’s Economic Strategies Committee, the AVMA’s Economics Division and the U.S. Veterinary Workforce Study. He was followed by Dr. James Thomas who presented an overview of the Bayer Veterinary Care Usage Study. Dr. Thomas explained the six factors leading to decreased pet visits at companion animal practices. He also reviewed actions a practice can utilize to reverse the trend. The six factors contributing to the decline in patient visits, explained by Dr. Thomas are: 1. Greater growth in the number of veterinarians vs. the pet population 2. Increased reliance on online resources for information and guidance 3. The economic recession 4. Little understanding of the importance of routine exams 5. Price sensitivity 6. Difficulty of bringing cats to the veterinarian The final speaker was geared towards association management. This was a very informative and useful presentation from Bob Harris, a nationally renowned speaker on association dynamics, board responsibilities and strategic direction. All attendees gained new and useful information, as well as new insights into their responsibilities. Bylaw amendments and resolutions to be considered by the House of Delegates at the AVMA Annual Convention were also shared with the associations. The 13 states were able to discuss their support to Wisconsin’s very own recommendation for an addition to the veterinarianclient-patient relationship (VCPR) definition in the AVMA’s Model Practice Act. The WVMA has proposed oversight language be added to the VCPR definition. At the close of the conference, all participants organized and packed nearly 7,000 meals to be supplied to malnourished residents on a reservation in New Mexico. This event gave the participants an opportunity to bond and acquire a great feeling of accomplishment before they headed back home.

2012 WVMA BOARD President Robert Klostermann, DVM President-Elect

K.C. Brooks, DVM, DABVP

Past President Steve L. Erickson, DVM District 1 Peter Gaveras, DVM District 2 Zachary Janssen, DVM District 3 Dale J. Kressin, DVM, FAVD, DAVDC



District 4 Jessica M. Daul, DVM District 5 Jane Clark, DVM District 6 John T. Been, DVM District 7 Kimberly Kratt, DVM District 8 Michael Wolf, DVM District 9 Robert Zukowski, DVM Student Rep. Marsha Bush



Treasurer Thomas H. Howard, DVM AVMA Delegate Ann Sherwood Zieser, DVM Dean, UW-SVM Mark Markel, DVM, PhD State Veterinarian Robert G. Ehlenfeldt, DVM WVDL Director Tom McKenna, DVM, PhD Student Rep. Matt Slentz

Executive Director Kim Brown Pokorny Executive Assistant

Torrie Kennedy

Marketing and Communications Specialist Sarah Young Marketing and Member Services Assistant Amanda Veum


WVMA VOICE The WVMA Voice is published on the 15th day of each month by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200, Madison, WI 53718; (608) 257-3665; toll-free (888) 254-5202; fax (608) 257-8989; e-mail: wvma@wvma.org; website: www.wvma.org. It is sent free of charge to all WVMA members. Office hours: 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday-Friday.


F irst 30 words $10; each additional word $1.50.

Non-member: F irst 30 words $50, each additional word $1.50. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. Classified ads run for two months and must be renewed for additional months. Classified ads are to be received by the first working day of the month. Display advertising is available at the editors’ discretion. Call (608) 257-3665 for more information. The deadline for receipt of all material submitted for publication is the first working day of the month, to insure consideration for the next month’s newsletter. Subscriptions are available for $36 annually. (Non-member, in-state veterinarians not eligible.)


January February March April May June July August September October November December


Making a Difference Through the WVMA PAC Kim Brown Pokorny

The WVMA membership is striving to become more active in state politics and state campaigns. Critical decisions affecting our members’ businesses are being made now by the Wisconsin Legislature. Part of our increased activity in the legislative process is our day-to-day involvement in state politics and our continuous advocacy for our membership. Another part was our decision to form a Political Action Committee (PAC) to enable our membership to more easily support candidates for state office. The best way for WVMA members to contribute to state campaigns is through the WVMA PAC. The PAC is a convenient and effective mechanism for us to pool individual contributions into one sizeable check for candidates that we support. How the PAC Works. Several times during the year, the PAC committee will solicit personal contributions from WVMA members for the WVMA PAC. Contributions to the PAC must be made from a personal account. No corporate or business contributions can be accepted.

The WVMA PAC committee then contributes PAC funds to candidates for Wisconsin state office. The WVMA PAC welcomes member input and recommendations for which candidates to support, but the ultimate decision on which candidates to support with WVMA PAC funds is made by the WVMA members volunteering to coordinate the PAC. How to Contribute. To make a contribution to the WVMA PAC, please complete the form below and send it to the WVMA PAC Administrator. The WVMA PAC has a separate bank account from the WVMA and is comprised of voluntary personal contributions that are held for a later contribution to a candidate’s campaign account. All contributions are welcome! A contribution of $25 or $50 goes a long way when combined with other WVMA member contributions. Please help us become more active in Wisconsin. Participate in the WVMA PAC today!


December 1 December 15 January 1 January 15 February 1 February 15 March 1 March 15 April 1 April 15 May 1 May 15 June 1 June 15 July 1 July 15 August 1 August 15 September 1 September 15 October 1 October 15 November 1 November 15

Contribute Today! MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WVMA VETMED PAC Check # _________ for $_________ Occupation_____________________________ Name _____________________________ Email _____________________________ Address ___________________________________ City_________________________ State ____ Zip Code ___________ Phone _____________________________________

Return check and this form to WVMA VETMED PAC, 2801 Crossroads Dr., Suite 1200, Madison, WI 53718 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION!



Volunteer Intern or Employee: What Are the Rules? By: Gregory E. Scallon, Esq., DeWitt Ross & Stevens

You are approached by an individual who has an interest in veterinary medicine with the request that he or she be allowed to spend some time at your practice. The person may be looking for some exposure to veterinary medicine to decide about a career as a veterinarian, veterinary technician or other position at a practice, or the person may be seeking some specific training. Regardless of the motivation, there is no intent on the part of either the practice or the individual that the person be an employee or be compensated for the time spent. You’d like to say “yes” to the request. However, as with other “volunteer” activities at the practice, there are some issues you should first consider to be certain that you are not exposing your practice to unanticipated consequences. In future articles, we’ll discuss issues such as insurance coverage and liability exposure. This discussion will focus on whether the individual will be considered an “employee” under applicable law. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) defines the term “employ” very broadly as including to “suffer or permit to work.” An individual who is “suffered or permitted” to work must be compensated under the FLSA for services they perform for an employer, and must be paid at least the minimum wage and, if applicable, overtime compensation. There is an exception from the requirement for compensation where the individual is participating in an educational or training program, as, for example, in the instance of a placement of a student with the practice by the UW SVM through its Ambulatory Clinic Rotation or its clinical externship program. This exception may also apply to a person who is receiving training for the person’s own educational benefit, although not through a formal program. The determination of whether a person, outside of a formal educational program, qualifies for the training exception is dependent on satisfying ALL



of the following six criteria: (1) the training is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment; (2) the experience is for the benefit of the individual; (3) the person does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff; (4) the employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the person, and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded; (5) the person is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training, and (6) both the employer and the individual understand that compensation will not be paid for the time spent. If the individual is performing productive work that the practice would otherwise need to hire someone to do, the fact that the individual may be receiving some benefits in the form of a new skill or improved work habits will not excuse the employer from meeting the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime requirements because the employer benefits from the individual’s work. On the other hand, if the employer is providing job shadowing opportunities to allow the individual to learn certain functions under the close and constant supervision of regular employees, the activity is likely included within the training exception. You should not use an uncompensated training program as a trial period for individuals seeking employment at the conclusion of the program. If an individual is at the practice for a trial period with the expectation that the person will then be hired on a permanent basis, that individual would generally be considered an employee under the FLSA. Failure to comply with the requirements of the FLSA can result in severe penalties for the practice. Once having concluded that you meet the requirements so that the individual will not be considered an employee, we recommend that the terms and conditions for the person’s presence and activities at the practice be memorialized in a written agreement signed by both the practice and the individual.


WVMA Sponsors State FFA Veterinary Science Proficiency Award WVMA President, Dr. Bob Klostermann, presented Megan Daluge of Waunakee with the State FFA Veterinary Science Proficiency Award at the 83rd Annual State FFA Convention in Madison, Wis. This award recognizes the student who best demonstrates an understanding of veterinary practices and animal health care in Wisconsin. Daluge fell in love with animal care during an introductory veterinary science class. Currently, Daluge works at the Janesville Veterinary Clinic East where she schedules appointments, prepares examination rooms, and assists with surgery, recovery and labs. Additionally, Daluge manages her school’s agriculture animal lab. She performs tasks such as cleaning cages, taking vitals and grooming. Daluge plans to work as a large animal veterinary technician. Six state finalists in this award area received cash awards made possible by sponsorship from the WVMA. Daluge has yet to find out if she will be selected as one of four national finalists. If selected, she will compete at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. in October. The four national finalists will each receive a plaque and scholarship thanks to sponsorship by the American Veterinary Medical Association.



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Member Benefit Program

The WVMA has aligned with the following companies to offer WVMA member’s exclusive benefits - Staples Advantage, Land’s End, ScriptSave, and Avis. Visit www. wvma.org to take advantage of the member benefits program and start saving today!

Reserve Your Convention Hotel Room Today! To receive the convention rate, rooms must be reserved by September 7! Clarion Suites Central (Connected to Alliant Energy Center) 608-284-1234 Cost: $109-119 Sheraton Hotel 608-251-2300 Cost: $132-142


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Marshfield Clinic Laboratories

Midwest Cremation Service of Wisconsin

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WVMA Bylaw Changes

Bylaw recommended changes, approved by the executive board: Bylaw 1, Section 3:

Current: The application fee and the annual dues of the association shall be determined by the executive board. Any increase in dues shall be subject to approval by the members of the association at a scheduled meeting. Dues will be 50% of annual dues for those applicants making initial application after July 1. Dues are due on January first, and members will be considered to be in arrears if dues have not been paid by June 1.

dues by June 1 of the current year, will be sent a registered letter by the executive director, notifying said individual that his/her membership will be terminated at the June meeting of the executive board.

New: The application fee and the annual dues of the association shall be determined by the executive board. Any increase in dues shall be subject to approval by the members of the association at a scheduled meeting. Dues will be 50% of annual dues for those applicants making initial application after July 1.

Current: The executive board may be called into closed session by the president. Attendance may be limited to voting and non-voting members of the board. The executive board will always go into closed session when personnel matters are discussed. Attendance will be limited to the executive board.

Bylaw 1, Section 4:

Current: A member of the association shall retain his/her membership for as long as the requirements of active WVMA membership are fulfilled by such member. A member, who has not paid his/her current year’s

New: A member of the association shall retain his/her membership for as long as the requirements of active WVMA membership are fulfilled by such member. Bylaw 5, Section 12:

New: The executive board may be called into closed session by the president. Attendance may be limited to the executive board. The executive board will always go into closed session when personnel matters are discussed.

WVMA Member Selected for Future Leaders Program At its annual convention in San Diego, Calif., the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) officially launched its Future Leaders Program’s second class by announcing the 10 veterinarians who will be taking part in the program over the next year. One of Wisconsin’s very own, Dr. Doug Kratt from LaCrosse, right, was selected for the program. The year-long program was created by the AVMA with support from Pfizer Animal Health to develop volunteer leaders for the AVMA and other organized veterinary groups. The goal is to help participants to enhance their individual leadership skills and to create useable tools for the wider veterinary profession to benefit from and utilize. The 10 participants were selected from approximately 60 AVMA member nominees who had graduated from veterinary schools within the last 15 years. “The hardest part of picking each class over the past two years has been narrowing down the list of nominees to just 10 participants, because of the qualifications and diverse interests and energy of all the outstanding nominees,” said Dr. Ron DeHaven, chief executive officer of the AVMA. “Many of these Future Leaders are already leaders, taking leadership roles at the state and local levels, so we’re excited by not only what we can teach them but how much they’ll be able to teach us.”

Participants will have an opportunity to work with professional facilitator Dr. Ken Andrews of High Impact Facilitation, who will provide project management and leadership training. As the year progresses, these young leaders will not only learn new skills, but they will, as a group, develop and collaborate on a project that will provide the AVMA with a valuable new tool or service that will benefit all members. The first class of Future Leaders focused on creating a web-based Future Leaders Toolkit that uses videos, instructional materials, and other tools to help all AVMA members improve their leadership skills on the job or within the profession. For more information on the AVMA’s Future Leaders Program, please visit www.avma.org.


WVMA Receives Awards at AVMA Annual Convention The WVMA was honored to receive two awards during the AVMA Annual Convention which took place August 3-7 in San Diego, Calif. The WVMA’s HACCP For Proper Drug Use Plan and Residue Task Force were recognized with the ASVMAE Best in Business Award and the AVMA President’s Award. In 2009, the WVMA learned Wisconsin was leading the nation in drug tissue residues in dairy beef. From there, a task force of WVMA members was formed to learn more and collect information. Although some industry stakeholders called for increased regulation, the WVMA felt a non-regulatory solution was more appropriate. Leading on this issue and seeing its potential, WVMA asked the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin to join in on educational outreach for both producers and veterinarians on Wisconsin’s top ranking in residues. In its third phase, this educational outreach has developed into the WVMA Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) For Proper Drug Use, a six-step plan addressing not only food safety, but long-term proper drug use on dairies and which identifies risks and institutes control methods. The WVMA’s HACCP For Proper Drug Use six steps are: • Veterinarian/Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) – identifying the VCPR team • Drug List – finding all drugs used and how they are used • Protocols – developing protocols based on the farm and skill sets of employees • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – developing SOPs based on the farm and skill sets of employees • Records – defining what needs to be recorded • Oversight – veterinary oversight to evaluate drug use, protocol/SOPs drift, and management/economic information. This process has changed perceptions and management behaviors resulting in a significant reduction in dairy tissue residues. The Best in Business Award was presented by the American Society of Veterinary Medical Association Executives (ASVMAE) and recognizes veterinary medical associations making positive impacts everyday within the profession through successful programs and projects. The AVMA President’s Award recognizes individuals and groups inside and outside veterinary medicine who have made a positive impact on animal, human or public health, veterinary organizations and the profession. Congratulations to the task force members: Drs. David Rhoda (chair), Nigel Cook, Glen Johnson, Richard Wallace, Jeff Bleck, Barry Kleppe, Jeffrey Loomans, Tom Howard and Kimberly Egan.





WVMA Develops Pet Cremation Service Guidelines for Your Practice Pet cremation is a growing area of veterinary business. As veterinarians, technicians and staff, are you knowledgeable about the field? Read on. The WVMA has made recommendations to guide you and your clients to a reliable pet cremation service. Ask for a tour. Viewing the facilities will give you knowledge of the cremation business you perform business with. Look for clean, well-kept facilities. Ask if clients and the general public are allowed to tour. Observe the capacity and volume of equipment. Crematories can have numerous sizes and numbers of cremation chambers. Be alert for a low number of chambers. When maintenance is necessary on the chambers, how does the crematory meet clients’ needs? Do they have other chambers or a back-up plan? Find out how many years the company has been in service. Longevity can indicate reliability. Research the owner’s background. A trustworthy business owner is an important aspect to choosing a crematory. Is this their career and passion, or a side job? Verify professionalism of the employees. If referring clients, sending them to a place where they will be treated well is vital. Make sure employees are quality people with great customer service skills. Check the image the company portrays. Observe the transport vehicles driven or used. Are these clean, safe and functional? Are the drivers knowledgeable, courteous and professional?

Check industry or association involvement. Since no pet cremation standards or accreditation exists, this can help lead you in the right direction. Look for literature, educational tools and support. Does the crematory have resources for clients? Does the crematory provide information about its services clearly and accurately? Are they willing to provide education to your staff? Review the identification process of each pet. Look for pet identification and accuracy. Connect on the web. See how the company portrays itself. Use tools and services provided on the company’s site. Price check. Compare crematories and specific services. See what is included for the price of cremation and compare apples to apples. Ask your staff how they have been treated at the cremation business. Also check with those who you referred. These recommendations will help lead you to a cremation service right for your veterinary practice. Also, referrals reflect upon you and your practice, so it is important to get it right. Pet cremation services can help your client start to heal from their loss, especially with a good experience. The pet cremation industry is currently working on consistency throughout the industry in language and standards. As the industry grows, look for more information from the WVMA, the Cremation Association of North America, and the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories. Disclaimer: This is not an all-inclusive list.


WVMA PARTNERS If your clinic is looking for ways to save money, contact the WVMA’s partners and add to your cash flow!


Diversified Services Group Collect on past due accounts at a special low rate. No up-front fees, start-up costs or contracts. Jerry Kane, (888) 494-7900.

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WVMA-TransFirst Health Services Credit Card Processing Program Competitive rates, special rewards card handling, and PIN-based debit available. Contact the WVMA-TFHS Program Team: (847) 726-2324 or WVMA@TransFirst.com. Veterinary Career Network Matches employers with employees nationally in the veterinary profession. Employers post ads without word limit; job seekers apply for opportunities and post their resume at no cost. www.wvma.org; click Career Center. WVMA E-Services Website creation, logos, printing and design services. www.wvma-eservices.com

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CLASSIFIED AD CHANGES The WVMA has made changes to the classified ad fee structure beginning with new ads submitted for the May 2011 issue. All classified ads including veterinary relief ads will be published at the following rate: Members: First 30 words, $10. Every additional word after 30 is $1.50 per word. Non-members: First 30 words, $50. Every additional word is $1.50 per word. Ads will run 2 consecutive months, and then be removed, unless the WVMA is notified you would like to continue your ad for another 2 month run. You will be invoiced at the end of the first month during a 2 month period. Ads are placed online at the beginning of the month they are featured in the newsletter. Immediate placement of ads is an additional $25 fee. Additional $10 fee for blind box ads. SMALL ANIMAL FT/PT Veterinarian needed for a SA and exotic animal practice in Madison area. Need someone with a team mentality, hard working, always willing and able to learn new skills. Good sense of humor with coworkers and good professional communication skills a must. Clinic allows you to practice and continue to grow, especially in areas of interest. AAHA practice with in house laboratory, Ultrasound, digital X-Rays (+ Dental), rigid and flexible endoscopy, tonometry, clean and dirty surgical suites with separate monitors, IV warmers, IV/syringe pumps, incubator. Our goal is to provide quality care to our patients and clients. If interested please contact Dr. Shawn Hook, Arbor Ridge Pet Clinic ( www.arborridgepetclinic.com ), for an interview at (608) 274-3880 or shawnhookdvm@yahoo. com or mail resume. Salary based on experience + benefits package.



Looking for SA associate to be part of rapidly growing SA practice. The KIEL VETERINARY CLINIC offers a supportive environment with experienced staff and is equipped with an IDEXX lab suite, surgical laser, laser therapy, ultrasound and monitoring equipment. We provide emergency surgical, medical and dental services, with emergency service shared between all veterinarians. Located in northeast Wisconsin, Kiel is centrally located between Green Bay, Appleton and Milwaukee. We offer a competitive salary including 401K plan, liability insurance, paid vacation, CE, professional dues, and potential for buy-in. Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Schuette, Kiel Veterinary Clinic, 575 Belitz Drive, Kiel, WI 53042. (920) 894-3414 days, or e-mail to kielvet@tcei.com. Alta View Veterinary Clinic needs an experienced SA associate veterinarian for our established practice located in Greenfield, WI. Extensive surgical skills beyond routine preferred. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff needs someone to join our team who is outgoing, compassionate about pets and their owners, motivated, and enthusiastic. Our fully equipped facility offers digital radiography, surgical laser, in-house diagnostics and more. Competitive salary and benefit package. No after hours or emergency. Email resume to avvctah@live.com, Attn: Laura. FT/PT Veterinarian needed to join our team. Established practice (1954) with experienced, friendly staffing. Large clientele, great location. Located halfway between Milwaukee and Madison. Excellent pay and 4 day work week. No on call services. We are looking for an independent team leader to join our professional staff. Please send resume to: mertonvet@wi.rr.com or contact Susan Butler at (262) 538-1280. Visit our website: www. mertonveterinaryclinic.vetsuite.com. Tuckaway Animal Hospital is seeking an experienced FT associate veterinarian for our progressive, full service, SA hospital located in Greenfield,

WI. Candidates should be compassionate, teamoriented and have exceptional communication skills. Surgical experience a must. We are a well-established practice with a strong client base, and a friendly and knowledgeable staff. No after-hours emergency. Competitive salary plus full benefit package. Email resume to avvctah@live.com. Middleton Veterinary Hospital seeks an enthusiastic veterinarian with at least 5 years of experience to be Chief of Staff. We are a highly-regarded and progressive general practice with a well-trained team that includes 8 CVTs. We are open 7 days a week and see a varied and interesting caseload. Practicing high-quality medicine is easy in our well-equipped hospital. We utilize the most up-to-date techniques and procedures and strive to provide excellent service by treating each pet as if they were our own. Extensive equipment includes digital radiography, full in-house lab including chemistry, ultrasound, and state of the art dental suite with digital dental radiography. We are looking for a dedicated veterinarian with strong clinical, surgical and diagnostic skills in addition to outstanding communication, leadership, and team building skills. The Chief of Staff is responsible for ensuring that the highest level of care is provided to our patients and customer service to our clients. We reward our veterinarians with superior salary, bonus, and benefits including health, 401(k), CE, vacation, dues, liability coverage, and more. Please contact Stephanie Ragsdale, Regional Manager, at sragsdale@vetcor.com.* Experienced, FT veterinarian needed for an immediate opening in our busy and well-established SA clinic in the Metro Milwaukee area. We are a clinic that believes in “going the extra mile� for our clients. Looking for someone who has the ability to interact effectively with clients and build rapport with our staff. Must have surgical skills that go beyond just routine cases. Along with seeing cats and dogs, our clinic has a specialty in exotics, so we require a DVM interested in caring for all types of exotic animals, including reptiles, birds, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, etc. Need someone

enthusiastic and willing to work hard and multi-task, supported by our terrific staff. Will have to share some emergency work; we believe it provides variety and helps retain clients. Great work environment includes a new building and state-of-the-art equipment, including digital radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, a dental machine, and an in-house lab. Our experienced staff is a great team that is fun to work with. Generous salary and benefit package, as well as buy-in potential. Email your resume to: petcare87@gmail.com.* Energetic, motivated veterinarian needed to join our fun, progressive, team-oriented, SA hospital. We are an AAHA practice and recently received the “Commitment to Excellence Award” for twenty-five years of accreditation. Located in a fast-growing community on the Wisconsin River, small animals, exotics, and wild life are our patients. We are wellequipped with a 13,000 sq. ft. facility with a dental suite including digital dental radiography, ultrasound, digital radiography, surgical laser, therapy laser, inhouse diagnostics and more. If you love working with people and getting to know them, their pets and other team members like family, this is for you. Enjoy all the benefits that Madison, the Wisconsin Dells, Devils Lake State Park, and the Wisconsin River have to offer, only minutes away. No emergency call. Salary, retirement and general benefit package. Send resume or contact Dr. Joseph Kelley, E11340 County Road PF, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578, (608) 643-2451, (608) 643-2647 FAX, or spsmallanimal@aol.com.* PT/FT SA Veterinarian position open. Do you love challenge, learning, and bringing your “A game” every day? So do we! Our practice has most of the “toys” you could want including digital dental x-ray, ultrasound, full in-house Idexx laboratory suite, anesthesia monitor, Doppler blood pressure. We have just transitioned from paper to paper-light record keeping. We would like to add services like surgical and therapy lasers, acupuncture and chiropractic. Some emergency on-call duty is required. If you are bright, energetic, motivated and willing to learn, understand that the customer

always comes first, and have a love of the outdoors, then our practice might be the match for you! New graduates will be considered. Please send resume to: northernwidvm@gmail.com or fax to (715) 627-2841, atten: Dr. Sarah Lautzenhiser.* FT SA (cat and dog only) experienced veterinarian needed in SE Wisconsin. Strong internal medicine skills and preventative health care skills needed. Interest in developing surgical and dental skills highly desirable. Must be able to work independently, but plenty of staff and veterinary support is available. No evening hours or on-call hours. 4.5 day work-week. Salary and benefits package commensurate with experience. Send resumes and questions to SEWiVet@gmail.com. Strict confidentiality will be maintained.* Veterinary Associates in Reedsville, WI is looking for a PT SA veterinarian. Reedsville is centrally located approx. 25 miles from Manitowoc, Green Bay, and Appleton. Must be comfortable with medical, dental, and surgical cases. Great client communication skills a must. Orthopedic and special species interests a plus. No evening or on call hours. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resume and inquiries to thruby64@yahoo.com. Look up our clinic at veterinaryassociatesllc.com.*

LARGE ANIMAL FT MA practitioner with an emphasis on dairy wanted to join our four person practice in southwest Wisconsin with excellent outdoor recreation opportunity. Prefer an associate with interest in future partnership. Interest in bovine production medicine is desirable. On-call time shared equally. Submit resume to claydean@mwt.net.*

MIXED ANIMAL Vet needed for mixed practice, mostly SA some equine. Details on Vet Career Network. Send

resume or email: lmehoke@gmail.com, Website: www. fredoniavetclinic.com.*

RELIEF Experienced SA veterinarian licensed and accredited in WI offering competent, caring, reliable relief work in SE WI. Alice VanMaastricht, DVM, (414) 617-7325 or avmdvm87@gmail.com. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available for work in eastern/central Wisconsin. Please contact Karla Dietrich, DVM at kjddvm83@gmail.com, (920) 2105991. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work, 15 years relief experience, WI licensed and accredited. Please call/email Mark Clemons, DVM (608) 834-8172, macdjc4209@aol.com. Dependable, 20+ years experience. Med/Surg serving Northern/Central Wisconsin. Contact Rich Piwoni, at (715) 627-0957, rapiwoni@hotmail.com. Experienced SA veterinarian available for relief work. Expect reliable, compassionate, thorough service. Please contact Susan Heath, DVM (920) 470-5351 or sheathdvm@yahoo.com.* SA relief vet since 1995. Thorough, reliable, easy going. Will travel to Green Bay, Kenosha, Janesville, Wisconsin Dells and areas in between. Julie Lakin DVM, (920) 269-7264. Experienced SA relief veterinarian available. Versatile. Great with staff, clients and pets. Willing to travel. Dr. Lori Zimmerman, (608) 592-7779 or doclori@hotmail.com. Experienced SA clinician available for work in central and western Wisconsin. Excellent communication skills; enjoy working with clients and staff. Nancy Leverance, D.V.M. Email: nleverance@network2010.net or call (608) 617-9408 or (608) 429-9408.


Accommodating SA relief veterinarian in Madison, WI. Reliable and communicative, broad range of experience. Willing to travel. Call Katie Frank, (608) 335-9521 or email katiefrankdvm@yahoo.com. Caring and compassionate relief veterinarian available. 25+ years of AAHA experience. Competent medical and soft tissue surgery skills. Emphasis on quality and integrity. Paul Danhaus, DVM. (715) 571-8091 or paul. danhaus@gmail.com. Communicative, productive SA veterinarian available for relief work in the cities, surrounding areas. Licensed in MN/WI. Experienced in surgery, medicine, dentistry, staff management. Outstanding customer service, client-building skills. Victori Ribeiro, MS, DVM, (651) 503-0482; neyx0003@umn.edu. SA and equine relief work. 21 years experience. Proficient in SA soft tissue surgery and equine ultrasound and power floating. Will travel. Call Sabine Hartmann, DVM (715) 267-7443 or twinoaks@tds.net.*

AAHA veterinarian with 20+ years experience available for relief work in NW WI. Excellent diagnostic, surgical, and communication skills, Contact: David Wiltrout, DVM, (715) 462-9475, or email: dvmweepaws@aol.com. SA relief Veternarian for central Wisconsin. Experienced. Versatile. Call Dr. Gary, (715) 652-2065 home, (715) 305-7014 cell. Dependable SA relief veterinarian available to work in Madison area. Certified in veterinary spinal manipulation therapy. Please call or email: Brooke Lewis, (262) 496-9857 or brookedvm@gmail.com.* Quality relief care since 1992. Special interests include surgery and dermatology. Personable, reliable service. Please call Robert Patyk, DVM, at (262) 5672832. Or email: robert.patyk@att.net. Providing you with reliable veterinary relief service has been my business for the past 13 years. I’m proficient with medicine cases, soft tissue surgeries and have great client communication skills. Leave message Dr. Barb Korte, (608) 269-3357, email: beachcomber57@centurytel.net.

POSITION WANTED Board-certified internist offers mobile SA medicine consultations, ultrasound, and endoscopy in your practice in SE WI. Please call Anne Mattson, DVM, DACVIM, (262) 241-3987.

MOBILE TTA Mark Hein, DVM • Cruciate Disease • Patellar Luxations


tta@centurytel.net wisconsinveterinaryorthopedics.com



RELIEF NEEDED SA clinic seeking relief veterinarian approximately once a week for routine surgeries and general help. Please contact aaron@animaldoctormuskego.com if interested.* Experienced food animal practitioner desired for relief work at our 7 doctor clinic from August 2012 until

May 2013. Flexible schedule and duties. Pay based on experience. Exceptional staff and friendly clients. Please call or email for more information. Dr. Jill Janssen (608) 963-4347 or jillclintkane@gmail.com.*

TECH/STAFF FT receptionist needed in fast paced veterinary clinic. Experience answering multiple phone lines, scheduling, and customer service a must. This is a feline only clinic, so you must love cats! If you are a multitasker and self-starter, please mail resume with cover to The Cat Doctor, 236 N. Water St, Milwaukee, WI 53202, or email: catdr98@execpc.com. SA Clinic in Oconto Falls is seeking a FT CVT. The ideal candidate is a professional individual skilled in the following areas: client relations, patient care, surgery, dentistry, laboratory testing, radiology and laser therapy. Submit a resume to hvc@bayland.net. FT CVT wanted for 3-doctor, 5-CVT SA practice in southern Dane County. We are well-equipped and computerized offering a competitive hourly wage, paid time off, continuing education, medical insurance and dental insurance. Experience with anesthesia, surgery and dentistry is preferred, but will consider a currently licensed recent graduate. Email resume and letter to: dhederdvm@edgertonvet.com. We have an opening for an experienced veterinary receptionist. We offer excellent wages and benefits! Please contact Jill or Jeff at vetjjb@amerytel.net or (715) 554-2079. The Wisconsin Humane Society – Ozaukee Campus is seeking a PT CVT at our brand new, state of the art shelter in Saukville, WI. Duties include, but are not limited to: surgery prep, anesthesia, post op care, treatments, dentistry, radiography, vaccination, blood draws, computer entry, and maintaining clinic area. Candidates must be positive, flexible, and work well with coworkers and the public. If interested, visit the

employment link at our website www.ozaukeehumane. org/employment and fill out an application.* FT CVT position available in our 3 Doctor Small Animal practice located 15 miles west of Green Bay. Join three other CVT’s and one Veterinary Assistant in delivering quality medicine and compassionate care to our loyal clients. Must be an honest, reliable, self-motivated team player that gets along well with others. Our practice and decision making process is based on our core values of Excellence, Education, Friendliness and Integrity. If these values describe your practice philosophy, please e-mail your resume to pvcinfo@netnet.net.* We are a rapidly growing practice relying on a teamenvironment to provide progressive, state-of-the-art care. Ideal candidates are skilled, energetic technicians with emergency experience or those willing to learn. Technical development and full use of your technical skills is expected. Our technicians and assistants provide input and assist with all aspects of patient care. Evening and weekend hours are required. Compensation package including health and dental insurance, paid vacation, personal days, retirement plan, CE, and uniform allowance. LVSEH is an equal opportunity employer. Email your resume to career@ lakeshorevetspecialists.com.* SA practice in SE Wisconsin looking for PT/FT CVT. Send resume to Decorah Animal Hospital, 555 E. Decorah Rd, West Bend, WI 53095.*

FOR SALE Konica Xray Processor model SRX-101A with one set of chemicals. Max. dimensions 35W x 24D x 19H. Manual included. $500. (715) 556-2998.

Dental/Multi-purpose Table. Stainless pan with ss grate & metal cover, over door & drawer cabinet. Faucet w/ sprayer included. $350. Waukesha area. Contact: dosigmond@gmail.com.*

Holistic SA practice Milwaukee-Chicago corridor. Well equipped with revenue $525K. Offered at $425K. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*

PRACTICE FOR SALE Under Contract- North side of Milwaukee SA practice for sale grossing $900,000. This is a “must see” opportunity. Practice and real estate offered at $1.1M. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.

New - Northern IL! One veterinarian SA practice, attractive real estate. Excellent cash to new buyer – priced to sell! Contact: Dr. Ken Ehlen, Simmons & Assoc. Midwest, (877) 322-6465; simmons@simmonsmidwest.com.*

Under Contract- Fox River Valley area SA practice grossing over $850,000. Excellent location. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.

When buying or selling a veterinary practice, count on the experience of Total Practice Solutions Group. See our display ad this issue. Contact Dr. Kurt Liljeberg of Total Practice Solutions Group for a free consultation, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*

Sold! SA practice for sale in SW Wisconsin near the Iowa line. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.* New Listing! Northwest Wisconsin about an hour from St. Paul. Mixed practice grossing over $700K. Real estate value is $300K. Purchase all for $425K. This is

Under Contract! SA practice for sale in Wausau area. Revenue $900,000/year. Hospital is beautiful and nicely equipped. Excellent cash flow! Buy practice and RE for $805,000. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*

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2009 Companion Therapy Laser 10 watt Class IV. Excellant condition. Clinic is upgrading and needs to sell. Contact Wolf River Vet for more details. (920) 9822733 or tmiller@wrvet.com.*

a super deal. Contact Total Practice Solutions Group, Dr. Kurt Liljeberg, (800) 380-6872, or kurt@tpsgsales.com.*

S p e c i a l t y

S e r v i c e s

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Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association 2801 Crossroads Dr., Ste. 1200 Madison, WI 53718

WVMA Convention seeking exhibitors! Encourage vendors you work with to exhibit at the WVMA Annual Convention! Full exhibitor information can be obtained online at www.wvma.org.

Convention registration online! Visit www.wvma.org to register online for convention or to download the registration form and for the latest updates including the full schedule, speaker biographies, hotels and parking information!


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