Science & Technology Courses Course Guide
MS Electives • • • •
7th Grade Robotics 8th Grade Robotics Game Design Introduction to Programming
US Electives
• Introduction to Mechanisms & Machines • Advanced Mechanical Engineering Principles • Making & Engineering Design • Product Design • Independent Study Robotics
• Exploring Global Health: Medical Service Learning in Guatemala (10-12) • Introduction to Computer Programming • iOS App and Game Design
Science & Technology Department Philosophy and Placement The Windward Science Department strives to foster mindful citizen-scientists of our students. Our courses create opportunities for students to experience science as scientists do by presenting authentic, hands-on problems and assessments. We nurture abstract thinking and problem solving skills through the use of project and problem based learning. We foster collaboration in labs and design teams by instilling elements of cooperation and competition in all curricula. We instill in our students a sense of global interconnectedness and citizenship by presenting real-world scientific experiences and engineering challenges that matter to the community at large. Placement in science and technology classes at Windward is based on many factors including, but not limited to, ERB scores, mathematics level and grade, performance in previous science classes, and teacher recommendation. Honors classes are substantially different from regular courses with respect to both content and pace. Transitions from general science classes to honors level classes are possible but require the recommendation of the department chair and successful completion a of transition assessment. In addition, students may transition from honors level courses to general courses in consideration of academic difficulty or conceptual challenges.
Requirements All students must take five years of science, one course each year, from grades 7 through 10, and at least one course in either grade 11 or 12. Students should be aware that many universities require more than one lab course in the upper grades. The University of California requires two (and recommends three) years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in two of these three foundational subjects: biology, chemistry, and physics. The normal sequence of courses is: Principles of Science I (grade 7), Principles of Science II (grade 8), Physics (grade 9), Chemistry (grade 10), and Biology (grade 11).
Course Descriptions Principles of Science 1 (7) The objective of this course is for students to develop and apply an understanding of the principles of science through lab-based activities and concept exploration. Initially, students learn how to safely use laboratory equipment, collect data while performing laboratory investigations, use technology to organize, illustrate, and analyze data, and effectively communicate results of their experiments. After completing the introductory unit, students study human biology and health with an integrated focus on environmental science. The course serves as an introduction to the biological sciences and the interactions of organisms with environmental processes.
Principles of Science 2 (8) The objective of this course is for students to continue to use the principles of science to investigate earth processes and the interactions of humans with matter and forces in their environment. During the first half of the course, students explore the theory of plate tectonics by examining tectonic processes and analyzing patterns in data collected. In the second half of the course, students conduct a variety of experiments dealing with simple machines and electricity. This course is designed to serve as an introduction to the earth sciences and to build a foundation for further study in the physical sciences.
Middle School Elective Offerings (Can be taken instead of a Visual or Performing Arts course) 7th Grade Robotics (Fall Semester) During this fall semester course, students learn how to construct and program an autonomous robot using LEGO Mindstorms technology. Areas of emphasis include building strategies (using the EV3 brick and other LEGOS), basic programming skills (using the visually based LEGO Mindstorms software), and teamwork. Connections are drawn between robotics and basic math and science principles as part of the learning process. A major goal of the course is participation in a Robotics competition organized by FIRST. During class, students build and program their robots and prepare their teams as necessary. Then they travel locally to compete against area teams in at least two tournaments.
8th Grade Robotics 8th Grade Robotics is a mathematics, science, and technology-integrated spring semester course that imparts foundational knowledge to Engineering, Design, and Robotics. Throughout the year, students create and use engineering notebooks, learn the engineering design process, and hone sketching and dimensioning skills to build VEX robots and program these robots using RobotC.
Introduction to Programming This Middle School course gives students an introduction to Computer Programming. Students learn to write, compile, and execute code. The focus is on fundamental principles of algorithms, problem solving, and basic concepts of programing. This course is designed to be a rewarding and fun learning experience for students who have no prior experience and for students with moderate skills programming computers.
Game Design (Spring Semester) In this one semester course, students learn the basics of making video games with a variety of easy-to-use tools. Students have the opportunity to explore what it is like to create their own interactive adventure. They work in teams to develop stories and create engaging, digital experiences. Different types of games such as action, adventure, platform, and sidescrollers are explored. Students also practice game-development concepts like planning, testing, level design, and more.
Upper School Courses Physics (9) Corequisite: Algebra 1. As a foundation course in Physics, this course allows students to begin to understand the science of the physical world in which they live. Many of the concepts encountered come from the students’ own everyday experiences. Motion, waves, radioactivity, magnetism, matter, and structure of the atom are studied. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
Honors Physics (9) Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and departmental recommendation. Similar to the Physics course, Honors Physics is a foundational survey course of many physics disciplines. In addition to the underlying conceptual framework, topics are studied in mathematical detail, with an emphasis on the vector nature of physical quantities. The Honors course is more mathematically demanding than the Physics course and is aimed at preparing students in sciences for a 3-4 year sequence of Honors and Advanced Placement classes. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
AP Physics C - Mechanics (11-12) Corequisites: AP Calculus (AB or BC) and departmental recommendation. In keeping with the College Board’s stated objectives, this course aims to foster in students a basic knowledge of physics, a systematic approach to problem solving, an appreciation of the physical world, and a developed sense of skepticism. This one semester course is an indepth, calculus-based exploration of Newtonian Mechanics and requires successful completion of at least one AP Calculus class. Major content areas divide the course into the following major sections: Kinematics, Newton’s Laws of Motion, work, energy and power, systems of particles, linear momentum, circular motion and rotation, oscillations, and gravitation. Students learn these essential concepts and acquire these skills using the active physics model. Demonstrations, interactive physics simulations, laboratory work, problem solving, student-led discussion, and direct instruction will be a part of every learning unit. In addition, constructivist labs are used in every topic area to introduce students to engineering best practices and the essentials of error analysis.
AP Physics 2 (11-12) Prerequisites: Algebra II and departmental recommendation. Students explore principles of fluids, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, optics, and topics in modern physics. The course is based on seven big ideas, which encompass core scientific principles, theories, and processes that cut across traditional boundaries and provide a broad way of thinking about the physical world. Students will learn these essential concepts and acquire these skills using the active physics model. Demonstrations, interactive physics simulations, laboratory work, problem solving, student led discussion, and direct instruction are a part of every learning unit. In addition, constructivist labs are used in every topic area to introduce students to engineering best practices and the essentials of error analysis. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
Course Descriptions Chemistry (10)
Honors Chemistry (10)
AP Chemistry (11-12)
Chemistry investigates the nature of matter and the changes that matter undergoes. In chemistry, we make use of both experiment and theory; facts and principles complement each other. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, matter and measurement, atomic structure, atomic theory, and the organization of the periodic table, chemical nomenclature, reactions and stoichiometry, gas laws, thermochemistry, ionic and covalent bonding, molecular geometry, and solutions and acids and bases. Students will develop critical thinking and solid problem-solving skills, as well as laboratory experience through inquiry, technology, and traditionally based experiments. Laboratory experiments develop concepts studied in class and provide the opportunity for students to explore, analyze, and interpret their results, and to form conclusions based on their results.
Prerequisites: successful completion of Physics Honors and departmental recommendation.
Prerequisites: Algebra II and departmental recommendation.
This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class.
Honors Chemistry, designed for students with a strong math/science background and a serious desire to further their studies in these areas, covers the same topics as the regular level course on deeper scope, with a heavier emphasis on independent, higher-level thinking and problem solving skills. Additional topics covered include, but are not limited to, combustion analysis, oxidation reduction reactions, equilibrium, and electrochemistry. Students develop critical thinking and solid problem-solving skills, as well as laboratory experience through inquiry, technology, and traditionally based experiments. Laboratory experiments develop concepts studied in class and provide the opportunity for students to explore, analyze, and interpret their results, and to form conclusions based on their results. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class.
The Advanced Placement Chemistry course covers the practical and theoretical developments in physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry. It is designed for students who have successfully completed Honors or regular Chemistry and who wish to take a second year of Chemistry including the Advanced Placement examination. Each student is encouraged to think imaginatively, with an emphasis on explaining, interpreting, and applying knowledge to new situations. It is a mathematically rigorous course, and students must be enrolled in Algebra II as a minimum. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
Biology (11-12)
Honors Biology (11-12)
AP Biology (12)
This course provides an in-depth study of the levels of organization of living systems from biochemistry to the whole organism and the ecosystem in which it lives. Students are asked to view the biosphere from all levels of organization in order to understand the complex interrelationships that exist among organisms and between organisms and their environment. Evolution is presented as the paradigm of modern biological thought. Problemsolving in a conceptual framework is a major component of the course. Interpretation of graphical information and construction of graphs as a mechanism of data summary are covered in laboratory and lecture. Students are encouraged to read two books during the year and are required to write two reports. Laboratory exercises are designed to develop observational powers and clarify the “scientific method.” Examples used to illustrate principles and ideas are drawn from the instructor’s experience, which provides the students with a view of some of the activities of a biologist. Biology fulfills lab science requirements.
Prerequisites: successful completion of Chemistry Honors and departmental recommendation.
Prerequisites: successful completion of Chemistry Honors, Biology Honors, and departmental recommendation.
This course provides an in-depth study of the levels of organization of living systems from biochemistry to the whole organism and the ecosystem in which it lives. Students are asked to view the biosphere from all levels of organization in order to understand the complex interrelationships that exist among organisms and between organisms and their environment. Evolution is presented as the paradigm of modern biological thought. Problemsolving in a conceptual framework is a major component of the course. Interpretation of graphical information and construction of graphs as a mechanism of data summary are covered in laboratory and lecture. Students are encouraged to read two books during the year and are required to write two reports. Laboratory exercises are designed to develop observational powers and clarify the “scientific method.” Examples used to illustrate principles and ideas are drawn from the instructor’s experience, which provides the students with a view of some of the activities of a biologist. The Honors course covers the same general material as the regular Biology course. However, the material is covered more rapidly, in greater depth, and the students are expected to demonstrate a greater mastery of the material presented. The Honors course also incorporates and utilizes more mathematics than the regular course. Biology fulfills lab science requirements.
This course is designed as a firstyear college level course, following guidelines established for the Advanced Placement Biology course and examinations. Discussions of material peripheral to the texts are used to encourage the development of a biological viewpoint. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and to work independently to acquire the factual material of the course. Students are required to develop and complete an independent research project.
This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class
Biological Engineering (11-12) Prerequisite: Biology or Honors Biology. Hands-on projects engage students in engineering design problems related to biomechanics, cardiovascular engineering, genetic engineering, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, forensics, and bioethics. Students apply biological and engineering concepts to design materials and processes that directly measure, repair, improve, and extend living systems. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Engineering or Lab Science class
This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class 33
Course Descriptions Environmental Science (12)
Engineer Your World (10-12)
Prerequisite: completion of Biology.
Prerequisites: successful completion of Physics or Physics Honors.
This course offers an in-depth examination of various contemporary environmental problems such as acid deposition, ozone depletion, rain forest destruction, and global warming. In addition to these global issues, students also examine local and regional issues. The course begins by examining the scientific principles that allow for a mechanistic understanding of the problems. The focus then shifts to an examination of the ways in which the government has attempted to meet the needs of its constituents in order to provide socially acceptable environmental standards. Although U.S. environmental policy is the focus of this section, policies of other countries are examined and evaluated as well. Laboratory exercises demonstrate principles and allow students to make actual measures of local environmental parameters. The course culminates with a major project that involves field inquiry and library research. Students must have completed Biology prior to enrollment in this course. Although this course includes laboratory exercises, it does not meet the University of California’s requirement for a lab science. The course does count as a science elective. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Lab Science class. This course serves as a Global Scholars credit.
This course engages the student in authentic engineering practices in a project-based learning (PBL) environment. Learning is scaffolded over a series of engaging and socially relevant explorations and design challenges. The curriculum focuses on creating a 1) narrative of engineering, 2) building engineering design skills, 3) developing engineering habits of mind, and 4) introducing engineering fields and professions. Projects include a customer needs study with still photography, a chemical engineering exploration of coffee, a civil engineering project with earthquake proofing, an electrical engineering experience with electronic music and systems analysis with aerial imaging. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Engineering class.
AP Computer Science A* Prerequisite: Algebra II/Trig and Introduction to Computer Programming with a grade of A or demonstrated computer programming experience The AP Computer Science A course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design. These techniques represent proven approaches for developing solutions that can scale up from small, simple problems to large, complex problems. This course uses the Java programming language. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Technology class
Honors STEAM Research* This class gives students experience in implementing their own independent research project. Through a thorough investigation of scientific literature, students design their own unique research question in a STEAM discipline to investigate over the course of the year. Students then develop protocols to address the topic of study and collect and analyze data. Upon completion of analysis, students write a summary of findings. Students present their work in an oral seminar format and in poster format for a panel of scientists and community members. This course serves as STEAM Scholars class in an area to be determined by the nature of the project, and satisfies the STEAM culminating project requirement.
Upper School Electives: Introduction to Programming (9-12) This course offers students a broad understanding of procedural and object-oriented computer programming geared towards a foundation for AP Computer Science. Students learn to write and execute programs, and gain an understanding of fundamentals such as keywords, data types, strings, variables and arithmetic operators. The focus is on fundamental principles of problem solving and basic concepts of programing. Students learn various control structures and how to use them, including boolean operators, truth tables, and tools expressing design such as a flowchart. This course is designed to be a rewarding and fun learning experience for students who have no prior experience and for students with moderate skills programming computers. Computer language to be determined. This course serves as STEAM Scholars Technology ½ credit
iOS App and Game Design (9-12) This course is an introduction to game design programming for casual games and focuses on elements that make computer games compelling, from rules and simulated worlds to stories and social experiences. Students develop a broad range of skill sets, from game design to interface design, and learn to use programming technology to effectively bring a video game project for a casual game from concept to completion. The casual gaming course is designed to provide students with design training in a creative environment. By the end of class, students will produce an app game prototype or a complete casual game for Mac, web, and/or mobile platforms, including iPhone, iPod, and iPad app development. This course serves as STEAM Scholars technology ½ credit
Introduction to Mechanisms and Machines: (8th period) This introductory course explores the role of mechanical engineering in developing many of the fundamental technological advances on which today’s society depends. Students will be exposed to several mature and emerging technologies through a series of projects and case studies. Topics include: airplanes, automobiles, robots, and modern manufacturing methods. The physical concepts that govern the operation of these technologies will be developed from basic principles and then applied in simple design problems. This course serves as STEAM Scholars engineering ½ credit 35
Course Descriptions Advanced Mechanical Engineering Principles: (9th period) The goal of this course is to further develop an understanding of machine design and mechanical engineering applications. Using hands-on experiences, students will explore multiple modalities for locomotion and articulation, including gear train analysis, pneumatics and mechatronics. In addition, materials properties and constraints will also be studied and tested. 9th grade physics and the Intro to Mechanisms and Machines course are prerequisites for this course. This course serves as STEAM Scholars engineering ½ credit
Intro to Electronics (8th period) In this introductory course, students will learn the basics of electronics circuitry and soldering. Through hands-on classwide and individual projects, students will learn how to program in the Arduino prototyping platform, understand the principles of programming micro-controllers, explore basic principles in electronics design and study and use many types of sensors and components. This course serves as STEAM Scholars engineering ½ credit
Making and Engineering Design (9th period)
Independent Study Robotics (9th period)
In this course, students will learn how to use a variety of tools and technologies in order to design, prototype, and develop their own creations. Through a diverse series of projects, ranging from whimsical to practical, students develop fluency in current technologies, grow as empathetic creators and collaborators, and become a part of the world-wide Making community. The course begins with several weeks dedicated to skill-building units followed by collaborative project-based units, culminating in an independent theme-based project.
In this capstone course, students work with a mentor to conceive an original and independent robotics project. The subject matter will move beyond the material covered in the previous engineering modules and the VEX and FRC robotics teams. During the course of the year, students will research the project, develop a design statement, design and implement the project. A demonstration to the community of the final product along with a poster presentation is required. Participation on the VEX robotics team and completion of two prior engineering modules are prerequisites for this course.
This course serves as STEAM Scholars engineering ½ credit
Product Design (8th period) This class examines how designers invent or reinvent useful products. Using the design process and solid modeling software, students will ideate, design and create a variety of items that have real world applications. Students will engage in extended length projects where they will consider functionality and object aesthetics as well as environmental and social issues. They will also generate and maintain a portfolio of their work throughout the course. This course serves as STEAM Scholars engineering ½ credit
This course serves as STEAM Scholars engineering or technology ½ credit depending on project specialization
Exploring Global Health: Medical Service Learning in Guatemala (10-12) Interested in the medical or health fields? Want to be involved in a program that makes a sustainable and enduring impact? During this course, students will travel to Guatemala to work side-by-side with Duke and Harvard University students and faculty, facilitating medical interventions and screenings in the pueblos around Xela, Guatemala. From March 22 - April 2, 2017 (includes a week of spring break), students will get intensive training in medical skills and in the culture and language of Guatemala to better interact with patients at clinics in Xela. While on campus, Windward students will prepare for this experience by exploring cross-cultural understandings, critical global medical issues, health care delivery and service learning methodology. They will work on honing their collaboration, communication and leadership skills, as they are related to integrating into a new community. Upon return from the trip, the class will reflect on their experiences and explore how the skills and curiosities they have built can be applied both locally and globally, in the present and in their future learning.
satisfies the STEAM Service Project requirement. Service hours earned while in this course can be applied to the graduation requirement and to an application for Service Honors Society. This course serves as a Global Scholars credit.
The course is open to all students in grades 10 - 12. Prior study of Spanish is not required. Note: this course involves a required global trip, and students are required to apply. All interested are encouraged to apply, and admission to the course is expected to be competitive. This course serves as a Global Scholars credit, serves as ½ credit STEAM Scholars Science class, and 37