MUSIC HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SUMMER MUSIC PROGRAM Start by answering the following 6 questions:
1. What do you want to gain from a summer music program? • • • •
Consider these: *À Û>Ìi iÃÃ Ã Ü Ì > ëiV wV Ìi>V iÀ i>À } Ì «À>VÌ Vi Ài ivwV i Ì Þ > ` ivviVÌ Ûi Þ Opportunities to play in ensembles, orchestras, bands
• • • • •
Opportunities to jam with other students, faculty Music theory classes Audition preparation and support Help in reducing performance anxiety Master classes
2. What beside music would you like to explore or participate in? 3. What kind of environment do you want to be in? Are you looking for a well-rounded camp experience or a more focused music experience? In what area of the country – or world? Are you looking for a cultural experience in conjunction with a summer music program? Or do you need or want to be a commuter? Do you want to explore a ëiV wV V i}i À V ÃiÀÛ>Ì ÀÞ Ü i ÃÌÕ`Þ } Õà V¶ 4. At what level do you currently perform? And are you able and willing to audition to be accepted? 5. Length of program: How long of a program are you able and willing to commit to? È° > ViÃ\ 7 >Ì >Ài Þ ÕÀ w > V > ÀiÃÌÀ VÌ Ã¶ Þ Õ >Ûi Ì i Ì >«« Þ v À ÃV >Àà «Ã > ` Ì iÀ w > V > > ` v >Û> >L i¶ Ìi Ì >Ì w > V > ÃÕ«« ÀÌ vÌi ÀiµÕ Àià >«« Þ } i>À Þ°®
6[RGU QH 2TQITCOU CPF $GPGƂVU 9 Õ >Þ w ` Ì >Ì Ì iÀi½Ã ÛiÀ >« LiÌÜii > ` > }ÃÌ Ì i «À }À> Ã Þ Õ V à `iÀ] LÕÌ Ì Ã Ü «ivÕ Þ i « }Õ `i Þ Õ to the type of summer experience that will meet your needs. 1. Performing arts camps •
Get lessons, practice, and performance opportunities in a well-rounded summer experience.
Meet fellow musicians who also seek a broader summer experience.
Participate in traditional camp activities: water and land sports, hiking, social events, overnight excursions, crafts, etc.
2. Programs on college campuses •
Ý«iÀ i Vi Ü >Ì vi Ü Õ ` Li i >Ì > ëiV wV Õà V ÃV °
Get to know the faculty, campus, dorms – even the food.
Take lessons from faculty you may end up studying with.
Feel out the location – how do you like the area? Would it work to be there for four years?
Gain college-planning and audition skills.
3. Instrument and genre-focused programs •
Immerse yourself in your area of musical focus and passion.
iiÌ vi } vÀ i `Ã > ` i Ì ÀÃ Þ ÕÀ wi `°
4. Programs associated with music festivals •
Meet faculty who perform all over the world as well as a select group of students with shared interests.
If housed on a college campus, see #2 above.
5. International summer music programs •
Immerse yourself in another culture to broaden your musical interests.
Experience how a different culture informs your compositions and arrangements.
Meet mentors and fellow students from around the world.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Scholarships for High School Juniors Marine Band Concerto Competition º/ i *Àià `i ̽à "Ü » 1 Ìi` -Ì>Ìià Marine Band, in conjunction with the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation and NAfME, announces the Marine Band Concerto Competition for high school musicians. The winner will appear as a guest soloist Ü Ì Ì i 1°-° >À i > ` > ` ÀiVi Ûi a cash prize. Open to high school Õà V > à }À>`ià q£Ó® i À i` `ÕÀ } the 2013–2014 academic year. Performers of woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments may apply. Deadline: November 15 National Music Scholarship Fair This annual spring event gives students the chance to audition for several college/ university music programs from across the country. You can audition for as many of the participating schools as you like. 9 Õ½ > à i>À Ài >L ÕÌ i>V v Ì i represented programs. School Band & Orchestra Magazine Essay Scholarship This scholarship offers prize money to students who write an essay of 250 words or less on a music theme. -i iVÌi` ÃÌÕ`i ÌÃ Ü > f£]äää ÃV >Àà « and music products for their school music program. Public and private school students in grades 4–12 are eligible. Deadline: December 31
The Williams Chorale Bacardi Fallon Scholarship Competition The Williams Chorale Bacardi Fallon -V >Àà « «iÌ Ì Ã v À } ÃV juniors and seniors pursuing vocal or instrumental studies. The Williams Chorale and the Bacardi > -V >Àà « Õ `>Ì Ü >Ü>À` ÛiÀ f£Ó]äää «À âi iÞ] V Õ` } fn]xää Ì Ì i Ì « v ÕÀ Ì> i Ìi` } school students. All applicants chosen to compete at the April competition who do Ì w Ã Ì i Ì « v ÕÀ Ü ÀiVi Ûi fÎää° Each prize-winning student will also be a featured soloist with the Williams Chorale Ìà Ƃ Õ> -«À } V ViÀÌ° The competition is open to high school juniors and seniors who are pursuing vocal or instrumental studies and who attend > Þ 1°-° } ÃV ° Deadline: Traditionally March 15 Davidson Fellows The Davidson Fellowship is open to students who can demonstrate noteworthy achievements through the creation of > ºÃ } wV> Ì « iVi v Ü À » > i` >Ì improving the lives of others in several subject areas, including music. A ºÃ } wV> Ì « iVi v Ü À » Õà V Ü Õ ` be an exemplary performance and/or another demonstration of extraordinary accomplishment. Awards are granted in the amount of fxä]äää] fÓx]äää] > ` f£ä]äää°
Ƃ«« V> ÌÃ ÕÃÌ Li Õ `iÀ Ì i >}i v £n Ì be eligible for this award. Deadline: Traditionally March 3 The VSA Arts International Young Soloists Program This program is designed to identify and encourage talented musicians who have > ` Ã>L ÌÞ° / i 6-Ƃ ƂÀÌÃ ÌiÀ >Ì > 9 Õ } - ÃÌÃ ƂÜ>À` Ã } Ûi > Õ> Þ Ì four outstanding musicians or ensembles, ÌÜ vÀ Ì i 1°-° > ` ÌÜ vÀ Ì i international arena. Any individual musician (instrumental À Û V> ® vÀ Ì i 1°-° Ü >Ã > disability and is under 25 years of age is encouraged to apply. Any individual musician who is under 30 and is from ÕÌÃ `i Ì i 1°-° Ã i V ÕÀ>}i` Ì >«« Þ° The award provides an opportunity for these emerging musicians to each earn > fx]äää >Ü>À` > ` > «iÀv À > Vi Washington, D.C. Deadline: November (application materials Ü Li i Ì i v> ®
Tri-M Music Honor Society Chapter of the Year Music Scholarships These scholarships are available to members of the Tri-M® Music Honor - V iÌÞ] > «À }À> v Ƃv ° / i scholarship program offers scholarship money for summer study programs to chapters that win one of three recognitions at the national level in each division: Ãi À } ÃV ® > ` Õ À `` i ÃV ®° -V >ÀÃ « iÞ Ã >Ü>À`i` LÞ the advisors of the winning chapters to deserving students. Open only to members of the Tri-M Music À - V iÌÞ° Winners have the chance to win up to f£]äää ÃV >ÀÃ « vÕ `Ã v À ÃÕ iÀ music study. Deadline: April 30
Scholarships for High School Seniors
Marine Band Concerto Competition º/ i *Àià `i ̽à "Ü » 1 Ìi` -Ì>Ìià Marine Band, in conjunction with the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation and NAfME, announces the Marine Band Concerto Competition for high school musicians. The winner will appear as a guest soloist Ü Ì Ì i 1°-° >À i > ` > ` ÀiVi Ûi a cash prize. Open to high school Õà V > à }À>`ià q£Ó® i À i` `ÕÀ } the 2011–2012 academic year. Performers of woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments may apply. Deadline: November 15 Glenn Miller Birthplace Society Scholarship This award is given to graduating high ÃV Ãi Àà À wÀÃÌ Þi>À V i}i students who intend to make music a central part of their future life. Applicants submit audition CDs or tapes; w > ÃÌà V «iÌi >À `>] Ü>Æ > ` Î instrumentalists and 3 vocalists are chosen to perform at the Glenn Miller Festival. 7 iÀà ÀiVi Ûi Õ« Ì f{]xää° Deadline: mid-March
National Music Scholarship Fair This annual spring event gives students the chance to audition for several college/ university music programs from across the country. You can audition for as many of the participating schools as you like. 9 Õ½ > à i>À Ài >L ÕÌ i>V v Ì i represented programs. School Band & Orchestra Magazine Essay Scholarship This scholarship offers prize money to students who write an essay of 250 words or less on a music theme. -i iVÌi` ÃÌÕ`i ÌÃ Ü > f£]äää ÃV >Àà « and music products for their school music program. Public and private school students in grades 4–12 are eligible. Deadline: December 31 The Williams Chorale Bacardi Fallon Scholarship Competition The Williams Chorale Bacardi Fallon -V >Àà « «iÌ Ì Ã v À } ÃV juniors and seniors pursuing vocal or instrumental studies. The Williams Chorale and the Bacardi > -V >Àà « Õ `>Ì Ü >Ü>À` ÛiÀ f£Ó]äää «À âi iÞ] V Õ` } fn]xää Ì Ì i Ì « v ÕÀ Ì> i Ìi` } school students. All applicants chosen to compete at the April competition who do Ì w Ã Ì i Ì « v ÕÀ Ü ÀiVi Ûi fÎää° Each prize-winning student will also be a featured soloist with the Williams Chorale Ìà Ƃ Õ> -«À } V ViÀÌ° The competition is open to high school juniors and seniors who are pursuing vocal or instrumental studies and who attend > Þ 1°-° } ÃV ° Deadline: March 15 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation Scholarship The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation provides funds to select seniors from Cleveland and New York City public high schools who intend to study music or the business of music >Ì Ì i V i}i iÛi ° -V >Àà «Ã >Ài awarded based on personal essays. The ÃV >Àà «Ã Ì Ì> fxä]äää Ü Ì Ì i ià split evenly between Cleveland and New 9 À ° iV Ü Ì Þ ÕÀ ÃV ½Ã }Õ `> Vi counselors for more information.
Stamford Symphony Orchestra Instrumental Scholarship -Ì> v À` -Þ « Þ "ÀV iÃÌÀ> vviÀà > ÃÌÀÕ i Ì> ÃV >Àà « Ì µÕ> wi` } school seniors who either live in or attend high school in the state of Connecticut and will be pursuing a music performance major in college. 7 iÀà >Ài >Ü>À`i` Õ« Ì f£ä]äää v À college study. Deadline: December 1 The VSA Arts International Young Soloists Program This program is designed to identify and encourage talented musicians who have > ` Ã>L ÌÞ° / i 6-Ƃ ƂÀÌà ÌiÀ >Ì > 9 Õ } - ÃÌà ƂÜ>À` à } Ûi > Õ> Þ Ì four outstanding musicians or ensembles, ÌÜ vÀ Ì i 1°-° > ` ÌÜ vÀ Ì i international arena. Any individual musician (instrumental À Û V> ® vÀ Ì i 1°-° Ü >à > disability and is under 25 years of age is encouraged to apply. Any individual musician who is under 30 and is from ÕÌà `i Ì i 1°-° à i V ÕÀ>}i` Ì >«« Þ° The award provides an opportunity for these emerging musicians to each earn > fx]äää >Ü>À` > ` > «iÀv À > Vi Washington, D.C. Deadline: November (application materials Ü Li i Ì i v> ® National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (NFAA) Recognition and Talent Search NFAA accepts registrations from young artists in the categories of dance, cinematic arts, jazz, music, photography, theater, visual arts, voice, and writing for its talent search program. High school seniors may apply to win cash awards and scholarships and the chance to participate ƂƂ ƂÀÌà 7ii > ` Li > i` > 1° -° *Àià `i Ì > -V >À Ì i ƂÀÌð ` Û `Õ> >Ü>À`à v Õ« Ì f£ä]äää >Ài available. Registration for 2011 opens March 15
CBC Spouses Heineken USA Performing Arts Scholarship Competition This scholarship fund is operated by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and offers scholarship funds to highly motivated students who plan to attend, or are currently attending, an accredited college or university or are pursuing a career in the performing arts. Deadline: April 29, 2011 Tri-M Music Honor Society Chapter of the Year Music Scholarships These scholarships are available to members of the Tri-M® Music Honor - V iÌÞ] > «À }À> v Ƃv ° / i scholarship program offers scholarship money for summer study programs to chapters that win one of three recognitions at the national level in each division: Ãi À } ÃV ® > ` Õ À `` i ÃV ®° -V >Àà « iÞ Ã >Ü>À`i` LÞ the advisors of the winning chapters to deserving students. Open only to members of the Tri-M Music À - V iÌÞ° Winners have the chance to win up to f£]äää ÃV >Àà « vÕ `à v À ÃÕ iÀ music study. Deadline: April 30 Community Service/Extracurricular Activities Oriented Scholarships Best Buy Scholarship / i iÃÌ ÕÞ -V >Àà «Ã >Ài >Û> >L i Ì students in grades 9-12 who demonstrate academic achievements, volunteer ivv ÀÌÃ] > ` Ü À iÝ«iÀ i Vi° -ÌÕ`i Ìà must demonstrate commitment to and involvement in volunteer community ÃiÀÛ Vi° -i iVÌ v ÀiV « i ÌÃ Ü Li based on solid academic performance and exemplary community service with consideration also given to participation and leadership in school activities and work experience.
Coca-Cola Scholars Program / i V> > -V >ÀÃ Õ `>Ì >Ü>À`à > Ì Ì> v fΰ{ > Õ> Þ achievement-based, four-year scholarships to 250 outstanding high school seniors vÀ V Õ Ì ià >VÀ ÃÃ Ì i 1°-° -ÌÕ`i Ìà will be selected based on their leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, character, motivation to succeed, and community service.
Scholarships for Marching Musicians
Óää ,i} > -V >Àà «Ã v f£ä]äää i>V > ` xä >Ì > -V >Àà «Ã v fÓä]äää each will be rewarded.
The John Philip Sousa Foundation The Dr. Robert Hawkins Memorial -V >Àà « «À Û `ià > f£]äää ÃV >Àà « for a student planning to complete a degree in instrumental music education
Deadline: October 31 The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards -« à Ài` «>ÀÌ iÀà « Ü Ì Ì i >Ì > ƂÃà V >Ì v -iV `>ÀÞ -V Principals, these awards honor young people in grades 5 through 12 who have volunteered in their communities. This >Ü>À` «À }À> Ã Ì i V Õ ÌÀ޽à >À}iÃÌ volunteer recognition program for young people. Deadline: November 2 SYTA Youth Foundation “Road” Scholarship -ÌÕ`i Ìà « > } i`ÕV>Ì > ÌÀ>Ûi «À }À> à LÕÌ ii` } w > V > >Ãà ÃÌ> Vi V> >«« Þ v À > º, >`» -V >Àà « vviÀi` LÞ Ì i -9/Ƃ 9 ÕÌ Õ `>Ì ] V° -9 ®° / i -9 «À Û `ià ÃV >Àà «Ã wÛi Ì ià > year. Music directors, teachers, principals, and other youth leaders can submit nominations. -ÌÕ`i Ìà Óx > ` Õ `iÀ Ü >Ài participating in student group travel are eligible. ƂÜ>À`à ի Ì f£]äää >Ài >Û> >L i° Deadlines: October 15, January 15, and May 15
The following organizations offer resources for marching musicians who are looking for college funds. Drum Corps International *À Û `ià > À i `à v
-V >Àà « v fÓ]äää Ì Ãi iVÌi` ÃÌÕ`i Ìð
Marching Show Concepts "vviÀÃ ÌÜ f£]äää ÃV >ÀÃ «Ã Ì ÃÌÕ`i ÌÃ interested in music education Music for All Provides music scholarships including the Revelli Fund for students planning to complete a music degree NAMM Offers funds to encourage students to pursue careers in the music products industry Winter Guard International Provides funds to select annual WGI World Championships participants Women Band Directors International "vviÀÃ ÃV >ÀÃ «Ã vÀ fÎää Ì fxää Ì women who plan to complete a degree in instrumental music
Leeds College of Music Focus: Short courses in songwriting, theory for pop musicians, music theatre & opera, computer music, audio recording, mixing jazz. Oberlin in Italy Focus: Intensive Italian Opera Training Program in Tuscany (for singers, pianists, instrumentalists, conductors, stage directors, design & production artists). Includes private lessons, coaching, master classes, language study. Performing Arts Abroad (PAA) Focus: Music programs abroad; all instruments and areas of study. Royal Irish Academy of Music (RIAM) Focus: For ages 12-18 to develop as an orchestral musician. necessary. The Ingenium Academy International Music Summer School (London, UK) Focus: Orchestral, vocal, piano, saxophone Vancouver Symphony Orchestral Institute at Whistler Focus: Orchestra, woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion, violin, trombone, french horn, tuba, chamber music. Veneto Jazz Workshop with New School Jazz Faculty Focus: Instrumental jazz technique lessons, theory, arranging, combo, big band. Banff Center For the Arts
UAB Summer Music Technology Camp Focus: For grades 7 – 12: Audio recording, live sound production MIDI and audio sequencing, music notations plus career opportunities in music technology.
A Cappella Academy Focus: Contemporary a cappella music, ages 13-18 by audition only. Co-founders include a member and arrangers for Pentatonix and The Sing-Off. Bocal Majority Bassoon Camps & Operation O.B.O.E. Camps Focus: Bassoon and oboe programs in Malibu and Sacramento. California Summer Music A thriving environment for young musicians and composers to learn, grow, and achieve their goals through the unique experience of music making. Every summer, we provide each emerging artist highly individualized, quality musical training and mentoring with CSM faculty and internationally renowned guest artists. Must be at least 13. Crossroads School Summer Music Programs Jazz Music Workshop Music, Modern Creation and Recording Music, Modern Creation and Sound Engineering, New! Music, Scoring for Film Music, Sound Engineering Fundamentals Songwriting, New! FOOSA Festival/Fresno Summer Orchestra Academy Focus: All orchestra instruments including harp; no piano. Idyllwild Arts Jazz Vocal Intensive Focus: Jazz Vocal. Idyllwild Arts Summer Program Focus: Band, chamber music, choir, jazz workshop, piano, orchestra, harp workshop, vocal jazz intensive, songwriting, song and dance. Jazz Camp West 2016 Focus: Jazz/vocal intensive; piano intensive/advanced instrumental track. Monterey Jazz Festival Each summer over 100 students, ages 12-18, participate in an intensive summer camp in Monterey taught by MJF ArtistIn-Residence, and other respected jazz educators. Open to all instrumentalists and vocalists.
San Francisco Conservatory Focus: Gilbert & Sullivan Scenes (voice students); Composition Workshop (chamber music). Stanford Jazz Workshop Stanford Jazz Workshop is renowned for it’s jazz curriculum, teachers and resident artists. a program of immersion in both technique and improvisation, Stanford Jazz Workshop students develop a deeper appreciation for jazz as an art form while simultaneously improving the own level of performance.
Aspen Music Festival Colorado Conservatory for the Jazz Arts Jazz in the Sangres Camp Focus: Small group/improv and big band focus, plus master classes, jam sessions, workshops, performances, activities for high school musicians. Horns, drums, piano, guitar, bass, vibes.
Learning from — indeed jamming with — jazz greats of today and legends of yesterday, students are motivated to perform at their highest level, and to bring their own personality and life experiences to their playing of one of America’s most expressive musical genres. Through this model of instruction and immersion, students will play the jazz of their life.
Colorado State University Summer Camps Focus: Marching Band, Band Leadership, Organ, Clarinet, Percussion, Composition, Education, Conducting, Kodaly, Dalcroze-based Eurhythmics.
Jazz Camp Classes and Activities: Jazz theory – focuses on harmony, song forms, scales, and advanced...
Lamont School of Music Summer Academy Focus: All instruments (except guitar & organ); voice; composition.
Audition: Yes Stanford Summer Arts Institute Focus: Music theory, Music perceptions. State University of Denver Focus: Chamber Music and Orchestral Workshop, Woodwinds Workshop, Guitar Foundation of America Convention and Competition, Orff Summer Retreat.
University of California San Diego Jazz Camp
summer program designed for intermediate to advanced level jazz musicians, ages 14–adult. Enrollment is limited to a maximum of 60 students, who work directly with our faculty of internationally renowned jazz artists, exploring styles ranging from classic bebop to contemporary open-form. Students receive one-on-one and small group instruction, earning three units of University of California continuing education credit.
Rocky Ridge Music Festival Focus: Orchestra, voice, piano, composition, chamber music, concerto competition, solo, concerts. Sound Formation’s Annual Summer Music Camp Focus: Electronic music production, arranging, master classes, all instruments, recording, performing, mastering rhythm, music business.
Camp; senior band, orchestra, choir camp; senior piano camp. Music/Community/Summer-Programs.html University of Southern California Focus: Guitar Seminar, Brass Seminar, Vocal Arts and College Audition Seminar, electronic dance music, musical theatre, brass. Windward Recording Arts Production Camp Sound engineering and production, no playing experience necessary. June 25-29, 2019 at Windward School in Los Angeles. Open to students entering grades 5-10 in the following school year.
University of Colorado, Boulder College of Music Focus: High School Music Academy for band, orchestra and piano; Summer Jazz Academy. University of Colorado Denver LYNX National Arts & Media Camps Focus: Music Industry – singer/songwriter, recording arts, music business, performance/ensembles. Pages/LYNX_Summer_Camps.aspx
College Audition Advantage Summer Institute ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ 6œˆVi ÂVÂ?>ĂƒĂƒÂˆV>Â? >˜` Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV>Â? ĂŒÂ…i>ĂŒĂ€iŽ° Hartt School of Music ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ -Փ“iĂ€ >ââ 7ÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤ] -Փ“iĂ€ Ă•ĂƒÂˆV>Â? /Â…i>ĂŒĂ€i Â˜ĂŒiÂ˜ĂƒÂˆĂ›i *Ă€ÂœviĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? *Ă€Âœ}Ă€>“] >Ă€ĂŒĂŒ -Ă•Ă˘Ă•ÂŽÂˆ Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi° .KVEJĆ‚GNF ,C\\ %COR ÂœĂ•Â˜`i` ˆ˜ £™™Ç] ÂˆĂŒVÂ…wiÂ?` >ââ >“ ĂƒiÀÛiĂƒ ĂŽxä‡ {ää residential and day students during a month-long program on ĂŒÂ…i V>Â“ÂŤĂ•Ăƒ Âœv >Â˜ĂŒiĂ€LÕÀÞ -V…œœÂ? ˆ˜ iĂœ ˆÂ?vÂœĂ€`] œ˜˜iVĂŒÂˆVĂ•ĂŒÂ° ,Ă•Â˜ LĂž ÂˆĂŒVÂ…wiÂ?` *iĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“ÂˆÂ˜} Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ] > ĂŽx‡Þi>Ă€Â‡ÂœÂ?` VÂ…>Ă€ÂˆĂŒ>LÂ?i organization dedicated to changing lives through music, the Camp's philosophy is simple. We start with a faculty of amazing and inspiring jazz musicians who represent the best jazz players/ educators on the scene today. To that we add eager music students in a non-competitive, all-inclusive program. No audition ÂˆĂƒ Ă€iÂľĂ•ÂˆĂ€i`Æ Â?Ă•ĂƒĂŒ > `iĂƒÂˆĂ€i ĂŒÂœ >ĂŒĂŒi˜` >˜` “>ÂŽi Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV° ÂˆĂŒVÂ…wiÂ?` >ââ Camp embraces all learners: students of all ages from 12 years up-- beginners, intermediate learners, advanced players, students with learning disabilities. That is how the collaborative, supportive >˜` vĂ•Â˜ >ĂŒÂ“ÂœĂƒÂŤÂ…iĂ€i >ĂŒ ÂˆĂŒVÂ…wiÂ?` >ââ >“ ÂˆĂƒ VĂ€i>ĂŒi`° Â?ÂˆĂŒVÂ…wiÂ?`Â?>ââviĂƒĂŒÂ°VÂœÂ“Ă‰Â?>ââ‡V>“
Washington International Piano Festival Focus: Piano competition, master classes, private lessons, concerts. High School Musical Theatre Institute Focus: Intensive summer training held at Benjamin T. Rome -V…œœÂ? Âœv Ă•ĂƒÂˆV >ĂŒ >ĂŒÂ…ÂœÂ?ˆV 1Â˜ÂˆĂ›iĂ€ĂƒÂˆĂŒĂžÂ°
Florida State University College of Music Focus: Band Camp, Choral Ensemble Camp, Double Bass Workshop, Guitar Workshop, Honors Chamber Winds Camp, Jazz Ensemble Camp, Marching Band Leadership Camp, Piano Camp, Piano and Organ Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi] -ĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} "Ă€VÂ…iĂƒĂŒĂ€> >“] /Ă•L> >˜` Ă•ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜ÂˆĂ•Â“ ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤÂ° “>Â?ÂœĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}ÂˆÂ˜Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV°VÂœÂ“Ă‰yÂœĂ€Âˆ`>Â‡ĂƒĂŒ>ĂŒiÂ‡Ă•Â˜ÂˆĂ›iĂ€ĂƒÂˆĂŒĂžÂ‡VÂœÂ?Â?i}iÂ‡Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV Frost Young Musicians Camp ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ 1Â˜ÂˆĂ›iĂ€ĂƒÂˆĂŒĂž Âœv ˆ>“ˆ ĂƒĂ•Â“Â“iĂ€ Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV V>“ vÂœĂ€ ĂŒiiÂ˜ĂƒÂ°
Voice Experience – The Sherrill Milnes VOICE Studio and Camp Voice Focus: Voice.
Sun Valley Summer Symphony – Summer Music Workshops Focus: Classical training in strings, voice, piano, woodwinds, brass, percussion for all ages through college.
Roosevelt Pre-College Summer Intensive Focus: Voice, dance, stage performance for actors and musical theatre singers. Showchoir Camps of America Focus: Voice, dance and stage performance.
Depauw University Summer Music Focus: Vocal performance; Global Musician Workshop. Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Summer 2016 Academies ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ ->Ă?ÂœÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜i Ć‚V>`i“ÞÆ 1 -Փ“iĂ€ Ă•ĂƒÂˆV Â?ˆ˜ˆVÆ -ĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} Academy; Piano Academy; Percussion Academy; College Audition Preparation Program. The Songbook Academy Focus: Voice, singing, jazz, musical theatre.
Jamey Aebersold Jazz Camps Our workshops have earned a reputation for producing the best intensive programs for learning jazz improvisation. Each Year, Ăœi >ĂƒĂƒi“LÂ?i ĂŒÂ…i ˜>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ Â?i>`ˆ˜} i`Ă•V>ĂŒÂœĂ€Ăƒ >˜` ÂŤiĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“iĂ€Ăƒ dedicated to providing an intensive learning experience for musicians of all ages and levels. Theory Classes, Ear Training,
œ“LÂœ *iĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“>˜Vi] >˜` >ĂƒĂŒiÀ‡ Â?>ĂƒĂƒ -iĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ >Â?Â?ÂœĂœ ĂžÂœĂ• the opportunity to grow and develop to your fullest potential. 7Â…iĂŒÂ…iĂ€ > Li}ˆ˜˜ˆ˜} ÂˆÂ“ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›ÂˆĂƒiĂ€ ÂœĂ€ > Ăƒi>ĂƒÂœÂ˜i` ÂŤĂ€Âœ] ĂžÂœĂ•Â˝Â?Â? Â?i>Ă›i with tons of new and exciting ideas about how to improve your playing. We welcome all instruments, including rhythm section, ĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}Ăƒ >˜` Ă›ÂœV>Â?ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂƒ >˜` Ć‚ 6 - q vĂ€ÂœÂ“ Â˜ÂœĂ›ÂˆVi ĂŒÂœ ÂŤĂ€Âœt Participants get master classes on their instruments, ear-training ĂƒiĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ] vĂ€ii Vœ˜ViĂ€ĂŒĂƒ LĂž ĂŒÂ…i >Â?Â?Â‡ĂƒĂŒ>Ă€ v>VĂ•Â?ĂŒĂž i>VÂ… ˜ˆ}Â…ĂŒ ÂĂœi½Ûi Lii˜ ĂŒÂœÂ?` ĂŒÂ…iĂƒi >Ă€i ĂœÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ… ĂŒÂ…i VÂœĂƒĂŒ >Â?œ˜itÂŽ] Â?>ââ ĂŒÂ…iÂœĂ€Ăž VÂ?>ĂƒĂƒiĂƒ ÂvÂœĂ•Ă€ Â?iĂ›iÂ?Ăƒ] vĂ€ÂœÂ“ Li}ˆ˜˜ˆ˜} ĂŒÂœ >`Ă›>˜Vi`ÂŽ] >˜` “ÕVÂ… Â“ÂœĂ€it "v course, there are the all-important combo rehearsals, led by our instructors, where students are matched (via a private audition on -Ă•Â˜`>ގ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… ÂœĂŒÂ…iĂ€Ăƒ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i Ăƒ>“i >LˆÂ?ÂˆĂŒĂžÂ°
ÂœÂ˜Â˝ĂŒ Â“ÂˆĂƒĂƒ ÂœĂ•ĂŒ œ˜ ĂŒÂ…ÂˆĂƒ }Ă€i>ĂŒ ÂœÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒĂ•Â˜ÂˆĂŒĂž ĂŒÂœ }iĂŒ Ă€i>Â?] ÂŤĂ€>VĂŒÂˆV>Â?] Â…>˜`ĂƒÂ‡ÂœÂ˜ Â?>ââ ÂˆÂ˜ĂƒĂŒĂ€Ă•VĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜t
Bowdoin International Music Festival At least 13 years of age.
Peabody Institute ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ >Ă€ÂˆÂ˜> *ˆVVˆ˜ˆ˜ˆ Â˜ĂŒiĂ€Â˜>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? Â?Ă•ĂŒi -Փ“iĂ€ >ĂƒĂŒiĂ€ Classes, Piano at Peabody, Bassoon Week, Peabody Bass Works.
Boston Conservatory Focus: Vocal/Choral Intensive, Musical Theater Dance Intensive ÂvÂœĂ€ >}iĂƒ ÂŁx‡ÓxŽ° ˆ}Â… -V…œœÂ? ÂœÂ“ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Â˜ĂŒiÂ˜ĂƒÂˆĂ›i] ÂœĂ€Â˜ Â˜ĂŒiÂ˜ĂƒÂˆĂ›i Â>}iĂƒ ÂŁx³Ž] -Փ“iĂ€ Ă€>ĂƒĂƒ Â˜ĂŒiÂ˜ĂƒÂˆĂ›i] >˜Vi Â˜ĂŒiÂ˜ĂƒÂˆĂ›i° Pipe Organ Encounter at Smith College ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ ÂœĂ€ ÂŤÂˆ>Â˜ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂƒ >}iĂƒ £Ó‡£n° ĂƒÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}wiÂ?`>}ÂœÂ°ÂœĂ€}É*" ڍ>}iÂ°Â…ĂŒÂ“Â?
University of Missouri, St. Louis Jazz Camp/Jim Widner Jazz Camp Daily classes in improvisation, combo playing, instrument master classes, ear training and faculty concerts.
The Walden School Young Musicians Program & Creative Musicians Retreat Focus: Composition, performance. Young Musicians Program: Ć‚}iĂƒ ™‡£n° Ă€i>ĂŒÂˆĂ›i Ă•ĂƒÂˆVˆ>Â˜Ăƒ ,iĂŒĂ€i>ĂŒ\ ÂœĂ€ >}iĂƒ ÂŁnÂł Â>˜` …ˆ}Â…Â?Ăž ÂŤĂ€ÂœwVˆiÂ˜ĂŒ ĂƒĂŒĂ•`iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒ Ă•Â˜`iĂ€ ÂŁnŽ°
Mason Gross School of the Arts? at Rutgers University ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ -Փ“iĂ€ >ââ Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi] -ĂžÂ“ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜ÂˆV 7ˆ˜` >˜` >˜` Chamber Music Camp, Chamber Music Institute. Other arts ÂŤĂ€Âœ}Ă€>Â“Ăƒ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`ˆ˜} wÂ?““>Žˆ˜}°
Berklee College of Music
Cap21 ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ ˆ}Â… -V…œœÂ? Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV>Â? ĂŒÂ…i>ĂŒĂ€i ĂŒĂ€>ˆ˜ˆ˜} ÂŤĂ€Âœ}Ă€>“° 6œˆVi] acting, musical theatre, ballet, jazz, dance.
Interlochen Summer Arts Camp ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ "Ă€VÂ…iĂƒĂŒĂ€> >˜` ĂœÂˆÂ˜` ĂƒĂžÂ“ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜ĂžĂ† >`Ă›>˜Vi` ĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} ¾Õ>Ă€ĂŒiĂŒĂ† music composition; classical guitar; harp; organ; piano; voice; jazz; rock music; singer-songwriter; string institutes; woodwinds institutes; brass and percussion institutes; piano institute; musical theatre. Western Michigan University Focus: Brass, woodwind, percussion, string, vocal/choral, keyboard, and composition, chamber music, music theory, electives.
McNally Smith College of Music Focus: Vocal, guitar, jazz, hip-hop, and music industry camps.
University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory Festivals and Summer Programs ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ ÂœÂ“ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ 7ÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤ] >ââ >“] ->Ă?ÂœÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜i Workshop. For grad students: Advanced Choral Conducting 7ÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤ] œ˜`Ă•VĂŒÂˆÂ˜} -ĂžÂ“ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂ•Â“ ÂÂˆÂ˜ĂƒĂŒĂ€Ă•Â“iÂ˜ĂŒ>Â?ÂŽ] VÂœÂ“ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆÂ˜} vÂœĂ€ Choreography Project.
Chamber Music Center of New York Focus: Chamber Music immersion. 3-week day program. Daily coaching, chorus, chamber orchestra. Crane Youth Music ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ -ĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}ĂƒĂ† 6ˆViÆ Â…>“LiĂ€ Â…ÂœÂˆĂ€Ă† /Ă€iLÂ?i Â…ÂœÂˆĂ€Ă† œ˜ViĂ€ĂŒ] -ĂžÂ“ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜ÂˆV E >ââ >˜`ĂƒĂ† >ââ] 7ˆ˜` E iÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ Â˜Ăƒi“LÂ?iĂƒĂ†
Â…>“LiĂ€ Ă•ĂƒÂˆVÆ -ĂžÂ“ÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜ĂžĂ† *ˆ>Â˜ÂœĂ† >À° Fredonia Summer Music Festival Focus: Band, chamber ensembles, voice, jazz. French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts Focus: All instruments, piano, and voice/all styles. Ithaca College Summer Music Academy ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ "Ă€VÂ…iĂƒĂŒĂ€>] Ă›ÂœV>Â?] ĂœÂˆÂ˜` iÂ˜Ăƒi“LÂ?i ÂL>˜`ÂŽ >˜` Â?>ââ programs; college preparatory workshop. Electives in performance, music education, sound recording technology, composition. Musical theatre for intermediate division.
Long Lake Camp for the Arts Focus: Voice, Music Camp, Rock Camp, Band Camp, Vocals, Guitar. Meadowmount At least 13 “i>`ÂœĂœÂ“ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒÂ°VÂœÂ“Ă‰ 91 -Փ“iĂ€ >ââ Workshop #1 - New York University /Â…i 91 -Փ“iĂ€ >ââ Â“ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›ÂˆĂƒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ 7ÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤ Vœ“Lˆ˜iĂƒ cutting-edge jazz education with master classes and workshops LĂž ĂŒÂ…i w˜iĂƒĂŒ Â?>ââ Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆVˆ>Â˜Ăƒ ˆ˜ iĂœ 9ÂœĂ€ÂŽ ÂˆĂŒĂžÂ° /Â…ÂˆĂƒ ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤ offers courses covering a wide range of subjects and a diverse ensemble program tailored to the needs of intermediate to advanced students. Along with world-renowned jazz studies faculty, the workshop will include daily interaction with jazz Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆVˆ>Â˜Ăƒ vĂ€ÂœÂ“ >Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜` ĂŒÂ…i ĂœÂœĂ€Â?`] “>Žˆ˜} ĂŒÂ…ÂˆĂƒ > Ă•Â˜ÂˆÂľĂ•i opportunity that could only be offered in Greenwich Village, the mecca for jazz.
Showchoir Camps of America Focus: Voice, dance and stage performance. Kent Blossom Music Festival
Oklahoma City University Summer Music Programs ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ Ă•ĂƒÂˆV /Â…i>ĂŒiĂ€] 6ÂœV>Â? Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi] ÂœĂŒ -ÂŤÂœĂŒĂƒ vÂœĂ€ Ă•ĂƒÂˆV /Â…i>ĂŒiĂ€ ˆ˜ Â?ÂœĂ€Âˆ`>ÂŽ] -Փ“iĂ€ *iĂ€VĂ•ĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ *Ă€Âœ}Ă€>“ vÂœĂ€ “>Ă€V…ˆ˜} band, symphonic band or orchestra, Bassoon Camp.
University of Oregon Summer Music Camps ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ œ˜ViĂ€ĂŒ >˜` >“ ÂvÂœĂ€ ĂœÂœÂœ`ĂœÂˆÂ˜`] LĂ€>ĂƒĂƒ] ÂŤiĂ€VĂ•ĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ÂŽ] "Ă€VÂ…iĂƒĂŒĂ€> >“ ÂvÂœĂ€ ĂƒĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} ĂƒĂŒĂ•`iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒÂŽ q }Ă€>`Ă•>ĂŒÂˆÂ˜} ĂƒiÂ˜ÂˆÂœĂ€Ăƒ welcome. Marching & Leadership Camp, Jazz Improvisation Camp.
Syracuse University Summer College ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ Ć‚VĂŒÂˆÂ˜} E Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV>Â? ĂŒÂ…i>ĂŒĂ€iÆ Ă€iVÂœĂ€`ˆ˜} ĂƒĂŒĂ•`ˆœ ĂŒiVÂ…Â˜ÂˆÂľĂ•iĂƒÂ°
Appalachian State University Cannon Music Camp Focus: 3-week music retreat with 1:1 musical instruction, performances, intensive college preparatory work in performance and music theory. UNCSA Summer Music Workshops ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ -ĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜}Ăƒ] Ă›ÂœV>Â?] VÂœÂ“ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] ÂŤÂˆ>˜œ] VÂœÂ?Â?>LÂœĂ€>ĂŒÂˆĂ›i ÂŤÂˆ>˜œ] }Ă•ÂˆĂŒ>Ă€] ĂœÂœÂ“iÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ VÂ…ÂœĂ€>Â?i] Â…>À] ÂŤiĂ€VĂ•ĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜
Bocal Majority Bassoon Camps & Operation O.B.O.E. Camps Focus: Bassoon and oboe programs in Miami. Columbus Jazz Academy œˆ˜ Ă•Ăƒ >ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i >ââ Ć‚V>`i“Þ vÂœĂ€ œ˜i Âœv ÂœĂ•Ă€ iĂ?VÂˆĂŒÂˆÂ˜} -Փ“iĂ€ *Ă€Âœ}Ă€>Â“Ăƒt Ă€ÂœÂ“ ĂƒÂˆÂ˜}iĂ€Ăƒ ĂŒÂœ ÂˆÂ˜ĂƒĂŒĂ€Ă•Â“iÂ˜ĂŒ>Â?ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂƒ >˜` Žˆ`Ăƒ ĂŒÂœ >`Ă•Â?ĂŒĂƒ] ĂŒÂ…iĂ€i ÂˆĂƒ ĂƒĂ•Ă€i ĂŒÂœ Li > Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV‡“>Žˆ˜} ÂœÂŤÂŤÂœĂ€ĂŒĂ•Â˜ÂˆĂŒĂž vÂœĂ€ iĂ›iĂ€ĂžÂœÂ˜it Oberlin Conservatory of Music Summer Programs ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ >Ă€ÂœÂľĂ•i *iĂ€vÂœĂ€Â“>˜Vi Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi] Â?Ă•ĂŒi Ć‚V>`i“Þ] >ĂƒĂƒ Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi] "Ă€}>˜ Ć‚V>`i“Þ] *iĂ€VĂ•ĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi] -œ˜ˆV Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ Workshop, Trombone Workshop, Trumpet Workshop, Vocal Academy. For program in Italy, see International listings.
Carnegie Mellon University Summer Pre-College Music Focus: Majors include instrumental performance (all instruments ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`ˆ˜} L>}ÂŤÂˆÂŤi >˜` Â?>ââ ÂŤÂˆ>˜œŽ] Ă›ÂœÂˆVi] VÂœÂ“ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV technology. Private lessons, music theory, improvisation, sightsinging, concert choir, professional performances. /CPUĆ‚GNF 7PKXGTUKV[ QH 2GPPU[NXCPKC Focus: Clarinet Camp, Flute Camp, Oboe & Bassoon Camp, *iĂ€VĂ•ĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ >“] Â…ÂœĂ€>Â? Ć‚V>`i“Þ] ->Ă?ÂœÂŤÂ…ÂœÂ˜i >“] 9ÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… Music Camp. “>Â˜ĂƒwiÂ?`°i`ÕÉV>Â“ÂŤĂƒĂ‰Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV‡V>Â“ÂŤĂƒ Honors Music Institute at Penn State Focus: High school choir, band, wind ensemble, piano. Philadelphia International Music Camp ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ -ĂŒĂ•`Ăž ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… “i“LiĂ€Ăƒ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i *…ˆÂ?>`iÂ?ÂŤÂ…Âˆ> "Ă€VÂ…iĂƒĂŒĂ€>° Susquehanna University Summer Music Institutes Focus: Ensemble & Chamber Music intensives for high school wind players and choral singers. Leadership Institute for Entrepreneurship. ĂƒĂ•ĂƒÂľĂ•Â°i`ÕÉ>LÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ‡ĂƒĂ•Ă‰ÂˆÂ˜Â‡ĂŒÂ…i‡VÂœÂ“Â“Ă•Â˜ÂˆĂŒĂžĂ‰ĂƒĂ•Â“Â“iĂ€Â‡Â…Âˆ}Â…Â‡ĂƒV…œœÂ?‡ programs
Southeastern Piano Festival Focus: Piano.
Belmont University School of Music ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ -ĂŒĂ€ÂˆÂ˜} Ă€ÂœĂƒĂƒÂˆÂ˜}Ăƒ >“ ÂĂ›ÂˆÂœÂ?ˆ˜] Ă›ÂˆÂœÂ?>] ViÂ?Â?Âœ] `ÂœĂ•LÂ?i L>ĂƒĂƒ ˆ˜ “ÕÂ?ĂŒÂˆÂŤÂ?i ĂƒĂŒĂžÂ?iĂƒ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`ˆ˜} Â?>ĂƒĂƒÂˆV>Â?] -ĂœÂˆÂ˜}] iÂ?ĂŒÂˆV] ,ÂœVÂŽ] >ââ] Â?Ă•i}Ă€>ĂƒĂƒÂŽ] -Փ“iĂ€ 7ˆ˜`Ăƒ >˜` >“ ÂĂœÂœÂœ`ĂœÂˆÂ˜`Ăƒ] LĂ€>ĂƒĂƒ] ÂŤiĂ€VĂ•ĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ˆ˜ Â?>ĂƒĂƒÂˆV>Â? E >ââŽ] 6ÂœV>Â? Ć‚Ă€ĂŒĂƒ ÂĂƒÂœÂ?Âœ] iÂ˜Ăƒi“LÂ?i] VÂ…ÂœĂ€>Â? ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… iÂ?iVĂŒÂˆĂ›iĂƒ >˜` “>ĂƒĂŒiĂ€VÂ?>ĂƒĂƒiĂƒÂŽ] *ˆ>˜œ >“  Â?>ĂƒĂƒÂˆV>Â? ÂœĂ€ >ââ ÂŤÂ?Ă•Ăƒ Â“Ă•ĂƒÂˆV ĂŒÂ…iÂœĂ€Ăž] ĂƒÂˆ}Â…ĂŒÂ‡Ă€i>`ˆ˜}] ÂˆÂ“ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›ÂˆĂƒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ÂŽÂ° Visable Music College Focus: Modern music, music production, music business for students interested in music and Christian worship. Program available in Memphis, TN; Lansing, IL; Atascadero, CA; Aurora, CO; and Dallas, TX.
The Jazz Academy of Music, Metropolitan Washington /Â…i >ââ Ć‚V>`i“Þ Âœv Ă•ĂƒÂˆV ÂˆĂƒ > Â˜ÂœÂ˜Â‡ÂŤĂ€ÂœwĂŒ ÂœĂ€}>Â˜ÂˆĂ˘>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜] established in 2002, whose mission is to advance and preserve the art of Jazz Music through education. In support of the Ć‚V>`iÂ“ĂžÂ˝Ăƒ Â“ÂˆĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜] ÂœĂ•Ă€ }Âœ>Â?Ăƒ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i\ •
Developing a broader appreciation for Jazz Music in our communities.
Exposing our youth to the disciplines of applied music thereby enhancing their individual creativity, deductive reasoning abilities, and focus.
/Âœ Ă€i`ÂˆĂ€iVĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i >ĂŒĂŒiÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ Âœv ÂœĂ•Ă€ Âş>ĂŒ Ă€ÂˆĂƒÂŽÂť ĂžÂœĂ•ĂŒÂ… vĂ€ÂœÂ“ ĂŒÂ…i ˜i}>ĂŒÂˆĂ›i ˆ˜yĂ•i˜ViĂƒ ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ VÂœÂ“Â“Ă•Â˜ÂˆĂŒĂž LĂž i˜}>}ˆ˜} ĂŒÂ…i“ in the study of Jazz music.
Bocal Majority Bassoon Camps & Operation O.B.O.E. Camps Focus: Bassoon and oboe programs in Abilene, Austin, Dallas, ÂœĂ€ĂŒ 7ÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ…] ÂœĂ•ĂƒĂŒÂœÂ˜] Ă•LLÂœVÂŽ] ->˜ Ć‚Â˜ĂŒÂœÂ˜ÂˆÂœÂ°
/Â…i Ć‚V>`i“Þ ÂˆĂƒ Ă•Â˜ÂˆÂľĂ•i LiV>Ă•Ăƒi iĂƒĂŒ>LÂ?ÂˆĂƒÂ…i` ÂŤĂ€ÂœviĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â? performing musicians in the community, in partnership with the educators in our schools and colleges will teach the students. Paramount to the success of the program is that the Academy provides various outlets for the students to perform. The performances reinforce the need to establish and achieve goals. A discipline that is crucial to success in life.
SMU Institute for Young Pianists Focus: Pre-college piano students.
ĂƒÂ“Ă•Â°i`ÕÉ i>`ÂœĂœĂƒĂ‰Ć‚Ă€i>Ăƒ"v-ĂŒĂ•`ÞÉ Ă•ĂƒÂˆVÉ 7ÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…ÂœÂŤĂƒĆ‚Â˜`-ÂŤiVˆ>Â?*Ă€Âœ}Ă€>Â“ĂƒĂ‰- 1 Â˜ĂƒĂŒÂˆĂŒĂ•ĂŒi9ÂœĂ•Â˜}*ˆ>Â˜ÂˆĂƒĂŒĂƒ University of Houston Moores School of Music Focus: Choir, Band Camp, Texas Music Festival.
Bocal Majority Bassoon Camps & Operation O.B.O.E. Camps Focus: Bassoon and oboe programs in Winchester.
Marrowstone Music Festival Focus: Orchestra, chamber music, all orchestral instruments.
Lawrence University ÂœVĂ•Ăƒ\ ˆ}Â… -V…œœÂ? Ă•ĂƒÂˆV>Â? /Â…i>ĂŒĂ€i >“] *ˆ>˜œ "`ĂžĂƒĂƒiĂž >“] Chamber Music Odyssey Camp, Band Camp.