Uvs Mngt plan summary.docx

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Description Overall 1,390,190 hectares of special protected area of Uvs Lake basin consists of Uvs Lake Strictly Protected Area (SPA), Khan-Khukhii Mountain & Khyargas Lake National Parks (NP) and Tes River Nature Reserve (NR) area; three types of protected areas requiring different regimes for protection and conservation, therefore the entire area is considered pivotal to Mongolia’s PA network. Uvs Lake SPA is located in the north-western part of Mongolia covering wide magnitude of areas in Great Lakes Depression and mountains belonging to Altai Mountain range. It is considered to be northern edge border of Central Asian desert area with unique ecological landscape, hence the area was taken under protection as an entire ecosystem. The area consists of Uvs Lake SPA, Turgen Mountain SPA, Tsagaan Shuvuut Mountain SPA and Altan Els SPA scattering over 735,845 ha. The area has a combination of Gobi desert, desert-steppe, steppe, forest steppe, mountains and glaciers featuring extreme continental climate. Uvs Lake SPAs were recognized as Biosphere Reserve within UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Programme in 1997, listed as important site within RAMSAR convention on wetlands in 1998 and inscribed as World Natural Heritage in 2003. In addition, the areas belong to International Geo-Biosphere Research Region and serve as international standard model in Central Asia. Those features clearly demonstrate that Uvs Lake SPA is a highly valued nature zone for not only conservation but also scientific research.

Uvs Lake Basin Protected Areas Map by WWF Mongolia

The management plan (2010-2014) identified 29 mid-term goals driving towards the attainment of its overall vision. A total of 189 activities within 49 objectives require funds of MNT100 million.

©Tony Vorauer

Management plan The main purpose for updated management plan aims at

©WWF Mongolia

meeting existing demands for further scientific research, observation and study, conservation of biological and genetic diversity, protection and rehabilitation of natural resources; encouraging sustainable use of natural resources; raising environment awareness and fostering education; increasing access to information;

identifying further actions for protection of historical and cultural heritages based on in-depth analyses and comprehensive planning and implementation for effective actions.

©Uvs Lake PA administration

Upon in-depth analyses on threats posed to biodiversity of Uvs Lake basin PA and challenges to attaining the overall goal, the following key directions were identified and set as objectives of this management plan.

©Uvs Lake PA administration

developing ecological tourism;


ŠUvs Lake PA administration

Key directions 1. Strengthening capacity of administration of Uvs Lake basin PA 1.1 Strengthen financial capacity 1.2 Strengthen technical capacity 1.3 Strengthen human resource capacity

2. Expanding environment communications, education and public awareness 2.1 Ensure smooth operations of resource centers and student clubs 2.2 Ensure that public has greater access to information and communicate values of PA and importance of nature conservation

3. Developing inter-agency cooperation 3.1 Expand existing cooperation with PAs in foreign countries 3.2 Establish trans-boundary PA 3.3 Develop joint management plan with Uvs Lake Depression PA of Tuva Republic, Russia and effectively implement the plan 3.4 Develop participatory scientific research in the PA 3.5 Establish new relationship and cooperation with other foreign PAs 3.6 Boost operations of conservation partnerships and groups in the buffer zone

4. Protecting the biodiversity 4.1 Conservation of wild animal species 4.2 Conservation of forests and plant species

5. Implementing natural resource management 5.1 Support sustainable pastureland management 5.2 Create proper forest management

6. Enhancing the research and study activities 6.1 Develop comprehensive policy and program for operating biodiversity research and study in Uvs Lake basin PA 6.2 Create database of natural resources 6.3 Conduct comprehensive and full-scale survey on natural resources (animals, forest, forest by-products, fish and herbal plants) 6.4 Introduce survey and monitoring methodology 6.5 Mainstream trans-boundary survey and research 6.7 Develop proposals for inclusion of specific areas into the PA network

7. Improving inspection & patrolling 7.1 Expand the volunteer rangers’ network 7.2 Create database for consolidating data on environmental crimes 7.3 Create the system to incentivize information provision on violation of environmental legislation 7.4 Improve wildfire management 7.5 Stabilize and regularize trans-boundary and joint inspections

8. Promoting responsible tourism 8.1 Develop and implement responsible tourism program 8.2 Promote trans-boundary tourism in cooperation with PA in Tuva Republic of Russia and other partners

©Tony Vorauer

Outcomes Upon implementation of this management plan, the following outcomes will be achieved:

©Tony Vorauer

As Uvs Lake basin lies on the northern point of dry and arid region of Central Asia, proper management ensuring sustainable use of natural resources and stabilizing its protection status would play key role in conservation of ecological balance not only in Mongolia, but also in the entire region; Hands-on document clearly identifying main difficulties that Uvs Lake basin PA may encounter in the short term, potential prevention and mitigation ways from negative impacts and ensuring the cooperation of the stakeholders; Clear enhancement in overall protection management of 4 SPAs in Uvs Lake basin (Altan Els, Uvs Lake, Turgen and Tsagaan Shuvuut), NPs of Khan-Khukhii Mountain and Khyargas Lake and NR area of Tes River; Opportunities for ensuring effective protection and development management of regional network and trans-boundary PAs, strengthening and expanding the cooperation; Through implementation of optimal management for training and qualification of Uvs Lake basin PA staff, their professional skills will be improved along with effective monitoring, inspection and research enabling conservation actions ascend to high professionalism; All stakeholders’ participation will be ensured based on mutual acceptance of rights and obligations of local community; bound with Mongolian legislation and international treaties; Ensuring participation of national and international stakeholders in creating financial, technical and human resource capacity, necessary for effective implementation of Uvs Lake basin PA management; By creating mechanism of equal share for gains and costs for PA management by the stakeholders, new form for PA governance will be created;

Overall accomplishment of the management plan will be achieved upon full-scale performance and fulfillment of planned action and reaching the outcomes as verified by clear criteria and indicators. Therefore, all staff and stakeholders will strive towards fulfilling their annual plan as stated in performance indicators of the management plan. The PA administration is urged to monitor the management plan implementation in a participatory way at the end of 2012, to conduct mid-term evaluation and the final evaluation in 2014 followed by developing management plan for the next five year period. ©Tony Vorauer

With clear definition of goal, objectives, activities, timeline, expected measurable outcomes and indicators, full scale oversight on plan implementation will be created;

Monitoring and evaluation

Implementation tools and methods

To ensure effective implementation of management plan, annual work plans will be developed and approved by the Department for Administration of SPAs, Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism. An important component for ensuring management plan implementation is financing of planned activities. Due to this common problem, Uvs PA administration encounters financial deficit for implementation of the plan even though it generates income from the government budget and its own revenue, therefore 25% of the required funding is expected from international projects and programs, technical and financial assistance from PAs of other countries, namely through cooperative agreement and developing project proposals for potential funding. In addition to this, local communities and businesses will be partners in implementation of this management plan.

©Tony Vorauer

In consideration of peculiarities of PAs, the management plan will be implemented through professional guidance and management of PA Administration and with participation of soum administration, buffer zone councils, specialized inspection department, emergency department, local communities, conservation partnerships, business entities and scientific organizations operating in the PAs.

Contact address: Uvs Lake PA administration Tel: +976-0145223607 E-mail: delhiinovuvsnuur_mn@yahoo.com Website: www.uvsbasin.com

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