2 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
It is hard to believe that it is already August! It seems that riding season just started about a week ago, but with the damp weather this spring and summer, it has been a little bit on the shy side for riding. That is unless you like to ride in the rain, but I don’t know many that actually “like” to ride in the rain. There is still plenty of time to rack up some miles, see some wonderful Iowa countryside, and be able to meet up with all your biker friends before the weather turns for the season in a couple of months. There is certainly plenty to do in Iowa in August, just look at the events listing on the inside back cover! There are more things on the list than there are days in the month. It does not matter what you ride or what type of event you like, if you cannot find something to do on two wheels in August, you must simply be too picky! Old time biker events, poker runs, bike shows, family friendly events, lions, tigers, and even bears can be found. Well, just kidding, not really lions, tigers, and bears, but pick the right event and there may be a cougar sighting.
experience with Iowa. There have been many things going on the past few months that have gotten the state and the country stirred up beyond belief. Many things that eat at the core of what this great country was founded upon. I firmly believe that our forefathers would kick our asses if they could for the way that we have handled things in this country. When I say “WE”, I truly mean that. WE are all responsible for the current state of our Union. WE are all in this together. WE all need to work together to get us on the right track, or WE will all end up failing together. I used to fear that our children could one day live in a country looking down the barrel of a revolution, but now I see that WE have damned near put ourselves behind the proverbial cannons. This cannot continue. WE need to be active in exercising our rights as citizens of the United States of America. WE need to strive for FREEDOM. WE need to get over the politically correct crap and simply call bullshit when we see it. WE need to communicate and collaborate with other like-minded individuals and not let the few set the rules for the many. WE need to stop feeding into the bullshit and making noninformed decisions. WE need to be educated, intelligent citizens, voters, and patriots. WE the People should be once again more than a saying from a couple hundred years ago. WE can do this together.
One of the impressive things about this great state that we live in is the immense amount of talent and dedication we each have to our respective crafts. People in Iowa tend to be more passionate about what they do, and this is even more so in the motorcycle world. Builders, painters, welders, fabricators, mechanics, and even purely riders take more pride in their rides than about anywhere else I have been. This trickles down to the business owners here. Vernon and Melanie Schwarte Help support the local businesses as much as you can. We ask that you frequent the supporters of the magazine that Quote of the Month: “A day without sunshine is like, you are listed in ads on this page, and on the Biker Friendly know, night.” Steve Martin Directory on Page 10-13 every month. The businesses on those four pages are your guide to getting about anything you need, and are truly Biker Friendly! Many of those businesses are biker owned, and they “get it”. Help support the local economy, help support Iowa businesses, and help support TRMI sponsors. We would also like to thank those sponsors for helping to get this in front of your eyes every month. Without their support, we could not do what we do. Every month we pride ourselves on being About Iowa, For Iowa, and From Iowa. We do not mention a whole lot anything outside of our state lines. In August though, it is anticipated that there will be the biggest gathering of bikers that South Dakota has ever seen. The event is celebrating its 75th anniversary so it is pretty monumental (yes, pun intended). For those that are going, we are asking for you to share your experience with those of us that will not make it. Post photos of Iowans at the rally on the Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa Facebook page. Tell us where you are at and what town you are from in Iowa in the posting. Show us what you find that is cool and exciting and share your 4 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
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TR T RM MII A UGUS UG UST 20 22015 01155 - 5 015 TRMI AUGUST
Have you ever wondered what it takes to find yourself on the cover of a magazine? How to make the necessary connections to be among the pages of a pin-up calendar? Here is one woman’s story of how she went from admirer to cover model… Okay, where do I even begin…? The first time e I saw Nate’s booth at the Capital pital City Bike Show in 2013, 3, I was completely blown n away (and super jealous). All ll I thought to myself was, s, “what it would be like to be one of those drop dead gorgeous girls in those e pictures”? Well, here it is 3 years later and I’ve been one of those girls…and I could not tell you how amazing this journey has been for me! Any time I’m in front of the camera I feel like a million dollars! Every time I see one of my photos from a new shoot I’ve done it’s like I’m a little kid in a candy store. I just get super excited! I’ve had so many opportunities on this road of modeling gigs. First off I was able to grace the front cover of Thunder Roads Magazine gazine of Iowa in February 2014. I truly don’t mean to sound self-centered, but I was so shocked, speechless, echless, and just flat out stunned that this girl I was looking at on this front cover of this is magazine was ME! Not to mention, I’d never done any modeling before and those photos alone were my very first photos from my first shoot with Nate. Then it donned on me that this man was a GOD (as I like to call him)! I’ve never been one to ever think I was anything nice to look at, but let et me tell you…these photos have ve changed my thinking about myself one hundred percent! I’ve learned to love this body of mine, whether perfect in anyone else’s mind or not. With th all of the amazing compliments ts I’ve gotten, who couldn’t help but learn to appreciate themselves es even more? That’s not all though; gh; I’ve also done the unthinkable… e as in modeling nude. Well, I guess topless is almost
6 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
nude, right? But, I love motorcycles and the biker community, so why not??? Besides, it was the adrenaline rush of a lifetime and Nate was totally professional about everything, so I never felt uneasy about any of it. Hell, those topless pictures even landed me on a page in another chopper magazine called Show Class a li little later in 2014, just a few months after my cover appearance for c Thunder Roads Iowa. T I truly never imagined would see myself on Iw any of these pages, an and my dad’s likely an going to kill me for that, go lol! But this experience has been worth it! Last year I found out I was yea pregnant, and Nate preg offered me the amazing offer opportunity to be able oppo model pregnant, and to mo I’m here he to say that being months pregnant and 8 mon wearing 4-inch heels is wearin actually possible! Showing actuall off my baby bump of course, feeling as beautiful as and fee ever! Being in Natanic’s calendar 3 years rrunning has been a blast…as well as a memory I’ll forget! I’ve been on both never forg the pictures…posing sides of th super sexy in nothing but a thong and flaunting my goods, pregnant and showing to being pr off the extra 80 pounds. Makes realize no matter what you really re size you are, this “God” with the camera ssure as hell knows what he’s doing doi with that thing! I’m so agreed to meeting up with glad I a amazing Nate to do that first the ama shoot and have the ability to test sho go as ffar as I have. Just a couple after first meeting him at days a bike show in Des Moines, he the bi contacted me asking if I’d ever conta done any modeling before. I hadn’t, but after admiring his hadn work at the show I knew it was wor something I wanted to be a som part par of! I think anyone reading this th story sto really needs to get on Nate’s web site at www. Lyfebehindbars.com L to t order his calendars, because Hey, I’m in b them! Along with many other Midwestern babes! babe Michelle
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
CMA Notes
as a country we are kind of like those glasses. We may have a good look but much is just a façade. We are a bit out of focus and don’t see clearly though we try to hide the fact that something has been bent or damaged. The good news At the time you is that by focusing on Jesus we can be fixed. God, knowing read this, many will be all, seeing all and being here at all times can help all if we in the midst of packing for Sturgis but as I begin turn to Him. Jesus understands and He can relate. The Bible says He came and suffered as a man; He took our sin and writing this I’m sitting in camp at the Freedom paid the price on the cross. God is all about hope and new Rally in Algona. What a beginnings! beautiful place we have Those going to Sturgis be careful as this 75th in Iowa for an event - the anniversary looks to be a record turnout. The projected long ride up was cool, numbers run anywhere from a 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 and the weather is actually it’s crazy on the roads on normal years. One of the things cooperating, there is CMA does out there each year is work the five hospitals in an interesting mix of the surrounding area. There are typically several fatalities bands, and of course, good friends. Thank you and numerous injuries during the week. There are way too many talks with family members that have lost loved ones ABATE and thank you Lord. As I sit here I am reminded as well as all the interacting with others in various states of again that we are truly blessed and should be thankful and celebrate the freedoms we have in our great country (while injury. I remember back in 2004 a tragic accident where a we still have them). We need to be vigilant and protective of biker was actually killed by a porta potty. It came loose and those freedoms whether God-given or man-initiated such as fell off the truck going down Interstate 90 wiping the guy our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Recent court decisions, out. I guess we never know when it’s our time to go. Be ready, know Jesus. fear of terrorism, and administrative edicts have eroded those freedoms and are indicative of a different direction and departure from our Godly foundations and history. Bob Blessings, Mark Dylan wrote a song that was taken from the book of Joshua where it says “You have to serve somebody”. The verse in Mark and Karla Cornick are Area Reps with the Christian Joshua says; “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to Motorcyclists Association. Find out more about CMA and God’s plan for you at www.cmausa.org . you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” We do have to make a choice who we will serve and right or wrong is not dependent on an individual’s feelings or political correctness. When we see God removed from the equation we see things go from order to disorder. In this day of misdirection and manufactured crises it’s easy to lose focus but complacency is not a cure. I liked what Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote when he said “If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction”. It might be time to check what train we are on. The other day I finally broke down and ordered some new much-needed prescription riding glasses but when they arrived, the focus point was not right. They looked great, the RX was correct but I couldn’t see clearly. As it turned out the plastic frames were bent. They were tweaked just enough to throw everything out of whack. As individuals and 8 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 9
The Biker Friendly Business Directory is a list of establishments throughout Iowa that sponsor the magazine. You can pick up your copy here every month. Let them know that you saw them in TRMI. If your business would like to advertise in Thunder Roads Iowa Biker Friendly Business Listing and become a part of the network, please email vernon@thunderroadsiowa. com
Biker Accessories CoolBikerStuff.com 1606 P Avenue Milford, Iowa 51351 877-816-2200 Follow us on Facebook!! Crispy’s Biker Apparel Cedar Rapids, Iowa Find Us On Facebook 319-241-0916 J&P Cycles 13225 Circle Drive Anamosa, IA 52205 www.jpcycles.com 800-318-4823 Leather & Hawgs 316 Main, Hornick, Iowa 121 1st St, Soldier, Iowa leather@wiatel.net www.leatherandhawgs.com
10 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Dealers Baxter Cycle 311 4th Street Marne, Iowa 51552 712-781-2351 www.baxtercycle.com Brenny’s Motorcycle Clinic 4426 State Street Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563)359-7222 www.BRENNYS.com Carroll Cycle Center 1327 Plaza Dr Carroll, Iowa 712-792-1610 www.carrollcycle.com Chipp’s Harley-Davidson Shop 1301 Southwest BLVD Osceola, Iowa 50213 641-342-7494 Chippshd.com Dubuque Harley-Davidson 145 N Crescent Rdg Dubuque, IA 52003 563-557-3735 www.dubuqueharley-davidson.com Ernie’s Harley-Davidson 2613 Hwy 18 East Algona, IA 50511 515-295-7951 www.erniesharley.com Fenders Cycle and Motorsport 1109 E Army Post Road Des Moines, Iowa 50315 515-256-9062 www.fenderscycle.com
Fenders Honda 100 South 16th Street Ames, Iowa 50010 info@fendershonda.com 515-233-4727
Werner Cycle Works 14410 Frontier Road Exit 440 I-80 Omaha, NE 68138 402-894-3050 www.wernercycleworks.com
Leer’s Cycle Center 101 Fletcher Avenue Waterloo, Iowa 50701 1-800-870-6058 www.leerscyclecenter.com
Whipp Sales and Service, Inc 701 S 8th Street Clarinda, Iowa 51632 1.800.477.0195 www.whippsalesandserv.com
Loess Hills Harley-Davidson 57408 190th Street Pacific Junction IA 51561 712-622-4000 loesshillshd.com
Wiebler’s Harley-Davidson 5320 Corporate Park Drive Davenport, IA 52807 563-355-6437 www.wieblers.com
Metro Harley-Davidson 2415 Westdale Drive SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 319-362-9496 www.metro-motorsports.com
Zylstra Harley-Davidson 1930 E 13th Street Ames, Iowa 50010 515-232-6223 zylstrahd.com
Nishna Valley Cycle HONDA – YAMAHA – KTM Atlantic, Iowa 50022 1-888-577-6406 www.nishnavalleycycle.com
Okoboji Harley-Davidson 1005 Eastview Avenue Okoboji IA, 51355 712-332-7700 www.erniesharley.com R/J Performance HWY 63 North Ottumwa, Iowa 52501 641.684.8400 www.rjperformance.com Uptown Motors Sales, Inc 310 Cleveland St Muscatine, IA 52761 563-263-2944 www.uptownmotorsales.com
Book Em Dano’s 33 S Main Street Denison, Iowa 51442 712-263-9818Mon-Sat 4-2 Dancers Nightly 5-1:30 Celebrations DJ & Karaoke Services Newton, IA 641-521-8036 Any Occasion or EventCelebrationsdjiowa.com Facebook/Ray Johansen National Motorcycle Museum 102 Chamber Drive Anamosa, Iowa 52205 319-462-3925 Nationalmcmuseum.org
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
Knoxville Raceway 1000 N Lincoln Street Knoxville, Iowa 50138 www.knoxvilleraceway.com 641-842-5431
Bikerz 313 Main Ave. ClearLake, IA 50428 641-440-4255 Noon-2am 7 days a week
Crescent Roadhouse Bar and Grill 634 Old Lincon Highway Crescent, Iowa 51526 712-227-0101 www.CrescentRoadhousebar.com
Durango Depot 736 Burtons Furnace Road Open 3 to close Best Scenic Road With the Best Food! 563-552-2291
Okoboji Classic Cars Museum and Restoration Shop 810 Jeppeson Road West Okoboji, Iowa 51351 712-332-802
Buck Snort 113 4th Street Neola, Iowa 51559 712-485-9090 The Buck Snort on Facebook
Cruisers Lounge 411 Main Griswold 712-778-4111 Mon-Thurs 3PM-Midnight Fri-Sat 3PM-2AM Sunday 11AMMidnight
Fro’s Pub ‘N Grub 309 Cedar St, Wilton 563-732-3977 Fro’s Pub n Grub on Facebook A Surprise Around Every Corner
Food and Drink
Buck Snort 310 Dr Van Zee Road Oakland, Iowa 51560 712-482-6881
4 Way Good Eats Where Friends Meet Wed - Sun 7 a.m. to close Luxemburg, IA. 563-853-3451 Full menu of All Homemade Goodness!
4th Avenue Grill 115 N 4th Ave. Logan, IA 51546 712-644-3200 Find us on Facebook Amigo’s 280 North 1st Street Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501 515-576-0142 Amigosfortdodge.com Barney’s 203 S Mill Street Wadena, Iowa 52169 563-774-2525 Barney’s Wadena on Facebook Baxa’s Sutliff Store & Tavern 5546 130th Street NE Lisbon 319-624-2204 Cold Beer, Delicious Food, Good Music & Great Times!
C&L Sandbar 103 North Noyes Street Mondamin, IA 51557 712-646-2300 or 712-216-0975 Hours Daily 11-close Cadillac Jack’s 106 Main Street Baxter, Iowa 50028 641-227-3611 Wednesday Bike Nights! Catfish Charlie’s On the Mississippi River 1630 E. 16th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 (563)582-8600 www.CatfishCharliesDubuque.com Cindi Mae’s 101 Main Street Earling, Iowa 51530 712-747-6262 Cindi Mae’s on Facebook Coon’s Corner 302 Front Street Neola, Iowa 51559 712-485-2068 Coon’s Corner on Facebook
D.T.L. 712-659-6006 206 Idaho Street Glidden, Iowa 51443 Patios, Pool, Pizza Shoe’s, Bags & Open Sundays! Dam Riverview Sports Bar The Rivers Closest Watering Hole Guttenburg, IA 563-252-4400 Unbeatable Views, Drinks, & Food!! Enjoy our Deck over The River!! Dee’s Catfish Cove 4815 S Concord Street Davenport Next to Sometimes IN the Mississippi River Closed on Mondays Desperados 105 E 5th Street Atlantic 712-243-7087 Home of Cold Beer, Good Times, Pizza & Wings Doc’s Roadhouse 309 East 7th Street Logan, Iowa 51543 712-644-3636 Open 365-8 am to Close Dolly’s Bar & Grill 109 N. Pine Street Auburn, Iowa 51433 712-688-2220
George And Dales Bar & Grill Downtown East Dubuque,IL Open 11 am 7 days a week Wed Bike Night 815-747-8810 Goozman›s Westside Bar & Grill Harlan, Iowa 712-755-2259 Goozman›s Westside on Facebook Haverhill Social Club 202 1st Street Haverhill, Iowa 50120 641-475-3321 Mon-Sat 10-2, Sun 12-12 Hawkeye Bar & Grill 110 North 4th Street Mapleton, IA 51034 712-882-1226 Mon-Sat 10:30 a.m. ~ Sun 12:00 p.m. Huffy’s Mule Barn 802 Main Street Anita, Iowa 50020 712-762-9995 www.huffysmulebarn.com Iron Saddle Saloon 39 S Main Street Dayton, Iowa 50530 515-547-3311
Come for the Food, Stay for the Scenery
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 11
J.R. Willie’s Gateway to the Beautiful Hill Country Colesburg, IA 563-856-5095 Open Daily Mon-Sun 11AM Home of the Willie Whopper Keasey’s Hideaway Lounge 911 Court Street Adel, Iowa 50003 515-993-3001 Knickers Saloon 2186 Central Avenue Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-557-0887 365 Days a Year Knickers Saloon on Facebook Knuckleheads Anamosa, IA 319-462-2724 Like on FB Knuckleheads Pub & Grub
Open M-F 11-2, S-S 10-2 The Knucklehead Burger “Git IT IN YA”
Lampe’s Pub 608 Iowa Avenue Dunlap, Iowa 51529 712-643-5781 Open 7 days a week at 11 AM Midway Tavern 206 1st Street Soldier, Iowa 712-884-2230 www.midwaytavernsoldier.com Minden Bowl Café & Lounge 209 Broadway Street Minden, Iowa 51553 712-483-2937 Minden Bowl on Facebook Montgomery Street Pub 207 East Montgomery Street Creston, Iowa 50801 641-782-2165 Papa Joe’s 117 South 6th Street Missouri Valley, Iowa 51555 712-642-9015 Pearl Street Social Club 110 Pearl Street SW Shellsburg, Iowa 52332 319-436-7100 Find Us On Facebook! Pines Steakhouse Oinkers Lounge & Grill 1500 E 7th Street Atlantic, Iowa 50022 712-243-3606 M-F 11AM-, S-S 4PMPizza Ranch DENISON 510 HWY 39 North Denison, Iowa 712-393-3333 Check Us Out on Facebook Open 7 Days a Week
12 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Pizza Ranch HARLAN 613 Court Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-755-2262 Check Us Out on Facebook Open 7 Days a Week
The Edge 3157 Joliet Avenue Missouri Valley, Iowa 51555 712-642-2229 The Edge on Facebook
Vista Pub 7205 Vista Drive West Des Moines, Iowa 515-528-2186 Vista Pub on Facebook
The Home Plate Diner 304 E. 30th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50317 515-262-7000
Whitetails Bar & Grill 101 N. Main St. Marble Rock IA,50653 641-397-9900 Mon.- Sat. 7am breakfast -2am Close www.whitetailsbarandgrill.com
The Lewis Place 506 W Main Street Lewis, Iowa 51544 712-769-2290 Come Relax in the Beer Garden
Wilson’s Tap and Recreation 1008 Story Street Boone, Iowa 50036/ 515-433-1395
The Lounge 1005 Chatburn Ave Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-755-5050 The Lounge Harlan Iowa on Facebook
Woody’s Roadside Tavern 100 West Jefferson Albion, Iowa 50005 (641) 488-2220 Woody’s Roadside Tavern on Facebook
The Roadhouse 105 Washington Marne, Iowa 51552 712-781-2272 Home of the Marne Burger
Guns and Ammo
Red Oak Tap 419 E. Reed Red Oak, Iowa 51566 712-623-4788 Riverside Tavern 450 E Main St Lehigh, Iowa 50557 515-359-9998 Email:riversidetap@gmail.com Sambetti’s Bar and Grill 1430 2nd Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50314 515-245-9780 Mon-Sat 11a-2a, Sun 11a-7p Sandy Hook Tavern The Hook, S.W. Wisconsin’s#1 Entertainment Destination Hazel Green, Wisconsin 608-748-4728
The Sawmill Bar & Grill Now with a Full Menu 401 Main St New Market, IA 51646-3079 712-585-3601
Screaming Eagle American Bar & Grill 228 East 4th Street Waterloo, Iowa 50703 319-235-8865 www.partyattheeagle.com
The Wagon Wheel 521 E 7th Washington, Iowa 52353 319-653-3637 Wagon Wheel Tap on Facebook
Shenanigans Pub-Dubuque 3203 Jackson Street Dubuque, Iowa 563-513-4001 Open 364 - 3 pm - 2 am Sidetracked 206 West Union Street Creston, Iowa 50801 641-782-8534
Thirsty’s on 3rd 2202 W 3rd, Davenport (563)424-1123 Follow Us on Facebook Daily Thirst Quenching Deals
Slaby’s Bar & Grill Plainview, Iowa 563-843-3443 Home of the Famous Jumbo Grilled Pork Tenderloin
Timerz Pub & Eatery 324 E 7th Street Logan, Iowa 51546 Timerz Pub & Eatery on FB Food & Fun Available 7 Days/Week
Sportsman Bar & Grill 103 1st Street Pisgah, Iowa 51564 712-456-2222 FOOD, FUEL, FUN
T.J.’s Pourhouse 100 E. Washington Street Exira, Iowa 50076 712-268-2353 Open M-SAT.@11, SUN.@ NOON
Stumpy’s Bar & Grill 423 Main Street Duncombe, Iowa 50532 515-543-4222 Stumpy’s Bar & Grill on Facebook
Tobey Jacks Mineola Steak House Mineola, Iowa 712-526-2078 Open 7 Days a Week Check Us Out on Facebook
TC’s Pub 921 N 3rd Ave Marshalltown, Iowa 641-752-0551 TC’s Pub on Facebook
Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill 202 W Mayne, Blue Grass (563)381-1717 Great Pizza & Food Bikers ALWAYS Welcome
The Back Forty 317 Main St. Macedonia, Iowa 51549 712-486-2687 facebook.com/thebackforty
Vic’s Main Tap 304 Broadway Audubon, Iowa 50025 712-563-2122 Opens M-F 3, Sat 10, Sun 3
2A Firearms Training Training to Protect Your 2nd Ammendment Rights 641-439-6660 Craig.2aft@gmail.com Locked and Loaded Outfitters 612 Market Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-235-4867 www.LockedandLoadedOutfitters.com Pistol Pete’s Guns and Ammo Eldora, Iowa 641-858-6878 pistolpetesgunsandammo@gmail.com DISCOUNTS for ABATE Members Eric Ross & Steve Eggleston Shooter’s Outlet 114 Main Street Arcadia, Iowa 51430 712-689-2772 Tues,Wed,Fri 9-5, Thurs 9-7, Sat 8-12 www.shootersoutlet.net SR Gunsmithing AGI Certified Gunsmith Scott Rule Council Bluffs, IA 402-850-5787 scottrule@q.com
In sur ance Matt McCall Insurance Agency State Farm Insurance 102 East South St, Tipton 563-886-6120 www.mattmccall.net AMK Insurance Agency Motorcycle, Home, AUTO, Commercial, Life, Health Shane Baker 712-310-7475 Srbaker@walnutel.net
Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
Legal Hupy and Abraham sc, pc Lawyers for Bikers 800.800.5678 Hupy.com IowaBikerLawyers.com Pete Leehey Law Firm, P.C. Riding and Defending Your Rights for Over 30 Years 977-209-9452
Photo and Art Ullrich Photography PO Box 1842 Clinton, Iowa 52733 563-243-8715 www.natanic.com
Butterfield’s M.C. Parts 8025 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68134 402-391-3768 Chuck’s Cycle Service and Repair S&S and Drag Specialties Dealer 714 East 7th Street Washington, Iowa52353 319-461-5278 Creative Concepts Collision 422 Market Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712.755.2231 Cutthroat Cycles 1351 W. Locust Davenport 563-265-4687 Roadside Repair – CALL ME F#$K Yeah ‘Merica
Cycle Dynamics 511 23rd Ave Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 712-256-8866 Specializing in American V-Twins
BCS Computers 100 Industrial Road Guthrie Center, Iowa 50115 641-747-3344 www.brubakercomputer.com
Dead Heads Engineering, Fab, Repairs & Sales 426 Railway Street Gillett Grove, Iowa 51341 deadheadsmceng@gmail.com 712-835-3353
Ben Franklin/Radio Shack 106 N Wilson Jefferson, Iowa 50129 515-386-4122 Hometownvarietyinc.com
F & J Racing 701 N 3rd Ave Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 641-752-8651 www.fandjracing.com
Hoker Trucking NOW HIRING Dixon, Iowa Hokertucking.com 563-843-2763
HetzStudio.com (563)263-2803 Muscatine, IA Full Custom Paint, Pinstriping & Airbrush
Irwin Locker & Catering 502 Ann St Irwin, Iowa 51446 712782-3215 irwinlocker@gmail.com
Main Street Bikes and Trikes 522 Main Street Granville, Iowa 51022 712.727.3515 www.shopmsbt.com
Peebles Plumbing & Heating Luxaire & Mitsu 613 Main Street Griswold, Iowa 51535 712-778-2417 River Street Auto - 118 River St. Iowa Falls - 641.648.5004 Motorcycle Tires & Auto Repairs We Fix Everything Except a Broken Heart Southwest Iowa Sandblasting Mike Magers 65162 Oxford Rd Atlantic, Iowa 50022 712-249-3995
SS Collision, CycleWorks & Graphics 2902 11th Ave SW Spencer, Iowa 51301 712-262-3959 www.sscollision.com Steffens Cycle Shop LLC 1311 E 7th Street Atlantic, Iowa 50022 712-243-3076M-F 9-5 Most Sat 9-12 Or Call Waderich’s Towing 420 S Main Street Denison, Iowa 51442 Phone 712-263-3687 Cell 712-263-9685
TATTOO Skin Mechanix INKorpar8ted 117 No. 16th Street Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 712 256-2847 Check Us Out on Facebook
To buy ad space for your business or service in our directory, give us call at 712-249-5630 or email vernon@ thunderroadsiowa.com
Motorcycle Medic 3176 Highway 30 Woodbine, Iowa 51579 712-647-2818 Open Tues-Sat Noon-6PM Nelson Machine & Forge General Machining, Ornamental Iron, Weld/Fab 70 Washington Street Marne, Iowa 51552 712-781-2220
Shops & Fabricators
Pike Run Services 320 Main Nichols, Iowa 52766 Shop 319-723-4244 Cell 319-330-4541
Bent Wrench Cycles 911 7th Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-235-2453 Bent Wrench Cycles on Facebook
Revolution Cycles 120 South Main Street Baxter, Iowa 50028 641-507-9250 www.rev-ia.com
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 13
Little did I ever think I would be riding my own bike let alone writing a story for a motorcycle magazine. In 2000 I turned 60 and life was good. I caught my biggest fish ever…a 38” Northern, we adopted the best dog ever, Maizy May, and I got my motorcycle license. Long story short, our neighbor wanted a bigger bike and he would bring his 06 Sporty down and leave it in our driveway. First I just sat on it, and then I was slowly going down the driveway. Next thing I knew I was practicing on a Honda Rebel over at the Fareway parking lot. My best friend/hubby Ron was extremely patient teaching me to ride and I am sure it was one of the hardest things I ever put him though. The first time I did 30 on a city street I thought I was flying…and it felt good. I was so enjoying my new found freedom of being able to ride any time I wanted.
to talk to someone going through the same battle and we talked for almost 2 hours the day I was diagnosed. Every three weeks I had an eight hour day, first meeting with my oncologist and then spending the rest of the day hooked up to an iv getting chemotherapy. The first week after chemo I was very achy and tired. The second week I felt better but got tired easily. The third week I was out riding every chance I got. The joy of the wind, the concentration on riding, the feeling of freedom; I would forget about everything else and just enjoy life. And repeat for six rounds of chemo.
After chemo I had what my hubby and I call the filleting (surgery). Laughing and a good attitude go a long way towards recuperation. It was a big incentive to recuperation to go sit on my bike in the driveway. I had all the symptoms. BEAT: B-bloating E-eating problems, feeling full after not eating much A-abdominal The Sporty needed a few modifications to fit pain T-trouble with bladder/bowels. There are no tests, it my height or lack thereof; shorter shocks, does not show up on the annual exam and it is very seldom different seat, forward controls, and mini found in the early stages. apes. A little chrome and custom paint didn’t hurt it either. In 2012 I was riding shotgun with our neighbor Jason in the support vehicle on the Chrome Diva Breast Cancer My thoughts were I would still Awareness ride because I had my first chemo the day before want to ride behind Ron….but and didn’t know what to expect for side effects. I missed I didn’t! I do occasionally now, decorating and riding my bike, but I was not going to sit but I had to relearn how to be a at home. In 2013 (with two Divas having ovarian cancer) good passenger. the ride was changed to the Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Ride. Proceeds are split between the Especially My friend, Judy, took me to my for You and Doreen Knapp Ovarian Cancer Research. first meeting of the Cedar Rapids Chapter of the Chrome Divas. Meanwhile, I was minding my own business at one of the Little did I know the Divas BOCA meetings and all of a sudden I was told I would be would become such an leading the 2013 run. OMG! I had only been riding two important part of my life. years and now I was responsible for keeping the ride safe Two years down the and together!?! What a terrifying honor! The ride went road I was diagnosed smoothly and I went on to lead again in 2014. with the silent killer-ovarian cancer stage It is now 2015 and I am NED-no evidence of disease. 4. The Diva’s director, Remission is not a term they use for ovarian cancer. I am Tizzy, hooked me still involved with the Chrome Divas. Right now I am on up with a sister Diva the committee for our BOCA ride Sept 19th. (Kathy) whom is also battling ovarian cancer. Find joy and freedom no matter how long the ride. It helped tremendously Beth Herrick to be able
14 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 15
Power Up
The first motorcycle that I owned was a used 1975 Sportster that I bought from Joe Chance. That was an awesome bike, and I learned a lot riding thousands of miles on that old girl. One of the things that I learned was that when you had trouble out on the road, having a common set of tools became imperative to be able to get to where you were going. It did not happen a lot, but in that time before cell phones, you either pushed it, walked, waited for someone to come along to help, or fix it yourself if you had an issue. Ever since then, I have always carried a tool bag when I ride. It became a must, even when I am on a newer turnkey bike and break downs are a thing of the past. I have actually broken out the tools more often to help other riders that are not as well prepared. When traveling more than just a run into town, I have that bag with me on whatever bike I ride.
As times change, so do our “needs”. Back in the day I would have never thought that I would need something to keep electronics charged up while on the road. In the last 25 years of riding though, I have gone from a tool bag as being essential equipment to adding a power unit to keep my phone at least charged up and ready if needed. What good is a cell phone if it is dead and you are unable to call for help if needed? In the connected world that we live in, a lot of us would be lost without the ability to call, email, text, and even utilize many aspects of our smart phones. This has become an issue for many at multiple day events. How do you charge a phone if you are tent camping at a rally? I have a power port in my tour pack, but that also takes power from your motorcycle’s battery, and a lot of bikes require the key to be on in accessory at least and that causes extra draw. While charging your phone and killing your bike battery, you will at least have a phone to call for help! If you get a chance to ride during your stay, you can charge while riding and all is good. Otherwise you are stuck with the cell phone charge stations that are available at a lot of events these days. Some of the backup battery packs work great, but are limited to capacity, and pretty soon it seems you have a dead phone and a dead backup power unit. This has been something irritating to deal with at best, and then we found this cool little rig to help things out a bit. I was talking to Tony at Bent Wrench Cycles in Harlan about this before the Freedom Rally in Algona. He had just the thing we needed. He carries a Foxnovo® 15000mah Multi-function Jump Starter that we decided to take along and check out, and sure glad we did! Not only does this thing charge up phones and MP3 players, but it has adapters and ports to do all sorts of stuff. It also has enough power and cables to jump start a vehicle. We actually used this feature as well at Algona when some drunken asshole from MN couldn’t ride and tipped our bike over. Some other folks saw it happen and caught it and set up upright, but not before the flashing lights killed the battery because we were away from the bike for quite a while with the kkey ke y ffob with us. We charged ttwo phones for two nights tw be before the power pack nneeded any charge, which we w plugged into the tour pack p when out for a ride and a then it was good to go again a for another couple days. d Make sure you test t out the connections that t you will use before taking it on a trip. This particular unit charges an a Android phone just 16 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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Tiny Lund Roar Into Harlan has been providing warm weather entertainment for the whole family for several years, and this year is no exception. On August 20th Roar Into Harlan will be teaming up with the Shelby County Speedway to help celebrate the annual Tiny Lund Memorial Race. The Shelby County Speedway is located on the Shelby County fairgrounds in Harlan, Iowa and is a 4/10 of a mile oval, high bank, dirt track. Since the early 1900’s the Shelby County Speedway has been “building champions” including numerous professional drivers. These drivers have included the likes of Johnny Beauchamp and of course, DeWayne Louis “Tiny” Lund. Both of these men got their start in Harlan, but eventually left the dirt track in Shelby County to become winners of the Daytona 500. The Shelby County Speedway always offers seven classes of dirt track racing every Saturday night mid-April through mid-September. This year they will be stepping outside of the track to join the Roar Into Harlan Bike Night on Thursday, August 20th on the historical downtown square. Drivers will be on hand with their cars so that fans, both young and old can have their photos taken with the drivers…and maybe even snag some autographs. The 20th is also the annual kid’s night at Roar Into Harlan, so besides the usual bike night events, there will be additional children’s activities for the little ones to enjoy. Make sure you bring the whole family downtown and show your support for the Shelby County Speedway and Roar Into Harlan. While you’re at it enjoy the food and drink specials offered by local downtown businesses, and have some good ‘ol family fun! fine with the multi-function cable that is included, but the iPhone would not accept the cable, so we had to use a different USB to iPhone cable to charge that unit. Well worth the money to have electronic charging capability with the emergency light, jump start, and small packing size. I think I have another must have when taking off on trips on the bike, packed right next to my tool bag! Vernon
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TR T RM MII A UGUST UG UST 20 US 2015 015 15 - 1177 TRMI AUGUST
Thank The SEALs An almost professional overcomer of obstacles, former juvenile delinquent and recovering addict, Bill has o en ques oned why he is here, how he has made it this far and Lying in bed on a cold November night, eyes wide open, and mind racing at paces that make NASCAR speeds seem what his true purpose in life was. Bill’s uncle, who filled the Dad role when Bill’s father passed in Bill’s early youth, slow was nothing new for Bill Christman, as insomnia is a is a highly decorated fighter pilot, flying in 92 missions side effect of his sobriety and he has endured it for many during the Vietnam War. Early in life, Bill developed a years. In an a empt to slow his mind, Bill arose from his love for the military thanks to the stories from his uncle bed, exited his Be endorf bedroom and escaped to the and once graduated from high school, Bill a empted to living room, he turned on the television and had no idea that the show he was about to watch would change his life. enlist; however, he was not accepted due to lingering back injuries. Although the military had rejected him, Bill’s love for the military didn’t disappear. Which is why, on that Within minutes, all the cha er that was previously taking place within Bill’s mind had quieted and he was completely November night, Bill chose to watch the documentary on FOX news that night over re-runs of sitcoms. That two-part engulfed in a documentary about NAVY SEAL team 6 series changed Bill’s life forever. and their journey to destroy Osama bin Laden. Most of the mission details are s ll classified, but the two-part Awaking the next morning, Bill jumped on the internet and documentary “The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden” airing on Fox News told the story of Captain Robert O’Neil, found an email address for Robert O’Neil. A er carefully penning a note of thanks, Bill hit send on that email and from his youth to accep ng the invita on to SEAL Team never expected that within 24 hours he would be receiving 6, their intense pre mission training and their role in the a phone call from Robert. O’Neil had made a substan al annihila on of bin Laden, to the challenges that each of impact on the many wars he was involved in, a major the members faced a er their mission was complete; player in over 400 classified missions and came out without and the story totally cap vated Bill. He wanted to learn a scratch, Bill was inspired by O’Neil’s dedica on to our more, and most of all, a er hearing of the hurdles the returning members faced, he wanted to find a way to show na on. Standing at a local outdoor store, Bill’s cell phone made a noise and alerted him to a new text message. The his apprecia on and gra tude to these soldiers. In the documentary, O’Neil said he regularly reassured his mother message was sent from the man who is credited with killing Osama bin Laden, known to be one of the most devasta ng (who was not a big fan of her son’s decision to join the terrorists of all me. “Here I am a nobody and I am tex ng military) that he would be safe on this par cular mission with the guy who was part one of the most dangerous because he knew he was “here to do something special”. missions of all mes.” That text message was the beginning As Bill dri ed off to sleep in his easy chair, those words of Bill’s “second chapter of life”. A er corresponding with resonated in his mind and as he dreamt, Bill realized he was also “here to do something special”. He just hadn’t realized O’Neil back and forth for over a month, Bill had finally realized what his “here to do something special” was. what that was un l he watched this TV special.
18 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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“On September 11, 2001 over 3,000 Americans were murdered on their way to work and at work by a horrible terrorist group. SEAL Team 6, risking their own lives, eradicated the leader of that terrorist group, which ul mately resulted in saving thousands more American lives. So many missions that the Navy SEALS are involved in are classified, so not only do we not know (or hear) about the dangers these soldiers face while protec ng us, but these soldiers return home and receive no acknowledgement for their service, they do the dir est work without any a en on; they sacrifice years of their lives and parts of their bodies, some mes going into a mission knowing it may be a death mission and they may never return home and if lucky enough to come home, return to nothing. “I want to show these brave soldiers they aren’t doing this for nothing, that they are appreciated- even though we may never hear of their heroism. That’s why I have started this ride. Much of the money comes from my own pocket, I know riding to Texas is going to be painful on my body, but that all pales in comparison to the sacrifices the soldiers of the NAVY SEALs make daily. Every day we unconsciously take for granted the freedoms we have and I want to raise awareness of what it is that soldiers do for us every day. I would like to detach from this selfishness and show every American that ONE small gesture can have a MAJOR impact.” And so it was, Bill began planning an annual motorcycle ride from his hometown of Be endorf to Dallas, Texas to show his apprecia on for the NAVY SEALs. Working in conjunc on with Your Grateful Na on Founda on, Bill coordinated with Robert O’Neil and Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
founded the “Thank the SEALs Ride” that took place a mere 6 months a er its ini al concep on. At the me of my interview, there were only a handful of bikers signed up to ride alongside Bill to Dallas, but those low numbers weren’t a discouragement to the founder of the ride. His focus wasn’t on the numbers, it has always been on the impact this ride will make. On June 27th, Bill threw a leg over his 2012 CVO Street Glide and along with 30 other bikers was escorted out of town by the Patriot Guard and Be endorf police vehicles to begin their journey. Picking up some riders along the way and crea ng hype at every stop along their 4 day, 990 mile journey, Bill knows this ride was a success. Being welcomed into Dallas by Captain O’Neil, seeing the excitement le in his wake as he rode south and knowing that this ride will con nue on showing thanks to the members of the NAVY SEALs and their families for many years to come made every saddle sore worth it for Bill. If you would like to learn more about Bill’s journey, check out pictures from along the way, sign up for the 2016 ride or donate to next year’s ride, please visit www. ThankTheSEALs.com or their Facebook page with the same name. Although this is a selfless act, one that Bill doesn’t want credit or notoriety for, I truly feel if there were more Bill Christmans in this world, our Great Na on would be a be er place! ~ Pinky
TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 19
20 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 21
22 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 23
99 Counties to tour on the bike, 99 counties to tour, take one down, drive on around, 37 counties to tour on the bike. A few years back, a summer riding goal was to ride through each one of the counties of Iowa, and what was found was a wealth of interest and beauty. Each month we will revisit each county as a featured article. We will tell you about new things to see, places to ride, and give you a little spark of touring curiosity for our state of Iowa.
As you ride around Marion county there are many loops you can take getting you to the small towns or larger with varied things to see. When riding North of Knoxville on Highway 14 you will cross over the Mile Long Bridge that is part of the Lake Red Rock built to control flooding down the Des Moines river. Many of the small MARION towns along the COUNTY Des Moines river experienced life When Visiting threatening floods Marion County before the Red each town has Rock Dam was some interesting built and finished history that in 1969. Currently helped shape construction is on going at the Dam building a Hydrohow Marion Power Plant to supply electrical power to houses and County is today. business in Pella. Pella is about 10 to 15 mins from Towns in Marion Knoxville and like Knoxville county include Knoxville, Pella, Pleasantville, Bussey, enjoys tourism yearly and Melcher-Dallas, Swan, Harvey, Hamilton, Maryville. daily. Known for its Dutch Population for the county is a little over 33,000. Heritage. Located off Highway 14 taking G-28 Like most of America east or riding down the 4 hard labor played a role lane on HWY-163 taking in building the towns in one of several exits. Best Marion County. Knoxville is known for its yearly Tulip the county seat town with a Time held in May each population of 8,000 people. year, and the famous Dutch Major highways HWY-5, treat “Dutch Pastries” HWY-14, HWY-92, HWYavailable at Jaarsma Bakery 163, HWY-316 and 25 miles on the South side of the South of Interstate 80 and Pella square. Also in Pella 26 miles North of HWY-34 you can check out the Pella Historical Village Knoxville like many of the and Vermeer Mill. North smaller towns was part of the Pella square you can see the Sunken Gardens of the growth of railroads Park. Pella is also home as this country and state to Central College. There grew. Coal mines played is a variety of places to an important part in the eat or grab a cold drink. beginning and growth of these towns. West of MelcherYou might want to check Dallas one of the largest mines Mamouth Coal Mine out Monarch’s Restaurant employed 250 labors daily supplying coal for the and Lounge while in Pella. railroad that ran through Melcher-Dallas. A mural There are many shops to painting on the North side of the Melcher-Dallas shop in while there, check Coal Mining Museum (open weekends) shows how out Funky Junque off the the early trains and coal shaped South Central Iowa. east side of the square When riding through Melcher-Dallas you can stop for before you leave town. a cold drink at The Otherside on the North side of the You can cross over the square or sit in the shade of their large park in the Dam ( T15) and return to center of the square. If you happen to ride a dual sport Knoxville and stop and motorcycle you might take the Crooked Road a gravel view the lake at the Lake road 13 miles with 22 turns between Melcher-Dallas Red Rock Visitors Center and Knoxville. The Marion County Historical Society on the South side of the has marked many of the roads with the old names of Dam with some interesting past. history about Lake Red Th under Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook www.thunderroadsiowa.com 24 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Rock start to finish. With many campgrounds around the lake plus Iowa’s largest lake it is a favorite place to spend the summer months. This is a great place to go fishing, camping, boating, bike trails, swimming, picnicking for the whole family. When in Knoxville you will see on the Court House lawn a memorial of Dixie Cornell Gebhardt the Marion County native who designed the Iowa flag. If you are in Knoxville the 1st Friday of a summer month you can be part of the annual Bike Nite held each year. The Bike Nites were started in 2007. This is held down town on the square, and always includes live music, food vendors, and cold drinks. Stop in Sandal’s lounge for a cold drink any other time. if you stay over night you can catch the races at Knoxville raceway on Saturday night. Known world wide as the “Sprint Car Capital Of The World” it has been host to the Knoxville Nationals since 1961 when the total purse was $5000 now at over 1 million for this year’s 55th annual
after the races you might want to check out “ Dingus Lounge” just across the street from the race track. It has been there since 1940 and has always been a place for locals, race fans & drivers to grab a cold one. NASCAR driver Kyle Larson celebrated his 21st birthday at “Dingus Lounge” you might see his autograph on the wall somewhere inside, stop and see who has signed their walls. Other race tracks in Marion county includes English Creek Speedway Outlaw Karts and some special Iowa Micro Sprint races. Located south 13 miles HWY-14 and west 3 miles on G-76 check out their website for details and schedule. The other race track is located North of Knoxville about 1 mile off highway 14. SLIDEWAYS KARTING CENTER is open Thurs - Sun. and Home to the MINI-NATIONALS & the Tony Stewart GO-KART Spectacular to benefit Jeff Gordon children’s Foundation this year Kasey Kain, Kyle Larson, Jeff Gordon and Tony Stewart will compete again the week of the Knoxville Nationals. Information call 641-8286337. Continued Next Page
event. The grand stands hold over 23,000 fans from all over the U.S. and foreign countries. Many big name drivers have competed at Knoxville raceway Al Unser Jr. spent an entire summer during his early career racing at Knoxville. Many NASCAR drivers have competed at Knoxville in some type of race car. Kyle Larson, Kasey Kane, Tony Stewart to name just a few over the tracks long history. If you need a cold beverage
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 25
Just North on HWY-14 on turn 2 of the race track you will see the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame & Museum. Open 7 days a week this Museum holds 25 to 30 vintage and modern open wheel race cars. Each June the board inducts drivers into the Hall of FAME. It opened January 4, 1992 now in its 23rd year. Open 7 days a week year-round. The first floor of the four-story structure features the Donald Lamberti National Sprint Car Museum, a museum store and the administrative offices. The second floor The National Sprint Car Hall of Fame presented by Pella Rolscreen Foundation honors outstanding achievers in the sport of “big car” and Sprint Car Racing. The National Sprint Car Hall of Fame induction takes place the last weekend in June each year. The 4th floor is 20 suites currently leased for all races at Knoxville raceway.
in Pleasantville check out the Mural painting of Earl Wagner National Sprint Car Hall of Fame and Museum inductee, located across the street from the Post Office. If you need a cold beverage stop at “The North End” on old HWY-5. So early or late in the riding season, Marion county provides many things to see. Many events are still available to check out this year. With rolling hills and many trees the Fall colors can be another treat riding around Marion County. Join us next month for Marshall County in Eastern Iowa. Sources Available Upon Request Bob Colbert thomasrcolbert@yahoo.com
Other Marion county towns you might ride through includes Pleasantville. The town holds their Annual Pig-Out BBQ Contest the first weekend in June. While
26 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 27
HistoryWorld of War Motorcycles II ERA September 1, 1939 marked the start of World War II. World War II is often said to be the hey-day of the military motorcycle, but it was actually a time of reduced combat roles compared to World War I. Motorcycles would continue to play a role in supporting the Allied troops, just as they had in the First World War, however, the capacity at which motorcycles participate in the war are different this time. Still valuable for courier duties, scouting, and reconnaissance motorcycles would need some improvements this goaround if they were to remain useful to the military. Two key players would remain prominent in the American motorcycle industry during the war, Indian and HarleyDavidson. These two were at war themselves, but would none the less make advancements to their production lines and serve the Allied forces well. The Allied troops discovered early in the war that their motorcycles were technologically behind when compared with captured German motorcycles. So what does one do in this situation? Well, you keep the captured bikes and send them back home of course. The motorcycles were dismantled and reverse engineering was used to recreate the modern motorcycle for ourselves. In the 1930’s and 40’s the advanced engineering seen in the BMW motorcycle was unprecedented. Basically, to an American engineer at the time, the idea of a shaft drive and telescoping forks was a little like approaching the concept of teleportation today, we can envision the idea, but have a snowballs chance in Hell of actually creating it. But that’s stealing you may say, .but such is the product of war. And what the hell, we got some damn good scooters out of the deal. 28 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
So, first up is Harley-Davidson. Usually leading Allied convoys in recovered territory was “The Liberator”, also known as the H-D WLA. First produced in 1940, the WLA underwent several modifications in order to better serve the Allies. Due to logistical needs the air filter was replaced with an oil-bath air cleaner for ease of maintenance. Rather than have to stock replacement filters, the rider could in essence “freshen up” his filter by adding regular motor oil. The crank case was also redesigned to reduce water intake so that the motorcycle could reportedly ford sixteen inches of water without stalling out. So what exactly IS the WLA? W is indicative of the family of motorcycle, this being the newest incarnation at the time, a 45 cubic inch flathead. L indicates “high compression”; in the usual H-D scheme (the “low compression” W model was only briefly available). A is for Army. H-D would similarly produce a slightly different model with big twin parts for the Canadian military. The WLA was originally produced in small numbers for general military expansion, but would reach nearly 90,000 produced by the close of the war. The WLA sported a springer front suspension with a sidevalve design engine, used for its dependability rather than power, and would remain in production until 1973 in the Servi-Car. The Harley-Davidson WLA would become THE iconic United States military motorcycle of World War II.
At the same time Harley was hard at work, Indian was also mass producing twowheeled assistance for the troops. During World War II Indian made a de-tuned Sport Scout for Allied Army called the 640. The 640 embodied a 750 cc/45 cubic inch power plant. 6 referred Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
to the model and 40 to the year of manufacture (i.e. a 341 is a 1941 Indian Chief). In addition to the 640, Indian made many model 741’s. The 741 was a 30.50 cubic inch/500 cc model. This model lacked greatly in the speed department, but was extremely reliable. In fact, many have survived across the pond. The 500 cc model earned its own nickname, several in fact. The military referred to them as the 741b, while civilians called them “thirty-fifties”, “Junior Scouts”, or “pony Scouts”. Indian Chiefs were sold to the United States Army, in addition to the Australians, Canadians, and the French military. So what ever happened with that intel we received in the form of confiscated BMWs? Well let me tell ya a little about that. Harley incorporated the engine, forks, and shaft drive design exactly from the BMW design, resulting in the XA. The XA was a two-wheeled machine far superior to any American motorcycle in production at the time. Indian also took a thing or two from the krauts and created its own advance military machine, the 841 (complete with a hand clutch and foot shift). But beyond the 841, Indian developed in their factory a secret factory prototype; prototypes that came to be known as the Experimental Fours, that were rarer and much faster than the 841. In 1941 Indian completed its Indian Four prototype. It was an awesome 800 cc OHV Four engine, and used the 841 frame, while adding one more advancement; a shaft drive. So why weren’t these modern marvels more popular? Well, unfortunately, JEEP began production of military vehicles, which were ultimately deemed more efficient by the military, and only about 1,000 each of Harley-Davidson and Indian’s futuristic bikes were ever manufactured. So what happened post war to the nearly 180,000 motorcycles produced for and/or used in the Second World War? Old bikes like these aren’t exactly the easiest to come by. Well, those troops had developed affection for two-wheeled travel and the attraction to motorcycles was spreading far and wide. Story has it that demobilized troops began buying cheap military surplus motorcycles after returning home. The only problem with the military issue bikes?? You guessed it, awkward windshields, ammunition racks, and unnecessary bags. So what did these inventive Vets do with their less than desirable surplus purchases? Well they chopped off everything they didn’t want, and revamped their motorcycles into the bikes of their dreams. And another birth has occurred in the motorcycle history family, the birth of the “chopper” and the eventual rise of “Biker” culture in the 1950’s. Looks like the perfect place to start snooping around next time. Melanie Schwarte Melanie@thunderroadsiowa.com Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook
TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 29
Wow is it my imagination or is the 2015 riding season speeding through Iowa. It’s real hard to believe that August
American flag. Their only agenda is to protect the family of those who have risked their lives for America’s freedom and
is already throttling its way straight toward us. You know what they say “time flies when you are having fun”. Each month, I use writing this article as an excuse to get in some much needed handlebar time. Getting the scooter out on the open road always helps to clean the BS out of the helmet holder. Once the BS is cleaned up I can stumble into something of interest to write about. This month as I pulled the bike into the garage after burning up the third tank of high octane BS remover, I began to wonder if my sick mind is the only one that has random thoughts racing through it as I methodically slam through the gears, while cautiously watching out for traffic, pot holes, road kill and idiots. The random thoughts that creep through my warped brain during a good session of wind therapy should qualify me as a genius or one extremely scary individual. I wonder who ever decided that Iowa cornfields should be measured by the statement “knee high by the fourth of July”. I don’t know who planted the corn this year but they must have some mighty long legs. I’d like to meet one of them long legged lady farmers. I’d toss her on to the bitch pad, throw those long legs up over the ape hangers, and then brag to my buddies about the foot prints she left on my windshield.
security. That is a vision defined in one
According to the July issue of TRMI Frank Fritz will be at the Roar into Harlan bike night. I hope his body guards look like bikers, suits and ear pieces are going to stand out in that crowd. I bet he gets sick and tired of signing autographs. I wonder if Frank is an avid reader of TRMI, he never brags about that on the show. Being a biker from Iowa I think he should. We all know if he gets lucky in Harlan he will be bragging about some body’s honey hole. J&P Cycles might be leaving Iowa, which sucks! J&P has been an asset to the Iowa riding community for a long time. I remember my first ride to the store, back in the 80’s. A lot of parts from J&P have passed through my life since that trip. J&P made a really good first impression, I can’t remember things that happened last weekend, but I remember leaving that store 30 years ago thinking this is going to turn into something big. The Iowa riders will miss that crew. I wonder if they will offer free shipping to Iowa after they leave town. With August right around the corner, that means Sturgis. This is the 75th year for that Rally. It’s amazing that a rally can stay alive and continually get better after 75 years. I wonder if there is anyone still living that has been to every one of those rallies. Could anyone really survive 75 of those? If they did they would be really old but would be a lot of fun to talk to. If I had some of the bikes from that first rally Frank Fritz would be begging for my autograph.
It’s been a really strange riding season. I can’t remember the last time it that took so long to finally peel off the leathers. Of course two weeks later we had put them back on again. The cooler weather makes for good riding but some sunshine would be nice. The last time I explained to someone that I was There seems to be a lot more bikers on the road a biker; they looked at me like I was an albino and ran now days that don’t know how to wave. Maybe I for their life. should write a book in order to explain the value and importance of the biker to biker wave. I would call it The Patriot Guard Riders did a hell of a job at the “Biker Ethics” then again “Riding for Dummies” might Kerrie Orozco funeral. They were invited by the be a better idea. family of Omaha’s fallen hero. When the Patriot Guard is invited they arrive in mass and always represent September is coming soon, start packing for Soldier. bikers in a positive way. There is something very Shifty LaRue touching about a large gathering of bikers from all different walks of life, silently standing shoulder to shoulder, doing nothing more than holding the
30 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 31
World-Famous Motorcycle Stunt Pioneer Orren “Putt” Mossman was the most famous stunt motorcyclist of the first half of the 20th century. Mossman and his troupe traveled America and the world putting on spectacular extravaganzas in front of crowds numbering from the hundreds to tens of thousands. During his 40-year career, Mossman performed in 45 countries on six continents. His innovative act was unequaled in his day and many of his stunts may never be duplicated. Mossman was born on July 8, 1906 in the small farming community of Eldora, Iowa. At a young age, Mossman became popular for his horseshoe throwing skills (something taken very seriously in that part of Iowa during that era). Mossman quickly climbed the ranks of horseshoe throwing and became national and world champion. (In 1967 he became a charter member of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association Hall of Fame) Mossman seemed to excel at everything he did. He was a champion boxer, wrestler, tumbler, baseball player (he tried out for the Boston Braves in the mid-1920s and was with the team throughout spring training) and vaudeville performer. When he was 20, Mossman bought his first motorcycle. On the ride home from the motorcycle shop, Mossman came upon two pretty young ladies and performed his very first motorcycle stunt. He stood up on his seat as he rode by the young ladies and nodded as he passed. Even though Mossman would later say his performance was rather shaky, he still received applause.
group that included Mossman’s own sister, Dessie, and later his first wife, Helen. As the shows grew, Mossman hired temporary helpers and riders for bigger shows. He often used some of the top Southern California Speedway riders in his shows. The Mossman troupe was constantly on the move, performing six and seven nights a week, primarily in high school football stadiums. His tricks were diverse and creative. Mossman called his show a circus and he integrated tricks he learned in vaudeville into his performances. Mossman was an excellent self-promoter. In the days before television, Mossman would go to every little town’s newspaper in the communities surrounding a performance and get to know the editors. They all grew to love the frenetic Mossman and he would get pages of coverage. Some of his tricks included: Having his sister ride sitting or standing on his shoulders; Cullum releasing heliumfilled balloons and Mossman drawing a pistol and shooting them out of the air as he rode; riding while juggling eggs or skipping rope; riding with a sack over his head and using a broomstick to feel for the stadium wall to guide him around the track; riding through plate glass or burning wood; jumping off a ramp into a big tub of flaming water; attaching a ladder to the rear of the motorcycle climbing up and down the ladder as the motorcycle circulated the track. These are just a few of the creative stunts that Mossman used to earn a reputation for the best stuntman in America. By the mid-1930s, Mossman’s fame had spread worldwide and he began making appearances all across the world. He called his traveling show “Putt Mossman and his American Motorcycle Rodeo Circus and Speedway Aces.” One performance in Yokohama, Japan drew 80,000 spectators, including the son of the emperor. Mossman visited and performed in 45 countries in all and was considered a hero in most of those countries and even a god in at least one.
While riding through Uganda in a promotional ride from the top to bottom of Africa, Mossman stopped in a small village and had to wait a few days for supplies. In return for the villagers’ hospitality, Mossman promised the chief a performance before he departed. The drum calls went out across the land and thousands of Africans from villages miles away At one of these early stunts, his motorcycle wasn’t running showed up to watch well and would not have enough power to make the jump Mossman perform. he was set to attempt. Hundreds of people had already paid In the finale of the to watch the jump. Mossman frantically went to the nearest show, Mossman motorcycle dealership where he met Pee Wee Cullum. The put a burlap sack consummate fast talker, Mossman somehow managed to soaked in gasoline convince Cullum to let him use his Henderson Four to make over his head and the jump. After making the jump that night, Mossman asked had his assistant Cullum to go with him to a boxing match he was scheduled ignite it. The flaming to fight in the next day hundreds of miles away in Oklahoma. Mossman rode his Cullum would later say that after that first night he felt like he bike over a waterfall would follow Mossman across the world. As it turns out, he into a river below. did. It was the start of a long relationship between the two. The villagers were Mossman had a longing to make a lot of money and he knew farming wasn’t the answer, nor was horseshoe pitching. Mossman thought that he might be able to make it big as a motorcycle stuntman. The first stunt he did in the area surrounding his hometown was jumping over and into rivers and he quickly made much more money than he had at any of his other jobs.
Besides Cullum, Mossman’s troupe grew to include a core 34 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
(Continued on Page 47)
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 37
I recently had the opportunity to attend the 40th Anniversary bash at Ernie’s HarleyDavison in Algona. If you were there, you already know that a great time was had by all, if you missed it, well I’m truly sorry to hear that. To say there was a lot going on that day is an understatement. The store had a lot of great deals going on, so I took a bit of time to do a little shopping before socializing and snapping some pictures. Jim, Justin, and the staff were gracious hosts, and made sure everyone in attendance was having a blast. There was live music on the stage, games for the little ones, and Ernie’s supplied the food for everyone who came. Vernon and I got a chance to tell a little about TRMI on a local radio show, which was a first for me. There was a marriage proposal, staff members Matt and Lee got engaged right in the middle of all the fun (congrats by the way!!). We also got the chance to meet a pretty cool old cat named Leroy Peters who brought his beautiful 1958 Panhead to display at the party. I briefly believed that I was going to have to cover the event alone, as Vernon and Leroy had a lot to talk about (and I’m pretty sure my adoring husband was falling madly in love with Leroy’s motorcycle). Not that I can blame him, Leroy has a damn nice Panhead.
working for a major soft drink company, wearing a suit and tie every day, until that lust he was harboring refused to be stifled any longer. Bubba is an Alabama boy, who now spends his time traveling around jumping motorcycles over the damndest things. He’s jumped busses before, more than any sane man would ever choose to jump, but what was he doing at Ernie’s? Well, he was jumping tool boxes of course. Snap-On helped out by providing half an assembly line of shiny new boxes for Bubba to jump. He did two sessions of stunt riding during the day, which were beyond entertaining. Who the hell can pop a wheelie on a bagger??? That’s right, Bubba can. Who can ride on his own damn handlebars??? Yup, once again, that’s Bubba. The highlight of Bubba’s show though, well that involves those toolboxes and a crowd of people gathered to see if Bubba would indeed make it over each and every one of them. Now you may be asking yourself if there was really any danger involved when Bubba has clearly made bigger jumps. Hell yes there’s danger involved. Like any stuntman, Bubba has had his share of mishaps. One such mishap landed him in a California hospital in very critical condition with more bones broken than not, and swelling of his brain. Bubba’s “job” takes more balls than a World Series game, and I know there is no way I could ever attempt to pull it off. Weather, the bystanders, motorcycle malfunctions, anything can turn a routine stunt into a disaster. Now, let me tell you, it was hot as the very depths of Hell that day, but Bubba put on his
Let’s see, is that it? Pretty well sums up the day I think, wait a second, hold on. I do believe I forgot one major draw to the event that day. You guys ever hear of a southern boy named Bubba Blackwell? Well if you haven’t, you’ve been missing out. While Bubba wasn’t always a daredevil, he has always enjoyed motorcycles. Bubba does credit American icon Evel Knievel with instilling the lust for stunt riding deep within his soul. Bubba spent many years 38 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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leather riding gear and had the crowds cheering. And showmanship? Ya, Bubba’s got that down too. He gets people fired up, he tells jokes, and he takes time to sit with every last fan who wants to meet him. Hell of a guy if you ask me. Ernie’s 40th Anniversary party was a hell of a good time. Despite the heat, everyone seemed to be having a great time. Hospitality at its finest, paired with a lot of fun. A great big thank you to Jim and Justin, we had a blast. One question though, when is the next shindig? Definitely don’t want to miss it! Melanie
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 41
out the window at them. I was sincerely embarrassed for them on behalf of all the other Iowa riders. The road was crowded with holiday traffic. Why be an ass in front of all of those people? There’s another guy, he rides an orange Sporty around here. Every single time I see this guy, he’s a wide open, lane splitting menace. In town no less- I’ve seen him on area streets at double the legal limit. He must have an angel on his shoulder, or a deal with the devil. I understand the joy of a fast ride just like the next guy, but seriously, do you need to do it on densely crowded city streets?
One bad apple spoils it for everyone on two wheels. So I was following a group of four bikes the other day in my truck. Two of them were Power Rangers in matching clothes, and two were on lightweight starter bikes like Rebels or something else lame. They came off the interstate and ended up in front of me, for a while. Then one of them apparently forgot she was with a group and drifted behind me in four lane traffic, her speed well below the rest of the group and mine as well. Then the lane ended. Then her stupid boyfriend (Power Ranger #1) got in a huff at me and veered head-on into the opposite lane of traffic (blind) and did a u-turn on the far shoulder to get back behind me so they could be together. I’m very motorcycle conscious when driving a car or truck, but there was no way I could avoid splitting the group up because of how they were riding. Sorry, not my fault. Then another one of them rode in the bike lane (pedal bike lane) for a while; which was on the far right side of the road, which made all the cars think he was turning right when he got to an intersection. But he wasn’t turning right; he was just practicing his jackwad riding skills, which have clearly been honed to an expert level with lots of stunts like this. He actually went straight through the intersection from the bike lane, and everybody in a car had to stop or change what they were doing. Then he zig-zagged the center strip in the highway like a slalom course. This slowed the oncoming traffic. By the end of “sharing the road” with these clowns, I was wishing for a handful of marbles to throw
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So that’s my point this month, there’s a time and a place for everything, and this includes riding a motorcycle hard. I freely admit I like to gun my chopper thru the gears and listen to the pipes make thunder. But I try to do that in places where few, if any, non-riders see me. Because face it- the sympathy level from motorists is tepid at best when it comes to motorcycles and riders, and hot dogging on city streets is no way to further our cause. If they observe us on an ongoing basis riding in unsafe ways, they won’t get behind our cause, they won’t look twice for motorcycles, and they won’t give a damn when they hear about a car cutting off a bike. I was talking about motorcycle safety the other day with some people, and they mentioned some crazy rider they had seen recently, and basically said we deserved what we got. I said I saw a dangerous driver in a pick-up truck the other day, so maybe we should outlaw those too. The point was made, but thanks to somebody that wasn’t thinking, we had to turn some drivers back in our favor. Even burnouts at a sanctioned event can be scary- and in my opinion that’s the only place they should happen. Burnout pits are at a lot of big events, but they require careful use and observation. I’ve never understood the logic of trashing a rear tire for the sake of a bunch of smoke, but so be it. It’s your tire, it’s your fire I figure. We had a guy burn the tire off of a 1000RR at one of our events, and it was almost a tragic situation. His tire was supposedly cordless, when in actuality it had steel cords in it. When the cord let loose, it cut his rear taillight, fender and rear inner fender right in two. It could have cut Kris up really bad too, and we all feel very fortunate how it turned out. We did everything right and still almost made a banana split out of a good rider. So remember to ride like somebody’s watching, because they are. Unless they aren’t, in which case let the dogs out. Have a great summer on two wheels. Mark Mullins, President, North Iowa MAG.
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Melanie Schwarte Melanie@thunderroadsiowa.com
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 43
Jared Ageson, Alvord Iowa Jared Ageson comes from a family with a strong military background. Jared’s older brother is a veteran of the war in Iraq and his brother in law and sister in law both served in Afghanistan. As for Jared, well he has offered our great country his services in many places. Jared enlisted in the Army National Guard of Iowa, serving from 1996 until 2012. During his time in the National Guard, Jared attained the rank of Sgt. E-5, serving in Iraq from 20032004. Jared was also deployed to assist in the aftermaths of both Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Gustav. Jared’s primary MOS was 88M (transportation), which is fitting for any guy who likes his rides as much as Jared does.
words) with a wife and two children, and the bike was sold. Eventually Jared’s love of bikes would again rear its time consuming head…and this time in a major way. Feeding off his father’s long time love of Hondas, Jared and his dad would start things off by restoring a 1965 cl77…The very bike that was the object of his father’s undying affection as a young boy. This restoration paved the way for a booming business in Lester, Iowa that you may recall me mentioning in a previous article… Bearded Goat Cycles. About 100 old Hondas and several years later, Jared rides a 1977 cb750 Super Sport, as well as a c1350 that he turned into a café racer.
Jared started his love affair with motorcycles at the young age of 13. He got himself a 100 Honda and his brother had an XL 175 Honda. Lucky to live in a small town, the two brothers would ride their bikes all over the place. They even ventured outside of town to race through pastures and along gravel roads. One day the boys took to racing on a gravel road north of town until they had dug trenches damn near a foot deep in the corners…and it only took about 200 laps to do so. Jared took a bit of a hiatus from riding in his twenties, but was still focused on speed…helping a friend on the sprint car scene. Jared would help with anywhere between 35 and 55 shows each summer, and did so for about ten years. While in Iraq Jared purchased a 2001 Swift Punisher to ride. This bike would end up being used later on to make trips both to and from Sturgis with his friends from Mason City. Eventually Jared was blessed (his own 44 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
Jared is a member of his local American Legion and the VFW, and enjoys riding with many friends. While Jared loves his bikes, and restoring them for others, he stands by the fact that the best bikes are indeed barn finds…his favorite shopping platform. And with restoration skills like his…who needs a shiny showroom anyway? Jared would like to add a turbo to his 750, as well as get out and enjoy the beautiful hi-ways and bi-ways Iowa has to offer, but Bearded Goat Cycles keeps him plenty busy. Everyone should check out the amazing work these guys do…Honda lover or not, you will be impressed with the meticulous attention to detail Jared’s restorations get. Whether you are travelling past Jared’s home of Alvord, or nearby Lester, Iowa and the Bearded Goat Cycles headquarters, it’s worth the time to stop. If you can’t venture that far north, you can always check it all out by stalking Jared’s Facebook page like the rest of us do! Melanie Schwarte Melanie@thunderroadsiowa.com
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 45
NDVTEE The National Disabled Veterans TEE (Training, Expose, Experience), (NDVTEE), is a golf rehabilitation program for veterans who are legally blind, amputees, those in a wheelchairs and veterans with a variety of neurological and psychological conditions. The NDVTEE Tournament is one of VA’s six national rehabilitation programs for Veterans. This year’s event will be held September 7-11, 2015. Golf events have taken place at various courses located in the Iowa City area including the Elks Club, Blue Top Golf Course, Riverside; Quail Creak Golf Course, North Liberty; West Liberty Country Club, West Liberty and Lake McBride Golf Course in Solon. The NDVTEE Tournament uses a therapeutic format to promote health, wellness, rehabilitation, fellowship and camaraderie among its participants. Participation is open to U.S. military veterans with visual impairments, amputations, traumatic brain injuries, psychological trauma, certain neurological conditions, spinal cord injuries and other disabilities. The event provides participating veterans an opportunity to participate in a therapeutic golfing event. In addition, we expose them to other activities such as horseback riding, horseshoes, kayaking, and bowling. By participating, veterans are able to develop new skills and strengthen their self-esteem. The NDVTEE Rehabilitative event is used to help inspire our Veterans to adapt and overcome their disabilities and injuries enforcing the concept that the word “CANT” is not acceptable and not an option! Listen to what a few of this year’s Veteran participants have to say about the event;
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‘I wish there were words to express the thankfulness I have for the people and sponsors who work so hard to make the NDVTEE Tournament a reality for me! I am a quadriplegic bi-lateral amputee who has few opportunities to partake in an outing of this nature or any other nature!’ ‘I spend 358 days a year looking forward to this event because for one week I’m free! I am not the one being stared at in a store or restaurant, I’m not that guy missing an arm and a leg, I am not that poor man, I am a part of a group who make up the norm, and that sets us free!’ ‘When is was told that I could golf again I thought once again someone was building me up only to be let down again! I lost my eye sight because of an IED….as well as many other things….. I have been back from the TEE Tournament now for almost 4 weeks and I still have a big smile on my face! I agree with you that can’t is the worst 4 letter word out there! The NDVTEE Tournament has given me and my family something that we can all do together …the other 4 letter word GOLF! Thanks so much for pushing me and showing us all that we only hurt ourselves when we play that trump card …CAN’T! I am inspired and no pun intended but I “see the light”.’ Please join us in supporting these courageous men and women as they battle back from injury, by not only strengthening their bodies but overcoming and improving their overall well-being and self-worth. You can participate in many different ways! Become a sponsor and help us “bridge our financial gaps” so that we might invite more Veterans to our program or sign up as a 2015 NDVTEE Tournament Volunteer! Help us continue to make this event all it can be! For additional information or information on how you can support the event, contact: Kirt Sickels, National Disabled Veterans TEE Tournament Director, at (319) 358-5963; or by e-mail at: Kirt.Sickels@va.gov
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(Continued From Page 34) in awe and honored him as some kind of mystical god.
One thing Mossman did for his retirement was to buy land. In a 1970s interview, Mossman reportedly owned large tracts of land in five states.
Mossman rarely practiced his stunts and was injured numerous times and often rode injured. Once, Mossman doused his clothes in gasoline and Cullum was to set him ablaze, then Mossman would start his bike and jump into a lake. The problem was after Cullum set him on fire his Indian refused to start. Frantically Mossman kicked and kicked and finally the bike came to life and Mossman rode into the water. He was hospitalized for two weeks with burns all over his body for that mistake. The injuries weren’t confined to Mossman. Once he went off the side of a ramp and landed his Indian motorcycle on top of his wife. She recovered after a few weeks in the hospital. Perhaps not coincidentally, Mossman was divorced and married at least three times.
During World War II, Mossman served in the Merchant Marine and later worked with the USO and performed his show for troops.
Mossman fulfilled his dream of making a lot of money. He was said to have earned and lost fortunes many times over.
Inducted in 1998 From MotorcycleMuseum.org
After the war, television, radio and the rising popularity of sports eroded Mossman’s drawing power. He continued to work as a stuntman in Hollywood and continued doing his shows on a smaller scale, often to schoolchildren and for various charities. He continued working into his 70s. He retired to Arizona and died on September 8, 1994. Perhaps the most daring stunt rider in motorcycling lived to 88.
If anything describes the spirit of Mossman, it is a quote he made in a 1935 Motorcyclist interview. During a trip to Japan, his ship was caught in a Many say that Mossman could have been a fine racer if he’d severe typhoon. While most other passengers lay in their put his mind to it. For fun, he raced speedway in California cabins with seasickness, Mossman was up on the bridge with some success in the 1930s and during the 1940s he watching with delight as the old ship stuck her nose into raced a couple of times on the old beach course at Daytona, the massive waves. In describing the trip in the interview running as high as fourth in the 1947 race before his bike Mossman said, “The humdrum monotony of an ordinary had mechanical problems. crossing was not our lot, so we were thankful.”
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 47
Firehouse Restaurant
310 Washington Ave. Red Oak, IA 51566 712-623-3473 Wed, Thurs: 11:30am to 8:00pm Fri, Sat: 11:30am to 9:00pm Sun: 11:30am to 7:00pm Mon, Tu: Closed I have eaten at many different places over the years. I visit them for a variety of reasons. Some I visit because of a special meal that they are known for. Some because they take an ordinary meal and put their own unique spin on it. Some are visited, not because of anything special food related but because of something special to see or experience there. The best places of the latter are the ones that keep you coming back because, while seeing or experiencing, you discover that not only is the place unique but the food is awesome as well!!!! That is exactly what I discovered at the Firehouse Restaurant in Red Oak! The owners have taken the old Red Oak fire station and remodeled and repurposed it into an awesome eating establishment. I’ll start off with the things to see and then we’ll get down to the food. The first thing you’ll notice when you ride up are the murals painted on the overhead doors. Plaques beside each one describe what you are seeing. One depicts two horses and a fireman standing ready to respond at the first sound of the fire bell. The second is of a circa 1929 American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper truck complete with a fireman ready at the wheel to respond. To me the most unique thing about both of these murals is the way they have been painted. As you walk by them it appears as if the eyes of the horses and the firemen follow you!!! It’s kind of creepy and really cool all at the same time!!!!! When I stepped inside one of the first things that caught my eye was the brass fire pole (no, you can’t go down it!!!). They have done an outstanding job of recreating the fire station atmosphere with the polished wood floors and brick walls displaying photos and other fire memorabilia. If you step into the bar area you will be treated to seeing the bar they had imported. It is extremely detailed and gives the room the feel of a proper Irish pub!
tizers are called Fire Starters and many items are listed as The Chief’s... or Firehouse... for items they consider unique to them. Their menu covers a wide variety of foods, including your typical appetizers, salads, sandwiches, wraps, hamburgers, soups, chicken, shrimp, catfish, Iowa chop, and steak. (I’m sure I missed some things! Their menu has too much to remember!!!!) So many things looked so good I had a very difficult time deciding on what to have. I literally made a last second decision to go with the 10oz Sirloin dinner with a salad and mashed potatoes with brown gravy (see... even more decisions!!!! I can be terribly indecisive when it all looks so good!!!!), I also added an appetizer of onion rings (much can be told about an establishment from their rings). The rings arrived first on a platter that also included ranch and Firehouse’s special dipping sauces. Of course the rings appeared to be homemade and were done perfectly, crunchy but not burnt. Beautifully sweet onions were used and were nicely complimented by the ranch sauce. However, my favorite was the Firehouse special sauce! It is the perfect dip for onion rings, tangy with just a touch of a bite to it that mates with the sweetness of the onions for that Yin/Yang combination!!!!! The salad was... well, it was a salad, not much else to say, it’s pretty hard to screw up a salad... I enjoyed it! Now for the BIG plate, so to speak; I was expecting a steak that was probably about 3/4” thick. Well, my expectations were blown out of the water!!!! This steak was a good 1 1/2” thick!!! I was a little tentative cutting into it; my experience has been that unless prepared by a true grill-master that it is difficult to get a steak of these proportions done evenly and properly. I ordered it medium and I can tell you it was DEFINITELY prepared by a grill-master!!!! I don’t believe I’ve ever had a steak this thick done as evenly!!!! BRAVO!!!! The mashed potatoes are very real and the gravy was awesome!!! The dinners come with a “seasonal vegetable” so I had no idea what it might be. They turned out to be carrots. I’m generally not a huge fan of cooked carrots; my previous experience with them is that they are usually overdone and mushy. (Gave up mushy carrots back when my favorites were the Gerber brand... let’s just say a VERY long time ago!!!!) Well, much to my surprise these were the best cooked carrots I have ever had!!!! Now what kind of review would this be if I skipped desert? Even though I was pleasantly full I knew I had a job to do!!!! (It’s a dirty job but.... yada, yada!) Bring on the Death By Chocolate!!!!! It was a wonderful chocolate cupcake that had been injected with warm chocolate syrup. To round it out the plate it was served on had been custom adorned with a chocolate syrup and caramel syrup decoration by our own waitress’ hand!!!! I’m here to tell you that the entire thing was every bit as delicious as it was beautiful!!!! Firehouse Restaurant in Red Oak... if you are a fire department enthusiast like am... this is your mecca. Over and above that the food is spectacular, the staff is wonderful and repeat trips almost go without saying!!! Like them on the book of face (I did!!!!). Have a hunger that’s setting your appetite on fire? Head to the Firehouse Restaurant and let them quench that fire!!!!!
Until next month, ride safe and eat hearty! Craig Little craig@thunderroadsiowa.com PS If you have someplace you think we should check out in your neck of the woods, shoot me an email. The menu has a fire related theme to it as well, the appeThunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook www.thunderroadsiowa.com 48 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 51
Kristi Hockett 2002 883 sportster Tennant
Kim Claeys-Hemphill 2014 1200 HD Sporty Grand Mound
We want you on our pages! If you are an Iowa Girl of Thunder, send us a quality image, your name, year and model of bike, and where you are from to: vernon@thunderroadsiowa.com Kathy Nissen 2007 Heritage Softail Gilman 52 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 53
Three women are about to be executed. shee w sh went we e to a plastic surgeon. She tells the doctor One’s a brunette, one’s a redhead and I ccan’t get rid of these bags please help me. one’s a blonde. The guard brings the The doctor says he is gonna try and new brunette forward and the executioner experimental technique on her. He will asks if she has any last requests. She put a crank in the back of her head and says no and the executioner shouts, when she sees bags under her eyes she’s ‘’Ready! Aim!’’ Suddenly the brunette supposed to crank it and the bags will yells, ‘’EARTHQUAKE!!!’’ Everyone go away. So she gets this crank put in is startled and throws themselves her head and leaves. It works and works on the ground while she escapes. for a while until one day she can’t get rid The guard brings the redhead forward of these bags under her eyes. She cranks and the executioner asks if she has any and cranks as hard as she can but they just last requests. She say no and the executioner er won’t go away. So she goes to the doctor. shouts, ‘’Ready! Aim!’’ Suddenly the redhead ead ad S She says to the doctor: “Doctor, this was yells, ‘’TORNADO!!!’’ Everyone is startled working for a while, but I can’t seem to get and looks around for cover while she escapes. rid of these bags under my eyes.” The doctor By now the blonde has it all figured out. The replies: “Lady those aren’t bags. Those are your guard brings her forward and the executioner asks if she has boobs.” All she had to say was..”Now that would any last requests. She says no and the executioner shouts, explain why I have this goatee.” Ready! Aim!’’ and the blonde yells, ‘’FIRE!!!’’’ A married couple was in a terrible accident where the woman’s face was severely burned. The doctor told the husband that they couldn’t graft any skin from her body because she was too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin. However, the only skin on his body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from his buttocks. The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came from, and requested that the doctor also honor their secret. After all, this was a very delicate matter. After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the woman’s new beauty. She looked more beautiful than she ever had before! All her friends and relatives just went on and on about her youthful beauty! One day, she was alone with her husband, and she was overcome with emotion at his sacrifice. She said, “Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me. There is no way I could ever repay you.” “My darling,” he replied, “think nothing of it. I get all the thanks I need every time I see your mother kiss you on the cheek.”
A man is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the boy is very small and the doorbell is too high for him to reach. After watching the boy’s efforts for some time, the man moves closer to the boy’s position. He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child’s shoulder, leans over and gives the doorbell a solid ring. Crouching down to the child’s level, the man smiles benevolently and asks, “And now what, my little man?” The boy replies, “Now we run!”
Two high school sweethearts who went out together for four years in high school were both virgins; they enjoyed losing their virginity with each other in 10th grade. When they graduated, they wanted to both go to the same college but the girl was accepted to a college on the east coast, and the guy went to the west coast. They agreed to be faithful to each other and spend anytime they could together. As time went on, the guy would call the girl and she would never be home, and when he wrote, she would take weeks to return the letters. Even when he emailed her, she took Tyler was excited about his first day at school. So excited in days to return his messages. Finally, she confessed to him fact, that only a few minutes after class started, he realized she wanted to date around. He didn’t take this very well and that he desperately needed to go to the bathroom. So, Tyler increased his calls, letters, and emails trying to win back raised his hand politely to ask if he could be excused. Of her love. Because she became annoyed, and now had a new course, the teacher said yes, but asked Tyler to be quick. boyfriend, she wanted to get him off her back. So, what she Five minutes later Tyler returned, looking more desperate did is this: she took a Polaroid picture of her sucking her and embarrassed. “I can’t find it,” he admitted. The teacher new boyfriend’s cock and sent it to her old boyfriend with sat Tyler down and drew him a little diagram to where he a note reading, “I found a new boyfriend, leave me alone.” should go and asked him if he will be able to find it now. Well, needless to say, this guy was heartbroken but, even Tyler looked at the diagram, said “yes” and goes on his way. more so, was pissed. So, what he did next was awesome. Well, five minutes later he returned to the class room and He wrote on the back of the photo the following, “Dear says to the teacher, “I can’t find it.” Frustrated, the teacher Mom and Dad, having a great time at college, please send asked Tommy, a boy who has been at the school for a while, more money!” and mailed the picture to her parents. to help him find the bathroom. So, Tommy and Tyler go together and five minutes later they both return and sit down Q: What’s the difference between a G-Spot and a bottle of at their seats. The teacher asks Tommy, “Well, did you find Jack Daniels? A: A guy will actually SEARCH for a bottle it?” Tommy is quick with his reply, “Oh sure, he just had his of Jack Daniels. boxer shorts on backwards.” The teacher asked Jimmy, “Why is your cat at school today Jimmy?” Jimmy replied crying, “Because I heard my daddy There was this woman who had bags under her eyes and tell my mommy, ‘I am going to eat that p*ssy once Jimmy wanted to get them removed so she could look younger so leaves for school today!’” 54 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 55
Hi Vernon, Gary from down here in Clarke County. Just wanted to send you a note on the Bell Tower Festival and Templeton Bootlegger Tour Rye’d. It was a BLAST!! It was my first time to the BTF, it always looked like a lot of fun but, it’s about a two hour ride from home. Fueled by the fact that I could go to the Templeton Rye Factory, I just had to go. I would first like to thank the Green County Motorcycle Charity group for organizing the event. It was well thought out, especially to have all the riders broken into groups and to have the leaders of the group wear colored vests. Very smart! Second, the citizens of Greene County for their patience in letting tour ride go thru, I’m sure they need to get somewhere too, thank you. Keith Kerkhoff, co-founder of the present day Templeton Rye was a great host and tour guide. He explained all of the process and myths of Templeton Rye. The staff at the T.R. Factory were/are very professional and have a great passion for producing an excellent Rye Whiskey. Also, I’m sure they all get a long well with each other as I will explain later. Alex Schoeppner, his wife and father of Schoeppner Designs are very gracious hosts and make some of the coolest, neatest stuff from the old barrels from Templeton Rye Factory. They took the time to show how the barrels are broke down and to explain the need to allow the wood to completely dry (and yes, the fresh barrels smell delicious.) While I’m sure everything they offer can be seen online, it doesn’t compare with being able to put your hands on and feel the passion Alex has for the works of art he creates. Deluxe!!
had there Saturday. Great staff! Most excellent! On to Carroll Cycle Center. What can you say about a Harley Store. I do like their setup, an elongated show room that progresses from clothes to merchandise to parts and motorcycles to even more parts for the diy’ers to the service counter and shop. Nicely done. I personally had very little interaction with the staff, mainly because I was on my Wide Glide and really didn’t have room to put anything. Sorry guys, had to have room for the whiskey! Last stop was Doc’s L Stadium Bar and Grill. S This is a very cool T place. The bartender p Brett is a M.W.M. B ((Maytag Washing Machine: he has an M agitator cycle as wide a as the bar is long) and a can keep any group c of people stirred up. o I didn’t get the other bartenders name or b the waitresses but, I th believe they too were b helping Brett. Kevin, h Rodger and Rick from the Templeton Rye Factory were there and they are a HOOT!!. As I mentioned earlier, they get along well with w each other as evidenced by b giving each other a hard time as well as anybody ti else that was foolish enough e to poke their nose into the conversation (or even just c walking by at the right/wrong w time.) I had an EXCELLENT ti time. While keeping the ti T. T R. group going I noticed the th bartenders doing and excellent job of keeping the e rest of the patrons well taken r care of. Hats off to the crew at c Doc’s. D One O particular thing I noticed. Every now and then there E would be a big bright orb w in the sky. WHAT IS THAT THING!!! T My M calendar is already marked for June 11th, 2016! God willing and if the creek don’t rise, I’ll be there. Last, but certainly not least. Thank you Vern for producing TRMI and spreading the word of great motorcycle events right here in Iowa! If you’re bored in Iowa, you WANT to be bored in Iowa.
The Still (Restaurant & Bar) in Templeton was my next stop for diner (that would be lunch for you young’ns.) Keep the rubber side down. I had a very tasty grilled chicken sandwich. This is a very beautiful bar, the owners have done an excellent Gary Barr job in design and décor. Some day I hope to find the rest of their menu item are as good as the sandwich I
56 - TRMI AUGUST 2015
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dollars to make it happen, despite knowing that none of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and ATVs in use in the United States is approved to use E15 or higher ethanol blends. Using these fuels in motorcycles and ATVs is illegal and may cause engine fuel systems damage and void the manufacturer’s warranty. There is nothing more powerful than thousands of riders joining together to express their concern with unsafe fuel for their rides. Sign the AMA petition. Go to www.ama. com
NATIONAL NEWS NHTSA Lobbying clause struck from the new transportation bill. An amendment to the new Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act killed a provision that would have reinstated the ability of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to spend federal tax dollars to lobby for state motorcycle helmet laws. If the section had remained, it would have overturned the NHTSA lobbying ban that has been in effect since 1998. The intent of the amendment was to stop NHTSA from using taxpayer money to manipulate state and local legislators. We can all agree that motorcyclists are better served by preventing crashes in the first place, and not with mandatory adult helmet laws or sporadic discriminatory motorcycle only check points. The U.S. EPA announced its proposed standards for ethanol in the nation’s fuel supplies, raising the amount required by more than 9% between 2014 and 2017. This will limit the availability of E0 (no ethanol) andE10 fuel available. The EPA is pushing higher ethanol limits despite its own acknowledgement that the market cannot consume these higher amounts. The EPA calls for higher ethanol blended fuels and the USDA spends taxpayer
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According to a new AT&T study, a shocking 70% of drivers use their smartphones while operating their vehicles and it’s not just messaging either. 27% of drivers surveyed reported checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even taking selfies while driving, are all on the rise. At any given time of the day approximately 660,000 drivers are attempting to use their pphones while behind the wheel. Some statistics: a) National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes per year. bb) Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. c) 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the U.S. is because of distracted driving. d) Texting while driving is 6 times more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk. e) In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in distraction-related crashes. As motorcyclists these statistics are frightening. We all need to do our part to discourage distracted driving. We all need to be ever vigilant to make sure that the people in vehicles actually see us. It only takes a split second to injure or kill someone, stay on top of your game. Rider Sober, Ride Deliberate, Ride Safe. Questions or comments? peter@riderpromotions.com
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Tuesday Crescent Roadhouse Crescent Desperado’s Wheatland Century Bar Alta American Legion post 232 Polk City (Last Tuesday) Hooters Council Bluffs
Wednesday The Buck Snort Neola Cadillac Jack’s Baxter George and Dales East Dubuque Slaby’s Plainview Amigos Fort Dodge Wieblers HD Davenport 2nd Ave Bike Night Des Moines (2nd Wednesday) OP Clear Lake Ride’s Bar & Grill Ft Dodge Thirsty on Third Davenport Greencastle Tavern Mingo Tip-Top Lounge Ames (Every Other)
Thursday Roar Into Harlan (3rd Thursdays) Beer Barn & Grill Kirkman Crossroads Kelley (Every Other Thursday) Metro HD Cedar Rapids (2nd Thursday) Screaming Eagle Bar & Grill Waterloo Crossroads Bike Night Featuring Zylstra HD (8-13,9-10) Calvin Rockett/Zylstra HD Marshalltown (Last Thursday) Baxa’s Sutliff Store & Tavern The Back 40 Macedonia Loess Hills HD Pacific Junction (Last Thursday) Gravy’s Bar and Grill Davenport Maingate Bar & Grill The Neighborhood Bar & Grill Des Moines Kamodo Klub Des Moines
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Friday Fro’s Wilton Knoxville Bike Night Knoxville (1st Friday) Dubuque Harley-Davidson (Last Friday) Dee’s Catfish Cove Davenport Bike Down to I-Town Indianola (3rd Friday) TC’s Pub Marshalltown (4th Friday) Woody’s Roadside Tavern Albion (Last Friday) TJ’s Pour House Exira (2nd Friday) Sandy Hook Tavern Hazel Green, WI Centerville Bike Nights (4th Friday) Biscuit’s Bar and Grill Buffalo Des Moines Vintage Bike Night (1st Friday) Monroe Bike Night (4th Friday) Thunder Nites Newton-(2nd Friday)
Saturday Winterset Bike Night Winterset (3rd Saturday) Avenue of the Saints St. Charles Bike night (Sep 19)
Sunday Haverhill Social Club Haverhill (3rd Sunday) The Edge Missouri Valley This list is what we have found and what has been submitted. Before heading to any event, please check weather and make sure the event is not cancelled. Not responsible for misprints and typos. If you have any other events to list, please email vernon@thunderroadsiowa.com
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Jul 23-25 Jul 24-25 Jul 25 Jul 25 Jul 25 Jul 26 Jul 30-Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 3-9 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8-9 Aug 14-16 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15-16 Aug 16 Aug 21-23 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29-30 Aug 30 Sep 2 Sep 3-5 Sep 4-6 Sep 5 Sep 5 Sep 5-6 Sep 6 Sep 9 Sep 11-13 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep 12 Sep 12 Sep 12
Iowa H.O.G. Rally Des Moines WMDRA and Inside Drag Racing at Eddyville Motorcross on the Bluff Council Bluffs Chrome Divas Ride for a Cause Metro HD Cedar Rapids 2nd Annual Rally for the Rock Everyly Teufelhund’s Xmas in July Anamosa 8th Annual Across the Border Raid Bedford Henningstrong Poker Run Newton South Dakota Party AtlanticFest Ride In Bike Show Atlantic CVMA 39-1 APR (Annual Patriot Ride) Indianola 5th Annual Josh Davis Memorial Poker Run Perry ABATE D15 Too Broke for Sturgis Donahue Boji Bike Rally Okoboji 6th Annual Hope Ride for MDA Dubuque HD Kim Foresman Benefit Fun Run Atlantic ABATE D8 Rider Ed Run Laurens A&W Car and Bike Show Lester Flag Ride Oxford 9th Annual Lost Brothers Fun Run Clarksville 34th Annual Baxter Days Marne MSAA Hospice Ride Mason City 11th Annual BTW Trike In Kellogg ABATE of Iowa M.A.R.S. Eldora Werner Cycle Works 7th Annual Car & Bike Show Omaha, NE MSAA Ag Days Bike Show & Parade Manly 4th Annual Jami Jam Okoboji HD to Terril Wish Ride (Make A Wish) Council Bluffs 4th Annual Andy Lown Memorial Ride Cedar Rapids Operation Comfort Warrior Ride Waukon Iowa State Fair Motorcycle Day Des Moines 8th Annual Ride for the TaTas The Beer Barn Kirkman ABATE D6 Honoring Our Heroes Vets Ride IA Vets Home Marshalltown Baylee’s Bike Run for Lupus Dee’s Catfish Cove Davenport AHeinz 57 7th Annual Ruff Ride Adel 3rd Annual PTSD Awareness Ride Sanborn Olsen’s Outdoor Power Spydermania II Council Bluffs Childrens Miracle Network Fun Run Ida Grove New Model Party Metro HD Cedar Rapids 44th Davenport Fall International Meet Redneck Revival Conesville 9th Annual Cedar County Heroes Memorial Ride Tipton Run For The Kids Madrid Midway Tavern Soldier Valley Run BBQ, Street Dance Soldier ABATE D 8 Biker Bash 2015 Lake Park Heartland HD Cruise Night #2 Burlington Davis Motorcycle Rally New Hampton MSAA 911 Memorial Ride Mason City No Nipple Dipple Ride Buffalo Broken Spokes Ride For U of IA Children’s Hospital Davenport Waukee Legions Riders 7th Annual Toy Run Waukee Teufelhund Support Ride Anamosa
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Sep 12 Sep 13 Sep 13 Sep 18-20 Sep 19 Sep 19 Sep 19 Sep 19-20 Sep 23-26 Sep 24-27 Sep 25-27 Sep 26 Sep 26 Sep 26 Sep 27 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 4 Oct 4 Oct 11 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 17 Nov 6-7 Nov 20 Nov 27 Dec 12 Dec 12 Dec 12 Jan 30-31
Blain-O Tornado Poker Run Muscatine Hill Climb and Swap Meet Anamosa Hogs4Dogs Benefit & Ride Ottumwa 26th Annual End of Summer Rally Keosauqua The Edge’s Midwest Connection Missouri Valley Sidney’s Wish Poker Run Des Moines Twin Rivers H4H Bikers Building Hope Ride Fort Dodge Outlaw Street Drags Race Series Conesville Bikes Blues & BBQ Fayetteville, AR Oktemberfest Marshalltown Rustemberfest Pacific Junction 8th Annual Find Your Marbles Party Ernie’s HD Algona Carroll Cycle Center New Model Open House Carroll Sananna’s Ride East Dubuque, IL R/J Performance Fun Day at the Drag Strip Eddyville Chrome Divas Cancer Awareness Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids Hot Rods and Harleys Hopkinton Carroll Cycle Center Toy Run Carroll ABATE D19 Toy Run Denison Waypoint Gentlemans Ride Cedar Rapids Outlaw Street Drags Race Series Conesville MSAA River Fun Run Mason City Heartland HD Fall Open House Burlington ABATE of IOWA STEAM Marshalltown Carroll Cycle Center Ladies’ Night Out Carroll Carroll Cycle Center Guys Night Out Carroll Carroll Cycle Center Pictures with Santa Carroll Santa Visits Metro HD Cedar Rapids Customer Appreciation/Santa Dubuque HD Colorado Motorcycle Expo Denver, CO
TRMI AUGUST 2015 - 63
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