Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa March 2015

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Fajen Lumber in Elk Horn, Iowa is the stage for the March Cover of TRMI. Pat and LaJean work in the family business owned and operated by her parents Larry and Jan. It is a small town lumberyard , hardware store, and gift shop where we get most of our building materials. Pat has been a biker for years and wanted to blend the two worlds of bikes and wood. Not a normal combination, but bikers live and work in all sorts of places biker related. This month we have Summer, Jessi, and LaJean adorning some of Pat and LaJeans collection. On the left is a 1977 HD golf cart model D, a 2007 Nightrain, an out of the factory look 1974 XLH, and LaJeans 2001 1200 Custom XLH. On the calendar is his 2014 VRod drag bike. You can find them during the days at Fajen Lumber, 2111 Broadway Avenue, Elk Horn, Iowa 51531 712.764.4016 or

Rolling into March is always an exciting time for bikers all over. The hard core riders have never really put the bikes away, but most tend to keep them under wraps for the winter. March means that things are thawing out, the days are getting longer, the temperatures are coming up in general, the show season is in full swing, and the riding season is just around the corner. This past winter has been rather odd weather wise for sure. I was riding on Christmas, rode in January, a brief bit one day in February, and then a massive statewide blizzard within a week after that February ride. Temperatures in one week in February had an almost 70 degree swing. Crazy weather for sure, but still gotta love this state. One of the things that we will be getting ready for the April issue is the ever popular FREE Bike Night listing. This, in conjunction with the FREE Events Listing is our way of showing the bikers of Iowa what is going on and where. If people don’t know what is happening, they cannot plan ahead to get there. If you have any events, or are hosting or know about a bike night that is a confirmed event, let us know. You can email Vernon@thunderroadsiowa and we will get it on the list. People often ask where the TRMI crew can be found. Well in March you will find us, our booth, and new magazines at many places. To start with we will roll through the AMCA meet in Fremont, NE before setting up at the Midwest Motorcycle Show. This bike show is held in conjunction

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with World of Wheels in Omaha on February 27th, 28th, March 1st. Werner Cycle Works sponsors this show and it has been growing the past few years with Tom and crew’s hard work. The next weekend we will be in eastern Iowa at the Parts Girl Promotions Swap Meet at Hawkeye Downs in Cedar Rapids on March 8th. This one day event packs in the parts and the people, Joe and crew put on a good show, so don’t miss it! Another noteworthy event is in Davenport with the ABATE D15 Two Wheel Trauma class. This is a wonderful presentation by a group that is highly respected in the motorcycle and emergency response realms. Contact D15 is you are interested. Other than that, March brings us Daylight Savings Time, and the first day of spring on March 20th. It is not that March 20th is of any significance, but at least it is a sign that two wheeled therapy should be coming soon. As riders start to get out, please be safe. Make sure to check over the iron steeds before heading out. They may have been sitting for quite some time, so check the tires, check the brakes, and make sure all fluids are up to snuff. When you get on the roads, don’t forget the roads are rougher in the fall and the spring, and potholes have been dug out by snow plows and are quite hazardous. There is plenty of road debris including sand and gravel so watch those corners and curves closely. As always, keep an eye out for the cars that do not even think about seeing us. They are not used to bikes over the winter months, so they have to get acclimated to the biker presence. Be safe and be careful to ride another day. Vernon and Melanie Schwarte Quote of the Month: George Hanson: I think I’ll order kidneys, ‘cause I left mine out there on the road somewhere. Easy Rider 1969

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Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

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Hi- I wanted to send out a quick write up for our annual Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa Crew round up! I’m Mark Mullins, President of the Motorcycle Awareness Group. Our group has a monthly column in TRMI called “MAG Corner”, where we share the latest in riding tips, motorcycle safety news and updates, and vent and have a laugh or two along the way. It’s an honor for us to be in TRMI, and as any regular reader of our column knows, our efforts are beginning to pay off. Statewide campaigns and petitions are underway to clear our motorist’s windshields to better see us riders, and with everyone’s continued effort this can become a reality, so please keep up the good work.

practiced a “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. Ours was a little different. They didn’t ask where I felt like riding, and I didn’t tell what happened on the ride. There was Dre, who built custom FXR’s in the back of his lady’s hair salon. Hair salons smell like hell anyhow, so nobody was the wiser. They always came out with a happy glow when he sprayed pearl on the tins he said -“Complimentary Glitter”, if you will. Then there was Tumbleweed, who got his name from the way his massive head of hair (think Bigfoot on a bad hair day) used to flop around on a ride. As scary as he looked, they guy could karaoke Rat Pack songs with the best of them. Until you’ve seen a six and a half foot tall tattooed Yeti nail “Candy Man” you ain’t lived. Then there was Motor-mouth Mike. I’d tell my other friends- “You’re going to meet my friend Like most of you, I’m sick of winter, even though there Mike. You won’t like him”. He didn’t look that tough have been worse winters in recent years. But any but I actually saw him break several of those punching weather that keeps me off the bike is not my favorite bag arcade games they had in bars back in the 90’s. kind, and I know we’re all ready for that first ride of Broken, as in lights out, tape over the coin slot, call the the season. There’s nothing like that first rush of wind repair guy broken. One time we saw a city boy in a pimp and noise each year when you fire the bike up for suit roughing up his girlfriend at a sports bar. Motorthe first time. It’s like a part of you that really matters mouth popped him so hard I saw his eyes roll up like a has been in hibernation, and now every stressful day slot machine. Rather than get tossed out, the bouncers has a release valve. It’s amazing what even a short bought us a round because that’s what they wanted to ride on the bike can do for your attitude, and how it do but couldn’t. Motor-mouth once launched a one-man clears the stress and cobwebs out of your mind. It’s vendetta against a girl who he was convinced stole his why I ride a bike that has no accessories other than wallet after an evening, um, “romp”. He had ten tons a speedo. I need that “detach”, I don’t want to hear of river rock dumped in her driveway. He signed her the radio, and I damn sure don’t want the internet or up for every magazine on earth. Had pizzas sent there a GPS talking back to me. Tom Tom can take a Hike hourly. Had her utilities read out and disconnected. Hike in other words. This was before the internet, so things like that we done My ride of choice is my over the phone. About a month home-built chop with an later, I was helping him move. Iowa Special Construction We picked up his bookcase, Title. I run an 80” Evo and his wallet fell off the top. through a 5 speed with a He offered a one word answer: chain final drive, which “Oops”. makes me kind of old-school these days, but I don’t care. My riders call it the “Loctite Back then my first real bike Special” because it’s forever was a kick-only shovel in a shedding parts along the wide glide frame. It got named way and keeping me busy “Puddles” for obvious reasons. finding suitable temporary Dre, Tumble, Motor-mouth and I solutions as we ride. I once rode around on black bikes that limped back from a group rattled and leaked and broke, ride using a lady’s hair tie but we had a ball doing it. to hold my front caliper Motor-mouth once went down on (thanks Kayla!). I firmly a sidewalk and through an believe that Blue Loctite outdoor art show in Scottsdale. holds it right up until you His sincere explanation was needed it most, yet parts that everybody looked bored. held with Red may as well He was thoughtful like that. This have been MIG welded was during the first modern together. Purple is only wave of Harley mania. The strong enough for the screw RUBS ride of choice at the time in the flag on the mail box, was a Heritage, a Nostalgia, and nobody can definitively or a Springer softail, of course tell me what Green is for shades like Robin’s Egg Blue or (Loctite’s own web site says Salmon. We’d thunder up on our “for carburetors and electrical”, now there’s an odd dusty crap and park in the center of those Easter Eggs combo). Until they make a Blue and a Half, you’re and just enjoy the commotion. Some would come out likely to find me with an Allen key set in my pocket and offer to move their bikes. I saw one Nube actually every time I mount up, and maybe a hair tie or two. come out and put a cover on his Hallmark Egg. It was hilarious. I hope you’re there the next time, wherever You never meet a boring person on a motorcycle; I’ve there is, and we’ll share a laugh and go for a ride. But not come to accept that. Some you like some you don’t. on the sidewalk. That was so 90’s. I used to ride with some truly interesting characters out west. Not a lot of last names were used, and they Mark Mullins, President, MAG Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook 6 - TRMI MARCH 2015

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CMA Notes

I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to pretend that it’s spring when I know there are swap meets going on. Yes, I’m denying reality a bit, but standing in line in the slush to get into a swap meet is kind of like seeing the first robin of the season pecking around for seeds in the snow – we both may be jumping the gun, but spring is definitely just around the corner!

I dare say I’m a typical female in that I’m at a swap meet to see friends, have a little food, and poke through the clothes vendors – not so much to look at the bike parts. Every now and again something will catch my eye, but most of the time the tangle of cables, steel, and rust on display are a mystery to me. Mark, on the other hand, will swoop on one of these bits with an enthusiastic “Ah!”. He’ll look at it from all sides, trying to determine if it’s exactly what he wants. (I used to foolishly ask him what these parts were for, but since he may as well be answering me in Chinese, I don’t bother any more.) Even more of a puzzle to me at my first swap meet was this question: How are the original bikes running if they’re missing all these parts? I finally realized that a swap meet is basically a mobile junk yard of formerly awesome bikes that somehow met their end and are now being parted out. Every once in a while I’ll see something shiny in a box and know that either someone purchased an un-returnable part that didn’t work out and they’re trying to recoup their loss by selling it, or that it’s a stock part that was stripped off a new bike and immediately replaced by something custom. Because no one would strip down their favorite bike that ran well and part it out, right? Imagine your sense of amazement if even a friend swapped parts off his custom one-of-a-kind bike to get your clunker bike up and running just so the two of you could ride together. Actually, though, God did just that for us. When Adam and Eve first sinned, they signed a debt agreement on the dotted line on behalf of all their descendants. Due to their choices the entire human race is being held captive until the debt for that sin is paid. The irony of the situation is that as individuals we don’t HAVE to stay in captivity because God did the unthinkable for us: He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to trade places with us so we could be freed. Jesus’ perfection was parted out to keep clunkers like us alive. Romans 5:8 says it this way: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Our freedom doesn’t depend on us being good enough, because that will never happen. Rather, it depends on us understanding that we can never be good enough and accepting Jesus as the payment for our debt. Stuart Townsend wrote these words: How deep the Father’s love for us, How vast beyond all measure That He should give His only Son, To make a wretch His treasure. What God wants from us is our acknowledgement that we can never pay the debt for our own sin and for us to accept the “swap” He arranged for us – the life of Jesus Christ. He’s everything we’ll ever need. Blessings - Karla Mark and Karla Cornick are Area Reps for the Christian Motorcyclists Association. To learn more about CMA and God’s plan for your life, visit . 8 - TRMI MARCH 2015

Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

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The Biker Friendly Business Directory is a list of establishments throughout Iowa that sponsor the magazine. You can pick up your copy here every month. Let them know that you saw them in TRMI. If your business would like to advertise in Thunder Roads Iowa Biker Friendly Business Listing and become a part of the network, please email vernon@

Carroll Cycle Center 1327 Plaza Dr Carroll, Iowa 712-792-1610

Nishna Valley Cycle HONDA – YAMAHA – KTM Atlantic, Iowa 50022 1-888-577-6406

Dubuque Harley-Davidson 145 N Crescent Rdg Dubuque, IA 52003 563-557-3735

Okoboji Harley-Davidson 1005 Eastview Avenue Okoboji IA, 51355 712-332-7700

Ernie’s Harley-Davidson 2613 Hwy 18 East Algona, IA 50511 515-295-7951

R/J Performance HWY 63 North Ottumwa, Iowa 52501 641.684.8400 1606 P Avenue Milford, Iowa 51351 877-816-2200 Follow us on Facebook!!

Fenders Cycle and Motorsport 1109 E Army Post Road Des Moines, Iowa 50315 515-256-9062

Uptown Motors Sales, Inc 310 Cleveland St Muscatine, IA 52761 563-263-2944

Crispy’s Biker Apparel Cedar Rapids, Iowa Find Us On Facebook 319-241-0916

Fenders Honda 100 South 16th Street Ames, Iowa 50010 515-233-4727

Werner Cycle Works 14410 Frontier Road Exit 440 I-80 Omaha, NE 68138 402-894-3050

Leer’s Cycle Center 101 Fletcher Avenue Waterloo, Iowa 50701 1-800-870-6058

Whipp Sales and Service, Inc 701 S 8th Street Clarinda, Iowa 51632 1.800.477.0195

Loess Hills Harley-Davidson 57408 190th Street Pacific Junction IA 51561 712-622-4000

Wiebler’s Harley-Davidson 5320 Corporate Park Drive Davenport, IA 52807 563-355-6437

Metro Harley-Davidson 2415 Westdale Drive SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 319-362-9496

Zylstra Harley-Davidson 1930 E 13th Street Ames, Iowa 50010 515-232-6223

Biker Accessories

J&P Cycles 13225 Circle Drive Anamosa, IA 52205 800-318-4823

Dealers Baxter Cycle 311 4th Street Marne, Iowa 51552 712-781-2351 Brenny’s Motorcycle Clinic 4426 State Street Bettendorf, IA 52722 (563)359-7222

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Entertainment Book Em Dano’s 33 S Main Street Denison, Iowa 51442 712-263-9818Mon-Sat 4-2 Dancers Nightly 5-1:30 Celebrations DJ & Karaoke Services Newton, IA 641-521-8036 Any Occasion or Facebook/Ray Johansen National Motorcycle Museum 102 Chamber Drive Anamosa, Iowa 52205 319-462-3925 National Sprint Car Hall of Fame/Museum

One Sprint Capital Place Knoxville, Iowa 50138-0542 641-842-6176 Okoboji Classic Cars Museum and Restoration Shop 810 Jeppeson Road West Okoboji, Iowa 51351 712-332-8029

Food and Drink 4 Way Good Eats Where Friends Meet Wed - Sun 7 a.m. to close Luxemburg, IA. 563-853-3451 Full menu of All Homemade Goodness!

411 Main/Rocket Joe’s 411 Main Street Griswold, Iowa 51535 712-778-4111 FB 411 Main Street Bar & Rocket Joes

Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

Barney’s 203 S Mill Street Wadena, Iowa 52169 563-774-2525 Barney’s Wadena on Facebook

Captains Quarters 807 Main Adel, Iowa 50003 M-F 2-12, Sat 10-2, Sun 12-12 515-993-4417

Baxa’s Sutliff Store & Tavern 5546 130th Street NE Lisbon 319-624-2204 Cold Beer, Delicious Food, Good Music & Great Times!

Catfish Charlie’s On the Mississippi River 1630 E. 16th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 (563)582-8600

Bikerz 313 Main Ave. ClearLake, IA 50428 641-440-4255 Noon-2am 7 days a week Breezy Hills Winery 31735 Tamarack Rd. Minden, IA 51553 712-485-2083 Broken Throttle Saloon 621 Highway K45 Whiting, Iowa 712-455-1096 We are on Facebook Buck Snort 113 4th Street Neola, Iowa 51559 712-485-9090 The Buck Snort on Facebook C&L Sandbar 103 North Noyes Street Mondamin, IA 51557 712-646-2300 or 712-216-0975 Hours Daily 11-close Cadillac Jack’s 106 Main Street Baxter, Iowa 50028 641-227-3611 Cadillac Jack’s on Facebook

Cede’s Bark Bistro 519 W. Main St. Sac City, IA 50583 712-662-8072 2 Wheel Thursday $2 Beers Chopper’s 601 Rhomberg Avenue Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-556-9666 Open Noon-Close 365/Year Coon’s Corner 302 Front Street Neola, Iowa 51559 712-485-2068 Coon’s Corner on Facebook Dam Riverview Sports Bar The Rivers Closest Watering Hole Guttenburg, IA 563-252-4400 Unbeatable Views, Drinks, & Food!! Enjoy our Deck over The River!! Desperados 105 E 5th Street Atlantic 712-243-7087 Home of Cold Beer, Good Times, Pizza & Wings Doc’s Roadhouse 309 East 7th Street Logan, Iowa 51543 712-644-3636 Open 365-8 am to Close

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Come for the Food, Stay for the Scenery

Hawkeye Bar & Grill 110 North 4th Street Mapleton, IA 51034 712-882-1226 Mon-Sat 10:30 a.m. ~ Sun 12:00 p.m.

Do Drop Inn 403 3rd Avenue Under the Water Tower Jamaica, Iowa 50128 515-314-0783

Huffy’s Mule Barn 802 Main Street Anita, Iowa 50020 712-762-9995

Durango Depot 736 Burtons Furnace Road Open 3 to close Best Scenic Road With the Best Food! 563-552-2291

Iron Saddle Saloon 39 S Main Street Dayton, Iowa 50530 515-547-3311

Dolly’s Bar & Grill 109 N. Pine Street Auburn, Iowa 51433 712-688-2220

Ferg’s Bar & Grill 806 Hwy 30 Grand Junction, Iowa 50107 515-738-5416 Where Good Friends Meet Fro’s Pub ‘N Grub 309 Cedar St, Wilton 563-732-3977 Fro›s Pub n Grub on Facebook A Surprise Around Every Corner George And Dales Bar & Grill Downtown East Dubuque,IL Open 11 am 7 days a week Wed Bike Night 815-747-8810 Goozman›s Westside Bar & Grill Harlan, Iowa 712-755-2259 Goozman›s Westside on Facebook Haverhill Social Club 202 1st Street Haverhill, Iowa 50120 641-475-3321 Mon-Sat 10-2, Sun 12-12

J.R. Willie’s Gateway to the Beautiful Hill Country Colesburg, IA 563-856-5095 OPEN M-F 10AM S-S 7 AM Home of the Willie Whopper Keasey’s Hideaway Lounge 911 Court Street Adel, Iowa 50003 515-993-3001 Kelly’s Irish Pub & Eatery 563-344-0000 2222 E 53rd Street #10 Davenport, Iowa 52807 Great Food, Great Service, Great Atmosphere

Knickers Saloon 2186 Central Avenue Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-557-0887 365 Days a Year Knickers Saloon on Facebook Knuckleheads Anamosa, IA 319-462-2724 Like on FB Knuckleheads Pub & Grub

Open M-F 11-2, S-S 10-2 The Knucklehead Burger “Git IT IN YA”

TRMI MARCH 2015 - 11

Lampe’s Pub 608 Iowa Avenue Dunlap, Iowa 51529 712-643-5781 Open 7 days a week at 11 AM

Shenanigans Pub-Dubuque 3203 Jackson Street Dubuque, Iowa 563-513-4001 Open 364 - 3 pm - 2 am

Timerz Pub & Eatery 324 E 7th Street Logan, Iowa 51546 Timerz Pub & Eatery on FB Food & Fun Available 7 Days/Week

SR Gunsmithing AGI Certified Gunsmith Scott Rule Council Bluffs, IA 402-850-5787

Midway Tavern 206 1st Street Soldier, Iowa 712-884-2230

Sidetracked 206 West Union Street Creston, Iowa 50801 641-782-8534

T.J.’s Pourhouse 100 E. Washington Street Exira, Iowa 50076 712-268-2353 Open M-SAT.@11, SUN.@ NOON

In sur ance

Minden Bowl Café & Lounge 209 Broadway Street Minden, Iowa 51553 712-483-2937 Minden Bowl on Facebook

Sportsman Bar & Grill 103 1st Street Pisgah, Iowa 51564 712-456-2222 FOOD, FUEL, FUN

Montgomery Street Pub 207 East Montgomery Street Creston, Iowa 50801 641-782-2165

Stumpy’s Bar & Grill 423 Main Street Duncombe, Iowa 50532 515-543-4222 Stumpy’s Bar & Grill on Facebook

Papa Joe’s 117 South 6th Street Missouri Valley, Iowa 51555 712-642-9015

The Detour Bar & Grill Good Food, Cold Beer, Hot Staff M-F 3:30 - 2:00, Wknds 12:00 - 2:00 Petersburg, IA (563) 875-7632 “By God, Lets Have One!!”

Pearl Street Social Club 110 Pearl Street SW Shellsburg, Iowa 52332 319-436-7100 Find Us On Facebook! Pines Steakhouse Oinkers Lounge & Grill 1500 E 7th Street Atlantic, Iowa 50022 712-243-3606 M-F 11AM-, S-S 4PMPizza Ranch DENISON 510 HWY 39 North Denison, Iowa 712-393-3333 Check Us Out on Facebook Open 7 Days a Week Pizza Ranch HARLAN 613 Court Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-755-2262 Check Us Out on Facebook Open 7 Days a Week Red Oak Tap 419 E. Reed Red Oak, Iowa 51566 712-623-4788 Riverside Tavern 450 E Main St Lehigh, Iowa 50557 515-359-9998 Sambetti’s Bar and Grill 1430 2nd Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50314 515-245-9780 Mon-Sat 11a-2a, Sun 11a-7p Screaming Eagle American Bar & Grill 228 East 4th Street Waterloo, Iowa 50703 319-235-8865

12 - TRMI MARCH 2015

Tobey Jacks Mineola Steak House Mineola, Iowa 712-526-2078 Open 7 Days a Week Check Us Out on Facebook

Matt McCall Insurance Agency State Farm Insurance 102 East South St, Tipton 563-886-6120


Uncle Harley’s Bar & Grill 202 W Mayne, Blue Grass (563)381-1717 Great Pizza & Food Bikers ALWAYS Welcome

Hupy and Abraham sc, pc Lawyers for Bikers 800.800.5678

Vic’s Main Tap 304 Broadway Audubon, Iowa 50025 712-563-2122 Opens M-F 3, Sat 10, Sun 3 Pete Leehey Law Firm, P.C. Riding and Defending Your Rights for Over 30 Years 977-209-9452

The Edge 3157 Joliet Avenue Missouri Valley, Iowa 51555 712-642-2229 The Edge on Facebook

Wilson’s Tap and Recreation 1008 Story Street Boone, Iowa 50036/ 515-433-1395

Photo and Art

The Home Plate Diner 304 E. 30th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50317 515-262-7000

Woobies 134 W. Main St. New London, IA 52645 319-367-2211

Ullrich Photography PO Box 1842 Clinton, Iowa 52733 563-243-8715

The Lewis Place 506 W Main Street Lewis, Iowa 51544 712-769-2290 Come Relax in the Beer Garden

Woody’s Roadside Tavern 100 West Jefferson Albion, Iowa 50005 (641) 488-2220 Woody’s Roadside Tavern on Facebook


Guns and Ammo

BCS Computers 100 Industrial Road Guthrie Center, Iowa 50115 641-747-3344

The Lounge 1005 Chatburn Ave Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-755-5050 The Lounge Harlan Iowa on Facebook

2A Firearms Training Training to Protect Your 2nd Ammendment Rights 641-439-6660

The Onion Grove Bar & Grill 502 Lombard St, Clarence (563)452-3030 Check out our fun on Facebook!!

Dales’ Guns Buy-Sell-Trade-Gunsmithing 109 Main Street Ute, Iowa 712-885-2671

The Roadhouse 105 Washington Marne, Iowa 51552 712-781-2272 Home of the Marne Burger The Sawmill Bar & Grill Now with a Full Menu 401 Main St New Market, IA 51646-3079 712-585-3601 The Wagon Wheel 521 E 7th Washington, Iowa 52353 319-653-3637 Wagon Wheel Tap on Facebook

Locked and Loaded Outfitters 612 Market Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-235-4867 Shooter’s Outlet 114 Main Street Arcadia, Iowa 51430 712-689-2772 Tues,Wed,Fri 9-5, Thurs 9-7, Sat 8-12

Ben Franklin/Radio Shack 106 N Wilson Jefferson, Iowa 50129 515-386-4122 Hoker Trucking NOW HIRING Dixon, Iowa 563-843-2763 Peebles Plumbing & Heating Luxaire & Mitsu 613 Main Street Griswold, Iowa 51535 712-778-2417 River Street Auto - 118 River St. Iowa Falls - 641.648.5004 Motorcycle Tires & Auto Repairs We Fix Everything Except a Broken Heart

Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

Sound and Service Bike/Car/Home Audio and TV 712 Quint Avenue Carroll, Iowa 51401 712-792-5403

Bob’s Atomic Garage 2850 16th Ave SW Cedar Rapids 319-200-4257 60+ Years of Experience In HD & American V-Twin Motors

F & J Racing 701 N 3rd Ave Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 641-752-8651

Steffens Cycle Shop LLC 1311 E 7th Street Atlantic, Iowa 50022 712-243-3076M-F 9-5 Most Sat 9-12 Or Call

Southwest Iowa Sandblasting Mike Magers 65162 Oxford Rd Atlantic, Iowa 50022 712-249-3995

Butterfield’s M.C. Parts 8025 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68134 402-391-3768 (563)263-2803 Muscatine, IA Full Custom Paint, Pinstriping & Airbrush

Waderich’s Towing 420 S Main Street Denison, Iowa 51442 Phone 712-263-3687 Cell 712-263-9685

Main Street Bikes and Trikes 522 Main Street Granville, Iowa 51022 712.727.3515

To buy ad space for your business or service in our directory, give us call at 712-249-5630 or email vernon@

Tame Your Mane at MY BARBER 7th & Fillmore, Davenport 563-322-8762 Biker Owned & Operated TVC Home Improvements Certified Lead Abatement Contractor

1422 Farnam Davenport, Iowa 52803 866-322-1754

Chuck’s Cycle Service and Repair 714 East 7th Street Washington, Iowa52353 319-461-5278 Creative Concepts Collision 422 Market Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712.755.2231

Shops & Fabricators

Custom Paint Specialists 2905 Delaware AvenueDes Moines, Iowa 50317 515-971-4579

Bent Wrench Cycles 911 7th Street Harlan, Iowa 51537 712-235-2453 Bent Wrench Cycles on Facebook

Dead Heads Engineering, Fab, Repairs & Sales 426 Railway Street Gillett Grove, Iowa 51341 712-835-3353

Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

Nelson Machine & Forge General Machining, Ornamental Iron, Weld/Fab 70 Washington Street Marne, Iowa 51552 712-781-2220 Pike Run Services 320 Main Nichols, Iowa 52766 Shop 319-723-4244 Cell 319-330-4541 Revolution Cycles 120 South Main Street Baxter, Iowa 50028 641-507-9250

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Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

TRMI MARCH 2015 - 15

 Trav Tr a el av elliingg aacross cros cr oss ou ur fi fine nnee sstate taate te ooff Io Iowa w rrecently, wa ecen ec ntl t yy,, I hhad ad d tthe he he Travelling our opportunity to take a behind the scenes look at the home of Nunnikhoven Art Stone in Mediapolis. The owners of Nunnikhoven Art Stone are Steve and Marika Nunnikhoven. Two very down to earth people who grew up in Southeast Iowa and set out to establish a business, backed by over 50 years combined experience, that provides quality products to their customers with honest and reliable service. Steve and Marika are extremely personable, and very open to sharing their trade secrets. Heck, they even bought lunch! Before starting the tour, I expected to see a number of treasures that would spark my interest, but what I encountered was more than I had imagined. There are numerous lines of products available at Nunnikhoven Art Stone. They proudly display numerous Wine Art items, Christian Art, and some breathtaking Military Art pieces. There are items ranging in size from knick-knacks, to an amazing piece weighing in at about 1,800 pounds (we’ll get to that piece a bit later). They provide pieces in the Gun Art collection that fondly remind us of our Second Amendment…the 52 inch tall bullets were awesome…you can even have one of these made

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in nto t yyour ourr oow ou wn ccu ust stom m into own custom mail box! Each stone cast item undergoes an intense creation process before you or I can buy it off the shelf. Each work of art begins when Steve and Marika commission an artist to create the initial design. I won’t give away their process entirely, but there are numerous stages of design, casting, and finally creating molds before the first stone piece can even be created; and no piece is presented to the customer without Steve and Marika ensuring the final product is perfect. In addition to stone items, they also boast an impressive display of laser cut metal art, and some fabulous lighting creations that had me wandering around staring at the ceilings. There is also a huge selection of posters by KRAM available, and something I have never seen, they actually make baptismals. Cool idea and something I’m sure ministers would love; no more wet clothes for the padre who buys one of these!

Remember that 1,800 pound item I mentioned earlier? Well it happens to be a part of the Nunnikhoven V-Twin

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Man Cave Collection. This is a very impressive collection I must say. From V-Twin coffee tables and benches, fire rings perfect for the back yard or your favorite rally, to the most comfortable chunk of stone I have ever had the pleasure of sitting on (check out the solo seats), this collection is awe inspiring. If you are thinking that none of these items can possibly weigh in at a whopping 1,800 pounds, well you’re right…that honor belongs to….drum roll please… a cast stone motorcycle. That’s right, a motorcycle…

perfectly represented with amazing detail. What had me standing there staring, and thinking is this…the same amount of work went into the creation of the massive stone motorcycle, as did that of the petite Chihuahua I had seen earlier on the shelf. So that brings me back to that theory Steve and Marika have about business. Reliability, honesty, and quality, those virtues were reflected in every aspect of the tour they so graciously provided that Saturday afternoon. I even brought me home the cutest gargoyle I’d ever seen but only because there is no way I could have unloaded that motorcycle once I got home… Make sure the next time you’re in the Mediapolis area you stop in and see Steve and Marika at Nunnikhoven Art Stone. You can find them at 405 Wapello Street in downtown Mediapolis, Iowa. You can also reach them at nartstone@ or 319-394-3553 with questions. Or via the web if you prefer at and on Facebook. Melanie Schwarte

99 Counties to tour on the bike, 99 counties to tour, take one down, drive on around, 42 counties to tour on the bike. A few years back, a summer riding goal was to ride through each one of the counties of Iowa, and what was found was a wealth of interest and beauty. Each month I will revisit each county as a featured article. I will tell you about new things to see, places to ride, and give you a little spark of touring curiosity for our state of Iowa. Louisa County Iowa Louisa County, Iowa is in the southeast corner of the state along the Mississippi River. It covers 418 square miles. What it lacks in size it makes up for in personality! It came to be a county on December

I came into the county from the west on Hwy 92 and passed through the little burg of Cotter and slid right on into Columbus Junction, where I made two notable stops. The first was The Roadhouse, right on the highway; and the next being the Lovers Leap Swinging Bridge. The Swinging Bridge is located just a few blocks southeast of The Roadhouse on 3rd Street. The Roadhouse is surprisingly full service for a small town bar and the Rubens are wonderful! The Lovers Leap Swinging Bridge is said to have been the sight of a lovesick girl plummeting to her death. Today the 160 foot suspension bridge still swings and sways in the breeze. If you have the courage I highly recommend walking across it. Those of you with a little more fire in you may want to try it with a friend and add a little more shake to it!

7, 1836 and was named after a sixteen year old girl, but more on that later! There are nine little towns in the county with the county seat being Wapello. There are also NO stoplights in the entire county. More than one colorful character along my route pointed out that the county looked like a toilet, I am just thankful it did not I headed back west on Hwy 92 to grab X17 and travel smell like one! south. It was a fun little jaunt of hills and curves with great views! I linked up with G62 heading east to X37 south into the town of Morning Sun. I toured Louisa County on January 17; this is relevant to the story because as I stopped for fuel at the Casey’s where I met Bird, a great guy riding his bike to the nursing home to visit a “burly biker dude”, his brother. It was a very cold January day and Bird cared enough to take the time to give something back to his friend. It is always important that we take a moment and reach out to those we love. I continued east on Hwy78 across Hwy61 and followed H22 to connect with the X99, the “Great River Road” for a bit and stopped in Toolesboro to see the Indian Mounds. They are right off on the east side of the road. There is a little visitor’s center and two of the mounds are readily visible but the other five are back in the woods. The history behind them is worth a visit.

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Speaking of history, the county name of Louisa came to be because of a sixteen-year-old girl named Louisa Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

Massey. She avenged the death of her brother by shooting the gentlemen who shot her brother; in the mid 1800’s this was quite unheard of. This entire story is worth googling! I then continued north and connected with X61 to see a little more of the river and then found G62 and followed that west into Wappello. I stopped at a little bar where the people were pleasant and guided me down the street to Wooster’s. I am thankful that they did! Wooster’s is an unassuming ”biker” bar. Owned by a rider and filled with cool people. Strangely after hearing so many people talk about the county being shaped like a toilet, I happened to sit down next to the county sanitation engineer! He had some great knowledge about the area, was retired military, and just an all around great guy to visit with. One very beautiful thing to me is that Wooster’s actually has Old Milwaukee Light. Don’t judge, I can’t help it, it reminds me of my dad. The day was getting on in time and I had the Thunder Roads Christmas Party to attend, so it was time to bid my time in Louisa County adieu. I found Hwy 61 and scooted north right out of the county. Whenever I am touring a county along the river I know that it is going to be beautiful, the roads are going to twist and turn, and the views will take your breath away. What I don’t always know is if the people will be interesting and willing to chat. The interesting people of Louisa County were out in spades on that January day, seems lady luck was on my side! Next month I am in Central Iowa, looking forward to my time in Lucas County. Maybe the snow will be gone, but I doubt it. Stay warm, spring is almost here. Sources Available Upon Request DRing

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 19

Gottlieb Daimler graced the world with his presence in 1834 in the town of Schorndorf Wartenburg, Germany. Growing up he studied at Polytechnic in Stuttgart and apprenticed as a gunsmith. Luckily for the modern day biker, he was a curious man and wanted to increase his understanding of engineering, he set out on a journey to France that would eventually lead him to create the first gas powered motorcycle. The predecessor to the dreams of many and to the lifestyle enjoyed by those of us fortunate enough to have found love on two wheels.

two were so guarded in their development that even their families were unaware of what the two were up to in the greenhouse. Then something that any of us living in a small town can relate to happened… when you don’t have the inside scoop on what’s going down…you create your own reality, and of course spread it far and wide. Eventually a suspicious gardener, unable to convince the two men to divulge their secret, called in local law enforcement on suspicion of a money counterfeiting operation inside

Daimler’s work on the first gas powered engine began on the engine of JJ Lenoir in Paris and continued to the factory of Joseph Whitmore in Manchester. In 1872 Daimler settled into a position working for Nikolaus Otto at the Deutz-AG-Gasmotorenfabrik in Cologne, which at the time was the world’s largest manufacturer of stationary engines. It was here that Daimler met Wilhelm Maybach. Maybach was a designer, and would quickly become Daimler’s closest friend and co-conspirator. Daimler and Maybach spent their time focusing on gas engine development and partnered up in the business in 1882.

the converted greenhouse. Once the police were able to conduct their search, which turned up only tools and some drawings, the partners were allowed to continue their work uninterrupted.

In 1885 Daimler patented what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern day gas engine. The so called “grandfather clock” set up had an enclosed crank case on which the air-cooled cylinder was mounted in an upright position. The single cylinder engine weighed in at a mere 132 pounds with a displacement of 264 cubic centimeters and developed an output of 0.5 horsepower at 650 rpm. This model’s intake valve Daimler and operated Maybach set automatically, up shop in a and the greenhouse exhaust valve that they was actuated converted by curved into a fully groove functioning control in workshop the flywheel. in Stuttgart. Daimler was The confident greenhouse that this became prototype’s the refuge low weight of the two and compact engineers. size ensured They worked its suitability day and for installing night in in vehicles. complete secrecy. The The next

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logical step for the innovative pair was to put their engine into something and see just st what the hell would happen. Daimler chose ea wooden framed bicycle on which he installed led d workable controls. The pair called it the “Reitwagen”, or two wheeled riding carriage. ge. Also known as the “Einspur”, or single track, k, it it featured 2 additional spring mounted out-rigger igg g ger wheels…“training wheels” if you will, added ed for balance. November 10th, 1885 Daimler put his son, Paul, onto the machine and sent him off on a test ride. At just 17 years old, I’m not sure if Paul was just as eager as any other teenage boy to hop on two wheels, or if he was possibly the “problem child” and so was chosen by his father in an attempt to rid himself of one of the pains in his ass. At any rate, the test ride was successful…Paul made the inaugural trip from Cannstatt to Unterturkheim and back. That’s approximately an 8 mile trip. Considering that the road conditions in 1885 had to be horrendous, that’s quite a haul. The maiden voyage had but one problem, which Daimler felt was minor… the heat of the engine set the saddle on fire. I don’t know about you, but having my ass on fire for 8 miles seems like a big problem to me! Thankfully a lot of improvements were made in the Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

motorcycle m industry between 1885 and the first ride I ever took. Daimler and Maybach continued to work on engine concepts and improved models m throughout the late 1800’s. They completed co single engines, 4 cylinder types, ttyp as well as V-twin models. While Daimler’s Da D Reitwagen is often named the first gas ga powered motorcycle, the original was g un unfortunately destroyed in 1903 during a f factory fire in Cannstatt, just 3 short years after Daimler’s death. Maybach went on to create the Mercedes, and while there is no extravagant story behind Daimler’s death, we do owe him a great deal of gratitude. Gratitude for the gunsmith’s apprentice, turned visionary. Gratitude for the moment in Daimler’s head where the dual development of a viable gaspowered engine and the modern bicycle collided. Following Daimler’s greenhouse conspiracy, the doors were opened for large scale motorcycle manufacturing in the 1900’s….seems like the perfect place to take a closer look next time. Melanie Schwarte

TRMI MARCH 2015 - 21

Good news Iowa Bikers and avid TRMI readers, the first day of spring is officially less than 30 days away. Spring will be making its way into this great state on March 20th. If we get lucky there will be a

#5. Riding will save you money. Fuel prices in Iowa are cheaper now than when you topped off the tank for the winter. The sooner you burn up that expensive

few “good enough for riding” days between now and then. In case we don’t get lucky, consider this your notice that spring is coming. Its time to get the modifications finished, polish the leather, get your battery charged, inflate the tires and check the fluids. The count down is on! Ignore this warning, if you enjoy being called a dumbass when July rolls in and you are still not ready. For those of you who are slow on the throttle and need a little extra motivation to get it in gear, I have developed a list of top 10 reasons to be ready to ride when spring finally arrives. #1. Riding can change your life. After so many months of celibacy it is time for a stylish new lifestyle change. If sun bleached, wind blown hair isn’t enough of a lifestyle change, ask your buddies to surprise you with a new tattoo before passing out at the next party. #2. Riding will make you more socially appropriate. It is believed that swinging your leg over the bike and hugging the tank with your knees will work some muscles that improve bladder control and your sex life. Now that alone should be enough reason to ride but it is also a lot more appropriate to brag about than Kegel exercises. #3. Riding just makes sense. Soon bikers will welcome back the sight of green pastures, the smell of blooming trees, the sound of birds singing, the taste of all those places we love to eat, and once again we will be in touch with our machines. There is nothing else in Iowa as sensual as a scooter ride in the spring, except maybe sex but that doesn’t last all day long. #4. Riding will finally get the garage cleaned out. If you have spent the off season making modifications to the bike then it’s time to hit the road to share your hard work, creativity, and vision with the rest of the riding community. Unless of course all these modifications were done to make the garage look better.

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winter fuel, the sooner you can start keeping more of your hard earned money in your pockets at the pump. The more you ride, the more you save. Just be prepared to explain to your buddies how riding has given you a bulge in your britches. #6. Riding will improve your skin. The long winter has really dried out the skin. It is common to have cracks in your skin deeper than the Grand Canyon this time of the year. Getting out and doing some riding will rehydrate you, if a good long ride in the rain doesn’t do it, try more frequent beverage stops. #7. Riding will increase your vocabulary. There are many blind, stupid cage drivers out there. They confirmed their IQ’s again this winter by causing multiple car pile ups and impulsively parking in ditches along the roadways. Be smart, stay alert and be prepared for those unexpected incidents of verbally abusing the dumbasses. #8. Riding will improve your looks. It’s time to get out there, soak up some sun and revive the tan, last years tee shirt tan is long gone. If you don’t care about your tan at least make sure that the bike looks good. #9. Riding will make you friendlier. The more riders you meet on the Iowa roadways the friendlier you will become. Honestly, how many people have you waved at since you parked the scooter? I can count my waving history with 1 finger and it wasn’t intended to be friendly. #10. Riding will take you places. There are plenty of events outlined in the TRMI event list, get out and enjoy some of them, hit up the sponsors , reconnect with old friends, ride for a cause, meet new people, be safe and have a good time. Spring is finally here, what better reason to ride. Shifty LaRue

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 23

Out on a stretch of highway west of Elk Horn is where we decided to shoot this month’s calendar photo. Pat and LaJean Webb are sitting with thier 2014 VRod that Pat runs at the Raceway Park of the Midlands in Pacific Junction, Iowa. The muscle in this VRod has been worked and is helping Pat live out a life long dream of running on the strip. Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 27

Why small motorcycle groups are importantim or by another name, how to wear a patch and not get pounded.

we formed a “group”, and this is where the lesson gets to be important. You need to structure your organization in a manner that does not pattern itself after a motorcycle club, in order to not create confusion with a true motorcycle club, which you are not. “Club” is a word which belongs to the domain of the 1%, as are other words and customs which As you know by now, we will discuss. So to recap- “group” is good, “association” we have ha a small independent is fine, etc. But “club” belongs to true patched members of motorcycle motorcyc group up here in north an organized association which you aren’t. Other terms in Iowa, the Motorcycle M Awareness your by laws or conversation should be avoided also. You Group. I wanted to share how we came can have affiliate members, but “supporters” likely also isn’t to be and why; because I think groups your word, nor are “prospects”. You can have a meeting like ours are important for the future of rider safety in our hall, a group location, etc., but you don’t have a club house. state and others. We formed out of a group of very diverse I grew up riding in Dirty Dozen territory, and I learned the riders and bikes that had one common interest- we all loved rules of the road early and thoroughly. I offer them with to ride; and we wanted to enjoy our rides respect to anybody that wants to start a with the maximum amount of safety motorcycle organization so you won’t possible and still have fun. If group have to learn them the hard way. riding rules are followed, it’s a lot safer to ride in a pack, and it’s a blast to ride So you want to wear a patch? We should in a column of 100 bikes making thunder talk about that too. You can have a square at once; if we could work together on patch, a rectangle, an oval, or a circle. volunteer projects and charity causes Hell, make it a triangle. But unless you’re along the way, all the better. We could a motorcycle club, you don’t design your raise our visibility as an organization patch to look like a rocker. If you don’t working towards motorist awareness and know what a rocker is, I’ll help you rider safety and do a good turn in the out. It’s two curved patches, one high process. So thus MAG was born. and one low, the top is the motorcycle organization, the bottom is the territory. Let’s get this straight, you don’t have Again, only true motorcycle clubs get to reinvent the wheel- simply joining those, period. Once you have your patch ABATE will put you in touch with one designed, it’s proper to run it by your local of the largest and strongest motorcycle 1% ers. They might ask you to pair it with organizations in the entire country. They an AMA patch. You gladly do this, and do a fantastic job of keeping the state don’t be a butt and fly it upside down as legislators informed about the needs some do. of motorcyclists and keeping Iowa one of the last helmet law free states in the You might love that weekly episode of union. I happily joined for those reasons. Basically nobody Sons of Anarchy, but that’s a TV show. Even though they gets the word out better, and if my membership fee helps sell that stuff to the public, it has a time and a place to that, then all the better. be worn. It should never be worn to a motorcycle event nor by any serious motorcyclist while on a bike. It’s no In our case, we wanted to plan our own events and rides, so different than impersonating an officer, soldier or a doctor by wearing clothing you don’t have the right to wear. I can assure you the people that have earned a real rocker got it after years of damn hard work and dedication as a prospect, and they don’t appreciate store bought crap being paraded around in front of them. The letters M/C also belong to them, which is also a part of the Official Sons of Anarchy Poser wardrobe, and once again, it’s just wrong. You can put your kid in that stuff, but not you. I’ll offer another example. I have a ZZ Top T-shirt, with art from their EP album “Texicali” released in 2012. Go Google it if you want. This is purely a music themed t-shirt, but some say the album cover was designed as a nod of 28 - TRMI MARCH 2015

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respect from the band to the 1% culture. I got my shirt directly from the band, as thanks for working their stage. If you didn’t look it up, I’ll help you. It’s a rocker design, and a neat one at that. In my case, even given the credibility the shirt came with (I got it from the band for god’s sake), there are places I’ll wear it and places I won’t. You might see me at bike night in it, but I won’t wear it to the next SYLSOS BBQ, because I know better, and they know I know better. This all sounds like a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Many have learned the hard way, and it’s just so easy. You’ve read before in my column that I find it very easy to get along with clubs if you remember the basics. Respect their patch and territory, their members, their motorcycles and most of all their wives and family. If you invite them to a charity event, you might just be astounded at the numbers they’ll turn out with, and the contributions they’ll make. We’ve all got one big thing in common, we love to ride. So there you have it, the basics of forming a small motorcycle organization. Once you’ve got one, the sky’s the limit with what you can do to further our mutual cause. You can ride in parades to spread the message, adopt a mile of highway and clean up while displaying pro-motorcycle safety signs, you can do outreach in your community and help fallen motorcyclists and their families, etc. There is plenty to be done, and the more of us that are out there protesting distracted driving, helping military families and other charitable causes the better we can bring out message home- START SEEING MOTORCYLES! Mark Mullins, President, MAG

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 29

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 31

Don Gibson of Clinton thought he had his life planned out when he graduated from Clinton High in 1989. Becoming a young father & husband before his graduation day, Don planned for a future as a career military man, knowing that the service would be his best bet for providing for his young family. Although there was no significant military history in his family (aside from his grandfather who served in WWII) Don’s love for our nation’s history & love for patriotism was mostly cultivated by Hollywood. Movies like Rambo & Commando that were popular when he was growing up fueled Don’s desire to serve his country. True to his plans, he left for ARMY basic training four days after graduation. Returning from basic, Don quickly received orders to deploy. On August 2, 1990 Saddam Hussein & the Iraq military began its’ invasion by bombing Kuwait City, beginning the Gulf War. On Aug 8th Don’s previous orders were cancelled & he was redirected to Saudi Arabia. Don’s company spent most of their time in the sand defending the northern border of Saudi Arabia and working to push Hussein’s military out of Kuwait & back into Iraq. Serving as an infantry man before taking on a machinist position, Don saw his share of war & casualty in the 3 years he served. Like I said earlier, he planned on being a career military man- but his plans and reality didn’t mesh; Don sustained a major back injury while changing tracks on a Bradley Vehicle which forced his early retirement from the ARMY. Throughout his brief time in the military many friendships were created though war & with the help of the interweb, Don has reconnected with some of his former comrades recently. The best thing that Don took out of his time in the military was a renewed respect for the simple things in life, those little things that so many of us take for granted. Don also spoke of his profound respect for all members of our military past & present, telling me “there are still soldiers out there fighting & dying to ensure we always retain our freedoms & I am thankful for their personal sacrifice & generosity”.

chance he got. However, it wasn’t until after his time in the service and a few years after returning to civilian life that Don could afford his first bike. In 1999, he picked up an ’85 Yamaha for $500. Shortly after, Don decided to upgrade and purchased a ’98 Vulcan. He still owns that bike and says it’s the bike he loves the most. Over the years Don picked up a 2006 Road King that has been chromed out and the motor upgraded to the hilt; telling me that this bike has had so much done to it that he’d never recoup the costs associated with the upgrades if he ever sold it- so he’s not going to! This is his play toy, no radio to sing along to, no windshield to protect him from eating bugs and no back rest to help alleviate some of the lingering ppain from his military injuries. However, Don’s ‘go-to’ ride is a 2008 Ultra Classic, D which he picked up at Clinton HD even w tthough he wasn’t looking for a new ride. The red paint job caught his eye and he T jjust couldn’t live without this bike. As we all get older, we realize that looking w ccool is one thing but being comfortable iis where it is. His Ultra has a comfy sseat, a backrest, a radio & of course a windshield. Don’s not a huge fan of w modern technology, but wanting to have m ssome tunes to listen to on his new bike, hhe went out and purchased an iPod & filled it with music strictly for enjoyment while he’s out cruising. Don’s favorite place to ride is along Scenic Ridge Road between Savanna, IL and New Diggings, WI although he notes there are many roads in Iowa that are just as pretty with curves and hilltop views for miles, he just hasn’t found ‘em all yet.

Don’s wife Stacy is a rider and can be seen cruising the streets of Clinton on her flat black 2010 Dyna Street Bob. His step-daughter is also a rider, however since an accident on a sport bike that warranted a broken collarbone she hasn’t gotten back on that horse quite yet, but Don hopes she soon will. And even though one of his grandsons is only 4 years old, he loves it when Grandpa puts him on the bike and rides up and down the street, just the two of them. Recently, a cousin got in touch with Don and asked for Don’s help in finding the perfect bike for him. What started Way before Don thought about his future or even entered out as an unruly child, opposing his father’s wishes has high school, he fondly recalls when and how his love for 2 culminated into a family passionate for all things 2-wheeled. wheels came about. With an uncle living across the river Don credits his time in the military for helping him mature in Illinois on a farm, Don spent many weekends helping and giving him an ability to see what really matters in life out at that farm. Along with the tractors, combines and and credits his time on two wheels for bringing a family other farm machinery, his uncle had a little Honda 150cc together that may not have been otherwise. We send thanks for Don’s cousin to ride on around the farm. Don’s dad was to you Don for your military service and also for instilling adamantly opposed to Don riding on that little bike, telling that passion for 2 wheels in the next generation! his son “Don’t you DARE ride that bike this weekend”. As any young boy would, he ignored his dad’s warning and ~Pinky spent many hours riding the wheels off that little bike every Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa on Facebook 32 - TRMI MARCH 2015

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 33

Norma Jean’s Bar & Grill 120 Main St

Panama, Iowa (712) 489-2108 Kitchen Hours: Wed-Sat 4:00-9:30 In 1984 DLR sang about Panama, and I was always intrigued by this, as just across the county, was the town of Panama, Iowa. I am pretty sure that the song was not at all about this town, but when we had the opportunity to go check out Norma Jean’s in Panama, we had to Jump at the chance. I had wanted to do a review on this place, but figured I’ll Wait until the time was right. As you would guess, the place is themed with Marilyn Monroe artwork, as well as Coca-Cola items. I am guessing the owners are fans of the bubbly beverage, as well as the Girl Gone Bad with Drop Dead Legs. This girl lived in a House of Pain and her life was cut short, but is still iconic in the world of what beauty should be. She taught women all over the world many things such as how to speak up for themselves, and I for one am certainly Hot for Teacher. There are no mentions of her Top Jimmy on the walls, but you know that is a part of the mystery of Marilyn. As you walk into the place, the extra tall ceilings make room for plenty of Marilyn artwork. The décor is rustic and inviting. The staff greets people as they come in and seat them and immediately start to work on the drink orders. The menu is like many small town steak and burger joints, with prices very competitive for the area. The Friday evening that we went, it was a trip with the kiddos and the in-laws. Mike and Pat go almost every Friday night and thought it noteworthy, so we made a family trip of it. The place is kid friendly for sure in atmosphere and menu, but small town inviting to all that folks that walk in the door. We had a group of seven, and larger groups could be accommodated, but calling ahead would be in order. For a town of around 200 people, it seems strange to need reservations, but it is a good idea during prime meal times.

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The food order for the evening was a mixed bag of sandwiches and full meals. A couple of burgers at the table were thick and juicy, with the proper amount of seasoning. Sometimes it is difficult to find a burger that is actually cooked well, and seasoned to taste like something more than fast food. Norma Jean’s hits the nail on the head here, and the accompanying French fries and tots were a bit of crispy fried goodness. No soggy taters here. Mike had the hand breaded tenderloin that was strangely not on any fancy pants lists anywhere, but sure should be. Crispy, juicy, and cooked to perfection, it was the perfect combination of Iowa pork, seasoning, and breading. He had the hash browned potatoes with cheese and onion. These are also some of my favorite, and they are done well. Crispy edges, onions cooked through without being burnt, and cheese melted onto the top of a steamy pile of browns. A little salt and pepper later and you have the perfect side for any meal. Pat had the special of the night which was the brisket. Tender and juicy, for not being a barbeque place, their evening special fit the bill. Her sweet potato fries were a delicious side that went well with the smoky goodness. Sabin thought the steak sandwich sounded good, and was pleasantly surprised when the plate was delivered with a nice size over inch thick sirloin, served with some Texas toast. Quite a treat considering he was anticipating a thin slice of steak on a bun. I had the rib eye steak and was not let down at all. I like my steaks just barely warm, and many times are at least medium rare or even medium, but that was not the case whatsoever. The steak was nicely seared on the outside, tender, juicy, and full of flavor. The steak was prepared perfectly rare, and was the envy of the table. With some toasted garlic bread, a side salad, and an order of the hash browns with cheese and onion, it was a meal fit for any biker. Norma Jean’s is a nice place in western Iowa to grab anything from a burger to an awesome steak. Venture to Panama and enjoy the small town friendly place with a nice bit of Marilyn flair. Thanks Craig for letting some of the rest of us venture out to some places around the great state! Vernon Until next month, ride safe and eat hearty! Craig Little PS If you have someplace you think we should check out in your neck of the woods, shoot me an email.

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TRMI MARCH 2015 - 35

“I have planned hundreds of events, but I have never tackled a motorcycle and car show.” Watching the crowds of people walk past st our booth over the weekend, you’d have never guessed that those were the words that came out of the eventt coordinator’s mouth the first time I talked ed to her. Kimberly recently took over er the position of Live Events Manager anager at Townsquare Media and d and Townsquare Media recently tly took over the Rod and Custom ustom Show that has been held for over 30 years in the Quad d Cities. Townsquare Media a currently owns 18 radio stations tations in Iowa and many of you probably obably have one of their stations on your our radio dial right now. The 32nd annual Rod and d Custom Show kicked off our “show and swap meet” season and boy, did it kick off with a bang! Always being held the third weekend in January, the show has seen its ups and downs attendance wise. Some years we have been wrapped in blankets to stay warm because it was so cold, others we have trudged through inches of snow just to get to the booth on time. The weekend of January 23rd-25th proved to be a combination of weather from years past with almost 50 degrees one day and 3 inches of snow the next morning-but the weather had no effect on the record number who attended. Friday was Military Appreciation Day, with any current or former military members granted free entry. It was fun to chat with veterans old and young and hear tales of how “this ride reminds me of high school days… days of time long passed” and the stories of shenanigans, first dates and wonderful memories on two wheels. On Saturday the lovely ladies from the Dwyer and Michaels Classic Car Calendar (including Miss Brittany Lee who graced our January cover) spent hours signing autographs,

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a few cast members from Monster Mayhem spent time doing the same, Jim from Hetz Pinstriping did a H live demonstration demonstratio throwing great lines down on a beautiful blue Road Glide beaut and the boys from fro Convict Customz put on a show playing playin with the airbags on their newest custom custo motorcycle there on display. There was so much going on Saturday, Saturda I know I missed half of it! And An despite the snow on Sunday, Sunday there were still people coming through the door to chase away those winter blues by surrounding themselves su with like li minded folks and killer custom vehicles. There was a great turnout of not g only a variety of awesome v cars from fro the early 1900’s to a 2015 Corvette Z06, but a great C showing of custom motorcycles and scooters. It was great to walk around and gawk at all the cool rides throughout the 60,000 square foot exhibition center. There was also a wide variety of vendors selling merchandise of all things road worthy (and some off road items too) to chocolate covered strawberries and candied pecans. Back at the booth, we handed out a record number of magazines both new and past issues, shot some fun pictures of future bikers on the Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa bike and had a chance to introduce many new readers to our publication. It was great to meet so many of you faithful Thunder Roads Magazine fans and hear your feedback as well! Never forget, we are YOUR magazine… without amazing bikers to write about all we are is another ad rag mag- AND that will NEVER be the case! The weekend couldn’t be classified as anything less than a huge success all around and I highly recommend that you don’t miss the show next year!! ~Pinky

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We want you on our pages! If you are an Iowa Girl of Thunder, send us a quality image, your name, year and model of bike, and where you are from to:

Connie Widmar 2013 Fatboy Low Marshalltown

Rose Gillson 2003 Anniversary Fatboy Knoxville

Stacy Gibson 2010 Dyna Street Bob Clinton, IA 38 - TRMI MARCH 2015

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Her Body’s a Temple Patrick O’Malley hoisted his beer and said: “Here’s to spending the rest of me life between the legs of me wife!” - and he took home the top prize for the best toast of the night. In bed later that night, he told his wife: “Mary, I won the prize for the best toast of the night.” She said, “Aye, Paddy, what was your toast?” So he told her: “Here’s to spending the rest of me life sitting in church beside me wife.” “Oh,” she said, “that is very nice, dear.” The next day, Mary ran into one of Paddy’s drinking partners in the street. ett.. Mischievously, the man said: “Did you hear about out ut your husband winning a prize in the pub the other night for a toast about you, Mary?” She replied: “Aye - and I was a bit surprised. Till now, he’s only been down there twice. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come”.

Two little boys are sitting In the living room, watching TV with their parents. The mother looks over at the father with a wink and a nod toward upstairs. The father “Gets” the message, and they both get up and head towards the stairs. The mother turns back to the boys and says, “We’re going upstairs for a minute. You two stay here and watch TV, we’ll be right back, ok?” The two boys nod ok, and the parents take off upstairs. The oldest of the 2 boys is old enough to know what’s going on now, and he gets up and tiptoes upstairs. At the top of the stairs, He peeks into his mom and dad’s bedroom and shakes his head. He goes back downstairs to his little brother. “Come with me”, He says. The two little boys tiptoe up the stairs. Halfway up, the older brother turns to his brother and says, “Now I want you to keep in mind, this is the same woman who used to bust our ass for sucking our thumb!!

Two paddies were working for the city public works department. One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind him and fill the hole in. They worked up one side of the street, then down the other, then moved on to the next street, working furiously all day without rest, one man digging a hole, the other filling it in again. An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but couldn’t understand what they were doing. So he asked the hole digger, “I’m impressed by the effort you two are putting in to your work, but I don’t get it - why do you dig a hole, only to have your partner follow behind and fill it up again?” The hole digger wiped his brow and sighed, “Well, I suppose it probably looks odd because we’re normally a three-person team. But today the lad who plants the trees called in sick.’”

Q: What do blondes and spaghetti have in common? A: They both wriggle when you eat them.

“As good as this bar is,” said the Scotsman, “I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow, there’s a wee place called McTavish’s. The landlord goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy four drinks, he’ll buy the fifth drink.” “Well, Angus,” said the Englishman, “At my local in London, the Red Lion, the barman 40 - TRMI MARCH 2015

will w wi lll bbuy uuyy you your third drink after you pay for the first ttw two. w “Ahhh, dat’s nothin’,” said Paddy Sheehan, the Irishman. “Back home in me favorite pub in Galway, the moment you set foot in the place, they’ll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like, actually. Then, when you’ve had enough drinks, they’ll take you upstairs and see dat you get laid, all on the house!” The Englishman and Scotsmanwere suspicious of the claims. “Did this actually happen to you?” “Not meself, personally, no,” admitted the Irishman, “but it did happen to me sister quite a few times.”

Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he’d just been run over by a train. His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised and he’s walking with a limp. “What happened to you?” asks Sean, the bartender. “Jamie O’Conner and me had a fight,” says Paddy. “That little shit, O’Conner,” says Sean, “He couldn’t do that to you, he must have had something in his hand.” “That he did,” says Paddy, “a shovel is what he had, and a terrible lickin’ he gave me with it.” “Well,” says Sean, “you should have defended yourself, didn’t you have something in your hand?” “That I did,” said Paddy. “Mrs. O’Conner’s breast, and a thing of beauty it was, but useless in a fight.”

I went to my Doctor for a physical. While I was there I asked him, “So Doc, what are we gonna do about this virus from Africa?” He said, “I don’t know. He still has 2 more years in office.”

One night, Mrs McMillen answers the door to see her husbands best friend, Paddy, standing on the doorstep. “Hello Paddy, but where is my husband? He went with you to the beer factory” Paddy shook his head. “Ah Mrs McMillen, there was a terrible accident at the beer factory, your husband fell into a vat of Guinness stout and drowned” Mrs McMillen starts crying. “Oh don’t tell me that, did he at least go quickly?” Paddy shakes his head. “Not really - he got out 3 times to pee!”

A biker walks into a pub in Ireland and clears his voice to the crowd of drinkers. He says, “I hear you Irish are a bunch of hard drinkers. I’ll give $500 American dollars to anybody in here who can drink 10 pints of Guinness back-to-back.” The room is quiet and no one takes up the biker’s offer. One man even leaves. Thirty minutes later the same gentleman who left shows back up and taps the biker on the shoulder. “Is your bet still good?”, asks the Irishman. The biker says yes and asks the bartender to line up 10 pints of Guinness. Immediately the Irishman tears into all 10 of the pint glasses drinking them all back-to-back. The other pub patrons cheer as the biker sits in amazement. The biker gives the Irishman the $500 and says, “If ya don’t mind me askin’, where did you go for that 30 minutes you were gone?” The Irishman replies, “Oh...I had to go to the pub down the street to see if I could do it first”.

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are working hard to get back their liberty. Once taken, freedom is difficult to regain.

Another Year Another Legislative Session; So, what’s going on? Federal: HR21, the ethanol study bill introduced by Congressman James Sensenbrenner has been re-introduced. It would require the EPA to conduct a long range independent study of the effects of using fuel with a higher than 10% ethanol component. This includes small air-cooled engines. The Senate re-introduced the stop motorcycle only mandatory checkpoints bill S127. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a new man in charge named Mark Rosenkind. At this time we don’t know enough about him to know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Iowa: As always our right to choose is under attack. Once again, people who don’t even ride, or understand why anyone would want to ride, want to tell us how to dress. There is no law that says you can’t wear a helmet if you want to. In addition, our 2nd Amendment rights are under attack at the State house. HF70 is a ban on the transfer of magazines that can hold more than whatever amount they think is reasonable. HF76 would ban the transfer of virtually all modern sporting rifles like the AR15. Keep in mind these are not fully automatic rifles. HF77 is Michael Bloomberg’s signature goal for America. It amounts to state-wide gun registry. As every gun owner knows, registration is always the first step toward confiscation. Keep in mind that new laws only restrict the liberty of the law abiding. Criminals by definition don’t care about the law, so why confiscate the rights of law abiding citizens? It’s not about safety or security. It’s about control. Now I don’t know about you, but I want less government intervention in my life, not more. A couple of relevant quotes from Thomas Jefferson… “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too

much government” “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves South Dakota: ABATE of South Dakota has been working against tyranny in government” with their legislators in an effort to repeal the state’s handlebar height law. Nebraska: ABATE of Nebraska has been successful in finding a sponsor to modify the state’s mandatory helmet law for adults. Once again, our neighbors to the west

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I couldn’t agree more. Questions or comments:

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Feb 25 ABATE of Iowa Lobby Day Des Moines Feb 27-Mar 1 World of Wheels Omaha, NE Feb 27-28 Omaha Chapter AMCA National Swap Meet Fremont NE Mar 7 Swap Meet Metro HD Cedar Rapids Mar 7 Lazy Man’s Poker Run Newton Mar 7 Bikes at the Brewery” LaCrosse, WI Mar 8 Parts Girl Promotions Swap Meet Cedar Rapids Mar 6-15 Daytona Bike Week Daytona Beach Florida Mar 13-15 World of Wheels Chicago, IL Mar 14 Metro HD Garage Sale Cedar Rapids Mar 14 ABATE D6 Ton O’ Slush Party Donahue Mar 14 ABATE D25 Last Chance Before Spring Swap Meet Boone Mar 14 Fashion Show Big Barn HD Des Moines Mar 21 ABATE D15 Two Wheel Trauma Genesis Heart Institute Davenport Mar 28 ABATE D6 WTHWDOH Ride Marshalltown Mar 29-29 Grand Opening Loess Hills Harley-Davidson Pacific Junction Mar 28-29 28th Annual Donnie Smith Bike Show St Paul, MN Apr 4 Easter Egg Hunt Metro HD Cedar Rapids Apr 11-12 North Iowa Motorcycle Expo Mason City Apr 12 Hill Blazers Hill Climb Logan Apr 18 ABATE D4 Blessing of the Bikes & Chili Feed Des Moines Apr 18 Outlaw Street Drags Race Series Conesville Apr 18 Bike Blessing Big Barn HD Des Moines Apr 23 Mens Boot Camp Big Barn HD Des Moines Apr 24 Motorcycle Safety Forum IA Events Center, Des Moines Apr 25 Sleeping Angels Fun Run Boone Apr 25 ABATE D8 Two Wheel Trauma Alta Apr 25 CVMA 39-2 APR (Annual Patriot Ride) Iowa City May 2 Zylstra HD HOG Roast Ames May 2 International Female Ride Day Worldwide May 2 ABATE D14 Charity Ride/30th TGIS Party Washington May 2 ABATE D6 Down Biker Ride Marshalltown May 2 ABATE D14 TGIS Party Ottumwa May 2 CMA Run for the Son Ottumwa May 3 9th Annual Blessing of the Bikes Blue Grass May 9 F&J Racing 20th Annual Blessing of the Bikes Marshalltown May 9 Pancake Breakfast Metro HD Cedar Rapids May 9 Fenders Cycle Open House Des Moines May 16 Rosslyn’s Ride Anamosa May 16 Marty Davidson Bike Show Oskaloosa May 17 ABATE D 4-14/VNV Rabbi’s Iowa Thunder Ride Des Moines May 21 Womens Garage Party Big Barn HD Des Moines May 22-24 Redneck Revival Conesville May 23 J.J. Bonnell Memorial Ride Fort Dodge May 23 6th Annual Poker Run for Pink Ponca, NE May 23-24 Midway Tavern Annual Fun Run, BBQ, Street Dance Soldier May 25 Rolling Thunder 2015 Washington DC May 30 Marty Davidson Memorial Ride Oskaloosa May 31 Cruisin’ for St. Jude Winterset Jun 5-7 NC Victory Motorcycle Club Regional Meet WCW Omaha, NE Jun 6 Carroll Cycle Center Rock N Ride Carroll Jun 6 Suicide Awareness Benefit and Ride Waterloo Jun 13 7th Annual Bell Tower Festival Poker Run & Show Jefferson

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Jun 15 Jun 18-20 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 20-21 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27 Jun 27-28 Jun 28 Jul 2-4 Jul 10-12 Jul 10-11 Jul 11 Jul 11 Jul 17-18 Jul 18 Jul 25 Jul 30-Aug 1 Aug 3-9 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 15 Aug 22 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Sep 2 Sep 4-6 Sep 5 Sep 5 Sep 5-6 Sep 6 Sep 11-13 Sep 12 Sep 12 Sep 19 Sep 19 Sep 19-20 Sep 23-26 Sep 26 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 17 Nov 6-7 Dec 12

National Ride your Motorcycle to Work Day 21st Annual Rally on the River QC Davenport Ernie’s Harley-Davidson 40th Anniversary Party Algona Vintage Rally and Bike Show Anamosa ABATE D14 31st Baldy Memorial Ride Fremont/What Cheer ABATE D14 30th District 14 Anniversary Party What Cheer Outlaw Street Drags Race Series Conesville 28th Iowa Iron Butt Ride Ottumwa Hawgs Dogs & Heroes Ride Waverly Rigid River Run Dubuque J&P Open House Anamosa Nishna Valley Wings of the G.W.T.A. Fun Run Emerson 31st Annual Freedom Rally Algona English River Outfitters Motorcycle Jamboree Brighton CVMA 39-3 APR (Annual Patriot Ride) Elkport Goozman’s Westside Poker Run Harlan Angel Ride to Save the TaTas Fort Dodge Victory Demo Event Werner Cycle Works Omaha, NE IBEW Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids Chrome Divas Ride for a Cause Metro HD Cedar Rapids 8th Annual Across the Border Raid Bedford South Dakota Party AtlanticFest Ride In Bike Show Atlantic CVMA 39-1 APR (Annual Patriot Ride) Des Moines ABATE D8 Rider Ed Run Laurens ABATE of Iowa M.A.R.S. Eldora Werner Cycle Works 7th Anual Car & Bike Show Omaha, NE Iowa State Fair Motorcycle Day Des Moines Mighty Mississippi HOG MDA Hope Ride Dubuque HD Spydermania II Atlantic ABATE D6 Honoring Our Heroes Vets Ride IA Vets Home Marshalltown New Model Party Metro HD Cedar Rapids Redneck Revival Conesville 9th Annual Cedar County Heroes Memorial Ride Tipton Run For The Kids Madrid Midway Tavern Soldier Valley Run BBQ, Street Dance Soldier ABATE D 8 Biker Bash 2015 Lake Park Davis Motorcycle Rally New Hampton No Nipple Dipple Ride Buffalo Broken Spokes Ride For U of IA Children’s Hospital Davenport Waukee Legions Riders 7th Annual Toy Run Waukee Sidney’s Wish Poker Run Des Moines Outlaw Street Drags Race Series Conesville Bikes Blues & BBQ Fayetteville, AR 8th Annual Find Your Marbles Party Ernie’s HD Algona Chrome Divas Cancer Awareness Ride Metro HD Cedar Rapids Hot Rods and Harleys Hopkinton Outlaw Street Drags Race Series Conesville ABATE of IOWA STEAM Marshalltown Santa Visits Metro HD Cedar Rapids

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