Y4 Final PORTFOLIO Chapter5

Page 1

Interactive physical training Station


Forcing Detail Design building

Interactive Feeding Space

Interactive Healthy Station

1:2000 1.5 0

4.5 3


7.5 6


Program Descrition of Chosen building Interactive Healthy Station Physical examination Workshop Space. --80m2

Teaching how to do the physical examination for elephants and the health data analysis.

Interactive sound communication space. --35m2

People can learn how to know the healthy state by the elephants talking, throug analysis the infrasound data. (Infrasound wave machine to test the sound of elephant)

Public interactive open space --125m2 For resting and obversation

The face to face plateform --20m2

Learn closely about elephants (Can check the elephant health situation in a close space)

Medical data Exhibition and Training Space--80m2

(The space introduces the healthly living situation and the healthy gene knowledge. It also the space teaching children the lab testing process for workshop downstaris)

Data testing lab --120m2 (security space, only for staffs)

Medical Operation room--100m2 Doing the operation for elephants

Interactive station position overlooking

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The overall looking for the whole embassy land. The pods distribute in several key points of the elephant territory. Chose the most important pod to get into more structure detail-----Interactive healthy station. Which is the breeding lab, and elephant's healthy educational station.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The initial ideas of the walking path structure. The three images show the three initial principles of different structure strategy. Each of them force on one strategy. Testing with three structure layout to figure out the most suitable one to further develop.



force Force

SHEAR BENDING It needs more supporting on the side.

So it needs more supporting in the middle

The Diagram analysis of two main structure principle. Showing how these two structure applied to the final walking path structure.

Two main supporting to hanging the strings

Combined with Bridge structure with walking path

Fiber as Bridge

Furthermore Development

More supporting on the side

More supporting in the middle

Different density of the Circular bamboo supporting frame SHEAR BRIDGE

Different density of horizontal strings BENDING

Reduce the supporting column

The density could change according to the different walkingpath length, in order to have diversity vision experience.

reference image

Walking Path Structure Development

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The final structure of the walking path The images show the 3D walking path structure, showing the structure principle and detail. The reference image shows the facade and staircase possibility. The walking path structure combined with bamboo and steel together.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

M 57°


1.Breeding Workshop Space.


(Comparatively parivate, registeration needed Including elephant care, healthy test, healthy data analysis)

2. Private Toliet ( Disable access)


3. Stair Circulation Access 4. Interactive Sound Communication space. (Infrasound wave machine to test the sound of elephant)


5.Public interactive open space to look down


(With bamboo section floor)


6. Drinking Water Point (traditional bamboo pump)

m 0


10 K

7.Disable access lift


8.Public resting space


9. The face to face plateform


(Can check the elephant health situation in a close space)

10. Public Obversation space

(Obverse elephant through bamboo facade, watch the elephant bathing)

29° J







H 9°

5 G

2° 7


-5° F


8 -12°

9 E



D 10



B 1



Ineractive Healthy Station Level One Plan A-A 1:50


-39° 4





Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

This is one typology Plan of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

1:50 1 0

3 2


5 4


M 57°



1.Entry Space

(connected with outside pathway)

2. Technical Exhibition and Education Space


(The space introduces to visitors the breeding process and the healthy gene knowledge. It also the space teaching children the lab testing process for workshop downstaris)


3. Stair Circulation Access (Going up to bamboo workshop Going down to breeding workshop)

43° L

4. Breeding lab office

(The private space, testing the gene and other breeding technical things for elephants health)

m 0


10 K

5.Security Testing machine working area.

15 36° 1

29° J






H 9°

4 2°


G 0°

-5° F





-25° D



C 1



Ineractive Healthy Station Level Two Plan B-B 1:50








Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

This is one typology Plan of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

1:50 1 0

3 2


5 4




1. Flexible bending roof

9. Elephant pathway

( Adjust the angle and sunlight filter according to the

user requirments and sun angle)

10. Plants pod for testing food (green shelter for elephants)

2. The bamboo workshop (Making the bamboo toys for elephants)

11. Elephant shower pump

3. The soft bamboo pieces to conceal human and building.

12. External Staircase (Access to elephant territory)

4. water collected ( through the bamboo pipe)

13. The face to face healthy obversation space.

5. Private Breeding lab (staff only)

14. The food supply structure (Opened as shelter as well)

6. Stair Circulation A

7.Water drinking points in public interactive space.


8. The bamboo section floor

(Can be used for elephant shower and for

people obversation. good ventilation)


B m 0

















Ineractive Healthy Station Section A-A 1:50

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

This is one typology section of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

1:50 1 0

3 2


5 4


Ineractive Healthy Station Section B-B 1:50

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

This is one typology section of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.

Bartlett Year 4






Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin






( withe the baboo

( Registered only, For the


9. Plants pod for testing food

8. Elephant pathway









(green shelter for

7.The bamboo section floor (Can be used for elephant shower and for people obversation. good ventilation)

6. The resting area at Public Interactive space

5. The obversation point at Public Interactive space

healthy testing analysis and discuss area)

4. Breeding workshop

3. The private breeding lab (staff only)

2. Technical exhibition and education space

section pattern wall, good for ventilation and obversation)

1.Bamboo workshop space

The testing part

Structural Developing Process Physical model 1:50

m 0







Spam=12m The structure is WEAK From both verticle and horizontal direction

The cross arch strengthen the structure in both direction Stage Two

Stage One

Adding another structure layer in vertical axis. In order to create more space and make the whole structure more stable. Stage Three

Another verticle supporting, to make the second much more strong.

Stage Four

The inter-connection supporting connected with structure layer, make the structure very strong in both vertical and horizontal direction. Also very stable

Stage Five

Structure Development

The horizontal connection not only strengthen the whole structue in a quite stable level, but also create the space more clearly..

Stage Six

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Structure principle developing process. Through the physcial model. testing the structure strength. By adding different layers and supporting structure to explain thes complex structure. The physical model shows that how each elements work in this structure system, and the function of each bamboo column.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The final compelx structure In both vertical and horizontal connection.

The single vertical structure piece

Adding the vertical elements to develop the height The structure underneath can be used as floor The structrue top view

Adding the crossing structure force the horizontal way developing in three diamention.

The initial arch bamboo structure. Very weak

Structure Axonometric Drawing

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The structure developing with more elements and direction, in order to make the structure strong and complex. The structure itself can be used as the floor and wall, so that the whole structure can used as the space function. The structure using bamboo but in a innovation way, combined natrual material with artificial structure design parameters.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin





Bamboo connection node detail There are several connection ways in my structure a) cross each other b) above each other and tight together c) paralle vertical bamboo with horizontal one in the middle



4 1

Bamboo as the daily material in Thailand, People are very familiar with the bamboo techinical skills. From building construction to basket, the locals can do very well.



Bamboo with steel plate as root connection. StructurePrinciple diagram

The inspiration structure idea From one point at the bottom and as it goes up, the structure spreads out.

Th e co n n e cti o n w i th concrete foot.



Bamboo connected together can avoid the bending problem 3

The bamboo connected together as the wall, it has good ventilation and view points

The bamboo can be very strong when they tight together

The bamboo pattern


Bamboo pattern



Green plants pods in different situation



The tyres as the toys of elephant can also be used as the food supply containers

Bamboo Performance in Building

Flexible open hanging structure, provide shelter for elephant aslo.

Structure fabric pattern

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Bamboo technical skill is the key point in my building. How bamboo connected with other material in different situation and how bamboo connected in different direction is the key structure issue Local people in Thailand is very familiar with diversity bamboo skills, not only in building construction but also the daily furniture. Local technical supporting is very important and useful in construction strategy. The Material used according to the construction strategy The main material is bamboo, connected with metal and reinforced concrete at the bottom part. As the structure is in cure way, at the certain weak points, the steel frame is used to strength.

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Detail A-a m

Structure testing through model




Physical Model 1:20

Concrete Base

Metal joints

The steel plate connceted with concrete base

Metal pieces insert into the bamboo in order to connect with the metal plate.

Metal piece to group several bamboo pieces

Front view of the foundation construction

The mortar inside the bamboo to stable the metal peiecs

Side view of the foundation construction

The bamboo stems split into different directions from one point at the bottom

This part can be changed when the bamboo stems broken, for Maintance.

Key Bamboo Joints Detail A-a Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail A-a physical model Mainly issue: How different material connect together. How to group the multiple bamboo strems into one joints How to stable the foundation part.

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail A-a m

Structure Detail Drawing




Section Drawing 1:5

1 2 4



6 7 8



10 11

1. 10mm steel plates( divided the bambaoo and concrete filling) 2. 40mm*8mm*300mm steel for bonding 3. Steel bolts M20 4. Bamboo foot mortar filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 5. Steel tube ø 64mm*6.4mm 6. Plate ø 160mm with thread M48 7. Nut M48 (reduced height welded on the thread) 8. Steel Bolt M48 . Max. 80mm for adjustment during erection (±40mm) 9. Counter nut M48 (Reduced height) 10.Steel Rods or Bolts M30 11. Steel stable base, holding the bamboo stems 12. M24*90mm with washer and lock washer 13. Steel plate 14. Cyclopean concrete foundation stone instead stuck with mortar cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6


13 14


1 2 3



6 7 8

125mm 9





12 13



Key Bamboo Joints Detail A-a Through the 1:5 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail A-a section drawing Mainly issue: How different material connect together. How to group the multiple bamboo strems into one joints How to stable the foundation part.

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail B-b

Structure testing through model


Physical Model 1:20





Bamboo Floor

The Floor detail

Bamboo sections with hollow culm for ventilation Using two rods to conncet the bamboo sections, in order to make sure they are stable

Detail B-b

Detail B-b

Detail B-b

The hole for the rods to connect floor with horizontal structure Bamboo sections can have different length for multiple function

The rods insert into the vertical bamboo stems to connect.

Key Bamboo Joints Detail B-b Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail B-b physical model Mainly issue: How the bamboo sections connected together without swing. How the bamboo floor connceted with the structure frame. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Detail B-b

Structure Detail Drawing


Section Drawing 1:10



Bamboo Floor















1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 2. Steel circular clips ø200mm 3.Threaded timber rod with nut ø 50mm 4.Timber nut ø 80mm 5. Horizontal Bamboo supporting structure ø 200mm 6. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 7. Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*600mm 8.Timber rod with nut ø 20mm 9. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 10.Bamboo section to lock the crossing filled concrete bamboo 11. ø 50mm thin bamboo stem to connect the floor elements 12.Bamboo sections used as floor ø100mm-300mm 13.Steel Bolts M20 14.50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail B-b

Key Bamboo Joints Detail B-b Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail B-b Detail Drawing Mainly issue: How the bamboo sections connected together without swing. How the bamboo floor connceted with the structure frame. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin



Underneath wind go through the bamboo floor bring the cool air into the building.

Ventilation Diagram

Solar Radiation Heats the internal space

The cooling air flowing up into the internal space through te bamboos, bring the heat out of the space. Cooling the building

The warm wind can flow through the gap between the bamboo structure

The sunlight go through the bamboo facade into the interal space, make the area which closed to external warmer than other space.

Cooling wind

Warm wind

Solar Radiation Heats the internal space Cooling air flow from the underneath area

The space becoming cooling due to the cooling wind flow.

The space has great ventilation condition, and can be cooling through the natural wind. The heat problem is an important issue in Thailand. The building is designed with natual cooling system instead of the air conditioner, for the energy sustainable purpose

The bamboo section is hollow so that the cooling wind can go through

Bamboo Floor Ventilation

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The floor detail analysis of the whole ventilation cooling system The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Detail C-c2

Detail C-c1

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10 m

Bamboo Roof




1 2 3 4 5





Detail C-c1

10 11

1.20MM thickness Bamboo Tiles (roof tile) 2. 10mm thickness long Bamboo tile supporting frame 3. 20mm waterproof timber board. 4. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 5. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 6. 50mm*200mm steel rod to holding the pulley 7. ø 200mm Pulley 8. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 9. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 10mm 10. Steel Bolts M10 with Nuts 11.Steel Jubliee clip 12. Plastic tube ø100mm 13. Metal plate connected with steel cicular clip 14. Steel Bolts M20 with Nuts

12 15 14

Detail C-c2










Detail C-c2 1. Flexible Bamboo arm ø50mm 2. ø10mm bamboo stick to connect two flexible arms 3. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 4. Threaded Steel rod 10mm 5. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 6.Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*400mm 7.10mm steel plates( divided the bambaoo and concrete filling) 8.Steel tube ø 64mm*6.4mm 9. Plate ø 160mm with thread M48

Key Bamboo Joints Detail C-c Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail C section drawing Mainly issue: How the overlapping bamboo stems connected together. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail D-d1

m 0



Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20

Inter-cross supporting Three horizontal bamboo stems to strengthen the structure stability

Insert the steel rods reinforce the connection The bolt to reinforce the connection point Using two vertical bamboo stems to clip the middle one, to make the structure stable

Detail D-d1

Detail D-d1

The side view of the joints

Connection bolts

Bamboo clip joint

Key Bamboo Joints Detail D-d1 Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail D-d1 physical model Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail D-d1

m 0

Structure Detail Drawing


Section Drawing 1:10









1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 2. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 3.Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 4.Thin Bamboo to lock the joints ø 50mm 5. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 6. Bamboo section to lock the crossing filled concrete bamboo 7. Long threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 8.10mm bamboo slieces for waterpoof 9. Steel Bolt M10 10. 20mm waterproof timber board 11. Steel Bolt M20 12. Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 13. 50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade

Key Bamboo Joints Detail D-d1 Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail D-d1 section drawing Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems






Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail D-d1

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin



Detail D-d3

m 0



Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20 Bamboo External and Internal wall

Detail D-d3

Filled with concrete to make the joints stable

Steel bolts go through two layers Two bamboo stems clip the vertical one

Steel rods insert into horizontal bamboo stems through the vertical one, make the joints stronger

With different layers to make the structrue more strong

Initial joints testing. (single layer)

Detail D-d3

perspective view of the joints detail

side view of the joints detaili

front view of the joints detail

Insert the steel rods

Key Bamboo Joints Detail D-d3 Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail D-d3 physical model Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail D-d3

m 0

Structure Detail Drawing


Section Drawing 1:10 Bamboo External and Internal wall


50mm*200mm Soft Timber Frame to block the soft timber flake


Steel bolts M10 50mm*80mm timber stud


50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade


Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6


Steel bolts M10


Steel U rods or plates to reinforce the bolts



ø 100mm bamboo stem


Metal anchor M20 with pemo


M10 steel Bolts

7 8 9

Threaded timber rod with nut ø 50mm Timber rod with nut ø 20mm Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm

U shape Steel Stud 10



Steel Bolts M20

Timber nut ø 80mm

Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail D-d3

Key Bamboo Joints Detail D-d3 Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail D-d3 physical model Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin



Detail D-d2

m 0



Structure Detail Drawing Section Drawing 1:10

10 11 1 2 3


5 6 7 8 12

9 13



1. 10mm L shape steel plate 2. Steel Bolt M20 3. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 4. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 5. Cutting bamboo stripe, insert the horizontal stems 6. Timber nuts ø 50mm, to block the stripe and the rope 7. Steel bolts / Steel hook 8. Hemp rope to tight the joints 9. Threaded timber rod with nut ø 50mm 10. Steel Bolt M20 11. Hemp rope to tight the joints 12. Enclosure bamboo structure ø100mm, filled with concrete 13. Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*600mm 14. Steel circular clips ø200mm 15.50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade

Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail D-d2

Key Bamboo Joints Detail D-d2 Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail D-d2 section drawing Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail F-f

m 0



Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20

Four steel bolts to make stability.

The process of crossing connection. Different from other joints, this is showing the connection when two bamboo stems overlapping.

The side view of the joint

The side connection detail. Bolts in two direction

Key Bamboo Joints Detail F-f Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail F-f physical model Mainly issue: How the overlapping bamboo stems connected together. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Detail F-f

m 0



Structure Detail Drawing Section Drawing 1:10



1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 2. Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*400mm 3. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 4. Steel Bolts M20 5. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 10mm 6. Hemp rope with special fire protection 7. Timber block to lock the overlapping bamboo stems 8. Steel Bolts M20 9. Enclosure bamboo structure ø100mm, filled with concrete 10.Bamboo section as a locker. 11. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm

Key Bamboo Joints Detail F-f Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail F-f section drawing Mainly issue: How the overlapping bamboo stems connected together. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems



5 6






Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin



Structure Detail Drawing


Section Drawing 1:10


Rainwater Drainage 4



7 8 9


Rain water



Drain as water collection 1. Timber Rain cap ø 250mm 2. Tar-soaked rope with mortar 3. Threaded Steel Bolt with nut, M20 4. 50mm Cement-lime-sand waterproof layer. 5. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 6. Tar-soaked rope with mortar 7. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 8.ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 9. 50mm Cement-lime-sand waterproof layer. 10. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 11. 10mm thickness steel plate for binding 12. Tar-soaked rope with mortar 13. Threaded Steel Bolt with nut, M20


Rain Drains along the bamboo pipe

Solar Radiation

Detail G-g

Rain water

Rain Drains along the bamboo roof tiles into the drainage

Used for toliet

Humidity Warm Air

Drinking water using bamboo pump

Rain drains and water collection Used to provide water for plants pods

Cold water for elephant shower

Supply the water tank in elephant territory

Water collection pipe through bamboo stem

Water purification processing

Collection container Chemistry cooling

Key Bamboo Joints Detail G-g

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the Rainwater Drainage joint working in structure system. Detail G-g section drawing Using bamboo as the drainage structure, collected the rainwater, used for different function

Thailand in the tropical area with plenty rain water every year. The rain water is collected through the bamboo drainage. The water can be used in different ways for both building and elephants

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The traditional Drinking water pump system drawing

Pump Handle

Pump rod


Bamboo Cylinder

Rubber valve

Riser pipe

Rubber foot valve

Rain water

Bamboo pump Detail

Used for toliet Collection container

Drinking water using bamboo pump

Used to provide water for plants pods

Cold water for elephant shower

Supply the water tank in elephant territory

Water purification processing

Collection container Chemistry cooling

Bamboo Pump drawing

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Through the axo drawing to show how the drinking water pump works in the water system The pump used for the drinking water in the building, the rainwater is collected and then through the water purification process , can be used for drinking finally. Using bamboo as the pump pipe, combined with the traditional pump technical.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Overall environmental strategy in Section Cooling wind Warm wind

Humidity wind

Solar Radiation Heats the bamboo facade

Monsoon Rain Drains along the bamboo roof tiles.

A i r f l ow t hr ough t he bamboo louvres

Rain drains and water collection

Less Solar radiation through the facade Rain drains water used for toliet

The high trees provide a great shadow for the building. Reduce the solar heat and keep the space cooling with great ventilation at the same time

Warm air flows out, cooling the space. Water collection pipe through bamboo stem

Drinking water through bamboo pump

The cooling wing flow from underneath through the bamboo floor

In Summer the prevailing wind from southwest In Winter the prevailing wind from north east Humidity Air Evaporation from the pool

Water for growing the plant pods

Elephant shower Grey water drains

The green plant pods are working as the green wall, prevent the direct sunlight


The drinking water through bamboo pump Water collected for the elephants pools

Cooling Filteration Water purification Filteration

Overall Building Environmental Strategy

Bio Digester container

Water collection container

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The whole elephant territory and interactive healthy stations are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Summer Sun light

Double layers of facade

Rain water The sunlight go through the double bamboo facade (double solar filters) into the interal space. The most of sunlight and radiation are reflected by the facade. At the same time. air is flowing through the space, keep the space especially upper space cool.

The cooling air flowing up into the internal space through te bamboos, bring the heat out of the space. Cooling the building The warm wind can flow through the gap between the bamboo structure

Winter Sun light

Cooling wind

Warm wind

Facade patter test

Although the double facade reflects most of daylight, there is still some go through into the internal space, making the area which closed to external warmer than other space.

Cooling air flow from the underneath area

Facade shadow pattern test on human body

Regular grid pattern Low density

Combined with slash, horizontal and vertical pattern Middle density

Combined with slash, horizontal and vertical pattern High density

Irregualr slash pattern High density

Testing different shadow pattern on human body in the sun Made several different bamboo shade filters with different pattern and density to test the effect under the sunlight. The different filters create diversity patterns. Combined two of them (which means the double layer facade) can create more diversity pattern and the shadow space is bigger.

Building Facade

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The double layers of facade environmental detail analysis The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

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