Y4-Term1 case study 1

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Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

PORTFOLIO --------Living in the Future, 2050

BARTLETT UNIT 22 YEAR 4 Xiaoying Lin 926060 Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 01


Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

2013-2014 Year 4 ----Brief

Case Study Three University of Chiang Mai

Case Study Two Siam Center Station, Bangkok

Case Study One Khao Laem National Park

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 00 02

When considering architectural culture, many people feel that ‘the pressure to innovate has become pervasive. Both inside and outside the architectural profession, we are increasingly pressed by the quest for the new; by an innovation imperative’1. This year Unit 22 want to explore in depth, the real necessity of innovation, and analyse its commitments with a critical eye. We will try to overcome architects’ preferences for an innovation based purely on individual values such as imagination, personal entrepreneurship, inspiration or anticipation. We do agree these are crucial requirements for a future practitioner however, through adopting the values of many other authors and institutions, we will define and support a type of innovation based on higher levels of common organisation. This requires re-addressing the action of the architect with respect to his/her environment to consider factors that include the context, users, politicians and industry among others. We will employ Drucker’s definition of innovation (Drucker, 1985) as, ‘the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth’, which for the aforementioned reasons, best introduces our intentions.

ENVISIONING THE END OF THE YEAR. ‘THE NEW HOUSE OF THE FUTURE’ EXHIBITION. As part of the training of our students as future entrepreneurial fellows we would like them to envision the result of the year as a clear, welldefined, relevant and professional challenge. We want the work of all of our students throughout the year, to build a collective exhibition with a high standard of quality and meaningfulness for varying audiences. ‘The New House of the Future’ will be an exhibition designed and produced by UNIT 22 students that we aim to display in several professional spaces. The exhibition will host an interactive set of models that reproduces several houses in a neighborhood at a 1:15 scale. These houses will demonstrate innovations that have real effects, by improving everyday lives, in contrast with the ‘old’ technologically determined visions of the future. This will challenge the rationale of the ‘expert’ technicians using the rationale of the affected communities. The houses will use innovative techniques that respond to predicted global challenges between now and 2050. The set will not only include dwellings but other types of everyday spaces (for working, offices, supermarkets, public amenities…).



During the 20th century, the idea of envisioning the ‘house of the future’ has been a prime interest for several exhibitions, publications, films and novels. The house of the future was always intended to be full of innovative products usually based on highly technological achievements. The attention paid by architects to the vision of the house of the future was linked with the role given to innovation: the primary driver of business, financial and economic growth. However, today, our approach to innovation must be adapted to address multiple global conditions. Innovation can no longer be linked exclusively with growth, but to improving an equal quality of life for people in every part of the world. We face enormous challenges today. The ‘house of the future’ should be one that does not deplete all existing resources and does not dismiss vernacular building knowledge such as solar orientation, cross ventilation or habitual human practices. We think that meeting the challenges for the new house of the future requires a different approach from the ‘modern’ way. In the modern era, the house of the future was mainly thought of and designed by architects in collaboration with industry. The new house of the future should be designed with a wider vision in which users will have a leading role. It is essential to give the users a voice in their own future. Every student will need to choose building companies that could potentially fabricate their designs. We encourage students to communicate with these companies. Every student will need to choose a specific community that would benefit from their innovations. We will also encourage students to participate in their own empirical research by talking to members of these communities in order to optimise their designs.

A calendar and particular formats for the year have been carefully designed to encompass the production of an individual portfolio, the collective construction of a professional exhibition and a meaningful public communication. This triple focus for the year strives to increase the awareness of the social utility of students’ work and therefore will increase motivation levels by doing something real that will be effective for others. During the first term we will concentrate in the production of interactive models responding the necessities of a community and a context freely selected by each student. Individual models will be related to each other, linked by climatic, social or material requirements. The models will build a neighbourhood that refers to several locations. In addition, during the first term we will also design the up-coming exhibition anatomy, allowing new, forthcoming results to fit within the established formats accounting for an appropriate flexibility. During the second term a detailed production of the students suggestions will be materialised. This will include the prototyping period, consultation meetings and getting feedback from building industry companies, community champions and external consultants. We expect the students to acquire plenty of knowledge and experience on structures and building techniques in both 4th and 5th year.

The methodology of the year will be quite precise, pushing the boundaries between design and research. For this purpose we will work on a specific hypothesis. Enric von Hippel (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) uses the term ‘Manufacturer Active Product’ to define methods and conditions under which most industrial products are generated. The role of the customer is essentially that of the respondent, “speaking only when spoken to”. The manufacturer selects and surveys a group of customers to obtain information based on their need for new products or modification of existing ones; analyses the data; develops a responsive product idea; and tests the idea against customer perceptions and purchase decisions. In the ‘Customer Active Product’ model (CAP), it is the role of the would-be customer to develop the idea for the new product; select a supplier capable of making the product; and take the initiative to send a request to the selected supplier. The role of the manufacturer in this paradigm is to wait for a potential customer to submit a request. This model will be represented by our student exhibition, supporting several actors’ statements, as a faster and more effective way of creating innovation. We will help design industrial procedures, and adapt them to the new conditions created by the dissemination of knowledge and tools available via the internet.

The last part of second term and during third term, we will test and demonstrate the life improvements we have created by inhabiting our own architecture through various graphic means, animations or others.

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 03

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand




Unit 22 Year Brief

Besides these interactive models we want to develop some industrial prototypes of particular details proposed by the students. For this purpose we have been conversing with various buildingproduct companies who can lend their expertise and advice for the development of envisaged prototypes. The exhibition will also include graphics that will communicate how life will be altered through the Unit 22 student designs. The information will be displayed in the three capacities (interactive models, prototypes and graphics), which will ensure visitors can learn about advanced building materials, low carbon construction techniques, adaptive energy management and other innovative areas related to housing construction. Therefore, the set of models and supporting information will use digital technologies, sustainable materials and techniques, to enable the transfer of our research insights into the public domain. The intention of the project is also to collaborate with institutions with existing exhibition spaces to curate the exhibition and therefore to benefit from their exposure and experience. In addition, another crucial aspect of this relationship is to allow students to received feedback from external agents, outside of the Bartlett. Obtaining this type of feedback is highly valuable, and an experience that architects usually acquire only after several years of practice.


Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

What will the Future be..... The Innovation of the future house

The Architecture of the future will be a natural Friendly space

The Architecture of the future will be Flexible

The house of the future will be self sufficient

The balance between Human and non human system is, Human live with animals harmony but seperately. We get something from natural and pay something back, it is the natural contract. Human give the land back to them so that they can have enough space to survive, thus the agriculture lands will be pulled up to the sky. Growing above the ground in order not to take up their living space. Architecture also need to be a interactive space between human and non human system.

When we tired about surrounding environment or attracted by other unique views, we can leave our small unit( house), quick move to another place to join in to a new community. The community is flexible refreshing with different unit. People could experience different living environment without tied by a set house. People do not need to buy different house in different place in order to save the land resource, and of course economical.

3/5 Land of Thailand used for Agriculture. Sustainable energy resourse use to agriculture Self sufficient house( Food, solar energy) Could be put on the ground as a garden or could be rotated into vertical green walls even internal green walls, terrace can be used for different plants.

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 04


Country: Thailand Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Term One Brief The Innovation of the future house

Hypothesis The role of my project is: Regemerated Balance between human and nonhuman system. Renaturalization in the future context,

In the future 2050 As the high technology modernity, the city is becoming more and more stressful. More and more population, more and more pollution. Less and less green area, the living condition is getting worse although the technology is improved. People far away from natural environment, suffering by the social stress. Children in the future may have no idea about real nature system.


The project can self-growing by utilized the surrounding movements. The project should be the interactive space with human, natural and urban system. The project should be the space that people can invovled with The space could provide the education purpose To Explore the hypothesis of my project in term one I am going to do Three cases with same intention but in different context, in order to test the possibilty of the design. To know the feasible and impossible aspects of my project during the experiment. To get the more innovation point about future.

Case One Study Khao Laem National Park Felling Forest Space Open view Natural context

Testing the balance between Human and Nature

Case Two Study Siam Center Station Bangkok city center Busy and crowded Urban context

Testing the balance between Human and Urban

Case Three Study Workshop in University of Chiang Mai Open courtyard

Testing the balance between Artificial sturcture and Natural Resources Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 05

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Site Location


Country: Thailand Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Chiang Mai The third Case Site University of Chiangmai, Courtyard


Khao Laem National Park The first Case Site Near river, felling forest The second Case Site Siam Station City Center


Tropical Monsoon Climate---Thailand --High temperature --High humidity --easonality Precipitation --Rain Forest --Around-uatorial --High solar radiation --Timber Structure

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 06


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Satellite Farmland Case Study One

WIt is the satellite farmland, consisted with different groups, connected with each other as a big system.

In the future 2050

The farmland also a alive museum for the education. To invite children to get closer to natural from hightech social context. Children could learn natural by themselves, rather than on the website, the balance between high-tech social context and children education

The felling forest problem is becoming more and more seriously. Animals are becoming homeless. Natural resources are disappearing. .......... The balance between human being and Natural system is broken.

Start with the artificial elements, these elements can be used for natural growing ( The falling leaves plants growing in artifical pods can be used for real trees growing ) , the balance between archifical material and natural plants.

The project is going to rebuild the balance between human and non-human system, to re-naturalized natural system in the felling forest.

Butterfly is a great benefit for local people, and at the same time the butterfly has higher survival with special care, the balance between natural and economic. Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 07


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Site Location

Khao Laem National


The Site I chose is near the river side A quite wide open space The felling forest Involved with diversity animals, is quite suitable for re-naturalized. Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 08


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Site Resource

Diversity animals and plants around site. The abundant natural resource can be untilized. Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 09


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Elephants Farmland

Living with elephants harmony People provide food for them and get economic benefit from thier feces( elephant coffee) Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 10


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Satellite Farmland Plan

Satellite Diagram

One group of the whole system to explore

The Farm Satellite

As the start point, there are several single artificial trees in different points around this area. And they growing into a big grean forest area, (biological system) They are growing to connect each other like a Farm statellite system. Each of them is a core of the small area, there are several unit houses around it with diversity function. Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 11


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

The birdwatching pod

The breeding pod

The workshop pod

The eating pod

The pod provided the space for birdwatcher to stay. It looks like the bird nest in order not to scare birds away

The pod is butterfly breeding pod, the bowls provided the food for butterflies, as the structure shape changed, people could know the time to supply the food

The feeding pod

There are three bowls with plenty food in the pod. The structure is stretched when the food is plenty, the weight stretchs the stucture. The structure would go back to original position when the food is empty, the weight force gone.

The house unit surrounding the single artifical tree. Used for different function The expandable structure also as the a sign to inform people what happen inside. Scale: 1:50

The workshop for children to learn about natural diversity and relationship by their feeling and observation. They could watch bird, see how to breeding butterfly and produce silk. They could ake the Specimen by themselves as well.

The resting and eating space for visitors When the structure is open, it means it is opened, otherwise it is closed

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 12


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Pod Structure

When the food is plenty, the bowls are heavey. The weight will extrude the string make the structure longer. As food was eaten, the bowls are light, the structure will go back to original, it notice the farmer to supply the food.

The Structure can move up and down. Different level can see different view( butterfly and plants) It can avoid danger at night and close to elephant in the daytime

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 13


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Vertical Butterfly land Girardinia diversifolia

Dead Leaf

Girardinia diversifolia, commonly known as the Nilgiri Nettle or Himalayan Giant Nettle

Roof Structure made very regular, geometric. Each angle is designed accuately. Compared with the natural elements underneath. It is the cofffee tree garden and the butterfly farm


Golden Birdwing


Dark Blue Tiger



The genus Thottea is in the family Aristolochiaceae in the major group Angiosperms

Familia: Apocynaceae Each Level has different plants in order to get a vertical bufferfly garden Underneath structure is made by natural tree branches. Some elements attached in the middle as well,

Elephants consume grasses, small plants, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots.

Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 14


Country: Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi Province Latitude: +15.00 (15째01'22"N) Longitude: +98.61 (98째35'50"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Khao Laem National Park, Thailand

Satellite Farmland

I am going to explore one group of the whole system. Living in the future---<The Satellite Farmland> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 15

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