Y4-Term1 case study 2

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Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13°43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100°30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand


The project is a Breathing Capsule sitting in the most busy centre in Bangkok. The most busy urban space with cars, footbridges, motorcycles and shops all around. It produces the fresh air and biodiversity to regenerate the most beautiful environment context of green area during the high pressure daily city life in the future, to remind people of the fresh feeling of forest, to recall the memory of nature.

In the future 2050 The City is going to be more crowded, busy and polluted. The high technology will cover the every point of human life. Green area is reducing. ........

Althougth the govenment invoke to build more green park during in city, actually the only visually green area does not make any improvement for the urban context.

It is the interactive project relevant with human activities. The carbon dioxide that made by human movement and transport emission can be the “Food” for Photosynthesis in order to produce plenty fresh air for people to go back to nature. The heavy CO2 emission brings no more the negative effect but the motion for Regeneration.” It is the space between human and urban interaction Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 14


Direct Solar Radiation[w/m2]

Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Range:0-1000 W/M2 Measure Time: 8:00-17:OO

Min: July/Auguest Max: 12:00- 14:00 December/January/February

Temperature Condition August average temperatures in Thailand Daily minimum


Daily maximum

25 33

Chiangmai 24 31

Khon Kean

24 32

Ko Samui

25 32


25 31

Average Cloud Cover[%]

The Direct Sun Angle is quite high during the whole year especially in summer. The radiation is very strong in Summer, people need protection. Shelter is important in Bangkok, especially in summer time. Winter is slightly better than summer, but still higer than other place. Shadow is the most important issue to think about in Bangkok. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 15


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13°43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100°30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Carbon Dioxide Condition

Million Metric Tons

Total Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy

Transport people usually used in Bangkok

Cars and Motorcycles

254.23 4%

BTS 165.80 51%


52.34 33.17



Taxi, Shuttle boat


2008 34%

Bangkok generates as much carbon dioxide (CO2) as New York, and even more than London Rapid urbanization is one reason why the inundations are affecting the sprawling city so badly. The Bangkok report says transportation, electricity generation, and solid and waste water constitute 90% of emissions in the city. The rapid increase in the number of passenger vehicles has made the transport sector the largest contributor at almost 38% of CO2 annually. The report warned that warmer temperatures caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), such as CO2, may result in flooding and a rise in sea level, causing damage to infrastructure and affecting the water supply , public health , and food production.

The Pie chart shows that most of people in Bangkok using own cars or Motorcycles. It could bring a seriously Carbon Dioxide problem

As evidenced by the recent drought, climate change is animportant issue for Thailand in both the medium and long term.Floods, droughts and tropical storms — which cause numerousnatural disasters annually — will only multiply in frequency andintensity. As the amount of carbon in the atmosphere accumulates, thesetwo trends — an increase in temperature and decline in annual precipitation — plus others, such as an increase in extreme weatherevents and a sea-level rise, are expected to accelerate over thenext few decades, causing numerous environmental problems forThailand. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 16


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Wind Condition

Wind Temperature Year Average

Even the wind temperature is very high during the year.

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Wind Frequency (Hrs) Monthly Average

temp. January












In most of months during a year, the wind direction is facing to southwest. Nearly all the wind direction is southwest and northeast. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett 0117 p.


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13°43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100°30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Sea Level Condition

10-12 cm

21-50 cm

51-100 cm

Water levels would also increase in Bangkok's main Chao Phraya river, which already overflows regularly. Sea levels are rising globally, having already risen approximately12–22 cm during the last century, and as a low lying country withits capital close to the ocean, Thailand is extremely vulnerable.The lowlying metropolis lies just 30 kilometers (18 miles) north of the Gulf of Thailand, where various experts forecast sea level will rise by 19 to 29 centimeters (7 to 11 inches) by 2050 as a result of global warming. The rate of sea level rise was fastest during the period 1993 to 2003 and IPCC predictsthat sea levels will increase by 18 to 60 cm by the year 2100. A World Bank study predicts that Thailand’s surge zonewill increase by 32.7 per cent, the third most in East Asia. Coastal flooding will hit Bangkok and central Thailand the hardest.

1-2 meters

As a result Bangkok was sinking by 10 centimeters a year in the late 1970s Faced with the combined threats of land subsidence and rising temperatures and sea levels, the World Bank has predicted that Bangkok's flood risk will increase four-fold from now by 2050. And the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has classified the Thai capital among the 10 cities in the world facing the biggest potential impact from coastal flooding by 2070.

Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 18


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Site Location

The shadow range of the site area. The site area ( green) is quite sunny without much shadow all year around. Thus, even it is a green area, but no one use it. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 19


Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

site--One of the small green areas in Siam Center.

Site Analysis

BTS, above and cross the whole Siam city area. Walking bridges, BTS lines, trails, make the area feel quite stressed

Motorcycles stopped along the road, even on the green area.

Crowded people and traffic jam everyday.

High density of building Big shopping malls, retails, markets all around this area.

Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 20


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Carbon Dioxide Transformation

The collage showing the idea of "the project transform the city pollution to fresh clear air" to improve the surrounding environment condition Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 21


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Drame Garden

The collage showing the idea of "Return to Nature", The space could remind people of the feeling of nature in city life and recall the beautiful memory of environment. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 22

Ascending Amount

(The interactive Space Provided a alive biological museum in urban context by transfer CO2 into O2 through human

People Movement

Motorcycle/ Cars

Carbon Dioxide produced by human and cars

Amount of Plants and biological The Area of Shadow


Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

The Program Process


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Amount pf Lights

Produced by Plant Photosynthesis

It is the interactive project relevant with human activities. The carbon dioxide that made by human movement and transport emission can be the "food" for Photosynthesis in order to produce plenty fresh air for people to go back to nature. The heavy CO2 emission brings no more the negative effect but the motion for regeneration. The human activities such as S w i n g , S e e s a w, Walking machine in the Capsule area could provide the motion to accelerate the transform speed. The more people coming the more plants growing, then provide more space more people. In this way, the space growing as well. At night time, it can be the lattern to light the city in order to saving more energy. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 23


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

The Program Working Process

The original closed state of the Structure

When outside air pressure > inside air pressure The air influx into the expandable container through the Filtration Membrane (Only Carbon dioxide could go through)

The lung and the umbrella structure are the original concepts of this breathing structure . The air exchange process is similar to human breathing, the structure acting as the lung. The flexibility of structure in similar to umbrella, open and close.

Then The container expand like figure 2 shows. 1:50

figure 1 Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 24


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

The Program Working Process

As the container expanding, the CO2 volume increasing. When inside air pressure> Outside air pressure The air influx through the pipe Provide CO2 for plants photosynthesis and CO2 reactor to produce oxygen. 1:50

figure 2 Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 25


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

The Program Working Process

As people inside breathing with the oxygen, the volume in oxygen bar would decrease.

The oxygen comes back to the birdnest structure Because of the volume increasing, the structure will open like figure 3 shows. 1:50

figure 3 Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 26


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

The Program Working Process

The CO2 used for reactor so that it decreased. The CO2 that produced by people breathing will influx into the expandable container through the internal Filtration Membrane. 1:50

figure 4 Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 27


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Sketch Model Testing

The Umbrella flexible structure testing

The flexible arm structure and joints experiment Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 28


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Bird Nest Model

The facade pattern

Internal bed structure

The Bird nest pod tesing The structure can be stretched like the umbrella. According to the program changed inside, the structure is flexible. It can be used for the birdwatching. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 29


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Bird Nest Model

Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 30


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Structure Developing

The pods hanging underneath, are different collectors, breeding containers or exhibition units, supporting the growing natural system. The structure is flexible, it can shrink according to variously situation, seems breathing in the system. The structure also become the signal to inform the internal changes. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 31


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Breathing Capsule Structure

The breathing pods with changeable container canopy, the canopy changes the volume of CO2 and protects the solar radiation. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 32

The site solar shadow image shows that the site is over heating during the most time of the year. Creating a shelter place for people Flat platform creates the biggest shadow space

Change the form along the slope of the staircase, integrated with site existing things better.

Start to change it in more interesting skin, more irregular and organic.

Create another narrative space through the skin change. Separate external and internal space in order to get different atmosphere without interrupt each other.

1:100 A-A Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 33

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Section Developing


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Triangle Pods Working Process

The plants in the skin triangle pots are the also oxygen producer. The CO2 that collected from underneath CO2 container used for plants photosynthesis through the blue pipe. The oxygen that produced by the plants are collected by the red pipes, going through the frame and then transfer to underneath pods.

When at the night time, the plants do not have photosynthesis, the glass cover can be opened.

Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 34


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Joints Developing

The Model joints testing The images above show the connection joints developent. The branches insert the Cylinder joints, the cylinder can decided the accurate angle of branches. And the cylinder joints can also be plant containers. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 35


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Facade Model

Estabilshing the artifical tree structure, combined with real tree branches and artificial containers. The tree crown structure consisted by branches and artificial triangel containers. The tri-angel structure can be containers, or open window area. Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 36


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Plan 1:500



The transparent part shows the underneath structure. 1:500 Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 37


Country: Thailand City: Bangkok Latitude: +13.73 (13째43'48"N) Longitude: +100.5 (100째30'00"E) Time zone: UTC+7 hours Continent: Asia Sub-region: South-Eastern Asia

Siam Square---Bangkok, Thailand

Final Intention Image

Living in the future---<The Breathing Capsule> 2013-2014 Year 4

Bartlett p. 38

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