Y4 Final PORTFOLIO Chapter1

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2050-The last few Elephants in Thailand

Background In 2050s......

In 2050s......

Hypothesis 1.

Instead of block the conmunication between human world and surrounding environment, the Architecture of the future will be the space strengthen the communication. Human chould interactivie, talk to the natural through the architecture. The structure, the wall, can be used not only as the architecture elements but also the media used for communication.

ELEPHANT'S WORLD In 2050, as the ceaseless conflict between human and natural, hundreds of endangered animals extinct. Aisan Elephants, as the country symbol, there are only Few left in Thailand.

Hypothesis 2

The elephants not only facing the problem of habitat lossing but also the serious diseases, such as elephant pox, and genetic thread. Due to the reducing of elephants, the inbreeding will cause the genetic affects to lead the low breeding success and high juvenile mortality. Injure, disease, genetic thread..... High mortality rate bring the extremely hard situation to elephants.

Hypothesis 3

In 2050, It is really hard for elephants that living in natural without any external help. Elephants need the advanced medical technology to help them survive. HUMAN'S WORLD In 2050, as the high technology development, computer, smart phone, have controlled people's daily life. Human is getting far from the real natural world day by day. There is fewer and fewer chance for people especially children to learn something from realy natural world. Information from book and internet is not good enough for education.

Rather than the ZOO, there will the space that can achieve the balance between human and natural system. The space can be shared by human and elephants harmony at the same time. The space should be benifit for both of human and elephants, bring happiness and meaniful live for all. Elephants should not be kept in a small cage for their lifetime in the zoo for visitors to look at.

Natural Material should be fully used in the future through innovated structure. Not only the high-tech material, Traditional/ Natural Material can be used as the main building material in the future architecture as well. The innovated structure combined with natural material can be structured harmony both in natural and city.

Hypothesis 4

The architectue in the future will be the start point of re-naturalized in the city. The space brings the natural into people's everydaylife, reminds people the importance of communication with surrounding environment. Create the natural land using mathematical way in the city center. Combined the city life with the natural features.

Hypothesis 5

Communication and negotiation with natural world is pressing.

Architecture in the future will be the interaction between traditional culture and future technology, between original wild enivronment and busy city life.

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Users WElephants (Number controlled under eight) Visitors Private workshop members ( The Maximum members number for 30 at a time in one building) Working Staffs (Number According to the elephants number )

Program Descrition Interactive Healthy Station Physical examination Workshop Space. --80m2

Teaching how to do the physical examination for elephants and the health data analysis.

Interactive sound communication space. --35m2

People can learn how to know the healthy state by the elephants talking, throug analysis the infrasound data. (Infrasound wave machine to test the sound of elephant)

Public interactive open space --125m2 For resting and obversation

The face to face plateform --20m2

Learn closely about elephants (Can check the elephant health situation in a close space)

Medical data Exhibition and Training Space--80m2

(The space introduces the healthly living situation and the healthy gene knowledge. It also the space teaching children the lab testing process for workshop downstaris)

Data testing lab --120m2 (security space, only for staffs)

Medical Operation room--100m2 Doing the operation for elephants

Interactive Feeding Space Nutrition Workshop Space. --160m2

-- Bamboo Plants workshop, (make the food with bamboo for elephants) --Salt soil worksho. ( Mixed with soil and salt to make special food for elephants) --Artificial plants (Combined with high-tech elements, combined with the special nutrition witch elephants needed) Education and communication, for children to learn elephant diet better

Interactive Food supply space. --50m

Students can learn how to feed elephants by giving the food which they made in workshop

Public interactive open space --125m2 For resting and obversation

Food producing process Exhibition and Education Space--100m2

(The space introduces to visitors the artifical food prodution process and the nutrition knowledge. It also the space teaching children how to make the food by themselves)


Nurition lab office--120m2

Elephant Embassy

Human Eating space--90m2

(The private space, testing the gene and other breeding technical things for elephants health)

Visitors could have lunch at the same time with elephants, they can eating and watching them.

Medical Center--Elephant Interim habitation

Plants testing pods--60m2

The area collecting the pods which hanging under

Different from zoo, Elephant embassy is not a permanent space to keep the elephants in the narrow space and visted by people everyday. The Elephant embassy aiming to keep the original elephants' natural living habitats in city center, show the real elephant world and their daily life to human.

Interactive physical training Station Breeding Workshop Space. --80m2

Education and communication, for children to learn how to know elephant breeding and growing process better (Comparatively parivate, registeration needed Including elephant care, healthy test, healthy data analysis)

The Embassy for elephants is the medical center. The injured, sick, old and breed elephants will be sent to embassy for the special care and medical treatment to help them surviving. The normal treatment period is three months, after three months training or treatment, when the elephants get healthy again, they will be send back to the natural forest. The embassy is the interim habitation for them.

Storage space. --50m2

The space to store the elephants' training tools, such as tree truncks, tyres.

Public interactive open space -- 200m2 For resting and obversation

The training plateform --60m2

Learn closely about elephants (play with them, train them do some easy exercises)

The Embassy for human is the communication and education center. For public visitors, they can walk along the borderline of the embassy to see the internal elephants living world. For the workshop members, together with three months elephants treatment process, the workshop course is three months as well. Rather than just watch elephants for a while, the workshop encourages people to take part into the whole trainning process. Through the three months interactions, people can get well know the elephants' daily living habitats.

Living habitat Exhibition Space--80m2

(The space introduces to members the daily living habitats and daily behavior)

Training office--120m2

(The private space, through healthy data analysis to design a training plan for the elephants)

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Chapter One

Background Research and Analysis

- General Information, Natural Rescource, Weather condition, Urban transportation in Bangkok City. The information supporting the whole design background, and the hypothesis which I would like to test in the following chapters. - Site Location and surrounding function area. Explaining the reason of site chosen.

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Tropical Monsoon Climate---Thailand --High temperature --High humidity --easonality Precipitation --Rain Forest --Around-uatorial --High solar radiation --Timber Structure


World and Thailand Map showing the position of the site

BANGKOK -----site

Diversity of Plants

Diversity of Animals Land Use Percentage

25% Urban

37% Agriculture

38% Forest

Green Area distribution in Thailand

Diversity Plants spices in Agriculture and Forest area

Diversity Animal spices in Forest area

SITE (Bangkok)

Thailand Natural condition

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Thailand Wildlife Tours offer you the opportunity to discover the hidden depths of Thailand, where of the more than 282 species of mammals, 92 are bats and 90% of all the animals in Thailand are insects. Thailand, where 30 species of sea snakes, four species of sea turtles and over 1,900 species of fish call the seas here their home. Then there are the 1,200 species of butterflies, 200 species of hawk moths, 405 species of reptiles and amphibians, 204 species of birds in Thailand’s mangrove forests alone and more than 925 species of birds recorded in the country and so very much more. Thailand is more than a tropical paradise, it is home to a thriving range of wildlife just waiting to be discovered.

Thailand Natural Resource in National Park Forest

Thailand Natural condition

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Thailand possesses an estimated 1000-1500 wild individuals, most of which occur in protected areasHowever, contrary to most other countries, Thailand holds a higher number of captive individuals than wild ones, the former comprising approximately 60% of the total population Many Thai experts believe the number of wild elephants to be very much lower than the figures quoted above and some put the total number at below 1,000. In the past, Thailand’s forests teemed with a vast wild population estimated at the beginning of the 20th century to be in excess of 300,000 with a further 100,000 domesticated elephants.

Average Temperatures in Thailand 2050 Average Maximum temperature 2050s

Average Minimum temperature 2050s

Vietnam, Thailand

South-east Asia


Temperature rises by 2050

35-37 °C

SITE (Bangkok)

24-26 °C

SITE (Bangkok)

Citizen of Thailand are avoid for the direct daylight all the time. The shelter spaces are necessary Daily minimum


Daily maximum




August average temperatures in Thailand 2013


Range:0-1000 W/M2 Measure Time: 8:00-17:OO


Khon Kean

Average Cloud Cover[%]

Direct Solar Radiation[w/m2] Min: July/Auguest Max: 12:00- 14:00 December/January/February



Ko Samui






Wind Temperature Year Average


Even the wind temperature is very high during the year.

Wind Frequency (Hrs) Monthly Average













In most of months during a year, the wind direction is facing to southwest. Nearly all the wind direction is southwest and northeast.

Thailand Weather condition

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

This information relies on satellite-based data and remote sensing and the Climate Change Knowledge Management Centre of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The “Future Climate Projection for Thailand and Mainland Southeast Asia Using PRECIS Climate Models”, indicates thefollowing developments until 2049: · The average temperature for Thailand will increase steadily over time · The number of days with high heat (over 35 C°) will increase steadily in each region · The number of days with cool weather (under 15 C°) will decrease In conclusion, rainfall in Thailand will become heavier which increases risk of flash flooding. At the same time, the duration of the summer season will lengthen with higher mean temperatures. This could increase incidence and duration of drought in all regions of the country. The direction and velocity of winds in the South region, which has geographic features of a peninsula, will certainly cause distinctive climate changes.

Bangkok Urbanization Process N


km 0










Million Metric Tons

Total Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy





2004 52.34 33.17 1988


Bangkok Urbanization Pollution


Farm Space is not enough, Food becomes a big


The population density will be double, according to

T h r e e 50 YEARS times

During 50 years, the population increasing 3 times of 1950s


Bangkok Urbanization condition

Large farm area, and greengrass area

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Where has the urban growth of Bangkok took place in the past decade and Which areas are going to experience the most dramatic urban growth within the next 5-20 years? Based on the property market and the existing public facilities the (internal) urban growth of Bangkok is analyzed and localized. On this basis, depending on the official zoning plan and the flood risk areas, and especially considering the future expansion of the public transport network a hypothesis for the future growth and densification of Bangkok is extremely high. Although the statistics have shown very clearly how Bangkok has grown in size and importance in the past several decades, the growth in the past few years has been even more striking. The urbanized area of Bangkok in 1974 was already more than twice the size of urbanized Bangkok in the early 1960s


Transport people usually used in Bangkok


Cars and Motorcycles 22%

BTS 51%

Taxi, Shuttle boat



city center in Bangkok

Motorcycles stopped along the road, even on the green area.

BTS, above and cross the whole Siam city area. Walking bridges, BTS lines, trails, make the area feel quite stressed

Crowded people and traffic jam everyday.

High density of building Big shopping malls, retails, markets all around this area.

Bangkok city center transport situation

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Site Location



SITE (Bangkok)

km 0







1 2

The West Part of the site, it is a open, wide and abandonded area. Having a great value to use.

3 4 5 The South Part of the site, it shows the busy transportation system around the site.

Site Location

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The site sits in the Bangkok city, in the Embassy Area. It is an abandonded open area opposite to the popular Lumpini Park. On the southpark, the site is surrounded by high buildings and highway, while in the north park is more about low rise residential houses. Using the abandonde area to rebuild a natural linking space, increasing the green land area in the city, bring the benefits to whole bangkok city.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin



Site Transports access N

Main Business and Office Area in City Center

The Airport Linking and BTS line provided a convenient and fast way to

Main Access direction to the site from four big stations.

The Old town block, nearby the business city center, there are lots of tourism in yellow area

The site sits in the most central area in Bangkok city.


BTS Sukhumvit Line

MRT Line

BTS Silom Line

Airport linking`


1000 0

3000 2000

Site Transport condition




Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Compared with Old district, the New district ( City business center) is developing with more transports ways (BTS, MTS,Highways....) The population density is growing in an incredible way. As the puporsal of the project is to recreate a symbiotic space between human and natural, the busy urban context is a good option. (stronge contradiction) The Map shows the general transportation situation around the site. It is very convenient to access to the site area, and at the same time not that crowded and noisy.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Site surrounding function Distribution



High School



Green Land


1000 0

3000 2000






Site surrounding Area condition



Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

The site sits in the Embassy area, which is next to the Japanese and American Embassy. The area suitable for the Elephant Embassy concept and better for community. 1.

Due to one of the important puporsals of the project is education, the mapping shows the high schools range in bangkok city.


The University Campus area . The Universities have great Communicity skillls and have lots of students who interested in biology and environment. The site near the university area could have more opportunities for both students and project development.


The green area during the city is getting less and less. Only few parks left for people to have relaxing time. Using the abandoned space to create another green natural land in Bangkok city center increasing the green area, bring the benifit to the city


It shows the Institute range in Bangkok Since the project is aiming to keep the species continously by Special Healthy Caring and genetic techonology research, the professional facilities and elites are quite important. The researchers inside the Noah's Ark can community with surrounding institutes in time.

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


Closer detail of Site Transports access 1.

Site Main Access way. Although it is messy now, it is quite wide and has

The MRT station nearby.

0 200

400 200

800 600


m 1000

Old Town Boundary

High way

Secondary Access Road For walking

C i t y

Main Access Road For cars

MRT Station

C e n t e r

The highway and the main road underneath

Closer Detail of Site surrounding function Distribution



The Japanese Embassy is next to the site

The Lumpini Park view, which is the big popular green area opposite to the site

0 200

400 200

800 600

m 1000


Old Town Boundary

Embassy Area

Residential House

U n i v e r s i t y

C i t y

J a p a n e s e Embassy



C e n t e r

The residential houses around the site, the houses are low-rise

Site condition Detail 1.

The diagram shows the different access ways from outside to site. The orgran line is the main car road which mainly for car driver. The yellow line is mainly for walking people There is a MRT station nearby, it is convenient for people especially international visitors.


The diagram shows the Multiple function characters around the site. The blue area is the embassy area, the site sits in the area and next to the japanese embassy. The site has good communication situation, which can interact with different kind of people.

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Low-rise building 100m

100 340

X 100 Xm




For the south view, which is facing to the high-rise building. If there is the bamboo wall to stop the view of skyscrapers, the bamboo wall (X) should more than 29.4 meters.

The Brown area is low rise building. The elephants perfer a open wide view, the embassy is not a zoo. The outdoor area should be put in the slash area, in order to have a great view for elephant outdoor activities, there is not any

High-rise building

high elements stop the view from the slash part. 1. Showing how the site buildings affected the design proposal The dot line shows the possible view range in different position

The GREY area shows the view which is seen by surrounding buildings. Instead of the original abandonde grass area, the elephant embassy could provided a much better natural view for the

2. Showing how the design project affected the existing buildings.

surrounding buildings, especially the Japanese Embassy.

Although the road is full of rubbish now, it is quite wide, around 10 meters. The road is linked with Japanese Embassy as well, it is a good option for entrance. 3. Showing how to intergrate the existing building and way into design

Site Vision and Access Detail Analysis These three diagrams show the architectural proposal on the site. 1. Showing how the site buildings affected the design proposal 2. Showing how the design project affected the existing buildings. 3. Showing how to intergrate the existing building and way into design propose.

Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050

The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>

Bartlett Year 4

Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

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