Chapter Two
Re-Naturalized in Bangkok city
- Hypothesis 1 Instead of block the conmunication between human world and surrounding environment, the Architecture of the future will be the space strengthen the communication. Human chould interactivie, talk to the natural through the architecture. The structure, the wall, can be used not only as the architecture elements but also the media used for communication. - Hypothesis 3 Natural Material should be fully used in the future through innovated structure. Not only the high-tech material, Traditional/ Natural Material can be used as the main building material in the future architecture as well. The innovated structure combined with natural material can be structured harmony both in natural and city. - Hypothesis 4 The architectue in the future will be the start point of re-naturalized in the city. The space brings the natural into people's everydaylife, reminds people the importance of communication with surrounding environment. Create the natural land using mathematical way in the city center.Combined the city life with the natural features. - Started with severl concept images from term 1, getting the idea of the relationship between city and nature. - Designed the Elephant Territory landscape, showing the developing process during the term, indicating the Landscape evolution.
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Concept Collage -- Re create the nature in city
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
The collage showing the idea of "the project transform the city pollution to fresh clear air" to improve the surrounding environment condition. The city is becoming more and more crowded, and the green areas are taken by the buildings or roads. The city is 'eating ' nature today. The fresh air is getting less and less, having the idea that to recreate the nature in city center. Nature and City can exist in the same space at the same time
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Concept Collage -- Re create the nature in city
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
This collage showing the idea of having some interactive space between human and nature. The hanging pods is the activity space which allow human and animal to communicate. This collage also involved with some artifical elements( tri-angle) with natural material. Having the idea of to recreate natural with some artifical elements or rules.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Concept Collage -- Re create the nature in city
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
The collage showing the idea to separately the human space and animal space. The Human space can be above ground, in order to protect the animal living space, and at the specific point, they can have interaction through the building. Each pod can have different function.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The Sketch of the landsape possibility
The multiple use of tri angel structure
The Sketch to show the possibility of the triangle plants container.
The Model to show how the nature material combined with artificial elements
Doing the testing model to see how it works with natrual material and regualr man-made element. Testing the joints and combination
Initial landscape element development
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Reference images showing the parametric landscape This landscape pattern inspired a lot for designing landscape using a methodology. Define the nature in a regular or parametric way.
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The methodolgy of Elephant Territory boundry defination
3:00 PM
10:00 AM
4:00 PM 5:00 PM
2:00 PM
9:00 AM
Most quiet Area 11:00 AM
7:00 AM
6:00 PM
9:00 PM
8:00 AM
1:00 PM 7:00 PM
12:00 PM 8:00 PM
General Concept of City jungle
Initial methodolgy of Elephant daily pathway design
The Concept to have the jungle Park which suitable for elephants daily life in the city area. The diagram shows the very randomly designed path, the whole park divided into different areas without any rule. Indicated that the city jungle shold including diversity elements: hill, forest, bamboo, water.etc.
Start from the Central Area, Design the elephant daily circulation along the site boundary. From morning 7:00AM to 9:00PM, according to the wildlife timetable
3:00 PM
4:00 PM 5:00 PM
10:00 AM 2:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 9:00 PM
6:00 PM 8:00 AM
1:00 PM
7:00 PM
12:00 PM 8:00 PM
Landscape and terrian
During 8:00AM- 10:00AM, elephant needs to have more walk, so that the path is designed curvely.
Developing Elephant daily pathway.
Land Grid developing
Based on the distances that elephants walk in different house design in timetable and the initial pathway, developing the pathway curvy according to the distances they need. From 7:00 am to 10am. They need a lot of explortion way, so that the path is designed in more curve way.
The grid is 10m x 10 m as the basic system. 10 m is the save distance that for elephant not disturb each other. The dot line is also the 10 meters from the site boundary, It is the limited distance from the site boundary, for security and acoustic issue.
First methodolgy of Territory design The territory based on the different parameters system. The size of the grid, the size of the circle all represent different time or function in the area. The landscape using the artificial mathemetic way to design the jungle system.
The First Elephant Territory Design Methodology process
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
These diagrams show the First design Methodology in elephant territory design. Inspired by the original jungle enviroment, and try to give elephant a best and health breeding environment in the city context. Every land pixel is designed according to elephants requirments and their really wild life habitat. Instead of design the city jungle in a natural free landscape, start using the artifical method to constrain the different elements. The space is in city future context and interactive with human activities at the same time. so that the artifical parameter system is more reasonable of the jungle design.
1.5 0
4.5 3
7.5 6
45-60 mins 30-45mins 10-30 mins
Water (Bathing and drinking)
Food Supply
Shower Area
Sleeping Area
H u m a n Interactive area
Dung area
5-10 mins The size represents the time period of the staying of elephants in different area.
Activity Area (Playing with tyres and tree trunk)
The Functional Space, the size is according to the staying period.
The First Elephant Territory
Grass >0.5m
Tropical tree 8m-15m
Hill terrance 0-3.5m
Salt soil Area 0.5m-1m
Shrub 0.5m-2m
Bamboo 5-15m
Sand ground (-)0.5-1.2m
Density level of the different trees
Fruit Trees 2m-8m
Forest tree 15-25m
Mud pond (-)1m
The Diet pixels designed for elephant food and daily habitat.
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
The City Jungle using the parameteric methodology to design. Including all the features through elephant daily life. Involved with human activities at the same time, e.g. the food supply. ( The place which provides extra food for elephants, the food is done by children, visitors and also the professional nutrition staff. The jungle is good for elephant breeding purpose, the food, the terrance, the trainning all involved with human and natural elements at the same time.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The methodolgy of Elephant Territory boundry defination
Low-rise Building H<40m Distance=50m
Central Sleeping Area
D=200m D=100m D=100m The distance from surronding buildings and roads, in order to have the quiet space
D=50m D=20m High-rise Building H>40m Distance=100m
High-rise Building H>40m
Low-rise Building H<40m
In order to avoid the noise and the blocks which stop the view, to constrain the site boundary in certain distance. Secondary Pathway---20 m Low-rise Building and Entry pathway--50m High-rise Building and Metro station-- 100m High-rise Building block and busy crossing--200m The central Area is the Sleeping area, which should be the most quiet area in the middle of the site, also the start and the end point of the day.
The area division of Elephant Territory
Based on the original land grid to divide the land into different green area. Area A- K is divided according to the elephant daily timetable, at the specific time during the day, elephants need diversity food or activities.
Area Arrangement is according to the Elephants daily timetable.
The Second Elephant Territory Design Methodology
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The area division is according to the figure: 91.1% of the time of elephant was spent in feeding (with or without movement) and a further 5.4% of the time was spent in locomotion without feeding, with the rest of the time divided between resting (1.4%), bathing (1.8%), drinking(0.1%) and other activities (0.2%). For a smaller sample of solitary males, 87.1% of time was spent feeding, 10.1% walking, 2.0% resting, 0.9% on other activities
The territory is divided for Female and Male
Area = 86475m2 Due to the different space that femald and male elephants need, divided the whole land into two parts with water. The will not disturbe each other expect the breeding period.
Female Elephant Activity territory
Male Elephant Activity territory
The river define the area of Female and Male. Female activity area in inside the river and Male's is between river and Territory boundary. Only in the breeding period they lived together.
Area=34030 square meters
Area= 44445 square meters
The area for females and calf which is surrounded with water, comparatively more quiet and safer.
The area for Male is between water and jungle boundary, comparatively wider space for them to have more activities and food.v
The Second Elephant Territory Design Methodology
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Explain how to design the female and male elephants activity area according to their requirement.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The Elephant path design for Female and Male
Female Elephant Path Length = 3270km
Male Elephant Path Length = 3213km
The elephant path design process according to timetable a
7:00AM - 10:00 AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Female path length = 1254km Male path length = 997km
Female path length = 415 Male path length =500
e and f
Female path length = 516 Male path length =300
Female path length = 506 Male path length =280
Female path length = 580 Male path length =1052
a c
500m 750m e d
500m f
The Second Elephant Territory Design Methodology
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Explain how to design the elephant path according to their requiremen, the length is based on the elephants' daily timetable. The series of drawings are showing the develping process in different time period.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
20m *20 m square
Grasslan d Sleeping Area
Bamboo Half squ
Quater square
Quater-Q uater square
Quater-H alf square
Middle h
eight tre
1/32 squ
are 2.5m
1/64 squ
are 2.5m
1/128 sq
uare 1.25m
1/256 sq
Bush Are
a Fruit tree
Sand Are
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The Final Elephant Territory Design
20 0
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
60 40
100 80
m Hill terrance 0-3.5m Water tank 0-(-)2m
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
River (-)1-(-)4m
Shrub 0.5m-2m
Grass >0.5m
Sand ground 0-0.5m
Fruit Trees 2m-8m
Bamboo 5-15m
Sand ground (-)0.5-1.2m
Tropical tree 8m-15m
Salt soil Area 0.5m-1m
Forest tree 15-25m
Mid-height trees 1.5-5m
The four cutting section is decided according to the elephant trail. These sections show the elephant vision experience during the day. The beginning and the end of these sections are the site boundary, with high density of forest trees, so that the height is very high.
Key plan
Section A-A
Section B-B
Section C-C
Section D-D
20 0
60 40
100 80
Grass >0.5m
Tropical tree 8m-15m
Hill terrance 0-3.5m
Shrub 0.5m-2m
Bamboo 5-15m
Sand ground (-)0.5-1.2m
Fruit Trees 2m-8m
Forest tree 15-25m
Mud pond (-)1m
The Elephant Territory Section
The height changing curve
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Section A-A The landcape changes a lot , diversity of landscape provided the interesting exlporation experience and multiple food choice for elephant in the morning time. Section B-B More open and plan landscape, with a hill in the journey. This is the training period during the day, around 12 p.m. Section C-C With a lot of food supply area in this section. This is the lunchtime and the afternoon resting time. With diversity functional space as well, such as sand area. Section D-D The average of the height of this area is much higher, the section near the site boundary. the high plants provide the good protection of elephants.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The Human pavilion position initial sketch
The initial idea is that to have different pavilions distribute in the elephant territory. The pavilions are all above ground and connected with the walking path. In some specific points human can face to face with eleohants.
Sketch plan developing process
3:00 PM
4:00 PM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
2:00 PM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 AM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
9:00 PM
7:00 PM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
8:00 PM
Design the space using mathematic way, Based on the elephants' moving trail
First arrangement plan
figure 2
figure 1
Design method detail of the location of pavilions
10:00 AM
9:30 AM Entrance
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
Second unit location First unit location Each distance is 20 meters
9:30AM-10:00AM view range
7:00AM-8:00AM view range
figure 4
figure 3
The First Human Interactive Space Design Methodology
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
figure 1 and 2 All the stations are all above ground connected by walking passway, the location according to the elephant timetable as well. ( See the caculation detail below) Star from the 7:00Am, each units sits on the hourly points. The human passway is synchro with elephant. Standing in different pavilion on specific hour, human see the different elephant activities. figure 3 and 4 The example of how to caculate the station location according to the elephant timetable, in order to see elephants activities more efficiently. The two diagrams show the location from 7am to 10 am.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
The design rule of the position of each interactive station
10:00am-11:00am 7:00am-8:00am
7:00am-8:00am 14:00pm-16:00pm
9:00am-10:00am 8:00am-9:00am
central elephant sleeping space (no visitors allow)
central elephant sleeping space (no visitors allow)
The central point of each area, Using the central point as the long-rest space ( interactive, communication, learning space)
The Middle point of each area boundary
The diagram shows the position of the resting or interactive space position. Choosing the central points in ordet to observe the whole area, getting the best view of each period.
The route connected with each area corner and middle point of boundary is the way that could see the most activities of elephants along their movement. Human moving along with elephants, the whole route is divided into morning and afternoon parts, and each line shows the different time period.
11am-7pm 1pm-2pm
7am-8am 2pm-4pm
9am-10am 8am-9am
All the stop point during the whole embassy journey. Long-stay stop space (When visitors get plenty time during the time period, they are suggested to go there to have more activities or information)
The Final Interactive Space Design Process
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
These three diagram show the process of how to define the building position. The building location designed according to the elephant territory, trying to achieve the best view and time to get involved with elephants' activities.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Resting space (Short Stay pods)
Interactive station/ Lab (Long Stay pods)
Elephant Path = 2 x Human path
Elephant Average Walking Speed = 7.2 km/h
In order to match th landscape design strategy and the human path length. Designed the final human walking way along the geometric tri-angel pattern
Human Average Walking Speed = 3.75 km/h
Elephant Speed= 2 x Human Speed
The Interactive Space Position
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Based on the previously Position analysis, combined with the landscape Design and the figure of human and elephant walking speed to design the path finally like the grahpic above. The human walking path is according to the elephants', thus in the same time period, Elephant walking distance is twice than human's. Design the human path according to elephant activity area. During the whole jounery, there are short stay pods and long stay pods for human to have some interaction with elephants. Different pods have diversity program.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Top View of the whole landscape
Closer Details
Making process
Landscape Model 1:500 The model showing the relationship between landscape and building position. The different colour represents the diversity function areas.
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Public Walking Path For all visitors
Private Walking way For working staff and the members of learning course
LINE The overground walking path connected the stations on points. The inside private path is divided into three branches, and the public walking path is surrounding the whole elephant center.
POINT Nine Medical station sits on the crossing points of Area Grid. Each Medical station has different purpose, such as Nutrition station, or Healthy training station..... These key points covers all the area.
AREA The land divided into several Area with different theme according to the land grid. Different land used for diversity function : food , elephant training, healthy testing......
River divided the land into two parts.
Phase Three Axonometric Diagram of building position
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
The axonometric diagram shows the principle of building position design. Using the point, line and the area as symbol to explain the realtionship between diversity land area, buildings and the connected walking path.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
LINE Development Previously walking path is too long through the jounery. Shorten the distance and developed the station points on more reasonable way. Private Walking way For working staff and the members of learning course
Route 1 Nutrition Caring For the sick elephants or the elder elephants, needs special food to supporting the treatment. The Center including the food nutrition lab and the testing growing field. Aslo the workshop for peopel who applies for the workshop course.
Route 1 Physical Examination Daily Observation, Checking every healty data to analysis and work out the treatment.
Route 3 Physical Training Daily Physical training to help to get Rehabilitation.
Public Walking Path For all visitors
Combined the structure with the walking path and tree wall Separtely the public and private space, also using the structrue in nature
Using the Only density trees as the boundary wall at first Not strong enough, elephants would escape easily.
High Borderline walking path for public visitors (20 meters high) The obversation space for public visitors to see inside elephants world
The pubilc resting space Visitors can have a cup of coffee, sitting or chatting in the middle level with the trees as shelter.
The Lower Greenhouse Space Growing some special food or furits on the base level of the structure, for both human and elephants.
Further development of the human routes Further developed them into public and private route. And divided private route into three branchs, while pubilc pathway into three levels.
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
1:2000 1.5
7.5 6
Overall building arrangement N
Walking path connecting level
Overall building arrangement
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy>
Showing the further developed builing arrangement, the axonometric showing the relationship between building, private walking path and landscape.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Walking path view
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy> The image show how people feel when they walkig along the walking path. They could see the below elephant through the bamboo louvers
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin
Birdview of the grassland
Bangkok, Thailand----in 2050
The House of the Future---<Elephant Embassy> The image show the closer view of whole grassland area to show the relationship between building and landscape more clearly.
Bartlett Year 4
Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin