Y4-DR Section2

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<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Section 2 Building Construction 2.1 Material selection and Performance 2.2 Construction Sequence 2.3 Walking Path structural Development 2.4 Interactive Healthy Station Structural Development 2.5 Interactive Healthy Station Key Plan Level one 2.6 Interactive Healthy Station Key Structural section 2.7 Key Jointing Details 2.8 Key Enclosure Details


Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 43

Bangkok, Thailand,2050




a nt Ba m boo

<Elephant Embassy>


Used for Primary supporting structure

≈ 700km to site

Burma, Northwestern Thailand and Laos (Chiangmai, Phai Bong or Tong)

≈ 700km to site


u gh



Used for Floor construction


≈ 500km to site


Southern and Eastern Central Thailand

(cultivated throughout, chiefly grown in Prachin Buri province)

≈ 500km to site

Ste 3

el Used for Foundation and steel frame

≈ 20km to site

Import from other countries or the countryside of Bangkok ≈ 20km to site


≈ 500km to site




Used for foundation supporting Industry company in Bangkok ≈ 20km to site 6



it e


Ba m boo


Northern and North-eastern Thiland ≈ 500km to site



t ed


Used for Secondary Supporting structure




Used for facade fabric North-eastern Thailand, China 1


2.1 Material selection and Performance

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 44

In Thailand, bamboo is one of the most socioeconomically important species. They grow incredibly fast and well known as “pioneer species”. They can rapidly invade into any kind of land, including degraded areas/Being pioneer species, they are frequently found in open land throughout the country. Mainly use the local material ( different spieces of bamboo) is benifit for the finance and technical skill

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Genreal Distribution of Bamboo in South Asia N

Background information on the status of bamboo forests in thailand is briefly given, and some mention is made of bamboo locally used in handcrafts, industry,food and husing. Due to the tropical climate, the species of bamboo are abundant, It is estimated that more than half of bamboo species in the world can be found in Thailand. The taxonomy of bamboo species in thailand is still in its infancy, at present it is estimated that there are 12 genera and 41 species km 0





Three main Species of Bamboo Structure Distribution in South Asia

Giant Bamboo

Rough Bamboo

There are 13 genera and 60 species of bamboos recorded in Thailand and most of them are “sympodial type�. A list of 10 important commercial bamboos species in Thailand is shown (Table 3). The important species of bamboo in Thailand may be divided into three groups according to their utilization; for shoot and stem production. 1. Bamboos for shoot production (for food) such as Dendrocalamus asper (Pai Tong), D. brandisii (Pai Bongyai), D. strictus (Pai Sangdoi), Bambusa blumeana (Pai Seesuk), Thyrsostachys siamensis (Pai Ruak), T. oliverii (Pai Ruakdum) and Gigantochloa albociliata (Pai Rai). 2. Bamboos for stem production (for construction and supporting poles) such as B. bambos (Pai Pha), B. blumeana, B. nana (multiplex) (Pai Liang), D. asper, D. strictus, D. membranaceus (Pai Sangnuan), T. oliverii and G. hasskarliana (Pai Phaak).

White Bamboo

2.1 Material selection and Performance

3. Bamboos for stem production (for basketing and handicraft) such as B. blumeana, B. nana, T. siamensis, T. oliverii, G. hasskarliana, Schizostachyum humilis (Pai Griab) and Cephalostachyum virgatum (Pai Hiae)

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

A key aim of the project is to use locally sourced materials. The main benefits of this is that it benefits the local economy and reduces the carbon footprint of the building as locally sourced materials requires less transportation.

p. 45

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Three main Species of Bamboo Structure 1

Giant Bamboo

Height=25-35m (Total height) Growing fast Uses: Giant Bamboo is one among the twelve high yielding bamboos worth raising as a large scale bamboo plantation, as it is very good for construction, paper production and young shoots are good for vegetable products. This bamboo species produces a large amount of biomass. It can give an annual yield of 20 to 30 t/ha, which is 2.7 times more than that of Dendrocalamus latiflorus. Growth Habit Dense Clumping Climate Tropical - Subtropical Hardiness -1째C Origin Southeast Asia



Rough Bamboo

Height=20-30m (Total height) Heavy construction Uses: Dendrocalamus asper stems are used as a building material and structural timber for heavy construction such as houses and bridges. The culm intemodes used as containers for water and other fluids, and as cooking pots. This bamboo is also used for making laminated boards, furniture, musical instruments, chopsticks, household utensils and handicrafts. Young shoots are sweet and considered a delicious vegetable. Many clustered branches with 1 larger central dominant branch usually occur from ca. 9th node up. Diameters=8-20cm Growth Habit Climate Hardiness Origin


Clumping Tropical - Subtropical -4 째C Malaysia

White Bamboo

Height=20-24m (Total height)

This bamboo species is a good source for paper pulp and has edible shoots. Uses: This bamboo is used for building purposes, furniture, bamboo board, agricultural implements, slat traps, matting, chopsticks, basketry, handicrafts, and as props for fruit trees. It is also one of the most promising species for pulp. Shoots are edible and consumed as a vegetable. Bambusa membranacea is a moderate-sized, strong bamboo forming loose clump. Culms are straight and usually between 20-24 m high and 6-10 cm in diameter. Internodes are 22-38 cm long and covered with a white powdery deciduous scurf when young, but green on maturity. Nodes are strongly ringed and basal nodes show rootlets.

Growth Habit Clumping Climate Tropical Hardiness -4째C Origin Southeast Asia


2.1 Material selection and Performance

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Introduction of three main construction bamboo materials' chararcteristics. The detail of their diamentions, habitat and living condition. Also the very important of their main purpose. The different kind of bamboo I chose for different parts of building is according to their special characteristics. They can act better performance while in suitable position. Over 50 species bamboo stems have different thickness and hardness, and their living area is different, consider about the transport cost as well during material chosen

p. 46

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Bamboo Characteristics






Bamboo section pattern

Hollow Culm


Strongest Part


Bamboo Lifecycle

12 Years Gradually loses strenghth

>6 Years

For Building Construction

3-6 Years

For bamboo boards or laminations

2-3 Years

For making baskets

6-9 Months

<30 Days

Good for Eating

2.1 Material selection and Performance

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 47

Propagation by branch cuttings is a useful, practical and effective method. It is a good method for raising commercial large-scale plantations as in the case of Dendrocalamus asper. The species has aerial roots at the base of the lateral branch. Bigger branches have more potential for rooting than small ones. Rooting is abundant in rice husk charcoal medium, the roots are slender, thin and long, whereas those in soil are bigger and clustered. The rooting efficiency of each species is different and depends on culm size and wall thickness. Thick-walled bamboos posses potential for higher sprouting and rooting probably due to more food reserves in the culm.

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

First phase Landscape borderline

Phase 1

1. The first phase Landscape construction. Build a part of the landscape at the beginning.

Phase 1

2. Building the First Entrance tower

Phase 1

Phase 1

4. Building the connection walking path between entrance and two small towers.

3. Building the following two small towers at the next step.

Second phase Landscape borderline

Phase 1

Phase 1

6. Building another small tower and the breeding lab tower after expanding the landscape construction, also the connection path.

5. After building the three towers and connection path. Expanding the landscape into the second phase

Phase 1

Phase 1 8. The First phase of the project Start to put elephants in the project, and open to the public

7. Finishing the first circulation of the project in the left part

Third phase Landscape borderline

9. As the elephants number increasing, Expanding the landscape again, and start to build the second phase building construction in the west part. 2.2 Construction Sequence

Phase 2

Phase 2

10. The whole building finishing Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The construction sequence to show the different steps and phase of the project Start with the landscape construction. The landscape has three phases, from beginning to the end, expanding two time according to the building construction process and the elephants number. The building has two phases. from beginning to the end, increasing the area according to the elephants number.

p. 48

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


1:1500 1.5 0

4.5 3


7.5 6


Breeding Workshop Space. --80m2

Education and communication, for children to learn how to know elephant breeding and growing process better (Comparatively parivate, registeration needed Including elephant care, healthy test, healthy data analysis)

Forcing part of Walking Path Structure for further developing in section 2

Interactive Sound Communication space. --35m2 Consulate Bureaus

Public open, visitors can learn how to listen to the elephants talking by analysis the infrasound data. (Infrasound wave machine to test the sound of elephant)

Public interactive open space --125m2 For resting and obversation

Conference Center

Resting unit

Entrying unit

The face to face plateform --20m2

Learn closely about elephants (Can check the elephant health situation in a close space)

Technical Exhibition and Education Space--80m2

(The space introduces to visitors the breeding process and the healthy gene knowledge. It also the space teaching children the lab testing process for workshop downstaris)

Breeding lab office--120m2

(The private space, testing the gene and other breeding technical things for elephants health)

Bamboo workshop--180m2

Children can learn abouth natural material and using bamboo to make toys for elephants

2.3 Walking Path structural Development Chosen one part of the long walking parth to show the detail structure. Focusing on the part of walking path which in red dot rectangle Analysis the structure developing process and structure principle. Also showing the 3d and detail drawing to explain

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 49

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Walking path structure principle


The steel string to frame the circular bamboo structure. The circular supporting frame

Arch structure to supporting the bridge from different sides.


Using the same logic with the building construction. From one point expanded to different direction.


Steel strings to hanging the underneath walkingpath

The side part is the arch structure combined with bridge supporting system



The supporting structure can be used as the spiral staircase at the same time. Using bamboo as the verticle supporting aslo the facade. COLUMN SUPPORTING STRUCTURE

2.3 Walking Path structural Development

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The initial ideas of the walking path structure. The three images show the three initial principles of different structure strategy. Each of them force on one strategy. Testing with three structure layout to figure out the most suitable one to further develop.

p. 50

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050



SHEAR BENDING It needs more supporting on the side.

So it needs more supporting in the middle

More supporting on the side

More supporting in the middle



Two main supporting to hanging the strings

Combined with Bridge structure with walking path

Fiber as Bridge

Furthermore Development

Combined Two system together

Different density of the Circular bamboo supporting frame SHEAR

Different density of horizontal strings BENDING


2.3 Walking Path structural Development The Diagram analysis of two main structure principle. Showing how these two structure applied to the final walking path structure.W

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 51

<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Walking space

Walking deck

The density could change according to the different walkingpath length, in order to have diversity vision experience.

Reduce the supporting column

reference image

reference image 2.3 Walking Path structural Development

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The final structure of the walking path The images show the 3D walking path structure, showing the structure principle and detail. The reference image shows the facade and staircase possibility. The walking path structure combined with bamboo and steel together.

p. 52

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


1:1500 1.5 0

4.5 3


7.5 6


Breeding Workshop Space. --80m2

Education and communication, for children to learn how to know elephant breeding and growing process better (Comparatively parivate, registeration needed Including elephant care, healthy test, healthy data analysis)

Forcing part of Human affairs bureaus Structure for further developing in section 2

Interactive Sound Communication space. --35m2 Consulate Bureaus

Public open, visitors can learn how to listen to the elephants talking by analysis the infrasound data. (Infrasound wave machine to test the sound of elephant)

Public interactive open space --125m2 For resting and obversation

Conference Center

Resting unit

Entrying unit

The face to face plateform --20m2

Learn closely about elephants (Can check the elephant health situation in a close space)

Technical Exhibition and Education Space--80m2

(The space introduces to visitors the breeding process and the healthy gene knowledge. It also the space teaching children the lab testing process for workshop downstaris)

Breeding lab office--120m2

(The private space, testing the gene and other breeding technical things for elephants health)

Bamboo workshop--180m2

Children can learn abouth natural material and using bamboo to make toys for elephants

2.4 Interactive Healthy Station Structural Development The different stations with diversity program arrangement in specific points. The One of Conference Center is chosen for further development.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 53

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structural Developing Process Physical model 1:50 WEAK



Spam=12m The structure is WEAK From both verticle and horizontal direction

Stage One

The cross arch strengthen the structure in both direction

Stage Two

Another verticle supporting, to make the second much more strong.

Adding another structure layer in vertical axis. In order to create more space and make the whole

Stage Three

Stage Four

The inter-connection supporting connected with structure layer, make the structure very strong in both vertical and horizontal direction. Also very stable Stage Five

The horizontal connection not only strengthen the whole structue in a quite stable level, but also create the space more clearly.. Stage Six

2.4 Interactive Healthy Station Structural Development

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Structure principle developing process. Through the physcial model. testing the structure strength. By adding different layers and supporting structure to explain thes complex structure. The physical model shows that how each elements work in this structure system, and the function of each bamboo column. The testing part

m 0




p. 54

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

The final compelx structure In both vertical and horizontal connection.

The single vertical structure piece

Initial truss structure

Adding the vertical elements to develop the height The structure underneath can be used as floor

Adding the crossing structure force the horizontal way developing in three diamention.

The original horizontal structure Truss structure

The initial arch bamboo structure. Very weak

2.4 Interactive Healthy Station Structural Development The structure developing with more elements and direction, in order to make the structure strong and complex. The structure itself can be used as the floor and wall, so that the whole structure can used as the space function. The structure using bamboo but in a innovation way, combined natrual material with artificial structure design parameters.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 55

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

1.Breeding Workshop Space.


(Comparatively parivate, registeration needed Including elephant care, healthy test, healthy data analysis)


2. Private Toliet ( Disable access) 50°


3. Stair Circulation Access 4. Interactive Sound Communication space.



(Infrasound wave machine to test the sound of elephant)

5.Public interactive open space to look down (With bamboo section floor)

7. Drinking Water Point

m 0



(traditional bamboo pump)



6.Disable access lift


8.Public resting space


9. The face to face plateform (Can check the elephant health situation in a close space)


10. Public Obversation space

(Obverse elephant through bamboo facade, watch the elephant bathing)

1 J 22°





4 H



2° 0°

±0 6


-5° 7


-12° E 9





1:100 -32°



A 1






2.5 Interactive Healthy Station Key Plan Level one This is one typology plan of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.










Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


9 p. 56

Detail A. The foundation construction. Bamboo connected with steel plates, jointed together with concrete foot. The bamboo is filled with mortar. Detail B. The vertical bamboo structure connected with the bamboo floor.( short bamboo sections) Detail C. The flexible roof detail. The connection with underneath bamboo structure. Detail D: d1. The Ending joints of the vertical and horizontal bamboo connection d2. The connection between outside vertical bamboo and internal vertical bamboo, to make the structure more stable. d3The connection of Vertical and horizontal bamboo, and also the connection of double layer of bamboo. ( clip, insert, ect) A

Detail E. The food supply feature structure Detail F. Crossing conncetion detail of two intersected curve bamboo structrue.


Detail G: Rainwater Drainage construction detail

m 0




Detail C-c1 Detail C-c2

Detail D-d1

Detail G-g Detail F-f

Detail D-d2

Detail D-d2 Detail B-b

Detail E-e

Detail A-a

1:100 0

2.6 Interactive Healthy Station Key Structural section This is one typology section of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.



1 2



Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


p. 57

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Bamboo as the daily material in Thailand, People are very familiar with the bamboo techinical skills. From building construction to basket, the locals can do very well.

Bamboo connection technical

overlapping connecion

Steel connecion

Crossing connecion

E n d i n g connecion

Parallel connecion There are lots of ways to connect horizontal and vertical bamboo. It depands on the construction function and the loads. Bamboo with different material (steel and concrete) is another important elements in building construction. My building will contain severl of connection ways according to the different parts of building.

Double layer connecion

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 58

Bamboo technical skill is the key point in my building. How bamboo connected with other material in different situation and how bamboo connected in different direction is the key structure issue Local people in Thailand is very familiar with diversity bamboo skills, not only in building construction but also the daily furniture. Local technical supporting is very important and useful in construction strategy.

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


Detail A. The foundation construction. Bamboo connected with steel plates, jointed together with concrete foot. The bamboo is filled with mortar. Detail B. The vertical bamboo structure connected with the bamboo floor.( short bamboo sections) Detail C. The flexible roof detail. The connection with underneath bamboo structure. A A

Floor and Roof construction Detail C c1 c2

m 0




Detail B


Detail A a



2.7 Key Jointing Details Floor and Roof construction This is one typology section of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.



1 2



Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


p. 59

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20 Detail A-a

Concrete Base

Metal joints

The steel plate connceted with concrete base

Metal pieces insert into the bamboo in order to connect with the metal plate.

Metal piece to group several bamboo pieces

Front view of the foundation construction

The mortar inside the bamboo to stable the metal peiecs

Side view of the foundation construction

The bamboo stems split into different directions from one point at the bottom

This part can be changed when the bamboo stems broken, for Maintance.

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 60

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail A-a physical model Mainly issue: How different material connect together. How to group the multiple bamboo strems into one joints How to stable the foundation part. m 0




Detail A-a

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:5 Detail A-a

1 2 4



6 7 8

1. 10mm steel plates( divided the bambaoo and concrete filling) 2. 40mm*8mm*300mm steel for bonding 3. Steel bolts M20 4. Bamboo foot mortar filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 5. Steel tube ø 64mm*6.4mm 6. Plate ø 160mm with thread M48 7. Nut M48 (reduced height welded on the thread) 8. Steel Bolt M48 . Max. 80mm for adjustment during erection (±40mm) 9. Counter nut M48 (Reduced height) 10.Steel Rods or Bolts M30 11. Steel stable base, holding the bamboo stems 12. M24*90mm with washer and lock washer 13. Steel plate 14. Cyclopean concrete foundation stone instead stuck with mortar cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6



10 11


13 14


1 2 3



6 7 8

125mm 9





12 13



2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 61

Through the 1:5 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail A-a section drawing Mainly issue: How different material connect together. How to group the multiple bamboo strems into one joints How to stable the foundation part. m 0




Detail A-a

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20 Detail B-b Bamboo Floor

The Floor detail

Bamboo sections with hollow culm for ventilation Using two rods to conncet the bamboo sections, in order to make sure they are stable

Detail B-b

Detail B-b

Detail B-b

The hole for the rods to connect floor with horizontal structure Bamboo sections can have different length for multiple function

The rods insert into the vertical bamboo stems to connect.

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 62

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail B-b physical model Mainly issue: How the bamboo sections connected together without swing. How the bamboo floor connceted with the structure frame. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail B-b m 0




Section Drawing 1:10 Detail B-b



1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 2. Steel circular clips ø200mm 3.Threaded timber rod with nut ø 50mm 4.Timber nut ø 80mm 5. Horizontal Bamboo supporting structure ø 200mm 6. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 7. Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*600mm 8.Timber rod with nut ø 20mm 9. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 10.Bamboo section to lock the crossing filled concrete bamboo 11. ø 50mm thin bamboo stem to connect the floor elements 12.Bamboo sections used as floor ø100mm-300mm 13.Steel Bolts M20 14.50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade













Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail B-b

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 63

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail B-b section drawing Mainly issue: How the bamboo sections connected together without swing. How the bamboo floor connceted with the structure frame. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail B-b m 0




<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Structure testing through Drawing

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10 Detail C-c1 Bamboo Roof 1 2 3 4 5




Detail C-c1 1.20MM thickness Bamboo Tiles (roof tile) 2. 10mm thickness long Bamboo tile supporting frame 3. 20mm waterproof timber board. 4. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 5. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 6. 50mm*200mm steel rod to holding the pulley 7. ø 200mm Pulley 8. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 9. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 10mm 10. Steel Bolts M10 with Nuts 11.Steel Jubliee clip 12. Plastic tube ø100mm 13. Metal plate connected with steel cicular clip 14. Steel Bolts M20 with Nuts

9 10 11


Detail C-c2


1. Flexible Bamboo arm ø50mm 2. ø10mm bamboo stick to connect two flexible arms 3. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 4. Threaded Steel rod 10mm 5. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 6.Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*400mm 7.10mm steel plates( divided the bambaoo and concrete filling) 8.Steel tube ø 64mm*6.4mm 9. Plate ø 160mm with thread M48


Detail C-c2








2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Detail C-c1

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail C section drawing Mainly issue: How the overlapping bamboo stems connected together. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems m 0






p. 64

Detail C-c2

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


Detail D: d1. The Ending joints of the vertical and horizontal bamboo connection d2. The connection between outside vertical bamboo and internal vertical bamboo, to make the structure more stable. A

d3The connection of Vertical and horizontal bamboo, and also the connection of double layer of bamboo. ( clip, insert, ect)


m 0



Wall construction


Detail D






2.7 Key Jointing Details Wall construction details This is one typology section of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.



1 2



Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


p. 65

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20 Detail D-d1

Three horizontal bamboo stems to strengthen the structure stability

Insert the steel rods reinforce the connection

Inter-cross supporting The bolt to reinforce the connection point

Using two vertical bamboo stems to clip the middle one, to make the structure stable

Detail D-d1 Detail D-d1

Connection bolts

The side view of the joints Bamboo clip joint

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail D-d1

Detail D-d1 physical model Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems m 0




p. 66

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10 Detail D-d1














Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail D-d1

1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 2. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 3.Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 4.Thin Bamboo to lock the joints ø 50mm 5. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 6. Bamboo section to lock the crossing filled concrete bamboo 7. Long threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 8.10mm bamboo slieces for waterpoof 9. Steel Bolt M10 10. 20mm waterproof timber board 11. Steel Bolt M20 12. Steel rod with nut ø 20mm 13. 50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail D-d1 section drawing Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail D-d1

p. 67

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20 Detail D-d3 Bamboo External and Internal wall

Detail D-d3

Initial joints testing. (single layer)

Steel bolts go through two layers Two bamboo stems clip the vertical one

Steel rods insert into horizontal bamboo stems through the vertical one, make the joints stronger

With different layers to make the structrue more strong

Filled with concrete to make the joints stable

Detail D-d3

perspective view of the joints detail

side view of the joints detaili

front view of the joints detail

Insert the steel rods 2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail D-d3 physical model Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail D-d3 m 0




p. 68

50mm*200mm Soft Timber Frame to block the soft timber flake

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10 Detail D-d3


Steel bolts M10 50mm*80mm timber stud


50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade


Bamboo External and Internal wall


Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6


Steel bolts M10


Steel U rods or plates to reinforce the bolts


ø 100mm bamboo stem


Metal anchor M20 with pemo


M10 steel Bolts

7 8 9

Threaded timber rod with nut ø 50mm Timber rod with nut ø 20mm Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm

U shape Steel Stud 10



Steel Bolts M20

Timber nut ø 80mm Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail D-d3

2.7 Key Jointing Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail D-d3 section drawing Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail D-d3

p. 69

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10 Detail D-d2

10 11 1 2 3


5 6 7 8 12

9 13



1. 10mm L shape steel plate 2. Steel Bolt M20 3. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 4. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 5. Cutting bamboo stripe, insert the horizontal stems 6. Timber nuts ø 50mm, to block the stripe and the rope 7. Steel bolts / Steel hook 8. Hemp rope to tight the joints 9. Threaded timber rod with nut ø 50mm 10. Steel Bolt M20 11. Hemp rope to tight the joints 12. Enclosure bamboo structure ø100mm, filled with concrete 13. Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*600mm 14. Steel circular clips ø200mm 15.50mm thickness Soft Timber flake facade

Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

Detail D-d2

2.7 Key Jointing Details Detail

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail D-d2 section drawing Mainly issue: How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail D-d2

m 0




p. 70

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050


Detail E. The food supply feature structure A

Detail F. Crossing conncetion detail of two intersected curve bamboo structrue.


Detail G: Rainwater Drainage construction detail

m 0




Detail G

Enclosure Details


Detail F


Detail E




2.8 Key Enclosure Details The Enclosure Details This is one typology section of the whole stations Interactive Healthy Station-- communication, education and negotiation space. The space including public and private space, the office and interactive function.The underneath pathway is for elephant shower.



1 2



Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin


p. 71

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Controlling part

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:1 Detail E-e Food supply shelter

Fixed Arm

Central supporting column

Flexible Arm

A testing Structure Arm According to the umbrella structure principle, using bamboo instead of steel frame and wire. By controlling one point to open and close the arms The series of images show the expanding process of the food supply arm.

Double Shadow filter inbetween The food supply structure, when the tyre is full of food, the weight would pull the rope the arm would open. When the food was eaten, the arms would closed again.

Food load

2.8 Key Enclosure Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail E-e physical model Mainly issue: How Flexialbe opening arm works How the arms connected with central supporting Detail E-e m 0




p. 72

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:1 Detail E-e

Elastic gives the tension When people pull the rope, the arm could be open When people release the rop, the arm would go back to original position

Food supply shelter

Flexible Arm

Fixed Arm

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10

1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 2. Sand with Hemp rope to block the end of bamboo joint. 3. ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 4. Sand with Hemp rope to block the end of bamboo joint. 5. Timber block ø 50mm 6. Shadow filter supproting structure, bamboo in ø 20mm 7. Pully Hemp rope 8. Threaded Steel Bolt with nut, M10 9. cement-lime-sand with small stones to block the joint

1 2 3

4 5





The physical Model testing about the end of joints.

Tight with hemp rope

2.8 Key Enclosure Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail E-e physical model and drawings Mainly issue: How Flexialbe opening arm works How the arms connected with central supporting

Detail E-e m 0




p. 73

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Structure testing through model Physical Model 1:20 Detail F-f

The process of crossing connection. Different from other joints, this is showing the connection when two bamboo stems overlapping.

The side view of the joint

Four steel bolts to make stability.

The side connection detail. Bolts in two direction

2.8 Key Enclosure Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through model to testing the structure system, in order to consider and develop into more detail Detail F-f physical model Mainly issue: How the overlapping bamboo stems connected together. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail F-f

m 0




p. 74

<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Structure testing through Drawing Section Drawing 1:10 Detail F-f





5 6






Detail Axo Drawing 1:50

1. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6. 2. Long threaded Steel bolts with nut ø 20mm*400mm 3. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 4. Steel Bolts M20 5. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 10mm 6. Hemp rope with special fire protection 7. Timber block to lock the overlapping bamboo stems 8. Steel Bolts M20 9. Enclosure bamboo structure ø100mm, filled with concrete 10.Bamboo section as a locker. 11. Threaded Steel rod with nut ø 20mm

2.8 Key Enclosure Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the joint working in structure system. Detail F-f section drawing Mainly issue: How the overlapping bamboo stems connected together. How external bamboo stems and internal bamboo stems connected. How to joints the vertical and horizontal bamboos How to connect two layers of bamboo stems

Detail F-f

m 0




p. 75

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>


Structure testing through Drawing


Section Drawing 1:10 Detail G-g Rainwater Drainage





7 8 9


Rain water

1. Timber Rain cap ø 250mm 2. Tar-soaked rope with mortar 3. Threaded Steel Bolt with nut, M20 4. 50mm Cement-lime-sand waterproof layer. 5. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 6. Tar-soaked rope with mortar 7. Metal anchor M20 with pemo 8.ø 10mm U shape threaded steel rod 9. 50mm Cement-lime-sand waterproof layer. 10. Bamboo filled with cement-lime-sand ratio 1:4:6 11. 10mm thickness steel plate for binding 12. Tar-soaked rope with mortar 13. Threaded Steel Bolt with nut, M20



Drain as water collection


Detail G-g

Rain water

Used for toliet Collection container Drinking water using bamboo pump

Cold water for elephant shower Supply the water tank in elephant territory

Used to provide water for plants pods

Water purification processing

Chemistry cooling

2.8 Key Enclosure Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 76

Through the 1:10 section detail drawing to show how is the Rainwater Drainage joint working in structure system. Detail G-g section drawing Using bamboo as the drainage structure, collected the rainwater, used for different function

Detail G-g

m 0




<Elephant Embassy> Bangkok, Thailand,2050

The traditional Drinking water pump system drawing

Pump Handle

Pump rod


Bamboo Cylinder

Rubber valve

Riser pipe

Rain water

Bamboo pump Detail Used for toliet Collection container

Rubber foot valve

Drinking water using bamboo pump

Cold water for elephant shower Supply the water tank in elephant territory

Used to provide water for plants pods

Water purification processing

Chemistry cooling

2.8 Key Enclosure Details

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

Through the axo drawing to show how the drinking water pump works in the water system The pump used for the drinking water in the building, the rainwater is collected and then through the water purification process , can be used for drinking finally. Using bamboo as the pump pipe, combined with the traditional pump technical. Water pump m 0




p. 77

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