Y4-DR Section3

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<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Section 3 Building Performance 3.1 Building Environmental Impact and lifecycle 3.2 Building Environmental Condition 3.3 Overall energy Strategy 3.4 Ventilation and Cooling Strategy 3.5 Natural Lighting Strategy 3.6 Water Supply, Drainage and Treatment 3.7 Environmental strategy


Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 78

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

SITE (Bangkok)

Land Use Percentage

Elephant--------Natural Material 1 Not to scare elephants in their garden. The Artifical Industrial material will be monster in the city jungle. Choose the material more natural friendly 2 Re-used material, which means when the constructure material is broken or old, it can be used for another function, such as FOOD, PLAYING TOYS.etc.

25% Urban

3 It is better that combined the building material with the elephant daily life. Choose from the wide arange of natural, Using the material which elephant is quite familiar with----BAMBOO

38% Forest

37% Agriculture

The Large green area and plenty forest resource indicated that thailand has rich bamboo resource. Using bamboo as main material not only has the great sustainable development but also the building material is low cost.



Natural Friendly, the material is close to animals (nature)

Structure challenge--The traditional bamboo structure is hard to supporting

Strength--Bamboo is an extremely strong natural fiber, on par with standard hardwoods, when cultivated,harvested, prepared and stored properly.

Maintenance--Compare with the concrete and steel, the bamboo should be maintainced more frequently

Flexibility--Bamboo is highly flexible.During its growth, it may be trained to grow in unconventional shapes, After harvest,it may be bent and utilized in archways and other curved areas.

Animal--Very careful about the elephant. easier be destoried by them than other material.

Earthquake-resistance-- It has a great capacity for shock absorption, which makes it particularly useful in earthquakeprone areas.

Pest-- Think about pest problem as well.

Lightweight--Bamboo is extremely lightweight. Consequently, building with bamboo can be accomplished faster with simple tools than building with other materials. Cranes and other heavy machinery are rarely required

Construction--More challenge for construction process.

Cost-effective--Economical, especially in areas where it is cultivated and is readily available. Transporting cost is also much lesser. Durability-- As long-lasting as its wooden correlates, when properly harvested and maintained.

Conclusion: Compare about the advantage and disadvantage points, consider about the key natural issue and sustainable feature. Using bamboo as main material

3.1 Building Environmental Impact and lifecycle

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

According to the design concept issue and the structure problem to choose the material. Compared about the natural material and artifical material. Explain different reasons why choose bamboo finally. From the main reason which relatived with elephant to the material characteristics, from the advantage to disadvantage points. Compared all the reasons that I considered about, using bamboo as main material at last, and try to figure out the new structure system match the building design.

p. 79

<Elephant Embassy>

Wide range of green area distribution in Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Energy consumption during construction

Rate of construction per sq.foot in INR

Concrete structrue


Wood structure Bamboo structure

Concrete structrue Bamboo structure


1180 210


Bamboo for Wastewater Treatment As sewage treatment, bamboos are presented as an alternative water pollution solution through the Root Zone Method (RZM). There are different methods to treat water pollution and each is applied depending on the nature and extent of contamination. Traditionally, the plants used for this purpose are reeds, tules, cattails and sedges. Studies have been initiated with some bamboo species that can withstand moisture for most of the year. The initial problem to overcome with Guadua bamboo would be the adaptation of the small plants to the wet conditions, which are in the early stages of development very susceptible to excess moisture.

Bamoo life cycle ---quick, reuse Giant Bamboo 2.4m

Another use which is being investigated is the use of bamboo stem rings, which are nothing more than Guadua bamboo internodes of about 5 cm in length. Especially in rural areas, traditional wastewater treatment materials such as stone and gravel are being used. These could be replaced with the tips of the Guadua bamboo as a material in anaerobic filters. The removal efficiency was similar for both materials, but with the advantage that bamboo is cheaper and such rings are virtually scrap when exploiting bamboo


DAY 16

2.0 m

1.8m DAY 15

1.6m DAY 14 1.4m DAY 13


1.0 m

DAY 12

Bamboo Beautifies the Landscape

DAY 11 DAY 10



0.4m DAY 5 0.2m DAY 1 0

Guadua bamboo forests and plantations also have a purifying effect, and can be seen on various slopes and undulating reliefs through Central and South America. Commercial Guadua Bamboo plantations are now admired by environmentalists and nature lovers who see in these forests, a landscape framed by its beauty and generation of diverse environmental advantages.

3.1 Building Environmental Impact and lifecycle

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 80

Bamboo is a member of the botanical tribe of Gramineae with over 70 genera of reputedly 1500 species whose woody stems called culms can have a mature size ranging from 100 mm to 36 metres with individual culms growing up to 30 cm in diameter. Bamboo as the natural material has the great sustainable benefits for city. It can absorb CO2 and give out oxgen more effciently than other plants. The diagram introduce the normal forest transfer CO2 process. Bamboo removes CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis by using carbon as an energy source and converting it into plant tissue which releases oxygen (O2) as a byproduct. Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide and releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere than an equivalent stand of hardwood trees.1 hectar of bamboo sequesters 62 tons of CO2/year (source: J.Janssen, Technical University Eindhoven, 2000) 1 hectar of young forest sequesters 15 tons of CO2/year

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Bamboo forests have many environmental benefits because they function as carbon sinks, produce oxygen, control soil erosion, provide organic matter, regulate water levels in watersheds, conserve biodiversity, beautify the landscape, and essentially contribute to the purification and regulation of the environment.

The Carbon Cycle ATMOSPHERE Healthy Forests Store Carbon

Wildlifes Release Carbon WOOD PRODUCTS

Wood Waste is turned into Clean Energy

Carbon Released

Harvested areas Replanted


Growing trees absorb carbon rapidlly

Resources (Fosil Fuels) Extracted

Organic Material decay. Tr a n s f e r r i n g c a r b o n undergr Dead Materials store carbon temporarily Underground OIL COAL GAS

All woody bamboos have their environmental importance, however giant timber bamboo species such as Guadua angustifolia are particularly astounding... Bamboo captures huge amounts of carbon dioxide which they generate and convert into oxygen. Scientific studies in commercial bamboo plantations in Mexico show that Guadua angustifolia has the capacity to capture 149.9 tons of CO2 per hectare in the first 7 years after planting (average of 21.41 tons / ha / year). Information which is fundamental and necessary to enter the international system of carbon trading, and which can bring additional benefit for investors and farmers who grow and cultivate Guadua bamboo. Bamboo does not release the trapped CO2 as it stays captures inside the plant, even after the harvested timber is used in value added products for construction, flooring, panels, etc. it still functions as a carbon sink. One hectare of adult Guadua bamboo can also produce 5.8 times more biomass compared to most other forest species. Furthermore, bamboo is a sustainable and renewable resource because it continuously spreads vegetatively. This allows the formation of forests much faster compared to most other tree species. Unlike other types of commercial forestry crops where trees must be clear-cut and replanted, in bamboo plantations only mature stems are harvested while younger stems are left untouched to mature and develop. All these characteristics have called the attention of industrialized countries, and reveals the environmental impact and potential of Guadua Bamboo as a high yielding forestry crop. These countries who according to the Kyoto Protocol must reduce the effects of greenhouse gas emissions, see Guadua bamboo as an alternative that could help solve a global problem, perhaps, even at less costs compared to other expensive technological processes, which are much more complicated as well.



3.1 Building Environmental Impact and lifecycle

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 81

Bamboo is a member of the botanical tribe of Gramineae with over 70 genera of reputedly 1500 species whose woody stems called culms can have a mature size ranging from 100 mm to 36 metres with individual culms growing up to 30 cm in diameter. Bamboo as the natural material has the great sustainable benefits for city. It can absorb CO2 and give out oxgen more effciently than other plants. The diagram introduce the normal forest transfer CO2 process. Bamboo removes CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis by using carbon as an energy source and converting it into plant tissue which releases oxygen (O2) as a byproduct. Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide and releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere than an equivalent stand of hardwood trees.1 hectar of bamboo sequesters 62 tons of CO2/year (source: J.Janssen, Technical University Eindhoven, 2000) 1 hectar of young forest sequesters 15 tons of CO2/year

<Elephant Embassy>

The environmenal effects (Carbon dioxide) of bamboo

Bangkok, Thailand,2050


Key focusing parts in the building


a nt Ba m boo

<Elephant Embassy>

Key materials



The green plants pods along the main structure as the green wall

u gh


Bamboo section floor is quite sustainble with great ventilation issue





it e Ba m boo




The soft bamboo facade, acting as the sunlight filter and also the visional protection for elephants

t ed

Key Section





The roof should have a great and diversity shadow filters in Thailand.









te 3.1 Building Environmental Impact and lifecycle The Material used according to the environmental strategy The main material is bamboo, connected with metal and reinforced concrete at the bottom part. Using diversity speices of bamboo for different parts of the building, such as shadow filter, rainwater collection. With considering about the sustainable and re-use issue, bamboo material has much more benefits than others.

1 5

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 82

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Green plants in the short section of the bamboo, another use of bamboo

Hanging green pods

More like the green wall, can prevent sunlight


The bamboo connected together as the wall, it has good ventilation and view points

The bamboo can be very strong when they tight together

The bamboo section wall has great ventilation and the great view of external


Bamboo soft facade

Bamboo facade with daylight going through, very beautiful

With semi transparent facade, the light can go through as well

The bamboo pattern using the bamboo slice, as one of the sunlight filter

Structure fabric pattern, in order to provide double shadow filters.


The testing of the different pattern of the daylight. Testing different density and thickness.

Four main focusing environmental parts of the building

Key reference images

3.1 Building Environmental Impact and lifecycle

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 83

The main environmental parts related with bamboo in the building and match with the reference images on the right side, showing a more clearly concept that I would like to achieve The Material used according to the environmental strategy The main material is bamboo, connected with metal and reinforced concrete at the bottom part. Using diversity speices of bamboo for different parts of the building, such as shadow filter, rainwater collection. With considering about the sustainable and re-use issue, bamboo material has much more benefits than others. http://www.guaduabamboo.com/environmental-impact.html#gallery[pageGallery]/0/

<Elephant Embassy>


Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Vietnam, Thailand


South-east Asia

Temperature rises by 2050

Citizen of Thailand are avoid for the direct daylight all the time. The shelter spaces are necessary

Equidistant Projection Sunpath 21 December

Equidistant Projection Sunpath 21 June

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

14:00 PM

12:00 PM

16:00 PM

Direct Solar Radiation[w/m2] Range:0-1000 W/M2 Measure Time: 8:00-17:OO

Min: July/Auguest

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

14:00 PM

12:00 PM

16:00 PM

Average Cloud Cover[%]

Max: 12:00- 14:00 December/January/February

The strong radiation, so that the shadow and ventilation would be an important issus in building as well.

3.2 Building Environmental Condition

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

This information relies on satellite-based data and remote sensing and the Climate Change Knowledge Management Centre of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).

p. 84

The “Future Climate Projection for Thailand and Mainland Southeast Asia Using PRECIS Climate Models”, indicates thefollowing developments until 2049: · The average temperature for Thailand will increase steadily over time · The number of days with high heat (over 35 C°) will increase steadily in each region · The number of days with cool weather (under 15 C°) will decrease In conclusion, rainfall in Thailand will become heavier which increases risk of flash flooding. At the same time, the duration of the summer season will lengthen with higher mean temperatures. This could increase incidence and duration of drought in all regions of the country. The direction and velocity of winds in the South region, which has geographic features of a peninsula, will certainly cause distinctive climate changes.

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

In Winter the prevailing wind from north east

Due to the prevailing direction and the solar angel and the forest as shelter, this area is going to be the cooling area through the site.

The shelter needs to be provided in certain area and direction, to avoid strong and negative sunlight, especially in summer time.

Afternoon Sunlight ( low angle ,middle strong)

The morning solar radiation is not strong, the area with forest protected is not that hot Althought the solar radiation is quite strong in this area, the high trees can prevent some sunlight. Morning Sunligh (Low angle, mild)

A Mid-day Sunlight ( High angle, strong)

Thess two parts is the focusing parts for futher analysis. B

In Summer the prevailing wind from southwest

Summer Prevailing wind 1:1500 1.5 0

4.5 3


7.5 6


Winter Prevailing wind


Prevailing wind with high humidity Most solar heat area Morning solar heat area Cooler area

3.3 Overall energy Strategy

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The whole landscape designed according to the solar orientation and prevailing, the height of the tree provide shelter space in different time perid. Each human unit is orientated to take advantage of the prevailing wind and minimise the solar radiation. The high structures are staggered to allow the prevailing wind to flow into every space. The soutth and west facing is designed with double sunlight bamboo filter.

p. 85

<Elephant Embassy>

Overall environmental strategy in landscape plan

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Environmental strategy of Walking path space

Solar Radiation Heats the walking path space

The bamboo louvres inbetween not only for structrue but also work for shadow filter. The high density of the bamboo louvres can provide shelter space in the walking path

Monsoon Rain Drains along the circular structure.

Warm air flows out, cooling the space.

The space is the highes, so it gets warmer than others, due to the direct daylight.

Humidity wind

Cooling wind

The cooling wind and the humidity air flow through underneath to above space, to cooling the space

Zoom into the particular part of the whole designed landscape to analysis

Most solar heat area

Overall environmental strategy in landscape Section Solar Radiation Heats the walking path space

Cooling wind Monsoon Rain Drains along the circular structure.

Humidity wind

The cooling wind from the bottem flow through the hot area, bring out the warm wind. COOLING THE SPACE

Humidity Air Evaporation from the pool

3.3 Overall energy Strategy

Warm wind

The green plants can prevent the over heating and provide the fresh cool air for the whole area.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

The whole landscape designed according to the solar orientation and prevailing, the height of the tree provide shelter space in different time perid. Each human unit is orientated to take advantage of the prevailing wind and minimise the solar radiation. The high structures are staggered to allow the prevailing wind to flow into every space. The soutth and west facing is designed with double sunlight bamboo filter.

p. 86

Humidity wind

Solar Radiation Heats the bamboo facade

Monsoon Rain Drains along the bamboo roof tiles.

Ai r fl o w th r o u g h th e bamboo louvres

Rain drains and water collection

Less Solar radiation through the facade The high trees provide a great shadow for the building. Reduce the solar heat and keep the space cooling with great ventilation at the same time

Rain drains water used for toliet Warm air flows out, cooling the space. Water collection pipe through bamboo stem

Drinking water through bamboo pump

In Summer the prevailing wind from southwest In Winter the prevailing wind from north east Humidity Air Evaporation from the pool

The cooling wing flow from underneath through the bamboo floor

Water for growing the plant pods

Elephant shower Grey water drains

The green plant pods are working as the green wall, prevent the direct sunlight


The drinking water through bamboo pump Water collected for the elephants pools

Cooling Filteration Water purification Filteration

3.3 Overall energy Strategy The whole elephant territory and interactive healthy stations are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Bio Digester container

Water collection container

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 87

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Warm wind

Overall environmental strategy in Section

<Elephant Embassy>

Cooling wind

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>


Overall environmental strategy in plan

Due to the sunlight angle, the facade of the building is designed in different bamboo filters. At the mid-day, the stronge solar energy needs to have several sunlight protections. Although there is louvers to stop the sunlight, the space near west part in the building is still get hotter than any other palce.

Afternoon Sunlight ( low angle ,middle strong)

The rain water collection drainage along the bamboo structure wall, using bamboo as the collected system. The water will be collected for the toliet and plants experiment field, then through cooler system , it can be used for elephant shower.

Sunlight filter louvers

The hot air can be bring out of the building by the cold wind flow, in order to get the whole space cooler.

Single dense bamboo facade is enough for the morning sunlight. Cooling space

The morning solar radiation is not strong, the area with forest protected is not that hot Mid-day Sunlight ( High angle, strong)

In Summer the prevailing wind from southwest

The Natrual Prevailling wind goes through the building in south- north direction, especially in summer time, in addation, the underneath cold wind goes up into the building through the bamboo floor. The building gets enough ventilation, in order to save the air conditioner energy. Afternoon Sunlight ( low angle ,middle strong) Mid-day Sunlight ( High angle, strong)

Natural Prevailing wind

Morning Sunligh (Low angle, mild) Rain water drainage system

Mid- day affect area, needs shelter

Sunlight filter louvers

Morning to noon affact area

3.3 Overall energy Strategy The whole elephant territory and interactive healthy stations are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 88

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Solar Radiation Heats the internal space

The cooling air flowing up into the internal space through te bamboos, bring the heat out of the space. Cooling the building

The sunlight go through the bamboo facade into the interal space, make the area which closed to external warmer than other space.

The warm wind can flow through the gap between the bamboo structure

Cooling wind

Warm wind

Solar Radiation Heats the internal space

Cooling air flow from the underneath area

The space becoming cooling due to the cooling wind flow.

The space has great ventilation condition, and can be cooling through the natural wind. The heat problem is an important issue in Thailand. The building is designed with natual cooling system instead of the air conditioner, for the energy sustainable purpose The bamboo section is hollow so that the cooling wind can go through 3.4 Ventilation and Cooling Strategy The floor detail analysis of the whole ventilation cooling system The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 89

<Elephant Embassy>

Underneath wind go through the bamboo floor bring the cool air into the building.

<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

The green plants could absorb the most of sunlight

Cooling wind Rain water

Summer Sun light The green plant pods absorb most of solar radiation in the daytime, prevent the direct daylight. Providing the shadow space underneath for the elephants, at the same time to keep the space with cooling wind.

Warm wind

Although the most of solar radiation is absorbed by plant pods, there is still a little daylight go through the gap, to make the nearest space a bit warm.

The warm air flows through the gap of the pods

Winter Sun light

The space in shadow aviod the overheating, with cooling air flow around

The cool shadow space. (Shadow is provided by plant pods)

3.4 Ventilation and Cooling Strategy The Green plant pods and the ground elephant passway space detail analysis. The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 90

Bamboo tiles roof Flexible part roof shadow pattern

Solar Radiation Heats the bamboo facade

Soft bamboo facade

The facade prevent most of solar radiation, in order to make the internal space cool

Less Solar radiation through the facade

Most Solar radiation reflected by the facade

Cooling air

Reference images

Air f low t hr ough t h e bamboo louvres

3.5 Natural Lighting Strategy The Roof and soft bamboo facade environmental detail analysis The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 91

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

In the late of the day. the sun is in the low position The roof could be open to prevent the vertical sunlight

<Elephant Embassy>

In the middle of the day, the sun is in the high position and hot The roof provide double sunlight filter to reduce the heat.

<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

The Double facade prevent over daylight, and still keep the room bright

Summer Sun light

Double layers of facade

Rain water The sunlight go through the double bamboo facade (double solar filters) into the interal space. The most of sunlight and radiation are reflected by the facade. At the same time. air is flowing through the space, keep the space especially upper space cool.

The cooling air flowing up into the internal space through te bamboos, bring the heat out of the space. Cooling the building The warm wind can flow through the gap between the bamboo structure

Winter Sun light

Cooling wind

Warm wind

Although the double facade reflects most of daylight, there is still some go through into the internal space, making the area which closed to external warmer than other space.

Cooling air flow from the underneath area

Facade patter test

3.5 Natural Lighting Strategy The double layers of facade environmental detail analysis The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 92

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Regular grid pattern Low density

Combined with slash, horizontal and vertical pattern Middle density

Combined with slash, horizontal and vertical pattern High density

Irregualr slash pattern High density

3.5 Natural Lighting Strategy Testing different shadow pattern on human body in the sun Made several different bamboo shade filters with different pattern and density to test the effect under the sunlight. The different filters create diversity patterns. Combined two of them (which means the double layer facade) can create more diversity pattern and the shadow space is bigger.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 93

<Elephant Embassy>

Facade shadow pattern test on human body

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Monsoson Season Plenty rainwater


Drainage Thailand in the tropical area with plenty rain water every year. The rain water is collected through the bamboo drainage. The water can be used in different ways for both building and elephants


Sewage water A part of Rainwater collected in storage tanks. This water is then used in flushing toilets. Sewage water be expelled into the biodigesting tanks. With the elephant and the human biodigester used as compost for the above ground trees.


Harvesting water The water go through the bamboo pipe, used for growing the plant pods which hanging along the main structure.

2 Water storage Tank



1 Drainage Hanging plant pods

4 Water storage Tank Biodigester/ tree compost

Water cooling filtration system

a Elephant Shower




A part of Rainwater collected in storage tanks. This water is then cooling by the special filtration system. a. The cooling watere is used for elephant shower. b. The water through the water purification system and then be pumped through the bamboo pump for drinking water c. The excess water goes into the elephant pools in the landscape area.

Water Purified filtration system

Drinking Water

3.6 Water Supply, Drainage and Treatment Water Supply Drainage and Treatment diagram Discribe diversity use of the rainwater. The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 94

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Rain water

Used for toliet Drinking water using bamboo pump

Used to provide water for plants pods

Cold water for elephant shower

Supply the water tank in elephant territory

Water purification processing

Collection container Chemistry cooling

Service Circulation System Diagram


Human excrement Elephant Dung

Plants' food High pressure to burn as fuel

3.6 Water Supply, Drainage and Treatment The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 95

<Elephant Embassy>

Water Circulation System diagram

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

<Elephant Embassy>

Detail A Thailand in the tropical area with plenty rain water every year. The rain water is collected through the bamboo drainage. The water can be used in different ways for both building and elephants

Detail B Rain Drains along the bamboo pipe Detail A

Solar Radiation Heats the Rainwater drainage

Rain Drains along the bamboo roof tiles into the drainage

Detail B

The water go through the bamboo pipe, used for growing the plant pods which hanging along the main structure.

Humidity Warm Air Evaporation from the water

Rain drains and water collection

Drainage Water

The special protection to protect the drainage from the direct daylight Some water drops off from the above pod

Water for growing the plant pods Due to the strong solar radiation in Thailand, the bamboo drainage gets hot in the direct sunlight in the daytime. The water gets warm at the same time

3.6 Water Supply, Drainage and Treatment Water Supply Drainage and Treatment diagram Discribe diversity use of the rainwater. The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Water collection pipe through bamboo stem

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 96

Pump Handle

Detail A

Pump rod Plunger Press the plug the air pressure can pump the water up

Detail B

Riser pipe Timbe block

Bamboo Cylinder Central supporting column

Drinking water through bamboo pump

Rubber foot valve

A part of Rainwater collected in storage tanks. This water is then cooling by the special filtration system. a. The cooling watere is used for elephant shower. b. The water through the water purification system and then be pumped through the bamboo pump for drinking water c. The excess water goes into the elephant pools in the landscape area.

Water storage tank The drinking water diagram

Detail B U s e d f o r Elephant shower Used for drinking water Water purification Filteration

Warm water

Cold water

Water collected for the elephants pools

Water collection container

The water is getting more and more clean through diversity purfied process Cooling filtration system Water filteration system diagram

3.6 Water Supply, Drainage and Treatment Water Supply Drainage and Treatment diagram Discribe diversity use of the rainwater. The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 97

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Drinking Point

<Elephant Embassy>

Detail A

<Elephant Embassy>

Bangkok, Thailand,2050

Roof shelter, open in sunny days

The bamboo roof tile for the rainwater drainage

Due to the solar radiation, Using soft bamboo as shelter

Rain water drainage collection

Having double facade to prevent over heating (double shadow filters) And at the same time having great ventilation to cooling the internal space.

Drinking Water points Using traditional bamboo pump

Hollow bamboo floor to achieve the great ventilation, cooling the upper space

The green plant pods as the green shelter to prevent the over solar heating.

3.7 Environmental strategy The drawing shows the overall environmental perfermance strategy. The whole elephant territory and Human affairs bureaus are desiged fully considered about environmental system. From the sustainable point, intergrated with natrual cooling system by prevailling wind in order to save energy. The rainwater is collected for multiple use for both human and elephants. The dung of elephants can be collected as fuel, provided the gas energy.

Design Realisation Report Unit 22 Xiaoying Lin

p. 98

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