Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 XIA XINYU
(873017) Siavash Malek Studio 18
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
Zeara Polo gives the roughly definition of signs, icons, indexes and symbols. Icon act as a material expression, used to represent something has no relationship between material itself. Index conveys the measurement which has a correlation between its form and content. Symbol can represent an object through a formal representation explicitly. A diagram can clearly communicate a specific aspect of an idea, it can be a combination of signs, symbols. Diagram can easily represents the concept which means organize the conceptual information in a more systematic way. The diagram, different from the signs or symbols, usually has only one main concept, however, the signs and symbols can represents different meaning in different circumstances.
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Left picture’s reference:https:// Upper one in the middle: North&South section The other picture in the middle: East&West section The right picture: Top view
At first, I traced the four section and the top view in illustrator which can import into Rhino to creat the original model. I use the sphere command, then cage edit with boundingbox. After that, use rebuild command and F10 to show all the cage points which can be used to creat the base model.
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
According to the reading, Herzberger says it is important to advocate higher efficiently, the ‘Documenta Urbana Dwellings’ of part ‘ The In Between’ clealy shows the importance of designing spaces. It use the staircase efficiently which the residents here changed the functionality of it. In the Zaha’s Burnham Pavilion, two large openings are designed which can lead people go through the pavilion more efficiently. There is no seating spaces allowed for people to rest also speed the mobility. The design of Zaha’s Pavilion is similar to the staircase mentioned before, it can act as a private space or a public spaces which is depending on the people’s decision.
Week Two
Isometric view of Zaha Hadid - Burnham Pavilion
After the original model is completed, make a line and use commond array to creat 19 lines which can fit onto the surface of the original model. Using commond extrude and intersect to creat all intersec surfaces which can duplicate the curves of the sections(all processes can be found in appendix). After that, use the curves which are get from the pricious step to creat surfaves in every two curves. In this step, use of rebuild and F10 to make the cross section curve. When the three curves are all done, use Sweep2 to make the surfaces one by one. This isometric view can clearly see the openings on the top of the pavilion(specific process will be explained in appendix)and also can see the shadow project to the ground.
Week Two Diagrams
First image shows the 3D model with the interior space
Three images represents the sun-shadow at 9am, 12am, 3pm seperately. From these three images, we can find that the shadows all in the similar location which is nerar the entrance. the shadows can be treated as the threshold which lead people to get into the Pavilion.
Second image shows the directions of passengers’ passways Third image shows the density of people in this Pavilion
The left diagram is the original model which is created from a sphere and the five section images. When the left model completed, use command line, array, extrude and intersect to creat the curves on the right.
Appendix Process
The left image show the specific process of how to make the surface and the openings on the top of the Pavilion. The upper one creat a curve uses the command line, rebuild, F10 and sweep2. The other one shows how to make openings. Split the curve and get the corner points of this open space. Link the two middle points of the short sides, after that, using command rebuild, F10 and sweep2 to build the two surfaces of this opening. One of these two curve is slightly higher than the other one. The image on right can clearly see the actural shape of the openings.
This image clearly shows the cross section of the Pavilion. How the curve going. There curves are done one by one.