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Name: Chong Xin Dean Lecturer: Mr. Nicholas Ng Reader/Text Title: “Body, Memory and Architecture “

ID No.: 0325353 Tutorial Time: 1011a.m. Synopsis No: Text 02 Author: Kent C Bloomer and Charles W Moore

“Body, Memory and Architecture “ by Kent C Bloomer and Charles W Moore is their standpoint of how the buildings are experienced by us, the human being, and how human body affected by the architecture. Architecture has the ability to provoke us not only emotionally but also sense of joy and the identity of the space. Columns, walls, rooms, doors and windows which the humankind invented at the very initial state of our dwellings are always devoted to certain meanings. The example given in the text which states that the choreography of the human body reaches the house can induce memories. I think that this implies that it has a symbolic effect. The certain behaviours of a person in a building or how the space mould the act of a person are always easier to imprint in that persons memory of the place. For example, a person may associate the scent or sound of a place with the place itself which allows that person to recall the place easily. The authors mentioned that why do people not like their houses and apartments. The architecture nowadays blindly relays too much on the abstraction of the two dimensional drawings, instead of focusing of the sensual part from the experiences and memories of human body. Indeed, we should place human body as the core of our understanding of architectural forms. By the end of the day, a place that is easily remembered because it is special. Special in the sense that the place triggers our senses personally rather than just the visual presentation of the space. People nowadays are always fascinated by fancy architecture and abstract forms. However, the details that make a building truly memorable are just as simple as the light play in the space or the slight breeze through it.

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