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FAME + EXCESS. Stevie Ryan by Jesse Rhodus.

November 2011 // fame and excess.


XO MAGAZINE TEAM XO No. 9 FAME & EXCESS // NOVEMBER 2011 Editor in Chief & Creative Director


Le’Keisha Sims


Fashion Editor at Large Taj Ragland

XO Magazine is printed on demand Blog http://xomagazineonline.tumblr.com

Beauty Editor


Natalie Smith


Contributing Photographers

XO Magazine’s contributors contain sole copyright to their work. Feel free to contact us at infoxomag@gmail.com or the contributors themselves about questions you might have etc.

Fred Fraser Zeko Eon Alex Waber Lauren Engel Emily Scarlett Romain Ramses Radi Jesse Rhodus


Special thanks to: Stevie Ryan Jesse Rhodus


VH1 Noah Pollack Michael Pelmont


New Wave Entertainment Akiko turtleneck, Jenny Dayco Necklace,Tarina Tarantino Bracelet, Vintage earrings, Tarina Tarantino ring, Poetic License shoes Photographed by Jesse Rhodus , Styling Jana-lee Aabay, Makeup Noel Nichols, hair: Luis Payne

Editor’s Letter. With Every issue of XO I try to outdo the previous issue and make XO even bigger and better. With this November issue, I think we really killed it. This issue’s format is a little different than what we usually do; where are the articles? What about Music? What about street style? Well with this issue I really wanted to focus on our editorials. We have some new contributors who I think have produced some of the best work featured in XO to date. The theme of this issue is Fame and Excess. We were really inspired by living glamorously wherever you are weather you’re going to the grocery store as seen in ‘Ella Darling’ shot by Emily Scarlett Romain , or whether you want to channel some vintage inspired glamour as seen on our cover girl, Stevie Ryan. Speaking of Stevie, she was the perfect cover subject for this issue. Our regular contributing photographer Jesse mentioned her to me when we were discussing shoot options and I knew I definitely wanted to feature her. In this issue I chat with her on how she’ll translate her YouTube superstardom to a tangible real TV show. I also talk to Doctor Couture Designer Michael Shirley, on launching his line and how creative new ideas really pay off. This issue was a blast to put together and I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Thanks for reading,

Le’Keisha Sims Editor in Chief XO Magazine




Models: Emma Rice & Alice Myles MUA: Alessia Mancini Hair: Melanie Menendez Clothing Designer: Peter Twiss Accessories: Pretty Eccentric Stylist: Alessia Mancini Thanks to Fortune of war, Brighton,UK

STEVIE RYAN. Voice of a generation? Photographed by Jesse Ashton Rhodus @ jesseashtonphotography.com Styling: Jana-lee Aaby Makeup: Noel Nichols @ krop.com/noelnichols (using face atelier cosmetics) Hair: Luis Payne Words By Le’Keisha Sims

Now that’s a lofty goal for anyone, but Stevie Ryan seems determined. Her new show Debuting on VH1 March 4th 2012, sets out to fill a void that has been growing and growing and one that Stevie just knew she had to fill. “I really wanted to create a sketch comedy show geared towards women, I mean men will enjoy it to , but I think it’s important to show women especially women In our age group being funny and just portraying how we see things. I just feel like there just aren’t any women fronted comedy/pop culture shows out there, I mean Chelsea Handler is great! I love her, but that’s one needle in a haystack, and it’s time for that to change.” The show, plans to showcase current events, TV shows, youtube clips, music and pretty much anything pop culture related . “We’ll be making fun of just what’s happening during that time, not in like a mean or malicious way, but we want to showcase news in a fun way, I mean we live in a crazy world and we’re obsessed with the craziest things, like Kim Kardashian’s Divorce for example and we just want to shed light on those types of things in a funny way.” Now this sounds sort of like a SNL type show, think again. “Yes, we’re aware of like SNL doing skits, and it’s going to be totally different from that, I mean I’ll be hosting in between, skits and such. You’ll just have to see! I’ m super stoked. We start shooting at the end of November.” We over at XO are excited to, the last time we ever saw a women fronted sketch show was in the 90s and that was the classic that is the Amanda show.

It and showed to their producer Dan Levy. He saw the video and contacted me saying that he would love for me to come in and talk about a TV show he’d been wanting to create. So I went and we came up with the idea for a Sketch comedy show for women 18-40. We created a reel with some of my videos that was about 10 minutes long and we pitched our ideas to different networks, there was kind of a bidding war and we ultimately went with VH1.”

So how exactly did this all come about? From youtuber to VH1 star? “Well I’ve been making videos for a while and was on a few shows. But the show came about because, I don’t know if you remember but there was a show on E! called Pretty Wild, which I was OBESSED with. I was just obsessed with how the mom was just like whoring her daughters up and like just feeding them Adderall and just how crazy that whole family was. I was brought up in a totally different background and I don’t know I just had to make fun of it. So I made a video for it. And they saw

After I knew I had to bring up two of her most current videos. One about a Britney Spears “Documentary’ and the other one a response to Selena Gomez’s EMA Promo. The first being Britney’s video. I’m a huge Britney fan but even I must admit that it is quite funny. Stevie dresses up as Britney, speaks in that cute country accent and shows a “day in the life of Britney.” How exactly did this video come about? “I’m a huge, huge fan of Britney and there is this one video clip of her supposedly being

So what has she been doing preparing for the show’s debut? “Watching a lot of TV, me and my team literally watch everything.” What are her favourites? “Hmmm, my favourite shows oh gosh, well the one that I just love has got to be Toddlers and Tiaras like, how the moms are just creating little monsters and dressing their kids up like whores, Its sad but it’s entertaining to watch. I’ve really been getting into, well watching New Girl and Hart of Dixie. I watch Hart of Dixie religiously even though it’s kind of painful to watch. I mean not in a bad way. I don’t know I’m just glad Rachel Bilson is back. I mean I really just watch everything, but like the whole Housewives franchise is just amazing. I’m super excited for the premiere of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Like that’s my favourite out of all of them. Nene is just genius I love her. And Kim to! Like Kim is just crazy with her wine, wigs and cigarettes and her singing! Ugh so good!”

Stoned, and I don’t know I’m Pretty sure I watched that video every day for like 5 years and one day I was talking to a friend and we just made a video.” And while some YouTube commenters, didn’t appreciate the humour. Britney ‘Stans’ weren’t as angered as the Selena Gomez fans, after creating a seemingly harmless, well maybe not harmless but funny video none the less mocking Selena and her “cholo clothes sporting’ EMA Promo, fans became outraged and left some of the most crazy comments I’ve read on youtube in a while. “ I mean it was all in good fun, It was nothing against Selena; I just thought it was funny. “ So while the end of November draws near, Stevie and her team prepare to start filming and setting out to create, the show that could potentially show the voice of a generation.

You can catch up with Stevie, her videos and more info on her show on twitter: Http://twitter.com/stevie_ryan Her show is set to debut March 4th 2012 on VH1

DR. COUTURE LA D r. C o ut ure L A , is a L A b ase d accesso r y a n d so o n to be cl ot hin g li ne starte d b y H o l l y w o o d e xtr o di naire M i c h ael S h irle y. I catch u p w it h M i c h ael, the day be f o re h is n e x t c o l l e c t i o n’s h u g e la u n c h ! W e c h a t a b o u t t h e li ne, W i l d f o x a n d desi g n i n g WORDS b y Le’Keisha Sims f o r y o u rself.

It’s a Hectic day when I call Michael, who is attempting It’s a Hectic day when I call Michael, who is attempting to to take a breather wild twowrapping weeks wrapping take a breather after aafter wild a two weeks up a look up a look book shoot, a video shoot and doing final book shoot, a video shoot and doing final preparations for preparations for his line, Doctor “It’s been a his line, Dr. Couture. “It’s been a wild Couture. couple of weeks, I’ve literally been holed up in my apartment working wild couple of weeks, I’ve literally been holed on up in my everything, like the week I went to thethe week before I apartment working onbefore everything, like supermarket, enough food for two week food and I was went to the bought supermarket, bought enough for two set.” week and I was set.” This said collection is the second, for Michael who started Docture Couture, after taking a hiatus from his This said collection is the second, for Michael who started other jobs for Buzznet.com, Dr. Couture, including after takingblogging a hiatus from his other jobs shooting celeb interviews and being shooting a blogger for interviews Britney Spears. including blogging for Buzznet, celeb and being a blogger for Britney Spears. The winter “Hollyween”, a candy themed collection that was perfect accessories “Hollyween”, a candy themedset collection that for candy-holics and the Halloween alike, features was perfect for candy-holics and the Halloween set alike, peppermint earrings, necklaces and all sorts of spiked features peppermint earrings, necklaces and all sorts of spook vibe pieces. His favourite piece is the especially spiked spook vibe pieces. His favourite piece is the creative my and personal favourite cigarette Necklace. “I especially and creative my personal favourite cigarette was inspired those by candy you get a kid, Necklace. “I wasbyinspired thosecigarettes candy cigarettes youas get which the by way don’t know if you ever did as a kid,by which theI way I don’t know if you ever didthis thisbut but when lightthem themthey they melt likelike caramel. when youyou light meltand andtaste taste caramel. Anyway I thought about those and just made a cigarette Anyway I thought about those and just made a cigarette necklace, no one at least to my knowledge has made one necklace, no one at least to my knowledge has made one and I always get compliments whenever I wear it.” and I always get compliments whenever I wear it.” For me it was little cheeky accessories like this that caught

For little cheeky like to this that my me eye it in was the first place. Whataccessories inspires Michael create caught my eye in the first place. What inspires Michael these pieces? “I really just design for me, I create things tothat create “I so really just design me, I wishthese existedpieces? but don’t I make them, and for when I I realized that other people liked them, and it could be create things that I wish existed but don’t so I make profitable just ranI with it.” And ran with itpeople he did, liked on topthem, them, andI when realized that other of just doing accessories there are some great things and it could be profitable I just ran with it.” Andinran with store for Dr. Couture, Such as clothing, more videos and itphotography he did, on top of just doing accessories there are some prints. “I really want to expand Dr. Couture in great things in store for Doctor Couture, suchthe as to all my interests, photography, clothes etc. With clothing, more videos and photography prints. “I really whole clothing aspect, I just want everything to be perfect and really great quality. also shooting every want to expand DoctorWe’re Couture into all to mymake interests, piece unisex and one sizeetc. fits With all so I’m some photography, clothes theworking whole with clothing really great cutters pattern makers create and my really aspect, I just wantand everything to be to perfect vision.” great quality. We’re also shooting to make every piece The next collection, is already the planning unisex and one sizewhich fits all so I’m in working with some stages, is what really got me excited, I won’t give too much really great cutters and pattern makers to create my away but I can tell you it’s Pete Pan themed with a vision.” youth/LA /Michael Shirley twist. Which will featured printed Tees, Flannel s and other fun basics that will fit The next collection, which is already in the planning into your wardrobe.

stages, is what really got me excited, I won’t give too much away but I can tell you it’s Pete Pan themed with a youth/LA /Michael Shirley twist, that will feature printed Tees, Flannel s and other fun basics that will fit into your wardrobe. While Doctor Couture keeps expanding he still plans on keeping the vintage “Rebirth collection” alive. “Yeah I definitely plan on do keeping the “Rebirth” collection, that’s really the core of what I do, I love just While Dr. keeps heand still plans on taking anCouture old piece of expanding something reimagining it as keeping the vintage “rebirth collection” alive. something else, and giving it new life.”

He alsoI definitely plans toplan continue his linethe of “yeah on do keeping “Rebirth” collection, that’s really the core ‘designer’ bags. “After the success of of whatbag, I do,the I love justone taking an old to be a Prada next is going piece of something and reimagining it as just playoff Comme Des Garcons. I really something else, and giving it new life.” like reimaging and playing around with different ideas.” As well as playing with different ideas his bags are also vegan, He also plans to continue his line of which notbags. only“After is animal friendly ‘designer’ the success of but makes the line more affordable. Prada bag, the next one is going to be“Ia really searched playoff Comme hardDes andGarcons. long forI really the exact just like reimaging and playing around with fabric I wanted to use for the Prada differentI wanted ideas.” Asitwell as playing with pouch. to feel like leather different ideas his bags are also vegan, without the price of it having to be which not only is animal friendly but leather. I know American Apparel sells a makes the line more affordable. “I really pouch similar to the Prada pouch and it’s searched hard and long for the exact like 70I wanted bucks and theforstitching/silverware fabric to use the Prada pouch. I really wantedmatch. it to feelI mean like leather doesn’t I’m not without the price it having be badmouthing AAofbut I justto wanted my leather. I know American Apparel sells a pouch to be perfect.” pouch similar to the Prada pouch and it’s like 70 bucks and the stitching/silverware With his attention to detail, fun attitude doesn’t really match. I mean I’m not and optimism, Dr.my Couture badmouthing AAI’m butsure I just that wanted ispouch off totoabegreat start. perfect.”

All the pieces pictured here are available now online at http://Doctorcouture.com

With his attention to detail, fun attitude and optimism, I’m sure that Dr. Couture is off to a great start. All the pieces pictured here are available now online at http://Doctorcouture.com

Only If We Fly Away Together. Photographed by Lauren Engel Makeup artist: Dora Chan Model: Ellen Ryan

Leaves of grass. Photogaphed by Alex Waber Stylist: Tyra Weitman Makeup/Hair: Carolyn Secord Model: Tyler Brad

Duffle Coat by Emily Spence Hand made Wool Cowel by Cayley Western

London Fog trench - by London Fog Hand





Designs 'Smittens' hand spun/hand knit angora - By Devil May Wear

Sweater by Barbour Hand Woven Scarf by Angelai Designs "Smittens" hand stup/hand knit angora by Devil May Wear

Vintage Woolrich coat by Woolrich Toque hand knit acrylic by Devil May Wear "Smittens" hand spun hand knit angora by Devil May Wear

Ella Darling. Photographed By Emily Scarlett Romain Stylist: Charlotte Gibbs Model: Ella Coulson All clothes are vintage

photography Fred Fraser www.fredfraser.com styling Yvadney Davis @ Judy Inc www.yvadneydavis.com hair/make-up Liz Dungate @ Judy Inc www.lizdungate.com using TRESemmĂŠ Hair Care and MAC Cosmetics

model Lillie Claire @ Red Management

Shirt - Pink Tartan Skirt - OR by Angela Chen

Leggings - American Apparel Ear accessories - H&M Shoes - Mintage

Suit - BCBG Max Azria Shirt - Max Azria Necklace and Bejewelled Shoes- Stylist’s Own

Maz Azria ar - BCBG ll o C g n rlie Wo Pants - Ca a ri z A x a - BCBG M on Skirt is ll E t ir h S



es -

tage Min list’s Own Collar - Sty

o Leggings - America n Apparel

Top -

ong rlie W a C s n Dres Ow s ’ t lis Sty t Ha


Photographer Emma Ven Model: Summer Crosley Wardrobe: Dolce Vita Makeup: Bella Faces

DARK BEAUTY. Photographed by Mariana Quevedo

Model: Marie E. (mvictoria.ericsson@gmail.com) Stylist: Essence Jones (etherealboutique@gmail.com) MUA: Dionne Holley (beyondmerebeauty_byd@yahoo.com) Hair: Jenna Vrzal (jenjenn540@yahoo.com)

LAST CHANCE. Photographed by Zeko Eon .





Model Aaron Chavis

Where to Shop// STEVIE 1. RYAN FEATURE.

2. 4.




Glasses- Vintage Top-Vintage Ring- Brand: Jenny Dayco

Dress- Vintage Jacket- Yellow plaid G.E.T. Brand: Niche Earrings- Vintage

Style: Gold filigree black faceted glass ring


Retail Price: $60

Style:Topkapi "Mandala Mirror" Pave Ring

Available at: www.JennyDayco.com Earrings- Vintage Turtleneck- Brand: Akiko Available at: www.akikoonline.com Skirt- Brand: Chaudry


Retail Price: $95

Available at:www.tarinatarantino.com Head Scarf- (Stevie’s own) Belt- Vintage

Retail Price: $129

Shoes- Brand:Irregular Choice

Available at: www.chaudryfashion.com

Style: Tea and Cakes

Necklace- Brand:Jenny Dayco

Retail Price: $129

Style: Pink jade ball necklace

Available at: www.musthaveshoes.com

Retail Price: $51 Available at: www.JennyDayco.com Bracelet- Brand: TARINA TARANTINO Style: Black Dahlia "Beatrix" Cuff Bracelet


Shoes- Brand: Irregular Choice Style: Kim Oh No Retail Price: $140 Available at: www.musthaveshoes.com Earrings- Brand: Jenny Dayco

Retail Price: $395

Top- Brand: Akiko

Style: Gold four oval filigree earrings

Available at: www.tarinatarantino.com

Style: F1T1211 in pumpkin

Retail Price: $69

Earrings- Vintage

Retail Price: not given


Style: Hey Sailor "Nautilus" Dome Ring

Available at: Love Bella Fiora 914833-0450

Retail Price: $105

Jeans- Vintage

Available at: www.tarinatarantino.com

Sweatervest- Brand: Chaudry


Socks- (Stevie’s own)

Retail Price: $129

Style: Topkapi "Royal Armill" Bangle

Shoes- Brand: Poetic License Style: Exclusive Delight

Available at: www.chaudryfashion.com

Retail Price: $98

Shoes- Brand: Irregular Choice

Available at: www.JennyDayco.com Ring- Brand: TARINA TARANTINO Style: Topkapi "Moorish Mirage" Spike Ring Retail Price: $88 Available at: www.tarinatarantino.com

Retail Price: $500 Available at: www.tarinatarantino.com Bracelet- Brand: TARINA TARANTINO

Available at: www.musthaveshoes.com

Style: Topkapi "Haram Armill" Bangle Retail Price: $150

XO No. 10 Femme Fatale Deadline // th November 25 .

Email Us at infoxomoag@gmail.com

XO No.10 // Femme fatale Available everywhere 12.5.11.

XO Magazine No.9 // Fame & Excess November 2011.

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