Longing to belong to a langue

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Longing to belong to a langue Wish belongs to your tongue, Mother. Make a langua where to find words where meanings stand tor those aiming to impact this freality that freels so freal. Feelings comes as water goes, behind all that was ours for time to time. Notions are buildings of conversifications fought to last, haven. But this feeling that is the same as yours, abide in fears drown to feell us with ftears to betrail our essence, that is present, we don’t want to miss. We are lasting longer together yet We don’t want to hurt

This lasted a second figured out as image that is but what was once, what we were that Our thoughts are to be found on permeability and frames, nostalgie are weighting up all

no longer what it was, is no longer now. this etymologie but and legitimity this light.

Why do you want to hold life so bad? yet You don’t want to hurt

In despite of your vague ftears you want to keep this moment elongating yet so deep but Time is not on our side when we want to get clear and miscarring has been part of this abeess, leaks do trial this systems on their beliefs. To find myself in your ontologie, because erased was I. I be reverof lliw I yet I don’t want to hurt

Authority comes as no embed daylogues, not letting deploy what freels but cutting the presence on it’s matter detained. The unknown is a frightening legacy of memory we know par coeur. Too much time has passed till sight our belongings from yours, Mother Tongue. Now fights are ours to make it live, Langua yet I hurt

Lure of solide comfort to have all this heritage never supsonned to be wrong, yet it was all true to adverse, consistent You were, He was, She was, We were. But we are not anymore, Mother yet You hurt

Felt supported by all this mechanism that made it look like logic nut it’s shell. IS NOT yet hurting

Matter is a permanent motion, it’s mind never cease to wnder. Bare found this thing never seen before, it’s us again trying to find a haven to


called Langua it lieave


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