Risk of pleasures Land dear vast, here open is the soil. Destroyed yet fertile, here you ask for more. Teach me how once was life, teach me how was once, teach me how was everything before it all went gone. All this we had, all this we had and now complex structures entangle the grass no one can pass by here; all seams so condemned; no one can settle still. Brave and bold the one who comes to seed, the one who to comes to see what should be done to let it live? what should be done to give it purpose? All this nature wild as it is might have a reason unknown to our eyes. Ecosystems to which I belong to but where? Should I take a chance, how will I know best what it needs? If I seed my pleasure, would I corrupt it? I don’t want to put my hand yet I am starving to know how much can I change a landscape how far my desires could go? if only it will let me if only it will let me Architectures of long enmeshing ruins nest for the life that needs still to abrupt. Hopes are plagues on this body that is so pure. Why do I feel entitled to come and move with so? Space doesn’t have the words Time doesn’t have the tools to make this something to live for. Death the Angst but That cycles for it what when Far Far Far Far
part one that in our and to be it
is is from from
of the bet, the one eyes have stopped chose couldn’t yet to be leaving might be the trust we must land seasons more, for couldn’t came
not my not the trust is pleasure is
will it
will to be forth
flourish come old, for be on
home because land because the risk to the leeway to And let it all live,
without to it to our
here here it lose it let it
close made. wrong, prevail.
help asset dust of done way. it
is. stands. all in. all live.