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South Gambier is back on its home court for the first me in a month and will host East Gambier in what looms as a ght contest as the two teams fight for a secondwinin2023. Both sides have seen significant changes from their 2022 line-ups and are sll looking to sele into combinaons, with injury and player absence also making buildingthatchemistryevenharder.
Gracie Dalton has seled well into her first season of A Grade and her bale with seasoned defender Morgan Amy willbeakeymatchup.
As will Bo Creek’s bale with Alyssa Duncan, who has become the key playmakerfortheDemons.
Creek loves to hunt the intercept but will also be mindful of not giving Duncan too much space to use her skills to find Daltoninspace.
The centre match up also looms large with Sophie Wight and Chloe Perryman going toe to toe in a bale of two hard runners who never shy away from the physicalcontest.
Casey Horrigan is under an injury cloud but there is shoong depth with Sarah Allen, Renee Henke and Ambah Beveridge, who was impressive in her A Gradedebutlastround.
The moving Bulldogs goal circle will need to work overme to find a way through the defensive combinaon of Ellie Bouchier and Mykaela Thiele and accuracy will be key as Bouchier and Thiele should own the rebounding contests.
The Demons to prevail in a ght contest.
The 2022 grand finalists are set to face off at McLaughlin Park in what loomsasaninteresngclash.
Reigning premiers West are coming off a strong victory over South, while Millicent need 94 goals in a comprehensivevictoryatIslandPark.
Every match up is pivotal in what loomsasthematchoftheround.
West circle defenders Amy Cram and Jade Rier deny opponents me and spaceandtheywillneedtobeattheir besttodenyscoringopportuniesfor Demi Verbena and Tabatha Sanderson.
Verbenadoesamountainofworkout front and can nail long range shots, whileSandersonisstrongatthepost.
Attheotherendtheyoungdefensiveduo of Lauren Van Eeden and Pora McRae havejustasbigataskastheylooktolimit theinfluenceofLisaMcGregorandSarah Rier – if her ankle has recovered aer a trainingmishaplastweek.
The premiership shoong duo have a great understanding and they are accurate finishers so much will come down to the pressure on the feeders and lastweekendMillicentnailedthatpartof the game with relentless pressure from the mid court of Daisy Tunkin, Lillie Paul andLisaDuldig.
And they will need to be that relentless again as Tara Bryant is having a stellar season and Mikaela Horrigan is an under the radar player who rarely makes a mistakewithballinhand.
BryantandZoeMalseedwillneedtodoa similar ght checking job on Paul and Tunkin to assist their own circle defenders by denying easy access to the circlefortheyoungSaintsmidcourters.
West to take the points in a high quality armwrestle.
North Gambier V Casterton Sandford
North Gambier has been in good form in 2023 despite significant personnel changes and it will make for a tough day attheofficeforCastertonSandford.
The Cats have been baling injury and player unavailability and it has made it tough to sele into anyrhythm.
Madalene Cleary has been a shining light for the Cats and will probably need to be the mainstay in defence as the Cats look to limit the scoring of Grace Pos and MaceyGriffith.
At the other end, the Cats have some talented young shooters to run through the circle with Ivy Lane, Chloe Foster and the returning Chelsey Galpin all capable oftesngdefenderswiththeirwellmed moves.
They will need to be paent as the Tigers defensive line-up of Noni McConnell, Mikaila Pi, Lauran Norman and Mel Renko are ght checking and don’t allow anyeasyball.
CatscentreMadelinePaoniscomingoff her best game in A Grade and her hard running will be important in the bale withRenko,whileLibbyAltorferandDani Russell will need to bring leadership to themidcourt.
And they will need to work hard defensively given the form of Brianna Walters on the aacking wing for the Tigers.
North will get the job done but the Cats will connue to improve as theyn spend moremetogetheroncourt.
South Gambier South Gambier
Red & White
AbigweekendforEbonyRaedelat West when the baby of the 11 & Under team netted her first ever goal in a competitive netball match.

As exciting as the goal (and she doubledhertallythenextquarter) was the spontaneous hug from Lacey made the moment even morespecial.
Our youngest team is a lovely group of girls that work really well together with the experienced players guiding the newbies in a greatshowofleadershipandwhat itmeanstobepartofateam.
The A Grade girls had a great start against the reigning premiers and were level pegging at quarter time This young group is continuingtoworkhardandtosee how Gracie has taken to A Grade netball; Alyssa continues to grow as a leader; Megan is thriving in a new role on the wing; Sophie making her mark in the centre; Tully back on the defensive wing whereshehasbuiltherreputation throughjuniors;Elliecontinuingto beoneofthepremierdefendersin the competition and Mykaela backing up from her A Reserve commitments to show great form in keeper – they are all teenagers althoughtheaverageagewillgeta bump this weekend with Belinda (fingers crossed) back on court afteranearlyseasoninjury
Jaymeeand Caitlyncontinueto be shining lights in the A Reserve and much like last season, the team looks like it is building and should have a strong second half of the season as they all settle into their roleswithacoupleofnewfaces.
It is also great to have Joirdy Bell backinaSouthuniformafterafew seasons away – it has been a bit of getting the band back together with her junior team mates Georgia,Ruby&Mykaela.
TheBGradesurvivedasecondhalf fightbackfromtheRooshavingset up the win in a stunning opening quarter with the only negative beinganankleinjurytoSam.
The C Grade also kept their strong early season form going with a good win with the young defensive trio of Chelsea, Jade & Alannah shutting out the West goalers, while Misty ruled the mid court and Brooke and Ella were on fireintheshootingcircle.
The 17s; 15s and 13s all had tough outings but continue to develop and Mykaela, Brandi, Misty, LarnkaandHannahareallworking hard on skill development, court craft and ensuring our junior teams improve week on week –both as individual players and as a collective.
Another great win for the girls today You took in everything you learned at training and applied it to the game. Great to see. Well done girls. Keep up it, fantastic effort
Award Winners: S. Creek ( OK pie shop), A. Perry (McDonalds), S .Dwyer(KFC)
Areallygoodstarttothegameand its good to see all players improving each week. Tilley had a good game at GD and controlled her passing out of defence. Bob is finding her feet and playing with more confidence. Lets remember tocometowardstheballatangles. Keep working with our goalies and makethemcomeforwardfortheir passes.
Our third quarter - we dropped and allowed our opposition back into the game. Regrouping for the last quarterand playingwith more intensity was good to see and we ourplaylifted.
BestPlayers:I.Neilson,T Olsen
Award Winners: T Olsen ( Bakers Delight), I Neilson (Arena), A.Hosking(Kaboom)
Thegirlshadafantasticstarttothe game, We dropped off the intensity during the second quarter which meant north had a good run. We picked up again in the third and fourth. Still many things to work on. Fantastic work girls.
Award Winners: I. Cook (Boots), O Hosking (OK Pie shop), I. Mee (Kaboom)