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East Gambier East Gambier
Red & Black
Award Winners: J.Altschwager (Kirralie Jade), K Neilson ( Z a m b r e r o ’s ) , I D w y e r ( McDonalds)
We game home with another win, the girls trained really hard which reflected on the game against North.
Katie worked hard, held beautiful in the circle which made Zena, TamaraandGracejobeasy
Megan and Millie played a half each, playing well through the middle and finishing with their goals.
Once again Brooklyn played a perfect game taking intercepts with two hands, with the help of Eryn.
Best Players: B. Jean ( Sponsored by Confession) , G. Fergusson ( SponsoredbyTRAC(TotalResultat Consulting)
AwardWinners:K.Gaffney(Globe Hotel),G.Fergusson(Zambrero’s), T Janeway(SanPiero)
First win of the season for us and the girls all worked hard for it showing determination and grit despite the warm conditions and injuries.
Award Winners: J Clark (Jens Hotel), S. James ( Birdie Blue), O. Plunkett(FastaPasta)
Was a tough game against north, was happy with our performance, Keep working hard, and the wins arejustaroundthecorner
Best Players: B. Hick ( sponsored by Hicks Auto & Engineering), L. Murray
Award Winners: B. Hicks ( Jen’s Hotel), L. Murray (Zambrero’s), L. Harvey(KFC)
Badluckgirlsnorthweretoogood, we had some good passages of play great defence by you girls. Congratulations Sharni on playing her 100th game and to Skye and Jolieplayingtheir50thgame.
BestPlayers:J O’Dea,S.Clark
Award Winners: J. O’Dea (Club Tea), L Hannaford ( Wendy’s) K.Kerr(BakersDelight)
Great team effort today to see a steadystart.
Good things are coming girls you just need to believe in yourselves andyourteammates
Congratulations to Ambah Beveridge for making her A grade debut.Aterrificdebutshooting21 of our 31 goals. We had a solid start, but we are still struggling to find consistency over 4 quarters. We need to dig deep and continue to play our game and back each other up. The wins will start to come. Thanks to Sarah Allen for filling in and bombing in some goalsforus.
Award Winners: A Beveridge (Nourish Nook), E Cole (San Piero),T.McCallum(KiraleeJade)
North Gambier North Gambier
Yellow & Black
We couldn't quite come together as a teamyesterday,resultingina22-11loss. We had a few great defensive passages of play seeing the ball moving quickly to our goal but our passing accuracy, finding the open space and looking down the court for available options are allareaswewillcontinuetodevelop.
Best players: Frankie Wakefield and StellaYeates
We had another loss Saturday going down 30 - 16 against East. However, despite this, we had some really good passages of play and put defensive pressureonsomeverytallopponentsall overthecourt.Wewillcontinuetowork on the little things to give ourselves morespace,prelimmovesandchoosing therightpassingoption.Goodworkgirls onnotgivingupallgame.
Another solid performance defeating East 45-16 There are terrific connections developing within the team Grace demonstrated her versatility & played a great defensive role at GD/GK It was wonderful to witness all players incorporating attacking strategies (forward options) from our training drills Mackenzie’s work rate was fabulous all game at WD, she used her speed and timing to interceptnumerousballs.
Best players: Mackenzie Harrold and GraceCollins
We had another strong win against East with the girls trialing some different combinationswhichfurthershowedthe girls versatility and strength as a side. The girls responded to feedback from last weeks game and our trial game throughout the week and had some amazing passages of play A strong four quarter performance, with all seven girls playing their role wonderfully Well donetoourbestplayersthisweek,Ruby Mitchell who had another great performance, going from GD to GA for a quarter and proved just as strong there and Georgia Nulty who had great drives onto the circle edge and some great turnoversatWA.
A slow start saw us going goal for goal with East for the first half of the first quarter Despite some good passages of play, there were also some unforced errors that prevented us from scoring. However, once we had settled, we managed to regroup and the girl’s hard workandfantasticteameffortstartedto create some positive momentum. The intensity and passion from the team continued throughout the game, creating some excellent defensive turnovers and smooth transitions, earning the girls a comfortable lead. Another positive and well deserved resultforthegirls
Best players: Luca Roulstone and Ava Collins
A disappointing game yesterday going down 54-32. We appeared unsettled and made simple errors in the first half which provided East with the momentum of the game. The defensive pressure applied saw us get lost in transitioning the ball from defence to attack Our goalies worked hard in attempt to respond the pressure, providing support up the court and converting on most opportunities. We utilised the speed of Sarah Brown (U17) for a half, it was great to see her work into the game and with more opportunitieswe’resureconfidencewill grow
Best players: Hannah Fox and Keeley Quinn
Wearegettingtherewithourgame.Itis coming along slowly but with a bit more work at training i am hoping the wins will come. Our defence again played a pivotal role in the margin only being 4 in the end. A couple if changes saw Ruby Mitchell get on court again and hold her own in GK. Georgia and Ava are starting to find something together and with some extra work that connections with ourmidswillcome.
Best players: Georgia Wehrmann and BriannaLush
Well what can I say about this game, it was truly a full team effort with everyone on court contributing to the win. Our timing and movement the ball down court was exactly what we have beenworkinginandthiswaslargelydue to Ava’s drive and back up and Cara’s timing and finding space. Our defence combo of Jessie and Riley is growing stronger week by week and your ability to adjust throughout the game as needed was very pleasing to see. Alisha, Alycia and Amanda are really showing a great understanding of each other’s ability/needs going into and around the attacklineandwerereallypatientinand around the ring, while the goalies including Stella moved and shot with a lotofconfidence.
A slow start and some errors in attack leadtoaclosefirstquarterwithEastthis week. After we regrouped at quarter time, we played much better and started using defensive turnovers to our advantage.Thescorestartedtoimprove for us, and we started making better options on attack. Lauren was getting good touches in defensive and Bri’s feeds into the circle were on point. A comfortablewinontheend.
Best players: Lauran Norman and BriannaWalters
Casterton-Sandford Casterton-Sandford
Blue, White & Red
Well done to Caitlyn Gorman, Marlee Robbins, Renee Gorman, YlanaGriggandChloeKurzmanfor attending the WBNA junior trials f o r t h e S A C o u n t r y Championships.Goodluck girls for theselectionprocess.
LastSaturdaymadeforagreatday out with the perfect autumn weather at Island Park The Casterton-Sandford girls had some tough games against the visitingteaminMillicent,
Olivia, Amelia, Brydie and Caitlyn were keeping up some great pressure across the court in the Under 15A’s, but unfortunately they couldn’t put a stop to Millicent’s fast footwork and ball movement, finishing with a scorelineof7-79.
The Under 15B’s had their work cut out for them with Millicent putting quick and consistent goals on the board throughout the game Caitlyn, Nicole, Ella and Kirby had to work hard to get the ball down to our attacking end to putsomewell-earnedgoalsonthe board for the Cats The girls finishedwithaloss3-81.
Under 13A players took to the court in the first quarter to match Millicent’s attack Marlee and Renee played in the centre court toprovideasteadytransitionfrom the Cats defense to attack, as well as expertly timed and positioned passes into goalies Adele and Brooklyn. It was tough work in the defense with accurate opposition shooters, but Ylana and Zoya made every effort to stop the ball heading into Millicent’s attacking circle.Asthegameprogressedthe polished game played by the Millicent girls saw the margin creep further away from the Cats, leavingourgirlswithaloss13-42.
WhatawellearntwinintheUnder 13B’s last week. The girls demonstrated brilliant teamwork as the ball moved from either end of the court, but it was the intercepts taken and loose balls fought for by Ylana, Renee and Adele that let the Cats girls sneak awayattheendofthelastquarter witha5-goalvictory22-17. Pinelopi, Imogen and Ruby have beenmakingthemostofsomefun and skillful training drills, putting them into play on the weekend. With all the girls improving they put up a great fight against Millicent’s young guns, but unfortunately the scoreline wasn’t in the Cats girls favour, losing6-18.
We had Madalene and Madeline working hard at either end of the court to help the Cats keep possession of the ball against Millicent’s strong defense in the A Grade. The girls finished with a loss20-94.
A Reserve players Paige, Sharna and Phoebe weren’t going to walk away from Saturday’s game without leaving everything on the co u r t T h ey fo u g ht h a rd throughout the game, but it wasn’t quite enough with Millicent stretching the margin to ascore-line54-65byfulltime.
B Grade took home the second win of the day 50-34. Trictia was on fire through the mid court as well as her accuracy in the goal ring, and Kerri made some vital turnovers across the court. With some handy tips at breaks from CoachHaylee,thegirlskeptupthe intensity to finish off the game strong.
Millicent got the jump at the start of the C Grade game, leaving the Cats girls trying to even the scoreline. They couldn’t quite get there losing 14-51. Special mentions to Ebony,Michelle,AmberandKatie.
It was a close game for the Under 17swithafinalscore-lineof42-50. Neitherthe Millicent nor Cats girls wanted to give up easily, but despite the efforts of Chelsea, Madeline and Phoebe Millicent tookhomethewin.
Today we welcome West Gambier alongwithalloursponsorstosaythank you because without sponsors, we would struggle. Remember to support thesponsorswhosupportourclub.
A very chilly start for the girls at Casterton making it a very even match up for the first 2 quarters! Once the girls warmed a little, they had some excellent turn overs in defence and were able to move the ball swiftly through the mid court and were rewarded with some great movement and scoring opportunities in goals! Well done on another great win girls. Best players were Raven Johnson and Lia Joyce and the Subway award went toRaven.
Another great win for the girls. It was a very cold and foggy start for the girls and therefore took us a bit for the girls to wake up. Our full court defensive pressure was great to see and our new attacking combinations were working well to score most turnovers. Still lots to improve on at training but keep working hard girls! Best players were AmarlieThomsonandLucyCrowe.
Hard game today girls everyone worked really hard to get the ball Some great intercepts in the defensive end that was then rewarded by the goalies There were some great passages of play through the mid court showing great team work. Let’s keep working hard at training and putting it into our games. The JM incentive went to Brydie. Best players were Prudence JohnsonandBrydieMadden.
Fantastic team effort and energy to recordabigwin.Itwasgreattoseeyou all using your skill and versatility to work together in whatever position you played in. Let’s keep training hard and increasing our intensity to build every week. Best players were Piper Paul and Kalani Dunn. JM Incentive awardwenttoEmilyDenton.
Well done girls on a team effort win which saw a few of the girls play out of their normal position for a change up. We had strong leads in attack and used our vision down court. JM incentive to Ella Matthews Best players were TahneeGrosserandJedaHibberd.
A hard-fought win in warm conditions. We started strong and made the most of our turnovers in defence, with our attackers converting accurately Our full court pressure continued to create opportunities for us to score. We wish