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South Gambier South Gambier
Red & White
East Gambier East Gambier
Red & Black
South Gambier South Gambier
Red & White
This week marks the 100th A Grade game for our everreliable captain Swifty Saffin. Swifty’s strong contest and run and carry and booming left foot has been a mainstay in the back line for years Congrats mate, hopefully we seemanymore.
At West last week seeing the BBQshedforthefirsttimeand was a great place to watch the footy from particularly the junior games with the boys in the 14’s, 16’s and 18’s continuing their good form thisyear
The 14’s really move the ball well and best players were Josh Vause, Josh Haggett, Mason Ropitini, Brodie Jennings, Lachlan Moss and HughBaileywithmultiplegoal scorers Ropitini with four and Vausewiththree.
Congratulations to Will Attiwill and Noah and Jace Maxwell for playing their first gamesfortheGlenelg16’slast week and this gave a few d i f f e r e n t p l a y e r s a n opportunity to step up. It was a tough contest and the boys got up in a hard fought contest. Best Players were Jack Walmsley, Harry Ellis, Lachie Cameron, Jodie Bartlett, Merlin Hopgood and Lewis Sigley with multiple goals to Kobi Maxwell and MasonRopitini.
TheUnder18’shadagoodwin with Gus Urquhart sneaking forward for four goals and Huddy Keding and Lachie Ray with three. Best players were Jed Sims who is putting togetheragreatseason,Harry Mitchell, Kobe Bannon, Fletcher Lawson, Harry Wright.
The Ressies put in a great effort and were just nutted late in the last quarter to go down by four points. Best Players were Henry Snell, Lloyd Pearce- Raisin, Luke Gray, Mitchell Broome, Jed SimsandGusCalderwoodand it was great to Have Elliott Fisherbackkickingfourgoals.
The Senior boys went down but continue to play long periods of good footy Best Players to Rex Jones who continues to impress, Hugh Winterfield and Swifty Saffin down back, Bryce Whicker, E l m o M a r k s a n d A l ex Harkness and goals to Jones, Kain amd Sam McTaggart for hisfirstSeniorgoal.
Get into the club for awards and teas starting at six on Saturday night. Thanks to our
M a j o r S p o n s o r s M G
Plasterers, Mick Ryan Painting, Lennons on Lake Terrace, Australian Gas
N e t w o r k s a n d D y c e r Constructions.
Make sure you get your 100 clubticketsfornextweekback at the club after the East game.
VWith the findings of the working group all over social media. The topic of conversation last week at thefootywasmoreindepth with everyone having different opinions with that inmindwestillhavefootyto play and a beautiful day it was to host rivals north it startedinu14s.
Theboysmustbeenofbeen asleep still giving a 6 goal to 1 headstart at half time to out score them by a goal in the2ndhalfbestplayers
E Clark, J Saunders, B Telford, C Gifford, R Grigg andSBrooks
U16shavebeenplayingwell under par all year but finally played a consistent 4 quarter effort and got there 1st win for the year best players
T Tilley, B Dempsey, R Angelino, B Versteegh, J MeeandTGrigg.
Red & Black
U18s played a very strong teambutnevergaveupbest players
W Ellis, K McCracken, W Von Stanke, T Wilke, C McClean
B grade had a good win and a few guys showed some glimpses of what this team iscapableofbestplayers
C Little, L Hicks, B Gaffney, T Gilbert, A Dethmore and BRees.
TheAGradewasafastgame with a few errors by either side in a close affair for 3 quarters before north kicked away in the last quarter with us not on the winners list yet for season 2023 the first win is not far away with improvement everyweek.
This week we go down the highway and take on South goodluckteams.