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South Gambier South Gambier

Red & White

No Ella. No Brooke. No worries. C Grade’s Chelsea Dunn and Alannah Clayton, who teamed in the 17 & Under team last year in the defensive circle, teamed up at the other end of the court in goals and while there were some blooper moments, the pair got the job done. Not to say Brooke (& Ella if she can!!!) aren’t more thanwelcomebacktotakeonthe shootingresponsibilities.

It saw Mel and Jess combine in defence and both played one of their best games for the season creating plenty of turnover ball, while Jade, who always provides plenty of moments of levity, was also instrumental in winning the ballback.

Misty ran hard through the middle and combined well with Ash, feeding the ball with precision to their young shooters and it was a good win over the Cats.

On a more serious note, Ella will b e m i s s e d a n d we h ave everything crossed that her work placement in Adelaide won’t totally preclude her from returning at some stage to be partoftheteamagain.

The B Grade had a come from behind draw with their rivals the Cats, in what was a tight, tough encounter that was goal for goal formuchofthecontest.

Both Kaitlyn and Tara did some good work on the Cats tall shooter, while Maca was Maca andnotjustimportantinwinning the ball back but also as a link playerthroughthemiddle.

Shelby’s return saw her take the goal defence bib and she worked overtime to reduce the influence of evergreen Trictia Cleary, while Jassy and Hannah ran hard through the mid court with Tara also having an impact when she movedintothecentre.

Sam and Mel again had to contend with some tight checking defending but they worked hard to find space and showed great composure in the last few minutes when the girls worked their way back to shar thepoints.

The15&UnderBalsohadagood win. This group of Amber, Grace, Kadie, Macie, Sophie, Layla and skipper Lily have shown great resilience, trying a number of positions and also helping out the15&underAteamandunder Misty’s guidance are improving each week, applying better defensive pressure and also lookingaftertheballbetter

Don’t forget to pop the presentation night details in your calendar and book those tans, make up, hair appointments and dresshire!!!!


Was a good team game. The girls are improving from game to game and its amazing to see We had so many passages of play. The passing and movement during the game is fantastic. Keep up the great work girls. SoProudofyouall


Award Winners: L. Bowyer (Club Tea), S Beveridge (KFC), A Lucchini (Wendy’s)


A really good start to the game and it’s good to see all players improving each week Tilly, Ava, Liana had a great game in defence and worked extremelywelltobuildpressureinand aroundthering.Bobandsailorpassing to the goalies was fantastic. Izzy and Olivia work well into the ring together Let’s remember to come to the ball and our drives. Keep up the good work girls.

BestPlayers:O Hosking,A.Olsen

Award Winners: O Hosking ( Zambrero), L. Dickson (Fasta Pasta), I. Neilson(Kaboom)


Was a tough game against a strong west side. We started off slow and we couldn’t peg back the score line. We had some fantastic passages of play during the game. Our defence worked extremely well together to get lots of hands to ball but unfortunately our mistakes let us down and we couldn’t concert them to goals. Let’s keep training hard and the next win is just aroundthecorner Proudofthegirls.

BestPlayers: I.Mee,T Olsen.

Award Winners: I. Cook (Kaboom), A. Olsen (OK Pie Shop), T Olsen (Bakers Delight)


Was a tough game against a strong west side. Our defence got hands to ball but unfortunately, we couldn’t convert it to goals. Our goalies had great movement within the girl. Keep workinghardattraininggirls.


Award Winners: L Hannaford (Zambrero),I.Stratfors(BoostJuice),J O’Dea(McDonalds)


Great game today by the whole team. Patience and persistence has paid off to see you get a very well deserved win.

Defence worked hard for the full 4 quarters to create needed turnovers. Mid-courtrantheballwellforthefull4 quarters playing our game and making correct choices for passes Goalies were accurate and made the most of everyopportunitytoscore.

All team members adapted to the many changes required while having a fullteam.

Overall, any extremely great team effort and I am very proud of each and everyoneofyou.

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