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South Gambier South Gambier

Casterton-Sandford Casterton-Sandford

Blue, White & Red

Whatfantasticdaybackatisland park last week! Sun was out and so was the crowd for our first homegameof2023!

Thankyou once again to all the volunteers and lions club that make it possible to host these days in such a professional manner.

Well done to the u12s on anotherterrificdisplay.Boofand his team has these little tackers ticking along beautifully with a smileontheirfaces!!

It was massive improvement for our u14s from round 1 - 2! Well done Charlie bear and co on doing such a great job with your crewsofar!

U16s had their first win of the year and wasn’t it great to hear them belt out our famous song! Well done Nathan and team on working so hard to keep on teaching and improving our u16s!

The Goos were in the contest andlookedliketheyshouldhave taken the choccies, however a little fade-out cost them but we can see with a little more hard work and time together I reckon they will continue to improve andbeaforcecomeSeptember

The senior boys were able to comeawaywiththe4pointsina terrific performance right across the board. A very exciting day to see our new boys and their families/friends at home for the firsttime!

Thanks also goes to the umpires whoareworkingwithalotofour local kids to teach and educate the art of umpiring. To Chris and he’screw,wethankyouandlook forward to working together to keep on developing our local boysandgirls!

And lastly, to the ladies and gentleman in the kitchen, a beautiful meal was once again devoured!AhugeThankyouand welcome to Shannon in the kitchen! Very lucky to have someoneofyouskillandlovefor foodonboard!

And a shout out to Wade Northcote on this music! Brilliant music, great to finish withyouaftersuchagoodday!

Today we welcome South over toIslandPark.

Today is a chance to thank all involved in working to get our very impressive new lights which will be on show for our first night match in many years with the Senior boys kicking off at5.30pmVictime!

Good luck to all, catch you all later on in the club rooms for a ripper feed and a beverage! In saying that, Thankyou to all that helpedmakeitpossibletoinstall our now fully functioning tap system:-)


South Gambier South Gambier Red & White

First and most importantly best wishes to Liam Delaney after suffering a broken leg in the Under 18’s, thanks to the trainers and ambos for the support and hope Liam has a speedyrecovery

To the footy on a great day down at Millicent and the 14’s had a good win with 3 goals to MasonRopitiniandtwotoJosh Vause and best players McCracken, Higgins, Burns, Maxwell,HartenandFritsche

The 16’s also played well again this week with Will Attiwill again in the goals with 4 and Jace Maxwell 2 and Best Players Sigley, Cameron, Bartlett, Bouchier, Patterson andHicks.

The 18’s was a great contest with the South boys just getting away at the end. Jed Sims picked up 3 goals and second best, multiple gaols to Lachie Ray and Harry Mitchell and other better players Watson, Domaschenz and Whitehead.

TheRessiesputupagreatfight and went down by 11 points with Huddy Keding leading the way with 4 goals. Best players were Jed Sims, Harrison McBain, Jack Gazzard, Luke GrayHuddyKedingandTommy Vassallo.

The Seniors were in the game until three quarter time playingsomeexcitingfootybut a few early injuries and the short week from Anzac Day hurt and Millicent were too strong at the end Multiple goal scorers were Forbesy with three and Chucky with two who also picked up the best player award Other better players were Whicker, Marks, Seager,HarroldandThomson.

ThisweekofftoCastertonfora twilight Senior game and c e l e b r a t e w i t h a f e w milestones, Telf & Sturge play their 50th club games, while the Big Rig LLoydo plays his 150th club game including 89 SeniorsincludingaSeniorflag.

Its great to see so many at the club on Thursday nights, keep getting out and around the players.

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