7 minute read
North Gambier North Gambier
Yellow & Black
It was an exciting win for the girls this week. Theyworkedreallywellasateam,displaying positive attitudes and fantastic teamwork. The girls worked together to link the ball down the court, displaying some seamless passages of play Our defensive pressure was strong, and the girls all worked incrediblyhard.
Best players awarded to Frankie Wakefield and Isla Clark (sponsored by Halloran Diesel) Both girls demonstrated their versatility in attack & defence VanCino encouragement award goes to Payton Bilney Our focus this week was to work together as a team, and the girls did that beautifully
We played a tight first half Our defensive pressure all over the court allowed us to disrupt West's play and take some good intercepts. Moving into next week, we need to collectively be more positive towards each other and trusting in our teammates. This will allow us to read off each other, providing leads into open spaces moving down the court, release the ball forward for the receiver to run onto and have some fun. Let'sgogirls!
One of our best team performances for the entire four quarters We focused on defensive pressure which created a lot of extra scoring opportunities All goalers displayed terrific accuracy and Carey finished off with some wonderful longrange goals Ava & Amelie focussed on strong rebounds and extended holds over the shot. Mackenzie, Jenna, Grace & Lacey workedtheballsafelythroughthemidcourt withstrongdrives&goodtiming.
Best players: Ava Halloran (sponsored by HalloranDiesel)andMackenzieHarrold
The girls started strong from the first quarter, and this started from the strong defensiveeffortbyPenny,BellaandZoewho created many turnovers and kept South’s attacking end quiet These wonderful defensive efforts transitioned well to our attacking end where the girls work together to make the most of our opportunities and apply plenty of scoreboard pressure. Lacey fed the ball effectively to Claire who held strong and moved beautifully in goals combining well with Mia. It was another great game by the girls, keep up the good work.
It was good to have our full team back this weekanditwasimportantforustofocuson our offensive structures, split circle defence and feeding from the circle, that we had gone over at training ahead of our game against West and then Millicent. The girls came out strong from the start and put strong full court defensive pressure on West.MischaheldstrongandherandElodie shot extremely accurately Maggie ran hard all game and her and Georgia achieved many wonderful circle feeds to our shooters. The 3 girls in defence, as usual workedgreattogethergainingplentyofball, and continue to improve bringing the ball out of our defensive end. Great game this weekgirls,let’sworkhardforatoughouting againstMillicentonSaturday
Best players- Mischa Human and Georgia Nulty(sponsoredbyNealeandNulty)
The girls had a close start to the game going goal for goal for the first half of the first quarter Some great on court leadership allowed the girls to settle, earning the lead at the first break From here the girls continued to play smart and controlled netball allowing them to build on their lead. They worked hard each quarter to achieve the goals we had set as a team, exceeding what we agreed on. All in all, a fantastic teameffortresultinginastrongwin.
Best players: Macey Griffith and Sarah Brown
Thegirlsdidagreatjobtotakecontrolofthe game early and apply defensive pressure across all areas of the court. Bec Johnson returned from a week off, getting her hand toalotofballsindefence.KeeleyQuinnand Kahlia Egan worked hard to provide options for us moving forward and finished off their work with strong feeds into the circle. Milly Allen and Hannah Fox converted on the scoreboard with great shooting accuracy, helping us to run away on the scoreboard in the second half We’re finishing the season offstrong,acredittothegirl’shardworkand dedication.
Unfortunately we could not emulate our 2nd round win against West. They got the jump on us and once again we were in catch up mode. With a couple of key outs this week we called upon a couple of our up and comer15sgirlsin,RubyMitchellandMischa Human. Ruby and Justine worked tirelessly indefencetogetheranddidmanagetogeta few good balls. Mischa saw herself on a senior’s court for the very first time and made an impact in the GS position. Maddy and Amelia were able to get some great passes into Mischa and they were finished offwell.Let’srunsoutthisseasonwithsome goodtrainingsandbigeffortsforthelastfew games.
Best players: Amelia Redman and Justine Forrest
A strong and consistent game by our team this week. It was evident that players were putting into practice the key areas we had been working on. Alisha Bryan and Alylcia Pitson were both accurate and connected well with mid court. Riley and Jessie took crucial intercepts and rebounds when we neededtoshiftthemomentumofthegame. Ava worked tirelessly all game, holding up the opposition in their drives, causing a slower game. Cara stood her ground and played her role beautifully making strong leads onto the ring and feeding into the goalers. Unfortunately, we became rattled in the last quarter and saw our 4-goal buffer diminish by our own mistakes. So many positivestotakeawayfromthisgame.
Best players: Alycia Pitson and Cara Nulty (sponsoredbyNealeandNulty)
With a clean, well connected first quarter we saw our team go up by 4 in the first quarter We had lots of defensive touches and were able to contest in the circle to capitalise on our turnovers. Our goal was to slowdowntheirentryintowest’sGSwhoisa big target for them. We had to adjust our normal attacking line up to a more zone like defence, which we were able to do in the firstquarter However,afterthaterrorscrept into our game and where we were scoring off turnovers, we found that harder as the gamewenton. Mikailahadarippergamein GK and Bri feed well and withstood some physical pressure. We were disappointed with our last half of netball. Especially when westartedsowell.
Best Players: Mikaila Pitt and Brianna Walters (sponsored by D&M Walters Construction)
VIt was good to get back playing against Southlastweekendathome.Thisweekwe play North Gambier away with the Rump andRedfunctionbeingontonight!
A very consistent game had by all, just needtoremembertobesteadyonourfeet and slow down when we get a turnover Fantastic efforts at both ends of the court with some exceptional intercepts and great shooting. A great team effort which resulted in securing a very big win 20-1. Best players and awards went to Maggie Buhlmann (Dentons and Subway) and Layla Rainsford (Wendy's and Bakers Delight).
Another great game from the girls. We started off strong with an 18-goal quarter and continued to build our lead throughout the game. The girls worked hard and in the last quarter were able to switch up their positions for some fun. It was awesome to see Lindy back out on court after breaking her arm Keep working hard at training girls to get ready for finals. Best players were Scarlett Zalme and Indi Coghlan. Awards went to Amarlie Thomson (Chook House), Lucy Crowe (Shearers Cook), and Lola Ferguson (Boost).
Good work today girls. It was good to see what we have been working on at training beimplementedintoyourgame.Everyone worked hard to come in front and call for the ball The transition coming out of defence worked well with it then being able to be rewarded. Awards went to Clara (Dentons Sportspower) and Lindy (Zambreros).
Our Under 15A team started off well defensively keeping South to 4 goals for the quarter Down our offensive end, we wereforcingtheballintoourgoalieswhich caused a few errors The team still managing to score 16 by quarter time. The second quarter was by far the best. South only scored 2 goals but we kept increasing ourscore.Bytheendofthegametheteam had steadied in offence and kept the pressure in defence to get a win of 58-17. Best Players were Emily and Piper Awards went to Mylee Lynch (Ducky's) & Kalani Dunn(Zambreros).
The girls started well and continued that form for the first half Ella Matthews was dominant at WA driving hard and finding the goalies with accurate passing. In the second half the girls stepped up a gear in attack with some swift passages of play down court and great goalie connections. Our defensive pressure and reading of the play were great. A great team effort game. Best players were Emily Walker and Lexi Nicholls. Awards went to Ella Matthews (Chook House) and Asha Gysbers (MillicentChemist).
A much-improved game today in wet conditions. Our transition into attack was strong with great passing into the goalies. The timing down the court was great in passages with everyone reoffering and leading into space. A big welcome back to Bree playing her first game since breaking her arm. Another thank you to our under 15’s stepping up and filling in for us whenever we need them. Let’s keep this momentum up coming into a rough North
Red, Black & White
game. Thanks Mylee, Mia & Matti. Best players were Mylee and Lillie. Awards this week went to Lillie (Denton’s) and Mackinlee(MillicentChemist).
We had an awesome game Saturday, starting off slow we worked our way through the game improving each quarter We didn’t make it an easy win for South as wecontinuedtofightthewholegamewith somegreatsecondeffortsdownthewhole court. Captain Bella Pollifrone consistently kept the game alive and controlled the plays down the court We had Asha Gysbers, Jeda Hibberd and Mackinlee Alcock back from our 15s and 17s sides who all played amazing and are fitting well into the team. I feel like we really worked well this week and can really take it up to these teams in the next few weeks. Good work C grade girls. Best players were Layla and Asha. Awards went to Bella (Dentons) andLisa(NewHeaven).
Very wet and cold start for the girls today! We came out firing and had a great start, we knew South would come back hard against us, but we kept consistent on everything we have been working on at training. We had some great passages of play throughout the game Everyone worked hard and played their role well. Consistent pressure across the court and kept level heads. Very proud coach here to come away with a 7-goal win. Best players were Krystal Coghlan and Michelle Fleming. Awards went to Krystal (Sassi) andNicole(Pierinas).
Once again, we played in cold and wet conditions! We adjusted our line-up with Jac away with Alana & Piper having a run throughthecentreandbothdidagreatjob providing plenty of drive and hitting circle edge to feed. Abby & Ryls combined well acrosstheattackinglineandAbbyfinished well in the first half with some long-range shooting. Keeley, Alice & Keish worked hardtostopthedriveofSouthandprovide us with more opportunities. Bell entered the game at the halftime break and added some fresh legs, getting plenty of touches andprovidingstrongdrivesoutofdefence. It has been great getting so many juniors onthecourtthisseason.BestPlayerswere Donna and Alana. Awards went to Donna (Laura & Vicki’s Award) & Nikeisha (McCourts).
Once again, the heavens opened just on start time which once again forced us to adjust to wet conditions. We started well but to South’s credit they lifted which resultedingoalforgoalshootout.
Lisa had a consistent game leading the front-linedefenceonwingandhadarun-in centre. Lillie was steady all game playing both centre and wing defence Our transitions out of defence were improved. Great to see hard work at training implemented Daisy never stopped running all day providing a target both at centre pass and circle edge. The Tab to Demi connection had South’s defence on their toes under pressure all day Portia snapped up any loose balls and took some nice overhead interceptions at post whilst Laurenprovideduswith4quartersofhard close contesting defence. Best players and awards went to Demi (Somerset) & Daisy (HeavenonaHanger).