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Casterton-Sandford Casterton-Sandford
Blue, White & Red
What a Saturday afternoon it was for our C Grade side taking home not only their first win of the season, but a win against the top side East Gambier Congratulations and what a terrific accomplishmenttohaveachieved!
Casterton-Sandford netball players, coaches and supporters would like to say a huge thankyou to our game day voucher sponsors Your ongoing support throughout the season is appreciatedandvalued.
Menzie’s Hotel, Sunnyside & co, The Back Paddock, Contained Hair & Beauty, Main St Massage, Jan Murphy, Harvey Norman, Hairwize, Jim Tant, Casterton Pharmacy, Ewan Cotter, Sports & All, GPG Fencing, Casterton Central, Vinnie Joyce, Herbert’s Bakery, Quality Shearing, Element, All Sorts,Milly’s,ThePropertyCo
Voucher Winners: Nicola Boyd, Hannah Davis, Sylvie Richardson and CleoLonghurst
Best Players: Renee Gorman and IsabellaLuers
Voucher Winners: Georgia Bailey, AdeleMurphyandBrooklynMutch
BestPlayers:AdeleMurphyandRenee Gorman
Voucher Winners: Isabella Luers and ChloeKurzman
Best Players: Brydie Carlin and MakaylaRees
Voucher Winners: Rachel Forbes, Amy CraufordandOliviaNolte
Best Players: Indi Longhurst and ChelseaHulm
Voucher Winners: Ivy Lane, Madeline PattonandIsobelMcCrae
Best Players: Janine Parsons and Katie Gill-Killey
Voucher Winners: Katie Gill-Killey and BrydieCarlin
Best Players: Trictia Cleary and Emma Grigg
Voucher Winners: Dakota Crawford andTrictiaCleary
Best Players: Tori Broomby and Megan Smith
Voucher Winners: Megan Smith and ClaireFoster
It was the super seven in the A Reserves last Saturday that took the win from East Gambier Claire and Sharna were a consistent presence in the defensive goal circle, putting the opposition on edge allowing for multiple turnover opportunities It didn’t take long to move the ball from the defensive end into attack with centre court players Dani and Gaby putting some neat and fast drives into their games to play with high percentage possessions. Meg’s efforts and skill in the centre position didn’t go unnoticed and was highlighted across the court, including her impeccable feeding into goalies Tori and Paige. Paige’s accurate shooting allowed the girls to stretch their lead and by the final quarter the game saw the only position change when Tori wentbackintoGSandPaigeouttoGA, giving Tori a well-earned rest after an incredible three quarters of actively switching from attack to defence and vice versa. The 37-goal win was well deserved by the seven girls who are demonstrating fantastic teamwork, consistency,andskills.
Best Players: Madalene Cleary and Ivy Lane
Voucher Winners: Madeline Patton andIvyLane