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Unqualified audit outcome for KDM

Mayor concerned about rising energy losses

KwaDukuza Municipality has received an Unqualified Audit Opinion for the 2021/22 financial year which has added another chapter to its consecutive successes over the past sixteen years.

Mayor Lindile Nhaca has welcomed the report saying that the outcome is a true reflection of municipalities' ability to handle public funds.

“The attainment of this outcome bears testimony to our commitments in complying with legislation and serves as an indication that the public purse is in safe hands. We appreciate the fact that KwaDukuza has attained its 17th Unqualified Audit Opinion in the 2021-2022 financial year and such consistency should send a strong message that we are a tried and tested brand that is transparent, fair and which complies with legislation", said Nhaca. According to the Auditor General, KwaDukuza remains financially viable and resilient despite economic shocks.

“We were able to rise above economic challenges affecting our fiscus. We remained resilient in the middle of a global pandemic, the 2021 social unrest and we rose above such economic shocks. We thrive because we have strict financial controls, and good revenue collection systems in place.

“We owe our success to the men and women who work tirelessly to ensure that we do things the right way and in a manner that is consistent. I wish to congratulate the administration, Internal Auditors, the Audit Committees, MPAC and council members for striving for excellence in complying with the Auditor General,” stated Mayor Nhaca.

The municipality is particularly thrilled at having received a report with no findings on Supply Chain Management or Procurement management processes. This, KDM points out, means that all tenders that were awarded during the beginning of this term were done in compliance with prescripts and done correctly.

“Irregular expenditure is on a downward spiral, and this is huge progress. The report also reflects that there are no findings on Performance Management, and this is remarkable.

“There are certain audit matters which require urgent attention so that we are empowered to achieve greater success in the future. The report was served before council on Thursday, 26 January 2023,” the municipality indicates.

FREE copies distributed in: KwaDukuza and surrounding areas, Tugela, Ntshawini, Groutville, Shakaskraal, Ballito, Umhlali, Maphumulo, Glendale, Doringkop 1 FEBRUARY 2023 BEE LEVEL3 EEACCREDITATO B B N B • • 5 Moola Building, 12 Lindley Street, Stanger • Tel: 032 552 2165 / 7 email: timesmedia@telkomsa.net Follow us on times north coast Xpress If it matters to you, it matters to us 1 King Shaka Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 552 4153 / 4 M O TYRES STANGER • Car Services • Exhaust • 3D Wheel Alignment • Batteries • Tyre Enhancement • Latest Styles Mag Wheels SPECIALISING IN: Laybye accepted. We are also contracted to major cards and medical aids 45 Lindley Street 032 551 6762 n ISION O P T O M E T R I S T Naeem Manjra email: nvision45@yahoo.com Single Vision Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R650 While stock last. Terms & conditions apply. GUESS STOCKIST OF: LUST BROWN SEXY LILAC SPARKLE GRAY BLING BLUE ADORING GREEN Colour Contact Lenses Bifocal Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R850 Multifocal Incl. Eye test, frame & lenses R1550 R170 PROVIDING THE BEST EYE CARE POSSIBLE im 49 Mahatma Gandhi Str. Tel : (032) 551 1522 WhatsApp "Add" to 081 480 5521 to receive weekly specials R400 R3499 3 Piece Kitchen Unit Local R999 3 Door Imported Wardrobe R1400 Pine Bunk Bed Local Padded Headboard 3 Piece Venus Lounge Set R1699 3 Dining Table & Chairs Sandy 7 Piece R2350 6 Door Kitchen Unit Imported R1599 boston.ac.za Serious about Education. Serious about You. Postgraduate Degrees Diplomas Higher Certificates Occupational & Short Learning Programmes Accredited by the British Accreditation Council. Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs, United States of America.* Boston City Campus Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1996/013220/07 is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) Registration Certificate No. 2003/HE07/002 C t L d eg o s reg stered th Depa tment o H gher ducat on a n ng pr h gher educa on nst tu on H gher ducat on ct A eg strat on Cert ca e o *Candidate for accreditation of specific programs. Cand da e accredi a on spec f c p ograms PAYMENT PLANS | TEXTBOOKS INCLUDED | Stanger 032 551 5566 | Stanger Mall, 55 King Shaka St. Entrance, Mahatma Gandhi St.
KwaDukuza Speaker Dolly Govender (left) and Mayor Octavia Nhaca
February 1, 2023 PAGE 2 XPress
February 1, 2023 PAGE 3 XPress

Former Stangerite co-opted into elite body

Former Stangerite Fawzia Peer, who still has family living in KwaDukuza, has received the nod to be member of the allpowerful National Executive Committee (NEC) of the ANC.

Fawzia was co-opted alongside three other members of the ANC to join the NEC, in an attempt by the ruling party to make the NEC more representative of the country's


The ANC Constitution allows the NEC to co-opt up to five members into its ranks, after 87 members have been elected by national conference delegates.

Peer is also a former Deputy Mayor of Ethekwini Metro, who also served as Acting Mayor after the then Mayor, Zandile Gumede, was arrested for fraud and corruption.

Baby remains found in Glendale

A Glendale farmer made a gruesome discovery on Wednesday last week, after stumbling upon the bod of a baby.

Emergency services were called out to secure the scene, and the body was removed and handed over to Glendale SAPS for further investigation. IPSS Medical Rescue says it is suspected that the body could be that of a toddler who was reported missing in December, however the confirmation of identity is still pending.

The matter is under investigation by Glendale SAPS.

A Glendale farmer stumbled upon the remains of a baby on the farm, last week

February 1, 2023 PAGE 4 XPress No traders * E&OE Mon-Fri : 8am to 5pm Sat : 7am to 3pm Sun : 8am to 1pm OFFERS FROM 1 - 5 FEB OR WHILE STOCKS LAST! A proudly women empowerment initiative 4 TULIP ROAD, STANGER MANOR Cell: 076 213 3369 LINDLEY STREET, opp David’s Fish Shop) Cell: 078 407 7772 Large Marigolds available. Booking essential. Red Apples 1kg Asst Summer Fruits (Punnet) 3500 Red or Green Herbs 2 FOR 1000 2 FOR 11999 10kg Onions Many more instore specials available Utd Potatoes (Gravy Soakers) NOW AVAILABLE 10kg Soft Cooking Potatoes 6999 Karella kg 1499 Large Ginger kg 2999 Coconuts (each) 1600 Bananas kg 1299 1399 2500 Tomatoes 2kg Fawzia Peer, who is now a member of the ANC's NEC
Desai’s CASH & CARRY 3 Enterprise Road, Stanger Tel : 032 552 3518 • Fax : 032 552 3179 • Cell : 076 734 4294 Email : info@desaiscnc.co.za • Website : www.desaiscnc.co.za Receive our Amazing Specials On Whatsapp. Kindly text “ADD ME” to We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Pictures may vary from actual product. All Prices strictly cash. E&OE. WE ARE DELIVERING TO CERTAIN AREAS ONLY! T'S & C'S APPLY MINIMUM COST OF ORDER R250-00. 3 PER CUSTOMER ATMs available instore 076 734 4294 T’s & C’s Apply. E&OE Sasko Premium White 700g Sasko Premium Brown 700g 1550 5015 1350 5013 Aunt Caroline Rice 10kg Kellogg’s Coco Pops 350g Knorr Packet Soup 50g Bakers Tennis 200g Simba Ghost Pops 100g Everyday Butter Beans 410g Days Specials FRI/SAT/SUN 3 - 5 FEB 3 Whilst Stocks Last. First Come, First Serve OHO CEREAL 350G SUNLIGHT FABRIC SOFTENER 500ML BAKERS BOUDOIR 200G 3 PER CUSTOMER Valid from 1 - 8 February 2023 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ONLY Riverview Butter Ghee 1.5kg 1895 9518 Sunfoil Oil 5lt Handy Andy 750ml + Domestos 750ml Both for Mr Orange 2lt Nutro Crackers 200g 1795 4995 5 dozen 9895 Rhodes Chakalaka 410g 2,5 dozen 2895 9528 SIMBA POPCORN 90G HOT SHOT GRILL 200G 895 895 Az-Zahraa Basmati Rice 5kg Five Roses Regular Teabags 100’s HEIDI MANGO 9’S Zar Macaroni & Spaghetti 500g 1295 C&B Mayonnaise 750g 16295 4095 1095 Pakco Chilli Bite Mix 250g Chemico Paste 500g 995 Sky Washing Powder 2kg 2795 9527 895 95 2895 400g Pringles 100g 5995 Eggs Large First Choice Long Life Milk 6x1lt 13395 Super Value Pilchards Koo Baked Beans 410g 11795 155g 17095 1195 3695 8395 1595 895 2695 9526 3495 1595 1295 5000 995 Top Class Shaker 350g LA ITALIANA DUO & HAZELNUT SPREADS 350G 2 For 1995 1995 2095 6000 4 For 1900 EACH Glen Rooibos 1795 80’s 40’s 3095 First Choice Gouda 900g 8995 PEACHES & PLUMS PUNNET GRAPES PUNNET POTATOES 10KG February 1, 2023 PAGE 5 XPress


February 1, 2023 PAGE 7 XPress

SASSA payment grants for February

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has announced payment dates for February. Old age grants will be paid from Thursday, the 2nd of February, while disability grants will be paid from Friday, the 3rd of February.

All the other grants will be paid from Monday, the 6th of February, SASSA said

KwaDukuza could soon procure electricity from IPPs

KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca has vowed to act against the 'unjust' electricity tariff increase.

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has approved an 18.65% tariff hike to come into effect on 01 April 2023 which the mayor has described as ridiculous.

“I wish to reject this ridiculous

hike that will not only lead to the oppression of the poor but will also affect our economy and livelihoods in the backdrop of a high unemployment rate, escalating fuel prices, load shedding and the ever-escalating cost of living.” Nhaca quipped as she tabled her 2022/2023 MidYear Budget and Performance Assessment Report before the Council last week. “Our collective mission is to improve the lives of the people by easing the burden that weighs heavily on the shoulders of the poor. I wish to vow to you that my office with the blessings of this council will work to ensure that efforts to dislodge such injustices imposed against our people do see the light of day as this is done without the consideration of the downtrodden toiling masses of our people”, she said.

Nhaca said load-shedding was a result of failures by Eskom to maintain its plantsnon-payment by other municipalities as well as corruption.

“NERSA should not have considered Eskom's application because their tariffs are inclusive of Eskom's self-made inefficiencies and inadequacies which are being reconciled at our expense. As KwaDukuza Municipality and consumers continue to pay for accounts to Eskom, we (neither) be prejudiced nor short-changed by Eskom's inefficiencies and incapacities. The 18.65% tariffs are largely attributed to the costs of buying diesel to manage load shedding. This means that municipalities will be paying for Eskom's inefficiencies which are contrary to the ruling of the Pretoria High Court between the challenge between the business chambers in Nelson Mandela Bay Metro and Msunduzi Municipality against NERSA methodology on municipal tariffs. The court ruled in favour of the business chambers,” Nhaca said.


Nhaca has further announced the following steps to be taken by the KwaDukuza Council, in order to protect households and businesses:

1. That the Accounting Officer obtains an urgent legal opinion on NERSA tariffs given to ESKOM which I believe will address the inefficiencies of ESKOM that are not in line with an existing judgement affecting the prescription of municipal tariffs. Based on such opinion, the Accounting Officer, with such delegated powers must then act with the recommended legal action.

2. That the study commissioned by the Electrical Business Unit be presented in the next Full Council could have a direct impact on the budget process for 2023/2024. This is critical for ensuring that when NERSA complies with the Nelson Mandela and Msunduzi judgment, KDM should be ready to implement cost-reflective tariffs.

3. The Accounting Officer and his team may further investigate how the municipality can use its Free Basic Services to assist poor households during these times of economic difficulties. “In the upcoming Financial Year, we would like to realize an increment of Kilowatts offered to indigent households to at least 10 Kilowatts to loosen the burden of the poor,”

Nhaca said.

4. The Municipal Manager should ensure that in the next sitting of the Council, the administration tables the Energy Policy for consideration and adoption. The policy will further assist this council during the budget process to ensure that we are ahead in terms of the following:

4.1. Introducing clear measures to regulate and support the installation of alternative energy supply in KwaDukuza. This includes the possibility of introducing rebates for those who have successfully installed alternative energy like solar and/or other alternatives.

4.2. The municipality will have a framework towards starting a process of encouraging the development of Independent Power Producers within the area and also a mechanism to purchase from the private sector or households.

“Last year, two chambers of businesses jointly filed papers in the Pretoria high court, challenging NERSA regarding the approval of tariffs by both Msunduzi Municipality and Nelson Mandela Metro.

“The two chambers of businesses were successful in their arguments in that, the two municipalities' tariffs were not cost-reflective of the services they were receiving from Eskom.

Instead, they included the inefficiencies of the two municipalities i.e. energy loss. The court concluded by making a judgement against NERSA as their tariffs were unfounded.

“This judgment was suspended for twelve months to allow NERSA to develop a new tariff calculation method or guidelines to be implemented by electricity distributors for their 2024-2025 financial year,” said Nhaca.

February 1, 2023 PAGE 8 XPress MANE ATTRACTION Shop 7 Whitehouse Centre, Stanger Hair, Beauty & Boutique Tel : 032 - 552 2219 daisyp@webmail.co.za PROFESSIONAL Ear Piercing ½ Hr Back Massage + Pedicure with Paraffin Wax R300 VALENTINE’S SPECIALS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Full Leg Wax R80 Gellish Fingers + Toes Both for R250 + Free Nail Art BOTH FOR RAZAK’S MEAT MARKET Shop 5, 38 King Shaka Street, Stanger Cell: 084 407 8671 TRADING HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM TO 5PM SATURDAY 7.30 TO 4PM SUNDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 8.30 TO 3PM R99 74 LAMB COMBO R99 829 LAMB OR SHEEP COMBO R99 1249 R99 97 Curry Mutton was R120kg now Big Fish Heads Large Steenbrass best for fish curry & breyani (only centre bone) R99 59 R99 99 was R130kg now with soft bones from R99 89 Fri/Sat/Sun only TrayTray Fresh Cleaned Crabs LUNCH BOX COMBO 1 x tray fish fingers crumbed nuggets crumbed chicken burgers 2 x Regular Patties (mild/masala) or or WITH * Half Lamb for R540 * 1kg Sausages * 1/2kg Spare Ribs * 1kg Chicken Pieces * 1 Pkt Regular Patties * ½ Lamb or Sheep value R780 * 1kg Sausages * 1/2kg Mince * 1/2kg Spare Ribs * 1kg Wors * 1pkt Jumbo Patties * 1kg Chicken Pieces R99 89 Fresh Buck Meat just arrived from Kg Kg Kg Valid 1 - 7 February 4299 NESTUM REGULAR 500G 999 STAYFREE PADS SCENTED 10’S 1799 PURITY CREAM OF MAIZE 400G ASST. 1099 DETTOL SOAP ORIGINAL 175G 2299 PLAYBOY/ PLAYGIRL DEOD 150ML 19999 PAMPERS JUMBO PACK 2299 KIWI POLISH BLACK 100ML 2299 PAMPERS WIPES 64’S
KwaDukuza Mayor, Octavia Lindile Nhaca
NE1 990 NE2 1480
February 1, 2023 PAGE 12 XPress

The Democratic Alliance (DA) Ilembe Constituency held successful placard

demonstration in KwaDukuza CBD on Friday, to highlight its stance against loadshedding and NERSA's decision to grant Eskom an

Refusal by SAPS members to open cases

Know Your Rights

As Complainant

1. It has been reported that members stationed at various police stations are refusing to open cases involving women and children due to the following reasons:

1.1The complainant cannot identify the suspect by name;

1.2 The complainant did not bring the suspect to the police station;

1.3 The crime did not happen within the station's boundaries;

1.4 The member who is attending to the complainant does not think that it is serious enough;

1.5 Complainants are told to resolve the dispute with the suspect.


3. National Instruction 3 of 2011 regulates opening & registration of case dockets.

3.1 Section 1 of the national instruction; a member who receives the complaint must interview the complainant in order to see if the complaint meets the requirement for that specific crime.

3.2 According to Section 2, Complainants must never be

referred to another police station even if the crime was committed in another police station area.

4. Community Service Centre (CSC) Responsible for ensuring that:

4.1 Complainants or reporters of crime, whether the crime was committed in his/her station area or in the station area of another police station, are treated courteously and that a comprehensive affidavit is taken from the complainant or report of crime;

4.2 Complainants/Reporters of crime are not referred to another station to lodge complaints of crime;

4.3 All complaints or reports made by the public receive immediate attention.

5. Cluster Commanders and Station Commanders must ensure that all members who do not comply with National Instruction 3 of 2011 are subjected to disciplinary steps.

* Member of Public Please Report if SAPS members refuse to open your case, at SAPS National Complaint Centre: Tel: 080 033 3177 or 0860264487

tariff increase of 18.65%.

Ilembe Constituency Chairperson Kathleen Naidoo the demonstration was a sequel to the march

held earlier by the party in Johannesburg, which thousands of DA members marching on ANC headquarters, Luthuli House.

Naidoo said Eskom's rolling blackouts had a devastating effect on the economy.

“It's completely unacceptable to see our people being subjected to loadshedding, which has led to many businesses being forced to shut down. It's a violation of fundamental rights, ad as the DA Ilembe Constituency we would like to join the call for No To Loadshedding,” Naidoo sated.

She added that the party also rejected the tariff increase which has been approved by NERSA.

“On the issue of the approved tariff increase, we

are unequivocal in rejecting it. We are calling upon all members of the public to join our campaign to reject this increase, while at the same calling for an end to loadshedding,” Naidoo said.

DA Ilembe Regional Secretary Krsna Sing believes South Africans are being punished for blunders of those in authority.

“Years of mismanagement and corruption is the root cause; now they want the residents to pay for their blunder. We need to stand together and get rid of this incompetent government that continues to fail us,” Sing stated.

Stanger crash leaves two injured

One person sustained serious injuries after being trapped underneath a vehicle, in an accident that happened on the R74 Highway near Stanger, on Sunday night.

IPSS Medical Rescue says the second occupant of the vehicle escaped with minor injuries.

“Earlier this evening IPSS Medical Rescue responded to an accident on the R74 in Stanger.

On arrival it was found that

Reduction of consumer and government debt owed to municipalities is among the key priorities for the KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), in the next three years.

This emerged when the Department, led by MEC Sihle Zikalala, tabled its Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Budget at Johnny Makhathini Hal in Ndwedwe last week. The engagement, overseen by the KZN Legislature's COGTA Portfolio Committee, was attended by councillors and other public representatives from across iLembe District.

The Department also raised

two occupants had been in the vehicle at the time of the collision. One occupant was found under the vehicle, and with the assistance of KDM Fire Department, the patient was stabilised and safely removed from beneath the wreckage.

“One patient was transported to a local facility with serious injuries by IPSS Medical Rescue,” stated IPSS Medical Rescue.

Two people were injured in a single vehicle accident on the R74 Highway near Stanger

COGTA unpacks mediums term development plans

the issue of Eskom debt owed by municipalities, as another urgent matter that needed to be addressed. The session focused on COGTA's immediate plans for the medium term period covering the fiscal years 2023/24//25. COGTA has also stressed that need to reduce the number of municipalities that are under administration.

Strategies to

introduce early warning system for disasters were also rigorously explored, and the Department is also

determined to assist with the implementation of the District economic Recovery Plan.

February 1, 2023 PAGE 14 XPress HARDWARE
10 HAYSOM ROAD STANGER (next to Superb Cash & Carry) - PHONE 062 474 3386 ALPINE GREEN 32.5 R8199 TOWN HOUSE DOOR WHITE
FENCE WIRE 100X100 1.8X30MT WE DELIVER! DA Ilembe joins anti-loadshedding protest DA Ilembe Constituency
held a placard demonstration against loadshedding on Friday last week
Pictured at the COGTA engagement in Ndwedwe are (L to R) KwaDukuza Deputy Mayor Thulani Ntuli, iLembe Deputy Mayor James Van Whye, KwaDukuza Mayor Lindile Nhaca and KwaDukuza Speaker Dolly Govender

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. Judy Garland

I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again. Stephen Grellet

Staying positive does not mean everything will turn out okay. Rather, it means you will be okay no matter how things turn out. Unknown


School Buzz

Mandini Academy learner gets 6 Distinctions

Pictured are stalwart educators who taught at Stanger Madressa School (now called Zakariyya Muslim School) from the 1960s onward. Many of these outstanding educators have since passed on. If anyone has current photos of these educators please send them to Xpress Times via email xpress.journalist@gmail.com or xpressclassifieds@gmail.com.

New school year, new Prefects

Mandini Academy's top achiever, Ranen Pillay obtained 6 distinctions in the NSC 2022 examinations. Ranen is flanked by Mr D Pillay and Mrs N Chakuwa.

Mbozamo Primary unveils new Prefects

Mandini Academy successfully elected new school Prefects last week. Educator Mr D Pillay is seen together with the Prefects, Juan Steyn (Deputy Head Boy), Sibahle Zungu (Head Boy),Mbali Mthembu (Head Girl), Kuhlesibonge Buthelezi (Deputy Head Girl) and Educator Mrs N Chakuwa.

LEADERS: Mbozamo Primary has unveiled its Prefects for the 2023 academic year. Seen are the future leaders together with Principal Mr Bheka Mchunu

Stanger Secondary holds Awards Day

February 1, 2023 PAGE 17 XPress
5DayForecast Xpress 21oC 23oC 23oC 22oC 22oC min.min.min.min.min. o30 C o30 C o30 C o33 C max.max.max.max.max. Wed 01 Thurs 02 Sat 04 Fri 03 Sun 05 One US Dollar = R17.41 One Euro = R18.86 One British Pound = R21.49 One Indian Rupee = R0.21 One Australian Dollar = R12.23 One Swiss Franc = R18.80 One Botswana Pula = R1.35 One Chinese Yuan = R2.57 One Japanese Yen = R0.13 As published on Tuesday, 31 January 2023.
Rand Currency exchange
o33 C Sunny Partly
Cloudy Partly Cloudy
Stanger Secondary School held a successful Awards Day on Friday last week. Pictured are some of the top achievers together with parents and educators.

Nandkishor Singh joins ANC PEC

The ANC's Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) has co-opted local political activist Nandkishor Singh as one of the new members of the PEC. The decision was taken at the PEC meeting held in Pietermaritzburg last week.

Singh is currently a member of the ANC General Gizenga Mpanza Region's Regional Executive Committee (REC). He was co-opted alongside former Education MEC Mthandeni Dlungwana and Fikile Masiko. The ANC says roping Singh and his two colleagues into the PEC will help bridge the gap between the PEC and other structures of the movement.



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In terms of Section 35(5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objections thereto be lodged with the Master's concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts.

A.Registered number of estate : 004789/2022


“These are seasoned cadres of the movement whose extensive

experience both organizationally and in government will help bridge the gap between the PEC and structures of the movement.

“Cde Nandkishor Singh is a young energetic cadre who is part of the ANC Youth League Regional Executive Committee in General Gizenga Region,” the ANC stated.


The instructions are clear members of the PEC in KwaZulu-Natal are ready to act collectively in partnership with alliance partners SACP, COSATU and SANCO.

We emerge from the PEC meeting with an understanding of the importance of ANC

structures across the branches as agents of transformation.

We do not want members of the ANC to be left behind. No member of the ANC or alliance partners must feel that their contribution towards building this province is insignificant.

Our message is that the ANC is a home for all.

It is for these reasons we have undertaken to visit branches to ensure that ANC members and alliance partners participate in programmes aimed at strengthening the movement.

All programmes of service delivery and transformation of the economy requires understanding and involvement of ANC structures and alliance partners.

We must take a stand that

ensures that no one feels marginalized, isolated and prevented from taking part in the programmes of the congress movement.

To augment the work of the PEC we have taken a decision to co-opt the following comrades into the PEC:-

1. CdeMthandeniDlungwana;

2. CdeFikileMasiko;

3. CdeNandkishorSingh.

In addition, the PEC elected Cde Zinhle Cele to be part of the Provincial Working Committee. This follows the election of Cde Lindiwe Nkabane into the National Executive Committee of the ANC.

We congratulate these men and women of the congress movement and wish them well in their work.

Fuel price adjustments announced

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy has announced an increase in the price of petrol and 0.05% sulphur diesel from Wednesday.

Updated prices for fuel, gas and paraffin will be as follows:

• Both 93 and 95 petrol will increase by 28c

• Diesel 0.05% sulphur increases marginally by 9c

• Diesel 0.005% sulphur will decrease slightly by 0.84c

• The price of wholesale illuminating paraffin is expected to increase by 58c

• Single Maximum National Retail price for illuminating paraffin will cost a further 78c

• The maximum retail price for LP Gas is expected to decrease by R1.40

The department said the main

• Abezenhlalakahle

KwaDukuza bacela ukufuniswa ubaba kaSlindokuhle Janet Mpungose ozalwa ngu-Magwaza Bongiwe, omgasekho emhlabeni. Onolwazi angaxhumana no-TP Hlongwa kule nombolo: (032) 552-5246.

• Abezenhlalakahle

KwaDukuza bacela ukufuniswa umama ogama lakhe kungu-Shongwe Cebisile. Ongaba nolwazi angaxhumana nosonhlalakahle u-Mntungwa kule nombolo: (032) 552-5246.

• Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Mngoma Mlando, who was


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factors contributing to the increases include higher prices for Brent crude oil which increased to $85.08 USD.

Furthermore, international prices for petroleum products and the strengthening of the Rand against the US Dollar also played a role.

“The movement in international refined petroleum product prices, diesel, petrol and illuminating paraffin in particular followed the increasing trend in crude oil prices, while the prices of LP Gas decreased due to lower propane and butane prices during the period under review.

“These factors led to higher contributions to the Basic Fuel Prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin by 92.74 c/l, 71.40 c/l and 78.21 c/l,

respectively. The LPGas prices are decreasing due to the lower prices of Propane and Butane during the period under review,” it said.

The Rand appreciated slightly, on average, against the US Dollar - from R17.28 to R17.00 per USD - during the

period under review when compared to the previous one.

“The stronger Rand led to lower contributions to the Basic Fuel Prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin by 15.97 c/l, 18.79 c/l and 19.36 c/l respectively.”

Help find natural parents

born on 2011/03/28 whose mother, Mngoma Portia Bongiwe passed away. The child is under the care of Mngoma Phindile Olgar. Anyone with information may contact Makhalima Bongiwe on (032) 481-2093.

• Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Ntetha Siboniso Thabiso who was born on 2009/10/01 whose mother, Ntetha Sjabulisiwe passed away. The child is under the care of Xulu Simon. Anyone with information may contact

Makhalima Bongiwe on (032) 481-2093.

• Maphumulo DSD seeks to find the biological father of Gumede Mhlengi, Gumede Swazelihle and Gumede Evidence whose mother is Gumede Ntombiyomusa, who passed away. The child is under the care of Gumede Nkizi Tolakele. Anyone with information may contact Makhalima Bongiwe on (032) 481-2093.

• Umndeni wakwaKhuzwayo eMalende ucela ukufuniswa

uNksz Nolukholo Mbekela, ongumama ka-Lukhona Khuzwayo (DOB 09/01/2016). Onolwazi uyacelwa ukuthi athinte ubaba womntwana, uMnuz Nkosikhona Khuzwayo kule nombolo (061) 794-3629. • Kucelwa Ongaba nolwazi mayelana noNksz Sthabile Mbonambi, ongumama kaAyabonga Mbonambi (DOB 10/01/2018). Onolwazi uyacelwa ukuthi athintane noNksz Nokuthula Sokhela wakwaMadundube kule nombolo (073) 794-1572.

KZN to pilot online registration system

The Executive Council (EXCO) of KwaZulu-Natal Province has given the green light for the province to pilot the online registration system for schools. The Province will identify a few districts which will be used as the pilots before the system is rolled in rest of KwaZulu-Natal.

EXCO said the Department of Education should learn from experiences in Provinces that had already been implementing this system over the years, and where necessary, this would allow improvement of the existing system.

Identity number :
08 5 Last address : B1884 HLABISA, SUNDUMBILI B.Complete only if deceased was married in community of property. Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: NOT APPLICABLE Identity number: NOT APPLICABLE C.Description of account other than First and Final: Period of inspection other than 21 days: Magistrate's Office: EMPANGENI Master's Office: PIETERMARITZBURG Advertiser and address: VERONICA SINGH & ASSOCIATES, 45 NORTH STREET, OCEANVIEW, STANGER, KWAZULU-NATAL Date: 24 JANUARY 2023 Tel. No. : 032 - 552 1387 MALLWOOD PROPERTIES Contact Aslam 032 552 2025 / 083 339 0464 PER MONTH PER MONTH R5500-00 R4500-00 3 Bedrooms; Kitchen (Incl. Basic Cupboards); Dining Room / Lounge; Built-in Cupboards in all 3 Bedrooms; Safe, Secure, Lock-Up Automated Parking; Prepaid Electricity. RENTAL FROM RENTAL FROM
340726 0206
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Motorists are facing another fuel price hike
February 1, 2023 PAGE 18 XPress
Pictured is the Executive Council of KwaZulu-Natal

SA rolls out booster vaccines to fight Omicron variant

Sundowns extend lead

The Department of Health says additional COVID-19 vaccine booster doses are now available for eligible citizens at all active vaccination sites across the country.

“This is in line with the announcement by Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, earlier this month that government has been inundated with requests from fully vaccinated members of the public, especially the most vulnerable groups, seeking to maintain and enhance their protection against current and evolving COVID-19 variants,” the department said in a statement on Monday.

This means all adults aged 50 years and older are eligible for five vaccine doses, while those aged between 18 and 49 will be entitled to receive another jab to make four doses of either the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) or Pfizer vaccine.

The waiting period between the last dose and this additional dose should be at least 180 days or six months.

All adults aged 18 and older who are registered on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) as being immunocompromised will also be eligible to receive an additional booster dose 180 days after their last dose. Meanwhile, the vaccination schedule for adolescents between 12 and 17 years remains unchanged, which means this age group remains eligible to receive two doses.

According to the department, the EVDS has been updated to accommodate these changes and vaccinators have been informed accordingly.

“The department has integrated COVID-19 vaccination services into primary health services, and efforts are being made, working with provinces to update the lists of vaccination sites on an ongoing basis and make these accessible to the public.”

The department believes that vaccination remains the most effective weapon against the pandemic, especially as new variants and sub-variants are detected in various parts of the world.

Those who experience known COVID-19 symptoms such as flu-like symptoms including body aches, tiredness, loss of appetite or taste loss are encouraged to visit a health facility.

Runaway DStv Premiership leaders

Sundowns players celebrate Sphelele Mkhulise had a long-range effort; however it went wide to spare Sekhukhunes' goalkeeper Badra Sangare's blushes. During the opening period, Sundowns players, such as Uruguayan Gaston Sirino and Mkhulise were finding plenty of space in the Sekhukhune half.

Mamelodi Sundowns overcame a stubborn Sekhukhune United 2-0 on a sunny Saturday afternoon at the Loftus Versfeld Stadium. The victory meant that the hosts extended their winning run to 14 league games as they moved 22 points clear of second place Richards Bay as they look on course to win a sixth title in a row.

Peter Shalulile and Cassius Mailula second-half goals proved to be the difference between the two sides. Despite the defeat, Brandon Truter's men should take pride in the match as they never showed any fear to their opponents and, at times, put them under immense pressure.

Sekhukhune showed their intent as a long ball over the Sundown's backline nearly set Victor Letsoalo through; however, it was cleared by the Brazilians centre-back Brian Onyango in the opening seconds of the match.

After the opening scare, the hosts started to have more of the ball and

Sundowns nearly broke the deadlock when Mkhulise found Neo Maema in plenty of space, but the keeper dealt with his half-volley as he palmed the ball out for a corner. Mkhulise who was involved in most of Sundowns good moments, again found space on the left when he squared it to Sipho Mbule who hit a powerful strike but he failed to hit the target. A brilliant run from Sifiso Ngobeni was spotted and he found the league's top goal scorer Shalulile but the clinical forward could not beat Sangare from close range. Not long after, neat footwork from Maema found Shaluile in the penalty area; however, his header flew well over the bar.

The hosts kept on probing at the stubborn Sekhukhune defence as Mkhulise gave a lovely threaded pass to Sirino, who delivered a powerful cross in the area but once again, Shalulile could not direct the ball on target as they entered the break level.

Sundowns began the second half the better of the sides as they looked to find a way to break through Sekhukhunes' defence.Their efforts were rewarded as Shalulile gave his side the lead in the 49th minute. The industrious Sirino found space at the edge of the area and took a shot at goal, but his shot was intercepted by his teammate as the instinctive Shalulile tapped the ball beyond Sangare to give the hosts a deserving lead.

Babina Noko responded well after going behind as they started to unsettle the Sundowns team. They thought they responded immediately, but Ohizu Chibuike was miles offside. Despite the offside call, the visitors kept up the pressure as substitute Elias Mokwana, who was left unchallenged in the Sundowns area, almost stunned the hosts. However, it was dealt with by Sundowns keeper Denis Onyango.

A few moments of chaos ensured in the 62 minute as Rodrick Kabwe hit a threatening strike which was saved by Onyango and then Sekhukhune thought they finally found the equaliser; however, once again, it was an offside goal leaving their bench furious. Replays show that the decision was correct.

In the 75th minute, Chilean midfielder Marcelo Allende received a deserved red card as he fouled Letsoalo to put his side under pressure and give the away side a chance to equalise or perhaps run away with all three points. Despite being a man down, Mailula scored from close range to put Sekhukhune to bed and extend their lead.

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SA is rolling out booster vaccines to fight Omicron variant

hosts successful Mini Cricket workshop

iLembe Primary Schools had a successful Mini Cricket Workshop on Saturday 28 January 2023. iLembe Primary Schools Mini Cricket, under the leadership of Miss A. Maharaj have a comprehensive calendar planned for 2023 that will see schools and learners participating in coaching and matches every fortnight on Saturdays at KwaDukuza Primary. Schools are encouraged to take part in this programme.

Desigan Pillay President of iLembe Cricket thanked Maharaj and her Mini Cricket Committee for the sterling work they put in as mini cricket is the start of a cricketers development and is important that they prioritise

this so that iLembe have cricketers filtering through to their hubs and eventually the flag ship of the community, the iLembe Premier League team that participates in

Hard fought victory for Cell C Sharks

The Cell C Sharks' 22-19 Vodacom United Rugby Championship victory over Edinburgh on Saturday evening had everything to do with courage, commitment and character and the team will have taken great heart from this performance.

“As a coaching team and management, we are so proud of the boys for the effort, the fight and the character they showed in that match,” Cell C Sharks Director of Rugby Neil Powell admitted after the game.

Forced into a massive defensive effort in a game that went well into extra time with Edinburgh chasing what would have been their only score in the second half, the Cell C Sharks withstood everything thrown at them to hold out for an incredible victory.

“I know it was tough in the last few minutes when they kept Edinburgh out, but they showed a lot of fight throughout the whole 80 minutes.”

After the Harlequins game, Powell had admitted that he had exhorted his players to up the level and they responded to the challenge, completely and with determination and fervour.

“We asked them to be physical and dominant and they were exactly that, for the entire game,” he explained.

“It was a really good start from us, in that first 25-30 minutes we defended well, we retained our structure and we played the game in the right areas of the field. But in the last 10 to 15 minutes of the first half, they played off our mistakes and we allowed the game to get unstructured which suited their way of play.

“That's when they scored those three tries just before half-time.”

When the teams headed for the changerooms, with Edinburgh leading

19-14, Powell explained that the message to the players was clear: to control the game's energy and flow.

“The message at half-time was to force them into our systems and the structure we wanted them to play to and not to get caught up in their style of play and how loose and unstructured they wanted to make the game.

“It was a massive effort, we still had a few opportunities to take the game away from them in the first and then later in the second half, but overall it was a very good win for us.”

With the Vodacom Bulls, DHL Stormers and Emirates Lions all picking up losses this weekend, the Cell C Sharks defeating Edinburgh who had been lying above them on the log but who they've now leap-frogged, and Benetton also suffering a defeat, and with the Cell C Sharks still to play two games they have in hand, the log table is looking decidedly tight at this stage of the tournament.

“We will definitely take a lot of confidence and momentum out of this one,” said Powell. “We'll enjoy the win before returning to South Africa to start our preparations for the Stormers' game at Hollywoodbets Kings Park this weekend. We know we have to refocus and prepare well for that game.

“Everyone is committed and knows where we want to go this season and that commitment was shown on the field [against Edinburgh], especially on defence.

“We're just so, so, so proud of the boys for what they showed out there and this is the standard we want shown from the Cell C Sharks in how we play and how we pitch up for every single game.

“A great effort, great character and great fight.”

KwaDukuza Athletic Club (KDAC) held their Annual General Meeting at Shakaland Technical College on 28 January 2023 that commenced at 16h00. KDAC engaged the services of Dasrath Harilal as the electoral officer.

A new Executive Committee for the 2023 Athletic year was formed, comprising of Yathin Narothum (President and Membership Secretary); Patrick Mdlaka (Vice President); Shakaar Gungapursad

(Race/Events Organiser); Ashnee Naidoo (Secretary); Yulesha Devnarain (Public Relations Officer); Sabena Ishwarlal (Records Clerk); Miriam Hoosan (Road Captain) and Shireen Sewmungal (Treasurer).

Membership is currently open, and the community is welcome to contact Yathin Narothum (Lighty Barber) on 0837893476 for KDAC membership forms.

February 1, 2023 PAGE 20 XPress iLembe
Participants at the Mini Cricket workshop
Valid from 01/02/2023 to 05/02/2023 E&OE while stocks last Offers for Ballito, Moffat Drive Tel: 032 - 586 0230/1/2/3 63 Balcomb Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 551 4161 62 Main Street, Gingindlovu Tel: 060 676 1124 Three Ships Select 750ml Bells 750ml Johnnie Walker Red 750ml Castle Lite 500ml R294.99 Smirnoff Vodka 750ml R144.99 R157.99 R199.99 R239.99 gas Bringing Power to the People Your One Stop Domestic & Commercial LPG Specialist on the North Coast. FREE Deliveries between Mandini & Ballito .co.za www. gas 7 Haysom Road Stanger, KwaDukuza 032 551 2055 www.simsgas.co.za Terms & conditions apply. CASH ONLY. E&OE. We reserve the right to limit quantities ACCEPTED ATM INSTORE lt R21.56 ADVANCED ENGINES NEED DIESEL ADVANCED with withTECHRON TECHRON 50 ADVANCED withTECHRON 50 ADVANCED ENGINES NEED Save up to R1.00 per litre.
Standing (Left to Right): Shakaar Gungapursad, Ashnee Naidoo, Yulesha Devnarain, Sabena Ishwarlal, Miriam Hoosen. Seated (Left to Right): Yathin the prestigious KwaZulu Natal Premier League. A calendar of dates for Mini Cricket coaching and matches will be sent to schools.

Proteas skipper Temba Bavuma said he needed to be brave as he fought mentally and physically for his third ODI century against England in Bloemfontein on Sunday. Bavuma notched up a superb century to steer the Proteas to a fivewicket win to seal the three-match series 2-0 against England with one to play.

Chasing 343 for victory, Bavuma shared a 77-run opening stand with Quinton de Kock (31) and a 97-run partnership with Rassie van der Dussen (38). Bavuma, who was battling severe cramps during his innings, went on to score 109 off 102 balls (hitting 14 fours and a six) before Sam Curran bowled him.

The Proteas white-ball skipper had been

under-fire after his sub-par performances over the summer and his subsequent snub from the SA20. Before the second ODI at Mangaung Oval, Bavuma had gone 33 innings without a hundred to his name across all formats. Bavuma admits that he could not have gotten over the triplefigure if he had not spoken to Proteas current ODI caretaker coach Shukri Conrad.

The Proteas have already taken an unassailable 2-0 lead in three-match ODI series against the reigning World Cup champions.

The final ODI starts at 13:00 today (Wednesday)

Novak Djokovic reclaims top spot

Novak Djokovic reclaimed top spot in the ATP rankings released on Monday after winning his 22nd Grand Slam title at the Australian Open. The 35-year-old Serbian rose four places to dislodge Spain's Carlos Alcaraz, who missed the tournament through injury and dropped to second. Djokovic's 10th Australian Open title means he is world number one for the 374th week since July 2011.

Greece's Stefanos Tsitsipas, who lost to Djokovic in straight sets in Sunday's final in Melbourne, overtook

Norwegian Casper Ruud in third place, matching a careerbest ranking he first achieved in August 2021. Andrey Rublev of Russia, dominated by Djokovic in the quarter-finals, climbed to a career-best position of fifth.

The shock elimination of Djokovic's long-time rival Rafael Nadal in the second round saw the Spaniard drop four places to sixth. Karen Khachanov's run to the semifinals in Melbourne propelled the Russian up seven places to 13th.

Tommy Paul of the United

States, who also reached the final four, broke into the top 20 for the first time as he soared up the rankings by 16 places to 19th.

Meanwhile on the women's side, Australian Open champion Aryna Sabalenka climbed to second in the new WTA rankings released on Monday after claiming her first Grand Slam title as Poland's Iga Swiatek retained top spot.

The Belarusian advanced three places to reach her highest ranking since August 2021 at the expense of Tunisia's Ons Jabeur who slips to third.

Jessica Pegula of the United States fell one place to fourth and France's Caroline Garcia dropped to fifth. Elena Rybakina, who lost out to Sabalenka over three sets in Saturday's final in Melbourne, climbed 15 places to a careerbest ranking of 10th.

The Kazakh received no rankings points for winning Wimbledon last year following the All England Club's decision to ban players from Russia and Belarus because of the invasion of Ukraine.

Former world number one Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic returned to the top 20 as she leaped 11 places to 20th.

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Temba Bavuma notches a superb century to gear Proteas to victory
Novak Djokovic world's number one

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