Support my trip to Peru

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Support My Trip To Peru




Programma ●


Peru is het land met de langste golf en toch vrij onbekend als surfland. In hun zoektocht naar een partner die hun surftoerisme een duwtje in de rug kan geven kwam Marcelo Morales van X-treme Sports Peru terecht bij O'Neill Belgium. O'Neill kwam met het idee 10 Belgische en 2 Nederlandse O'Neill riders uit te nodigen op surftrip naar Peru. Ze zullen bijgestaan worden door Alexander De Bruycker die naast surfteammanager ook cameraman is. Swell Magazine zal instaan voor het redactionele gedeelte en de pro pics. Ze zullen er een roadtrip van maken en de verschillende Peruaanse surfspots verkennen waarbij ze clinics zullen krijgen van lokale toppers. De filmmontage van de volledige trip zal op 10.000 dvd's, internet en op TV verschijnen en heel wat print perscoverage krijgen. Onze manier om Peru als toeristische surflocatie in de kijker te plaatsen. •Educatief aspect De O'Neill riders krijgen deze reis niet in de schoot geworpen. Ze moeten via creatieve invullingen (feestjes, auto's wassen, verkoop van O'Neill tools die ze gratis ontvangen, donaties via facebook, ...) een bedrag van 1.500 euro pp verzamelen. Op deze manier deelt O'Neill in de vorming van z'n riders zodat ze allemaal assertiever en communicatiever worden. Als ze echt iets willen moeten ze er iets voor doen ... dat is in "the real world" dagelijkse kost. Om een extra ondersteuning te geven in hun verkoop start O'Neill een online portal zodat ze ook online actief campagne kunnen voeren. (1 de 2)15-10-2009 13:27:18

Support My Trip To Peru




Programma ●


Ligging Peru ligt in Zuid-Amerika op het zuidelijk halfrond. Het grenst aan Ecuador, Colombia, Brazilië, Bolivia en Chili. Klimaat Peru heeft niet één maar meerdere klimaten. In het westen heerst een woestijnklimaat en in het oosten een tropisch regenwoudklimaat. In Lima is de gemiddelde temperatuur in de zomer 24°C en in de winter 17°C. De regentijd duurt van oktober tot april. Oppervlakte 1.285.216 km². Dit is 42 maal zo groot als België. Hoofdstad Lima Surf Rondom Lima vind je de vermaarde surfgebieden Cerro Azul en Punta Hermosa. Ook het gebied ten noorden van de hoofdstad is wereldberoemd. Máncora biedt de grootste linkshandige point break ter wereld, Chicama de langste linkshandige golf met een onwaarschijnlijk lengte van 4 kilometer en (1 de 3)15-10-2009 13:32:25

Support My Trip To Peru

Pico Alto de hoogste surfgolven van Zuid-Amerika (4 meter). Weetjes 500 jaar geleden vormde Peru het centrum van het machtige Inca-rijk. De hoofdstad van dat bloeiende rijk was Cuzco dat letterlijk de Navel betekent. Indrukwekkende bouwwerken herinneren nog aan die vervlogen tijden. In het zuiden van Peru ligt tussen de twee hoofdketens van de Andes een uitgestrekte hoogvlakte, de Altiplano. Dit gebied kent een zeer aangenaam klimaat en daarom is het al sinds de tijden van de Inca's een zeer dichtbevolkt gebied. Hier ligt ook het Titicacameer, heet hoogstgelegen bevaarbare meer ter wereld. In Peru komen geregeld zware aardbevingen voor. In 1970 vernietigde een aardbeving de stad Yungay. Hierbij kwamen 50.000 mensen om het leven.





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. Delphine Vanoverbeke 1. Alexander De Bruycker (film) 2. Martine Geijsels 2. Jan Bijl (reporter en Grommet foto) 1. Keith Marcantuoni

Niels Musschoot Mathias Vanoverbeke Axel Vermeulen Matt Marcantuoni Jordy defraye Sebastian Brugmans Pascal Van der Mast (2 de 3)15-10-2009 13:32:25


Support My Trip To Peru


Website by Niels Musschoot Rider Login (3 de 3)15-10-2009 13:32:25

Support My Trip To Peru




Programma ●


Surfing in the land of the longest wave in the world Chicama. Design by: X-treme magazine Peru Peru has been called the most consistent locations on the planet. The surf breaks year round and with over 1400 miles of coastline every type of wave can be encountered. The points, reefs and beach breaks receive their swells from storms in the roaring 40's and also from major storms in the North Pacific. Typically in the summer the surf averages 4 to 10 feet with some days easily reaching 20 feet. In the winter the surf averages 8 to 15 feet with days in the 20-foot plus size very common. Peru has an extremely large swell window and it can receive swells from the South, Southwest, West and Northwest. Punta Hermosa, just South of Lima is considered Peru's big wave location. This area of headlands, reefs and coves tends to focus the swell energy creating ideal surfing conditions. The largest wave in South America, Pico Alto is located here. Wind conditions in Peru are often very light and this in turn creates glassy waves year round. Because most of the surf spots in Punta Hermosa are reef point breaks, paddling out when it's big is not a problem, always dry hair. Water temperatures are comfortable. In the summer you can wear just trunks or a spring suit. In the winter either a spring or full suit depending on conditions. (1 de 4)16-10-2009 16:27:11

Support My Trip To Peru

Day 1 Belgium -Lima – Punta Hermosa Arrive in Lima Airport and transfer to Surfcamp in Punta Hermosa distance from Lima 45kms. diferent beaches for surfing such as: Senoritas, Caballeros and La Isla. The surfcamp is located in Caballeros beach, in the upper part of the “Bahia” front of the beach short walking to beach 5 minutes for swimming water. Meeting with guides for explain all the important things about the Surftrip to the group. Night barbecue and welcome party. Day 2 Punta Hermosa Early surf session, we will choose the best pic Senoritas and caballeros are in the same beach so choice is up to condition of swell and preferences for each surfer, left or wright. Lunch will be served in front of sea made from fresh morning fish lunch will consist in soup, main dish and one bottle of beer or cola. Afternoon after a rest time for a second session we can try a new beach or repeat performance. Day 3 Punta Hermosa Same program Day 4 Punta Hermosa Same program, from day 2 to day 5 we can organize a night out for a party session in Lima by bus and return to Punta Hermosa or saty in Lima lodge for take the next morning the bus to Mancora. Day 5 Punta Hermosa Surfing program Day 6 Punta hermosa to lima for our bus ride to Mancora. Cruz del sur VIP 9 seats first floor, the rest going 2 level, seats are just the same ok and good, this is the best service in Peru for travelling. Distance to Mancora = 1164 kms from lima is 18 hours driving to the north shore, just border to equator buses leave at 3pm one a day and drop you off in the front of the beach warmy 26° Day 7 Mancora Arrive in 10am transfer to hotel and begin surfing depending conditions and individual preferences and skills. We can surf all day here and move to hotel accommodation in front of the beach surfspot. Hotel Sol y Mar. Day 08 Mancora-Lobitos Depending on conditions surfing early and after lunch or before drive to LOBITOS here are many (2 de 4)16-10-2009 16:27:11

Support My Trip To Peru

points for surf is more desolated area with just some local people and now with some surf hotels working but this is not a crowded spot, no people best for training no pressure for waves sandy beach and nice landscape. Day 09 Lobitos: This beach offers 3 different spots for surfing so it is very consistent in june, this month is ok for swells. From here is close to other famous breakpoints as Organos, Piscinas and the most famous Cabo Blanco located in a fisherman village. But Lobitos is the place to stay around and surf. Day 10 Lobitos- Trujillo Huanchaco Bus leaves early in the morning to Trujillo first and then a transfer to huanchaco harbour 40 minutes from city, bus takes 8 hours from Lobitos, in case we get a nice proposal for a van for the group we can take a private van. But buses have night VIP service and offering beds-seats really a confortable journey. Today is for surfing and meeting the small village of Huanchaco. Day 11 Huanchaco full day surfing All day surfing at this beach, 3 different spots can work, this place is known because the early preInca culture Mochica was the first using a kind of surfboard but for fishing purposes but also they surf waves, this kind of boat is called Caballito de Totora has a surfboard shape made form Totora which is a plant that can float similar to sugar cane. This kind of fishing is still used by local and is worldwide famous recognized as a tradition for fishing only in Peru. Today we can try the caballito surfing with the local fishermen it will be fun for everybody. Day 12 Chicama full day surfing Departure for Chicama Point, 40 kms, the longest left wave from the world almost 2 kms long, when the best conditions are. We get in the hotel and rady for SURFING full day the environment is incredible nice but after riding a wave sometimes the best is go out of the water to walk back to the point there are strong currents and water is cold. Minimun 2-3 wetsuits long, boats and high factor sun cream and after sun. Day 13 Chicama –Trujillo – Lima Morning surfing day and transfer to Trujillo airport to Lima arrive after 1.30 hours to Lima international airport, stay there for connection for Belgium. Day 14 Lima Morning surfing day and transfer to Trujillo airport to take the flight to Lima arrive after 1.30 hours to Lima international airport, stay there for connection for Belgium. End of program. (3 de 4)16-10-2009 16:27:11

Support My Trip To Peru





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. Delphine Vanoverbeke 1. Alexander De Bruycker (film) 2. Martine Geijsels 2. Jan Bijl (reporter en Grommet foto) 1. Keith Marcantuoni

Niels Musschoot Mathias Vanoverbeke Axel Vermeulen Matt Marcantuoni Jordy defraye Sebastian Brugmans Pascal Van der Mast



Website by Niels Musschoot Rider Login (4 de 4)16-10-2009 16:27:11

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