New Releases
Updates and new releases from the Xero App Marketplace AccountancyManager
Bulk SMS - Keep your clients up to date by sending SMS messages in bulk. It’s quick and simple, and you can filter your list to target specific clients.
The new COVID feature on the Tenant app notifies the respective Property Managers if a Tenant updates their COVID profile. This enables the Property Manager to take into account any circumstances which may impact property visits, scheduled viewings, and any contractor work required.
Risk assessment form - We’ve revised our risk assessment form - interrogated by former HMRC AML investigator, John Groves, to help guide you when creating risk assessments. AppogeeHR We have been busy working on advancing our performance management to allow you to manage the whole end to end process in Appogee HR with 360 feedback, templates and workflows. Company Documents has also seen some large updates to allow you to better manage acknowledgments, compliance and version tracking. We have also enhanced the Xero Payroll integration to include functions such as bank details sync. ApprovalMax ApprovalMax now supports two-factor authentication: if you are using ApprovalMax login and password pair to login you can now enforce the security by enabling two-factor authentication (one-time based passwords or additional email codes). It can be enabled via the My Profile section (once the beta feature is enabled). If you are interested in enabling this beta feature for your ApprovalMax Organisation, please contact ApprovalMax via beta-support@
Compleat Our latest releases further deliver automation capabilities with our new auto-approval event. Automatically approve, and post to Xero, bills that are fully matched to a purchase order. We are rolling out our goods receipting function to record delivery and enable 3-way matching of bills. If you buy from Amazon Business you must check out our unique integration to bring all the benefits of our automation to your purchases from Amazon. Emersion Emersion is a business and billing automation platform for MSPs and Telcos. We have recently added a suite of new payment integrations to our platform including Westpac Australia, Westpac New Zealand and Merchant Warrior. These complement the existing suite of 20+ payment gateway integrations available in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore including Stripe, ANZ, Ezidebit and more. G-Accon Recently we introduced the features that G-Accon’s users were impatiently waiting: 1. Aged Receivables and Payables Reports in a Customer’s Currency. G-Accon users have the ability to
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download bills and invoices in a customer’s currency. 2. Automatic Workflows is a powerful tool that allows users to create different workflows, include specific templates, set up different schedules for various workflows, and notify the team and clients using different automatic notifications within the same spreadsheet. 3. The Tracking Summary Report generates a list of your tracking options to show activity in a particular group of accounts for a specific time period. 4. OAuth 2.0 is the industrystandard protocol for authorization. 5. Switch Xero Organizations. Switch the Organisation allows you to select the desired organization in order to set up new templates, generate reports and automate the refresh processes.
New feature shout-out Are you a Xeroconnected App? Got a new feature or update you’d like to share with the Xero User community? Email alex@
HR Partner Free Performance Review Templates! To help businesses with employee management, HR Partner has put together a set of performance review templates - available both as online forms within their employee management software, and also as downloadable Word templates. infoodle The charity sector is a diverse market with very different needs. We have incorporated additional customisations to satisfy these varied requirements – page layouts, new methods to connect contacts, new types of data that can be captured. Registration forms have been enhanced to include the ability to capture documents. Infoodle has also been extended to cater for COVID requirements Follow us on Twitter: @xumagazine
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