(in)tangible views

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(in)tangible views experience between illusion and reality DALE NKD VILLE FAGERHEIM programatic exposĂŠ XIAOYU XU BAS master course spring

This booklet is a fundamental scheme of the proposal for dale villa fagerheim, including the themes, intention and the strategy. It is a summary of work in progress, with a focus on both the personal interest and the potential of the villa. Based on the materials from on-site registration (resulting in the previous booklet unfreeze-an obscure reality), the theme is discussed through conceptual words and relevant references. Sketches, diagrams and models of different purposes play a crucial part in clarifying the intention and the strategy.

In my memory,Dale and the villa is covered with snow. My feet were always cold,no matter inside the villa or outside. Everything was still.And empty. So many rooms and doors, I was confused. But look outside the windows,the fantastic views towards the norwegian landscape. The fjord,the village. Strange how they are framed in the rooms. The space felt different day to day. Cloudy, sunny, snowing, not snowing. It turned out the villa was actually alive. The views made it alive. So I wanted to touch the views. I walked closer. Yet the closer I was, the farer it seemed. It could double. Transform, or overlap. And that's where I started with, the intangible views.

[ view ] stable / dynamic/ unreal


[ frame ] direction/ shape/ dimension/ material


[ time ] simultaneous/ delayed/ reversed

[ view ] “the ability to see sth or to be seen from a p a r t i c u l a r p l a c e e s p . fi n e n a t u r a l s c e n e r y . “ - - O x f o r d A d va n c e d L e a r n e r D i c t i o n a r y

stable /dynamic/unreal

Woods in Snow, Fan Kuan, Northern Song

Fra Hadanger, Hans Gude, 1847

chinese traditional landscape paintings tend to look from a faraway viewpoint, combining of a flat view and a birdview from top bo bottom. this view point is usually configured out of the painter's imagination based on real sceneries. the Norwegian romantic painting of the fjord depicts a picture from a viewpoint on the ground, showing a real perspective with a depth of the distant mountains and sky. in a way, a landscape painting is a tangible view.

[ frame ] “a border of wood,metal,etc in which a picture,door,piece of glass,etc is enclosed or 3 set.� - - O x f o r d A d va n c e d L e a r n e r D i c t i o n a r y


balcony of Ca' d'Oro, Venice

trompe-l'oeil (French for deceive the

eye), is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that depicted objects exist in three dimensions.

a frame can be any shape. rectangular, square, or fitted in archs, which can be beautiful itself in the case of the Italian balconies such as in Ca'd'Oro. a frame is real, but the view enclosured by the frame is distant and intangible. unlike in Trompe L'oeil paintings, the things inside a framed view is what they are. the reality is difined by the movement of the observer. when one moves, the picture within the frame changes.

[ time ]

“ T h e i n d e fi n i t e c o n t i n u e d p r o g r e s s o f e x i s t e n c e and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. “ - - O x f o r d A d va n c e d L e a r n e r D i c t i o n a r y


the series of views of Rouen Cathedral painted by Claude Monet between 1892 and 1894 The series -consisting of 31 canvases showing the facade of the Gothic Rouen Cathedral under different conditions of light and weather The representation of a same pictorial object at different moments with the aim of observing the changes caused by the natural light used an extremely nearby point of view, in such way that the architecture, due to the almost complete absence of perspective, loses its grandeur the power of the painting to represent the dynamic quality of the light and the atmosphere, capable of giving life to something as stony and inanimate as the imposing facade of the Gothic Cathedral.




views from the villa towards north, west and east.

north - flat view of the winding fjord with a bridge across the throat of the water. - birdview of part of the village in the near. west: - flat view of the stretching fjellet - birdview of the village south: - flatview of some trees and the nearer mountain - birdview of the valley

n2 n1











s5 s6


in the case of the villa, the frames are mainly window frames.





classification of the windows top: by 4 sides bottom: by size and shape

light windows for

air view ....







the large window on the 'n2' wall, before and after snow. it was interesting and peaceful just to stand in front of this window and watch the wind blowing the snow. in a sunny day, one may observe birds coming to the tree. a square frame gives a still focus.

view - space - light livingroom facing west, before and after snow

a view projects light like a screen at the short side of the livingroom.

'outlook' and 'inlook'

while it is nice to look outward at a spectacular landscape, looking inward can also be interesting. light will decide whether one gets a reflection of the spectator.

The building is a box with frames. The frame of views change with the location of the viewpoint. As the observer gets closer to the window, the frame gets bigger and less perceivable, allowing one's eyes to move more freely into different directions.

change of light in one day in January 2014. entrance hall

Overlapping of pictures on the left. Bright and dark. A type of blur. Simultanity. the speed of time can be manipulated by natural light or artificial lights.


2:00 4:00

lights in space has its direction, strength, sharpness, and color. they are changing every second. this characteristic can be used as a way of cheating the eye about time.


Mirroring effects. Illusions. Trompe l’oreil.

tryouts for new spaces with the existing views. platform, tube space, screen, skylight, screen, bupboard... still, rotating, zooming, folding...

group work model 1:25 this will be useful to test out spacial effects. walls and floors can be taken apart.

hypothesis of the smoke space smoke can move freely in the chimney. what about eyesight?

control both doors and windows to create interesting connection and interaction. floors may be cut in order to create vertical spaces.

Windows (and doors) will be more than one layer. They are transmition between inside and outside, as filters which have more thickness. new windows must have better performance in U value, regarding a sustainability point of view. materials and their combination will be studied.

the villa will be transformed into a sightseeing point for the public. the roof will be replaced by a platform which invites people to come and enjoy the panorama views. in order to achieve this, a route from the village may be designed as an interesting hiking route. this will also be sustainable by reducing CO2 emission of transportation.


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