open up xiaoyu xu recent works Master student, Bergen School of Architecture Exchange student at KU Leuven Architecture international master (Sint-Lucas)
Female Birth: Nov. 3rd , 1989 in Tianjin, China Current address:Fantoft student boliger 5075 Bergen,Norway Cell-phone: +47 45113710
EDUCATION 09.2014~01.2015 KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture 08.2013~ Bergen School of Architecture(BAS), Norway Master student (ongoing)
09.2008 ~06.2013 B.Arch Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE . 11.2012~01.2013 Intern architect at Chinese Academy of Building Research,Beijing Designer of a campus dormitory zone, designer of interior of a wine cellar
Intern architect at PAO/PIDO (Peoples Architecture Office),Beijing
Historic Building Survey of Shuanggui Temple, Tongliang, Chongqing
Design, contact material supplier, organize construction for Get it Louder Exhibition Measuring and drawing of Zangjing Hall
Chongqing Architecture Magazine, 2013.1st issue (ISSN 1671-9107) Paper: Characteristic Analysis on Shop-House Combination of Liu’s Compound in Longxing, an Ancient Town of Chongqing 1671-9107(2013)01-0016-04
SKILLS Native speaker of Mandarin, fluent in English CET 4(614)
Proficiency in design software: SketchUp, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and - Microsoft Office Suite
ACTIVITIES 08.2014 03.2014 2009~2013
Seller and waitress at Fjeskal fish market, Bergen Volunteer at Borealis Bergen Music Festival Member of FAUP chorus team participating in more than 5 shows in the faculty
Host, editor and director at Voice of Chongqing University Broadcast Station In charge of one bilingual program, joining more than 4 programs
COVER PHOTO model collage, Dale course, 2 n d s e m e s t e r, B A S
china 2009~2013
M u lt i - H a l l C i n e m a t u n n e l m a ch i n e 2012
n o r w ay 2013-2015
complex contextsupport tempelhof 2013
Belgium 2014-2015 t w o - fa m i ly h o u s e pat h t o t h e pa r k 2015
multi-hall cinema
tunnel machine Individual Duration: 2nd Semsester 4th year bachelor Location: Sanxia Plaza, Chongqing, China Movies are different from reality in that it is 2d projection of 4d life, yet endeavors to give the audience a feeling of reality. Some films have gone beyond everydaylife so that the distance from the lobby to the film hall seem ages. My idea is to make this transition smoothier, or , to create a blur, virtual, a bit mysterious public space that can connect the dull reality with the exciting virtual film experience.
pedistrian shopping center
conceptual model
6 cinema halls in total are arran which is a covered public space of public or communal activi spaces. The umbrella-like structure of the steel truss + concrete slab s as a transition space before acce
nged alongside the atrium e. This space is the machine ities as well as transport
the shield is connected to structure. The shield serves ess. rendering of the atrium
first floor plan
skin connected to the structural beam
section of volumn A
complex context
support tempelhof Group work, partners: Simeon kirkegaard, Barbora Perichta Duration: 2013.8~2013.12 Location: Tempelhof,Berlin Complex Context Master Course 2013, BAS
The aim of the course was to make architectural interventions in a selfchosen site in berlin with concern to the complex context. We chose the disused airport tempelhof, which has turned into a park when we went there. The unique quality of infinity of the field, the lack of basic facilities, as well as its overlapping historical layers, were the crucial concerns in the course of design. We decided to make very light interventions in order to keep the infinite quality, and to support the park by opening up the boundaries to the public, and adding an efficient system of facilities.
grid systems
Inside the field, small structures we call 'stations' are distributed in a system related to the walking distance. There are 3 types of stations supporting various levels of basic needs, enabling a reference of distance, a sense of scale and orientation. By setting up rigid grids, the field is given a new order, b u t w h e n t h e y a re c o m b i n e d , they seem random. At night they become lights of three different colors.
wind The vertical axis wind turbines generate electricity and send it to the utility grid in Berlin, servicing the other yellow stations.
The larger water station provide wind shed, tap water , toilet and shower. vertical plastic stripes are easily seen with blue and white color.
Larger garbage bins with a concrete surface. The white and red colors are common in airport constructions since they are easily recognized in the green field..
The spiral wall create transition from public space to more private need, while the sense of openness is still indicated, the curtain for example.
Another garbage 300 meters away!
The form of the bike standers comes from elevated approach lights in the airport. These lights also glow in the dark.
Small and good-looking, Vertical axis wind turbines line up like elevated approach lights, providing space for sitting and electricity based activities.
I’m thirsty, is there some water?
All the stations are designed highly accesible for handicaped people, as well as people on other kind of wheels.
The stations have different sizes and forms to be flexible to fit the specific condition. But in general we keep the size within human scale, to achieve a sense of intimacy for people in the vast land who looking for a shelter or toilet.
wi nd
Yellow trianles are wind sheds and electricity stations!
Some grid point are located on the runway, which then turn into painted ground signs, leading to the station near the road.
The form of the bike standers comes from elevated approach lights in the airport. These lights also glow in the dark.
two-family house
path to the park individual work Duration: 2014.9~2015.1 Location: Wilrijk, Antwerp Part of a bigger project about sustainable densification of the area, KU Leuven
This task was intended as a small scale intervention of 'Designing future proof neighbourhoods for the 20th Century Belt of Antwerp'. The course deals with urban densification in a sustainable way within the Flemish context. Through our experience on site, lack of connection between the urban spaces makes it hard to identify and orientate, green spaces are trapped by privated occupations. There is an urgency to open up the long block and make public greenary more accessible. The project is an experiment to test out small scale densification which bring about urban effects.
Communication is enlarged between the house and the passersby, and between the two families. From the street, passers see a small path, and a small courtyard hidden behind the low wall at the entrance. The two families share the entrance and the courtyard, using seperate staircases seperated by a common wall. Each floor they each take one side.
ground floor plan
257m long facade
top: seen from the back side bottom: model with the south wall removed
other works pocket model- vill a dale villa Dale course 2nd semester, master, BAS issuu link:
ch i l d h o o d s pa c e s booklet of drawings about childhood spaces 2nd semester, master, BAS issuu link:
W i n d S t u d y M o d e l s , N o. 2
green re-public residential complex
(using salt and hairdryer)
Sustainable densification of 20C belt Antwerp
Tempelhof course, 1st semester,BAS
1st semester, master, KU Leuven (Sint.Lucas)
c o l l a g e o f s to r a g e r o o m f lo o r
teahouses traditional folk building design
Villa Dale Course 2nd semester, master, BAS issuu link:
4th year Bachelor,2012
G e t I t Lo u d e r E x h i b i t i o n internship project,group work Beijing,2012 People's Architecture Office
f i s h ya r d r e v i va l urban design in an old fishtown
4th year Bachelor,2012
w i n d va l l e y high-rise design
4th year Bachelor,2012
s k e tc h e s m a d e d u r i n g a t r i p to I t a l y.
02.2015 gent