issue n.1
Iggy VS Azealia Missy Elliott M.I.A Angel Haze Awkwafina ...
k.f lay
azealia banks
Femininity in Rap Music& Sexual speech
Filthy Mouth
11 angel haze Dirty Gold- Review
no.1 spots
Iggy azealia
Theee satisfaction
Gets Behind the Weel
January 2014
The New Girl in Town
on the steert
Is a Genious
4 Up&Coming Artist
Minority Report
missy elliott
the beef ה יוצאת להגן על זוכת של.י.מ נשות ערב עסאודית לנהוג
Is Back!
This issue’s playlist:
ap is a genre of music which may be seen as a cultural vehicle for the self expression and social reflection of the urban community. It reflects the African-American tradition of story-telling. Rap music, in fact, is part of a larger movement called hip-hop, which expresses the grim realities of contemporary urban life. It is interesting to know that, although women have always played a role in the construction of rap music, it is a predominantly maledominated genre. Women’s roles in rap music usually placed them out of the spotlight as back up singers or dancers. It was not until the past ten years that female rappers have made their mark and gained considerable recognition and respect as artists and lyricists in the field. The power of the lyrics heard in female rap music is derived from the genre of women›s blues. Musicologists, like Hazel Carby have shown that in women’s blues, African-American women used themselves as sexual subjects through song, as a means of empowerment. The lyrics of many early female blues
songs subverted the fact that female sexuality was only the object of the male desire. Instead, female sexuality was used to serve other females with a positive and empowered image of themselves, lending to the ability of other women to relate. These women sang of the satisfaction that accompanies the rejection of female subordination and sexual exploitation. Female rap groups follow their predecessors with the use of powerful lyrics in order to dispute traditional gender roles prevalent in our society. This style of music has brought together some of the same politics and ideals as women’s blues, adding to its agenda explicit rather than implied sexuality. Female rap music focuses on promoting women’s importance, which in turn, demands equal treatment for women, and demonstrates the need for women to support eachother. Popular female rappers like Salt-NPeppa and Monie Love use explicit sexual speech to turn the tables on the men and let the women be the
dominant ones. For example, Salt-N-Peppa’s 1993 hit single ”Shoop”, broke the boundaries of female inhibitions, disputing the myth that women should not and do not discuss their sexual desires of men. The music video for “Shoop” features men in sexy, slightly objectified roles, and camera shots which do not pan to the face before or after a sexy body shot. The word “shoop” is a euphemism for the act of sexual intercourse. “I wanna Shoop” intends to relay a strong sense of sexuality absent of the traditional inhibitions placed on women. The use of erotic imagery portrays women’s physical lust as being not only acceptable but enjoyable. The power of these lyrics serves to boost women’s self esteem, also eradicating the stereotypical attitude that women need to be sexually submissive. In Monie Love’s song, “Wheel of Fortune”, she expresses the feeling of intolerance toward male sexual aggression, domestic violence, and female oppression. The song takes us through a personal description of Love’s relations with
men that have tried to dominate her through sex, violence, and empowerment. She rejects theses men, but keeps trying as she takes another spin of the wheel, concluding that “To find the perfect lover, you need a wheel of fortune.” Both Salt-N-Pepa and Monie Love offer alternative positive images of women that contradict stereotypical images inflicted on African American women. Through the use of powerful lyrics, these artists use language and images which allow women to lessen their sexual insecurities and inhibitions. Following their predecessors of women’s blues, female rappers have released their desires instead of repressing them, denying themselves to be victimized. Through the use of lyrics and style, female rap musicians have given all women, especially African-American women, a strong sense of self identity and empowerment.
Anne O’Connell
Issue no.1 Editor in Chief Yaara Laquisha
Graphic Designer Yaara Bar
Art Director Eva Munz
Lior Yaakov David Reed Clyde Barretto Alexis Petridis Nica Scheidemandel Clark Parkin
Photographs by You Tube
a.b.c Jerusalem
“Hip-hop to me is an incredible medium to comunicate truth, knowlege and poetry in a raw and beautiful way� Kara, age 19, student at NYU University
Audra The Rapper - ‘Coo Coo’
Mantangi-M.I.A drops a new cd, and hed us all talking about her music dideo “Bad Girls”
Matangi, the title of your new album, is your namesake and also a Hindu goddess of music and learning. What have you learned over the years that you’ve applied here?
wrote three albums and then everybody was like, Ok, that’s the cutoff point. That’s the trilogy. I thought that too: That’s it, I had a three album deal with XL I done it, see you later. At that time, it was interesting to come back and find a whole new meaning in what I’d already written. Arular was representative of my dad and really direct, the style is just, Dance. The second album [Kala] was my most creatively don’t-give-a-fuck album. I was in hotel rooms and made music with people I bumped into. It was about the act of being creative with nothing, and that’s why it was my mum, because that’s what my mum taught me: survival through creativity, not having shit and making it on the fly. By the time I got to making /\/\/\Y/\, which was supposed to represent me, I was really confused about the future. I’d become so many things: I was engaged and I was a mum and I was a success, which I wasn’t used to. My family was banned from America, so I couldn’t have any any help in the first year of my baby’s life. At the same time, the financial crash happened, everybody was monetizing their business for the new era. The concept of the future was really weird: Hey, look at us, we’re so evolved, because we’ve got smartphone. But what we did with the smartphone wasn’t interesting to me.
recontextualizing it in my brain for the next 30 years of my life. So if Matangi was the last record that I made, then I’d be happy with it. I lived and connected the dots then got to this place, and whatever happens in this bit, it just is what it is. On her old hit, “Bad Girls,” it was clear she was having some fun celebrating herself rather than shouting back at haters, and that easily translated to her bold drive for social justice. Without directly referring to a cause besides her personal embodiment of sexual empowerment and feminism, “Bad Girls” is an effective and sincere call for equal rights. She demonstrated this in the music video, which speaks to the ban of women drivers in Saudi Arabia.
Women2Drive Campaign In May 2010, a Saudi woman got behind the wheel of her car and put the video of her driving up on YouTube. The activist, Manal al-Sharif, was arrested, released 10 days later, and then started the #Women2Drive campaign that captured international attention. On Saturday (Feb. 4), still without a driver’s license, al-Sharif and another female activist told AFP
they had filed suit against the Saudi government for banning them from driving. If her video released one day earlier is any indication, M.I.A. is up for more than just honking her horn in support. The clip--filmed in Morocco--depicts women in Arab garb getting behind the wheel, performing stunts (also known as hagwala, a wild form drifting popular among Saudi men) in luxury cars, and holding machine guns almost half their size as men look on. Its message is similar to that of Beyonce’s “Run The World (Girls)” in many ways: women can and will sit in the driver’s seat of society. However, in true M.I.A. fashion, she goes straight for the jugular. She wants the world to know exactly what the problem is and who is causing it. In “Bad Girls,” she delivers not only a stunning visual that Kanye West and Rihanna can get behind, but a video with a message sure to strike a chord in everyone--good or bad. The video won Best Direction, and Best Cinematography at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards. It was also nominated for Video of the Year.
David Reed
In Hinduism, the concept of Maya is about illusion: separating truth from lies. There are people that can tell what’s what, people that can overcome lies; there are people that don’t get it. Maya works like a tunnel, not a destination. All the images associated with that album were like a tunnel. The thing you get to after the tunnel, that’s what Matangi was to me. A space to bring all the discussions I started with the last three albums and park them. /\/\/\Y/\’s driving through the corridor; Matangi is the parking place. It was about taking everything first 30-something years and put it into a different frame,
Awkwafina is a genius Name: Awkwafina (Nora Lum) Hometown: Queens, New York I grew up listening to: Ace Of Base, Necro, Brian Eno and A Tribe Called Quest. Most people don’t know: I was physically addicted to Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland for PS2. My style’s been compared to: Daria and Christopher Walken. My standout records and/or moments to date have been: The moment Asa Akira tweeted a picture of her listening to “My Vag” in her car. My goal in hip-hop is: To allow for other young women to say it’s okay to do you. I’m gonna be the next: Swagged-out Teletubby. To check out more of my music go to: Awkwafina.com.
A t the young age of 24, the artist produces her own music
and lyrics. Highlighted in the profile was the music video for her song “NYC Bitche$.” In the song she vehemently targets the ever growing amount of transplants and hipsters moving into the Bushwick, Williamsburg and even Red Hook areas of Brooklyn. In the chorus, she raps “New York City, bitch. That’s where I come from. Not where I moved to on mom and dad’s trust fund.”The disdain that she has about the rapidly increasing popularity of “Brooklyn culture” and its effect on the subcultures and cultures of the borough through the gentrification is clearly reflected in her lyrics. Through the song’s electronic beats and easily understood yet witty lyrics, the hooks become almost anthemic. “NYC Bitche$” along with her other music videos for her tracks
such as “My Vag” “Peggy Bundy” and “Yellow Ranger” has really caught the eye of many of her peers and has slowly garnered herself a following. But Awkwafina isn’t the only Asian female artist out there in the game. Artists such as Knewdles & Sos, Rocky Rivera, Hopie, and many others are out there making a name for themselves. They’re rhyming and rapping just as creatively and sincerely as their contemporaries. So other than the stirring a little controversy with the racial addendum, the profile on Awkwafina raises awareness that yes, Asian women can be taken seriously in the rap game and that they’ve been playing all along.
Clyde Barretto
Angel Haze may have scuppered her debut's commercial chances by forcing its launch, but it
Sof theomething of the reckless spirit season seemed to grip the
rapper Angel Haze, who, on the Wednesday before Christmas, metaphorically snuck into her boss's office, pressed her buttocks to his desktop scanner and emailed the PDF to his entire contact list. Frustrated at her label putting back the release of her debut album Dirty Gold from 2013 until March, she posted the whole thing on Soundcloud, with an accompanying series of Tweets: "sorry to Island/Republic Records but fuck you … you guys may just learn to KEEP YOUR FUCKING WORD." She followed it up with a video in which she explained her actions were "pure altruism" and described herself as "a voice for the voiceless": "I don't give a fuck about marketability, I don't give a fuck about going platinum, I just want to fucking help, man." You hope she means that, because her label responded by issuing a terse statement that mentioned
having their hand forced and announced that they would be releasing Dirty Gold in 2013 after all: on 30 December. There's a certain passive aggressiveness to that date: no one ordinarily puts new albums out in that awful, deathly, hungover period between Christmas and New Year, and there's clearly a reason why. There is, of course, a precedent for this. Death Grips leaked their second album, No Love Deep Web, after a disagreement with their major label. But in fairness, Death Grips are an experimental hip-hop/ punk/noise band whose album sleeve featured a photo of an erect penis. They have what you might politely term "limited commercial appeal", while it becomes clear within seconds of Dirty Gold starting that Angel Haze has substantially more to lose. She is a mainstream pop rapper – her songs come with production by Coldplay collaborator Markus Dravs and writing credits for Sia Furler, co-
author of Rihanna's Diamonds and David Guetta's Titanium Indeed, there are moments when Dirty Gold feels a little too mainstream for its own good, particularly towards the end, where the plangent piano ballads with Central Casting self-help lyrics lurk: "Keep your head up and be strong … Lift your hands towards the sky, woah-oh", and so on. Haze is a smart, striking and original lyricist: White Lillies/ White Lies turns the standard hiphop strip-club anthem on its head, the protagonist unable to work out whether she feels her pole-dancing friend is a tough, empowered woman or a figure of pity. She can be funny, too, not least on Echelon (My Way), a piece of profoundly unsisterly braggadocio about the fashion industry blessed with the best chorus on the album.
Alexis Petridis
Angel Haze
Dirty Gold – review
1 2 3
mp3 Rack City Freestyle Brianna Perry
Dope Girl Nyemiah Supreme
Audra The Rapper
My Bagg
ep Reservation
cd Beyonce
Beyonce Unique-
Angel Haze
She Got Game
Azealia Banks
Young’s Stupid Pretty
Iggy Azalea
Dominique Young Unique-
Imma Be Okay
NYC Bitche$
Tony Monroe
Catch Me If You Can (Freestyle) J. Anise
My World
Kill Screen
Parts of Speech Dessa
No Duh
Jean Grae
Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded Nicki Minaj
The FM Supreme Project FM Supreme
Game Up
Ruby Ibarra
Queena Marie
it has been quite a month thus far. There have been big releases from some of hip-hop’s biggest stars and some surprise newcomers as well. From the begining of the year, we’ve seen a wealth of diversity with a plethora of artists perfecting their individual sounds. In honor of this growth, we’ve compiled the top records in the genre from singles, videos, EPs and CDs.
4 5
no.1 s potsj a n u a ry 2014
ביונסה מפתיעה עם אלבום חדש ומפרסמת מאמר פמיניסטי: נשים עדיין מופלות לרעה אלבומה החדש של ביונסה שובה את הלב בעצמאות ,בנועזות ובפתיחות שלו .מרבית המבקרים מתעלפים וממהרים לקבוע שזה אלבומה הטוב ביותר ,ואני עדיין לא משוכנע בזה .אבל זה אלבום אמיץ ומעניין. ביונסה ,וגם בכך היא שונה מכל כוכבות הפופ המובילות ,יצרה אלבום שבמובהק לא נועד לענות על ציפיות קהלה ממנה אלא לשרטט את אזורי הסקרנות ,החיפוש וההבעה שלה .אלבום שלא נולד מניסיון לקלוע לדרישות הקהל אלא מהחתירה ליצירת עבודה שהיא הייתה בוחרת להקשיב לה .זה אלבום של ריתם'נבלוז אלקטרוני שמתכתב יותר עם קלאסיקות סול מודרניות של ד'אנג'לו ,מאקסוול, ג'אנל מוניי ופרנק אושן ,ופחות עם המצעדים או עם מוצרי היפ-הופ-פופ נוסח האחרון והרע של בעלה .והגברת הראשונה של המוזיקה השחורה תמשיך להיפגש עם הזוג מהבית הלבן בנסיבות חברתיות ועדיין לשחרר את השירים הכי ארוטיים שלה. ותנצל את כל העוצמה וההילה שלה כמותג, ועדיין תמתח גבולות צליליים. ביונסה ,יכולה להיחשב אייקון פמיניסטי בזכות התדמית החזקה שהיא מקדמת ולהיטים על העצמה נשית כמו
“ ”Independent Womenו” Run the .”Worldאולם לכל אורך הקריירה של הזמרת ,ממשיכים מבקרים רבים להטיל דופי בתדמית הפמיניסטית שלה. הנושא ריתק את התקשורת האמריקאית עם פרסום אלבומה החדש של הזמרת בדצמבר, לאחר שמבקרי התרבות האמריקאיים נדהמו לגלות כי הראפר ג’יי-זי שר על אלימות בין בני זוג בהופעת אורח באלבום. בשיר “ ,’”Drunk in Loveבעלה של ביונסה שר “אני אייק טרנר עכשיו תאכלי את העוגה אנה מיה” ,משפט המוכר לציבור האמריקאי כציטוט מסרט ביוגרפי על הזוגיות האלימה של הזמרת טינה טרנר ובעלה אייק “What’s Love Got To Do .”With Itבאחת הסצנות הידועות לשמצה בסרט ,דוחף אייק טרנר את פניה של אנה מיה (שמה האמיתי של טינה טרנר) לתוך עוגה. ביקורת חריפה של השיר בבלוג הפמיניסטי “ ”black girl dangerousצוטטה באתרי תרבות רבים בארה”ב ואף פילגה את המבקרים הלבנים והאפרו-אמריקאים במדינה .השבוע ,נקטה ביונסה צעד נוסף שיעורר דיון בנושא .הזמרת פרסמה מאמר בשם “שוויון מגדרי הוא מיתוס” באתר
Minority report 10% **Nicki Minaj is the most succesful female rapper of all time selling 375,000 copies in its first week** who is the most succesful female rapper ? (cd sales)
M usic has had its share of successful female rappers including
33K 67K 77K
Lil Kim
Da Baddest B***h Diamond Princess Glamorest Life Hardcore The Notorious K.I.M.
230K 166K
Missy Elliott
129K 250K 259K
Nicky Minaj
old time greats, Queen Latifa and Little Kim but lately in the Hip Hop arena, we have yet to see a female rap artist attain success next to the likes of the male dominated genre. This tale held true until an eccentric, Spunky, fun whited, and quirky lyrical artist stepped on the scene in 2009 with a slew of music features on other artists singles and topping the charts at number 1 with her first hit single "Your Love". Ever since the rapstress has stepped foot on the hip hop scene her consistency with producing great records and growing fan base, has made the barbie beauty a force to reckon with. When comparing the statistics to other female lyricists to date, Nicki Minaj can be hailed as the most successful female rapper of all time.
375K 254K
La Bella Mafia Supa Dupa Fly Miss E So Addictive Under Construction Pink Friday Pink Friday Roman Reloaded
The Top 10 Richest Female Rappers in the World
1. Missy Elliott – $251 million 2. Ladybug Mecca – $61 million 3. Queen Latifah – $51 million 4. Roxanne Shante – $48 million 5. Bahamadia – $32 million 6. DJ Spinderella – $20 million 7. Pepa – $20 million 8. Salt
– $20 million
how many female rappers are in the rap industry?
African-American male rappers
African-American female rappers
The first Female mc Funky Four Plus One (also known as Funky 4 + 1) was the first hip hop group from The Bronx, New York, United States to receive a recording deal. They were notable for having a female MC, Sha Rock. and were the first rap group to perform live on a national television broadcast.
AZEALIA banks Filthy Mouth
מינאז’ וליל קים ,איגי עומדת בראש הזן החדש שנולד משילוב של מוזיקה ואופנה “הראפריות הפאשניסטות” ,כשמאחוריהעומדות הקולגות לראפ אנג’ל הייז ואזליה בנקס (שלתקופה אף נבחרה להיות המוזה של אלכסנדר וונג). בשנת 2012הוחתמה הגברת גם בסוכנות הדוגמניות הבינלאומית Wilhelmina (שבה חתומות גם פרגי ,אסטל ונטשה בדינגפילד) ,בוחרת בקפידה את כל תלבושותיה להופעות ולקליפים .אף שהיא נהנית להופיע בטופים קצרצרים ושורט, לא תתפסו את הראפרית לבושה באאוטפיט נטול אמירה אישית וטעם טוב. הצעות הדוגמנות לא איחרו לבוא ,וכבר באותה שנה כיכבה הפאשניסטה המוזיקלית בקמפיינים של ענקית הג’ינס ליוויס כפנים החדשות בקמפיין “ ”Go Forthובקולקציית המשקפיים הראשונה של מותג האופנה .House of Holland
סטייל אישי אין ספק שפרינטים נועזים הם מהפייבוריטים שלה ,וניתן להבחין בכך בקליפים השונים שהוציאה .את הקליפ לשיר “ ,”Workהסינגל הראשון מאלבום הבכורה ,היא פותחת בחליפת שני חלקים של דולצ’ה וגבאנה מקולקציית אביב־קיץ ,2013כשבידה היא מחזיקה תיק תכלכל של ג’יבנשי ולרגליה עקבי לובוטן. בהמשך היא עוברת לטופ שחור ומכנסיים צבעוניים מקולקציית הקפסולה של ג’רמי סקוט לאדידס אוריג’ינלס וחותמת את הסרטון כשהיא עוטה בלייזר מודפס מבית
היוצר של רוברטו קוואלי. “אני אוהבת את הסיפורים שבגדים יכולים לספר” ,אומרת איגי ומעידה על עצמה שתמיד אהבה אופנה ,אף שגדלה בבית עתיר קשיים כלכליים .כעת ,כשהפכה את סיפור חייה לסיפור הצלחה ,אפשר למצוא אותה מדלגת משבוע אופנה אחד לאחר, כשבעונת התצוגות האחרונה של אביב־ קיץ 2014ישבה בשורות הראשונות לצד אייקונות אופנה כמו אוליביה פלרמו ו קוקו רושה. עם פאסון נטול דאגות ויחד עם צמד ה־ BFFשלה -הזמרת ריטה אורה והדוגמנית המבוקשת קארה דלווין -היא כובשת את השטיחים האדומים והרחובות כאחד: מאוברול ונעליים של אמיליו פוצ’י ,דרך חליפות של קלווין קליין ועד לפריטים שנלקחו היישר ממסלולי התצוגתץ של DKNYוקנזו. במהלך שבוע האופנה בפריז היא אף הוכיחה שאינה מפחדת ללכת עד הסוף ולחשוף את עצמה ,תרתי משמע :היא הגיעה לתצוגה של מיסון מרטין מרג’יאלה בחליפה ספורטיבית בעיצובו בעלת חלק עליון שקוף ,כך שהתאומות (??) היו חשופות לכל עובר ושב. “זה לא שאני בוחרת במודע בחירות אופנתיות משוגעות” ,היא אומרת ומוסיפה כי אייקונות אופנה כמו גרייס קלי ,גוון סטפאני ,הספייס גירלס ו-ויקטוריה בקהאם בפרט היוו לה להשראה גדולה. כיום היא מסיימת את תפקידה כמופע הפתיחה של הדיווה ביונסה במסע ההופעות
איגי אזליה ,השחקנית החדשה בזירת ההיפ-הופ
Jacksons Murai
היא אומרת למגזין ! OKהאוסטרלי. איגי אזליה בת ה־ ,23שנולדה בשם לאחר מספר חודשים מיצתה הראפרית אמטיסט אמיליה קלי ,ידעה כבר בגיל 14 בפוטנציה את מיאמי ועברה לאטלנטה, שהיא רוצה לעשות ראפ .אבל מה לבארבי מעוזם של ראפרים רבים ומוצלחים בלונדינית מאוסטרליה ולראפ? מסתבר בתחום .היא מספרת שבהתחלה כולם שלא רק אמינם יכול. צחקו על סגנון הראפ שלה ואמרו שהיא איגי הייתה כל כך אמביציוזית לגבי לא שווה כלום ,אך בתור מישהי ששרדה הקריירה המוזיקלית שלה ,שכבר כתלמידה הצקות חוזרות ונשנות עוד בימי התיכון בחטיבה ניסתה להקים שלישיית היפ־הופ באוסטרליה ,החליטה להתעלם מכולם בסגנון להקת .TLCחלומה להיות כמו ולנפנף אותם ,כאשר היא חדורת מטרה “ ”Left Eyeמהלהקה נגוז במהרה כאשר גילתה ששתי חברותיה לא היו ממש בעניין .ולא מתכוונת לתת לאף אחד להפריע לה September, Lastהמשמעותי קרה לאחר בדרכה .השינוי Azealiaעושה מאוד “אני לוקחת את הדברים שאני Banks מעידה made a splash כשבעצת מפיק של חברת ארבע שנים, withמדי” ,היא ברצינות .אני תחרותית her viral hit ”“212. על עצמה ,ולכן We התקליטים Interscopeעברה לעיר סירובן לא ממש הרתיע immediately drawn wereאנג’לס) .אחרי חיפוש עצמי המלאכים (לוס אותה מלהגשים את חלומה. ממושךby the Harlemite’s inמחברת תקליטים אחת ומעבר כאשר הבינה שהישועה לא תגיע מהעיירה vulgar—tune הקטנה and charming—ifתקופה ארוכה ,ניתן לומר לאחרת במשך באוסטרליה מולומבימבי ,שבה 2012הייתה שנת הפריצה שלה. בוודאות onlyולהפוך ones.מהתיכון נולדה ,החליטה לנשור weren’tכי we the theהיא מצליחה. את תחביב המוזיקה לקריירה Since then, 20-year-old Azealiaהסינגל הראשון שהוציאה, שחסכה,”My World“ has הכסף ארזה את חפציה ,לקחה את been featured לב רבה ברחבי הבלוגוספירה תשומת משך למסע ויצאה מה מניקיון מלונות יחד עם ִא in the New York Times, להופעתה על שער מגזין ההיפ־הופ to performוהביא atמוגבלות. הבלתי בארץ ההזדמנויות invited Karl “ ”XXLכאחת מעשר ההבטחות האמריקאי את ניסו רבים שבה תקופה בשנת Lagerfeld’s house, and is ,2006 לאותה שנה ,לצד אמני היפ־הופ onנוחתת טלוויזיוניות, בתוכניות שירה מזלם הגדולותeven followed Twitter by ודני בראון. West.מקלמור פלורידה ,כדי כמו במיאמי, לבדה Kanye Oh, and did איגי בת ה־we16 והקשה. הישנה בדרך לעשות זאת mention that she recently scoredהאוסטרלית לא נחה לרגע. מאז היפהפייה dealכי הרגשתי “נמשכתי לאמריקה labelכמוa major כשהראפר T.Iאמון על הפקת אלבומה אאוטסיידרית במדינה שלי .הייתי מאוהבת ?with Universal הראשון ,”The New Classic“ ,איגי לא בהיפ־הופ ואמריקה היא ארץ המוצא של מפסיקה לשגר להיטים כמו “Work”, הז’אנר ,אז הנחתי שככל שאהיה קרובה למוזיקה ,כך אהיה מאושרת יותר ,וצדקתי” ”“Bounce ,ו”( ”Change Your Lifeוזו
y a
Born:May 31, 1991 (age 22)Amelia Kelly Birth name: Amethyst Origin:Harlem, York City, US Born :7 June New 1990 (age 23) Occupations:Rapper, singer, songwriter, Sydney, Australia actor(former), model Occupations: Rapper,songwriter,model Years active:2008–present Years active:2007–present Labels:Interscope, Polydor, XL
Labels:Mercury, Island Def Jam(current) Grand Hustle(former)
מוזיקת הראפ התחילה את דרכה ושיקפה,בקהילות האפרו אמריקאיות .את המצוקות היומיומית של הקהילה אמני הראפ באים מקהילה שבא פשי־ .עה וסחר בסמים הם מציאות יומיוית האומנים שגדלו במציאות הישדרו־ הביאו “מלחמות” גם אל תוך,תית “מלחמות” בין, לכן.עולם המוזיקה אומנים הפכו לחלק ינטגרלי בתפיסת .החיים של אמני הראפ
A b
בין איגי אזליה לאזיליה בנקס איגי ואזליה הן שתי הראפריות הטריות כל אחת הצליחה.והמצליחות של השנה שמותיהם,בדרכה השונה אך בכל זאת Born:May 31, 1991 (age 22) האם זה בגלל.מופיעים כשמות נרדפים Origin:Harlem, New York City, Birth name:Amethyst Amelia Kelly שיש מכיוון פשוט השוואות? אוUS ?סכסוכים Born:7Occupations:Rapper, June 1990 (age 23) singer, האם הן-להם שם דומה? איגי מול אזליה Sydney, Australia אחת אל מול השנייה או שזהו באמת עומדות songwriter, actor(former), model Occupations:Rapper,songwriter,model בין תחרות ליצור הראפ עולם נסיון של Years active:2008–present Years active:2007–present ?הנשים בתחום
Labels:Interscope, XL Labels:Mercury, Island DefPolydor, Jam(current) Grand Hustle(former)
Iggy azealia 19
IGGY AZEALIA The new girl in town
She’s white, she’s blonde, she’s Australian, she models, and she raps like she grew up in an Atlanta trap. Like it or not, Iggy Azalea has planted her Louboutins in American hip-hop and has no intention of going back to the Land Down Under. This feature appears in Complex’s October/November 2013 issue.
Alexis Petridis
“A side of me is really saying ‘wow do I really play these records?’ the other side of me has to turn the chick because this is what pays the bills” Dj Lefty, age 30, fromProvidence
four up&coming artists
3D Na’Tee
↓ Mapei
↓ K. Flay
N ew Orleans native 3D Na’Tee Is MaryGold Hip-Hop’s Newest Isot’sconvincing, not often that one song can be Contrary to her verse in “Free is one of the most ferocious rappers Obsession? but Mapei’s “Don’t N Easy,” K.Flay did not spend her currently recording. Her mixtape The Coronation, released in July, includes production from Lex Luger and a guest spot from Keri Hilson, as well as some of the most focused writing of her career so far. Below, Na’Tee discusses the diversity of her musical heroes and the challenge of making a name for yourself as a female rap artist in New Orleans.
My favorite artist of all time Biggie and Foxy Brown is my favorite female rapper. I also liked the passion that Lauryn Hill had. She put so much of herself in her music. She and I don’t come from the same place, we don’t have the same experiences. But I want to be as passionate as she was with her music, and as honest as she was with her music. A lot of people nowadays say to me, “You don’t remind me of a female artist.” I think it’s because I don’t focus on my sexuality. I know dudes like to look at me, but I speak more about what’s going on in my life. All the videos that I shoot, I edit them, I direct them. I try to bring some humor to it. A lot of female artists try to be the best female rapper of all time, but I want to be one of the greatest, period.
When Drake’s epic music video “Worst Behavior” dropped on Monday (Nov. 11), the 10-minute flick went into overtime with a slowed-down, hazy version of Nothing Was The Same›s “From Time.” Only—as most quickly noticed—that wavy-haired woman sitting shotgun wasn’t the song’s guest star and Would You Like A Tour? mate Jhené Aiko. Turns out, the brown-skinned beauty taking a pull of a blunt is MaryGold, a singer from New Orleans who’s been picking up stream via atmospheric tracks and X-rated visuals of her own.
Director X, co-auteur of “Worst Behavior,” told Vice that “she’s a really dope artist that Drake wanted to bring out and put in the video. Drake says she’s dope, so she’s dope.» Curren$y seems to agree, as he’s inked her as the First Lady of his Jet Life Records. “Mary….man, she’s just another level,” said Spitta. “I can’t describe MaryGold to you, I have to show you MaryGold.” With a cosign and cameo in one of the most anticipated music videos of the year, a spacey new mixtape called Sex Hormone’d Druggie, and her definitely-NSFW video for “Prayer”, we’ve got the feeling
Wait” is a special case. It’s a song that—if you’re not careful—you can easily become obsessed with (like we clearly have), but while it’s many people’s introduction to the Rhode Island-born, Sweden-based artist, it’s not her first track. She’s been making music since she was 12 and started getting attention with her Cocoa Butter Diaries EP a few years ago. But unlike the rapcentric EP, “Don’t Wait” has Mapei soulfully singing a catchy melody over minimal production. It’s a new direction that makes her future unclear. It’s interesting to hear your old stuff after only knowing “Don’t Wait.” It’s a lot of rapping. Is there going to be more rapping on the album, or are you sticking more with the style of “Don’t Wait”? Yeah, there’s a lot of spoken word. I have some poetry in there. Are you proud of your older work? Cocoa Butter Diaries is so different than “Don’t Wait.”
I’m proud of it because it has social commentary, but I want to do a mixture of things. I want to sing about love and simple things in life as well. So I’m more proud of “Don’t Wait.” I feel as though I’ve developed.
trust fund just on coffee. That’s because the 26-year-old rapper and producer didn’t inherit any trust fund. “It was more just commentary on all these people who have no idea what to do with their money,” she told Rolling Stone. K. Flay didn’t set out to be a rapper. She started making music as an enjoyable extracurricular during her sophomore year at Stanford University. She now has a catalog that consists of a mixtape of mash-ups, an EP she wrote and produced in a basement, another three-volume mixtape and the just-released EP, Eyes Shut. K. Flay’s prolific, self-propelled efforts nabbed her a recording contract with RCA. Her debut album is expected sometime this summer. “We Hate Everyone,” the first single off Eyes Shut, was co-produced by The Prodigy’s Liam Howlett, and it’s this type of collaboration, unusual in rap, that epitomizes K. Flay’s indie style. Jamming in drums and guitar on top of basshappy beats, her music is ultimately more indie electronic than hip-hop. But even with all these loud layers, there is no overshadowing K. Flay’s quick fire rhymes, loaded with clever wordplay about suburban discontent and delivered in 20-something, angst-smeared smug. It’s this unique sonic concoction that explains why the rapper has been asked to open for such diverse artists as Snoop Dogg,
לוח הופעות ינואר-דצמבר
סיירה Sirah December 17 Fonda Theatre Hollywood, CA, US
זה סטיספאקשין
מיילי סיירוס
פייס רוונס Holiday Jam: Kem with Faith Evans December 28 Arie Crown Theater i Chicago, IL
December 2 Atlantic Ave ,Barclays Center 620 Brooklyn, NY, US
Miley Cyrus
K. Michelle
December 19 The Music Box @ Henry Fonda Theater
Iggy Azalea’s Live Experience Show
איגי אזליה
January 18 ,The Fillmore, San Francisco CA, US
Icona Pop
איקונה פופ
December 11 Icehouse MPLS, Minneapolis, Minnesota
גירל פארטי
M.I.A January 17 Belasco Theater Los Angeles, CA, US
THEESatisfaction September 10 Alberta Rose Theatre Portland, OR, US
January 15 Best Buy Theater New York, NY
אזליה בנקס
Azalea Banks
January r3 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA, US
אנגל הייז
Angel Haze
December 15 The Music Box Theater New York
אלישה קיז
Alica Keys
December 19 Mahuhu Cresent 80 - 42 Auckland, New Zealand
ביונסה נולס
December 22 Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY
January 22 The Regency Ballroom San Francisco, CA, US
אמלי וולס
December 15 Boileroom Guildford, UK December 28 Mississippi Coliseum in Jackson, MS
Emily Wells
אמלי וולס
L Lana Del Rey January 19 Queen Caroline Street 45 W6 9QH London, UK
Erykah Badu
לאנה דל ראי
ליל קים
Lil Kim with Fabolous and Ja Rule
סאלט נ פהפה
January 18 Barclays Center , Atlantic Ave 620 Brooklyn, NY, US
A$AP Rocky & Rihanna
December 16 Postbahnhof am Ostbahnhof, Berlin
Nicky Minaj December 2 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA, US
'ניקי מינאג
טאקיטה Tekita November 08 Belasco Theater Portland, OR, US
וי נסטי Vi Nasty April 12 Belasco Theater Los Angeles, CA, US
ויי פפה גירל ראפרס Wee Papa Girl Rappers December 18 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA, US
יון בורה
סולאנג' נולס
Salt N Pepa with Bell Biv Devoe and Doug E Fresh
Solange Knowels
January 1 Cnr Queen and Wellesley Streets Auckland, New Zealand
Y יו מג’סטי
December 21 MGM Grand Theater at Foxwoods in Mashantucket, CT
Yoon Bora
Yo Majesty
29 December , January 12 The Falls Music & Arts Festival Marion Bay, TAS, Australia
August 15 Queen Caroline Street 45 W6 9QH London, UK
May 14 Belasco Theater Los Angeles, CA, US
THEESatisfaction’s lyrics range from surreal mysticism and sci-fi imagery to dancefloor, filling party commandments. When they take on social and political issues, they do so with a tone of defiance and afrocentric swagger. THEESatisfaction’s method of fighting oppression and discrimination is positive and empowering. Their gender, Interview/ ethnicity and sexual orientation are characteristics which they proudly embrace. In person, Stas and Cat are 3 relentlessly energetic and It looks like you had fun on set 4 radiate good vibes. making the QueenS video? You’re addressing certain David Reed
1 Did you want to represent different variations of beauty?
C at: Definitely. I mean those are the kinds of women we hang out
with. Like half, maybe two thirds of the cast are our friends. These are people we see in our everyday lives, but they’re not presented enough to the rest of the world. It’s like you often only see one form of woman, one variety of women. Stas: One shade. Cat: With black women it’s really cut short. So we wanted to show that there’s a different side. And that’s the side we see more often than not, like we don’t really see so much of these women that are advertised in the mainstream a lot, that’s just not our reality. So the QueenSvideo was like a glimpse into our reality! laughs
The video was directed by dream hampton. What do you admire about her and how do you feel about the fact that she supports THEESatisfaction so passionately?
Swaytas:backI usedin theto read her articles day when I was a
kid and she used to write for Vibe and edit The Source. She’s done so much for hip- hop and black music in general. So when we first met her, we were just like ‘Damn, this is so cool!’. She reached out to us and said she wanted to work on a video for QueenS and we were screaming ‘Yeeeeaah!’laughs Cat: It was crazy, she’s really an inspiration. She did a short film with Ish from Shabazz called I am Ali, which she wrote with Q-Tip. We’re just really inspired by her, so to have her interested in us is really cool, we have a good connection
C at: Oh my God, it was 13 hours of amazingness! Stas: It was an incredible experience. The whole set was basically a bunch of black women, the caterers, the costume design, the make-up people. Cat: There were only four men on the whole set.
Stas: Everyone there was just so cool and involved in the scene, you know? There was film makers, a bunch of college grads; just black women who are on the rise, movers and shakers. Cat: They were people who were doing all kinds of things. There was lawyers in there and school teachers … Stas: The vibe was so cool, everyone was so young. I mean, we cast it ourselves and the women were between the ages of 21 and 30. It was relatively young, black women around our age.
social and political issues with your lyrics, but you always seem to emphasise the fun element of your music. Do you think encouraging people to have a good time helps promote positive ideas?
C at: Music can be a cure. There’s a definitely a lot of sadness out there. Everyone has their different way of dealing with these things. Things have been terrible for us sometimes, but there’s always a way to work it out. And this music is what’s worked best for us.
Stas: We all obviously go through bullshit and drama in our lives, but sometimes you have to dance and laugh your way through that. Because if we just sit here and preach, that’s not going to get anything done. We have to actually work and actively do things. And I feel like if we dance and we share and we feel good together, then that’s a good way to go about it.
THEESat isfact ion
MISSY ELlIOTT מיסי אליוט !חוזרת בענק
is b ack !
I was wiping my eyes like a dream-state a couple weeks ago when Timbaland said he was working with the Original Misdemeanor, and he and she would be releasing solo albums concurrently this summer. Now I'm rubbing my ears
T he music industry said she "Under looked too large and weird to make it in the lens-friendly, bootylicious world of female rap and R&B, so she magnified those imperfections. In doing so, she reintroduced the notion of fun and fantasy to urban black music - and it’s a style that matched the futuristic, muchcopied new sound of her 1997 debut album, Supa Dupa Fly, perfectly. In fact, Mike Diamond of the Beastie Boys said that not only did Supa Dupa Fly change the face of hip-hop, it saved it. She hasn’t looked back.
Supa Dupa Fly
Missy Elliott is one of the most creative, barrier-breaking pioneers in not only hip-hop but female hip-hop, as well. Missy made it okay to be funny and creative and, somehow, sexy to walk around in trash bags and jogging suits. She broke the stereotype that you had to be physically fit or a size 2 to be able to dance with the best of them. Long story short, she made it okay to be yourself in the music industry. Missy’s ability to dance, sing, rap and write songs makes her certifiably a quadruple threat, topping any other female rapper in history.
On 2005 , the video “Lose Control” won “Best Short Form Music Video” on the grammy Awards.
Construction" went on to become the best-selling female rap set ever with 2.1 million copies sold in the United States.
The message in Missy’s music has always described this same Missy clearly. That message being that Missy Elliott is a modern woman in an imperfect world. That men tend to treat women badly. That women need financial independence as well as good loving (but good loving would be a start). That God can guide you, but that you need to know who you are, too. And that if you›re going to get down with Missy, you’ve got to make it worth it - as she explains on her new single, “One Minute Man”. This Missy’s time is expensive, so don’t waste it in the bedroom.
Loose control
Elliott’s musical achievements have been both trailblazing and mouldbreaking: Destiny’s Child, Eve and Macy Gray all credit her for clearing a path through the white, male American music biz towards their own pop pre-eminence. She’s scored massive hits with the songs she›s written for the likes of Mel B, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and Janet Jackson, and has revolutionised the sound of R&B and hip-hop through her three multi-million selling solo albums.
Get your freak on
Get Ur Freak On(2001) , Scream a.k.a. Itchin'(2002), Work It (2003), Won Missy “Best Female Rap Solo Performance”three years in a row! Missy Elliott releases two comeback singles ‘Triple Threat’ and ‘9th Inning’ on Last November (2013). Missy will also release new album, tentatively titled ‘Block Party’, later this year. Describing the new record in a UStream interview with fans, she said: ‘’I like to call it theatrical hip-hop. It’s not [1999 album] ‘Da Real World’ all over again, but just the dramatics of the real world is the feeling that I get from this album.’’
In 2009 Missy Elliott won Five awards for best cd and best singer.
Clarck Parkin
“Hip-hop has an insistent, that this is real, this is the way it is, this is the way the streets are. And if they’re [rappers] only speaking about one type of woman[hoes], than,It has to be you” Candice, age 22, student at Brown University
למה היפ-הופ ,למה פמיניזם ולמה עכשיו?
עורכת ראשית לקישה בר
מעצבת גראפית יערה בר
מנהל אומנותי אור מונז
כותבים ליאור יעקוב דויד ריד קליד ברטו אלכסיס פטריס ניקה שידה קלארק פטרין
צילומים מאת יו-טיוב
הדפסה בית דפוס אי.בי.סי ירושלים
www.echo.com echo@gmail.com
This issue’s playlist:
issue n.1
b-side _32הקדמה _28מיסי אליוט חוזרת לזירה _21אזליה בנקס _23מאבק כוחות _25איגי אזליה _13הדיסק החדש של ביונסה _09מ.י.ה
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k.f laymamarygo ryg o ldld
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