YAC October newsletter

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Youth Advisory council 2010-2011

Fall Retreat Kick Off The Youth Advisory Council held its annual Fall retreat this month at Claude Moore Rec Center. Governors discussed the issues Loudoun teens struggle with and came up with these top challenges: substance abuse, safety, no jobs, bullying, gossip, peer pressure, too much partying and boredom (nothing to do). YAC Officers will take this list to the Advisory Commission on Youth and cabinets will develop programs and activities to address some of these issues.

Step Up Loudoun 2010-2011 Your solution to a teen problem could earn you $1000. Registration opens next month for Step Up Loudoun 2010-2011. Working as a team or an individual, you will identify a problem or issue that affects teens in Loudoun County and then develop a plan to solve the problem. The plan may be anything from a blog to a rally. You are your team will implement the plan and share your results at Step Up Loudoun. The winning entry will receive $1000 and recognition at Youth in Government Day and YouthFest 2011. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three entries. Beginning Nov. 3, you will be able to get all the rules and resources at www.stepuploudoun.org . Information sessions will also be held in high schools across the County. Written proposals are due January 7, 2011. There will be a peer review on January 24, 2011. Implemented plans will be judged at Step Up on April 4, 2011.


YAC Fall Retreat

VCU College Visit YAC will travel to Richmond on Tuesday, November 2 to tour the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. VCU staff will take students on a tour of the campus and offer information on programs offered. VCU is also providing lunch for Governors at the Shafer Court Dining Center. .

YAC Calendar 10/26 South Riding Info Night 11/1 YAC Meeting 6:30-8pm PRCS 11/2 VCU Visit 11/6 Rock the Runway 11/15 YAC Meeting 6:30-8pm PRCS 11/22-11/26 No School, LCPS Shafer Court Dining hall at VCU

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