YAC November Newsletter

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Youth Advisory council 2010-2011

Step Up Deadline is Jan. 7th

Registration is now open for Step Up Loudoun 2010-2011. The competition challenges middle and high school students to identify a problem facing Loudoun teens, develop a solution and implement their plan. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three entries. Students may submit entries as an individual or a team. “At various events and meetings, teens in the County have listed a number of challenges they face including bullying, academic stress, peer pressure and more,” said Kevin Turner, Chair of Loudoun County’s Advisory Commission on Youth (ACOY). “The Call to Action is an opportunity for youth to take initiative and address the issues.” Interested teens must submit written proposals identifying their issue and solution to www.stepuploudoun.org by January 7, 2011. Implemented plans will be presented and awards given at Step Up Loudoun on April 4, 2011. There will be plenty of support for the contestants. A peer review session is scheduled for January 24, 2011. Resources will be available at www.stepuploudoun.org and on the Step Up Facebook page. Students may ask questions on the Facebook page or by emailing info@stepuploudoun.org.

Battle of the Bands Kick Off The first Battle of the Bands is set for th December 10 from 6:30 to 10pm at AV-COM Visual Arts is Sterling. There will be three competitions with the top three bands from each event advancing to the finals. All finalists will perform at YouthFest 2011 and the winning band will open for the headliner. All Governors should plan to attend and help out at the Battles. The schedule is December 10, 2010, February 25,2011, March 25, 2011 and the finals are April 29, 2011. Sign up to work at the December Battle at the th November 15 YAC meeting.

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YAC Calendar 11/15 YAC Meeting 6:30-8pm PRCS 11/22-11/26 No School, LCPS 12/6

YAC Meeting 6:30-8pm PRCS

12/10 Battle of the Bands 6:30-10pm 12/12 Holiday Colation 12pm-5pm 12/13 Holiday Party 6:30-8 TD Bank 1/03/11 YAC Meeting 6:30-8pm PRCS

YAC Visits VCU YAC members made the trip to Richmond on November 2 to tour the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. VCU staff took us on a tour and offered information on programs the campus. VCU also provided lunch at the Shafer Court Dining Center. Project Discovery students also attended.

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