
SeptemberOctober 2022
Celebrating Autumn Harvest

Through all the Seasons of the Year, We’re In‐Home Care HealthcareAmericanServices, Inc. offers up to 24 hour care, 7 days a week Providing In Home Aide Assistance For the Following Programs: PRIVATE DUTY SERVICES in Surry and Stokes Counties American Healthcare Services, Inc. offers sitting and companionship, meal preparation, light housekeeping, errands and personal care. We sit privately in hospitals and nursing facilities. All caregivers provide socialization, a safe environment and support. • MEDICAID PROGRAMS CAP PCS • WORKER’S COMP • FAMILY CARE GIVER VOUCHERS • HOME COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT • EPSDT • LONGTERM CARE • PRIVATE HourlyINSURANCERateDoes Not Change Regardless Time or Day of Service 915 Rockford Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 3367892273 American Healthcare Services, Inc. www.americanhealthcare-services.com

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5September/October 2022

6 yadkinvalleymagazine.com somethingspecial_boutique Something Special Boutique Apparel Sizes S 3X Accessories Home Decor classic • affordable • trendy Voted Best of Wilkes Women’s Boutique! 615 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro 336.838.7177 Monday-Friday 10-5:30 Saturday 10-2 For The FOURTH Year –

165 North Main Street Mount SaturdayMonday-Thursday336-786-6602Airy9-5Friday9-68-6•Sunday9-3 Our Famous Fresh, Delicious Pumpkin PIE Fudge is Ready to Enjoy! When we say “freshly made” we mean it...right here inside our Candy Kitchen More flavor favorites too! Safely order your delicious homemade fudge online at: www.BEARCREEKCANDY.com

8 yadkinvalleymagazine.com the perfect gift! Ask about our Customer Loyalty Program 102/104 East Dalton Road (Downtown) King, NC www.daltonscrossing.com336.985.5464 M F 10 6 • Sat 10 3 Call ahead for Holiday, Inclement Weather & Special Event Hours.

Anyone can provide advice. At Edward Jones, our goal is to provide advice and guidance tailored to your needs.

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9September/October 2022
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You talk, we listen, and we get to know you.
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10 yadkinvalleymagazine.com contents September‐October 2022

weekly email with suggestions for fun ways to visit a special event or make a special memory.

Throughout this issue, you’ll find a wealth of fun discoveries to fill your Yadkin Valley Weekends.

People & Celebrations YVPeople: Rachel Weiner YVPeople: Bryan Rierson YVPeople: Juliette Lipford Webster YVPeople: Katherine “Kat” Jackson caring hearts: Ladies’ Crochet Club Autumn’s Blue Ridge Parkway Fall at Lake Hampton
88 YV Wines: JOLO Winery Yadkin Valley Pumpkin Festival Yadkin Valley Grape Festival Alpha Omega Festival


107 Collectors

11September/October 2022 WWW.RIDABUGINC.COM WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHARGE FOR SERVICE CALLS NC LICENSE # 678PW MOISTURE CONTROL • AUTOMATIC FOUNDATION VENTS INSPECTION REPORT FOR BUYING, SELLING OR REFINANCING OUR TECHNICIANS ARE FULLY REGISTERED ASK ABOUT OUR SENIOR CITIZENS & MILITARY DISCOUNTS SameDay, Weekend & Evening Service Available TERMITE • PEST CONTROL AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ANTS • BEES • RATS • MICE • COCKROACHES Trusted, Effective Pest Control Since 1973 Locally Owned & Operated by theFamilyRoberts We yourappreciatebusiness! 1-800-682-5901 Home & Garden 26 Cookbook Collector: The Art of Cooking 49 Dining Divas: The Yellow Door and J. Butlers 58 Garden Sounds & Sights of Autumn 60 The American Chestnut Tree 70 Bullying; a Health Concern 80 Off the Shelf: Profiles in Excellence: Legendary Athletes, Teams, Coaches and Educators in Yadkin County,1927 to 1967 81 Off the Shelf: South of Heaven 102 petpics in every issue... 16 editor’s letter 20 Our Recipe Box 18 beginnings 102 Mock Beroth Tire’s What Is That? 109 Business Section 112 Closing Thoughts from Sandra


Cookies are authentically Hand-Rolled, Hand-Cut, Hand-Packed. Only our bakery can make that promise.
Coming to see our cookies being Hand-Rolled, Hand-Cut and Hand-Packed has become a tradition for so many families. We invite you to visit our cookie factory and start your very own family tradition.

We make our delicious cookies in ginger, sugar, lemon, black walnut, chocolate and butterscotch
What Makes a real Moravian Cookie?

12 yadkinvalleymagazine.com “Come visit our cookie factory…” MONDAY FRIDAY 7–5, SATURDAY 9–2 (Come before 2 pm, MONDAY FRIDAY if you want to watch our bakers roll) TEL (336) 764-1402 TOLL-FREE (888) e-mail:www.HanesCookies.com764-1402orders@HanesCookies.com Mrs. Hanes’ Moravian Cookies 4643 Friedberg Church Rd • Clemmons, NC Economically priced small and large cellophane bags are available for bakery pick-up. You can also call ahead and place your order and we will have it ready and waiting.

then your
Evva Hanes
look for my name and my picture on your
"Always Moravian label says, "Mrs. Hanes" Moravian
cookies!" If the
161 Interstate Way off I77, Exit 83 Elkin, NC 3363664150 www.pirateslanding.com Tuesday Saturday 2 10pm • Sunday 11am 9pm When a treasured meal is your destination

K& VInc. HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING UV Lights Digital Thermostats Air Filtering DuctHumidifiersSystemsBalancing Seal Ducts Carbon PreventiveDetectorsMonoxideTune-Ups Scheduling a BI ANNUAL TUNE UP for your heating and cooling system is as easy as calling K&V Heating and Air Conditioning today at 336 699 2088. A little money spent in preventative tune ups can save you big money and stress for emergency repairs when temperatures soar and dip. Our services also include: (336) kvheatingair.com699-2088 304 NC Hwy 67 East Bend, NC Need repair service NOW? Call us and we’ll dispatch trained service techs who take pride in their work. From repair calls to whole house installations, we’ll get your home or office back to comfortable. 24 Hours Emergency Service FREE Estimates on Installation Financing Available Commercial • Residential • Manufactured Homes LocallyOwned Fall is the perfect time to get ready for those cold, blustery days coming soon. Call us for a fall systems check before the winter winds blow!

14 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
The magazine is available FREE at locations throughout the Yadkin Valley. You will find a highlight listing of pick up locations on our web site www.yadkinvalleymagazine.com.atNotalllocationswillalwayshavecopiesinstock.
At Yadkin Valley Magazine we value the concerns, ideas and interests of our readers. We welcome all story ideas and suggestions, always keeping an open file and working them in when possible. All story ideas should be submitted by mail to: 413 Cherry Street, East Bend, NC 27018.

Please submit information regarding fundraisers, gallery show openings, plays, readings, concerts or other performances at least two months in advance of an issue’s cover date. Sign up for our free weekly yadkinvalleymagazine.com/weekendsnewsletter
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For advertising information, please call 336 699 2446. Information about advertising is also available yadkinvalleymagazine.com/advertisingat:HealthandeducationalarticlesincludedinYadkinValleyMagazineareforeducationpurposesonly.Besuretoconsultyourpersonalphysicianbeforeyoubeginanydiet,medicineorcourseoftreatment.

Advertising Sales
Contributing Writers
John Norman Sue Harrison Ken & Denise Knight
15September/October 2022
DebbieCindyKenRebeccaDistributionTevepaugh,Cranfill&DeniseKnight&WayneMartinMichaelScott&AndyHennings Test Kitchen Chef Amanda
Photographs & Photographers
To inquire about advertising in Yadkin Valley Magazine (336)
Barbara Krenzer Norman
John & Barbara Norman, Cindy Martin, June Rollins, Amanda Joyner, Lisa Prince, Mary Bohlen, J. Dwaine Phifer, Mitchell’s Greenhouse & Nursery, Vicki Yount, Courtney P. Joyner 699

Mary Bohlen, Jim Collins, Ryan Guthrie, Amanda Joyner, Delores Kincer, Cindy Martin, Sandra Miller, Judy Mitchell, J. Dwaine Phifer, Lisa Prince, June Rollins, Courtney Tevepaugh, Jessica Wall, Vicki Yount.
Yadkin Valley Magazine a publication of Cherry Street Media,LLC. Cherry Street East Bend, NC 27018 699 2446 October 2022 23 Number 1
john@yadkinvalleymagazine.com2446 Everything is Naturally Wholesome Enjoy all of our fresh dairy products: Grass Fed Cow’s Milk, Whole Cow’s Milk, Butter Milk, Butter, Half & Half, Heavy Cream, Chocolate Milk, Kefir, Flavored Yogurt, Drinkable Yogurt Vacuum Packed Pork and Beef available Hand Crafted on our farm, in small batches and available in a variety of flavors & sizes 6400 Windsor Road, Hamptonville 336-468-1520 Farm Store Open Monday-Saturday 9:00-5:00 Naturally Wholesome Products and so is our Pumpkin Ice Cream Our Cows are outstanding in their field


All rights reserved. Reproduction of our created advertising materials and design work are strictly prohibited. Yadkin Valley Living, Yadkin Valley Magazine, Yadkin Valley Weekends, Best Yadkin Valley Cooks, 52 Pounds and then some!, are trademarks of Cherry Street Media LLC, 413 Cherry St., East Bend, North Carolina 27018.
So happy those summer sultry, clammy days are giving in to the cooler breezes of autumn. Not that September and October can call for scarves and jackets but our moods seem to change with the changes in the season...the appearance of seed pods in the hickory trees, the mega colors of all fall leaves…something to look forward to.
Our grandson Dylan finds an entertaining use for those fallen leaves.

Email yadkinvalleymagazine.comweb336-699-2446Ourpetpics@yadkinvalleymagazine.comSharebestcooks@yadkinvalleymagazine.comBESTweekends@yadkinvalleymagazine.comCalendarWeekends/Eventsjohn@yadkinvalleymagazine.comAdvertising-barbara@yadkinvalleymagazine.comEditor-Directory:BarbaraNorman:JohnNorman:submissions:YadkinValleyCOOKSrecipes:yourpetphotos:telephonenumberis:address:

Proudly printed in the USA. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the magazine. We assume no responsibility for changes in schedules, prices, hours or information.
The publishers assume no responsibility for errors or omissions of any advertisement beyond the actual cost of the advertisement. In no event shall the publishers be liable for any consequential damage or any damages in excess of the cost of the advertisement.
Before traveling long distances, it is always wise to use the contact numbers included in the magazine to confirm that the events you wish to enjoy are still on schedule.
Autumn brings some wonderful distinctive flavors to the table and the writers of the foodsandflavors feature can attest to that...apples and pumpkins dominate the recipes for yummy changes in the fall menu and a mountain favorite gingerbread will pair well with some steaming tea if you get a chance to rock on your front porch, (try to make that special time). Our new Best Cook is 90 years young and shares her blue-ribbon, yes, a pound cake, that looks as if it is a foot tall!
Who likes chestnuts? Lots of us and we know chestnuts are not just for Christ mas. Get a head start on choosing a good batch as well as tips on preparing chestnuts…a tradition we don’t want to lose.
Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner? Looking forward to seeing you again in the November/December holiday issue.
The contents of advertising and articles do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.
Yadkin Valley Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Entire contents copyright © 2022
16 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
People hit the road searching out leaf color each autumn. Lake Hampton and of course, the Yadkin Valley counties and our neighboring mountain counties guarantee keeper memories.
just a note from Barbara
Photo by Ryan Guthrie

Rachel Trivette, RN Director of Nursing Crissmon
Now a part of Wilmington, North Carolina’s Liberty Healthcare. This well known, well respected partner brings new resources and years of experience to providing our residents only the best in care.
Tammy Johnson Office Manager Johnathan Smouse Maintenance Supervisor

Household Supervisor
Yadkin Nursing Care and Rehab Center 903 West Main Street • Yadkinville • (336) 6798863 Our Administrative Staff strives to create a family environment throughout our facility. Call Crystal Watkins to schedule a visit. Where kind hearts welcome you We offer: Short Term Rehab • Respite Care Skilled Nursing Long Term and Short Term • Assisted Living Independent Apartments • Offering in-patient & Out-patient therapy Now Open Our NEW Physical Therapy Wing It’s 2,400 sq ft of helping patients reach their full potential with kitchen, bedroom & bath set ups, so patients can practice preparing meals, bathing, getting in & out of bed... building the overall functional abilities they’ll need to return home, including speech therapy. Open for out patients, our residents and all of the community. Elizabeth Lockett Administrator Kathy Sparks Dietary Manager


From the coziness of your bedroom, to the library’s shelves filled with books, to the openness of our living room areas, to sit, talk and enjoy, or the gazebo for nature’s beauty, we share the comforts of home.

Elizabeth Pardue Social Worker

beginning s with June Rollins

Visit June’s website www.junerollins.comat:
It’s been over twenty ago but I’ll never forget being awestruck by a spectacularly glowing sunset sky while driving to a Friday night contemporary church service. I recognized the driver of the car in front of me as she turned into the lot. We parked alongside each other and simultaneously emerged from our cars.
“Can you believe it?”

According to meteorologist Stephen Corfidi, as we approach the winter solstice, the time the sun takes to set lengthens. Nearer the winter solstice, the sun lowers on more of an angle, drawing out the time it takes to set. Which is to say: sunset colors linger allowing us to enjoy them for longer. Corfidi also says the cloud formations from rain or snow provide a theatre-like backdrop for the sun.
This autumn I hope you join me in pausing to witness this season’s majestic skies. Every day will bring a new sunset. Every day, a new opportunity to be awed.
I realize beauty is subjective, as what touches us soul deep. Whether your sanctuary is outside or inside, look up. An everlasting love still shines in these dark days.
My delight in autumn’s vibrant sunsets has grown over the years. Along with the realization, they become even more brilliant from fall through winter.

Her head jerked up. “What?”
I opened my arms. “The sky.”

I love autumn sunsets. After summer’s sluggish hazy skies, autumn skies are a dazzling light show. And if you’ve ever wondered why, it’s because the earth begins tilting away from the sun and cold arctic air begins sweeping in clearing out haze particles with cleaner dryer air. Just imagining this causes me to involuntarily take in a deep breath.
“Oh, I hadn’t noticed.”
I gaped for a different reason as she turned away and hurried toward the church. How could she not notice?
Look Up GlorySighting 5x7 18 yadkinvalleymagazine.com Another great reason to visit the merchants and services you see showcased yadkinvalleymagazine.cominThat’swhereyou’ll fi yournd FREE copy!* *due to the magazine’s popularity not all locations will have magazines in stock at all times *offer returns with Nov/December 2022 issue

Store Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am–5pm Saturday 9am–4pm 5520 St. Paul Church Road, Hamptonville (336) 468-4789 Shiloh General Store and Bakery Fall Harvest is now in store!

Pumpkin Pound Cake
BBQ Ribs
BLT Deviled Eggs
20 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

Pork Chops for Pumpkin-ChocolateAutumnChip Cookies
Grandmother’s Pound Cake 23 Christine Green’s Crunchy Pumpkin Cream Pie
Pumpkin Light

Sour Cream Apple Pie
Sweet Potato & Apple Casserole265130423428313130302636423826468538385130774443
Aunt Mandy Lipford’s Gingerbread
HomemadeBaconApple Sauce
Beet Pickled Egg Salad
Instant Pot Apple Cider Pulled Pork w/ Cilantro Lime Slaw
Blue Ridge Pkwy. Snackin’ Mix

Roasted Red Pepper Soup
Pineapple Casserole
Autumn Apple Salad
Scalloped Apples
Apple Pecan Cake
Apple Flapjacks
Broccoli-Spinach Casserole
Pumpkin Dessert Squares
607 S. Main Street, King, NC 336.985.8109 barnstar59@gmail.com www.barnstarnc.com Tuesday-Friday 10:00-5:00 Saturday 10:00-4:00 or by appt MADE in the USA Hardwood Furniture All Crafted by the Amish OutdoorFurniturePolyInStock! offering... Oak Mission Beds In Stock

Breaded Pork w/ Peach-Maple Sauce
Stir Fry Kit
21September/October 2022 705 Lasley Road,336-766-6513Lewisville Monday Friday 7:30 4:00 Saturday 8:00 12:00 As the weather cools, it’s the perfect time to brighten up your yard with new plants and lots of color! At Joe’s we carry… a large selection of trees and shrubs, complete line of soil amendments, pine needles, mulch and bark, grass seed and fertilizers for yard and shrubbery beds Don’t miss our Encore Azaleas www.joeslandscapingandnursery.com Family owned and operated

Preheat oven to 325°F.
22 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
1 pound Land ‘O Lakes salted butter
”Diners of Rick’s Smoke House restaurant in Welcome will remember Ila’s cakes...she made them for that eatery for a time. This makes a huge cake...a slice and a cup of coffee would make a yummy any time of day!
Have you ever met someone and instantly feel like you would enjoy knowing more about them? When I got Ila Ford’s recipe entry in May, she shared Grandmother’s Pound Cake recipe she had clipped from Guidepost 2005. Ila is 90 and retains a beautiful handwriting in cursive, of course! She entered her cake in the Davidson County Fair and won the “Best in Show” blue ribbon. “According to Grandmother the most important thing about this recipe is to use top-quality ingredients.
Fill Bundt pan 1 to 2 inches from the top. Bake 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours. Allow cake to completely cool
1 ounce bottle lemon extract
4 cups Pillsbury all-purpose flour
Prepare a large Bundt pan: flour/Crisco shortening. Cream butter & sugar together.
Mix in entire bottle of lemon extract.
Ovens vary...make the toothpick test; you may need to bake longer.
4 cups sugar
Grandmother’s Pound Cake
Ila Ford and her County Fair Blue Ribbon

12 eggs
Add one egg at a time, mixing well, 2 minutes each. Add flour gradually.
Serving all area funeral homes, East Bend • Yadkinville • Elkin FLOWERBOONVILLE&DECOR 106 West Main Street, Boonville 336 367 7651 Mon, Tue, Th, Fri 9 4:30 | Wed, Sat 9 12 Follow us on Facebook for our weekly specials

Do not double recipe. Cake freezes very well. Editor’s Note:

The first time we publish your recipe in our Best Cooks Series we’ll send you $30 and a FREE copy of the Best Cooks Cookbook!

3/4 cup granulated sugar
A photo of you with your recipe, just a shot of the dish or just your photo would be nice. Thank you!
Mix butter, brown sugar, walnuts and 1 cup flour with hands. Spread mixture in a 13x9x2-inch pan. Bake in 400°F. oven for 15 minutes.
1/2 cup butter
23September/October 2022

1 1/3 cups sifted flour
CombineCool. remaining flour, sugar, pumpkin, spices, salt and eggs in saucepan. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Pour into pie shell; sprinkle with reserved topping.
1 cup canned pumpkin 2 eggs, well beaten
We have met some super nice folks in our years of publishing Yadkin Valley Magazine. I met Christine Greene when I first moved to North Carolina. She wrote Pumpkin Eaters, a pumpkin cookbook. She surely would have loved to share the following recipe as she did when she wrote the Nana’s Kitchen feature in the magazine for several years before her health became an issue.
Tell us a bit about the recipe, and why it’s a favorite. Is it a handed down family treat or one shared by a friend? Remember to include all the basics, from ingredients to dish sizes, baking times and temperatures.
413 Cherry Street, East Bend, NC 27018
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice
1 baked pie shell
ReserveStir. 3/4 cup of mixture for topping. Press remaining mixture into 9-inch pie pan.
Christine Greene’s Crunchy Pumpkin Cream Pie
Reader Favorite our Best Cooks by sharing a favorite recipe!
Send your recipe submission(s) to: bestcooks@yadkinvalleymagazine.com or mail to: Best Cooks, Yadkin Valley Magazine
Christine Greene with her granddaughters.

1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup brown sugar

For a FUN FALL GET-AWAY 541 West Pine Street, Mount Airy, NC 336 755 2340 millcreekgeneralstore.com Monday Saturday 9:30am 6pm • Sunday: Closed Local Family Owned • Made-In-USA Products! A Clean Eating, Nutrition Class starts soon! Featuring 3 NEW Deli Items Plus a Local All-Time Favorite! Bring Your Family & Friends... Dine in or Take Out Text Millcreek to 33733 to Order On-The-Go! Our Awesome Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich New! Delicious Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork BBQ, Topped With Yummy NC Local Dippity Dawg Dipping Sauce & Coleslaw on Toasted Sourdough Bread! With Our Generous Portions, This Sandwich Satisfies! The Dobbins Mill on Our Menu Named After Our Historical Mill Here in Surry County Our Zesty ChipotleChickenWrapAvocado New! Juicy Deli Chicken With Onions & Green Peppers Topped With Pepper Jack Cheese, Chipotle Mayo & Avocado Spread in a Delicious Tomato Basil Wrap! Order It Grilled to Perfection Simply Mouth Watering! Our FullOfFlavor SpinachStrawberryChicken Salad New! Bed of Fresh Spinach With Fire Grilled Chicken Breast Feta Cheese, Pecans & Cranberries Topped With a Heavenly Strawberry Poppyseed Dressing! A Light & Delectable Meal that Satisfies Perfect for Your Get Away Bite! Our Popular Chicken Salad Croissant AllTime Favorite! Perfect for a Weekend Bite! Juicy Chicken Breast Chunks, All Natural Mayo, Cranberries, Pecans & Pure Honey With Lettuce & Tomato on a Large Delectable Butter Croissant! Great Grilled to Perfection, if You Prefer!

1 cup sour cream
Place pieces of butter across top. Bake covered 40 minutes or until tender.
Pour cider around edges of baking dish.
Broccoli-Spinach Casserole
1 teaspoon salt
Layer half each: potatoes, apples, sugar mixture.
2 (15 1/2-ounce) cans crushed
Sweet Potato & Apple Casserole
The Art of Cooking Available at Daniel Furniture in 336-751-2492Mocksville
1DRAINpineapple.well.cupgranulated sugar
Evenly pour butter over the crackers. Bake for 30 minutes.
Alice Reason
1/4 cup dark brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 can Durkee’s French Onion rings
Preheat oven to 350°F. Cook broccoli & spinach in water for 3
1/4 cup apple cider
Preheat oven to 350°F. Bake potatoes one hour or until skins are Cool,soft.peel, slice into rounds. Mix sugar, cinnamon & cloves.
Sprinkle crackers on pineapple mixture top.
recipes for fall fruits and veggies. Look at the recipes I found for you... hope you like them.
Jean Saunders
2 (-ounce) bags of frozen chopped broccoli
Pour into a 2-quart casserole dish. Top with cheese & onion rings. Bake at 350°F. 25 to 30 minutes.
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
Cookbook Collector
4 medium sweet potatoes
2 Granny Smith apples, peeled & sliced thin
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
2 (10-ounce) bags of frozen chopped spinach
Pineapple Casserole
The Art of Cooking
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
Presented by the Davie Arts Council.
Top with remaining potatoes, apples, sugar mixture.
1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
Kathryn Snider
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
26 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
InDrainminutes.well.alargebowl, place broccoli & Foldspinach.insoup, sour cream, salt & pepper.
A collection of recipes published in 2015 uses Davie County Arts Council Members artwork to divide their recipe categories. You can meet artists Bruce White, Carl ThisandLindaSusanBishop,Bostian,DeanDeniseHarrison.timeofyearwecrave

Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine pineapple, sugar, flour & cheese. Spoon mixture into a greased casserole dish.
3 Tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces
1 roll Ritz crackers, crushed 1 stick butter, melted
27September/October 2022 198 North Main Street Mount Airy, 336-786-6121NC Free Alterations Free Gift Wrap • Free Shipping at Ladies Upstairs

2 sticks unsalted butter (room temperature)
Cream together sugar, butter and Crisco on medium speed for 3 minutes until mixture appears fluffy and white.
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup pumpkin purée
If I had to pick one type of cake I could eat forever it would be pound cake. It’s dense, it’s moist, full of flavor without being overly sweet (even with 3 cups of sugar!) adding pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice turns this basic pound cake into a fall lover’s dream. Enjoy with a cup of coffee!

Pumpkin Pound Cake
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Add eggs one at a time until combined. Add salt, baking powder and pumpkin pie spice. Add 1 cup of flour & 1/2 cup milk; mix. Add 1 cup of flour & 1/2 cup of milk; mix. Add last cup of flour and mix. (scrape down the mixing bowl to ensure all combined). Lastly, add pumpkin purée; mix until combined. Transfer to a greased/floured pound cake pan. Bake at 325°F. 1 hour and 20 minutes or until knife comes out clean. Leave to cool in pan for 10 minutes before turning out!
amanda9joyner@gmail.comFacebook:weddingSpecialityMannyownerAmandaJoynerJoynerJ’sBakerycakes,desserts,cakes@mannyjsbakery foodsandflavors ~™ in Amanda’s Kitchen Rough and Finished Lumber & Building Supplies 800 North State Street Yadkinville, NC (336) 679 2432 Monday Friday 7:30 4:30 Saturday 7:30‐12 family owned • serving since 1947 Yadkin Company,LumberInc.

3 cups all purpose flour
5 eggs
28 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

3 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup Crisco
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
Order Online 24/7/365 at www.soyworx.com Sit back, relax & FALL in love... with your favorite Soyworx fragrance! Sit back, relax & FALL in love... with your favorite Soyworx fragrance!OverinMelissa&DougToysstockreadyforyoutopickup!200amazing Here’s where to find our huge selection of Melissa & Doug and Soyworx Candles Mustard Seed Boutique 1536 NC HWY 67, Jonesville Beside HG Greenes Mon - Fri 10-6 • Sat 10 - 5 • Closed Sundays

1/4 teaspoon black
1 cup butter, softened 3/4 cup white sugar
1 Tablespoon olive oil
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup Cool Whip
2 cups chopped apples
Bring to boil 3 minutes. Add gelatin; stir until dissolved. Add cream cheese; Cool. Fold in apples & Cool Whip. Pour into dish; chill.
2 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
Crumbs: 1/3 cup brown sugar
1 (3-ounce) box lemon gelatin
Grease cookie sheet. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg, vanilla & pumpkin. Mix dry ingredients into wet mixture. Lastly, add chips. Drop by Tablespoons on cookie sheet. Bake at 350°F. 12 minutes.
2 cups water
1 1/2eggteaspoon vanilla
A Table Full of Seasonal Flavors
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 Tablespoons flour
Beat egg. Add remaining ingredients. Bake at 350°F. for 30 minutes.
1/2 cup flour
1 (19-ounce) can crushed pineapple
...an entree to wow your autumn table

1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup margarine
3/4 cup white sugar
…a perfect, pleasing autumn dessert Sour Cream Apple Pie
7 Tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 egg, beaten
6 cups seasoned stuffing
1 1/2 cups mini-chocolate chips
1/4 teaspoon salt
Pork Chops & Fall Flavors
1 cup quick cooking oats
Dot with last Tablespoon butter.
Autumn Apple Salad
NOTE: Yellow apples work best. Peel red apples. Serves 10.
Bake at 350°F.uncovered, 25 to 30 minutes. Thermometer should read 145°F. Rest 5 minutes before serving 6.
1 teaspoon vanilla & pumpkin.
1 cup sour cream
1 (8-ounce) block cream cheese,
2/3 cup sugar
2 cups celery, chopped
Spoon into a greased 13x9-inch baking dish. Heat oil in skillet; brown chops on both sides. Arrange on top stuffing mixture. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Toss apples with brown sugar & spice. Place over chops.
6 pork loin chops
In a saucepan, combine pineapple & sugar.
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/8 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice.
2 tart apples, sliced
1/4 cup minced onion
Combine water, celery, 6 Tablespoons butter, onion in saucepan. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat; stir in stuffing.
30 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Top with following crumbs. Bake an additional 15 minutes.
Spread in bottom of jelly roll pan. Mix pumpkin, 2 eggs & milk. Pour mixture over top.
Mix Presscrust.intoa 9x13-inch dish.
1/4 cup sugar
Pumpkin Dessert Squares

1/2 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup milk
1 cup canned pumpkin
Pumpkin Light
Graham cracker crust:
1 box yellow cake mix
Combine cake mix, sugar, cinnamon & butter until crumbly.
Mix other ingredients & put on crust. Put in freezer for 4 hours. Then move to refrigerator. To serve, add whipped topping.
3 cups pumpkin pie mix
1/4 cup butter
31September/October 2022
3 eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
Bake at 350°F. 40 to 45 minutes.
Sprinkle over top.
3 cups graham cracker crumbs
FREE Local Delivery 848 South Main Street • Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751 2492 “Courteous, Dependable Service for over 85 years” danielfurniturenc.com Our recliners are family tested for comfort and “snoozeability”!

3/4 cup melted butter
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
from Petite to Big Man Size We stock the perfect chair for you.
2/3 cup milk
1 (3.4-ounce) box instant vanilla pudding
2 1/2 cups Cool whip
Reserve 1 cup DRY cake mix. Combine remaining mix, melted butter, & 1 egg.
32 yadkinvalleymagazine.com Since 1984 Family Owned and Operated 1305 LewisvilleClemmons Road • Lewisville • 3367669109 www.smithermanshardware.com Great Selection of Chain Saws Handheld & Backpack Blowers WE ARE A MASTER SERVICE CENTER Servicing mowers and small engine equipment from most major brands 1305 LewisvilleClemmons Road • Lewisville • 3367669109 www.smithermanshardware.com Offering Equipment Rental: Mini Excavators, Skid Steer Loaders, Pluggers & more HandheldFertilizerGardenEquipmentSeeds~MulchHandToolsEverythingyouneedforSpringlawn&gardenNow stocking Knives from forFinancingAvailablequalifiedbuyersseestorefordetails

WE DELIVER! quality materials • competitive prices • unbeatable service HedgecockBuildersSupply.com 502 NC Highway 65 (336) 591 4321 • 866 546 8466 Prepare for the Change of Seasons with New Windows and Doors BIG “B” AUTO PARTS, INC Locally Owned and Operated by Dustin and Maggie Calloway 336 679 Mondaynapabigb@gmail.com3181 Friday 7:30 5 Saturday 812 1101 W. Main St. Yadkinville, NC 27055 Hydraulic Hose Assemblies Made Auto, Truck & Tractor Parts Custom BatteryFarmCablesToys Serving Yadkin and the surrounding areas since 1987 The only LOCALLY OWNED Auto Parts Store in Yadkin County 33September/October 2022


Roasted Red Pepper Soup / serves 4
Serve with crusty rolls, cheese spread or just a great grilled cheese sandwich. It is a light soup—good even in the summer.
Cook on low heat about 40 minutes.
1 medium onion/chopped
Vicki Yount
1 teaspoon baking soda, added near end of cooking time
2 Red Bell Peppers
To a medium stockpot, add oil, chopped onions, garlic, cooled/chopped blackened peppers. Cook over medium heat until softened.
1 or 2 teaspoons sugar
Put whole peppers in a plastic bag OR cover with plastic wrap to cool. When peppers are cooled, scrape most of blacken skin from the peppers.
Clean peppers of membranes and remove seeds.
OR 2 homemade quarts of tomatoes
34 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Vicki Yount

Gas stove, simply and carefully hold peppers over the flame to blacken the out side, turning peppers around to char. No need to cut peppers.
1 teaspoon dried basil
Conventional oven, cut peppers into strips. Broil until blackened on a foil wrapped, oiled baking sheet.

4 Tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves/smashed and chopped
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 large cans of crushed tomatoes
Add tomatoes, pepper, sugar & baking soda.
Put hot soup in a blender or use as stick blender to puree...not a chunky soup.
I am so thrilled cooler weather is coming. The older I get, the less I like hot weather. I also miss cooler weather foods. I was starting to think that I was going to start clucking from all of the summer chicken dishes or mooing from the cheeseburgers. I love summer for the vegetable garden and flowers, but the heat and humidity I can gladly do without! We need a special holiday to celebrate the man who invented air conditioning. So, it is finally time to enjoy fall leaves and soups and stews—I am ready—I am just glad for seasons. Have a great fall. Vicki
1 or 2 teaspoons salt (to your taste)
1/2 cup heavy cream, added at the end of cooking
Grated Parmesan cheese added to soup when serving

35September/October 2022 Christy Beane & Robert Jones offer customer service that perfectly matches our beautiful jewelry.The Power of Prayer is undeniable. This inspirational bracelet has 7 beads, one for each day of the week, to remind us to pray each day. 14k gold, artist wire & silver beads R. JewelersThomas rthomasjewelers@windstream.net336-983-4923 614 C South Main Street Lowes Food Shopping Center King, NC 27021 Monday thru Friday: Lunch 11a to 2p Tuesday Night: Breakfast 5p to 8p Saturday Morning: Breakfast 7a to 11a Saturday Night: Southern Favorites 5p to 8p all buffets include tea or coffee Pete and Lee invite you to visit Enjoy our all-you-care-to-eatfamousBuffet Tuesday Saturday 5am 8pm • Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5am 2pm • Closed Sunday 7844 Highway 67 West, East Bend (336) 6994293 Our buffet includes Cobbler and Banana Pudding! PLUS we offer a menu filled with madetoorder favorites like Tenderloin Baked Spaghetti, Tilapia. and in the mornings Breakfast Biscuits and delicious homemade gravy

in a KitchenMominKitchenMombusy’sabusy’s
Slice into 1/4-inch thick slices
1/4 cup coconut aminos (soy-free substitute for soy sauce)
Chill in the refrigerator.
1 Tablespoon avocado oil
2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 Tablespoon sea salt
1 honeycrisp apple, peeled, cored.
Shred meat using two forks.
Pour liquids, apples & onions from Instant Pot into a blender; puree. Then pour over the pork.
1 bunch of cilantro, chopped
Instant Pot Apple Cider Pulled Pork with Cilantro Lime Slaw

Pour in apple cider, apple cider vinegar, coconut aminos & hot sauce.
4 pound boneless pork shoulder or loin, cut into 6 equal pieces
1 cup mayo
Open lid when depressurized.
The best time of the year is here! A fresh school year, football, festivals, the first of the cooler evenings, saying "good riddance" to muggy summer weather and "hello" to fresh Carolina apples! I look forward to hitting the Brushy Mountain Apple Festival for my favorite honeycrisp apples to incorporate into my meal plan ning at every opportunity.
1 pound bag of shredded cole slaw mix
In a bowl, mix all dry spices to make a rub for pork pieces. Coat each one on all sides.
Salt and pepper to taste
Slaw Ingredients
Ryan Guthrie
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
Batch cooking on Sundays has made life a lot easier through the work week in this crazy season of kids, work and, well, life in general. Finding versatile protein recipes can be the star of hectic weeknight dinners have been a game changer. This pork recipe has just the right blend of sweet, savory and smoky flavors you don't get tired of. It reheats perfectly without drying out and is the ideal base to different dinners night after night. We will have a nice Sunday lunch with roasted sweet po tatoes and slaw, then the pork in corn tortillas, topped with slaw for Taco Tuesday and finally, use any leftovers to top salads or make sliders another night. If you meal prep your lunches for work, this should be on your go-to recipe list!
Turn the pot off.
Place pork on top of onions, apples & liquid in your Instant Pot. Seal the lid; set to high pressure for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
2 cups apple cider
Use tongs to move pork pieces to a plate
36 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

2 medium yellow onions thinly sliced
Once cooking time is complete, do a quick release of the steam.
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 Tablespoon Frank’s Hot Sauce or Texas Pete
Lay apple slices on top.
In a busy household like ours, the perfect dinner involves minimal dirty dishes and food prep!
Ryan Guthrie
While pork is cooking, mix together slaw ingredients.
Use the sauté feature on your Instant Pot to sauté onions in avocado oil for 5 minutes.
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
37September/October 2022 1313 North Bridge Street Elkin, NC 336-835-201328621 Monday-Friday 9-5 • Saturday 9-4 • Closed Wed NOW!ShopOur *within 50 miles * 6428 NC Hwy 67, Boonville, NC 336 699 6256 Wednesday Friday 11 6 • Saturday 11 4whispersandwings.com Visit our New Home!Check our Facebook Page ConnieWings ...shopping that is soothing to the soul Candles • Jewelry • Christian Products • Home Decor • Vintage Nook Monogramming • Gifts for all Occasions • Handmade Items Connieowner,KeyHobson Great selection of TShirts

1 cup brown sugar
Eggs are amazing! From aioli’s and soufflés to custards, cured yolks, meringue, and even real Caesar dressing…there are endless possibilities, recipes, and tech niques to learn and to cook with eggs.
1/4 cup pickling spice
Combine all ingredients in a sauce pot, bring to a boil and strain into a container, let mixture cool completely before adding cooked egg halves. Let egg white halves sit overnight in beet pickle liquid.
Candied Bacon
Lisa Prince, Director, NC Egg Association

Beet Pickled Eggs (egg salad)
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
And, the egg and poultry industry are very important for our state. In fact: Poul try is the #1 agricultural industry in North Carolina. The poultry industry creates over 148,350 jobs for North Carolinians and generates an economic impact of $39.76 billion. Over 5,700 farm families produce poultry and eggs in North Car olina—home to 9 million hens that lay 7 1/2 million eggs each day.
Lisa is sharing recipes from Chef Pat E. O’Dawe, chef at Grandover Resort & Sheraton Greensboro Four Seasons.
1 cup Duke’s mayonnaise
38 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
“I have been a chef for close to 20 years and have yet to scratch the surface of the incredible EGG. We have all made deviled eggs before, so here is my alterations to a classic recipe—BLT Deviled Eggs. This recipe has evolved from its humble be ginning and isn’t your usual BLT. Not a BLT at all—but it is a familiar name, so people usually eat their full before asking what’s on them because they are so pretty!

3 large fresh whole beets (peeled and cut into quarters)
Salt & pepper (to taste)
Preheat oven at 325°F., perfect temperature for bacon. Place bacon on parchment paper. Grind black pepper heavily on raw bacon. Sprinkle brown sugar on top. Cook 15 to 20 minutes, depending on oven. Keep sugary bacon fat for other recipes. Let bacon cool on cutting board.
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon yellow mustard
Sprinkle of turmeric
2 teaspoons of freshly ground black pepper
1 cup water
1 dozen large eggs
foodsandflavors ~™ Lisa Prince
Beet Pickle Mix
15 strips of thick cut bacon
1 teaspoon sweet pickle juice
Done…enjoy! Or use the same process Top with fried pickles. Visit ncegg.org for more egg facts, recipes and info, or check out the N. C. Poultry Federation to learn more about NC Poultry.
39September/October 2022 Willow Tree’sCollectionSignature GingerGingerSilverJewelrybyForestSnaps&PetiteSnaps FREE GIFT WRAP • EARN GIFT DOLLARS PILOT INTERNATIONAL GIFT SHOP 711 E. Main St., Pilot Mountain 336-368-2364 Tuesday-Friday 9:30-5 • Saturday 9:30-2 Stands&FlagsGarden Ask about our newly redesigned stove! More efficient, less maintenence ForOwnedFamily40Years! Quality Repair and Installation Service on any Water Stove Brand Call me, Austin Sumner today for a quote! Custom Made Water Stoves • Solar Panels • Metal Piping • Welding • Rigging • IndustrialPiping • Water Stove Parts 2649 South Main St. • Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 789-4977 www.hickswaterstoves.com

Boil eggs 13 minutes in a salted pot of water. Remove eggs; put in an ice bath.
Crack eggs on the side of the sink, peeling eggs under running water, separate the whites and yolks of the egg. Make the egg salad with the remaining ingredients. Reserve the whites for pickling. Assemble by piping egg yolk mixture into each half
of the beet pickled egg, top with candied bacon and a sliver of fresh jalapeño.
Cut into strips.

One summer, our 4-H food preservation class had the experience of making homemade applesauce. The highlights of the day were cranking the apple peeler, slicer, corer and cooking the apple rings to make the homemade sauce. The youth couldn’t believe how simple applesauce is to make, just apples and sugar. We used a stick immersion blender in the pot we cooked the apples in to magically make the texture smooth. They were surprised at the difference between store bought and homemade applesauce and how delicious it tasted. One participant summed up the thoughts of the group. “There is apple sauce and then there is APPLE SAUCE!” The 4-Her’s came back for seconds and thirds until the applesauce pot was scraped clean.
altitude.To freeze, cool prepared applesauce and spoon into freezer containers, leaving ½ inch headspace for pints and 1-inch headspace for quarts. Frozen apple sauce is best if eaten within 8 to 12 months. Keep freezer at 0 degrees and thaw in refrigerator when ready to eat.
A benefit of apples is the long storage life com pared to many other fruits. Select apples that are firm
My parents have continued the applesauce tradition, even using grandma’s vin tage cone shaped strainer with the wooden pestle. Our children loved going to Mamaw and Papaw’s to make applesauce. They would watch with excitement as they stirred with the pestle squeezing the applesauce out of the hundreds of tiny holes in the strainer. The results made all of the hard work worth the effort.
Family and Consumer Agent N.C. Cooperative Extension Surry & Alleghany county centers.

Carmen Long
When I think of fall, I think of apples. From the delicious aromas of fresh baked apple cakes, pies, apple butter, dried apples, and cooked apples, I love them all. The wonderful smell of homemade applesauce brings extra special memories.

40 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

Carmen Long
An Apple a Day –Some Way
Carmen Long
Fall is the perfect time to can or freeze some extra applesauce to enjoy throughout the year. The recommended processing time for applesauce in a boil ing-water canner - hot pack pints for 20 minutes and quarts for 25 minutes. In a weighted gauge pressure canner, process at 10 lbs. of pressure – hot pack pints for 8 minutes and quarts for 10 minutes. In a dial gauge canner, hot pack pints for 8 minutes and quarts for 10 minutes at 6 lbs. of pressure for up to 2000 feet
Growing up in northern Indiana, my grandmother used Cortland apples for her applesauce which resulted in a beautiful pinkish delicacy. Warm, right off of the stove, it was smooth, delicious, and difficult to stop with one bowl.
Dr. William Virtue, Mary Katherine Taylor, and the staff of

Virtue Dental Care.

41September/October 2022 LEWIS FURNITURE&CountryStore (336) 258-2700 • 101 East End Blvd. Jonesville, NC 28642 www.ReclinerUSA.comShop on-line or in-store! Home delivery & set-up available see store for details Sizzling Mattress Sale andin-store,Shoponour newexcitingwebsite! Lamps • Buy One-Get One of equal or less value Store Open Monday-Saturday 10-5:00 Now in Progress... 301 East Lee Avenue Yadkinville, NC 336.679.2034 www.dentalvirtue.com Dr. Virtue is a Naturopath as well as a Certified Biologic Dentist. He is the past Executive VP of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, IAOMT. Dr. Virtue teaches other dentists how to properly perform Biologic safe dental care which he practices every day! For more than three decades I’ve been practicing dentistry with the support and help of my experienced staff, serving many of our patients for years. With trusted, state of the art dentistry, we look forward to welcoming you to Virtue Dental Care. Biocompatible, Cosmetic Restorative Dentistry

The Scalloped Apple recipe is one of my family’s favorites for cooked apples made in the microwave.
1/2 cup sugar (optional) Peel apples, core & slice or cut into chunks. Measure water into large stock pot . Add Cookapples.onhigh until apples are tender, approximately 15 to 20 minutes depending on variety/ripeness of apples. For smoother applesauce, put cooked apples through a food mill or sieve OR use an immersion blender. Chunky applesauce: keep apples in pieces. Add sugar to desired sweetness. Makes 4 pints. Can be frozen. OR processed 20 minutes in a boiling water bath canner.
Scalloped Apples
This year, we have even more reason to enjoy one of our favorite fruits. Join kids and adults across of North Carolina on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 12:00 noon by crunching into a locally grown apple. This event is about uniting together to celebrate North Carolina agriculture, National Farm to School Month, Early Care and Education Month, apples grown by local farmers, and healthy eating.
Use your favorite apples, Pink Lady are one of mine, to make some Crunchy Apple Salad on Crunch Day with this easy recipe the whole family will like. For an even easier snack, just sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon. Enjoy some apples prepared your preferred way today.
Place apples in a 2 1//2-quart microwave-safe bowl.
42 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

Combine sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, & nutmeg.
10 cups sliced peeled tart apples (about 8 medium)
Cover; microwave on high for 11 to 12 minutes or until apples are tender. Stir every 5 minutes.
to hard and have been kept refrigerated. Apples will ripen and therefore turn soft 10 times faster at room temperature and nearly 5 times faster at 40 degrees F. Cold temperatures keep apples from continuing to ripen after being picked which can result in a mushy texture. Place apples in a plastic bag and store in the crisper of your refrigerator for up to six weeks. Check the bags frequently and remove any apples that have started to decay. For longer storage, apples can be canned, dried, or frozen. For more information on any of these techniques, visit the National Center for Home Food Preservation at the University of Georgia Cooperative Ex tension at https://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/publications_uga.html.
2 Tablespoons cornstarch
Homemade Applesauce

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 to 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Sprinkle over apples and toss to coat. Dot with butter.
6 pounds apples 1/2 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons butter, cubed (optional)
2 Tablespoons raisins (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Chill until ready to serve.
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon light mayonnaise
1 cup milk
43September/October 2022
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon sugar
2 large apples, one green and one red, washed 1 (8-ounce) can pineapple tidbits, in juice, drained Wisk together first 5 ingredients in a medium bowl. Cut unpeeled apples into bite-sized pieces. Stir apples, pineapple tidbits, raisins, & nuts into the yogurt mixture.
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Use some of your homemade applesauce to make Apple Flapjacks

Crunchy Apple Salad
Measure & stir together flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Wisk together milk, applesauce, vanilla extract, cinnamon & egg in separate bowl. Pour wet ingredients over dry ingredients; stir gently. Batter should be pourable, can add more milk if needed.
Text or Call 336 902 0999 email: sewblessedquiltworks1@gmail.com Visit our online store www.sewblessedquiltworks.weebly.comat: Open Monday Friday 11 6 • Saturday 11 3 • Closed Sun & Wed 201 Sparta Road, Suites A North Wilkesboro 3368180852 Offering Machine Repair on most major brands Sew Blessed Quiltworks Libby Whittington, owner Call the store for information & to register for our upcoming classes 3368180852 Thank you for voting us Best Quilting/Craft Supplies! Meet Bobbin! our shop kitty Fabric & Notions Quilting & CustomQuiltsServicesEmbroideryForSalePainted–BarnQuilts&BirdHouses We’re filled to the brim with merchandise!new Nomination forms for Quilts of Valor SewavailableareatBlessedQuiltworks.

1 Non-stickegg cooking spray
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
1 Tablespoon baking powder

1 cup applesauce

Lightly spray entire surface of a large pan on a stovetop burner with non-stick cooking spray and turn heat to medium high. Use a tablespoon to scoop batter and pour onto the hot pan. Be careful to not let them touch. Wait about 2 minutes for bubbles to appear on surface of each flapjack. Then flip them with a spatula. Cook for about 1 minute more. Lift the corner of flapjack with the spatula or a fork to take a peek at the bottom side to see doneness. Serve with applesauce, fresh apple slices & a sprinkle of cinnamon. Serves 4.
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 Tablespoons walnuts (optional)
1 cup chopped pecans
Confectioner’s sugar to dust

4 cups peeled, chopped apple
Dr. Andrew Rivers, wife Katie, son Nolan and daughter Nora

118 Hospital MocksvilleSt.
Grease/flour a 10-inch tube pan.
Because You Should Want
With electric mixer, beat eggs at medium speed until thick and pale.
In a large bowl, mix flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon.
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
For many years, Cooperative Extension hosted a Farm Safety Day for high school students at the Upper Mountain Research Station in Laurel Springs. Presenters always looked forward to break time and this fresh apple cake made by volunteer, Twyla Kennedy. to
Pre-heat oven to 350°F.
Stir liquid mixture into dry ingredients until well blended. Mix in apples and pecans. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 1 hour and 25 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean. Place cake on a wire rack; cool for 5 minutes. Dust when cooled.

1 cup vegetable oil
See Your Dentist 336‐751‐Whiteningwww.RiversFamilyDentistry.com6289•ToothColoredFillings•Crown & Bridges Extractions • Implant Restorations • Dentures Accepting most major insurances

2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda
Gradually add sugar, beating until blended. Add oil and vanilla; beat at low speed until blended.
3 large eggs
Fresh Apple-Pecan Cake
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
44 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

2 cups sugar

45September/October 2022 FREE 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH On Approved Credit Monday to Friday 8:30 5:30 Saturday 8:30 2:00 420-422 North Main St., Mount Airy Store (336) 786-8659 Service (336) 786-4442 info@brannockandhiattfurniture.com Since 1962 a 3rd Generation, Family Owned and Operated Local Business Visit our exciting, expanded web site www.brannockandhiattfurniture.com Explore our selection, apply for a Brannock Hiatt Credit Card, make on-line payments, you can even set up repair requests! Brannock & Hiatt presents The Ultimate Cooking Experience Simple to Start Precise Temperature Control Safer To Use Easy Clean Up Patented Technology Visit our Big Green Egg Showroom Featuring a great selection of Grills and loads of Accessories

Cover each piece with the Peach Maple Sauce (see recipe) and serve.
Between two pieces of plastic wrap, pound each piece of pork to a little less than 1/4-inch thickness. Season both sides of each piece with salt and pepper.
foodsandflavors ~™ Jim Collins

2 Fresh peaches, chopped 1 teaspoon butter
1/4 cup of pure maple syrup
Breaded Pork with Peach Maple Sauce

Set Dredgeaside.each slice of pork in the flour Then through the egg.
Flour for dredging
My mind thought about some schnitzel I had way back when. The wheels in my mind started rolling and I came up with this recipe. I didn’t have any bread crumbs, so I substituted Ritz Crackers and the recipe turned out better than I thought it would. Your mind is a wonderful machine.
When you want something differ ent to eat, look around at what you have and think about how you could make it delicious. It works for me. That’s how I come up with a lot of my recipes. Good Luck!
Jim Collins

In a sauce pan melt butter over medium heat. Add peaches & sauté until softened. Add maple syrup. Cook until hot about 1 minute. Remove from heat. Pour over pork.
46 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
4 slices pork loin 1/2-inch thick, pounded, or use boneless pork chops
Add Cookpork.both sides until browned. Remove to a warm platter until all the pork is cooked.
Jim lives in Winston Salem. He is a great cook who knows Yadkin Valley Wines and, his way around a kitchen!
12 Ritz crackers, crushed 1 egg, beaten
fat from pork.
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
Coat with crushed Ritz crackers. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes to seal the coating. Heat vegetable oil over medium heat in a large skillet.
Breaded Pork
Note: You can substitute 1 cup of frozen or canned peaches if fresh peaches are not available.
Note: Let the sauce cool and you can put some on a slice of pound cake or put on top of vanilla ice cream.
The other day I bought a whole pork loin. I cut out two pieces for pork roasts and sliced the rest into ½ inch thick slices. I kept looking at the slices and some fresh peaches sitting on the counter and wondered how I could combine the two.
Peach Maple Sauce
47September/October 2022 S.H. WOODWORKING REFINISHING & REPAIR 1316 Travis Rd, Yadkinville 336-463-2885 336-655-4344HomeCell Restoring Family Heirlooms Chair Caning, Wicker Repair, Lathe Work Quality Craftsmanship… every step of the way before after WoodworkingCustom 133 Old Buck Shoals Road • Mount Airy 336-786-2023 Monday-Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-5 USDA PRIME and Choice Meats Inspected Daily Quality without Question for specials and updates! We offer Vacuum Packaging photos by Jordan Brannock Photography Wings, Steaks, Burgers, Pork we offer the freshest cuts of meats fresh breads and sides It’s time newsleemailtosubscribetoourFREE tter yadkinweekends.valley Sign up yadkinvalleymagazine.comat: Delicious desserts personally recommened by the Gwyn Family Dessert Taste Testers!

WHO TO TRUST FOR RING SIZING? “Trusted (Old!) Jewelers Since 1960” Celebrating62 GREATOurTOTHANKSYEARS!YOU!CurrentCustomers! Who can you TRUST? Who does their own work? Who knows what they are DOING? Who is local & has been around a while? Who is Family Owned & easy to talk to? WHO ALSO DOES Stone Setting...Resetting Bead & Pearl Restringing Lost stones replaced... Chain & bracelet repairs... Cleaning your fine Jewelery... Free inspection& estimates Watch Batteries... Watch Crystals... Watch Repairs... Quality professional Jewely repair of all type...You Name It! DAVIE JEWELERS THAT’S WHO! MORE ESTATE JEWELRY TO CHOSE FROM, COME SEE US SOON!ALSO 2 LOCATIONS CLEMMONS 336 766 1800 2668 Lewisville Clemmons Rd across from Hip Chics MOCKSVILLE 336 751 3747 1047 Yadkinville Rd near Tractor Supply

The Club sandwiches we enjoyed at The Yellow Door Cafe were fresh, delicious and a great meal! The potato salad, equally good. Service was sharp and attentive. The atmosphere had it’s own vibe, perfect for a fun lunch. We highly recommend!

49September/October 2022 Main sponsors: Town of Yadkinville TDA, Yadkin County TDA, Jonesville TDA, First National Bank, Nextera Energy, Skyline National Bank. Saturday, October 15 11am to 5pm Downtown Yadkinville Souvenir Booth Shop our Festival 13 Yadkin wineriesValleywillbeonsite! Admission is Free Wine tasting tickets at the gate are $25. Save $5 by purchasing tickets in advance. A souvenir wine glass is included. Military Appreciation tickets at the gate are $20. Age ID Required To order tickets visit www.yvgf.com or Call 1-877-492-3546 Event Rain or Shine! For group rates call the Chamber Office in advance: 336 679 2200. Live Stage Entertainment Larry Wishon Noon to 2p Juke Box Rehab 3 to 5pCourtesyWineStorageBoothShuttle service will be provided to the festival from local lodging at no cost . Contact the Chamber to sign up for festival transportation. Experience the Latest in Yadkin Valley Wines Meet Your Friends for a fun day of Wine, Music & Food

Tuesday-Thursday 11a-2p / 4-8p Friday 9a-2p / 4p-9p Saturday
www.yellowdoorcafe.com9a-2p336-258-8113 2022

The Yellow Door Cafe by Liberty Catering 280 Standard Street, Elkin, NC 28621

50 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

photo: Pixels On Paper Photography
Prepare - Before the cooking day shop and pre pare your workspace. I don't recommend shop ping, prepping, and cooking all in one day. Keep in mind if you are planning to prepare a month's worth of meals the grocery bill will be higher than your normal weekly shopping and take a while longer. Clean out the freezer to make space for the meals and clear off countertops for extra work area. If a recipe calls for a cooked compo nent, for example, browned ground beef, make it before to save time.
Courtney Tevepaugh
Courtney Tevepaugh
A home-cooked meal is something I prioritize for the health of my family. Family meals can strengthen relation ships and help young children develop positive eating habits. Not to mention cooking at home saves money while al lowing individuals to have control over the ingredients in their food. With a busy family, getting dinner on the table in the evenings is no easy task. Many turn to freezer meals to save money, pro vide a healthy home-cooked meal, and encourage their family to share a meal.
Courtney Tevepaugh
Before having my son, I spent time making a batch of freezer meals to make life easier with a newborn. It was so convenient to pull a meal out of the freezer rather than stress about finding the time to cook. It was also nice to know I had control over the food we were eating. Since then though I have not prepared freezer meals in bulk. As were going through a very busy season at home, getting meals on the table has become a battle. A wise mentor reminded me that I should carve out a chunk of time to prepare a batch of meals again. I decided to take her advice and surprisingly whipped out a month’s worth of meals in a few hours!
There are more blog posts on the internet featuring freezer meals than I can count. The trouble is when I read these, I find myself thinking…" that's a great idea, but my family will not like it". I don't want to waste my precious time prepping meals that are less than desirable. So, I have combed my resources to find freezer meals my family enjoys. I want to use quality ingredients, and make them healthy, with little prep or cooking time. Bonus points for recipes that can go straight into the slow cooker or instant pot! Here are two favorite freezer meals.
Recipes - Think about the meals you enjoy most. Center your planning around those recipes, now is not the best time to try something new. Consider recipes that will freeze well, including meats, soups, and casseroles. Foods that do not freeze well include raw or hard-boiled eggs in their shell; potatoes; instant rice; pasta that is frozen by itself.
Enjoy - Finally, enjoy your hard-earned work. Create a meal plan based on the meal prepared to be sure they are not forgotten in the freezer. Make note of the recipes your family enjoyed the most to make on your next cooking day!
Freezer Meals for BusyYourFamily

Family and Consumer Science Agent, Wilkes County North Carolina Cooperative Extension

Regardless of your family size or life stage, freezer meals can be a time and energy saver. If you choose to fill the freezer with meals, consider these things before jump ing in.
Plan - List ingredients needed for the recipes chosen and take inventory of what's available in your pantry. From this, you can make a shopping list. Remember to include quality freezer bags, storage containers, aluminum foil, and foil pans if needed.
Cooking Day - Be prepared to spend a few hours prepping meals for a two-week supply. If choosing to prepare a month of meals it may take the majority of the day. For cooked foods, cool slightly before adding to freezer bags. Freezer bags can melt if food is too hot. While cooking, remember to check the serving size of the recipes. If your family is small and does not enjoy leftovers it's probably best to divide the recipe before freezing.
BBQ Ribs
To Cook: Thaw chicken & marinade in cold water or overnight in the refrigerator. In a large skillet on med-high heat add 3 Tablespoons oil. Stir fry chicken until crispy, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add vegetables & stir fry another 3 to 5 minutes, or until tender. Stir in sauce.
Add all contents to pot. Cook on high pressure for 50 minutes (from frozen) OR 45 minutes (from fresh).
3 to 4 pounds country style ribs
3 cloves minced garlic or 1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1/3 cup rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar
1 pound chicken breast, cut into 1” cubes 1/4 cup cornstarch (optional)
1/3 cup chopped onion or 1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

To Cook in Instant Pot
1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 (16-ounce) bag frozen stir fry vegetables
2 Tablespoons sesame or olive oil
Label a new gallon freezer bag. Add bag of chicken, bag of sauce & frozen vegetables on top. Seal together and freeze.
To Cook in Crock Pot
Place ribs on a baking sheet topped with your favorite BBQ sauce. Broil in oven until sauce is caramelized. Yields 4 to 6 servings. Serve with baked potatoes or corn on the cob!
Homemade Stir Fry Kit
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
Add chicken & cornstarch to a gallon size freezer bag Shake to coat pieces. Seal. In a small quart size bag combine sauce ingredients (oil, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, garlic).
Continue cooking for another minute to let sauce thicken. Yields 4 to 6 servings. For quicker prep substitute homemade sauce for one cup of bottled stir fry sauce. Serve with rice or noodles.
Cook on low for 7 to 8 hours (from frozen) OR on low for 5 to 6 hours (from fresh).
51September/October 2022
Allow for a 20-minute natural pressure release.
Label a gallon-size freezer bag with cooking instructions Add ribs. Mix remaining ingredients in a separate bowl. Pour over ribs. Seal, remove as much air as possible, and freeze.

“We are so proud of Rachel and the hard work she has put into making her Gold Award project a success,” said Jennifer Wilcox, CEO. “Being na tionally recognized for her efforts is exciting, and her accomplishments will impact families and communities for years to come.”
Weiner also created the Gold Garden Booklet, which includes details about gardens and produce, instructions on container gardening, recipes to cook with produce and science experiments to do with both gardens and harvested plants. The middle school has started a Garden Club to take care of the Gold Garden and has many exciting plans to expand the garden in the upcoming seasons.
Scholarship NORTH IREDELL RECORDS, INC. Accounting, Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping Rose P. Speece PO Box 40 • 152 Indian Hill Rd. Union Grove, NC 28689 WE OFFER TAXELECTRONICFILING Enrolled Agent, ATA, ATP OPEN YEAR ROUND January 1st thru April 30 Monday Friday 8am 9pm Saturday 8am 5pm Special Appointments Available May thru December Monday Friday 8am 4pmEnrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Left to right: Whitney Barker, Zeth Davidson, Steven Howard, Chris Barker, Rose Speece Telephone: (704) 5394715 Mobile: (704) 4508593 Fax : (704) 5394842 Email: rspeece@yadtel.net To learn more about the Girl Scout Gold Award or Girl Scouting in your community, you can visit www.girlscoutsp2p.org.
The GSUSA Gold Award Scholarship recognizes one outstanding Gold Award Girl Scout from each of the 111 councils across the United States. Re cipients are selected based on their project exemplifying the core components of the Girl Scout Gold Award and demonstrating extraordinary leadership driving lasting change within the community and beyond. Weiner was awarded a total of $2,005 in scholarships monies.
Yadkin • Valley PEOPLE

52 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

For her Girl Scout Gold Award project, Weiner created the Gold Garden at East Forsyth Middle School to give students a place to learn hands-on about gardening so they could go home and create their own gardens on a smaller scale. The produce grown in the Gold Garden is used in Home Economics Life Skills classes and in science classes.
Rachel Weiner
Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont is pleased to announce that Ra chel Weiner of Forsyth County and a member of Girl Scout Troop 41621 has been selected as a National Gold Award Scholarship recipient from Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA).
Girl Rachel Weiner Earns National

53September/October 2022 Scott Church Land Surveying is a proud member of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and the North Carolina Society of Surveyors (NCSS). ALTA/ACSM As-built/Construction/LayoutSurvey Survey Avigation/View Easement Survey Boundary CondominiumSurveyPlats • Deed Protraction Floodplain Elevation Certificates Forensic Survey/Expert Witness Forestry Survey • Hydrographic Survey Land Use/Development Design Mortgage/Physical Survey OPUS Management Right of Way/Easement Survey Subdivision Design • Topographic Survey
Also an amateur woodworker, Rierson acknowledges fine handcrafted work—his creations and others.

Handmade: Portraits of the Artist’s Tools
Bryan Rierson, photographer, exhibits September 8 - October 28

at the Welborn Gallery in the Yadkin Arts Council, Yadkinville, 336-679-2941

All images are shot on film, in black and white, a fact Rierson has found is often appreciated by his portrait subjects that he is using traditional methods.
"The love of handmade craft inspired me to. begin a project in 2019 of photographing portrait of artists and artisans, showing their hands rather than their faces—the faces are left to the viewer’s imagination,” avows September/October Welborn Gallery exhibiting artist Bryan Rierson."I have photographed a wet plate collodion photographer holding a four-inch tintype he made; a traditional letterpress printer, an artist who builds tiny wooden robots that are included in my exhibit. I’ve included information about each artist and artisan featured,” Rierson continued.

provide a variety of surveying services: Residential, Commercial, Industrial Land Surveys 723-C Main Street North Wilkesboro, 28659 (336) scottchurchsurveying.com.452-4161 NC L-5133

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55September/October 2022 incredible stitching speed even with complicated patterns our Gammill Statler with over 1,300 Patterns Say hello to Emme! 303 10th Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 336‐818‐0940 gloria‐sews.com www.facebook.com/gloriasews • gloriasews.etsy.com Gift Certificates Huge Selection of Fabrics, Thread, Buttons, Quilting Supplies Fine Children’s Clothing Newborns to Preteens We feature all the top quality names! Petit Ami • Paty Mabel & Honey • Kissy Kissy Area Code 407 Kids Will IsobellaBaileyFeltmanBethBrothersBoys&Chloe 819 Main Street, North 336-667-1430Wilkesboro Open Monday-Friday 9:30-5:30 Saturday 9:30-4:00 www.ababycelebration.com A Baby Celebration Baby Gifts & Accessories

6224 Windsor Road, Hamptonville, NC 27020 TuesSat 9:30am4:30pm • 3364681744 HomeAcresNC.com Quality Furniture for every room of your Home A special Thank-you to the hundreds of friends who endured a wet and windy day to join us for our 8th Anniversary Cookout. We really appreciate your business. Since 1926 Smith Brothers has been combining old world craftsmanship with the latest technologies to build furniture that is solid, comfortable and stylish. And we build it in America.

6224 Windsor Road, Hamptonville, NC 27020 TuesSat 9:30am4:30pm • 3364681744 HomeAcresNC.com Beautiful Solid Wood Dining Room Furniture

Now let’s talk about the things you need to plant. Autumn ushers in a whole new planting season. Whether it is cool sea son veggies, such as kale, broccoli and lettuces. Or trees and shrubs for spring blooms. Planting in the fall will usually give you beautiful new growth and blooms in the spring. Until then though, grab a cup of hot cocoa and get out on the porch in your fuzzy socks and hoodie, oh, and pants please don’t forget the pants! Take a look around. Make note of the way the sunlight lays so gently upon the surface of everything that is nature. Autumn is short, so soak it up while it’s here. Make some s’mores and gather friends and family by the fire pit. But most of all make some memories.
Delores Kincer & Judy Mitchell
As ApproachesAutumn
The sounds and sights of summer are fading into mem ories as fall approaches. Autumn reminds me of a warm, in viting, cozy room of a home where love lives. And I don’t know about you, but I am more than ready for some cooler temperatures. To go with those cooler temps comes all my fa vorite things. Like, fuzzy socks, and oversized hoodies. The sound of falling leaves rustling on the wind, and bonfires with s’mores. Oh, and the smell of fresh apple pie straight from the Whatoven. would fall be without the sight of pumpkins, corn stalks and of course fall mums. Garden mums are the variety that is typically seen in the fall at nurseries and garden centers. Under the right circumstances they can be a perennial. That is if you actually plant them in the ground rather than leave them in the pot till the ground cools. You could make a mum bed and add your pumpkins and cornstalks to it in the fall. With any luck you would have a fresh mum bed in the spring. Provided that the winter is not too tough.
While we are on the subject of autumn beauty, have you ever noticed the morning dew on pink muhly grass? In the morning light of the season, it is magical. You almost expect to see fairies and pixie dust. The lighting that autumn pro vides is unmatched by any other season. No matter what choices you make for autumn plantings, the light is sure to make everything even more beautiful.


happy colors and bring some joy into the drabness of winter. Who doesn’t love a little pansy face staring up at the sun, or peeking through the snow?

Let’s not forget the ‘faces’ of fall. Pansies are another au tumnal favorite. These beautiful little babies will last through the fall AND the entire winter. They can withstand freezing temps without damage. In fact, pansies that are planted in the fall look superb in the spring. You can enjoy their bright
58 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
59September/October 2022 Over 100,000 Pansies and Violas Shrubs,Trees & Fall Vegetable Plants 336-983-4107 www.mitchellsnursery.com 1088 West Dalton Road • King FALL IS THE TIME TO PLANT! MONDAY FRIDAY 8:00AM UNTIL 6:00PM SATURDAY 8:00AM UNTIL 4:00PM

Readers may be wondering about the chestnuts that show up in grocery stores and farmer’s markets each fall. These are most likely imported European or European-Japanese hy brids, or locally grown Chinese chestnuts, which can be eaten roasted or prepared into a number of tasty dishes. But are they the same? Chestnut aficionados describe the homegrown va riety as superior in taste and texture. And if size makes a dif ference, the smaller American chestnuts are more efficient at converting starch into sugar, yielding a sweeter flavor while retaining their crunchy “nuttiness.”
In times past, chestnut trees were vital to the well-being of Native Americans and settlers. The tannic acids in the bark ironically produced anti-fungal properties when used for pre serving leather. The straight-grained, rot-resistant wood pro duced shingles, cabins, siding, barns, furniture, fencing, paneling and firewood. However, the first frost of autumn re vealed the most valuable commodity when the prickly outer burrs opened to signal the beginning of another year’s nut harvest. Chestnuts produced a plentiful and dependable yield, providing sustenance for wildlife and a form of nourishment for people that was consumed raw or roasted, dried for stor age, or ground into flour for bread. The surplus fed livestock, with enough left over to barter or sell.
Harvesting Hope: Bringing Back the American Chestnut
So how would one come across American chestnuts? For tunately, the American chestnut tree is not extinct. The fungus invades the bark through natural fissures or other openings. Cankers form and eventually girdle the trunk, killing the aboveground portions but not the roots, which are protected by natural soil components. Shoots emerge from old roots to
In Autumn’s Woodland Bounty (Yadkin Valley Magazine, September/October 2020) I wrote about the forest resources available to indigenous cultures of the Yadkin Valley. The article touched on the American chestnut tree, (Castanea den tata), a magnificent tree that once dominated a range that dipped into the Deep South and extended all the way up into parts of New England. In North Carolina, the chestnut was abundant throughout the Appalachian Mountains, extending into the foothills and portions of the Piedmont including Yad kin, Stokes and parts of surrounding counties. Where are they now? Tragically, the American chestnut succumbed to the chestnut blight fungus, (Cryphonectria parasitica), within a few generations. First observed in New York in 1904, the fun gus, introduced from the seeds of immune Chinese chestnuts, quickly reduced ancient groves of these towering giants into mere sprouts.

loss as a functional forest tree was not just a blow to biological diversity, but to the people that had come to depend on their annual bounty. For post-blight generations it might be tempting to consider other native nuts as acceptable alternatives, but not all nuts are created equal. Most derive their nutritional value from high concentrations of fat, producing a calorie dense source of energy, but “walnuts roasting on an open fire” just doesn’t have the same ring…or taste…or composition. Chest nuts are low in fat but high in complex carbohydrates—in some ways more like a vegetable. Their starchiness yields a mild sweet flavor, which is intensified by drying or roasting. Other benefits include a cholesterol free source of fiber, protein, B-complex vi tamins, vitamins A and C, folate and minerals including iron and calcium. Moreover, they are not a hard nut to crack com pared to hickories or walnuts.
Phyllis Baker Smith Natural Resources Agent N.C. Cooperative Extension, Forsyth County
Biologists have described the American chestnut blight as the single greatest ecological disaster of the twentieth century. Their
60 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Phone: 336-386-0883 Cell: Open:eewoodproducts@ymail.com336-366-0662Mon-Fri7:30-6•Sat7:30-5 7802 NC Hwy 268 Dobson, NC We’re at the insection of Hwy 601 and 268 FARMER’S MULCH & ROCK Inc. Over 60 Choices of Bulk Dyed & Natural Mulch, Decorative Stone & Gravel Featuring Grotto Outdoor Living Hardscape Kits, great for doityourselfers FARM TOYS! RefillingPropaneStation Farm,Lawn & Garden feed, seed & fertilizer Visit our Outdoor HardscapeLivingPatio Now our Home Decor, Outdoor Flags & Antique items are part of our larger shopping area! More room, more selection! Full Service Hardware Store FreeAlwaysBibles & A Free Cup of Coffee! Rock Baskets! flat stone, round rock, big & small rock Landscaping Supplies including Colorado Rock! Beautiful stones from the Colorado River RentalsKayak Wild Bird Food Farm Gates & Feed Bunks Corinthian Bells Wind PotsSelfSouthernChimesPatioWatering Fall Home & Garden Headquarters Visit our Virginia Store! 212 East Lee Highway • Wytheville, VA. • 2766256018 Huge Selection

chestnut trees

produce new roots that continue to perpetuate the species. Some shoots grow into small trees that live long enough to produce a couple of generations of nuts before becoming infected. It is a lucky forager indeed that stumbles upon such a treasure, but unlike other forest gems, (I keep the location of morels all to myself), this finding needs to be shared.
Two non-profit organizations are working to re store the American chestnut tree. The American Chestnut Foundation (acf.org) and the American Chestnut Cooperators’ Foundation (accf-online.org) take different approaches, but both use science-based research to chart a course that may someday restore chestnut groves to their former glory. So harvest when possible, but take a citizen scientist approach and re port any findings. The ACF provides a link to an on line Tree Locator Form assessable by clicking on “Resources” and then “FAQs” from the home page. Both organizations also provide instructions for plant ing wild seed nuts.
62 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

Why would one plant seeds that will sprout into trees will most likely be doomed? Because planting an American chestnut tree is planting hope. The shoots emerge will produce new roots that can go on living even after the blight strikes. If we are able to perpet uate the species long enough, trees with natural re sistance may someday evolve. The more we plant, the greater the genetic diversity, and diversity gives rise to the adaptations that help our native species survive.
roasted chestnuts

HolidayPerfectGift! Discover delicious recipes in our Best Cooks Cookbook. These are the best of the best down home Southern recipes. All Glossy Color • 152 pages • paperback just $16.95 purchase at: cherrystreetfarmhouse.com or visit yadkinvalleymagazine.com for a list of retail purchase locations Order from our store and get FREE SHIPPING NOW THRU 12/31/22 and of course free pickup at retail locations

Your non-native chestnut creations will be tasty, but the chance to eat an American chestnut will yield a more potentially satisfying experi ence, it not through taste alone, then through the experience of reaching back into the past and enjoying a treat that helped sustain our ancestors. Visit a chestnut foundation website today, and learn what you can do to help bring back this American treasure.
In the meantime, here’s a few tips for selecting and enjoying the store-bought varieties:
Shriveled nuts indicate a lack of freshness, or the work of chestnut weevil larvae, which produce pinholes in the shell after emerging. Store nuts in the fruit drawer of the refrigerator until ready to use. For best results, chestnuts should be boiled, roasted, or microwaved prior to eating or using in recipes. Most instructions recommend using a sharp knife to carefully cut an “X” pattern through the shell, or punching holes to allow steam to escape. Use an internet search engine to find detailed online instructions.
A young future chestnut lover along with a young chestnut tree.

Photo by Elizabeth Allison
65September/October 2022 6209 Ramada Dr. • Clemmons, NC 27012 (336) 765-0330 • www.hondaws.comHonda of Winston-Salem
Chestnuts pair well with wild rice and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, or Brussel sprouts. The ACF website offers a Fact Sheet for Eating Chestnuts that includes several recipes. Click on “Resources” from the Home Page and then “TACF Factsheets”.

67September/October 2022

69September/October 2022

Self-destructive behaviors such as running away from home, harming themselves, or talking about suicide
Parents and caregivers have an important, but heavy task: keep our children safe. From the time our children are first born we worry and plan for things that may cause them harm. We buy the safest baby equipment, we check that their toys are safe, we put away dangerous items and teach them rules to keep them safe. Even when we are out in public, we still take action like properly using car seats every time, using sun screen or teaching them fire prevention. As a Health Educator, I agree all these things are important and I have written about many of these topics. But all these things have one thing in common: they are all things we can see or touch. But how do we protect our children from those things we can’t see? How do we prepare our children for unkind words or actions? How can we raise our children to be kind and inclusive?
Lost or destroyed clothing, books, electronics, or jewelry
WRITER Jessica O. Wall, MPH Director, Yadkin County Human Services Agency Medical Clinic and Wic jwall@yadkincountync.gov 336.849.7588

What are the effects of bullying? How would we know if our children might be experiencing bullying? The NBPC goes on to share that these children are at increased risk for de pression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achieve ment,and dropping out of school. Students will have negative opinions of themselves, see a change in their relationships or a change in their approach or success in school or physical health effects. Physical health effects could include headaches
Bullying: A Health Concern for Our Children
The PACER Center operates a National Bullying Prevention Center (NBPC). Advocacy from the Center included the crea tion of National Bullying Prevention Month, which is observed each October. According to their website, one out of five stu dents is bullied. Other statistics show less than 50% of students report bullying that is taking place, but that bullying interven tions can decrease bullying by 25%. In addition, 49.8% of tweens (9 to 12 years old) said they experienced bullying at school and 14.5% of tweens shared they experienced bullying online. The Center reports children report being bullying for a variety of reasons including physical appearance, race/ethnicity, gender, disability, religion and sexual orientation. The Center defines cyberbullying as the use of technology to repeatedly and intentionally harass, hurt, embarrass, humiliate, or intimi date another person. Cyberbullying has been increasing over the last several years. Information on cyberbullying shows this is more likely to happen in middle school and girls are more likely to be victims of this type of bullying.
Changes in eating habits, like suddenly skipping meals or binge eating.
Feelings of helplessness or decreased self esteem
and stomachaches or other physical representations of stress or poor mental health. These negative effects may be seen whether the bullying is happening in person at school or through cyberbullying in online platforms. Seeing bullying taking place can also have a negative effect on children. Not all children being bullied will show signs or symptoms.
Sudden loss of friends or avoidance of social situations
StopBullying.gov (an initiative of the US Department of Health and Human Services) shares that when children do show signs, they could include:
Declining grades, loss of interest in schoolwork, or not wanting to go to school

Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares
Unexplainable injuries
70 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Frequent headaches or stomach aches, feeling sick or faking illness
Kids may come home from school hungry because they did not eat lunch.
Welcome Back to School Students, Teachers and Parents
We look for those in our community who are being kind and recognize them by giving them our special kindness wristband! Our “Pay it Forward” and “Cool 2 Be Kind” wristbands are ways to spread the word and recognize those who are helping to give back to the Community.
Call McCall Insurance Services today to hear how we can put a smile on your face through The Kindness Revolution! the Sea since 1983

As we strive for kindness every day, we also wanted to reach out to our local community including our schools, churches, and community organizations and bring awareness of The Kindness Revolution, a campaign that has become very important to us.
What is The Kindness Revolution? Sponsored by McCall Insurance Services From the Mountains to
Yadkinville and Clemmons, NC (336) 766‐1885 Call our local agents today to assist you Medicarewith Under 65 Health Plans Life Insurance Come join us for the GrandYadkinvilleofOpeningouro ffice on October 1, 2022 230 East Main Yadkinville,Street,NC Come see us at the Harvest Festival in Yadkinville on September 17, 2022, the Yadkin Valley Pumpkin Festival in Elkin on September 24, 2022 and the Grape Festival in Yadkinville on October 15, 2022 www.mccallins.com

Understand bullying is not a “rite of passage” that all children should, or do, go through. Bullying can have serious mental, emotional and physical effects on chil dren which can be long term. Do not assume that the children in your family are immune to being a victim of bullying or bullying others. This can happen to anyone. Talk to the youth in your family about how to recognize bullying, what to do if they are bullied, and to make it clear being a bully will not be tolerated.
Have friends who bully others Are increasingly aggressive
Most importantly, though, is teaching our children to be kind, accepting and inclusive. Knowledge and education around tolerance and respecting others while maintaining their own sense of self can help prevent bullying from taking place. StopBullying.gov also shared signs that a child is acting as a bully. TheseGetinclude:intophysical or verbal fights
Get sent to the principal’s office or to detention frequently Have unexplained extra money or new belongings
Adults should educate themselves through training and knowing local resources. I highly recommend parents, educators and adults involved in youth activities re search these so they have the tools needed to address this as a community.
Distribution Counties near Yadkin River in Northwest North Carolina Western Forsyth • Davie • Surry Stokes • Northern Davidson Wilkes • Yadkin Our next issue: NovemberDecember features...Holiday Foods Regional Reach Local Impact Your advertising message is included in 25,000 long shelf life print copies plus our digital edition offeringwith 2021 November December cover 72 yadkinvalleymagazine.com If you’d like to learn more about advertising with us contact: John Norman 336 699 john@yadkinvalleymagazine.com2446 Deadline for advertising in our November December Magazine is Monday, October 3 distribution begins first week of November

Our entire community has an opportunity to help stop and prevent bullying among our young people. We can start by teaching children it is okay to report bul lying to their teacher, parent or a trusted adult. Many school systems have methods children can use to report bullying, even anonymously. Adults in the lives of children can be trained to recognize when bullying may be taking place and how to address these situations and how to help support victims. Also, adults should be mindful of their own behavior and ensure they are setting good examples for their children by not speaking rudely about people that are different from them or treating people in a disrespectful manner.
The National Bullying Prevention Center has a great website with these resources available, including youth activities and information.

Blame others for their problems
Don’t accept responsibility for their actions Are competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity

Visit https://www.pacer.org/bullying/ or https://www.stopbullying.gov/ for more information.

Chronic Pain Evaluation $3500 regularly $15000 $1000 OFF Chiropractic Adjustment Yadkinville Chiropractic 204 North State Street, Yadkinville One coupon per patient per month. Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon. Offer expires 10/31/22 Must present coupon. Transferable. Please share with your family and friends! Offer expires

There are two types of migraine: classical and common. The classical migraine headache may start with nausea or sickness in the stomach and proceed to an intense throbbing pain on one side of the head. The common migraine lacks nausea and is more common.
If you would like to try chiropractic care or discuss your health concerns, just call Dr. Jyll Downey, Yadkinville Chiropractic Center, 336-679-8500.
Initial only. with other offers. 10/31/22 10/31/22
Recent research shows the three above described headaches can also overlap with one another. In chiropractic, we look to the spine as an often overlooked factor in headache treatment. By objectively analyzing spine function, the doctor will identify the joints restricted in range of motion or show abnormal posture and alignment. Many patients on x-ray or through external postural analysis from the side, can show forward head posture. This is where the neck seems to arise from the front of the chest rather than back over your shoulders. The head is very heavy and with this poor posture, the muscles at the back of the neck must contract to restrain this heavyThereload.isn’t

one particular bone treated for these different types of headaches, the premise being the headache is a symptom of another problem in the Chiropracticspine.carehas
Different Headaches and Chiropractic Care
an excellent safety profile. Several studies have shown patients with headaches positively respond to chiropractic care without the side effects often seen with drug treatments. Chiropractic care is one of the most researched non-drug options available for patients. Unfortunately, many patients choose over-the-counter and prescription medications and don’t consider more natural approaches that may get at the cause of the condition rather than just its effects.
In cervicogenic headache, neck function is prominently disturbed. In addition to neck pain, there are usually tight neck and shoulder muscles and a limited range of motion.
Not valid
Must present coupon. Offer expires
Adults may experience many different kinds of headaches. A primary headache is a one not a part of another disease process. Secondary headaches can come from a poor eyeglass prescription, diabetes, flu or even a brain tumor. The most common primary headaches are tension-type, migraine and cervicogenic (from the neck).
73September/October 2022 If you or someone you know suffers from headaches, neck, back, arm, wrist or leg pain, please let them know we would be happy to help them! **Please mention coupons when making your appointment. Insurance accepted. If further care is needed, you have a right to request a refund within 72 hours. $1000 OFF 30 Minute Massage Yadkinville Chiropractic 204 North State Street, Yadkinville Introductory Offer for New Massage Clients Only. Not valid with other offers. Offer expires 10/31/22
Tension type headaches feel like a tight band around your head. Stress seems to aggravate them. Women tend to get this type of headache more frequently. Females are also more affected by migraine headaches.
FREE TractionIntersegmentalSession Yadkinville Chiropractic 204 North State Street, 336-679-8500Yadkinville Initial Exam and YadkinvilleX-raysChiropractic$SAVE11500 Call: (336) 679-8500 for an www.yadkindoctor.comappointment We Appreciate Your Referrals! Changing lives One Spine at a Time... Dr. Jyll Downey Yadkinville Chiropractic Center204 North State Street, Yadkinville (across from Yadkinville Elementary School) Office Hours: Monday 8-12 & 2-6 • Tuesday 9-12 Wednesday 8-12 & 2-6 • Thursday 9-12 & 2-6

(336) 7685512 • Open Monday Friday 95:30 Now at 3033 Trenwest Drive, WinstonSalem, NC 27103 Our new expanded showroom means more instock Scooters and Lift Chairs We Offer Delivery and Service & Repairs Our staff of professionals looks forward to serving you

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shared. The families helped each other. Had two milk cows. Every family had a cow. It was me and my older sister’s job to milk. We would bring in the milk and Momma would strain it with cheese cloth. She would set some aside for but termilk and to make butter and put the rest in the Kelvinator. Then she would wash out the cheese cloth real good and hang it up to dry for the next time. I used to churn butter with that up and downDaddydasher.grew lots of corn, popcorn too. We had our own grinder to make cornmeal. You ground it by hand. Momma made cornbread in a big rec tangular pan.
Some Mennonite missionaries out in Kansas came here to the mountains to teach black children. They would have Bible Study on Saturdays at our house. In the summer they had summer camp here for two weeks. They started churches here at Laytown, Darby, Beech Bottom, Westend, Bushtown and Boone. My son, Terry Hunt has been a pastor for the Mennonite Brethren Church for 30 years. Church is very important in our lives.
Wednesday and stayed in his room and prayed. Came out for water or for the bathroom. He told us fasting brought him closer to God. On Sundays we did n’t do anything, just went to church. No cooking or ironing. We ate sandwiches.
Grandpa never went to school, he could not write his name but he could read the Bible. He read it through every year and maybe more. He fasted every
Our family farmed and daddy logged, too. Had a sawmill. He and his brothers, Dallas and Harley worked together. They hauled logs down to Brown’s lumber. That’s where Smoot Park is. Whatever money they got they divided three ways. Our family has always shared and helped each other in whatever way.
The following is an interview with Juliette Lipford Webster of Ferguson in western Wilkes County. Justin Smith is Juliette’s grandson who sometimes delivers packages to my door from the familiar brown truck. On one visit he told me about his 86 year old grandmother and the Lipford family. Their history intrigued me and I could not wait to meet her. For our interview we were joined by Phyllis Connor, Juliette’s daughter and Juliette’s sister Mary Jane Lipford on the Lipford homeplace. Also, their Lipford cousin Tracy Thomas made contributions.

Memories of the Lipford Farm with Juliette Webster WRITER & PHOTOGRAPHER Mary Bohlen
76 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
By the time I was older, I had nine brothers and sisters and all of the rest and that was 15 people in one house to feed. When we got older we did start having Sunday dinner which always included fried chicken and whatever came out of the garden. Aunt Mandy made gingerbread, called it Pinch Cake. Everybody would just pinch off a piece. That was what we always did. Didn’t cut it.”
We had a big garden, grew every thing. Everybody worked and we all
Grandpa Belve lived to be 109 years old. He was born over in Stony Fork area. This is what we were told and this is how it all came about. When he was a little boy, his momma took him to his father’s and left him on the porch steps. Grandpa said she told him she was going to pick blackberries and said, ‘I guess she’s still pickin’ berries.’ She never came back. Belve always said he fell into good hands. We think his father or his father’s family took him in and raised him. His mother was white and his father was half black. Some of the family think his mother did not want him but we do not know what happened.
“I was born up near Elk Creek off Highway 268 on June 8, 1936. My daddy was Bud Lipford and my momma was Mary Ferguson. When I was real small we moved down here to this place [Ferguson]. Daddy built the house here. Mary Jane lives there now. Grandpa Belve[Lipford] lived with us and my other Grandma and her two sons too.
Daddy finally got a Ford Tractor and that was a big help cause before that he plowed with a horse. He had tunnels dug into the side of the woods up behind the house to store sweet potatoes and cabbage. Grandpa hand dug our well at the house but other people need water too so there was a good spring up the hill and he fixed it up so the spring water came down to where the houses were and everybody could have fresh running water.
“Better known to us as “pinch cake” because sometimes the cake would sink. We would walk by and just take a pinch”, says Phyliss Connor who shared this treasured family recipe.
1 cup molasses (homemade is best)
1 1/2eggcup applesauce
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cloves
A little vegetable oil
“Momma always canned everything she could. We canned a hundred jars of green beans, a hundred jars of blackberries, a hundred jars of peas, a hundred jars of corn. Canned on a wood stove. Canned tomatoes, made chow chow and she made kraut in a big crock and put a plate on top of it and a rock on top of the plate to hold it down. Made pickles, too.
The day after Thanksgiving was hog killing day. We would kill two or three. Daddy and his brothers rubbed the hams, side meat and salted down and rubbed in pepper. They were put in sacks and hung up in the smoke house to cure. Momma canned sausage and spare ribs. We had livermush and cracklings’ and rendered lard.
1/2 teaspoon salt
Each year the Lipfords have a family reunion. As many as 400 plus gather, many coming from out of state. Tracy Thomas, family historian said ,“If you are a Lipford, you are family and we love our family. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white you are family. All of us go back to George Lipford who was born in 1855 and lived to be 104. His son Belve lived to be 109.—Mary Bohlen.
Harvest time was a busy time.
1/2 cup white sugar (leave off the sugar or use a 1/4 cup for less sugar – if diabetic)
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
Sift together all dry ingredients. Add applesauce, molasses, oil & water. Mix Bakewell.inrectangular pan at 350°F. until cake springs bake to touch. (about 40 minutes).
And we always went to church. Some in our family could sing. They loved to sing and some played instruments. Grandpa Belve played the banjo. He was a spiritual man and a great inspiration to us all.”
Aunt Mandy GingerbreadLipford’s
2 1/2 cups All purpose flour (sifted if possible)
We made molasses. Everybody that could pick up anything was helping. [Picking up cane stalks]Daddy had a horse that went round and round to grind the cane. The juice was cooked in a long pan over the fire. Put the syrup in jars and it was divided up with his brothers. The children made molasses candy, too. We got muscadines and simmons, black walnuts and hazel nuts. Momma dried apples. She layed the apples out on something like tin in the hot sun and put screen over it to keep the flies off.
May I express my gratitude to the Lipford ladies who graciously shared their family story with me for our Yadkin Valley Magazine readers. Sometime soon I hope to learn more about the legendary Lipford family anchored in Ferguson, for I suspect there is much more to learn.
1 cup hot water
77September/October 2022
2 teaspoons cinnamon

coming visitors, collecting admission, and explaining what wonderful exhibits the museum had to offer. Everyone was mesmerized by her accent. “You aren’t from here,” they would observe. “I love the way you talk.” In addition to tending the front, Kat is one of the writers of the weekly history column in the local paper. She also handles membership drives and is part of the social media team. She is responsible for generating flyers and creating the graphics for museum events. For Kat and her colleagues, there is never a dull moment. The entire staff at the museum works as a team when it comes to setting up new exhibits or doing whatever is needed to make the mu seum run like a well-oiled machine. “I firmly believe everyone should visit the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History,” Kat proclaimed. “There’s so much to see, learn and experi ence.”Inher “spare” time, Kat loves to read. Right now, she’s fo cusing on the classics. Robinson Crusoe is her current book of choice. “I am also teaching myself to embroider,” she told me. “I really enjoy creating those tiny flowers with the delicate stitches.” Recently, Kat and Bruce purchased a house in King. With three dogs and a grumpy cat named Steve (Bruce says she spoils him), they’re enjoying living happily ever after. Traveling from the Land of Oz to the Blue Ridge Mountains, Kat feels right at home.
MEET KATHERINE “KAT” JACKSON Collections and Administrative Assistant Mt. Airy Museum of Regional History
In her wildest dreams, Australian born and raised Kat Jack son never imagined NC would be her forever home. “I am so happy to have found this place,” she said. Tucked away in the mountains this area is a perfect setting for Kat and her hus band to put down roots. “It was so exciting to see snow for the first time!” she gushed.
When she and Bruce married and moved to WinstonSalem, she began volunteering at the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History. Her knowledge and expertise soon earned her a paid position as the Collections and Administrative As sistant. When I met Kat, she was working the front desk, wel

Yadkin • Valley PEOPLE
78 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Kat is passionate about history and has touched upon var ious historical aspects in her studies. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, a research university in Melbourne, Australia. Kat also received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Italian from Hunter College in New York. For her internship in In ternational Relations, she was assigned to the Women’s Edu cation Project in New York City, where she met her husband, Bruce, a NC native from Lexington.
Baltimore Church U.M.W. CrochetLadiesClub heartscaring
Since 2020, the ladies have made 75 afghans for a hospital, caps for newborn babies in the NICU, hats for cancer patients, scarves and blankets, stuffed animals with hats and faces for Brenner’s Children’s Hospital, and small knitted bags for youngsters in transition to Foster care and anyone who needs one.
79September/October 2022
Shirley Doub, the fearless leader, collected her stitchery army in 2020. Members include Tracy Doss, Christine Martin, Becky Matthews, Betty Wyatt, Debbie Griffin, Kathy Doub, Peggy Phillips, Ann Matthews and Sherry Gibson.

For our interview, the ladies had filled multiple church tables with samples of projects they had already created and distributed to folks in a variety of human re source organizations.While they are currently working on Fidget Aprons, Twiddle Muffs, (colorful, captivating sensory therapy tools made of yarn and other fabrics, knitted, and slipped on one arm of the patient) are next on the list…to keep folks with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, busy with their restless hands, calm and warm. Each Twiddle Muff is unique and can be designed to fit the ever-changing needs of the individual.
Founder, Shirley Doub
Extra excitement grew talking about a large, impressive quilt they worked on in the church’s vestibule. Church members were invited to create a square of their own creation. I wanted to pull up an office chair and read the entire quilt as the Crochet Club described every square in the quilt...it was obvious the ladies were close to each other as they give their time for others!
The fabric for this quilt came from the "stash" of Miss Zola Speer who is now in her 90s and was for many, many years a very active member of the United Methodist Women at Baltimore. In honor of her the United Methodist Women are selling tickets for $1.00 each for a chance to win this quilt.

Baltimore United Methodist Church in the Forbush Community is home to our caring hearts this issue. The church is celebrating its 150th year anniversary. What a perfect time to recognize this ladies group of volunteers.
Tickets will be available at all Church events, Cruise-In in late October and at the UMC Chicken Stew on November 12, 2022 when the drawing will take place to see who wins this quilt.

Profiles in Excellence: Legendary Athletes, Teams, Coaches and Educators of Yadkin County, 1927 - 1967

In addition to traditional sports programs still in today’s schools he has inserted out of school activities/pastimes that were competitive in the neighborhood such as: Slingshot, Bows & Arrows, Ice Skating, Marbles, Billiards, Knocking Rocks, and ready for this? Persimmon Throwing!
You can be or not be a sports aficionado to enjoy this large paperback book by Dr. Cleve Holler. The author was born and raised in Yadkin County and still resides there with all his research and personal memories he interjects between the pages along with his athletic acumen. You will enjoy his comfortable writing style and some fabulous vintage photographs b/w and color as you marvel at the differences in uniforms, sneakers, shoes and hair styles! Cheerleaders have not been forgotten with some routines of the day.
80 yadkinvalleymagazine.com

Dr. Hollar has donated a copy of his latest 2022 book to the Yadkin County Public Library for loaning, 336-679-8792.
Books 1073 Meadowbrook Drive, 336-983-4331www.ltdfarmandgarden.comKingM-F7:30-5:30•Sat7:30-1 Clemmons Milling Co. 4010 Hampton Road, Clemmons 336-766-6871 M-F 8-5 • Sat 8-1 …the right lawn mower solution for your needs

The book is available in the gift shop at Wilkes Heritage Museum 100 East Main Street in Wilkesboro. Open Monday-Saturday 10-4.
Sisters Leona and Fern square off when Leona’s husband is accused of Medicare fraud and is asking for a divorce, prompting Leona to return to her hometown to sort things out. Fern and her son Dean are distressed when Leona suddenly appears on their front porch, suitcase in hand, claiming she’s there for a visit to ensure their dementia-ridden aunt is receiving adequate care. To make matters worse, Doyle Blue, a former friend of Fern’s, is back in town and wants to make amends for his past transgressions. Both Fern and Doyle mourn the loss of Fern’s husband who has been MIA in Vietnam for decades. Meanwhile, much to his family’s chagrin, Dean has plans to invest his inheritance in an emu farm!
Leona, p. 211.
Read by: Cindy Martin
This book will make you laugh, make you cry, and keep you turning pages from beginning to end. You won’t want to put this one down. South of Heaven is available for purchase at local, independent book stores, as well as Amazon and other online booksellers.

Patti Frye Meredith has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Memphis. Her stories have appeared in Appalachian Heritage, Still: The Journal, and Mulberry Fork Review. Patti, her husband, Lee, and their Springer Spaniel, Maggie, now reside in Chapel Hill. For more information, email Patti at Pfmeredith@aol.com.
Yadkin Valley Magazine contributor and renowned open-hearth cook, Mary Bohlen’s book Heritage Cooking Inspired by Rebecca Boone continues to garner great reviews!

“Always remember, no one loves you like your family.”
In her amazing debut novel, South of Heaven, Patti Frye Meredith depicts the dynamics of family relationships, allowing the reader to get up close and personal with her endearing cast of characters. Through keen attention to detail and masterful use of dialogue, this gifted storyteller guides us through a family’s struggles to survive when confronted with mistakes from the past and the uncertainty of the future.

81September/October 2022
Author: Patti Frye Meredith
South of Heaven
82 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Geographically NC is distinctly unique. Using a major stretch of creative imag ination, NC can be thought of as a rectangle blessed with uniquely geographic di versity. There is the roiling Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side and the rolling expanse of the western Blue Ridge Mountains. The Piedmont, like a good buddy, holds the two together in the middle.
The Blue Ridge Parkway, a major National Park, albeit a elongated one, begins at US 441 in western NC, near Cherokee, and ends 469 miles later as the Virginia Skyline Drive at US Hwy 250 in Rockfish Gap. The Parkway is also home to Mt. Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi River. This long stretch of scenic highway is consistently rated the “most-visited park” by the US National Park Service.

The Parkway had its beginning in September, 1935, near Cumberland Knob. NC. With the advent of WWII, construction came to a complete stop. In the 1950s, due to National Park Service support, much of what is today's Blue Ridge Parkway came into being. By 1966, the Parkway was near completion. The major exception was a missing portion located near Grandfather Mountain. This break in what is now the continuous Parkway was corrected when the Linn Cove Viaduct opened in 1987. The seven-mile construction was designed and engineered to wrap around the mountain to ensure minimal environmental and structural damage occurred to the side of “the Grandfather.”
Autumn's Red, Yellow, & Orange Blue Ridge Parkway

For Parkway first-timers or those who have not visited the Parkway in awhile, doing research ahead of time is impor tant—very, very important!
For a September-October family outing, the Blue Ridge Parkway offers many relaxing and colorful day-trip options. There are not only numerous roadside picnic areas, scenic overlooks, and a myriad of recreational offerings, there are some of the most spectacular panoramic vistas to be found anywhere. Great care has been given to preserving important historical

83September/October 2022
Numerousfeatures.connecting highway entrance/exit points along the Parkway ensure visitors have options for how much time and distance they want to spend traveling the Parkway. Too, there are important historical sites and interesting recreational attractions to enjoy either scattered along the length of the Parkway or “down the mountain” in nearby towns.

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3) Restroom “pit stops” can be few and far between depending on the time of the year and locations. Expect large numbers of travelers at rest-stop facilities during the fall leaf spectacular. While planning a Parkway trip, do the necessary homework and locate “facility” locations and decide where to take periodic rest breaks.
4) It is important to research current 2022 COVID information and plan
be on leashes when out of a vehicle. Such thoughtfulness is for the comfort of others as well as for responsible pet safety. A lost, fright ened pet in an unfamiliar wilderness area with lots of traffic is a recipe for heartbreak.
2) It is a good idea to have plenty of bottled water: Drink it, wash hands with it, or even clean a dirty windshield to improve the view. Small individual serving-size bags of favorite snack foods can be a delight, especially for kids.
1) Fall clothing and sturdy, comfort able footwear are essential. It's more reassuring to take too much and not need it than regret not being prepared. When it is cold on the Parkway, it is COLD! Having a blanket or snugly throw could come in handy especially for small children. Cold rain, heavy fog, or even snow can occur any time from Fall to late Spring, especially at higher elevations. Parkway weather changes rapidly.
A few things to consider:
weekly Fall leaf color reports highcountryhost.com/2022-Fall-Leaf-Color-NC-Mountains-Forecast-Report.useThisisanoutstandingserviceprovidedbyAppalachianStateUniversity’sDepartmentofBiology.Finally,beforeleavinghomeforaParkwayoutingalwayscheckforconstruction/roadrepairorweather/stormrelatedclosuresatnps.gov/blri/planyourvisit/roadclosures.htm.StrongstormwindscanfelltreesandlittertheParkwaywithlarge,brokenlimbsanytimeoftheyear.
1 cup large semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup mix of chopped dried fruits (For example, apples, apricots, peaches, pineapple, banana chips and/or dates depending on preference.)

1 cup of unsalted peanuts
For a 2022 blaze of color, consider a Blue Ridge Parkway SeptemberOctober visit as a gift worth enjoying. Careful planning which includes Park way rules and seasonal/emergency clo sures is mandatory. Having up-to-date weather information is a make-orbreak factor for a fun-filled, safe park way visit. Always check weather reports in advance before heading to the Parkway. Recognize that weekends and holidays will tempt more visitors to travel the Parkway. Mondays through Thursdays usually afford more leisure driving and sightseeing.
1 cup of unsalted mixed nuts
1 cup bite-size cheese crackers
1 cup small pretzel sticks or bite-size rounds
1 box of snack-size plastic zip-top bags
1 cup each of rice, corn and/or wheat waffle-type cereal squares*
1 cup of raisin-like cranberries
1 cup of small mixed-flavors gummy candies
1 1/2 cups multicolored chocolate candy disks
Blue Ridge Parkway Snackin' Mix
The sour bear candies are a GREAT flavor surprise. by Dwaine Phifer
Directions: Pour ingredients, one at a time, into a very large slide-lock food storage bag and mix by rotating the bag several times after adding each ingredient. Ensure there is a fairly equal distribution of the ingredients. Hold the snack bags over the snack mixture bowl and fill with a large spoon, leaving enough room at the top to ensure the snack bags lock securely.
8) Mornings and evenings are times wildlife is typically the most active. Because the Parkway meanders through open farmland, densely for ested areas, and heavily shaded sec tions, deer, bears, wild turkeys, or an assortment of smaller animals may be on or near the roadway. The twilight hours of dawn or dusk are especially busy times for wildlife movement. Drivers should be constantly on the lookout for wildlife dashing onto the roadway. Too, it is also necessary to be on alert for hikers, photographers, and bicyclists throughout the day. Frequent stops at overlooks give driv ers a chance to safely enjoy the scenery while ensuring traffic continues to move smoothly. It should go without saying that the average speed limit of 45mph is the law-- not a suggestion! The speed limit also drops in con gested areas or when roadwork is tak ing place.
Given allergies and/or personal preferences, this mixture can be altered to suit everyone's taste preferences and/or dietary needs. Add in, leave out, or substitute ingredients. The idea is to have fun and create a bit of delightful indulgence for road trips. *A cereal mixture is tasty and fun; however, the goal is to have three cups total of dry cereal regardless of type.
85September/October 2022
6) As of this writing, there are two major Parkway construction projects in progress; thus, Parkway travel includes a number of detour miles at each site. Again, careful planning and thinkingahead has to be a priority. Always check for closures!
1 cup of raisins (dark, golden or a mix)
7) Although September-October are still Daylight Saving Time months, dusk in the Fall comes quickly to the Parkway because of hulking mountain shadows and the Autumn sun's quick race toward the horizon.
means no cutting of the trees, ever! As a person who cares about water quality and reducing erosion, this type of man agement for a park is amazing.
Lake Hampton
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Deringer, Elisa, Shelia and Ruger Mauer on Lake Hampton
Things you can do...get on the water with a non-motorized device, fish, walk lovely wooded trails, play disc golf, primitive camping, utilize the shelters and playground equipment and enjoy the wildlife. They have a dog park area for both small dogs and larger dogs. The primitive camping has a bath house and they hope to have RV camping options in the future.
of soil build-up over time. Fish have no way to filter sediment from their gills so the more plants along a shoreline the better. There are trees everywhere that make you feel like this is your private lake that has been here for generations.Thanks to Piedmont Land Conservancy, over 266 acres of wooded buffer is protected under an easement around the lake. That
Just past Yadkinville about 30 minutes from Winston-Salem is Lake Hampton. This fantastic park is relatively new as it was completed in 2010. I've written about this place before but they've added so much, it's worth writing about more.
One of the things I love most about Lake Hampton is all the natural vegetation they've left alone. I don't know if they've added more with seeds but there is such a variety of shoreline vegetation that is rarely found along a public park. Most parks either mow all the way to the edge and eliminate all the shoreline vegetation which causes an immense amount
I took some friends, the Maurer family, to go kayaking later in the day. The park has single and tandem kayaks as well as a few small boats for rent per hour with life jackets. Kids 12 and up can have a kayak to themselves. All the rules and amenities are listed on the Yadkin County (https://www.yadkincountync.gov/407/Yadkin-Memorial-website

Wendi Hartup
Find more of Wendi’s Lake Hampton photos on the Weekends page at yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Unfortunately, you cannot swim or wade in this lovely res ervoir. This reservoir is Yadkin County’s future drinking water supply on South Deep Creek, ensuring clean water and rec reation for generations to come. There is a State rule about no physical contact allowed in public drinking reservoirs. They also don't allow motorized boats on this lake which can also cause erosion due to too much wake and another lesson other public lakes should take from Lake Hampton for beau tiful, stabilized shorelines.
Safety to consider while at the lake:
2) Wear life jackets at all times regardless if you can swim. This is usually part of the lake rules anyway.
to the disc golf course if you don't want to walk the 2 miles. This is a neat course and will be fun to try out this Fall. If you start at the disc golf course and go to see the dam, it's only about a half a mile. The bridge crosses a lovely creek that has lots of vegetation preventing erosion. They don't allow fishing or swimming near the dam but it still is a lovely area to enjoy and try to identify all the dragonflies.
1) Bring sunscreen, water and snacks. Many of these public lakes are so far away from stores that it isn't convenient to get to one.

Park). Instead of going toward the dam, we went left to where the lake narrows. It was kind of magical with the mist over the water. We stopped and got the kids to be silent for a bit to see all the turtles pop their heads up, saw a rock that looked like a giant snake head, herons and tiny frogs.
87September/October 2022
There is a new bridge behind the dam that connects the 18 hole disc golf course to the main shelter. You can also drive

4) Take a shower when you get home if you get any lake water on you from paddling. You never know if you could have a reaction from what is in the water.
3) While swimming is not allowed, if you fall in, don't panic. Just try to hop back in your boat or use someone else to help you get back in the boat. Try not to swallow any lake water. Did you know there are all kinds of waterborne diseases? Most will affect a person's stomach and intestines, skin, or respiratory system within a few hours to a few days. If you or your family member have something come up, don't wait it out. Go ahead and see a doctor.
5) Know your limits of how far you can paddle. Lastly have fun.
TheCarolina.grapevarietals include traminette, vidal blanc and sauvi gnon blanc for their white wines, and cabernet sauvignon, merlot, cabernet franc, petit Verdot, marquette, chambourcin and cyn thiana for their red wines. From these grape varietals, they pro duce 15 award winning wines, two sparkling wines, two white wine, one rosé wine, eight red wines and three dessert wines. You can enjoy these wonderful wines to your hearts content in their tasting room or on their sunkissed patio or covered seating look ing over the four acre lake and the majestic Pilot Mountain.
All through our conversation, JW and Kristen kept insisting that we try some food from their restaurant, The End Post. We each got an appetizer. Cheryl got the Muddy Paws Cheese Dip and I got the JOLO House Made Meatballs Marinara. What a choice, what a taste, what a delight and what an enjoyment. De
88 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Kristen, JW’s wife and co-owner, joined us just before JW burst onto the scene. We knew when JW arrived because the audio level rose and the whole building shook with enthusiasm. The four of us had a very warm and pleasant conversation about the winery and how JW and Kristen got interested in starting JOLO Winery and Vineyards.
They were both in the corporate world and had a great fasci nation and love for wine. Most or all of their vacations revolved around wines and visiting wineries. JW had always wanted to own a winery. They searched around several states before they settled on North Carolina. They wanted to be on the ground floor of shaping the wine industry in this area. They bought the first property in 2010 and planted their first vines and moved here permanently the next year and planted more vines. They also bought the adjacent property. They named the winery and vineyards after their two sons, JOey and LOgan. They have planted 80 acres of vines and are now the largest vineyard in North
As Cheryl and I left the hustle and bustle of traveling on US 52 near Pilot Mountain onto NC 268 toward Elkin. NC, we en tered a whole new world. The quiet serene countryside of Surry County. After about 3 miles we turned left onto JOLO Winery Lane. Beautiful entrance, immaculate grounds, pristine vineyards on either side of the road and a beautiful rustic but elegant build ing ahead that welcomed us to the world of JOLO Winery and Vineyards. We were greeted as we approached the building and escorted inside the tasting room to a beautiful private room called the Library to wait for JW Ray, co-owner and wine maker. The whole building just burst with warmth and elegance. We were in formed that JW was running late because he was busy pulling out a mower machine off a deer fence that had slid down a bank in the Invineyard.themeantime, Levi, a very warm, friendly and courteous person and the Brand Ambassador, brought us a glass of wine. Bang! How wonderful these wines were. Instant relaxation and stress free. They were wonderful. Cheryl had a glass of Golden Hallows and I had a glass of Pilot Shadow.
JW was very interested and still is in preserving the environ ment. He doesn’t want to use commercial pesticides that harm the environment so he uses organic sprays at the JOLO location. I’ve never heard of so many oils like rosemary, spearmint, clove and thyme and the likes of copper, sulfur and hydrogen peroxide he uses in his spraying. He even uses neem oil and capsaicin for Japanese beetles and other diseases.
WRITER/ Jim Collins
JW Ray and wife Kristen are co owners of JOLO

Yadkin Valley Wines Retired Wine Superintendent Mid Atlantic Southeastern Wine Competition
JOLO Winery and Vineyards
information about hours of operation, directions, reservations, weddings, dinners, schedule of events, menus, information about the winery, etc. visit their website at jolovineyards.com or call 1-855-JOLOWINE or 336-614-0030

About this time JW had a bottle of JOLOTAGE Reserve, that was just now being bottled, brought in. I don’t know how he keeps doing it. This wine was awesome, wonderful and very delicious. Easy on the pallet and warm to the tummy. I can’t say enough about his wine. Just like his awesome restaurant the wines are also great. If you want to
taste some fine wines, excellent food and enjoy a wonderful experience, I en courage you to visit JOLO Winery and Vineyards.Formore
licious, delicious. JW said that the meat balls were his mother’s recipe. They were so moist and tender. JW and Kristen kept on insisting that we try an entrée. Cheryl ordered the 3 Cheese Manicotti and I ordered the Frutti De Mare. This fruit of the sea consisted of scallops, shrimp, salmon and capers withThisfettucine.foodwas even more awesome. The taste, the aroma, the satisfaction and total enjoyment. I would compare this food to any high-end restaurant that I
have ever eaten in. If you enjoy good food, awesome atmosphere, unbelievable service and the warmest and friendliest staff, please visit The End Post Restaurant.
89September/October 2022
From the grounds to the wines, everything is spectacular about JOLO.

The Pumpkin Weigh-In needs your pumpkin entries at 8a on Standard Street; judging will be at 10a. Be there to see some huge entries vying to be the best of show.

September 24th 9-4 Historic Downtown Elkin For more information contact Yadkin Valley Chamber of Commerce 336 526 1111 or email: mmatt Weighhews@yadkinvalley.orgO ff & Kid’s Zone on Standard Street Touch a Truck on Bridge Street Crafts Vendors on Main Street Foothills Quilters Annual Quilt Show at the Galloway Episcopal Church • 9 4 Downtown will be overflowing with activities 25th ANNUAL Catch every moment of the fun! Commemorative 25th Annual T Shirts Get yours at the Festival

The Yadkin Valley Pumpkin Festival is one of the Yadkin Valley’s favorite family fall events. To celebrate there will be commemorative Tee-shirts and new for the 25th anniversary are spiced pumpkin candles from Soyworx - all to benefit the festival.

Happy 25th Anniversary Yadkin Valley Pumpkin Festival!
90 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
The Kid Zone on Standard Street in Historic Downtown Elkin offers a bouncy house, pony rides, petting zoo, a trackless train and the ever popular Touch a Truck on Bridge Street with an assortment of emergency vehicles for kids to explore. Lookout for the Dunkin’ Booth!
Enjoying all this fun will create an appetite! No worry, Solid Rock Baptist Church is cooking ribeye sandwiches, hots and burgers, 13 Bone’s brings BBQ, Soul to Bowl will be on the grounds, Chicfil-A and the typical sweet festival fare will have you saying, “Oh, why did I eat all that? Because it was all sooo good!”
OPEN HOUSE NovemberFriday,9am–5pm4th NovemberSaturday,5nd9am–3pm Mark Your Calendar NOW! For Our Annual Come Celebrate with Us! Good Food, Fellowship and Festivities Vote for your favorite Christmas Tree! Refreshments: Homemade Treats Register for Door Prizes Each Day Every Customer Receives a Gift Come see our beautiful floral showroom overflowing with holiday decorating ideas & lights PersonalizedChristmasOrnamentsAvailable Teleflora www.talleysflorist.com FTD www.talleysflowershop.com 322 South Main Street • King (336) 983‐9265 Mon Friday 9 5 • Saturday 9 3 Serving and Delivering to: East Bend, Tobaccoville, Pilot Mt,. King, Winston Salem, Pinnacle, Pfafftown, Rural Hall & surrounding areas Talley’s Flower Shop Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in Bring in 5 cans of food and receive A FREE Christmas Rose Canned food to be donated to Local Charities Scenes from past Open House Events

White grubs are turf pests found throughout N.C. They have cream colored bodies with yellow to brownish heads, six legs, are usually found lying in a “C” shaped position and are 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches in length. White grubs are the larvae form of several types of beetles the most important and destructive of which is the Japanese beetle. They have a one year cycle, 10 months of that being spent underground. The female Japanese beetle burrows into the soil in mid-July to lay her eggs. The eggs hatch in mid to late July to early August. The young grubs move up in early August and begin feeding on grass roots severely damaging the root system. Feeding continues until cool weather arrives in October at which time the grubs move deeper into the soil in preparation for winter. As the weather warms in March the grubs return to the root zone to resume feeding, now however, as full size adults. The larvae pupate in late May and emerge as beetles in early June. Birds, moles, skunks and raccoons all enjoy feeding on grubs to some extent. The presence of those animals and perhaps unexplained brown patches of grass serve as indicators of grub problems. All grasses are susceptible and can be destroyed by an unchecked grub infestation. Animals rooting or burrowing in search of grubs cause further problems. You can check for grubs by peeling back one square foot sections of turf over several areas of your lawn. Cut down about three to four inches and examine the root zone area. If you average five or more grubs per sample, treatment is recommended. Grubs are easily controlled with pesticides but timing is critical. Treatments applied in early September are recommended because the grubs are small and very close to the surface.
Friday, Oct. 7, 8a to 6p

Forsyth County Extension Master Gardeners
September 17, 8a to 2p Held indoors/1450 Fairchild Rd., 336-703-2850.Winston-Salem,

Rain or shine!
92 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
Cash or checks
Slightly used clothing, baked goods, crafts & so much more
Fall Plant Sale

3700 Clemmons Rd, Clemmons
Saturday, Oct. 8, 8a to 1p
Fall Bazaar & Sale
Gardener’s Sale
Clemmons UM Church
Lawn WhitewithProblemsGrubs?
Simply add to the featured wineries, live entertainment with opener Larry Wishon, noon to 2 and new to the festival, Juke Box Rehab performing 3 to 5 and you’ve got the start to a fun day.

Get your advance tickets today for the 18th Annual Yadkin Valley Grape Festival on Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 11 to 5. Advance tickets are $20. Tickets at the gate are $25. Cash, checks, debit and credit cards are accepted. Show your active or retired military ID at the gate and your ticket is $20. Once inside the gates, wine tasting - wristband and complimentary wine glassrequire a ticket.

Advance tickets are from the Grape Festival website, the Yadkin County Chamber or by printing out and mailing in an order form from the website: Yadkin County Chamber & Visitors Center, (205 S. Jackson St., Yadkinville, 27055) or POB 1840, Yadkinville, 27055. NOTE: Advance group specials are available!
The Yadkin Chamber appreciates the main festival sponsors: Town of Yadkinville TDA, Yadkin County TDA, Jonesville TDA, First National Bank, Nextera Energy and Skyline National Bank. Huge bunch of thanks go out to all the volunteers!
Wineries attending are Brandon Hills Vineyard, Carolina Heritage Vineyards, Golden Road Vineyard, Hanover Park Vineyards, Haze Gray Vineyards, Native Vines Winery, Sanders Ridge Vineyards, Shadow Springs Vineyards, Star Dust Cellars, Stony Knoll Vineyards, Surry Cellars, Weathervane Winery and Windsor Run Cellars. That’s a huge assortment of Yadkin Valley Wines to sample and discover great new favorites.
Now add food vendors the likes of Tacos Costa Grande, Rascal Jack’s Sandwich Shack, A-maize-ing Kettle Corn, Soul to Bowl Food Truck and Mr. People Feeder, craft vendors and a festival souvenir booth…well, you have the perfect Saturday already planned!

Any additional questions call the Chamber at 336-679-2200 or 877-492-3546, email tourism@yadtel.net
As always the Chamber offers a free shuttle service to the wine festival. Be sure to register in advance at 336-679-2200 to make arrangements for Jonesville, Yadkinville and Boonville hotels only. You’ll find lots of free vehicle parking with easy access to the festival grounds in Yadkinville.
Enjoy Wonderful Yadkin Valley Wines with friends, foods and music

KingFest King’s Central Park on 302 Kirby Rd., King. Lots of free parking. stages with regional local Activities for Blue Choo-Choo 336-983-9308.

all ages, food, crafts, Little
Two entertainment
Saturday, October 1, 10 to 5 in

94 yadkinvalleymagazine.com CENTERSERVICE&STOREPARTSCOMPLETE To view all inventory including new & preowned travel trailers & popups, visit www.countrysidervcenter.com CENTERSERVICE&STOREPARTSCOMPLETE Monday Friday 9 5 • Saturday 9 2 featuring Park Models from Park Models • Travel Trailers • RV SERVICE CENTER Shop Countryside RV and discover that our customers are treated like family Our complete parts and service center continues to deliver quality parts and the best in service and repairs. NEW travel trailers from plus preowned models!

95September/October 2022

96 yadkinvalleymagazine.com 1932 W. Memorial Hwy, Union Grove, NC 28689 7045394643 • uniongrovegeneralstore.com Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Saturday 8:30 am – 3 pm ENO Hammocks Burt’s Bees New Cornhole Boards Simply Southern Apparel Natural Life Apparel and Accessories Rainbow Sandals Lodge Cast Iron Grandma’s lye soap products Honey House Naturals hand lotions and lip balms. Pottery (Blackwelder, Eldridge, Hankins & Jordan) Handmade furniture Gumball machines Candles Jelly and Jams Corn Meal Handcarved Walking Sticks Family Owned Mulch & Stone Products too! Platinum Dealer

97September/October 2022 Two Locations: Contact me today to get started. David L. May, Jr. Insurance 336145www.nationwide.comdavid@davidmayinsagency.comAgencyPineviewDrive,King ‐983‐4371 107 West Independence Blvd, Mt Airy 336 786 4697 MondayPowersportsHomeFinancialFarmCommercialAutoFriday 9am 5pm Please call if you have special appointment time needs. We will meet with you after hours. Saturday by Appointment Only Call or stop by auto home commercial life

Evening visits for church groups, school groups, and college date nights are growing in popularity.
whole family. “This type of recreation is educational for our kids, and we as parents often enjoy re-visiting our own childhood memories vicariously through this farm. The 5- acre field is cross-planted in late June with more than 200,000 corn kernels. Once the stalks reach 12 inches or higher, a mower outfitted with a global positioning system (GPS) device is used to cut the pathways.
New this 2022 season, our Alpha & Omega Barn Grill! Savor the best of a farm-fresh menu, like slow-smoked pork, grilled chicken wrap, the 6 Oz famous farm fresh burgers straight from the grill to your plate. Dine in a spacious outdoor pavilion, complete with gorgeous views of the farm, corn maze and haybale art. They can’t wait to share this experience with you. Separate areas are available for birthday parties, school field trips, or corporate events. Indoor restroom facilities are on site.

The festival grounds are open for families to view pumpkins and take fall photos with our fall decorations. Pumpkins are priced separately and you only pay for what you want to take home. Additional activities include the Bonfire area in addition to Apple & pumpkin cannons. Customer’s post they are drawn to farms like this as they search for a wholesome and unique outdoor activity for their
Returning for a 10th consecutive year of operation, Alpha & Omega Corn Maze fall season will run from September 10th to November 12th, 2022. Explore this 20-acre agritourism complex, featuring maze trails, hayrides, horse drawn wagon rides, and many more engaging activities.

Van & Jennifer Hemric along with partners Jason & Lori Walker began operating the agritainment complex in 2013, entertaining customers that first fall with meager beginnings. What started with a field of corn and a tent filled with pumpkins has evolved to what it is today.
These serpentine paths connect in specific patterns to form a picture. Maze explorers can venture through a main trail that provides a total of 1.8 miles of walkways. Separate areas are available for birthday parties, school field trips, or corporate events. Indoor restroom facilities are on site.
Check out their Facebook page or the website @ alphaomegacornmaze.com for posts & updates on special events. Feel free to contact Alpha & Omega to schedule your event @ 336-466-5402.
336-466-5402alphaomegacornmaze.comemail:alphaomegacornmaze@gmail.com1129CheekRoad,Hamptonville,NC27020 99September/October 2022
The farm consists of : Giant 5 acre Corn Maze, Hay bale Run, Corn Cob Express, Fun Zone, Corn Box, Picnic Pavilion, Hay Rides, Animal Acres, Farmer 500, Pipe World, Bounce Pillow, Pony Rides, Pig Race, Duck Race, Toddler Town, Corn Hole, Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, Axe Throwing, Tractor Pull, Barnyard Basketball, Football, Baseball & lots of Photo Opportunities.
336 838 1101
Hardwood Mulch
www.highcountrylumberandmulch.com28659HIGH COUNTRY LUMBER AND MULCH, LLC

100 yadkinvalleymagazine.com Buying Standing Timber & Logs Timber appraisals are free with no obligation. Contact our timber buyers for more information. Jimmy Bowlin 3369272020 Justin Groce 3369841168

Red Oak & Mixed Hardwood
types are double ground for color and consistency. We offer pick up as well as delivery service within a 100 mile radius.
1461 Speedway Road Wilkesboro, NC

101September/October 2022 Auto Glass Replacement • Windshield Repair • Power / Manual Window Repair Power/ Manual Door Lock Repair Side View Mirror & Rear View Mirror Replacement Windshield Wiper Blade Replacement • Commercial Fleet Service Call Us First– We Can Handle Your Insurance8090ClaimNorth Point Blvd. Winston-Salem (336) 759-9900 www.tarheelautoglass.com We’re an Official NC Inspection Station Drive with a Safe Clear View! Repair or Replace your chipped/cracked Windshield today! 6209 Ramada Dr. • Clemmons, NC 27012 (336) 765-0330 • www.hondaws.comHonda of Winston-Salem East Bend, NC (336) 961 2349 More than 26 years of car care experience Norman’s Clean Up Shop PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCED DETAIL CLEANING for &CollectibleCaryour&TruckClassicCars

This is Baylee. She is 13 and 1/2 years old and loves her boat rides on Belews Lake

Pixie is a 9 year old Beagle and such a sweetie. Her favorite thing to do is sunbathe on the back porch.

102 yadkinvalleymagazine.com Thankyou for sharing your pet’s photo! petpics@yadkinvalleymagazine.com The only leather repair shop from Winston Salem to Boone, Hickory to Galax Soles & Heels • Belts • Leather Apparel (patches/tears)We ResurrectRestore,Repair,CanJustAboutAnythingLeather Patti Miller & Sadie

A big bunch of cuteness!

We invite you to visit our old farmhouse for coffee mugs, kitchen gifts, t-shirts & more Yadkin Valley Magazine merchandise. (336) 699 6332 • 413 Cherry Street, East Bend, NC 27018 www.cherrystreetfarmhouse.com Thank you for enjoying the magazine! We invite to visit our store at 413 Cherry St, East Bend Friday and Saturday 10 6 corner of Quaker & Cherry • across from EB Friends Church


4 yr old Borzoi Mary Bohen’s equine NEY bor

peeking out from under a bush.

103September/October 2022

Turn to page 122 to read about the May-June contest.
Enter by postcard, letter or email, be sure to include your: and guess.
If your guess is the first correct entry$WINdrawn10000 What IS That?
All entries become the property of Yadkin Valley Magazine.
104 yadkinvalleymagazine.com The next two correct entries drawn win a copy our One Last Sweet Bite Cookbook. QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE SINCE 1957 12 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU www.mockberothtire.com MOCK TIRE ROBINHOOD 5385 Robinhood 4752Winston-SalemRd.(336)924-1499CountryClubRd.Winston-Salem(336)768-1010 5780 Shattalon Winston-SalemDr.(336)661-9646 731 E. Mountain St. (336Kernersville)996-2033 834 S. Stratford MOCKWinston-SalemRd.(336)774-0081TIRESTRATFORD MOCK TIRE COUNTRY CLUB SHATTALON TIRE BEROTH TIRE KERNERSVILLE King-Tobaccoville Rd. King (336) 983-4352 2050 N. Bridge St. Elkin (336) 526-1340 711 N. Highway St. (336Madison)548-3672 1380 Carter St. Mount Airy (336) 786-4137 2012 Cotton Grove Rd. (336Lexington)357-3421 1037 N. Main (704MooresvilleSt.)799-3020 NORTH ELKIN TIRE MOUNT AIRY TIRE STOKES TIRE BEROTH TIRE MADISON MOCK TIRE LEXINGTON MOORESVILLE TIRE BEROTH TIRE MOCKSVILLE 132 Interstate (336)MocksvilleDrive753-8473

413 Cherry St, East Bend, NC 27018 or e-mail: barbara@yadkinvalleymagazine.com
And if you’d like, tell us about your experiences using or collecting this item. Entries must be received no later than 10/7/22, Winner will be drawn 10/8/22. The winners will be notified by mail and announced in the November-December issue.
“What is That Contest”
Mail your guess to:
You can also enter on-line yadkinvalleymagazine.comat:

Yadkin Valley Magazine

105September/October 2022

Second and third correct guesses will receive a copy of One Last Sweet Bite from Yadkin Valley Magazine’s cookbook Hannelorecollection:Mannfrom Advance and Christine Carlin of State Road.
The first correct drawn guess was Jean Sands of Stoneville, winner of $100.
Remember you can visit any of the Mock-Beroth locations listed on page 104 to pick up your Free copy of each new magazine. Be sure to say Thank-you to the staff for making the contest possible.
106 yadkinvalleymagazine.com the sound of home! ...a grandfathercherishedclock a heirloom that will last a lifetime authorized dealer: Bulova • Hermle Howard Miller Why should you buy your new Grandfather Clock from Oldtown Clock Shop & Repair? Our clocks are under factory warranty and we do the warranty work We deliver your new clock for FREE We “set up” your clock in your home or business We offer a full service department And even after offering all those extras that others don’t… Our prices are very competitive! Ol d Tow n Cloc k Sho p & Repair, Inc. Family Owned and Operated by Alan and Sandy Moran 3738 Reynolda Road (Highway 67), Winston-Salem (336) 924-8807 TUES–FRI 9:30a–5:30p, SAT www.oldtownclock.com9:30a–5:00p RHYTHM & Cuckoo Clocks!

July August 2022 Contest Winner
We just wanted to take a moment to say Thank-You to the folks at Mock- Beroth for sponsoring the What Is That? Contest. We receive hundreds of entries for each issue’s item. Readers really enjoy playing the game!

The item in the July/August issue of YADKIN VALLEY MAGAZINE is simply a butter dish! This particular one is a well made reproduction of the ones that graced many table.

What IS That?
We also appreciate the stories you share about the What Is That? item that include many a fond memory.
November 4th and 5th, Yadkin Moose Lodge 1422 Country Club Road, Yadkinville
These scenes from previous shows tells you there will be a lot to see at this year’s show!
107September/October 2022
Yadkin Valley Farm Toy Show!
Dustin Calloway, owner of Double B Auto Parts in Yadkinville is also one of the event coordinators. Dustin who also sells farm toys at his store will be displaying too. All three pay tribute to the people who started this much anticipated yearly event, Brent and Leshia
A place to Buy, Trade and Sell
What farm toy collector doesn’t stand in awe of actual farm equipment. You’ll enjoy a display of farming equipment at the show too.
Calling all toy model collectors— it’s the Yadkin Valley Farm Toy Show! Mark your calendar for farm toys, construction vehicles and trucks, in and without boxes, for Friday, November 4th - 6:00p to 9:00p and Saturday the 5th - 9:00a to 3:00p. The Moose Lodge in Yadkinville provides the perfect space for more than 50 display tables.

Follow the show for more information on Facebook: Yadkin Valley Farm Toy Show
Food is available for Saturday morning breakfast and lunch. BBQ is provided by Smokin’H.
EveryHunter.effort is made to cover all equipment brands in toys for kids and collectors priced from $5 and up you’ll going to find something you can’t go home without. The youngsters will especially enjoy farm scene displays.
Mark Williams started collecting model toys in the late 1980s and now is one of the show’s coordinators, along with his wife Leah who keeps all the bookkeeping and paperwork going!
Dealers come from NC, SC, VA, TN and Ohio. Collectors come from as far away as GA!
108 yadkinvalleymagazine.com GOT A TOUGH SPECIALTY PAINTING PROBLEM? We are the solution! Want to see more before & after samples of our work? Call me today and I’ll be glad to bring photos by for you to see. Discover how our superior protective coatings stand up to the toughest elements Mother Nature can throw at it. How much will it cost? My consultation visit and estimate are FREE. —Mark Diachenko. Mark@PaintandCoatingsLTD.com YadkinMemberCountyChamberofCommerce SpecialistArmorexEpoxyCoatings Our Design Specialist can offer creative ideas on any painting project. Whether you’re just needing a little guidance… or the whole idea. A multi-faceted painting company…we’re We offer solutions for: tough industrialcommercialapplicationspainting water fountains • concrete steps decks • car wash walls office buildings • homes concrete swimming pools garage floors painted AND sealed to withstand heat and water Got a painting project— we can do it! 416 East Main Street Yadkinville, NC (336) www.PaintandCoatingsLTD.com469-0080 Before you replace the wood on your deck, talk to us about…DECK RESTORE™ or DECK REVIVE pro ducts. Both products revive and protect wood sur faces such as wood and composite decking, stairs, docks and more. They install at a fraction of the cost of total surface replacement while adding years of life to older wood decks!

More photos from the Yadkin Valley Farm Toys Show including Mark and Dusti


Give your time, an encouraging word, a smile, a pat on the back. Share your talents and skills with others who need your help or can’t do things for themselves. Look for opportunities to lift someone up when they look like they’re dragging. Offer to go to the store for a neighbor or a friend. Pray for and consider the needs of others. All this fits into the category of living and giving generously. Buy someone lunch without expecting anything in return. Spread a good word about someone when they’re not around to hear it. Give someone the extra vegetables out of your garden that you can’t eat. Find someone you know that needs something more than you do. All of this is living and giving gener ously. If you live like this, it will put a spring in your step and encourage others to do the same.
Debt is like having a ball and chain around your ankle. It’s heavy, annoying, slows you down and very uncomfort able. It’s always with you night and day. It’s a bad dream you never wake up from. When you wake up, it’s there. When you go to sleep at night, it’s there. Unnecessary debt is a much larger ball and chain. Now you’re really slowed down and excessively annoyed. It’s not just a dream, it’s a nightmare. Debt is sneaky. It creeps up on from behind put ting a sleeper hold on you while you’re not watching or having too much fun to notice.The best way to deal with debt is to write it down and acknowledge it. Liv ing and acting like you don’t have a problem when you know deep down you do is dangerous behavior. You must understand that to get out of the hole, stop your digging and put the shovel down. Prioritize your needs and wants. Sometimes if the hole seems too deep, easy answers are not right around the corner. Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.
David L.
109September/October 2022 David L. May, Jr. • David L. May, Jr. Agency King 336 983 4371 • Mt. Airy 336 786 4697 david@davidmayinsagency.com • www.davidmayinsagency.com

No charts, graphs fancy words. Just common cents.
Having a plan and a willingness to change directions makes all the difference.
If you need help developing a plan to reduce, eliminate and get control of your debt consider an accredited, nonprofit credit counselor in your area by contacting the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at 1-800-388-2227 or www.nfcc.org.
Live & Give Generously Live on less than you make Avoid unnecessary debt
The above simple strategy works. It works in times of prosperity and when times are a little uncertain.
If you have $100, only spend a max imum of $99 or less. Those extra ones will begin to add up over time. They will be there for you when times are a little uncertain like they are today. Spending
$101 or more when you have $100 will seem okay at first until the road gets a little bumpy. Those bumps will jar you harder and harder and eventually lift you out of your seat and throw you on your head! Separating your needs from your wants is a good way of living on less than you make. This can be a hard process because we all get used to living a certain way and we don’t want to change. It’s more comfortable to keep doing what we are used to doing and not rock the boat. Many of us are like electricity. We take the path of least re sistance. The practice of focusing on liv ing on less than you make drives you to examine and scrutinize how and where you spend your money. Whether you have an abundance or not, this step is important for all of us.
In fact, investing for the long term does n’t necessarily mean you should lock your investments in forever. Through out your life, you'll likely need to make some changes.
portfolio regularly, possibly with the assistance of a financial professional, you can help ensure your investment mix will always be appropri ate for your needs and goals.
The Business Section
You might wonder if you should also consider changing your investment mix in response to external forces, such as higher interest rates or a rise in inflation, as we’ve seen this year. It’s certainly true that these types of events can affect parts of your portfolio, but it may not be ad visable to react by shuffling your invest ment mix. After all, nobody can really predict how long these forces will keep their momentum — it’s quite possible, for instance, that inflation will have sub sided noticeably within a year. But more important, you should make investment moves based on the factors we’ve al ready discussed: your goals, risk tol erance, time horizon and individual Bycircumstances.reviewingyour
When should you adjust your investment mix?
Edward Jones, Member SIPC
There are no shortcuts to investment success — you need to establish a longterm strategy and stick with it. This means you’ll want to create an invest ment mix based on your goals, risk tol erance and time horizon — and then regularly review it to ensure it’s still meeting your needs.
For example, a few years before you re tire, you may want to reevaluate your risk exposure and consider moving part of your portfolio into a more conserva tive position. When you were decades away from retiring, you may have felt more comfortable with a more aggres sive positioning because you had time to bounce back from any market down turns. But as you near retirement, it may make sense to lower your risk level. And as part of a move toward a more conser vative approach, you also may want to evaluate the cash positions in your port
folio. When the market has gone through a decline, as has been the case in 2022, you may not want to tap into your portfolio to meet short-term and emergency needs, so having sufficient cash on hand is important. Keep in mind, though, that having too much cash on the sidelines may affect your ability to reach your long-term goals.
Of course, everyone’s situation is differ ent and there’s no prescribed formula of when and how you should adjust your investments. But some possibilities may be worth considering.
Even if you decide to adopt a more con servative investment position before you retire, though, you may still benefit from some growth-oriented investments in your portfolio to help you keep ahead of — or at least keep pace with — infla tion. As you know, inflation has surged in 2022, but even when it’s relatively mild, it can still significantly erode your purchasing power over time.
Changes in your own goals or circum stances may also lead you to modify your investment mix. You might decide to retire earlier or later than you origi nally planned. You might even change your plans for the type of retirement you want, choosing to work part time for a few years. Your family situation may change — perhaps you have another child for whom you’d like to save and invest for college. Any of these events could lead you to review your portfolio to find new opportunities or to adjust your risk level — or both.
110 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

336 835 barry.revis@edwardjones.com1124
965 North Bridge Street Elkin, NC 28621
128 South State Street PO Box Yadkinville,790 NC 27055 336 679 chris.funk@edwardjones.com2192
Financial Advisor
Paul J. Bunke, Sr., AAMS
Financial Advisor
1530 NC Hwy 67, Suite A Jonesville, NC 28642
Left to right: Tanner Joyce, Logan Draughn, Audra Cox, Paul Bunke Aaron Misenheimer, Michael Warren, Andi Schnuck, Frank Beals, Barry Revis, Dale Draughn, Mike Russell, Kody Easter, Tammy Joyce, Christopher Funk

124 W. Kapp Street, Suite C Dobson, NC 27017
336 368 michael.warren@edwardjones.com0782
492 N. Main Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 336 789 logan.draughn@edwardjones.com3323

Financial Advisor
304 East Independence Blvd Mount Airy, NC 27030 336 789 kody.easter@edwardjones.com2079
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
Mount Airy Pilot
Financial Advisor
Andi Draughn Schnuck
Financial Advisor
Mike Russell
Financial Advisor
Aaron L. Misenheimer
116 E. Market St., Elkin, NC 28621
Christopher L. Funk
Barry Revis, AAMS
Logan Draughn
Financial Advisor
Frank H. Beals
Financial Advisor
YadkinvilleMountain Member SIPC
Michael Warren
Financial Advisor
111September/October 2022
124 W. Kapp Street, Suite C PO Box Dobson,407NC 27017
101 D Shoals Road, Pilot Mountain, NC 27041
336 386 paul.bunke@edwardjones.com0846
140 Franklin Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 336 789 dale.draughn@edwardjones.com0136
336 835 frank.beals@edwardjones.com4411
106 B South Depot Street, Pilot Mountain, NC 27041 336 368 mike.t.russell@edwardjones.com2575
136 W. Lebanon Street
Mount Airy, NC 27030
336 789 tammy.joyce@edwardjones.com6238
496 N. Main Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 336 789 andi.schnuck@edwardjones.com1707
Financial Advisor
336 258 aaron.misenheimer@edwardjones.com2821
136 W. Lebanon Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 336 789 tanner.joyce@edwardjones.com6238
Tanner Joyce
Tammy H. Joyce, AAMS
Audra Cox
Financial Advisor
Dale Draughn, AAMS
Kody Easter, AAMS, CRPC, CFP
336 386 audra.cox@edwardjones.com0846
Financial Advisor
When I got out of the hospital after a horrific car accident, I was determined to proceed with life as before, well, as much as possible. No wife sitter for me! No stranger, friend, or foe was going to come in our house and take over my stuff.

As the years rolled and life happened, pushed in the back of my mind was the ugly thought that things might change. As my mobility yielded to age, I found myself reaching for aides I’d stuffed in the basement after my con dition plateaued. I was slowly reverting to what I’d worked so hard to overcome, and the dreaded fall happened five years ago. Once again I learned to walk, but this time brought change. I’d need help.
“How do you make your cornbread?” is such an uplifting question. She could have done it her way and left me out of the equation. But my input matters to her and that’s a gift to Sheme.understands when I’m melan choly and just need a nonjudgmental hug. That’s not something you can pur chase. She finds out what I like (body lo tion after a shower, my ears scratched, a bowl of ice-cream) and makes sure she works it in. See finds the good in me and when the not-so-good emerges, she’s quick to forgive. She listens when I need to unload and shares her struggles when I need a focus change. She mothers me, lets me mother her, and her family be comes mine. If there’s a selfish bone in her, all of them, I don’t see it.
family caregiver come in.

Thank God for Caregivers
Only God and someone in my shoes can know how important the role of caregiver can be. Not only have my caregivers taken on my physical needs, which have become many, but they’ve had to adapt to the way we like things done. Not always an easy task. A woman’s kitchen, for instance, is a sacred and personal place. Watching another woman “do it her way” in your space isn’t easy. A caregiver who can take on your chores and understand your feelings of abandonment to a chunk of your life that now belongs to her with empathy is a pearl of great price.
112 yadkinvalleymagazine.com
My songwriting and singing took a backseat. I let go of treasured equipment and traded my office for a lift chair and a laptop, thankful I could still write ar ticles. And thankful I still had the pas sion to do so. But we had to have help. My sweet daughter-in-law with CNA training tackled the first year. And then my mom needed someone, so April left me to help Mema. It was time to swal low my pride and let an outside-the-
ButPeriod.Iwas young. And thankfully, I learned to walk again and found out with hard work and much effort I could do almost everything I needed to if I’d accept the challenge. Almost. It would be Jerry, our son Kip, and me—no more, no less— just like before.
WRITER/ Sandra Miller

In her book Thoughtful Caregiving, Rebecca Hecking says it best, “Courage and compassion: that in a nutshell is the unexpected gift of thoughtful, mindful caregiving.” Care giving is not for the fainthearted. It’s hard. But when God gifts someone with the talent to care for another’s needs, they need to prayerfully consider the pros and cons of the task, whether it’s a career move or taking care of a family member. It truly is a gift.
428 East Main St. East Bend, NC 27018 336-699-7111
So, for the angels who’ve become family to us I say “thank God for caregivers.” Thank you for praying with me and for me. Thank you for picking up after our teenage grands. Thank you for loving my mama. Thank you for making my husband’s favorite dishes. Food is important to men; just make sure I’ve got ice cream!
Gentry Family Funeral Service is a family owned and operated full service funeral home, that was established in 1994. As a family-owned and operated establishment, we are committed to providing the very best in personal and professional service.

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all donated items, sta ed by volunteers
And now, my mom is living with us—something I didn’t foresee. Mom has been strong for me and now in her nineties, it’s time to pay it forward. The only problem is, I can only su pervise her care. My caregivers are now “our” caregivers. Our grandson moved in to take the night shift. Our house is getting full. But what a blessing this 18-year-old has been!
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When you’re at someone else’s mercy, modesty flies out the window. They see you at your best and at your worst without judgment. They get wore out and still have their own maladies to deal with when they leave. They know when to reach out and when to allow you independence. You don’t have to perform; you can just be yourself.
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Care South, Inc.

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Community Alternatives Program for adults (CAP/DA)
Personal Care Services (PCS)
Private Duty Services
The best choice for in‐home aide care
Our Mission
Licensed and Bonded in the State of North Carolina
512 N. Bridge Street, Elkin, NC 28621 (336) 258 Servingwww.caresouthinc.com2306Surry,Yadkin,WilkesandSurroundingCounties
To provide high-quality care to the clients we serve, and leadership in which employees have faith and confidence; and to offer the most excellent individualized in-home care while allowing the client to live safely and comfortably in their own homes.

Veterans Administration (VA)
Our agency provides inhome aide services though programs such as:

Locally owned and operated
Care provided up to 24 hours 7 days a week