WRONG RIVER, Yale School of Drama, 2016.

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Not a Drop to Drink: Flint's Water Crisis 2014 APR 25: As a cost-saving measure, Flint switches its water supply from Detroit’s system to the Flint River. Soon after, residents begin to complain about the water’s color, taste, and odor, and report rashes and concerns about bacteria.

“Flint water is safe to drink.” —news release from Flint city government

OCT: Ford Motors announces Flint’s water is too corrosive for manufacturing at its engine plant in Flint.

2015 JAN: Detroit’s water system offers to reconnect the city, but Flint’s state-appointed emergency manager, Jerry Ambrose, declines the offer. FEB–AUG: A Virginia Tech research team discovers extremely high levels of lead in Flint water.

“The extent to which the authorities went to cover this up exposes a new level of arrogance and uncaring that I have never encountered.”

OCT 16: Flint reconnects to Detroit’s water, but lead remains in pipes and plumbing.

“I don’t believe democracy exists. I think that’s the lie we tell ourselves to think this country is halfway decent to live in and the system will somehow work for us someday.” —Shea Cobb, a Flint resident evicted from her home when she refused to pay the water bill for water she couldn’t drink

2016 JAN 5: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder issues a state of emergency for Flint and Genesee County.


JAN 16: President Obama declares a state of emergency in the city and surrounding county, allowing the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide up to $5 million in aid.

“I am sorry, and I will fix it.” —Governor Snyder publicly apologizes on January 19.

—Dr. Marc Edwards, Virginia Tech

SEP 24: A group of doctors urges the city to stop using the Flint River for water after finding dangerously high levels of lead in local children’s blood samples. State regulators insist the water is safe. OCT 1: Government epidemiologists validate the doctors’ finding of high lead levels; Flint Mayor Karen Weaver urges residents not to use unfiltered tap water for drinking, cooking, or bathing.

FEB 19: Lead levels in Flint’s drinking water are “much, much better,” says the Virginia Tech research group that initially identified the contamination. Still, “people should keep using lead filters and bottled water, until further notice.” MAY 4: President Obama travels to Flint and sips from a glass of filtered water to show it is safe to drink again. He cautions the city that it will take a long time to rebuild its water system.

Thursday, November 17 at 4PM Friday, November 18 at 4PM and 8PM Saturday, November 19 at 4PM Iseman Theater, 1156 Chapel Street

“Don’t lose hope.” —President Barack Obama



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2016–17 SEASON

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