4 minute read

CONNECT: Can You Feel The Power of Love? (Winter 2022)


by Felicia C. Lewis

Most people are blessed if they get to experience the love of one sister in a lifetime, but I’m especially blessed to have the Big Love of seven — seven women who are connected to me, not by blood, but by a Sisterly Bond that is founded on genuine trust, love, honor, and respect.

A Sisterly Bond is one where there’s no judgment, no envy, no backbiting, and no unhealthy competition. There’s a lot of love, laughter, praying for one another, tears (good and bad), open communication, and sometimes just “checking in.”

It’s one where you can just show up at her house, eyes swollen from crying over a breakup from your dumb boyfriend (his loss), and all your sister does is open the door, hug you, and let you come in and sleep it off, no questions asked. It’s one where she fixes your favorite comfort food, changes your dressings, polishes your toenails, and takes care of your son after surgery. She sneaks money into your hand, or tells you to stop fussing, get off her phone, and come pick up a check to pay your mortgage for the month because you’re still getting on your feet after your spouse walked away from your twenty-year marriage.

A Sisterly Bond is one where you look up and realize you two have literally been on the phone talking for more than seven hours and the sun’s coming up. It’s one where you road trip from Houston to Detroit to help her drive back home after graduating from Prairie View. (PV, You Know!) It’s one where your road trip destinations include San Antonio, Anadarko, Orlando, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Cancun, and Punta Cana. It’s one where you fight over the bill at restaurants while telling the server to “walk away now” with your credit card.

Aah, the gratification.

Her mom becomes your mom, her husband becomes your brother, her children become your nieces and nephews, her siblings your siblings, and you take care of each other’s pets when you go out of town. You begin to act alike, talk alike, think alike, and you create memories that still have you howling with laughter three decades later. You gift one another with very thoughtful and meaningful gifts just because. You have food delivered to her when family members die. You drop off “get well” baskets when she’s sick, you bring her meals and sit with her half a day after surgery, and you celebrate one another’s birthdays real BIG! She names her beautiful new male colt after your son.

You push one another, are each other’s biggest cheerleaders, and protect one another at all cost. You never take one another for granted.


During the past five years my sisters and I have all suffered losses, and two months ago it was my turn when my mom lost her fifteen-year battle with Alzheimer’s. All of my sisters — Benita, Donna, Jacquelyn, Kristen, Tammie, Titania, and Toni — were there for me at every turn.

My sisters made sure my son DJ and I had food, they picked me up to run errands, kept my spirits lifted, protected me from toxic family members, and kept me lifted in prayer. My sisters stayed by my side for five days, which happened to include Titania’s 50th birthday weekend and she so selflessly wanted us to celebrate Mama Ruthie and not her. (We managed to do both.) Mama Ruthie loved red and loved hats so my sisters and I all wore red and some of us honored her by wearing her hats to the services. My sisters took charge and made sure every aspect of Mama Ruthie’s Celebration of Life was perfect. Because of them, it was absolutely one of the best weekends of my life.

The mental and physical strength and protection shown to me by my sisters kept me going, and to this day, still keeps me going. Of all the many loves I’ve known, it warms my heart to know that I can always count on them. There’s nothing like a Sisterly Bond.

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