Yanbal's Getting Started Guide

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C-9 VERSION / 2017

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The Yanbal Story


Support at Your Fingertips


3 Keys to Success


How You Get Paid?


Exploring your Why


You Can Do It! Setting Your Goals


Jumpstart Program - It’s Never Been So Easy!


Your First Week


Creating Your Contact List


Your Business Launch


The Booking Basics


Hostess Coaching Checklist


Simple Steps to a Successful Party


After the Party: Follow Up


Sponsoring: The Yanbal Opportunity


How to Say It


Daily Success Behaviors


Training & Marketing Resources

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Welcome & Congratulations Welcome and congratulations on choosing Yanbal USA! You have made an excellent choice to become an Independent Yanbal® Style Advisor, joining one of the fastest-growing direct selling companies in the world. At Yanbal, we stand for world-class quality. We stand for fashionable style. But most of all, we stand for the incredible opportunity to positively transform the lives of women everywhere who are looking to develop their talents and fully realize their potential so they can fulfill their dreams! We’re here to support you in your new business and invite you to use the pages of this guide to propel you in this exciting new venture. There’s no better time to be part of the Yanbal family, and we’re thrilled to welcome you to your bright future!

A Personal Welcome: Yanbal CEO, Janine Belmont

Welcome to Yanbal! I´m so happy that you have made the choice to be part of the great Yanbal Family, where you will find a magic world of business and opportunity. We offer the best jewelry and fragrance for you! We use only the finest materials and ingredients and our products are designed exclusively for you. We have a fantastic catalog that will make you proud to be a Yanbal Style Advisor. In order to accomplish this, we will give you the best support, great business and learning tools, constant development, guidance and, of course, the latest in technology. I want you to be happy with your choice. So, get ready to learn new things, have fun, become inspired and change your life. We will be right here for you, by your side. Welcome and thanks for choosing Yanbal.

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The Yanbal Story

Yanbal is a company with 50 years of direct sales experience in beauty and fashion. We are committed to empowering women, giving them products they love and a business opportunity that enables them to pursue their dreams and change their lives. Today, 400,000 Independent Style Advisors in 10 countries throughout Latin America, North America, and Europe offer the best beauty products, fragrances and jewelry. Independent Style Advisors in the United States offer world-class jewelry: memorable pieces with 24K gold plating, European crystals and glass pearls, as well as exclusive fragrances with award-winning package designs that affirm a unique style. Our products are created in our own facilities. Our ingredient and formula research centers in the United States and France, along with our team of jewelry designers in New York, allow us to pay attention to each and every detail throughout the process, ensuring the exclusiveness and highest quality of our products. As a new Independent Style Advisor, you will be able to share the latest fashion and style trends with your friends at our trendy social gatherings.

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Support at Your Fingertips

The Yanbal community is here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to your Sponsor, the Style Advisor who introduced you to Yanbal, for answers to your questions. The Yanbal home office is also available to assist you with day-to-day business needs. Please feel free to contact us at 844-5-YANBAL (926225), Monday through Thursday from 9:00am to 7:00pm ET and Fridays from 9:00am to 2:00pm ET, or email at contactus@yanbal. com. And remember, there’s also a number of helpful resources online you can access 24/7 in the Yanbal Business Portal. Take a few minutes to fill out the information below and keep this page bookmarked so you have all the support you need right at your fingertips.

Other Contact Resources: Yanbal.com Facebook: Yanbal USA Independent Style Advisor Community Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YanbalUSA Instagram: http://instagram.com/YanbalUSA

My Sponsor Support Team Sponsor Name:_______________________ Phone:________________________ E-mail:__________________________ Director Name:_______________________________ Phone:_______________________


My Yanbal Home Office Support Team BDM: _________________________________________________


Customer/Advisor Care: ______________________________________

E-mail: __________________________

Phone: 844-5-YANBAL (926225) E-mail: contactus@yanbal.com

My Yanbal Business Portal Website: http://www.myyanbal.com/usa/_________________________________________________ Username:______________________________________


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Keys to Success How the business works Want to know how to achieve success with Yanbal? Learn and practice these three simple behaviors and you’ll be well on your way to earning a competitive income and enjoying all the rewards the Yanbal Compensation Plan has to offer. 1. Book Parties: There’s nothing to it! Simply invite your friends, family members or other acquaintances to host a get-together. We call these gatherings “Parties” because they give your customers the chance to see, touch and experience our exclusive collection of unique Yanbal products that cannot be found anywhere else. Parties are casual, social get-togethers where friends mingle and shop. In appreciation for coordinating the Party, your Hostess will receive free and discounted Yanbal products at no cost to you. 2. Show & Sell: As an Independent Style Advisor, you will offer Yanbal products to guests at your Parties. You’ll have an opportunity to interact with each guest, showing different style ideas, suggesting additional products and sharing why Yanbal is so special. This is your opportunity to build relationships that can last far beyond the first Party. Best of all? You’ll receive up to 35% commission on your sales! 3. Invite Others to Join Your Team: Parties are the perfect place to show others just how fun and simple it is to be a Yanbal Independent Style Advisor. As they watch what you do, be sure to talk about how they can join your team. With each new Independent Style Advisor you add to your team, your income potential grows. Consistently sponsoring and teaching others to do what you are doing (holding Parties and sharing Yanbal) will allow you to earn even more rewards through the Yanbal Compensation Plan.

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How Do You Earn? We reward our Style Advisors for selling products. You can earn 20%-35% base commission on all products ordered through Yanbal Parties, private style appointments, and online ordering through your Yanbal ecommerce website. We love to shower our Style Advisors with even more rewards when you begin building a team that also generates sales. Your success is based on how well you train your team members to be consistent and productive in their own businesses. Yanbal supports Independent Style Advisors through training, coaching, product incentives, trip incentives, conferences and more. We recommend the following model to start strong and build consistency.

How You Earn on Personal Sales SALES (PV)




UP TO $249


$250 TO $649

20% + Power Seller Bonus 5% = 25%

$650 TO $1,249

20% + Power Seller Bonus 10% = 30%

$1,250 +

20% + Power Seller Bonus 15% = 35%

WE RECOMMEND YOU TO FOLLOW THIS FORMULA to start your new business successfully




YANBAL PARTIES each Campaign

NEW YANBAL PARTIES BOOKED from each of those Parties

NEW STYLE ADVISOR from each Yanbal Party

Your Potential Earnings # OF YANBAL PARTIES


























12 h




* This example, and the chart above, are hypothetical examples that illustrate how commission is calculated and the sales needed to achieve the specified results under Yanbal’s compensation plan. They are not representations of expected earnings. Yanbal USA Inc, does not guarantee your success. Yanbal USA Inc, is a new company in the U.S. and does not yet have data on actual sales results achieved in the U.S.

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How You Get Paid You’ll receive compensation for your sales and those of your team through a ProPay account. To find information about setting up your account, see the email that Yanbal sent to you upon enrollment. This information can also be accessed in your Yanbal Business Portal.

When You Get Paid Your personal orders will be billed at 80% of the retail price. Regarding your customers, when they enter orders through your Personal Website, you will receive a commission equivalent to 20% of the total value of these orders, which will be paid weekly to your ProPay account. Yanbal’s commissions for the Power Seller bonus (+ 5%, + 10%, + 15%) and team commissions are based on four-week Campaigns. The cutoff date at the end of each four-week cycle indicates the end of the Campaign cycle, which is also the end of the commissioning period. Power Seller bonuses and team commissions are also paid to your Propay account at the end of the Campaign cycle.

Campaign As a unique benefit to the four-week campaign cycle that drives commission periods, Independent Style Advisors will receive an extra team commission & Power Seller Bonus check each campaign! There are 13 campaigns in a calendar year. To view the current Campaign Cycle Calendar and learn more, visit your Yanbal Business Portal/Campaign Calendar.

Exploring Your Why What matters to you? What makes you happy? What are your priorities? Is it more flexibility, freedom or fun in your life? Is it more income? What does that look like? What would make the difference for you? Write your “Why” for Yanbal here: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Success Tip: Build a Team, Grow Your Income Building a team is a great way to grow your income while having fun helping others achieve their goals, too. The sponsoring section of this Getting Started Guide outlines some of the advantages of sponsoring others to join your Yanbal team and some tips for getting started.

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You Can Do It: Setting Your Goals Your earnings are not just a means to an end. Now that you’ve determined your “Why” for Yanbal, take some time to seriously consider the future you envision and set some long-term goals. Do you want to purchase a new home? Pay for your children’s college education? Put away money in savings for a comfortable retirement? There’s no limit to what you can imagine, so write your reasons here and refer back to these goals to track your progress and celebrate milestones. We know you can do it!

What I Want to Achieve with My Yanbal Business My short-term goals: In my first Campaign, I want to: ___________________________________________________. In my next three Campaigns, I want to: _________________________________________________ My long-term goals: In the next year, I want to: _______________________________________________. In the next three years, I want to: ____________________________________________.

What will it take to make my “Why” happen? Achieving your goals won’t happen overnight. You are in the beginning of your business, so it’s smart to establish an initial realistic goal. Decide where you’d like to start and then each Campaign you can build upon this first goal. Personal Selling Goal: I want to earn $______________ each Campaign. To achieve my Campaign income goal, I’ll need to hold _____________ Parties per Campaign, and generate $__________ in sales per Party. I will talk to at least ____________ people about my Yanbal business every day. TIP: Hold a minimum of one Party a week and talk to a minimum of three new people every day about Yanbal. This keeps you consistently active in your business, which is the key to success!

Team Building Goal: I want to sponsor ____ Independent Style Advisors to my team each Campaign. I will talk to at least ____ people about the opportunity at each of my Party or when I’m out and about with my daily activities. TIP: Sponsor 1-2 new Independent Style Advisors each Campaign. Not only will this add fun and excitement in your business, you will progress through the Compensation Plan quicker getting you closer to bigger income goals!

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JumpStart Program YANBAL




Yanbal’s JumpStart Program is designed to reward new Independent Style Advisors who immediately generate sales. Your Grand Opening Party is your first opportunity to hit your JumpStart goals! You can do it! Here’s how: The JumpStart Program qualification period is for the first 2 Campaigns: the Campaign that you enroll and your first full Campaign (Campaign after you enroll).

Sell and Earn!

• If you start immediately in your entry Campaign, we offer you a Jumpstart bonus! Sell $250 PV or more in your entry Campaign and earn an additional $50 in product credit.* • Sell $250 PV in your first full Campaign and earn a gorgeous Yanbal orange bag!

* The product credit must be used no later than the end of your third Campaign (the Campaign after your last opportunity to earn rewards) and is not redeemable for cash. Product credit may only be redeemed on products and does not include business tools. Items purchased with product credit are non-refundable and are not eligible for returns.

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Your First Week We want you to succeed at this business. Taking specific steps during the first week of getting started will set your Yanbal business on the fast track for success!

While You Wait for Your Kit… Step 1: Log on to the Yanbal Business Portal and create out your personalized website. Upon enrolling, you set up your Style Advisor username and password. Log in to the Yanbal Business Portal so you can familiarize yourself with the online ordering area, how to submit customer service questions, and all of the training information available. Although Parties are the recommended primary source of income with your new Yanbal business, you will also have the opportunity to collect website sales. Take some time to click around on your personalized website so you understand how products are organized and can answer your future customers’ questions. Step 2: Plan your Calendar. Using the Printable Campaign Calendar found in your YBP, you will want to write in exactly when you can work and when you have other obligations! First, write in all times that you work your other job, go to school, have appointments or have personal time scheduled. Then you can decide which days would be best for you to hold your Grand Opening Party to launch your business, plus 4 more Parties. Doing this first, before creating your contact list and even before talking about your new business, empowers you to know exactly when you are available and control your calendar. Take this step first, and it will help you become more confident in doing the next suggested steps. Step 3: Create your Contact List. Your contact list is simply a list of everyone you know who may be interested in purchasing Yanbal products, hosting a Party or even becoming a Style Advisor themselves! On the next pages, we’ve provided a simple worksheet to help you think through everyone you know. Fill it out and you’ll be surprised at the number of people within your social circle. Identify your first four Hostesses and two people who you will want to invite to join your Yanbal team as a new Independent Style Advisor! Step 4: Schedule and promote your Grand Opening Party. Your friends and family will be happy to support you by coming out and seeing what you have to offer with your new business. This is a great chance to do a test run for conducting future Parties and gives you a firsthand look at how the Hostess Rewards program works. Use this time to invite them to hold their own Parties and set a goal to book at least 4 more Parties in your Launch Campaign to get your business started off right! Step 5: Spread the Word. You are now open for business! Let everyone know you’re a new Independent Yanbal Style Advisor by telling them in person, through email or on your social media. How? Start a Facebook Business Page, a “Fashion and Accessory Board” on Pinterest or your own Instagram account to share your business on social media. Keep it simple to start — you can grow this over time. Here’s an example of what you can say to introduce your business when you are out and about: “Julie, I can’t wait to tell you about my new business! I’ve started a business as an Independent Style Advisor with a company that is new to the US, and it’s so unique. I get to hold Parties, offering the latest trends in beauty and fashion accessories to small groups of friends at casual get-togethers.” Practice your 30-second commercial. What’s a 30-second commercial? It’s essentially your quick pitch to share with friends, family and acquaintances as you let them know about your Yanbal business! Everyone’s 30-second commercial is unique. Take some time to practice yours and get comfortable talking about why you started with Yanbal and why you’re excited to let them know! Here’s an example of a 30-second commercial: “I’ve always loved fashion, dressing up and accessorizing with the latest trends, so when I discovered the opportunity to be a Yanbal Independent Style Advisor, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven! I get to help other women choose their fashion accessories while socializing. It allows me to stay home with my three kids and have the flexibility to have a life. That’s something I definitely didn’t have when I was working 60 hours a week in my previous corporate job.” Step 6: Schedule training with your Sponsor or Leader. They can be your resource for training and will be available for any questions you may have. And if your Sponsor is a brand new Independent Style Advisor like you, congratulate her on a great start in growing her business! You can schedule training with your Leader and you and your Sponsor can learn and grow in your Yanbal businesses together. Share the goals you created at the beginning of this guide with her so she can offer advice and support as your accountability partner. Be sure to make a list of questions before your meeting so you can cover any key areas you’re wondering about.

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Once Your Kit Arrives… Open and explore your new kit and Catalog. Your kit includes everything you need to get your business up and running, including a beautiful representation of products as well as the training and sales tools you will need to get started with your first Parties. Be sure to familiarize yourself with everything in your kit and in the Catalog. Familiarize yourself with all the information in the library. You can find the library in your Yanbal Business Portal (YBP). Start wearing and showing off your jewelry and wearing your fragrances. The pieces included in your Yanbal kit were carefully selected to demonstrate our quality and style. Proudly wear and share them to elicit “oohs” and “aahs” from your friends, family and acquaintances and entice them to host their own Party so they can get some of their own! You’ll always want to have a few catalogs on hand to share with friends and acquaintances you meet up with. Read on for some ideas for sharing your catalog. Some ideas to share your Catalog: When someone compliments you on your jewelry: “Thank you! This particular necklace is one of my favorites. I actually received it free when I started my new business with Yanbal. They have fabulous trendy jewelry. Here is the most current catalog. Let me call you tomorrow to answer any questions you have, and I will share how you can save money shopping with Yanbal. Does morning or afternoon work better for you?” When someone compliments you on your fragrance: “Thank you! This fragrance is one of my favorites! I invite you to discover all the Yanbal fragrances in the Catalog. I’ll contact you tomorrow to answer any questions you might have and share how you can save money shopping with Yanbal.” When you want to share a catalog with someone: “You have such a great sense of style! I’m an Independent Style Advisor with Yanbal. Yanbal is new to the US, but they are a company rich in experience, offering on-trend fashion jewelry featuring crystals and other high quality materials. I think you’ll love what they have to offer in the newest collection. Here is the current catalog. Let me get your phone number, and I will touch base with you tomorrow to answer any questions you have.” Set Up Your Display. Everything you need is found in your orange box and you can also use your orange box for your display! Go ahead and add a few accents to celebrate the current trend and we recommend you purchase a small LED light to light up your display and create some extra sparkle!

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Creating your Contact List You’ve decided to start your own business, and now it’s your chance to tell the world! Use the space below to create your first list of contacts. Who will you tell first? Think of all the people you know who love jewelry, fragrances, style and fashion! Think of those who love to socialize, are looking for supplemental income or have the spirit of an entrepreneur. We’ve helped you with some thought starters. Write down everyone you can think of, and remember … don’t pre-judge! You never know who will be interested. Next, you will use this list to invite customers, Hostesses and potential Style Advisors to be part of the Yanbal experience!


Friends from School/College

Your Holiday Card List

















Your Siblings’ Friends



















People Looking for Additional Income
















Spouse’s Coworkers

Your Children’s Acquaintances

Real Estate Agents
















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Community Groups

Doctors, Dentists & Professionals

Teachers & PTA Members
















Support Groups

Business Acquaintances

Your Parents’ Acquaintances














My First Team Members 5.________________________


My First Business Partners My First Hostesses Who will have the first opportunity to host a Party?

My First Team Members Who do you think would make a great Yanbal Style Advisor?

1) ____________________________

1) ____________________________

2) ____________________________

2) ____________________________

3) ____________________________

3) ____________________________ 15

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Your Business Launch Just like any business opening its doors, your Yanbal business will have a grand opening!

Grand Opening Yanbal Party Your Grand Opening Party is your first chance to share your new business with your friends and family. This is a great opportunity to learn the business as you prep for the event, practice the words you’ll say to invite them to host their own Parties and earn commissions and Hostess Rewards on your first product sales. Getting Ready Treat your Grand Opening like any other Party by following the Hostess Coaching Checklist found in this guide. You are both the Hostess and the Style Advisor of your Grand Opening, so this is a great chance to walk through the process and get familiar. Invite, Invite, Invite! Everyone you wrote down on your Contact List should be invited to your Grand Opening. Once you’ve determined the date for your Grand Opening, create a digital invitation to email out to all your contacts and share the event through Facebook and all your other social media accounts. You may also wish to create a flyer or paper invite to mail out to your contacts. Be sure to send the invitations out at least 1-2 weeks in advance and follow up with a personal phone call to boost your chances for great attendance! Practice Practice demonstrating items from your new kit so you become comfortable in your presentation. You can do this in front of your family, friends or even an imaginary audience! Stock Up on Supplies Anticipate the demand and have plenty of catalogs, wish lists, pens, coffee beans and fragrance tester strips. Have a couple of standing or hand-held mirrors handy so your guests can see how fabulous they look in Yanbal jewelry! Invite Guests to be a Hostess Display the Hostess Rewards Brochure and don’t be shy about inviting them to host their own Party. Here’s how to say it: “I’d love to reward you in Free Product for hosting one of my first Parties!”

Personal Style Appointments (Yanbal On-the-Go) Personal Style Appointments are awesome ways to introduce Yanbal products. Sometimes people cannot attend a Party so this is a great way to share! We often refer to this as “Selling Yanbal On-the-Go”! It’s a good practice to get into the habit of offering this method of selling to happen in between your Parties! GETTING READY Like your Grand Opening Party, you are going to have an opportunity to go through the invitation process, handling our products and practicing how to share with your friends and family. The more you do this, the more confident you will feel approaching people you don’t even know while you are “on-the-go”! LOCATION You can plan to meet your customers at their home or in a neutral place like a coffee shop! STOCK UP ON SUPPLIES We suggest you create a Yanbal “On-the-Go” Kit! Include about 4-5 pieces of jewelry in a small jewelry bag that can be kept in your purse; an Aroma Kit, catalogs, Wish Lists and the Sponsoring Notebook so that every time you get together with someone, you are prepared to share the opportunity. INVITE! Invite your customer to become a Yanbal Style Advisor or host a Yanbal Party and invite her friends. If she isn’t interested in doing that, be sure to ask for referrals.

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Success Tip: Keep it Casual Your Grand Opening Party should be simple, casual and fun for you. Your first Party can even be an Open House format so your friends can come and go when it works for them. Simply schedule it for a two-to-three-hour period, set out some refreshments and display your products. Spend your time visiting with each guest, letting them know why you are excited about Yanbal and why you are so grateful they are there for the start of your new business.

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Booking Basics Your Keys to Success It may be hard to believe now, but soon you’ll be a booking pro! Follow these simple steps to booking and you’ll be scheduling Parties in no time.

KNOW THE HOSTESS REWARDS Don’t be shy about inviting people you know to host. You’re giving them the chance to earn hundreds of dollars in gorgeous and exclusive Yanbal products! Get familiar with the Hostess Rewards levels to have a solid understanding of the rewards your Hostesses can select based on their Party sales. As you get to know your Hostesses personally and understand their style, this knowledge will help you make suggestions for their Wish List and deliver your Hostess Coaching service with confidence.
































*Pictures are for reference only, Hostesses can choose any items in the catalog to apply towards Hostess Rewards.

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KNOW YOUR AVAILABILITY Know your open Party dates for the next two to four weeks and mark those open dates on your calendar. This will make it easy for you to offer up some date options when you approach your Hostess about booking. PRACTICE YOUR INVITATION When you’re first starting out, the hardest part can be knowing what to say! Practice some natural conversation starters so you feel comfortable extending the invitation to a Hostess. Here are some ideas: • “I have the perfect excuse for a girls’ night out! Want to hear more?” • I can’t believe all the jewelry you get just for having fun at a Yanbal Party with your friends! Here’s a wish list you can complete to dream big!” • “I’m so excited! I just started a new business and can’t wait to tell you about it. Can you meet me for coffee tomorrow morning or afternoon?” • “You are someone who is always so put together and fashionable. I’d love for you to check out the products from Yanbal!” SCHEDULE PARTIES ABOUT TWO WEEKS OUT The more guests who attend, the more Hostess Rewards your Hostess will receive and the higher your commissions will be! That’s why it’s important to book the Party on a date that’s at least a couple of weeks away. Potential guests will most likely not already have plans when you give them enough advance notice. GIVE YOUR HOSTESS TWO DATE OPTIONS Offer your Hostess two choices in the next two weeks: “Which works better for you, Tuesday or Thursday night?”

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Hostess Coaching Checklist To guarantee a successful Party, coaching your Hostess is a must! Follow the steps at each stage of the Party-planning process as outlined on the following pages. Before you know it, coaching your Hostess will be second nature. ONCE THEY HAVE DECIDED TO HOST A PARTY (IMMEDIATELY) • Congratulate your Hostess on her decision and let her know you’ll be there every step of the way. • Give or send a Hostess Packet. Schedule a time to go over the contents of the Hostess Packet, by phone or person to person: 1. The current Catalog 2. Information about the current specials, Opportunity Brochure and Hostess Brochure. 3. Wish Lists 4. Fragrance Sample • Set or confirm the Party date, time and location. • Ask them to be thinking about their Wish List. Let them know you’ll be following up in a few days to help them make their Hostess Rewards plan to get the most in free products! FIRST CALL (1-2 DAYS AFTER AGREEING TO HOST): • Thank her again and share your excitement about the Party and your commitment to her success. • Give her an attendance goal of at least 10-15 guests. • Suggest that she personally invites 35-50 guests. Be sure to strongly recommend that she reaches out to each guest individually

(not just through a group text, email or Facebook invite) and encourage them to bring a friend.

• Help her think through an invitation list. • Discuss who she has listed and ask questions about them, like: “Who is a fashionista?”, “Who loves to be social?”, “Who might be

looking for extra income?” and “Who do you think will attend?”

• Help her plan the invitations. Based on what she shares, what is the best way to reach her friends? • Tell her the details about Yanbal’s generous Hostess Rewards and encourage her to create a robust Wish List. • Remind her to keep her refreshments simple. • Suggest that she hold her Party in a space with comfortable seating, good lighting and a table surface suitable for your display. Ask if she has two or more mirrors people can easily use near the Party area. • Mention that she should send the electronic catalog and collect outside orders from those guests who are unable to attend. • Answer any questions she may have. SECOND CALL (1 WEEK BEFORE THE PARTY): • Thank her again and keep the excitement going! • Get her current RSVPs. People often do not RSVP, so she should reach out those she has not heard from to confirm attendance • Encourage her to invite more guests to reach her goal of 10-15. She will want to think about having 10-15 orders to maximize her Hostess Rewards, and she can easily collect outside orders from those guests who couldn’t attend. • Emphasize the value of follow-up. • Remind her you’ll be there 30 minutes early to set up and go over the Wish List with her. • Ask her to dress in a way that will work with the pieces on her Wish List. Make her your model! As your business partner, she deserves to be showered in jewelry! • Ask her preference on fragrances. If she enjoys fragrances, ask her to go fragrance-free so she can wear one of the Yanbal fragrances, if she hasn’t already received a fragrance sample. • Ensure your Hostess has plenty of catalogs to share with potential guests or those who could not attend. Show her how to collect outside orders using the Party link. • Invite your hostess to think about becoming a Style Advisor, referring to the Opportunity Brochure in her packet.

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THIRD CALL (1-2 DAYS BEFORE THE PARTY): • Reassure your Hostess that the Party will be a success! • Get the final head count for attendance. • Emphasize the value in her making last-minute reminder calls to her “yeses” and “maybes” to increase in-person attendance. • Remind her to mention that her guests should bring a friend. • Address any questions that have come up. • Go over the planned timeline for the Party. • Suggest to her again to keep refreshments simple. • Show her your excitement for her Party and mention it will be fun! AT THE END OF THE PARTY • Thank your Hostess and congratulate her on a great Party! • Help her calculate her Hostess Rewards. • Let her know you will close the Party in three days so she can get any last outside orders and add more toward her Hostess Rewards. • Invite her to become a Style Advisor. • Ask her who else (besides her guests) might like to host a Party.

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Simple Steps to a Successful Yanbal Party With your Grand Opening Yanbal Party as well as every Yanbal Party that follows, you’ll develop a style that’s all your own. As a beginner, it’s a good idea to follow the step-by-step guide provided here to make sure you cover the key points. With sample scripting, booking and sponsoring invitations and much more, this outline will ensure you touch on all the important points you want to share with your Yanbal Party guests.

Yanbal Party Goals As you head into your Party, keep these goals top of mind: •

Guests will have a good time trying on and purchasing the products. A great goal to strive for is an average guest order of $70+.

Share fashion tips that show the uniqueness and versatility of Yanbal jewelry and fragrances. This provides a value-added experience guests and Hostesses will be eager to repeat. It’s like having their own personal shopper!

Guests will purchase Yanbal products for both themselves and as gift items.

Invite your guests to book their own Yanbal Parties or to consider joining your team as an Independent Yanbal Style Advisor. A good rule of thumb is to mention both the Yanbal Hostess and career opportunities at least three times during your party presentation.

Finally, set your goal to reach $500 or more in sales for your party, with two new party bookings and at least one person to join your team.

Before the Yanbal Party •

Coach your Hostess using the Hostess Coaching Checklist found earlier in this guide!

Learn about your products. •

Familiarize yourself with the description of the special design, features and benefits, catalog page and companion products.

Identify items that work well as gift items (such as fragrances); items that offer multiple features; items that are popular with hostesses to receive at half-off; and those pieces that are versatile, that can be worn casual or dressy or with other items in your wardrobe.


Give the Hostess an Overview of the Party

Have her wear jewelry from her Wish List and her favorite Yanbal fragrance

Mention Becoming a Style Advisor

Chat with her about Guests

Set up your Display •

Set up near comfortable seating where there is good lighting.

Keep it Simple – a simple white tablecloth, products displayed in their boxes or jewelry trays and neck forms and a few trend accents. Don’t forget about the fragrances! Place your fragrance cards on the table. If you have full sized fragrance bottles, make them part of the display. Use your fragrance 2ml samples to spray perfume on Fragrance Test Strips and place them in a glass. Make sure to have a bowl with Coffee Beans.


Greet each guest as they arrive and learn something about them.

Invite them to browse the products

Give them about 10 minutes to visit with each other.

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Welcome & Thank Hostess – 1-2 minutes -

Introduce Hostess with enthusiasm & make her the star


Tell everybody what she will earn today. Emphasizes the piece of jewelry and fragrance she is wearing.

Overview: What to Expect During the Yanbal Party – 1 minute -

Gives guests idea of length of presentation, what will happen. ○

People are limited to how much time they have and they prefer a short presentation. Start within 15 minutes of when guests arrive.

○ •

Guests will be more attentive, won’t be looking at their phone/watch, looking for the Catalog.

Why I Chose Yanbal - 1 minute -

Share which facts attracted you and how it makes you feel to be a part of the company.


“Yanbal is an Exciting International company, new to the USA, that has been offering beauty products & accessories for the last 50 years… I was attracted to this company because of their mission to provide opportunities that empower women, and to be a part of this company at the very beginning, here in the US. I am excited to share this with you!”.

Talk Latest Trends – 1 minute -

We are a Trend Company –Use the Style Guide and Mood Boards to talk about this season’s trend. This little knowledge will give you credibility!


Use an enthusiastic approach vs. an expert approach to be relatable. Being an expert doesn’t make you relatable at all so very simply… Mention colors and patterns of the season but don’t give them a huge tutorial on Fashion – but be excited and enthusiastic. EXAMPLE: “This collection brings you this season’s trendiest colors. We call the Trend Habanera because you will see many colors and patterns that remind you of the festiveness of Havana, Cuba. If you are someone who is looking for an easy way to add a few of the hottest colors to your wardrobe, these pieces will update your look instantly. Just imagine walking out the door feeling confident and gorgeous but not having to update your entire wardrobe this season!”

Why I Love Yanbal Jewelry – 1 minute -

Share briefly a few important features or facts about the jewelry but don’t feel you need to share all the details with your


“At first glance, you will see that our jewelry is beautiful - but what you may not realize is that every piece is exclusively

guests. You can try saying something like this: designed and carefully handcrafted using the finest materials such as fine European crystals, 24k gold plating, and glass pearls! So, what this means is you will be receiving gorgeous, exclusive jewelry of the highest quality, at the best prices, and with a lifetime guarantee! Can it get any better?” •

Present 5-6 jewelry products: 10 minutes -

1 that highlights the Business Opportunity – “I was so excited to learn that this, my favorite piece, actually came in my


1-2 from Trend – “I feel like I am dancing in the streets to the liveliest music when I am wearing the Azure Elegante


1 popular with guests – “I sell at least 2 of these at each of my Parties!”

Starter Kit!” earrings and necklace!” Emphasize how the trend is reflected on these pieces. -

1-2 of your Favorites – “This piece literally works with everything in my wardrobe! It’s my “go-to” for the season!”


Use “benefit selling” versus “descriptive selling”: ○

Descriptive selling explains what the product is without focusing on the benefits.

Share the benefits. How will it make them feel? How will it make their life easier?

Show your customers the value they will receive from your products.

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Stories are effective ways to sell the benefits. ○ ○

Personal experiences, the experience of friends When you Fall in love with your products, the stories will come easy. EXAMPLE: “This necklace is one of our most popular pieces. Black goes with everything and this is so on trend featuring the tiger tooth – which by the way symbolizes wealth. I always receive a ton of compliments when I wear this! Trust me when I say, the hardest choice you will make with this piece is deciding when NOT to wear it!”

Fragrance Presentation - 4 minutes Fragrances are the perfect complement to our daily look and jewelry! Scent is one of those unforgettable characteristics that reveals many aspects of your style. I love Yanbal fragrances because… (Keep it simple and fun!) Don’t forget 3 main ideas 1.

Inspiration: “Each fragrance is inspired by a unique experience, event, or person, making it unique and different.”


Memorable scents: “To achieve excellence in the fragrance world, our well-known team of French perfumers go through an innovative raw material extraction process allowing us to create EXCLUSIVE and INNIMITABLE formulae.”


Unique packaging: “Our creative design team create true work of arts with each bottle. The perfect example for their amazing work is the prestigious Silver Pentaward won for the Liberatta bottle.”

Here is how you can introduce the Fragrance category by putting all of these points together: -

“Jewelry is the perfect complement to your outfit, but a fragrance is the perfect complement to your style and personality! I am so proud to be able to offer our amazing perfumes! Each fragrance has been inspired by a unique experience, moment or person! Our team of French perfumers travel the world searching for the perfect ingredients to blend, creating the most incredible, intoxicating scents. You are going to fall in love with our fragrance and you’ll love how the experience continues with the elegant design of our perfume bottles!”

Share with your guests, your favorite Yanbal fragrance. For example: -

“My favorite fragrance is Liberatta. The inspiration behind Liberatta is the woman. Liberatta makes me feel confident, feminine and well dressed. When I wear Liberatta, everyone stops me to find out the name of this intoxicating scent. I can’t wait for you to experience that as well!”


“As you know Yanbal has different fragrances, I’ll help you find the perfect one for you!”

Explain how they can try the Fragrances -

“Liberatta is my favorite, but you’ll get the chance to decide which is your favorite too! Some of you may like light, floral fragrances whereas some of you will enjoy intense, spicy fragrances. In just a few minutes, I’ll be happy to help you all choose a perfume that suits you perfectly!”


This is where you want to end your presentation of products & invite the guests to shop.

At this point your guests will be eager for more! We recommend you hand out your catalogs and wish lists at this time – the important ingredient is – be in the room with them, “playing with the jewelry and fragrances” and having fun!

It’s your opportunity to give style tips, suggest other items, and strengthen your relationship with them!

Encourage them to explore the different scents. Use Aroma Stickers found in the Catalog. Make sure they sniff, not rub. Every time they smell a different fragrance, have them smell the coffee beans in the bowl so they cleanse their scent palate.

If a guest takes an interest in a fragrance, give her more information using your Catalog or fragrance cards. Tell her that Yanbal has fragrances that will go with every style of women. In a casual way, help her to identify what fragrance suits her best using the Fragrance Map and Fragrance Samples (found in the Aroma Kit).

Invite them to write down in their Wish Lists which jewelry pieces and fragrances they liked the most.

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Really focus on the guest vs. the amount of the sale – what she is ordering, why she is ordering

Use the Wish List

Bridge to the next step with the guest

Here are two examples of how you can share our services: -

HOSTING: “What people often to tell me is the main reason they decide to host a party is because it is fun. They have a good time and they want to share a good time with friends and neighbors. Many hostesses have told me that making memories with their friends is priceless and seeing all the benefits they earned is a lot like Christmas morning, full of exciting surprises. You have a great wish list started and I saw you having lots of fun – I’d love to help you get those pieces on your list for free or at a discount. How does that sound to you?”


OPPORTUNITY: “You’ve told me how much you love our jewelry and now it’s clear you are in love with Liberatta. Imagine what it would be like to have our products in your hands all the time. What do you think you would enjoy most about that?” let them answer and then - to continue that conversation –“ Did you know that as a Style Advisor you can earn our products for free and at a discount – and that when our jroducts are first released our Style Advisors are the first to experience them? If you can see yourself turning your love of Yanbal into a fun, part-time business, let’s take a few moments later to chat….”

In conclusion, the purpose of your Party presentation is to build a fun experience where you let people get to know you and Yanbal. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: •

Party presentations come in all shapes in sizes –For instance, if you are set up in a restaurant it is a very social atmosphere… shopping the table occurs first.

You may ask everyone for your attention as you quickly welcome them, thank the host, give

everyone an overview of the party – with the invitation to order at any time. You may pick 1 piece to highlight to share WHY you love Yanbal jewelry and mention the Trend. Afterwards, share WHY you love Yanbal fragrances. Then let people know they are free to shop and try on! •

We do “group selling” and that means that people gather for a “social experience” first and a “selling experience” second.

Building the relationship is key to your success no matter where the party may happen.

Your Party is the best place to find prospective team members!

Success Tip: Use your Mood Board and your Digital Trend Guide Download them from your Yanbal Business Portal.

Show and talk through the Trend Mood Board. Be sure to talk about the trends and bring them to life with the jewelry and fragrance collections in this season’s catalog. “Almost every outfit we wear has a top and bottom. It’s important to think about jewelry in pairs so you have things that complete a look. For example, a necklace and earrings pairing, a necklace and bracelet, earrings and a bracelet, multiple layered necklaces or multiple layered bracelets. We see that layering continues to be a hot trend. As we walk through pieces, let’s think about how they build on each other, and how having three or even four pieces can combine to create multiple different looks. Also, think about which fragrance will complete your perfect look.”

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After the Yanbal Party: Follow Up They say the fortune is in the follow-up. Find your fortune by using these simple yet effective ways to follow up with your customers, Hostesses and prospective new Style Advisors. You’ll keep tabs on your best customers and keep your business running on all cylinders!

When to Follow Up After you meet them, follow up… • To tell them you are glad you met them. • To see if they have any questions about the catalog you shared. • To encourage them to meet for coffee to discuss the independent Style Advisor opportunity. • To encourage them to book a Party. After the Party, follow up… • To thank them for their order. • To tell them you enjoyed meeting their friends and family. • To encourage them to schedule their own Party. • To invite them to meet with you to talk about the Yanbal Opportunity. After they receive their order, follow up… • To ask them how they like their jewelry. • To invite them to schedule a Party. • To ask for referrals for Hostesses and new Independent Style Advisors to join your team. • To ask for them to share your personal website with their friends or on social media. • To make sure you have their email address to stay connected. • To ask them to connect with you on Facebook for style tips and product offers.

How to Make Follow-Up Calls To a Hostess: “Carrie, this is Sarah. I had such a great time meeting your friends, and thank you again for hosting a Party. I hope you had a good time, too! I want to make sure you are enjoying your jewelry. Did you receive your order? Great! Was everything as you expected with your order? I am so glad you are happy. If I can do anything else for you, please call. I will let you know when we have a new catalog so you can be one of the first to schedule a Party with your friends. Again, thank you for being such a gracious Hostess!” To a Guest: “Hi, Jessica! This is Sarah, your Yanbal independent Style Advisor. We met at Carrie’s Party on Monday. Thank you for supporting Carrie and for placing an order for [INSERT PRODUCTS]. I know you will enjoy wearing the [INSERT PRODUCTS]. I want to offer you the opportunity to receive the matching [INSERT MATCHING PRODUCTS] free by hosting your own Party.” To someone who placed an outside order on a Party: “Hi, Amy! I’m Sarah, your Yanbal Independent Style Advisor. I appreciate you placing an order with Carrie and I also wanted to give you the opportunity to experience Yanbal in person by scheduling your own Party to receive free and half-priced jewelry!”

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You Have the Tools, Now Share the Opportunity Because you can make a difference. You have an opportunity to make a difference with someone. You never know when someone may be ready to take the leap and want to begin a new business. It is our job to offer it to them and their decision to make. Sometimes people just need that invitation — and to know that someone thinks enough of them to invite them to join their team. You were invited and said yes, right? Naturally, you will want to pay forward the gift of Yanbal, too. Because sponsoring is the beginning, not the end! It’s the beginning of lifelong, lucrative and mutually beneficial relationships. Many have found there isn’t anything more rewarding in this business than sharing this opportunity with someone whose life becomes better because of it! Because people from all walks of life are great candidates. We have a tremendous opportunity to change lives together by sharing this with others. In your business, you have an opportunity to sponsor all types of Style Advisors. You will have your sellers or retailers, you will have those who just want to share and may never sell very much at all, and you will have some who are more career-minded and find the perfect balance of sales and sponsoring to grow their teams exponentially. And yes, you will even have those who never start and those who quit in their first year, which is why we say it pays to consistently sponsor every Campaign if you want to build your team. It will always breathe new life into your business, and it replaces those who make the decision this is no longer for them, for whatever reason. Because Yanbal offers great compensation for simple best practices. Yanbal USA is a new, developing company, and we are on the hunt for brand ambassadors everywhere to help spread the news about us! You can help us, and yourself, by generating sales of our beautiful products, and introducing others to your team and to Yanbal. You will notice that after you sponsor someone, you can do it the next time with less effort. Simply continue your own personal Party business and invite others to observe you as you work. This built-in, hands-on training is one of the true benefits of having team members “shadow” you at your Parties. The Yanbal Compensation Plan has many different ways to earn on your team activities. For starters, you can earn 7% or more of the commissionable volume of each person you sponsor as a Yanbal Independent Style Advisor! Talk to your Leader or refer to the Compensation Plan information in your Yanbal Business Portal to learn about earning more as your team grows. HOW TO CREATE INTEREST IN YANBAL Wear the jewelry and learn phrases to respond to inquiries so they may be intrigued to learn more. Again, preparing and being ready with your 30-second commercial is going to generate interest in your new business, so keep talking and consistently introducing yourself. You also want to find ways to initiate the interest. A good way to do this is by complimenting someone on their style, their smile, their friendliness or their positive attitude, then following up with a phrase like this: “You remind me of some of the most successful Yanbal independent Style Advisors I know. You should consider joining me!” THE IMPORTANCE OF SHARING YOUR STORY Tell your story at your Party or when you’re in conversation with someone. Your story is important and it’s always going to be relatable to others. At first, it may feel uncomfortable speaking about yourself, but don’t leave this out of your Party presentation! It is one of the best tools you have in your back pocket to grow your business. Your experience will speak volumes. Remember to include the following points in your story: • Why you choose Yanbal & What you love about Yanbal • What has happened to you since you joined Yanbal • What your goals are for the future with Yanbal Always finish your story with an invitation for everyone to consider looking into whether Yanbal can be a good fit for them, too. HOW WE SUPPORT YOU WITH SPONSORING Sponsoring new Style Advisors to join your team is a foundational best practice every Independent Style Advisor needs to master. We want to see you succeed! That’s why we support you by creating a Yanbal Starter Kit that you can acquire: it contains everything a new Independent Style Advisor needs to get started. Additionally, you’ll receive invitations to meetings where you can invite interested prospects or sit in on the opportunity presentation to learn more yourself. In your Starter Kit, you have an Opportunity Brochure to help you share the Yanbal opportunity story in a sponsoring interview and Sponsoring Flyers to help you create interest in the opportunity.

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How to Say It This is a guide to help you with more “words to say” in and out of the Yanbal Party! Refer to this guide but feel free to tweak these words to become yours. The more you talk about Yanbal the more confident you will become. Sharing the Yanbal story: “Yanbal is a 50-year-old company that is considered a leader in the beauty and fashion industry throughout South America and Europe. Now, Yanbal has launched here in the US! The company has a rich history in empowering women to help them achieve their dreams. This is an amazing time to think about achieving your own dreams and joining our family too.” Invite them to consider joining your team by sharing your story: “I just love what I do as a Yanbal Independent Style Advisor. I got into this business for the fun of getting together with other moms and to have something to call my own. I love the jewelry, and I knew I wanted it all! I was actually looking for a home-based business that would provide me the flexibility I needed as a busy mom with four kids and a traveling husband. The best part is that I’m recognized just for doing what I love! Of course, I get to wear this beautiful jewelry, too. And I have earned every single piece since I first started. I am looking for women just like you to help me share our beautiful collection! So, watch what I do tonight and if it looks like this could be a good fit for you, we can get together for coffee!” Sharing the Yanbal Business Opportunity by featuring a Benefit: “This is our latest trend piece. You can find it on page X, and I absolutely love it! I don’t have it yet, but I plan on earning it tonight. Yanbal helps me earn pieces, so I can show them off and build my display. All while having fun and working my business!” How to invite them to consider joining your team: “Yanbal is a new company in the US, and is looking to add Independent Style Advisors in every city across the country. I am building my independent Yanbal business and a team. If you know anyone who would be interested in learning more about joining Yanbal, whether here locally or across the US, I’d love to talk with them.” How to talk about the unique styles and materials: •

“What sets Yanbal apart, are unique designs with European styling. Our design team travels the world, looking for inspiration ranging from classic looks to the latest trends in fashion. The jewelry is handcrafted in Peru by local artisans in our own facilities. Even more specialized are the carefully selected and exclusive materials used in the design of the pieces … materials like 24K gold plating, 99.9% pure silver plating, high-quality crystals and glass pearls. Our pieces are chic enough to wear for today and classic enough to last and look good forever!”

“Almost every outfit we wear has a top and bottom. It’s important to think about jewelry in pairs so you have things that complete a look. For example, a necklace and earrings pairing, a necklace and bracelet, earrings and a bracelet, multiple layered necklaces or multiple layered bracelets. We see that layering continues to be a hot trend. As we walk through pieces, let’s think about how they build on each other, and how having three or even four pieces can combine to create different looks.”

“Don’t be afraid to mix metals, layer necklaces or stack bracelets. You’ll will see this being done in all of the fashion magazines.”

“You’ll find detailing like this on almost all of our pieces. The designers keep the details interesting!”

“This extender allows for wearing the chains at different lengths and layering.”

“This large bale allows the chain to be looped through twice and worn as a long or short necklace.”

Encouraging the use of Wish Lists: “Write down all the pieces you want— whether they’re items you want for yourself or as gifts. We’ll work together to figure out what you can purchase tonight, or receive for free or half-price at your Party!”

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How to invite them to book a Party: •

“Think you have too many things that you love? You should book a Party with me tonight, and we can figure out how you can get

“This is one of our most popular choices for Hostesses. Most will book a Party to get this for free or half-off!”

some of the items at half off like [INSERT HOSTESS’S NAME] is and even an exclusive gift for yourself!”

Passing out catalogs and Wish Lists after Presentation: “These are just a few favorites that also represent the quality and give you an idea of what you can expect from the other designs in the catalog. There is something for everyone. Take some time to go through the catalog and find favorites for yourself or as gifts and note them on your Wish List. Then we can sit down when you are ready and I can answer any questions you may have so we can place your order.” When Checking Out: Ask them something like, “Are you able to purchase everything you want tonight for yourself and others?” If no, ask them, “Would you like to book a Party with your friends and earn some of the pieces you want most at half off? That way you can purchase some tonight and earn the rest!”

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Success Tip: 4 Ways to Spot an Interested Prospect • They ask a lot of questions. • They LOVE many pieces in the collection. • They are the quietest one at the Party and may not even buy (because they’ve been studying you!) • They want to know if all the product is yours.

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Daily Success Behaviors What you do each day for your business matters! Set up your day by committing to key behaviors that yield big results. Here are some daily success rituals that will bring renewable, sustainable results to your new Yanbal business when you stay disciplined to complete them: • Book and hold at least one Party a week. • Wear your jewelry and fragrance. People will notice! • Always carry catalogs, Hostess, and Opportunity brochures with you. • Practice starting conversations. Be on the lookout for Hostesses, customers and new members to join your team. • Ask for referrals. • Speak to 5 new people every day about Yanbal

Yanbal Suite Getting the word out about your new business is one of the first steps to success! That’s why we offer you a custom Yanbal Business Portal and Yanbal Suite, at no cost to you, for your first 90 days. Here’s what’s included: • Access to marketing tools • Management of orders and parties • Your personal e-commerce website • Business reporting tools • Training tools After 90 days, you will receive all the support your Yanbal marketing bundle offers at the low monthly rate of $7.95. See the Yanbal Buisness Portal for more details.

Training and Resources We’re here to support you in your new independent Yanbal business in a variety of ways! Visit your Yanbal Business Portal where you’ll find these resources • Videos • Support pieces • FAQ • Tips • How-To guides • Training calls and webinars • Online calendar • And much more!


You did it! You’ve started your own business and are now officially up and running. Enjoy this significant milestone and take time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished. This is the beginning of a beautiful future with Yanbal USA and we’re so glad to have you as a member of the Yanbal Family! 31 GSG_ENGLISH_FINAL_july 13.indd 31

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