diploma project

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by Elina Gabitova

1. Research of Pokrovka district 2.Brief. 3.Research of Nizhegorodka district 4.Project of the development of Nizhegorodka district in 1:5000 5.Development of selected area in 1:1000 6.Development of one quarter in 1:200 7. Typologies of Dwellings 8.Interiors

POKROVKA DISTRICT First Impression/group research The territory is situated close to Clean Ponds, and surrounded by Makarenko, Pokrovka, Chapligina streets and Belgorodsky rd. We expected to see a whole continious space,but when we turned up inside ,we found out , that this district consist of 12 or more small separate yards,which are devided from each other by high brick walls or fencing and there is no connection between those parts. .I think it shows the mentality of russian people.Fencing is an imprescriptible part of every russian city,I think russian people feel more comfortable,safer when they unsulate their private space by high fence. We also noticed that due to very high level of density there was no sun on the ground,even the wheather was nice and sunny. First question I asked to myself was «How people can live in such as high density of buildings and see only walls from their windows?» Perhaps,people are more than happy to live in any conditions,but in the center of Moscow and even those spaces looks uncomfortable for life there are always will be desirous to buy apartments in this district. Anyway,Every area /yard has its own unique architectural qulities,its own atmosphere,configuration,authentic details,smells and sounds. Some of yards were deep and narrow,some of them seemed labirynths which were consisted of several compound spaces. We noticed a lot of interesting and authentic details such as old wooden furniture,secret lover stair, birdshouse with peacocks and pigeons , “winter palace” amphilade and very deep and narrow space between 2 houses which is used as smoking room, etc.

POKROVKADISTRICT individual research We had to choose a yard for a deeper analysis,so I took the most private one without any public entrances inside.Here is the first draft-of my mental map. You can get there if only you will call consierge and answer her hundred questions. . . So, my yard consists of 5 impasse spaces which are disperse from the central square (the only-one playground of 12 yards of Pokrovka district) and have only one enter and exit,which is con-trolled by the concierge baba Valya. Firstly,I noticed one very interesting thing,children leave their toys on the playground and nobody takes it,every car holder has his own parking place and baba Valya dont let strangers to park their cars on this places.Seems like this yard is a commune where all inhabitants know each other. Another one important thing is that spaces seemed Saint Petersburg s countyard to me. Opposite windows are located too close to each other,so neighbours can cheers or handshake,but most of windows have mirrow covering,so people dont want them to be seen by someone.I called this space smoking room. As about ground condition ,the covering looks like an old blanket which consist of different patches - types of acphalt and paving. There is also very nice green private corner with a bench ,unfortunatly we started our research in octo-ber and I didnt see how inhabitants use it. Even the density of buildings is very high ,this yard looks cozy and atmospheric.

Conclusion During the research of Pokrovka, I noticed that all the yards of one quarter differ from each other by thecharacter of landscaping, the hierarchy of spaces, the size, the number of storeys of buildings (the entire building is within 5 floors), and also the functional saturation. It is important that the yards are small and closed, and, most likely, all the inhabitants of this or that court personally know each other. (At least in the yard,which I researched). All houses are different, many of them were built in the 19th century.There are also some houses, which were built during 20th century. As for me,This is the example of comfortable environment for living to which one should strive. If we consider only the courtyard that I researched, we can define its feature as a clear division between the court and the street, between public and private. I do not think this is bad. When people understand where starts the territory which belong to him,they become more responsible for it. . The yard is separated from the street by a tonnel and closed from strangers. Due to this, for example, there were toys on the playground and no one stole or spoiled them during the month of my research. there are about 200 people lives on this area and almost everyone knows each other and greets. All the entrances are very nice and cozy, in some of them hang paintings and bells (musical instrument), there are also pots of flowers . . Even the density of buildings is very high.It is very comfortable to be here, and I think to live there.

Way of life and image of home way of life and image of home I dont want to consider home as a space which consist of bedroom,living room and a kitchen,as we dont only sleep ,taking a shower and eat at home. .I would like to let people to identify which spaces they need ,As For me,home is something about processes which happen inside,I think that its a living experience ,something personal,so as for me image of the house, its external shell should have a link with the way of life,individuality of every inhabitant or family’s and the place where it located. I think those 3 definitions (way of life, image of home and the place ) should be linked in my project. Nowadays,most of living architecture in Russia is standartisized,but how representatives of different professions and subcultures ,different types of character,different rythm of life ,interests etc. can live in the same standart spaces? when we see modern high storied houses in Moscow ,especially in new districts,we lose the coherance between home and family, it became inpersonal( not only in architectural image of those houses,but in image of inner spaces/ Residential buildings adopt the anonymity as a property of nonresidential buildings. I will discover how they live,their professions ,how they spend free time,how they use their domestic spaaces and to design a house for all of them to see how standart spaces could be differ from spaces,which will be designed for special place and special subcultures.

special dwellings of special materials for special place for people with special way of life instead of building microrayon

total area 800 he development area 45 he population 15000 people

Where? The only one place where I feel home is my native city Ufa ( republic of Bashkortostan). When I started to search the place,I found out one district,which contrast with other parts of the city - and situated close to the center. This district - is something amateur and vernacular ,it was built without any plan (locals refused it in 1868 )and mostly consist of individual 1-2 storied houses (in the middle) and different factories ,storages and garages along the shore . This area situated in less than 1 km from city center and devided from it by the railroad and strong relief.Nizhegorodka also surrounded on 3 sides by the river Belaya .Even its very close to city center geographically,its very far away mentally. So locals can have village way of life in the center of Ufa. Historically,Nizhegorodka is a manufactural district which was established in 1790 by Sheremetiev bondsman,which settled there to do tanning and leather processing. During the 19 th century a lot of different factorys were built:10 brick factories,woodworking and matches producing factories,liquer distellery and pimokatka( a factory of producing felt boots) etc. Names of Streets of the district still tell a lot about its history:Silikatnaya.Kozhevennaya,lesopilnaya,Sherstomoinaya,Fane rnaya,Rabochaya. Most of historical buildings were built of local bricks and wood,one of the street were paved of local cobble stone in 1824 by locals (when Alexander the First visited Ufa) and it still in very good condition. Now there are a lot of small individual enterprises,mostly linked with building materials.Locals do wooden furniture and sew clothes,grow fruits and vagetables,some people have their own farms with gooses,chicken,goats and sheeps etc. There is almost no infrastructure except 2 supermarkets and 2 beauty salons and there is just 2 roads which link Nizhegorodka and Ufa. Another important feature of Nizhegorodka is a flooding.Shore of The Territory floods once a 3-4 years,once a hundred years the water rises up to 92 metres,so people can fishing from their roofs. Unfortunatly,due to every year flooding 80 percents of housing are in emergency condition,every spring people have to live on attic and to move by boats.During the flooding children dont go to schools and work as a water taxi drivers. Actually,returning to the streets names ,there are also Burlatskaya, Zalivnaya,Bolotnaya and Zaozernaya streets. ufa main square

existing situation of selected area

historical buldings of Nizhegorodka were built of bricks which were produced on local factories.

brick factory in the end of 19th century

pimokatka.Producing of felt boots

functional scheme of Nizhegorodka

The main propose was to understand how people live,which spaces they use and how they build and situate their homes ,etc// There is no visible center in Nizhegorodka and it mostly built of individual houses with their own private territory.All of the dwellings has a mezonine (people use it during the flooding in april) Most of the roads in Nizhegorodka are narrow and winding ,so cars cant drive fastly. Average speed in Nizhegorodka is no more than 50 km/h,so people use mostly all roads as a pedestrian. Roads are surrounded by wide strip of grass with high trees somewhere,or with a playground for children. Even there is almost no public spaces and busy streets in Nizhegorodka, during the research I found out that hierarchy of streets consists of 2 types(we dont consider factorys and garages along the river ),residential streets in the middle of the district,(for example Medicinskaya street) .Time stopped here 50 years ago. Its very calm and silent place surrounded by the Dolgoye lake.So, this street built of old wooden houses with beautiful carved shutters and cornices. All houses are differ from each other but seems harmonic together.Most of dwellings has a front garden with flowers or decorative trees.Some people growth fruits and vegetables on their background.And there are also ÂŤ mixed usedÂť streets,also residential but with different types of workshops,storages,which are mostly belong to local,those streets are situated very close to the main roads or on the main roads /

e goy l o d

e lak

medicinskaya street

street without any public space and infrastructure

an example of the street with public space and producing crafts.

meditsinskaya street

sherstomoynaya street

Flooding in Nizhegorodka.

Another important feature of Nizhegorodka is a spring flooding.Shore of The Territory along the Belaya floods once a 3-4 years,once a hundred years the water rises up from 85 to 92 metres,so people can fishing from their roofs. Unfortunatly,due to every year flooding 80 percents of housing are in emergency condition,every spring people have to live on attic and to move by boats. During the flooding children dont go to schools and work as a water taxi drivers. Actually,returning to the street names ,they are also tell a lot about the features of this place :Burlatskaya, Zalivnaya,Bolotnaya ĐľtŃ

старое устье реки Демы

в 1854 году река изменила русло,прорвав перемычку между о.Козарез и Нижегородкой

старое русло реки Белой до потопа 1854 года и постройки железной дороги

Нынешнее устье реки Демы— искусственное. Выше по течению Белой оно было перенесено в конце XIX века при строительстве Бельского железнодорожного моста

русло реки Белой в настоящее время

проектируемый канал

усредненный график затопления за последние 50 лет

проект водного канала в Нижегородке


Временные дамбы

Противопаводковые дамбы


Чтобы предотвратить разрушения, на территориях начали отсыпку береговой линии грунтом. В частности, на Третьей Пристани укрепляют, в первую очередь, низкие участки берегов. Благодаря такой защите, в прошлом году жителям этой части Уфы удалось избежать подтопления. Общая протяженность временной дамбы в Кировском районе столицы составит 600 метров. Её высота – 170 сантиметров. Завоз грунта осуществляется большегрузными самосвалами, содействие оказывают строительные организации района.

в 2009 году на набережной реки Уфы (микрорайон Сипайлово) была построена протипаводковая дамба . Основная функция дамбы - защитить правый берег реки Уфа от разрушения в весенний паводок, в том числе и от последствий возможной аварии гидротехнических сооружений Павловского водохранилища, расположенного выше по течению реки. Помимо дамбы Проект включает в себя строительство улицы, проходящей по верху сооружения с устройством проезжей части, тротуаров, видовых площадок со спусками к реке. Протяженность дамбы 4,7 км. Стоимость 616 миллионов рублей.

На территории Башкортостана существует три крупных водохранилища:Павловское,Нугушское и Юмагузинское,однако,анализ, проведенный в 2005 году, показал, что емкости трех действующих водохранилищ (Павловское, Юмагузинское, Нугушское) недостаточно для исключения подтопления застроенных районов Уфы даже для паводков 30% обеспеченности, происходящих в среднем раз в три года. По данным заместителя Министра природопользования и экологии РБ Виталия Тюра, Павловское водохранилище этой весной сможет аккумулировать только 13% объемов половодья, остальное должно пройти транзитом. - Объем Павловского водохранилища составляет 1,4 кубокилометров, в период паводка через него проходит в среднем 5-6 кубокилометров талой воды, а в отдельные, особенно сложные годы, это показатель возрастает до 10-12 куб. км, - пояснили в эксплуатирующей Павловскую плотину и ГЭС Башкирской генерирующей компании. По данным экспертов-гидрологов, система водохранилищ Башкортостана по своим возможностям существенно уступает соседним регионам. К примеру, Нижнекамское водохранилище в Татарстане имеет объем 2,9 кубических километров, Ириклинское в Оренбургской области 3,2 куб. км, Воткинское в Пермском крае – 9,4, а Камское - 12,2 куб. км. Это в 2-8 раз больше емкости крупнейшего в Башкортостане Павловского гидроузла. Основная причина, сдерживающая строительство новых ГЭС и водохранилищ – их дороговизна и большой срок окупаемости.

Вывоз снега

Насосы для откачки воды

Ежегодно коммнульщики вывозят из Нижегородки около 6000 тон снега,кроме того местные жители заказывают вывоз снега со своих участков и придомовых территорий индивидуально.

Также во время половодья в Нижегородке откачивается вода при помощи насосов. Старые ливневые стоки не выдерживают ложащейся на них нагрузки. Поэтому воду с улиц приходится откачивать. Нижегородка лежит в низине, из-за рельефа с некоторых её участков воду можно убрать только с помощью насосов.Метод малоэффективен,но в сложившийся ситуации помогает избавится от 3-5% воды.

Помимо этого существует карта половодья нижегородки и система оповещения жителей.

Что касается ущерба для экосистемы и затопления земель, то в Башкирии эксперты в целом склонны считать их не слишком существенной платой за полученные выгоды от проектов.







По вечерам мы всей семьей восседали на крыше и лузгали семечки, рассматривая проплывающие мимо сортиры, заборы, гаражи и двери и пытаясь угадать, кому они принадлежали ранее и успеют ли прежние хозяева спасти своем имущество, прежде чем более шустрые конкуренты выловят его и распилят на дрова.

Основным нашим развлечением было катание на лодке по затопленным улицам. Особым шиком у ребятни считалось подплыть поближе к чужому забору на моторке и потом как можно резче завести ее с места, так что столбы забора выскакивали из размякшей земли и всплывали. Но этим можно было заниматься только без родителей. А когда мы плавали в их компании, то прогулки превращались в достопочтенный «променад». Знакомые приветствовали друг друга, проплывая мимо, обменивались местными новостями.

Роман Борисов:»В 1947 году, перед моим рождением, вода стояла так высоко, как не поднималась на памяти заозерных обитателей ни прежде, ни после. Отец говорил, что в тот год пришлось перебраться на подловку. Позже наводнения мы переживали в доме.» «Как только сходил снег, и долетал слух, что грядет большая вода, отец начинал готовиться. Ставил на козлах дощатый настил от крыльца до калитки и до сарая, чтобы добираться до дров. Из подпола поднималась картошка, из погреба – ополовиненные за зиму кадушки с капустой и огурцами. А мы возбужденно бегали смотреть, как надвигается, накатывает серо-синяя полая вода.

У нас, конечно, имелась лодка. Когда старая, сделанная дедом, сгнила, отец построил новую, и она и зимой, и летом, чернея просмоленным дном, лежала на боку у палисадника, дожидаясь очередного наводнения. На лодке отец ездил на работу, мы в школу, если нас на ту пору не отпускали на каникулы. Соседи подвозили друг друга. А переулок за озером, на той стороне, где обычно останавливалась вода, делался бойкой пристанью, заполнялся десятками плоскодонок, синих, коричневых, зеленых, редко свежекрашеных, чаще пошарпанных и сохранивших лишь выцветшие и вымокшие следы масляной краски» «Весной озеро промывало половодьем, заносило из Белой заплутавшие рыбьи стаи. Резко всплескивали щуки, с берега и с моста виделись стайные метания мальков, окуньки и сорожки задорно клевали. Помню редкостное рыбное лето. Наверное, население озера чувствовало приближение рыбьего апокалипсиса. Клевало сумасшедше. Потом озеро незаметно сделалось черным, тяжело запахло, стало зацветать, зеленеть. В то лето я приносил к вечеру на кукане больше ста окуньков, и такая азартная бессмысленная рыбалка шла не день и не два. Кошка отворачивалась от завялых на солнце, с загнутыми затверделыми хвостами рыбешек. Стало скучно и мне» Мы с приятелями пробовали несколько раз половить рыбу на удочки с крыши, но так ни разу ничего и не поймали, хотя другие ребята хвастались, что вытаскивали чуть ли не щук. Думаю, что они привирали. Пока вода в течение двух недель окружала нас со всех сторон, мы ощущали себя почти дикарями на необитаемом острове: при свечах, с керосинкой, без электричества, без тепла, без телевизора и радио, не говоря уже про телефоны.

development of the district by Ufa government


In 1925 The Government is going to destroy this district ,relocate people and built a new microrayon on this place. The project envisage water canal, building a dam and an enbankment of whole territory


my project is an answer to the decision of the government to destroy one of the most vernacular districts of Ufa ,relocate people and build microdistrict on this place. My project is aimed at strengthening of uniqueness of Nizhegorodka and will offer a solution of the development of this area for 25 years.I will save natural basis of my area with its narrow and crooked roads ,authentic way of life , way of building houses and will solve problems such as: flooding transport problems no visible center no infrastructure no access to river and lake no public spaces I will consider selected area as a starting point of the development of whole district. As the existing water reservoirs protect bashkir cities,towns and villages only from 30 % of spring floods ,the first step should be orginising of a system of small water reservoirs upstream of the river. The next step will be construction system of water canals,which will regulate and direct water flows. Canal could well solve the sanitary problems of the district, it will reduce the level of groundwater, which affected the city quarters.I will continue both sides of dolgoye lake to the river. Today the territory of Dolgoye lake which is situated in the center of nizhegorodka is polluted , the lake drowns the surrounding area during the flood, and the solution of the ecological and engineering problem that has developed in the coastal areas becomes paramount . Locals dont have any places to go ,because there is no visible center and any infrastructure except 2 beauty salons and 2 supermarkets,so I decided to do something common for all people to give them opportunity to communicate,walk down,arrange seasonal markets etc. The canal will become a center of Nizhegorodka with pedestrian and bicycle roads and different types of spaces along. I tried to do it as delicate as it possible and didnt destroy anyones home. For surface and ground water regulation I do a project of dreinage system,as it is not organized on the territory of Nizhegorodka . Stagnation of melt and rainwater contributes to the destruction of foundations of buildings and structures, facade decoration, pollution of sidewalks, adversely affects the ecological system of the city,and its also very unhygienic thing.





Design code The more monolithic and less differentiated is the building,the more it is soulless. I would like to design 2-4 storied dwellings for 6-8 families each with public ground floor (with laundrees,workshops, supermarkets,barbershops etc).I would like habits to know each other and communicate with each other. Living environment should be variegated.It would be also townhouses , urban villas ,clusters of individual houses and individual houses.People will have small pices of private territories,but also will have public common spaces for different needs.It could be greenhouses or workshops,or storages etc. Every courtyard should be divided by public space and road and be private ,every enter to quarter should be notable (wide and high enough to recognise),(it could be gates). Every entrance door should be seen and should have the same design .Another important thing is the path to entrance.It should be straight and short (no more than 15m) Every entrance door should be glassy. Parking places shouldnt be huge (no more than for 7 cars) and supposed to be scattered all over the area . Every courtyard should be pedestrian ,it will let people to feel free to use them and spend time there. I would like to make water as a part of my project.During the flooding the big canal will divert water and protect houses,but I also want to do a project of a system of smaller canals.It could be swimming pools in each yard or fountains ,or small lakes. And of course,I will use local materials. All houses will build of brick (10 different types) and wood,so it will give an opportunity to make a variety of different solutions of the facades ,but at the same time have common notable design code.

hierarchy of zones: from the most public to the most ascetic big canal inner canal harbour lake river

Settlements have always gravitated around water sources, for the very simple reason that water is essential to life. Locals and inhabitats of new district should have an access to all water objects:to the river,canals,harbours and lakes . I will design an embankment with piers,terraces,floating public swimming pools and In winter time people will use canal as an ice rink.

Living invironment should have variety of different spaces.It will be cozy winding paths,narrow pedestrian streets between quarters, ,wide canal,boulevard and busy roads.The highest buildings (4-5 storeys) will be connect with two main axes :The big canal and the inner canal. Those two streets will attract tourists and locals and will have public spaces on the ground floor.It will be offices,workshops,su permarkets,librarys,laundrees etc. More private is the space,less is the height of building.

hierarchy of the streets.Central street of Nizhegorodka Big canal.

hierarchy of the streets.Trade street with inner canal

hierarchy of the streets.Interquater road

1:200 selected area

walls and ceilings less is room,lower is ceiling. Walls could be of different wide for different needs. everyone should have an opportunity to change his private space and to adapt home to his way of life.House become home when people can do it. I think,some of walls should be from 0,3 to 1 m and made from special material (building will not destroy if we will cut or add a half fromor to those walls .During the time habits will build a system of niches ,oriels,built-in shelves, and furniture,spaces for sitting for their needs.Every home will become individual and will be differ from others.

Windows Windows will be of different size (depends how private is the space ).On the ground floor,in those buildings which communicate with the street windows will be high,in bathroom,for example ,it will be small and narrow. The view is also very important.I design buildings to give people to have a view to all water objects such us harbour,river,canals and inner lakes. Window holes will be also of different sizes(depend on amount of light) Window sills will be of different height (from 35 to 90 sm)

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