陳 彥 婷 。 書 面 資 料
Yan ting Chen
Resume 簡歷 Autobiograpy 自傳 Motivation & Aims 申請動機及目的 Research proposal 研究計劃書 Certifications & Awards 證書及獎狀 Achievement 翻譯及企劃類成果
學歷 國立雲林科技大學創意生活設計系 在學 臺南市立南寧高中普通班-自然組 畢業 臺南市立大成國中普通班 畢業
Yan Ting, Chen 陳彥婷 1993
特殊經歷 2014 赴「荷蘭烏特列之應用科技大學(HU)」交換一學期 2014 IICAKE 蛋糕毛巾咖啡館-空間規劃案 2013 新加坡國立大學(NUS)台灣咖啡農業研究案-隨行翻譯人員 2013 赴中國武漢大學及華中科技大學之國際設計營 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013
國際文化創意產業研討會-創意工作坊 台灣塔商品開發企劃案 雲林斗南木藝企劃案 創意生活設計系系學會 擔任國際學伴
2012 獲選教育部公費至西班牙參訪 實習經歷 2015 新器象創意有限公司-工業產品設計、設計企劃 2014 耐斯企業 ROSAHILL 蘿莎玫瑰山莊-品牌規劃 工作經歷 2015 現任「台灣社會企業創新創業學會」之翻譯員 2014 高中國文家教 2014 高中英文家教 2013 副教授研究室之專案助理 得獎經歷 2014 財團法人雲林科技大學文教基金會第十八屆學生優良創作獎 2011 南寧高中書包設計比賽 第一名-產品已量產販售 2011 全國高級中等學校寫作比賽 特優 2011 南寧高中科學展覽競賽 第一名
啟蒙階段,耳濡目染 父親是我學習路上極重要的動力,我的家境並不富裕,父親是位重度聽障者,但 他仍然克服種種困難,憑己身之力考上台灣藝術大學工藝設計系努力學習,如今 含辛茹苦地養大了我們。在成長路上,父親時常以藝術與設計的角度教我看待事 物,父女倆時常討論、分析一樣產品的製作工法到外觀設計。在這樣的耳濡目染 之下,我便開始對設計─尤其對產品感到興趣,此後經常接觸相關事物。
多方挑戰,探索自我 國中時期除了讀書,我最大的興趣是參加各類的比賽。我對許多事情都很好奇, 想要不斷嘗試,因此我自發性地報名了各類比賽,也得到了預期之外的肯定。我 曾獲全國攝影創作競賽特優、台南市海報設計特優、校徽設計亞軍、台北徵文競 賽佳作、全校演講冠軍、全校朗讀冠軍…等。透過這些挑戰,我逐漸培養了自信 與興趣,並告訴自己再往前邁進。
砥礪成長,立定志向 高中時期在努力準備學測之餘,我也參加了其他活動與競賽。我曾獲全校書包設 計冠軍(已量產使用)、全校科展冠軍、全國作文競賽特優、台南市戲劇比賽季軍、 全校歌唱競賽冠軍…等。而影響我最大的,是教育部舉辦的「新世紀領袖人才培 育營」。從校內篩選到全國篩選,從初階晉級到高階,為期三年三次的培育營讓 我在思考上成長。在最後的一次篩選,我榮幸地獲選以公費至西班牙參訪,這影 響我至深。回國後反思自我,即在此時立定了要朝設計界發展的志向,自己也不 應將思想侷限在台灣,更深刻地了解擁有國際視野的重要性。
紮實學習,走向世界 進入雲科大創設系後,大一的我每堂課都認真學習,努力奠定基礎,並擔任研究 室助理,學習並培養實力。大二課餘,我參與了蛋糕毛巾咖啡館的空間規劃案, 目前為熱門景點。暑假實習為蘿莎玫瑰山莊進行副品牌設計。這兩年期間也一直 有參與國際性的事物及語言相關工作,為的都是能有機會到他國見識。大三上學 期,我成功申請至「荷蘭烏特列之應用科技大學(HU)-溝通傳播與多媒體設計系」 交換,這是我真正打開國際觀的重要人生階段。除了有紮實的課程訓練,思考邏 輯與設計方法是教學的重點,這使我了解過去的盲點,以及設計的核心價值所在。 回國後大三的暑假,另外,雖然在畢業專題的時間壓迫之下,我仍自發性應徵到 新器象創意公司實習,加緊腳步了解工業設計領域,主要擔任設計企劃與設計概 念的工作,其中遇到的刺激與困難,更加促使我繼續往上精進。
Motivation & Aims
申請動機 從荷蘭交換回國後,我見識到了其文化的教育方法與思考模式,迥異於台灣,荷 蘭注重「思考邏輯、概念深度、設計方法、成效評估、國際廣度」。然而,這正 是我在求學期間並未被訓練到、也較不被強調的。另外,在大三暑假至新器象公 司實習,在企劃規劃與產品發想期間,我與公司老闆時常相互討論,我更加體認 到了邏輯思維的重要性,這是產出一項好產品的必要基石。大學四年我在科大已 經將設計的技術與效率提升到了一定的水準,但若要更進一步提升產品層次,我 認為擁有縝密清晰的思考,以及正確的設計方法是極其重要的。有鑑於此,我決 定申請研究型大學攻讀研究所,為未來紮下更深厚的知識專業及培養底蘊。
求學目的 我本身對原理及其方法有很強的好奇心及求知欲,對於研究我總有很積極的自主 性,因此我很希望能在成功大學就讀,培養邏輯思辯能力、訓練技能、自我研究 的能力,並增加國際視野。攻讀成大研究所不僅是我個人對學術追求的理想,更 以期將來能夠將學習之所獲,以思考能力為優勢、設計能力為所長,著實運用在 工作上,努力實踐理想並為社會貢獻一己之力。
I think, I am.
Education (September 2012 – Present) National Yunlin University of Science and TechnologyBachelor’s Degree in Creative Design (September 2009 – June 2012) Tainan Municipal Nan-ning Senior High School-Diploma (September 2009 – June 2006) Tainan Municipal Dacheng Junior High School-Diploma
Experience 2014 Exchange student in Hogeschool Utrecht, The Netherlands – one semester 2014 IICAKE Cultural Center – dimensional design 2013 A study of coffee agritourism-National university of Singapore- Translator 2013 International workshop by Wuhan University in China 2013 Internatinal workshop in Yuntech 2013 Taiwan Tower product design 2013 Dounan wood works project design 2013 Creative Design Student Organization 2013 Schoolmate with International students 2012 Ministry of Education New Age Student Leadership Camp-visiting Spain
Internship 2015 ODIIST Design Company – Product design , Project design 2014 ROSAHILL owned by Nice Group - Brand planning
Work Experience 2015 Translator for Taiwan Social Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Society 2014 English Tutor for senior high school education 2014 Chinese Tutor for senior high school education 2013 Assistant in Professor Yo’s office
Awards record 2014 The 18th Yuntech Cultural & Educational Foundation Design Contest Honorable mention 2011 Schoolbag design contest for Nan-ning senior high school - First prize (on sale) 2011 National Composition Contest for Municipal High School students - Advanced 2011 Nan-ning senior high school science fair in Biology - First prize
Certification Traditional Chinese flute - Second class Yamaha Piano exam- 10th class
Autobiograpy Influenced by My family is not a really outstanding family. My father, who majored in Craft Design Department, he is hard of hearing but work hard to raise me. He nerved himself ready to face trouble in his life, and never give up studying in design. He is my great model and power. He led me see things in the way of art and design. Influence by him, I’m always willing to learn the knowledge in various fields, especially product design. We discuss production and design of products often. Besides, I have courage to challenge new things and difficulties. It helped me to find my ambition and potential.
Willing to take challenges & personal discovery When I was a junior high school student, except for art competitions, I also attended other competitions including photography, composition, speech, music and athletics on my own initiative. All of them earned recognition beyond my own expectations. Though these challenges, I instill confidence and habits then keep going to make myself better.
Determined my ambition During senior high school, I had studied hard for the idea college, but I still join art competitions. Nan-ning senior high school science fair in Biology First prize, Tainan city drama contest Third place, and National Composition Contest for Municipal High School students Advanced for example. Even I designed the schoolbag which is on sale. Besides, the most worthy event in my senior high was that I was selected to join the leader camp hold by Ministry of Education. Having been selected from all of senior high students for three years, I had been to a foreign country - Spain, for international visit. In addition to enlarge my viewpoint, it stimulated the creative and multiple thought. By these things, I ensured my strong interest in design. And I realized important of broaden my horizons.
Learn deeply, learn wildly Now I major in Creative Design Department in National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. In the second year, in addition to basic courses, I placed the theories into practice. Like the brand planning for ROSAHILL. Besides, I joined international activities positively. Last year, I went to Hogeschool Utrecht as an exchange student for one semester. Except the solid training, I learned that design method and thinking are the mail points of education. This made me realize the key point of design. This summer vacation, I had my internship in ODIIST Design Company. My main job was project design and design thinking. My boss gave me chances to cooperate with companies and learned the process of design operation more. This experience oered me the learning orientations to promote myself.
The purpose of the study Since I have strong curiosity and eager to learn design theories, I always do the research aggressively and spontaneously. I would like to study in NUKU to improve my design thinking, skills and broaden my horizon . Hoping that I can have advantage with design thinking and design ability on work. Studying in NCKU is not only the goal of my academic also the anticipation for contributing to the society.
Research proposal 研究計劃書
Certifications & Awards 證書及獎狀
Achievement 翻譯及企劃類成果