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Index 01

Product Design


Visual Design


Space Design


More abot me


Yan Ting Chen

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION Sep.2018 ArtCenter College of Design, The USA Student with Na�onal Scholarship in Product Design 2018 Na�onal Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Master's Degree in Industrial Design ( Second Year )

Yan Ting Chen

2016 Na�onal Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Bachelor’s Degree in Crea�ve Design 2015 University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands Exchange Student in Communica�on and Mul�media Design

WORK EXPERIENCES 2016 PEGA Design & Engineering - UX Design intern 2015 ODIIST Design Corpora�on - Industrial Design intern, Product Planning intern 2014 Rosahill villa - Brand programmer, CIS designer

AWARDS 2016 Red Dot Award: Design Concept - Best of the Best 2016 Trans-ac�on Award 2016 - First Prize 2016 Hong Kong Interna�onal Inven�on & Design Compe��on - Silver Prize 2016 TISDC Taiwan Interna�onal Student Design Compe��on - Product Design- Award for Excellent 2016 Student Startups Compe��on- Final 2016 Na�onal Technical Collegiate Student Produc�on of Applica�ons Compe��on- Final 2016 Golden Pin Design Award - Final 2015 Na�onal Electronic Product Design- Final

OTHER EXPERIENCES 2018 Interna�onal workshop in Kyushu University in Japan 2017 Work of Easy-defrost Fish Package had been published on “Design Exhibi�on on Books 2.0” 2017 CIS design for Gernman Study Room - Permanent Exhibi�on 2017 Start-up courses in NCKU 2016 Mentor course in compe��on of Transac�on 2015 Translator in Taiwan Social Enterprise Innova�on and Entrepreneurship Society 2014 Space design with IICAKE factory 2013 Traslator of geography research of Na�onal University of Singapore 2013 Crea�ve workshop of interna�onal conference 2012 Academic travling to Spain with na�onal scholarship


So�wares: Office / Illustrator / Photoshop / SOLIDWORKS / 3Dmax / SketchUp / AutoCAD / Arduino Language: IELTS 6.5 overall

X 陳


Chen,Yan-Ting │ 1993/10/15 │ from Tainan to the world



Design is for all.



Product Design



Easy-defrost Fish Package - Video Link -


Number of Designer

Wai�ng for defros�ng frozen fish has always been tricky. Easy-defrost fish package reduces the wai�ng �me for fish to get defrosted. Graphite Sheet, with its high thermal conduc�vity, speeds up defros�ng with the heat from hands and room temperature. This packaging allows your fish to be defrosted on your way home from shopping. We adopt the semi-relief skill to present the shapes of different sliced types, and decorate them with Graphite Sheet in the pa�erns which are in accordance with fish scales. This design helps consumers choose the product they want easily. Yan-Ting, Chen / 3 people


design research, product design, model making 06


Jul. / 2016


[ Mo�va�on ]

toxic food importance of food

fish ea�ng

quality of fish

aging society

Fish is a kind of good food for everyone, especially for order people. However, there are more toxic use in fish in order to fish fresh for a long �me. We found the main problems is ways of storage including package. So we decided to design product about storage or package.

Design Research [ Fish-selling process ] discharge


fishmonger transport discharge

store shelve classify, pecia�on, display


customer picking clean weigh sold


Product Design

Design Research [ Fish-selling siua�on & using objects & problems ]

Design Process [ Design goals ] to reduce steps of selling process to reduce the �me of exposing to the air to storage and bring fish easily


Design Process [ Model making ]

[ Final result ]

|a. Exihibi�on| a.

b. 12

|b. Awarding Ceremony|

Product Design



Number of Designer

Steward - Room Service Robot

- Video Link -

Steward is a room service robot which can delivery items that customers need in a quickly and friendly way. We use technology of light communica�on to provide robot accurate posi�on and safe informa�on. In addi�on, it reduce mental stress of customers and provide secure and personalized service for them.

Yan-Ting, Chen / 4 people


design research, product design, model making 13


Feb. / 2016


Product Design

Background For workers, hotel is the most considerable choice for staying over night. However, when customer call for room service, it o�en takes �me of wai�ng and has some problems about communica�on.

Design Research [ Design goals ] / For Hotel-Host / Cut down labor cost so that the service provider can provide be�er service. Reduce the deliver �me to increase customer sa�sfac�on. The fashinable, familiarity and technological shape of the robot can catch customer's eyes. Customer can experience interac�ng with the robot.

/ For customer / Deliver personal objects with the robot, protect the privacy of customers. Reduce mental stress of customers.

[ Technology ] We use the high tech, Visual Lignt communica�on, to offer the LED light in the hotel other func�ons. Except of the illumina�on, the lights can send the instruc�ons to the robot and it can execute the route instruc�on accurately. Moreover, the APP not only can provide integrated service informa�on to the customers but provide the hotel host get the informa�on about the quality of room service and the customer service sa�sfac�on.

Loca�ng system (Visual Light Communica�on) 〈Visual Light Communica�on〉 Send the Route instruc�on through the LED light.

〈Infrared〉 Repayment loca�on

Device drivers (Prototype) 15

Design Research [ Service Process ]

Host LED holder (passage)


Service robot signal transmission path Path monitor

Customers order the objects they need with the APP. A�er the Host recieve the request from the customer, the staff place the object into the robot and import the route planning to the Host APP. The Host APP sends the route instruc�on to the LED holders. The robot executes the route instruc�on to go to the specified room. The APP remind the object reach the room on screen. Customer open the door and take it.


Product Design

Design Process [ Sketches ]

[ Model making ]


Final result

| a. Touch screen |




|b. Object delivery|

Product Design

Final result [ Flowchart of APP design ]

About the Hotel Facili�es

Electrical appliance Sta�onery

Objects list

Room service A�rac�on



Complimentary Contact Customer service

Other Objects Choosing

The order has been shipped. The robot will arrive in 15 min. The robot is arrived. Please recieve the order or the robot will leave a�er 180 sec.

Claimed Unclaimed

Service sa�sfac�on survey Resend Cancel


Final result [ APP design ]

Customer service

Objects list


Objects list


The robot is arrived

Unclaimed object

Service sa�sfac�on survey

Recieve object


Product Design



Number of Designer

Musical Physiotherapy - Interac�ng Robot Musical physiotherapy is a interac�ng robot to make people who suffer from soreness and pain. It is suitable for desk using and portable, so people can use it anywhere. It will detect your wrong posi�on and remind you to do some exercise. Moreover, users can create and compose their own songs by different gestures. It also can rotate to show how you should adjust the posi�on. With this, people can keep healthy and cure them selves in a interes�ng and easy way.

1 people


design research, product design 21


Aug. / 2017

Background Pysical Pain

Soreness & Pain

Design Research How serious?


50 Billion

[ 1/4 people have pains ]

[ 6 pain relief patches per month]

[ 50 billion spending on pain ]

Problems & User Needs


No motivation



Gradual progress

Product Design

Design Process [ Sketches ]


Final Result

[ Correct your posture ]

[ Create your songs ]

(Video Link)


Product Design



Number of Designer

Folding Pizza Cu�er When living abroad, reaching into the kitchen drawer to take something o�en makes hands scratched by the pizza cu�er accidentally. In view of this, a pizza cu�er whose handle is able to be folded to wrap the knife edge is designed. It can not only prevent users from being cut, but also save the space. With these features, it’s convenient and safe.

Yan-Ting, Chen / 1 person


product design 25


Jul. / 2015


Product Design



Number of Designer

Adjustable temperature rolling pin Dough fermenta�on requires proper temperature and �me. If the temperature of the rolling pin when rolling dough can be adjusted as needed, the efficiency and success rate are increased. So, I use water to match the rolling pin, and put the water of the required temperature into the pin. It’s not only convenient, and the cost is not as expensive as electronic type, so it’s saving �me and effort.

Yan-Ting, Chen / 1 person


product design 27


Jul. / 2015


Visual Design


Awards SSC


Fishery-friendly system - Video Link -


Number of Designer

Aquaculture is a be�er solu�on for exhaus�on of seafood resources. This is a crowdfunding oriented fish-selling pla�orm providing a friendly way for local fishermen to earn reasonable profits and make progress. Users can buy fish directly from fishermen. More purchases will help fisherman get more supports from ins�tute of this app. Rach purchase will accumulate to reach upper level. Higher level lets fisherman get more resource supports. On the other hand, ins�tute will supervise the quality of fish make records. This app provides details of situa�on, regular records, fishermen’s story and the recent latest level of fish for selling. Yan-Ting, Chen / 3 people


design research, interface design 30


Jul. / 2016

Visual Design



認購你的安心魚 - 夏。沁涼鮮魚


Visual Design

Business plan

Retrieve Ship boarding


Storage Pickup today On sale Classify

Order online yesterday Fish handling

Inner packing

Outer packing Delivery



Problem Sustainability of aquaculture is a crucial subject, but many fishermen encounter difficul�es. So it’s hard for them to conduct friendly breeding way for sustainability.

Target Group 35-45 year-old people who have sustainable incom Those who care about life quality and food issues Those who o�en cook by themselves

Motivation Food Source Problem Healthy Concern Lack of Founding& Feeding Knowledge

Core Value

Expected Benefits

Healthy Cycle Improved Fishing Quality Transparent Industry

Professional Eco-Fishing Higher sense of Eco-Fishing Trust Between Fisher&customer

Design Research

/ Pilot Study - Interview /


/ Analysis /

Visual Design

[ Interviews for Users’ Needs ( Customers ) ] Interviewee:30 to 40 year-old & married Methods:interview & Ques�onnaire Number of people:15 persons

《a�en�on points then purchasing fish》

convenience price other



《willing to pay more money for assured fish products》

peace of mind



6% 1% 65%




Freshnessis the main factor,peace of mind is the second



70% of the crowd are willing to pay more money.

[ Interviews for Users’ Needs ( Providers ) ] Conclusion


Interviewee:The wholesale fish market in Dounan in Yunlin - Business section manager Mr. shen Purpose: To understand aquaculture fishermen’s selling fish process, aquaculture situation, encountered difficulties



Fishery disaster insurance unimplemented

The proportion of farmed fish market rising

Few sales pipelines of fish goods

Fishermen seperate the ponds to feed and fish after a interval

The resume of production and marketing incomplete

Fish market not control the source of farmed fish goods

Design Research [ Data of Users’ Need ]

[ Analysis-Compe�tor and Brand Posi�on ]


Visual Design

Design Research [ Func�on Map ] Fish Menu

Season Fish

Farm Intro

Fishers’ Diary

About Fish

About Farm


My Order


Log in/out

My Cart

Order List




Collection List

About Us

Brand Value







Class of Selling

Fish Info




[ Wireframe ]



Design Research [ Evalua�on ] Searching

Information Buying Process



Learnability Effec�veness System Usability Scale Subjec�ve user sa�sfac�on Remark

It’ s hard to find the functional button in the interaction part The process of searching is weird. Fish Product should be matched with season

Platform for communicating with Fisher is hard to find after purchasing

Final Result


Visual Design

Final Result

|Presenta�on |

|Awarding Ceremony|




Number of Designer

Carplay - Interface Design This is a project for a customer when I was an intern in PEGA D&G. The interface design of carplay is for entertainment, calling and GPS usage. Our team tried to make the interface look professional, and modern. We also saw usability as an important part for the safety concern. Yan-Ting, Chen / 4 people


interface design 40


Aug. / 2016

Visual Design

|Video interface|


/ Calling interface/


Visual Design



Number of Designer

Videopedia- app In order to make the modern people more mo�vated to deal with annoying soreness and minor injuries, the APP combines the func�ons of video search and knowledge search to provide users with more efficient ways of searching and more accurate informa�on. People are not only self-heal, and what’s more is ge�ng a new life experience from the APP.

Yan-Ting, Chen / 2 people


design research, interface design 43


Jan. / 2015


Visual Design

Design Process

Hans (Male, 26 years old, German) He said may it can be gamifica�on, then it will be more fun. And if there is a “feeling comment” it will be more useful, so others can imagine what it is before they watch it. And when users did well, maybe they could be upgraded in the app. Alice (Female, 24 years old, American) She does not think that it’s good to reject the videos that user upload, or user may feel down, so they don’t want to use the app again. And she thinks that user could get a feedback from Fysio24 a�er they upload the video, so they can feel the interac�on. Or create some invented character to give users feedback. Linda (Female, 28 years old, Dutch) She was thinking about how to keep user being interested. And she also think it’s not good to reject the users video. When I asked about the “like”, she said it’s not necessary to do it, or it would be an extra disturbance. The message may not appear on that loca�on, because it seems to there would be the same message on other op�on, but actually not.




Number of Designer

CIS Design - Germany Study Room Germany Study Room is a permanent exhibi�on in NCKU main library. It contains more than 2,000 books including rare, ancient books of 18 century. These books were donated from a Germany medical professor and sent from I conducted CIS design for the image of the whole books. The design was put into prac�ce and made the exhibi�on more completed.

Yan-Ting, Chen / 1 person


design research, CIS design 46


Jan. / 2018

Visual Design

Design Research

Design Process


Design Process

Final Result


Visual Design

Final Result


Final Result

[ Web Interface Design ]

Visual Design

Final Result

|Opening Ceremony|


Space Design

Space Design



Number of Designer

YunLin Cake Towel Cafe - Interac�ve Space Design In the trend of towel export market shrinking gradually, the industry of the owners in the middle of Taiwan can take the form of coffee shop to implement the concept of industrial value-added. By the field space planning, they hope to shape a brand new a�rac�on that allow visitors to learn about the value of the towel industry in Taiwan through environmental experiences. The a�rac�on can also make iicake become the foothold in Taiwan.

Yan-Ting, Chen / 5 people


product design 53


Jul. / 2014

Design Process

[ Rendering of Space ]


Space Design

Design Process

48 55

Design Process

49 56

Space Design

Design Process

50 57 41

Design Process

58 51 47

Space Design

Final Result

|Reality of using situa�on|


More About Me

Internship in PEGA

In PEGA Design & Engineering, I worked as an UX designer. During the internship, I was in charge of three projects. From problems finding to producing design, I had a solid training in methods and techniques of solving problems. At the same time, I learned the cooperation and division of work in the team. Therefore, the majority of the clients served by PEGA are international, which also allows me to see a larger scale.



More About Me

Special Experience & Training During my college life, there were two important experiences that had significant impact on me, one of them was the training in HU in the Netherlands as I was an exchange student for half a year. It changed my way of thinking about design. Before I went to the Netherlands, we were always taught to produce products quickly without deep thinking and research. We set up learning goals before courses started, so I knew what I could learn and what I should try to do. It made me realize that where the goals were, and prevented myself from missing. In two major projects, we cooperated with an energy company to come up with a program and with an app developer to create a prototype, respectively. Our mentor guided us step by step, including research questions, insights, concept, target users, focus group, evaluation, sketch, prototype, etc. The well-structured design process led to high efficiency and quality. It really changed my way of design thinking and improved my design process. Afterwards, when I went back to Taiwan, I improved my practical design skills through three different internship jobs and put what I learned into practice. The other important experience for me was a one-year national competition including professional training, called “Transaction�, which was held in Taipei. It focused on user experience deign, providing an 8- hour course per week. The content of courses included research, analysis, and implementation. Among this year, we presented our design several times, in the same time, specified mentors from ASUS(design department manager), HTC (designer) often discussed with us individually to make products more reasonable and feasible. It made me realize how to turn ideas into reality in a research-based way. Besides, we won the first prize in the end and got further different internships respectively. In conclusion, through these two experiences, I learned crucial things behind products to make products more suitable and accurate for users.


Extracurricular Ac�vi�es

One of my extracurricular activities which was most meaningful for me was to attend a social organization, named “ Taiwan Social Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Society (TSEIES)”. TSEIES focuses on social services including business socializing consultation, NPOs commercializing assistance, Social enterprise concept and promotion, etc. It also conducts academic research and have published many books. I worked as a translator as part-time job because TSEIES often communicated with staffs from other countries especially in England. I also translated published articles from other social enterprises for knowledge exchange. Sometimes, I volunteered to attend workshops, conferences and salons. I not only learned the ability of holding activities, improved my English communication, but also enjoyed discussion and critical thinking about social issues. Afterwards, I put these experiences into practice and it influenced my disciplines of design as well. I tried to make my works more useful and friendly to people. So, these experiences in TSEIES were significant and valuable for me and my design.


More About Me

Studying Path I decided to study design when I was a senior high school student. And then I majored in Creative Design in YunTech. However, the courses they offered were quite different from my imagination. We need to do visual design, product design and architecture design in the same time. These were extremely different fields, and there were too many skills I needed to learn. We couldn't focus on one or two fields so this made us have no specific ability. In order to realize what I wanted to learn, I went to HU in the Netherlands in my third year. Then I gradually understood what design was and how design process should be carried out. After learning for half a year, I adjusted my ways of learning and thinking when I went back to YunTech and I realized that I wanted to focus on product design and user experience research. Then I had my internship in a industrial design company to learn more about product. In my last year in YunTech, I put what I learned into our graduate project, and also learned from many competitions we attended. Finally we got several prizes for this project. After graduation, I had other internship in PEGA Design & Engineering as a user experience designer for product, including products of Dell, Sony. I set up my mind to go deeper in field of product design, so I studied MA in NCKU. I learned many design research methods here, but I am eager to learn more about product design especially skills and design thinking in a strict buright way, to enhance my overall design ability. Therefore, I will study ArtCenter this year with scholarship in November of this year. But before studying abroad, I would like to have another intership so that I can learn more about what I need to learn and what I exactly want to do for the future.


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