Yardley Cattle Co. 39th Annual Bull Sale

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Cattle Company 39th Annual Bull Sale, Quality in Quanity

115 Black Simmentals • 50 Black Angus • 25 Black Maine Anjous Saturday, March 10th, 2012 • 12:30 MST

A Commitment to Saturday, March 10th, 2012 • 12:30 mst


ear Friends, Fellow Cattlemen, and Valued Customers: WELCOME to our 39th Annual Bull Sale. On behalf of our family and crew we’d like to thank you for your interest in our program, and would like to extend our gratitude to all our past customers, especially our many repeat buyers. We really do appreciate your business. It’s great to be in the cattle business right now, and it appears that everything is lined up so this cycle is going to continue well into the future, with cattle numbers in the Nation at a 60 year low. I just sent an old bull to the auction and he sold for 90 cents and brought almost $1,900 January 9th. You just have to look at any of the markets and it’s more obvious than ever that QUALITY AND GENETICS MATTER. There is a larger spread now between fancy choice cattle and select and plain cattle than there has ever been. The folks who buy your cattle are demanding more quality and performance, and they are willing to pay premiums to receive it. Programs that are producing a quality product are reaping record financial rewards. Selecting cattle that will maximize your profitability and reduce expense is as important now as it has ever been. Our commitment is to continue to produce efficient mother cows that are gentle, deep, thick, easy fleshing and long lived. The ability of our cattle to fit into any one of a variety of breeding situations is what our customers have come to expect. The power of our cattle is bred in, not fed on. As always, our objective is the production of cattle that have a lasting economic significance and make a profit for our customers. It is the mother cow that is the most important of any operation. The daughters of these bulls you buy from us will be the best replacement females you can own. We expect these cows to stay fat and maintain their body weight while raising a 700 lb. calf without creep. The true value of a beef cow is her ability to convert grass and forage to protein. NO MACHINE CAN BEGIN TO COMPETE IN EFFICIENCY OR THE COST OF OPERATION WITH A GRAZING COW. Our cows are run on a grass and forage based operation year round. Easy fleshing is a function of body type and not an EPD or any other number. All my life I have bred performance and perfect conformation in these cattle. We analyze EPD’s but the main selection tool I have always used is individual performance, birth weaning and yearling weights; plus eye ap2 • weights, 435-310-0041

pealing looks. It really upsets me that most of these breed associations and many breeders don’t want to furnish this individual performance. They just want you to go entirely off EPD’s and carcass data as their only selection tools; this leaves a plain made, hard doing cow base that is hard to look at. Our genetics are maternally based and have stood the test of time. We have been AI’ing four 44 years. THESE CATTLE HAVE WORKED FOR US AND HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS, AND THEY WILL WORK FOR YOU. This past year has been a very great and eventful year for our family. Jeannie married a great cattlemen, John Griswold from Stillwater, OK. They just had a beautiful baby girl, Maggie Ann Griswold, on January 30th and we are all excited about this. Tawnya married Rodney Teichert from Cokeville, WY on September 15th. Rodney is an outstanding young man that loves ranch life. Rodney and Tawnya along with our youngest daughter Angela are students at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg, ID. Emily graduated from BYUIdaho after finishing an internship for Pfizer, and is helping us on the ranch. We are grateful for Steven and his family and all he does to help on the ranch. Michelle is a great secretary and keeps all the record on these cattle and helps with the catalog and sale. I am very grateful for Denise and a wonderful family. This is the greatest blessing anyone can have in life. Family traditions are part of the weave of ranch life in the West, fostering the passage of knowledge between the generations who take part in this unique and wonderful way of life. We are so grateful for the hard work of our family and our dedicated men, Josue Garcia and Jose Guzman. We are so blessed to live in America and have FREEDOM. I sure hope we can get a change in leadership in this country next fall and get some leaders elected who are conservative and will follow the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We appreciate your confidence in our program. Your friendship means more to us than anything else. We look forward to seeing you sale day. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. Sincerely yours for a better cattle business, The GIB YARDLEY FAMILY, P.O. Box 288 Beaver, Utah 84713 Home: (435) 438-2424 Cell: (435) 310-0041

Steve Bonham, Auctioneer............................405-823-2972 New Castle, OK Logan Ipson......................................................916-947-2392 California, Nevada, & Utah Rep Western Livestock Journal Craig Talkington, .........................................785-623-1789 Hays , KS Bill Angel...............................................................970-396-5594 LaSalle, CO


Gib Yardley................................................. 435-310-0041 Steven Yardley............................................435-310-1725 Jeannie Y. Griswold................................... 435-421-1200 jeannieyardley@yahoo.com John Griswold.............................................405-780-3300


Herd Records: Michelle Smith, Minersville, UT Sales Clerk: Tawnya Yardley Teichert, Beaver, UT Ranch Staff: Josue Garcia, Jose Guzeman Veterinarians: Dr. Evan Yardley, Beaver, UT Dr. Mont Myers, Nephi, UT Brand Inspector: Thayne Marshall Catalog: Paradise Press, Richfield, UT Pay Clerk: Michelle Smith, Lori Hoffman, Emily Yardley AI Technician: Zane Yardley Barbeque: Darren Oberg Family and Dave Wilding Family


Beaver is 200 miles away from Salt Lake City or Las Vegas, NV, on I-15. From Salt Lake, Sky West Airline commuter (Delta Airlines) serves Cedar City, which is 50 miles south of Beaver and also St George which is 100 miles south. Many times tickets are cheaper through these venues. Beaver has many excellent motels and restuarants, and an airstrip for private planes. You must call us to meet your plane as there is no taxi service.


Sale Information


Please leave detailed information with the sales clerk about your trucking needs and arrangements. We will work with you to help find the best and most efficient means for hauling. We will guarantee to have your animals delivered anywhere within the United States for no more than $300/head.


Request the Yardley Cattle Company special room rate. Please try to reserve rooms as far in advance as possible to guarantee room rate. Quality Inn ......................................................435-438-5426 South Interchange $55 Comfort Inn.....................................................435-438-6283 South Interchange $55 Days Inn .........................................................435-438-7800 North Interchange $49 Butch Cassidy Inn...........................................435-438-2438 Downtown limited trailer parking $55


Once you arrive in Beaver, go to the Post Office corner on Main and Center Streets in town. Take Milford Highway 21, go west on Center 1 & 1/2 miles to the Yardley Black Cow/Calf sign, turn right and proceed north and west across the field to our sale barn. You will pass our house 1/4 mile north of the highway, but continue one more mile to the barn.

UPON Leaving Hwy 21, traveling north on the gravel road, except for our house and lot, the horses, cattle and land do not belong to us until you cross the cattle guard just below our sale barn.


We will begin to serve a complimentary barbecue dinner at 11:00 in the sale barn. Please join us! www.yardleycattleco.com •


TERMS & CONDITIONS TERMS: Terms of this sale are cash, or a good check,

unless arrangements are made prior to the sale. Settlement to be made immediately at the conclusion of the sale before animals are loaded. The right of property title shall not pass until checks have cleared.

BIDDING: All animals will sell as single lots to the highest bidder. Any disputes or challenges regarding bids will be settled by the auctioneer whose decision will be final. RISK: All animals are at the owner’s risk prior to their sale and become the property of the buyer as soon as the animal is declared sold by the auctioneer at which time the buyer assumes all risk. HEALTH: Every bull in this sale, to the best of our knowl-

edge, is free of any disease and will be eligible for interstate transport. All bulls were Dextomax treated. They have been vaccinated twice for IBR, P13, BVD, BRSV, 8-way Blackleg, One Shot Pasturella, plus Enforce.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over any printed matter, and any other announcements.


If you are unable to attend the sale but would like to bid on the lots offered we encourage you to call prior to sale day. There are two ways to participate in the bidding if you are unable to attend the sale. Bids will be handled with the

strictest of confidentiality.

1-Work with one of us to fill your order...

Due to the size of the offering it is impossible to picture every bull. There are many quality bulls that may not be highlighted that will fit your program. Feel free to call anytime prior to the sale. Sale days are crazy!! It is much easier for yourselves and for us if you are able to visit with us prior to the sale about certain lots. Gib: 435-310-0041, Jeannie: 435421-1200, Steven: 435-310-1725

2-Bidding via DVAuctions….

Bid via www.DVAuction.com. For more information contact Kate @ 402-649-8048 or Roxanne @ 402-649-7946

3-Sale Day Phones. These phones are only for bidding and we HIGHLY RECOMMEND PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS AS THE LINES MAY BE BUSY AND YOU MAY TRUCKING: All trucking is the responsibility of the buyer, NOT BE ABLE TO GET THROUGH. If prior arrangements but we will help make arrangements. Every effort will be made have been made we will accommodate you to the best of to minimize costs to the buyer. our ability. GUARANTEE: Every bull has been tested for Tric and se- Jeannie.........................................................(435) 421-1200 men evaluated by a licensed veterinarian. We will guarantee Emily.............................................................(435) 310-0038 the bulls selling in this sale to be fertile at the time of sale. John Griswold...............................................(405) 780-3300 Several of the bulls in this sale are of “Herd Sire” quality. If the buyer chooses to have semen collected on a bull, Yardley PRE-SALE REGISTRATION FOR ATTENDING BIDDERS Cattle Company can not guarantee that the semen will freeze. AND ABSENTEE BIDDERS. KEEPING BULLS TILL MAY 15TH: We can do this but encour- If you would like to register as an absentee bidder age you to insure them as the risk is the responsibility of the please call 435-421-1200. You may be required to list buyer. $1.50 per head per day will be charged until the bulls your bank telephone number and your drivers license are picked up.

number. All absentee buyers must be pre-registered. Any lots purchased by new absentee bidders must dom occur, everyone attending this sale does so at their own be paid for in full via wire-transfer on March 12th, risk. The owners and employees of Yardley Cattle Company 2012 prior to load-out or delivery. We appreciate you assume no liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of an accident, bodily injury, theft, act of God, errors in catalogs or om- cooperation.

LIABILITIES: Although accidents at livestock sales sel-

missions, or percentage verification. We try to keep the most accurate records possible and have bull tight fences, but on a rare occasion, accidents of breeding occur that we are not aware of or cannot control. We will do everything we can to determine the correct parentage, but cannot guarantee it.


BE FURNISHED IF REQUESTED AT THE TIME OF SETTLEMENT AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALE OR WITHIN 3 WEEKS. If requested later, buyer must pay additional registration fees. Leave the name and address to which you would like your bulls transferred on your sale slip when you settle up. Please print so that it is legible.

View the Auction Live

Bid online.....your ringside right at your own desk!

DVAuction Visit our website.... www.dvauction.com

For more information and registering to bid!

Call Kate @ 402-649-8048 or Roxanne @ 402-649-7946

CONTRACT: The above Terms and Conditions of this sale Before you can be approved you will need to provide shall constitute a contract between buyer and seller and be a letter of reference from your lending institute. It equally binding on both. Animals that are resold following the must include the lenders letterhead, sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and phone, address, contact person at the institution and a obligations of the two parties connected thereto are not covmonetary range that can be used for purchases. ered by these Terms and Conditions. 4 • 435-310-0041

THESE BULLS WILL SELL IN EVERYONES PRICE RANGE. We cull bulls from branding up until the sale for structural soundness, quality, breeding soundness, and temperament. Not every bull is destined to sire calves. AS SEEDSTOCK PRODUCERS WE TAKE THE RESPONSIBLITY TO MARKET QUALITY BULLS SERIOUS. We realize that your success depends upon our breeding program and we strive to have quality from the first lot sold to the last bull to walk through the sale ring. ULTRASOUND EXPLANATION


PROCEDURE Body composition measurements are taken with an Aloka 500 real-time ultrasound machine connected to a transducer that has been designed specifically for animal use. Scan measurements for fat thickness and ribeye area are taken at the 12-13th ribs. The scans are stored and returned to the ISU Animal Science Department for processing.


ADJUSTMENTS Ribeye area and marbling are adjusted to 365 days using a linear per day of age adjustment. The external fat measurement is not age adjusted. RIBEYE AREA: Ribeye area is measured in square inches. Ribeye area is positively and highly correlated with retail

product. The heritability of this trait is moderately high, meaning that the trait will be passed on to the progeny. According to the NCA National Beef Quality Audit 1991, ribeye of 11 to 14 square inches are most appropriate for cutting 1-inch thick steaks weighing 8 to 10 ounces.


FAT THICKNESS Fat thickness is measured in inches. Fat thickness is good indicator of percent retail products. The higher the fat thickness, the lower the percent retail product. Fat thickness is slightly lower in heritability than ribeye area. MARBLING: Marbling is measured as percent fat. Heritability for marbling is in the moderate range. Beef carcasses are traded

on the amount of intramuscular fat (marbling) they contain at the 12-13th ribs. However, marbling is a very subjective score. Real-time ultrasound has the capability to predict the actual percent fat in the ribeye muscle which is what the USDA grader is primarily trying to visually evaluate. Several research studies have indicated that the genetic correlation between marbling and fat thickness are very low, meaning that producers can select for increased marbling and not have to be concerned about having animals put on additional external fat.


All bulls selling for $1500 or more will be covered 50% by Yardley Cattle Co. if they are injured during their first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turnout of the bulls.

50% of the value of the injured bull, minus one-half salvage value, will be given as credit in a future sale or toward a replacement bull if one is available. Salvage value, if any, will be split equally between Yardley Cattle Co. and the buyer. All injured bulls must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. All claims must be made by October 1st. We will not replace a dead animal for any reason.

PLEASE BRAND YOUR CATTLE WHEN YOU GET HOME! We have always concentrated on producing a functional, balanced, all purpose beef animal. One that is thick and moderate framed, not too big or too small, and that has a natural fleshing ability. If a cow has feed, I expect her to stay fat while raising a 700 lb. calf. We believe in a balance between performance, eye appeal, and maternal traits. Above all, we have eliminated the problem cattle. To achieve balance, ranchers need cattle that are not necessarily the tops in all traits, but they can’t be weak in one single trait.


Our bulls are not pampered and are not overly fat. They are developed on high roughage rations for comparison only and not for maximum gain. You will not be paying for over fleshing that will melt away as the breeding season progresses. By not force feeding these bulls, you can be assured they will be sound, athletic, and ready to service cows. They are grown in big lots where they get lots of exercise, so they can take the toughest ranges.

These bulls are grown mostly on hay with a 50/50 alfalfa grass mix with less than 1% of their body weight in grain. www.yardleycattleco.com •



offering 2012

leading you on the path to SUCCESS

he beef industry has accepted Simmental as the “continental breed of choice” and has once again remembered T that there is only one FREE GIFT that the Lord above has given to the industry and that gift is heterosis or “hybrid vigor.” Each year we strive to raise the bar and produce a set of bulls that exceeds our previous offering. As you take the time to walk through the bull pens, you’ll visualize a consistent quality set of bulls in all three breeds. Dad’s favorite saying is “A GOOD BULL MUST HAVE A GOOD MOTHER.” Our cattle have endured continuous selection pressure and uncompromising standards. These high volume, functional females have natural fleshing ability, are deep ribbed and thick. We run like any top commercial outfit with a forage grazing program year round. Yardley females winter on desert winter range without any hay, calve unassisted, breed back quickly, summer in the mountains and wean a 700# calf without creep. Our main focus is producing cattle that make our customers profitable. The simmental breed is on fire and growing more popular ever day!



Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/5/2011 YW: 1410

BW: 94 TG: 4.35

Y361 WW: 714 WDA: 3.66

CNS Dream On Ebony CNS Dream On Miss Yardley T170 Miss Yardley L21 by Y1 Corrector We consider this bull one of the very best, if not the best bull we have ever raised. I am as critical a bull buyer as there is in the country and there isn’t one single thing that I don’t like about this bull. He has perfect phenotype every place you look at him. I don’t like high tailed cattle. I want them square over that tail head and he is. He is a half brother, half sister mating and Jeannie loves his perfect built, moderate sized mother as good as and cow we own. L21 was seven years old when we sold her, she brought $7,700 selling to Greg Kroupa of White Lake, SD. She was as pretty a cow as we’ve ever owned. T170 was her last calf that we had and is as pretty as her dam. His dam’s birth weights on her previous calves were 68 and 83 lbs. Offering ½ possession, ½ semen interest. Opportunity of a lifetime!

SVF/NJC Built Right




BD: 3/5/11 YW: 1256

PB Simmental

BW: 96 TG: 3.45

ZKCC Chopper Miss Yardley S123

Y355 WW: 704 WDA: 3.41

SVF Steel Force Ms Meyer by Meyer 734 3C Sturdy by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley N82

When John Griswold came out for our ’11 Focus on the Female sale he said Y355 was the best Simmental bull calf he’d seen all year. With this general consensus we awarded Y355 a position as one of the lead off bulls for this year’s sale. He’s a complete package with a huge hip, deep gut and smooth shoulder. This big footed calf treks wide and moves with the confidence of a king. S123 is a beautiful cow with a phenomenal track record, tracing back to E119. Last year’s calf was in the #4 slot selling for $5,750 to Dave Garman of Iowa. The year prior her calf sold for $5,000 to our good friends, the Avila family of California. From top to bottom this bull’s got all the right parts and pieces to be a top AI sire or wonderful herd bull. Retaining 1/3 Semen Interest.

BW: 3.15

WW: 39.5

6 • 435-310-0041

YW: 74.5

MK: 16.5

BW: -.5

WW: 26.25

YW: 47.35 MK: -4.35



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y337

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1369

BW: 99 TG: 3.59

WW: 794 WDA: 3.76

OCC Jet Stream OCC Dixie Erica 805G HHSF Overtime Miss Yardley J200 F93 by Magnificent by X 339U Study the power and mass this bull possesses. With a massive lower quarter and length, this deep bodied, big-chested bull has great performance and possesses the same rib and capacity of his great herd sire, OCC Rising Sun. Rising Sun females have been beautiful easy keeping moderate females. J200 has had several calves adjust near 800# and above at weaning. This bull’s calves will push down the scales in the fall and make excellent replacements.

OCC Rising Sun


BW: -.45


WW: 17.8

YW: 40.7

MK: -2.1

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y417

BD: 3/23/2011 YW: 1440

BW: 92 TG: 4.05

GCC Hard As Steel Miss Yardley U43

WW: 792 WDA: 3.79

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanda CC Duramax Miss Yardley S110 by Sears 122

Black baldy buyers take note, Lot 4 is the real deal! As we were making the sale order we seriously contemplated keeping this cool made type calf for our own personal use. He is super wide with just the right leg set and a nice front end on him. He is a moderate made calf with a lot of butt and gut to him. He adjusted to nearly 800# in the fall out of a first calf heifer and came in #4 in the pen on WDA. If you want blazed faced babies Lot 4 is the bull for you!


BW: .3


WW: 18.35

YW: 43.55 MK: -3.45

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y366

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1382

BW: 92 TG: 4.10

WW: 726 WDA: 3.56

CNS Dream On TC Bandeva Pressure Point Miss Yardley U155 Miss Yardley B88 by Whirlaway U155 is the type and kind of female that you’d be glad to have 100 more of. His maternal grand dam, B88 out of Whirlaway, remained on the ranch until she was 16 yrs old and produced many of our top notch Simmentals. Encore has been one of the most powerful Dream On sons to date. His progeny averaged nearly $7,000 in Janssen’s 2007 sale in Iowa. It is little wonder with this kind of a pedigree and cow family backing him that lot 5 came out looking so good.

WSG Encore


BW: .6


WW: 25.85

YW: 47.6

MK: -7.1

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y386

BD: 3/8/2011 YW: 1402

BW: 98 TG: 3.94

WW: 771 WDA: 3.80

Nichols Legacy CNS Sheeza Dream Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley S175 Miss Yardley N130 by Nichols Legacy Lot 6 hails from one of our premier cow families going back to K114 and E119, both of whom we have flushed. A maternal sister to S175 sold for $5,750. S175’s past two bulls, including a full brother to lot 6, have both sold to Culver Cattle Company of Colorado averaging $5,000. Lot 6 is at the top of the charts on WW, YW, and WDA. This bull is solid with a striking profile and rear view. These cattle have worked for us, now let them work for you.

CNS Dream On

BW: -1.6

WW: 21.3

YW: 39.8

MK: -4.5

www.yardleycattleco.com •




Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1292

BW: 92 TG: 3.70

Y368 WW: 700 WDA: 3.48

Nichols Leagacy CNS Sheeza Dream Sears 122 by Meyer Miss Yardley P170 Miss Yardley K180 by Zues With two Dream On sons this good back to back, it’s easy to see why he’s so popular. A full brother to Lot 7 was a lead off bull in our second pen of Simmentals last year. This is a no miss cross. Study the depth and softness of this calf and how nice he moves out with his perfect leg set. The cow family behind this bull traces back to E13, one of the most beautiful cows we owned who always stayed fat until we sold her at age 15 in our sale as a donor cow to George Davis of Ohio.

CNS Dream On



BW: -1.1

WW: 19.05

YW: 29.65 MK: -4.40

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1327

BW: 87 TG: 3.61

Y381 WW: 750 WDA: 3.56

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Y1 Corrector by Miss Yardley K114 Miss Yardley E119 by Whirlaway Greatness breeds greatness and lot 8 hails from a great cow family. We have flushed his dam and maternal grand dam. They both had saletopping calves including the $10,000 top selling bull, and $6,300 pick of heifers selling to repeat customers for 37 years, the Mike Probst Family of Midway, Utah & Dillon, Montana. This is K114’s natural calf so what you see is what you get, a great calf who promises greatness.

Whirl Of A Dream



BW: 1.25

WW: 24.10

YW: 38.9 MK: -2.40

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/8 Ma Y349

BD: 3/2/2011 YW: 1343

BW: 98 TG: 3.59

WW: 768 WDA: 3.67

Westfall Voyager Ms My Dream by Dream On Sequoia Miss Yardley R218 Miss Yardley M107 by Zues Mark down and circle Y349 as a good one, we did! It is not often that you get this much meat and power in such a pretty package. Study his soundness and functionality. The more you study him and his impressive set of numbers the more you’ll like him. A touch of Maine in the pedigree adds to the bull’s style and eye appeal. BMR Explorer won the NAILE. His Grandsire, Greatfall Voyager won Fort Worth.

BMR Xplorer



Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y431

BD: 3/31/2011 YW: 1394

BW: 100 TG: 4.00

WW: 754 WDA: 3.75

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke Sears 122 Miss Yardley T169 Miss Yardley M127 by 3C Jigger This brockle-faced beauty was in the top ten in the pen for WDA. His dam has been a real producer with 3 head of calves averaging 755# at weaning. Performance isn’t all this calf’s got, check out his depth, and butt with extra lower quarter power. He steps out gracefully—in a masculine sort of way! He’s got the style, he’s got the performance. Put profit on your bottom line with lot 10!

WLE Right On

8 • 435-310-0041

BW: -.3

WW: 21.7

YW: 43.15

MK: -3.6



Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/16/2011 YW: 1265

BW: 101 TG: 3.51

Whirl Of a Dream Miss Yardley S119

Y403 WW: 703 WDA: 3.45

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Triple C Positive Power Miss Yardley E119 by Whirlaway

This super stout, super cool made calf has the style and performance to work in all facets of the cattle industry. Take note, his dam is out of E119. Lot 2, 6, and 8 also trace back to this pivotal donor female. He is very similar in his type and kind to many of the previous mentioned calves. He will moderate your larger cows without compromising performance.


BW: .75


WW: 26.6

YW: 43.75

MK: -4.7

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y412

BD: 3/16/2011 YW: 1324

BW: 96 TG: 3.59

WW: 749 WDA: 3.63

Yardley Impressive by Dinero Miss Yardley T68 by Pinion SAV 8180 Traveler Miss Yardley S505 3002 by TC Freedom S505 is as pretty a Angus cow as we own. She is a moderate, easy keeping, wedgy made broody cow with rib and volume, and a nice tight bag with small teats. She has transmitted many of these traits to Y412. A maternal brother sold for $4,750 in our 2010 sale. His sire, Hi Regard was our record high selling $30,000 bull purchased by Dale & Scott Werning & John Goken. Scott recently sold a $30,000 heifer sired by Hi Regard and says he has other heifers sired by Hi Regard that are just as good. Study the depth & rib capacity coupled with the powerful hind quarter and perfect leg set.

Yardley High Regard



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y345

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1397

BW: 92 TG: 3.69

WW: 807 WDA: 3.83

OCC Jet Stream OCC Dixie Erica 805G SS Goldmine Miss Yardley P82 Miss Yardley A144 by Whirlaway Lot 13’s calves will push down the scales at weaning, He did! Ranking as the number four top gainer in his WDA this moderate framed massive calf has all the right parts and pieces to make top gaining steers and outstanding replacements. His dam is a daughter of A144, our most prestigious Whirlaway daughter ever. We kept three herd bulls out of this herd matriarch. Rising Sun daughters are beautiful, easy keeping females with tight udders & small teats that wean big calves.

OCC Rising Sun



BW: -2.1

WW: 16.4

YW: 32.35

MK: 2.95

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y289

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1404

BW: 94 TG: 4.10

WW: 749 WDA: 3.57

Nichols Legacy CNS Sheeza Dream 3D Miss Yardley W151 Miss Yardley S175 by Yardley Treasure This calf has really came on since we took his picture. He is super stylish and moves out nicely. He is the type and kind of calf that has made Dream On so popular. Y289’s dam is a maternal sister to Lot 6 and goes back to one of our strongest cow families K114 and E119. With these kind of genetics all signs point to quality calves come spring!

CNS Dream On

BW: -.25

WW: 22.45

YW: 39.5

MK: -4.65

www.yardleycattleco.com •




Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 Ma Y353

BD: 3/5/2011 YW: 1311

BW: 82 TG: 3.56

WW: 742 WDA: 3.58

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Swoosh Miss Yardley P84 Miss Yardley Z100 by Warrant RED!! For those of you who like red, take a look at Lot 14. He’s flat out good! The Simmy-Maine cross combines the best of both breeds, tightening up the front ends and adding style to the Simmentals, while maintaining power, and performance. Longevity hails from top to bottom. His maternal grand dam was one of our best Maine cows until we shipped her at age 15. Whirl of a Dream calves are working excellent for us. The more you study this bull the more you’ll like him!

Whirl Of A Dream



Scurred 1/2 Simm 1/8 Ma Y343

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1375

BW: 92 TG: 4.35

WW: 679 WDA: 3.47

SVF Steel Force Ms Meyer by Meyer 734 Patton by Irish Whiskey U419 OCC Dixie Erica 654P When the girls came home from John Griswold’s sale with an $8,000 bred heifer I loved her, but figured they would be a few years making their money back on her. How wrong I was! This calf’s maternal sister was the lead off bred heifer in the ’11 Griswold sale selling for $29,000! That’s what I call a good return on investment! Lot 16 is stylish and soggy and has the renowned Chopper look. This calf is a little flighty.

GCC Chopper



Polled 1/2 Simm

BD: 3/1/11 YW: 1283

BW: 100 TG: 3.43

WAGR Dream Catcher Miss Yardley S174

Y348 WW: 734 WDA: 3.51

CNS Dream On by Nichols Legacy 3C Melody Meyer 734 H79 by Krugerand 490

Y348’s maternal grand dam was as good of a Krugerrand daughter as we’ve ever owned. We flushed her several times and she clicked every time. Two flushmates to S174 sold in last year’s sale averaging $4,500. Her own calf sold for $5,000. This stylish brock combines two of the most popular pedigrees in the Simmental breed; Dream On and Meyer 734. Dream Catcher has done a tremendous job for Wernings of South Dakota, and has had several Champion and Reserve Champion females.



Polled 1/2 Simm

BD: 3/1/2011 YW: 1382

BW: 98 TG: 3.75

SVF Built Right

CNS Dream On NJC Ebony Antoinette

Miss Yardley R597

Y330 WW: 782 WDA: 3.77

We have really liked the progeny of Built Right including our own herd sire, Right On. Lot 18 has that same herd sire potential. With one of the best gains in the pen this long necked, deep bodied, big butted calf shows promising potential to raise deep sound functional females and powerful bulls and steers that will press down the scales come fall.

10 • 435-310-0041



Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1328

BW: 91 TG: 3.70

Y379 WW: 736 WDA: 3.55

CNS Dream On SVF Honeydew WSS McCallister Miss Yardley T124 Miss Yardley P124 by Goldmine Trace this calf’s maternal pedigree traces back to M10, Whirlaway’s granddam. Down through the line are several great cows leading up to T124. You’ll appreciate her progeny as generations of solid cows shine through this calf’s conformation. Duracell calves have commanded top dollar and won many shows across the country, including a $17,000 heifer at the NAILE.

SVF Duracell


BW: 1.05


WW: 28.95

YW: 53.05

MK: .85

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 2/10/2011 YW: 1465

BW: 89 TG: 4.66

Y260 WW: 720 WDA: 3.6

CNS Dream On Ebony Antoinette SVG Powersurge Miss Yardley W18 Miss Yardley T181 by McCallister This BIG, POWERFUL baldy has the second highest adj YW of any calf on the ranch. If you want more pounds per calf come fall you’ll be happy to have him in your trailer.

SVF Built Right


BW: -.9


WW: 20.05 YW: 40.85

MK: 1.9

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/8/2011 YW: 1221

BW: 85 TG: 3.33

Whirl Of A Dream Miss Yardley R71

Y376 WW: 688 WDA: 3.33

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway 3C Picasso by Meyer Miss Yardley M35 by 3C Jigger

You can’t help but like M35, this calf’s maternal grand dam. His dam’s last calf sold for $4,500 to our good friend Shane Matthews of Panaca Nevada. Y376 is a powerful made, soggy calf with a lot of depth and rib in a moderate package.


BW: 1.9


WW: 27.85

YW: 43.3

MK: .35

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y363

BD: 3/6/2011 YW: 1295

3C Macho Miss Yardley S192

BW: 90 TG: 3.69

WW: 705 WDA: 3.50

Meyer 734 3C Crocus by 600U SC Stockman 365 0501 by Leachman Outback

S192 is a maternal grand dam to our herd sire Yardley Messenger. She is a beautiful made cow that always stays fat. We were excited to cross her up on 3C Macho, who works great on her type. Y363 is the fantastic result.

www.yardleycattleco.com •




Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y332

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1297

BW: 83 TG: 3.55

WW: 729 WDA: 3.53

SVF NJC Mo Better Akers Ruby 2184 SVJ Power Surge Miss Yardley P53 Miss Yardley A61 by Black Beaver Mo Magic was named the 2008 American Royal Grand Champion Percentage Bull, 2009 National Western Stock Show Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Bull and the 2009 National Show Grand Champion Percentage Bull at Fort Worth. This moderate framed, thick profiled calf is his first to sell in this year’s sale.

SC Mo Magic

BW: .4



WW: 24.6

YW: 57.9

MK: -3.5

Scurred PB Simmental Y325

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1385

BW: 87 TG: 3.81

WW: 775 WDA: 3.63

WLE Power Stroke NJC Ebony Antoinette CNS Dream On Miss Yardley U3 Miss Yardley S189 by Yardley Blk Cotton Check out Lot 24’s impressive WW. This calf has the depth of rib and hindquarter to produce scale smashing calves come fall. He has one of the strongest top lines in the pen and a lot of width to go with it. Trademark has produced several show-winning, hi-dollar calves that have went on to become great semen studs. These include Jillians Trademark, LBS The Foreman, and TWCC Trendsetter.

GWS Ebonys Trademark

BW: -.15



WW: 23.95

YW: 36.65

MK: -.6

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1323

BW: 80 TG: 3.99

Y385 WW: 685 WDA: 3.41

CNS Dream On SVF Sheeza Beauty Sand Ranch Hand Miss Yardley U154 Miss Yardley R81 by Cracker Barrel Check out this chunk of meat! You don’t see calving ease Simmental bulls with this smooth of shoulder and this much power behind them. With only an 80# BW this calf’s dam is out of an E119 daughter. THERE IS NO BW OVER 80# 3 generations back in this cow family and this calf’s maternal brother had only a 78# BW. Steel Force semen sells for $250/unit!

SVF Steel Force



BW: -.75

WW: 30.85

YW: 52.25

MK: 1.7

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 4/11/2011 YW: 1417

BW: 102 TG: 3.95

Y449 WW: 785 WDA: 3.90

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke CNS Dream On Miss Yardley S25 Miss Yardley P153 by Sears 122 Strong maternal pedigree, performance, conformation and a baldy to boot; if you’re looking for it all Y449 just might be the one. He hales from a cow family second to none. P153, his maternal grand dam is a beautiful made, functional female who has been a top producer on our ranch. Two of her heifers have been feature lots in our sale including Lot 3, Lady Bug Love, purchased by our good friends Wayne and Barb Ohlrichs, Norfolk NE. S25, his dam is a perfect conformation black baldy Dream On daughter. Y449 boasts the second top WDA at 3.9.

WLE Right On

12 • 435-310-0041

BW: -1.2

WW: 17.55

YW: 33.75

MK: -5.9



Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y316

BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1391

BW: 85 TG: 4.10

WW: 736 WDA: 3.65

Y1 Treasure Miss Yardley P15 Perferred Edge Miss Yardley T7 R121 by Sears 122 by Meyer 734 Look at the spread on this bull! This soggy made big bellied bull has a lot to offer and he brings it all to the sale. With his big top he should have a massive rib eye. His dam has averaged 79# BW on her calves.

Yardley Sundance

BW: -1.25



WW: 20.5

YW: 36.45

MK: -5.5

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1238

BW: 95 TG: 3.10

Y377 WW: 743 WDA: 3.44

Nichols Legacy CNS Sheeza Dream Dinero Miss Yardley P102 by Lucky Dice

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley S32

The power runs deep in our Simmental pens. Many of these bulls in the middle of our lineup would be at the top of the sale order in other sales. S32 is the dam to the top selling $7,000 female in our sale three years ago. She is a beautiful made female and holds her flesh well.

BW: -.05


YW: 42.3

MK: -5.65

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/8 An Y305

BD: 2/20/2011 YW: 1361

BW: 100 TG: 4.09

WW: 707 WDA: 3.61

3C Macho Aunt Bea Sears 122 by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley S203 Miss Yardley J59 by Black Beaver We missed getting this baldy bull pictured, but we should have. Watch for video to be posted to our website. Sears 122 daughters have really worked well in our herd and S203 is no exception. Sheriff Taylor is owned by our good friends the Trennepohl’s and Mike Rist. He is a top ABS Simmental bull and is, “A moderate framed, long spined, extremely sound made bull with a great disposition.”

STCC Sheriff Taylor

BW: 2.25



WW: 19.9

YW: 33.05

MK: -3.5

The Key to the Puzzle = Balance It’s the hardest thing to keep in the front of our minds. We always want to think that bigger is better, or we buy bulls based on spread EPDs, or we choose a bull because he has one trait that really stands out. We’ve all been guilty of it, but the real key is “balance,” the ones that do all things well. I really believe that this is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, hurdle in breeding cattle. If we can stay focused on this, it will make us more profitable and better cattle breeders

The Key is Blance


WW: 23.3

Scurred PB Simmental Y346

BD: 3/4/2011 YW: 1383

BW: 92 TG: 3.8

WW: 775 WDA: 3.69

Nichols Legacy CNS Sheeza Dream Pinion Miss Yardley T68 Miss Yardley M211 by Bandwagon This exciting red calf is a maternal brother to our 2010 sale topping, $30,000 High Regard. We decided to mate his dam with Dream On and WOW! As you can tell this bull has the same softness and shape that has made High Regard so popular. He’s a super sound, stout made, big footed calf that tracks wide and fills in his step. He is an easy choice for someone looking for a red bull and makes everyone else reconsider buying a red one!

CNS Dream On

BW: -.4

WW: 30.5

YW: 49.55

MK: -2.3

www.yardleycattleco.com •




Horned 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y359

BD: 3/6/2011 YW: 1308

BW: 86 TG: 3.61

Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley R74

WW: 731 WDA: 3.56

Yardley Treasure by Hairy All P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer 734 3C Picasso by Meyer Miss Yardley G41 by Mr. Arapahoe

If you want a big brawny bull Y359 will fit your ticket. This stout made baldy hails from a great cow family packed with longevity, fleshing ability and style. We have flushed his maternal grand dam, G41, several times. She has had many top sellers and is still on the ranch at 15 yrs old.

Lot 31

BW: -1.1



WW: 15.65

YW: 26.35

MK: 3.35

Polled 1/4 Simm 3/4 An Y258

BD: 2/7/2011 YW: 1436

BW: 91 TG: 4.50

WW: 716 WDA: 3.51

OCC Headliner OCC Dixie Erica 946K Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley W31 Miss Yardley T105 Look at the WW on this calf out of a first calf heifer and the massive 1436# adj WW! These % Missing Link calves have been some of the sale favorites every year. Look at the depth beginning at the fore rib and extending back to the flank. This is the kind of gut that makes for easy keeping, easy looking cattle!

OCC Missing Link

Lot 32



Polled 3/4 Simm

BD: 2/26/2011 YW: 1415

BW: 98 TG: 4.50

YY408 WW: 695 WDA: 3.64

CNS Dream On SVF Sheeza Beauty 3C Pasque Miss Yardley M100 Miss Yardley H27 by Spade M100 is one of the all time greatest females we have ever owned. She is generations good and generations consistent with a long line of top quality females behind her. She has produced many sale toppers and we have flushed both her and her dam. They are easy doing, easy keeping females with a lot of body and eye appeal. This calf’s flush mate sold in our Focus on the Female sale for $4,000 to long time customer, Marc Daniels of Manti Utah.

SVF Steel Force

BW: -.6

WW: 27.25

YW: 46.15 MK: -8.35

arol Rose, Gainesville, Texas. Carol is one of the world’s greatest horsewomen and AQHA’s ALL TIME LEADING BREEDER OF PERFORMANCE HORSES and owner of the famous stallion Shining Spark. She says, “You’ve got to take risk, because you can’t get where you want to go unless you try things. And if you just sit around and wait for something to happen, it’s not going to. You’ve got to make it happen. Work hard and don’t ever give up. If you have hardships, just keep believing you can do it. One of the philosophies is, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. It isn’t only what you know, it’s who you know. Because it takes who you know to teach you what you need to know.”



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/4 Ma Y326

BD: 2/26/2011 YW: 1276

14 • 435-310-0041

WW: 676 WDA: 3.41

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Juniper by Draft Pick Miss Yardley S155 Miss Yardley N114 by Halls Legacy Plus This calf’s cow family traces back to F15, one of our all time favorite Maine Anjou donor cows. These Simmy-Maine crosses really work, adding the style and front ends of the Maines, to the power and performance of the Simmentals, with a shot of hybrid vigor to make quality progeny. You’ll be seeing a lot more of this cross in the future.

Y1 Whirl of A Dream

Lot 34

BW: 82 TG: 3.75



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/4 An Y300

BD: 2/12/2011 YW: 1290

BW: 94 TG: 3.65

WW: 706 WDA: 3.45

CNS Dream On NJC Ebony Antoinette OCC Hunter Miss Yardley S35 Miss Yardley P85 by Dinero This powerful cherry red calf has been a favorite in the pen since he was weaned. Dad lamented that he was red because, “if that bull was black we would keep him.” If you like red and are looking for a great one then look no further. A maternal brother to this calf sold for $4,500 to one of Nevadas great cowmen, Shane Matthews. Built Right and his offspring have really been doing a great job for us.

SVF Built Right



Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/19/2011 YW: 1367

BW: 93 TG: 3.75

Y408 WW: 767 WDA: 3.74

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway 3C Roulette Miss Yardley N146 Miss Yardley H150 by Prowler If you want them big and stout then check out Lot 35. He was in the top 10 in the pen on performance. His dam has been a top producer and we seriously considered keeping her last calf which sold to for $8,250 to one of the great cattlemen of Washington and one of our long time friend and customer, Jim Frost. Her two calves prior to that averaged $5,000. All of these calves have indexed over 100.

Whirl Of A Dream

BW: .5



WW: 22.9

YW: 35.25 MK: -3.95

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y358

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1371

SC Mo Magic Miss Yardley S7

BW: 97 TG: 3.65

WW: 786 WDA: 3.76

SVF/NJC Mo Better Akres Ruby CNS Dream On Miss Yardley P35 by Dinero by Meyer

This big, deep bodied black baldy indexed 114 and was the #7 bull in the pen for WDA. He is soft made, powerful, and good!

BW: .9

WW: 35.25

YW: 71.35

MK: -7.1

There is a difference!

How much is a top end bull worth? Increase in pounds per calf as a result of a top-performing bull X Number of cows bred per year X Average selling price of calves for 4 years = Extra dollars you can pay for a better bull

A bull that will add 50 pounds over industry average, bred to 25 cows for 4 years. 50 pounds X 25 cows = 1250 pounds X 4 years = 5,000 pounds X $1.40= $7,000. So this bull is worth $7,000 more than a bull that keeps weaning weights the same. Some of our bulls may only add 30 lbs. per calf, but some will add 100 lbs This is only half of the equation because you get the advantage of great replacement females. Every good cowboy knows that the good cows always make the ranch money, and the poor ones are the headaches. Do you realize that the bulls you buy this year won’t have their first daughters in production for 3 years? PROGRESS CAN ONLY BE MADE THROUGH SELECTING THE RIGHT GENETICS. We have always focused on cattle that are BALANCED in all traits. www.yardleycattleco.com •




Horned 5/8 Simm 1/4 An Y357

BD: 3/5/2011 YW: 1328

BW: 80 TG: 3.8

WW: 720 WDA: 3.52

Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer Shilos Black Man Miss Yardley K107 Miss Yardley E197 by Bad Monday Check out this big, stout, powerful made black baldy bull with a big hip and a lot of middle to him to push down the scales. This shows what Sundance can do.

Yardley Sundance

Lot 38

BW: -3.5



WW: 19.7

YW: 35.7

MK: -.25

Scurred 3/8 Simm 5/8 An Y453

BD: 3/30/2011 YW: 1394

BW: 104 TG: 3.80

WW: 786 WDA: 3.71

BC Lookout GCF Miss Isabella Sundance Miss Yardley U185 Miss Yardley R69 by Bando 1024 This calf is one of the top gainers in the pen and has a lot to offer. He is soft and smooth shouldered. He is the type and kind of calf you’d be glad to have 100 more of standing in the field. His dam shows what the Sundance daughters can do. Her last calf sold for $5,000 to our long time repeat customers the Snow Brothers of Jensen Utah.

GCF Lonestar

Lot 39


BW: -2.2


BD: 3/8/2011 YW: 1305

WW: 19.15

YW: 39.95

MK: -.45

Polled 1/4 Simm 3/4 An Y369 BW: 82 TG: 3.22

WW: 790 WDA: 3.57

OCC Jet Stream Miss Arnold C5368 Santanas Real Deal Miss Yardley T117 Miss Yardley P200 by RAF Xplorer For those of you who have purchased Jet Fleck sons in the past, you know what great females they make and how heavy their calves come home in the fall. Don’t miss out on your ONLY opportunity to get a Jet Fleck son in this years offering. He is the kind that makes Jet Fleck so great.

OCC Jet Fleck

Lot 40



Polled 1/8 simm 7/8 An Y262

BD: 2/11/2011 YW: 1305

BW:84 TG: 3.35

WW: 769 WDA: 3.38

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanada SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley W141 Miss Yardley S186 Just because these bulls aren’t pictured, don’t think they’re not good. Check our website for video. Time and catalog space limited us on what we could do. Look at the 769 adj. WW out of a first calf heifer! OCC Jet Stream has been one of our all time favorite bulls. They are moderate, easy fleshing cattle that grow and have eye appeal. This is reflected in the number of herd sires we have kept out of him, and check out our lead off Angus calf who is also out of Jet Stream.

OCC Jet Stream

BW: 2.2

WW: 43.5

16 • 435-310-0041

YW: 67

MK: 15.5



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/4 An Y322

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1355

BW: 92 TG: 3.75

WW: 755 WDA: 3.6

WLE Power Stroke NJC Ebony Antoinette Cowboy Up MIss Yardley T64 Miss Yardley J94 by Overtime This Trademark calf has a lot of grow to him!

GWS Ebonys Trademark



Horned PB Simmental Y318

BD: 2/25/2011 YW: 1413

BW: 93 TG: 4.10

WW: 757 WDA: 3.78

CNS Dream On NJC Ebony Antoinette 3C Jigger Miss Yardley M36 Miss Yardley K112 by Perferred Stock If you like them big and stout this mammoth bull is right up your alley. This massive framed calf was in the top 5 of the pen on WDA. M36 is a big beautiful cow that always holds her flesh and brings home a big calf in the fall.

SVF Built Right



BW: 1.05

WW: 33

YW: 59.35

BW: 86 TG: 3.60

WW: 745 WDA: 3.60

Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer 3C Kruiser Miss Yardley N12 Miss Yardley L74 by Overtime A Maternal brother to this bull sold in last year’s sale for $5,000 to long time customer, Jim Huber of La Point, Utah.

Yardley Sundance


BW: -1.6


WW: 14.6

BW: 78 TG: 3.94

WSJ Encore Miss Yardley U431

WW: 740 WDA: 3.55

CNS Dream On TC Bandiva OCC Jet Fleck Miss Yardley B3 by Whirlaway x Citation

We really should have pictured this calf. His maternal Grand Dam lasted for 16 yrs and raised her own and another calf for several years. His Jet Fleck dam is carrying on this tradition. This calf’s pedigree is full of light birth weights! Encore sold as a yearling for $10,000.



BW: -.55

WW: 20.7

YW: 30.5

BW: 80 TG: 3.76

BMR Xplorer Miss Yardley W105

Y273 WW: 685 WDA: 3.24

West Fall Voyager by SVJ Power Surge WW Miss My Dream by CNS Dream On SVF/HTP Pressure Point Miss Yardley N138 by 3C Roulette

This Black baldy bull is out of the calving ease Simmental bull BMR Explorer. He has a nice profile and smooth shoulder.

BW: 2.1

WW: 46.0

BD: 2/4/2011 YW: 1389

BW: 80 TG: 3.83

WW: 775 WDA: 3.54

CNS Dream On HTP/SVF Honeydew SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley W147 8384 by Poppa Power Intense Look at the spread on this Duracell calf out of a first calf heifer. The Simmy-Angus cross is taking fire as feedlots and commercial operators alike are finding THEY WORK.

HTP/SVF Duracell



Scurred 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y350

BD: 3/5/2011 YW: 1281

BW: 76 TG: 3.46

WW: 727 WDA: 3.50

Prowler Miss Yardley B78 by Whirlaway SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley R150 Miss Yardley G73 Krugerand 490 R150 has averaged 76# BW on 5 head of calves.




YW: 70.9

MK: -.7

scurred 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y338

BD: 3/2/2011 YW: 1258

BW: 80 TG: 3.51

Yardley High Regard Miss Yardley P10

WW: 696 WDA: 3.41

Y1 Impressive by Dinero x Power Surge Miss Yardley T68 by Pinion Dameran PVF Raptor Miss Yardley M3 by Dinero by Meyer 734

One of the few calves out of our own $30,000 Hi Regard. This half brother to Lot 11 had a maternal half brother that sold in last year’s sale as lot 9 for $6,500 to Derrel Shawcroft of LaJara Colorado. P10 is a moderate size, great producer.

MK: -5.8

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 2/17/2011 YW: 1287

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y254

YW: 25.10 MK: -6.45

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y312

BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1370


MK: -1.7

Scurred 5/8 Simm 1/4 An Y364

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1321



BW: -.95


WW: 26

YW: 55.8

Polled PB SImmental

BD: 2/14/2011 YW: 1301

BW: 91 TG: 3.65

MK: 1.5

Y267 WW: 716 WDA: 3.29

West Fall Voyager by SVJ Power Surge WW Miss My Dream by CNS Dream On SVF HTP Pressure Point Miss Yardley W86 Miss Yardley M5 by Temptation Backed by a powerful performance based cow line, this calf’s maternal Grand Dam has averaged an 809# WW on 8 calves, including last years lot 15 selling for $6,500 to our friends the Avilla’s of California.

BMR Xplorer

BW: .5

WW: 26.3

YW: 50.65

MK: 5.95

Stay till the end of the Sale!

Departement stores don’t put all the good stuff at the front door, do they? Great bulls will come into our ring all day long, AND IF YOU DON’T STAY UNTIL THE END YOU MIGHT MISS THE BEST DEALS OF ALL! WE WILL HAVE A DRAWING AT THE END OF THE SALE. All numbers will be put in a hat. You must be present to win. THE WINNING NUMBERS WILL RECEIVE A CHECK FOR $300, THE 2ND PLACE WILL RECEIVE $200 AND 3RD PLACE WILL RECEIVE $100. www.yardleycattleco.com •




Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1376

BW: 96 TG: 4.17

SVF Cracker Barrel Miss Yardley K114

YY443 WW: 709 WDA: 3.62

Mr. Beef Preferred Mind Y1 Corrector Miss Yardley E119 by Whirlaway

This calf hails from one of our top cow herds. K114 has been successfully flushed by us along with his maternal Grand Dam E119. This is a proven, powerful cow family.


BW: 1.7


WW: 28.45

MK: 3.25

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/5/2011 YW:1280

BW: 86 TG: 3.43

Miss Yardley R82 BW: .05

Y356 WW: 731 WDA: 3.50

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway SS Goldmine Miss Yardley L38

Whirl Of A Dream

YW: 46.10

WW: 22.25

YW: 30.65

MK: -2.6



Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1290

BW: 85 TG: 3.57

SVF Steel Force Miss Yardley J27

Y372 WW: 719 WDA: 3.52

CNS Dream On SVF Sheeza Beauty Big Country Miss Yardley G18 by Black Van

J27 has been a maternal powerhouse making stout, solid, sound bulls every year. Her last two bull calves sold as Lot 11 for $5,500 to Klent Schnell of Nebraska, and Lot 2 topped the ’09 sale at $8,000 to Korey Abbott of Duchesne, Utah.


BW: .9


WW: 30.85

YW: 59.35 MK: -1.55

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/10/2011 YW: 1300

BW: 84 TG: 3.40

Y382 WW: 756 WDA: 3.51

CNS Dream On SVF Sheeza Beauty RBS Hotshot Miss Yardley T24 Miss Yardley R88 by Nichols Legacy T24 is a beautiful made moderate Simmental. Steel Force semen averages $250/straw.

SVF Steel Force

BW: -.3

WW: 29.2

YW: 50.4

MK: -.6

Our future will be as BRIGHT as the FACES of our children as we teach them by example to act and govern on true principles of Freedom!



Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y391

BD: 3/12/2011 YW: 1322

BW: 92 TG: 3.13

WW: 822 WDA: 3.71

Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer 3C Jigger Miss Yardley M24 Miss Yardley K41 by Y1 Corrector This calf comes from a long line of super performing females with eye appeal, fleshing ability, and performance. Both his Dam and his Grand Dam are as pretty of cows as we own and hail from the cow family that produced Yardley Impressive the sire of High Regard.

Yardley Sundance


BW: -1.55 WW: 15.15


YW: 31.6

MK: .8

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y287

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1269

BW: 74 TG: 3.56

WW: 700 WDA: 3.24

CNS Dream ON 3C Melody OCC Jet Fleck Miss Yardley W64 Miss Yardley P44 by Juneau Dream Catcher is currently one of the most popular calving ease Simmental sires. This calf’s pedigree is stacked with light birth weight cows.

WAGR Dream Catcher

BW: -1.6

WW: 18.3

18 • 435-310-0041

YW: 36.9

MK: 6.35



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y274

BD: 2/19/2011 YW: 1262

BW: 84 TG: 3.35

WW: 726 WDA: 3.24

OCC Headliner OCC Dixie Erica 946K Cappes Trailblazer Miss Yardley W1 Miss Yardley T88 by Pinion OCC Missing Link has been a tremendous breeding bull and has had several favorite Simmy cross calves in previous sales. Tim Ohlde has turned down $50,000 for Missing Link several times.

OCC Missing Link


BW: -2.35


BMR Xplorer Miss Yardley W37 BW: .3

YW: 58.25

MK: -.15

Scurred 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y265

BD: 2/12/2011 YW: 1244

WW: 30.9

BW: 83 TG: 3.41

WW: 698 WDA: 3.16

Westfall Voyager Miss My Dream Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley T132 by Sears 122 WW: 24

YW: 44.65

MK: 3.7


offering 2012


he Angus Association has done a tremendous job at marketing their product and creating a demand for quality beef. The base to create a crossbreeding system around the Angus breed is second to none with a great deal of advantages. We receive many sale catalogs from programs across the nation as I am sure many of you do. As one studies the literature the force towards single trait selection is an area for concern. Carcass data has increased in leaps and bounds throughout the last five years, yet as cattlemen it is important that we realize that data is a tool. When selection is made off paper alone and visual analysis is left out of the equation a dead end road is not far off. We spend a great deal of time traveling around the country each year, mainly to look at cattle. There are great programs across the country each with different selection criteria’s and goals. I’ve witnessed both ends of the spectrum in the Angus breed. There are cattle that look great on paper yet when you step out in the corral they lack natural thickness, depth and bone that is needed to withstand the rigors of breeding cows in a range like environment. As seed stock producers we strive to select individuals that will work in our customers programs. “We have really worked to try and keep the natural thickness, square tops, depth, good bone & legs, and natural fleshing ability in our Angus herd with performance needed to help you as cattlemen make money. These are not ordinary Angus. You won’t find better Angus than these anyplace in America” –Gib Yardley




BD: 2/17/2011 YW: 1406

BW: 82 TG: 4.38

Y304 WW: 706 WDA: 3.69

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanda 968G SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley R192 Miss Yardley G65 by Krugerand Merger We are extremely excited this year to offer Y304, a full sib to our herd sire Royal Jet. Study the mass and power he exhibits coupled with the smooth shoulder and softness. He is a complete bull. Royal Jet has matured into as pretty and complete of bull as we own and Y304 may be just as good or better than Royal Jet. Their mother R192 is a maternal powerhouse, whose dam G65, was one of our Angus matriarchs. She remained in our herd until she was 14 and was the dam of some of our top selling bulls and best cows.

OCC Jet Stream




BD: 2/22/2011 YW: 1288

BW: 80 TG: 3.64

BW: .85

WW: 38.5

YW: 64.5

MK: 14.5

Y309 WW: 705 WDA: 3.40

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley T142 EBar Annie by Emulation EXT Destined for greatness, this fancy calf with a near flawless phenotype, was seriously considered by us for a herd sire. His dam T142, a SC Stockman daughter, has had calves at the top of the pen before. SC Stockman daughters have really worked for us. His sire SAV Final Answer was number three in herd registrations for 2011. With his light birth weights, early explosive growth and consistent quality it is easy to see why he has led the Angus breed in registrations for several years. If you want POWER in a moderate package with a light birth weight and growth then take a look at Y309.

SAV Final Answer

BW: .3

WW: 46

YW: 83

MK: 20

www.yardleycattleco.com •


his time of year brings a sense of reflection of the fleeting memories of years gone past. Bull sale is a family event with everyone pulling together to make sure that it get’s pulled off. The memories of yesterday are engrained heavy on all of our minds. Dad still types all his thoughts, instructions, reasons, and everything else out on a stationary typewriter. One of the bedrooms in the house is just around the corner from his office, most mornings, especially before a sale, and long before the sun had decided to rise you could hear the keys of dad’s typewriter hard at work. Those pieces of typewriter paper have held everything from how to change the water to things to look for in a future spouse. A simple piece of paper becomes a cherished memory. All of dad’s footnotes, letters, and comments for this and all the other catalogs that have ever been printed have started out on his old typewriter.




BD: 2/17/2011 YW: 1335


BW: 87 TG: 4.14

WW: 692 WDA: 3.57

Connealy Forefront TC Ruby 9095 by Stockman 365 OCC Doctor Miss Yardley R103 Miss Yardley H82 by Leach Right Time R103 is a tank. She has as much spring of rib and depth as any cow and has been a herd sire momma. TC Freedom, Y302’s sire, caught our eye several years back at Denver, and we pooled our money with others and chased him to $52,000 to no avail. His calves have flat out worked and Y302 will work for you!

TC Freedom


BW: 2.05



BD: 3/2/2011 YW: 1379

WW: 48

YW: 85.5

MK: 23.5


BW: 85 TG: 3.80

WW: 771 WDA: 3.61

SAV 8180 Traveler SAV Bessie Heiress Sitz Tradition 8805 Miss Yardley U118 3190 by TC Freedom Y342 is one of those calves you put a star next to his number, then come back and circle. He exhibits all of the qualities of greatness. His sire, SAV Heavy Hitter, was the $57,500 top-selling bull from the 2007 SAV Sale to Presnell Plantation and Tres Marias in Argentina. Tres Marias has one of the renowned cowherds of the world and has won the Palermo Stock Show several times. Y342 exhibits the same muscle, power, and flawless phenotype that made his sire great.

SAV Heavy Hitter



BW: 2.6

WW: 43

YW: 74.5

MK: 22


BD: 3/13/2011 YW: 1353


BW: 97 TG: 3.74

WW: 755 WDA: 3.62

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanda 968G SAF 598 Bando 5175 Miss Yardley T66 Miss Saphire by Connealy Forefront It is hard to pick the best bull to lead-off the bunch, and Y389 is right there. This in not T66’s first calf to be a lead off in the Angus pen. His maternal grand dam has raised herd donors and feature show heifers including our ’09 feature lot Blushing Black. OCC Jetstream has been our favorite Ohlde bull and has produced several of our great herd sires including: Jet Fleck, Rising Sun, and Royal Jet. Let Y389 be your next herd sire.

OCC Jet Stream



BW: 1.4

WW: 47.5

YW: 79.5


BD: 3/10/2011 YW: 1408

MK: 17


BW: 78 TG: 4.17

WW: 740 WDA: 3.78

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley M30 Miss Yardley K90 by SAF Fame This big-topped, powerful made bull was the top gainer in the entire Angus Pen. Check out the spread on him at 78# BW to a 1408 adj YW, WOW! Skipper has been a powerhouse bull at Yardley Cattle Co. A maternal sister, Y1 Jezabell, was the high selling female in our sale selling for $16,200 to the Schnoor sisters in California, and his dam was purchased thereafter for $20,000 to Wayne and Barb Olrichs, NE. M30 has been a top-notch producer with every bull calf being well above average on WW.

Yardley Doc Skipper

20 • 435-310-0041

BW: 3.8

WW: 38.5

YW: 62

MK: 19.5




BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1354


BW: 85 TG: 3.79

WW: 748 WDA: 3.59

SAV Predominant 004 SAV May 7238 SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley T164 E Bar Annie 8399 by Traveler You will recognize Y314 from our ads. This is one of the best Providence calves we have had on the ranch. SAV Providence was Schaff’s 2008 second top-selling $60,000 sire. Y314 carries an impressive set of numbers with a dam that has averaged 79# bw on her calves. If you want them big and powerful with depth, length, and performance then put your hand in the air and don’t take it down until Bonham shouts “Sold!”

SAV Providence


BW: 3


WW: 49.5

YW: 83.5


BD: 2/13/2011 YW: 1408

MK: 28


BW: 79 TG: 4.17

WW: 740 WDA: 3.53

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Yardley Stockman Mahogony Miss Yardley W174 Miss Yardley P83 by OGL Battle Cry Y271 is one of our top performing Royal Jet sons. As you study his muscle pattern and great leg set, along with the volume and power this bull carries throughout, you can see why we have chosen him as one of the lead off Angus bulls. This bull tracks wide, and weaned an impressive 740# WW out of a first calf heifer with only a 79# BW. Light birth weights trace back through his pedigree.

Yardley Royal Jet



BW: 3.3

WW: 34.5

YW: 63


BD: 3/15/2011 YW: 1212

BW: 81 TG: 3.40

MK: 13

Y398 WW: 668 WDA: 3.30

OCC Legend Annie 928 Sterling Precision Miss Yardley S88 7325 by California Traveler Y398 is arguably the most stylish Angus in the pen. Apache’s legacy continues to exceed itself. An Apache sired heifer, My Lil’ Birdy was our feature lot in the ’11 Focus on the Female selling for $11,900 to Tim Johnson in Iowa. Y398 is her counterpart with the same sophistication and style. Out of a phenomenal cow, he is whistle fronted with tons of capacity and depth throughout. He’s great haired and big topped with a smooth shoulder.

SCC Apache Brave



BW: 1.3

WW: 36.5

YW: 62


BD: 2/19/2011 YW: 1404

MK: 15.5


BW: 84 TG: 4.37

WW: 705 WDA: 3.55

SAV 8180 Traveler SAV Bessie Heiress Yardley Bando Miss Yardley U71 Miss Yardley S192 by SC Stockman 365 The quality runs deep and Y307 has definitely earned his place in the top ten. U71’s first calf, last year, was kept as our herd sire, Yardley Messenger. R192, his Grand Dam is a pretty little cow that always stays fat and brings home a nice calf, last year’s calf was another top ten. R192 in turn is out of one of our all time great Angus cows and Krugerrand daughters, G65. The maternal traits run strong on this SAV Heavy Hitter son, buy with confidence!

Michelle & Maggie Ann

SAV Heavy Hitter

BW: 2.85

WW: 38.5

YW: 73.5

MK: 22.5

www.yardleycattleco.com •





BD: 2/12/2011 YW: 1227


BW: TG: 3.59

WW: 652 WDA: 3.30

BC Raven PAF Tridge Pine Creek Right Time Miss Yardley S100 KAV Black Lady Y301 is a super stylish smooth made bull. His dam S100 is one of our favorites in the herd. She has as pretty of phenotype as you can put on a cow. She always stays fat and brings home a nice calf in the fall. Darkhorse sold for $140,000 at the 2009 Limestone LLC sale! Y301 has an awesome look, excellent pedigree, he’s soft middled, super sound, and just plain cool all the way around.

Limestone Darkhorse

BW: 4.15




BD: 3/11/2011 YW: 1277

WW: 47.5

YW: 91.5

MK: 18.5


BW: 87 TG: 3.25

WW: 757 WDA: 3.54

OCC Legend 616L Y Annie Coed 928 (Krugerand) HBR Primestock Miss Yardley M83 Miss Yardley J209 by Traveler R158 Y387 exemplifies the type of offspring that has made Apache great! Last year Apache sons topped the pen averaging $4,568. Y387 has the potential to work in any serious cattleman’s herd. He is the top-gaining Apache son this year. He has a super stout top line, big bone, moves out nicely, is deep flanked and deep chested and has a lot of width from the top of his tail head extending down to his lower quarter.

SCC Apache Brave


BW: 2.3


WW: 38.5

YW: 58


BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1304

MK: 17


BW: 79 TG: 3.64

WW: 721 WDA: 3.47

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanada 968 G Molitor Truman A593 E Bar V Annie 397 Cattlemen take note, a light birth weight, big weaning weight and a powerful build, Y324 will make big steers for the fall and moderate, fleshy females for replacements. He combines strength with softness and offers a complete package. His maternal brother sold fourth in last year’s offering.

OCC Jet Stream


BW: 1.0


WW: 36

YW: 62.5


BD: 2/9/011 YW: 1354

MK: 12


BW: 80 TG: 4.03

WW: 709 WDA: 3.38

Sitz Traveler SAV 8145 by Bando 598 OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley W137 Miss Yardley N34 by Prompter ET You’ll appreciate the substance, style, length and volume this bull possesses. Further analysis will reveal a soft shoulder and a light birth weight calf packed with performance. This is the kind of calf that has made Final Answer so popular.

SAV Final Answer

22 • 435-310-0041

BW: -.2

WW: 50

YW: 87

MK: 22.5




BD: 2/5/2011 YW: 1324


BW: 86 TG: 3.69

WW: 734 WDA: 3.35

Connealy Forefront Ruby 9095 by Duff New Edition Miss Yardley W153 Chase’s Queen Mother 314 This picture doesn’t really give credit to this bull. This bull was 107 on his WW ratio. We have really liked the New Edition females as mature cows. They are easy doing, moderate made powerhouses. In spite of his age Freedom continues to be popular because of the consistent quality of his offspring.

TC Freedom

BW: 2.9



WW: 47

YW: 86.5


BD: 2/1/2011 YW: 1302

Lot 73

MK: 24


BW: 70 TG: 3.88

WW: 681 WDA: 3.23

Sitz Traveler SAV 8145 by Bando 598 Duff New Edition Miss Yardley W172 Miss Yardley G69 by Krugerand 490 I was given the opportunity to purchase a heifer from the herd and W172 was an easy choice. She is a near perfectly made female with a nice tight bag and small little teats. We are currently flushing her. Her dam, G69, a herd matriarch, bred true to New Edition several years until she left the herd at an impressive 15 yrs old. Y250 is W172’s first calf and the first bull born on the ranch in ’11. SAV Final Answer offspring are proving to be herd changers.

SAV Final Answer


BW: 2


WW: 32.5

YW: 90.5


BD: 4/2/2011 YW: 1383

BW: 85 TG: 3.69

MK: 13

Y440 WW: 793 WDA: 3.63

BC Lookout HP Royal Pride 237G by Traveler 004 Plainview Lut Miss Yardley W60 Miss Yardley M8 by HSAF Prompter ET Y440 has a lot to like no matter where you look at him. BIG, STOUT, SQUARE, and STYLISH; from his big hip to his smooth shoulder this is the type and kind that turn heads and makes looking them over easy! On his maternal side he goes back to G65, one of our all time best Angus cow’s and Krugerrand daughters.

KNC Yoplait 907



Commercial Angus




BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1216


BW: 88 TG: 3.5

WW: 657 WDA: 3.27

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 TC Freedom 104 Miss Yardley N8 Miss Yardley L168 by Rocking R Resistol Y323 is out of one our Matriarchs of the herd. With a flawless phenotype and perfect udder she consistently stays fat and brings home a big calf. Last year a maternal brother to this bull sold for $5,500 to our loyal customer Brian Jorgensen of Idaho.

SAV Final Answer

BW: .75

WW: 50

YW: 93

MK: 18.5


BD: 5/6/2011 YW: 1330

BW: 104 TG: 3.56

Yardley Royal Jet

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman

Miss Yardley S435

Lot 74

WW: 761 WDA: 3.74

Don’t let his age fool you; Y237 ranks as the second high gaining Angus in the offering. He is the top gaining Royal Jet son with an impressive 3.74 WDA. LOOK at the depth and dimension this calf carries from head to tail. He is deep-chested, deep flanked, big boned, square hipped and wide as a freight train. You can’t go wrong on calves like this. We bought this calf’s purebred grand dam but were never able to get her papers; Y237 is not eligible for registration.

Lot 77

www.yardleycattleco.com •





BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1248


BW: 80 TG: 3.76

WW: 646 WDA: 3.25

OCC Jet Stream OCC Dixie Erica 805G Yardley Pinecreek Time Miss Yardley T103 Miss Yardley P197 by RAF Xplorer The maternal cow family behind this bull is second to none. We kept a herd sire that traces back on this same line of females going back to C72, an Angus cow that has probably had as much influence on our herd as any cow in the past 15 yrs. Five generations of Yardley’s greatest cows stack the deck in your favor, coupled with the soft, moderate, easy fleshing cow maker, OCC Rising Sun, this is a surefire female maker.

OCC Rising Sun

Lot 78

BW: 2.4



WW: 40.5

YW: 74.5


BD: 2/19/2011 YW: 1237

MK: 16.5


BW: 80 TG: 4.35

WW: 541 WDA: 3.11

OCC Missing Link OCC Dixie Erica 830M SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley R158 EBAR 8505 GCC Popular has been a really nice calving ease bull that John Griswold has used with a lot of success. The cows out of him are moderate and easy fleshing with tight bags and little udders. R158 has averaged 79# BW on five calves. Y306 is a really stout and soggy moderate bull with a nice smooth shoulder.

GCC Popular

Lot 79


BW: .9


BW: 80 TG: 3.95

SAV Providence Miss Yardley N173

MK: 16

Y308 WW: 682 WDA: 3.49

SAV Predominant 004 SAV May 7238 RAF Xplorer Miss Yardley F110 by B&M Roper

Powerful cow families make powerful calves and Y308 is no exception. N173 has averaged 79# BW and 738# adj WW on seven head of calves! You don’t find these kinds of spreads in ordinary cows! With a big hip, a long deep body and a nice front end, Y308 promises to be a complete package.

Lot 80



BD: 3/14/2011 YW: 1265


BW: 100 TG: 3.35

WW: 729 WDA: 3.48

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Leachman Saugahatchee Miss Yardley S130 Miss Yardley by M9 S130 is a performance oriented powerhouse, with four head of calves averaging 801# adj WW, it is easy to see why Y402’s maternal brother sold for $7,500 in last year’s sale to our great customers Robert and Brian (Beef!) Walker of Idaho. Y402 will put pounds on your calves at weaning. Lut semen is selling for $100-200/straw.

Yardley Doc Skipper

YW: 71.5


BD: 2/22/2011 YW: 1314


WW: 37.5

BW: 4

24 • 435-310-0041

WW: 43

YW: 68.5

MK: 28.5


BW: 3.55


WW: 48.5

YW: 84.5


BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1379

MK: 28.5


BW: 88 TG: 4.51

WW: 657 WDA: 3.59

Exar Lutton 1831 Plainview Pride C123 Twin Valley Precision E161 C049 Enchantress 168 Lut has made a name for himself for throwing stylish cattle, but with his high dollar semen in short supply, discretion is used when mating him. C49 has been a consistent cow that earned that honor and Y334 is the result.

Plainview Lut

BW: 2.9

WW: 42

YW: 71

MK: 16




BD: 3/19/2011 YW: 1243


BW: 80 TG: 3.40

WW: 699 WDA: 3.27

SAV 8180 Traveler SAV Bessie Heiress Yardley Bando Miss Yardley U51 Miss Yardley S45 by Yardley Gunsmoke Super stylish in his design and correct in his function Y410 carries a lot of similarities of his $57,500 sire SAV Heavy Hitter. I had the opportunity of going to Montana to pick up North Country and while there I saw several of the other bulls being collected. SAV Heavy Hitter was one of those bulls and WOW, was I ever impressed.

SAV Heavy Hitter


BW: 3


WW: 40

YW: 74.5


BD: 3/15/2011 YW: 1230

BW: 79 TG: 3.54

MK: 24.5

Y400 WW: 663 WDA: 3.33

XR Lutton Plainview Pride C123 Yardley Gunsmoke by WK Gunsmoke Miss Yardley S37 Miss Yardley P4 by BR Midland Y400, is out of the popular Lut. Two of our feature show heifers in our ’11 Female sale were out of Lut . One of them, Homecoming Queen sold for $7,100 to Mike Hibma, of Iowa, an owner of Lut. Lut semen is selling for $100 to $200 a straw.

Plainview Lut

BW: 2.15



WW: 43.5

YW: 73


BD: 3/22/2011 YW: 1229

BW: 77 TG: 3.35

MK: 16


President Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation.

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved, the many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand, which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, to proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us, then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.” April 30, 1863

WW: 693 WDA: 3.24

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman EXAR Lutton Miss Yardley U163 5581 by Bando 598 Moderate, thick, stout, soggy, complete, and stylish are all words you could use to describe Y419. This is one of the first bulls we cut out to picture for the ads. He carries a lot of power in a smaller framed package. With a deep soft middle and a smooth shoulder he should be a real female maker. His dams calves have averaged 75# BW!

Yardley Royal Jet


BW: 1.8


WW: 42.5

YW: 75


BD: 3/15/2011 YW: 1336

BW: 80 TG: 4.35

MK: 23

Y395 WW: 640 WDA: 3.50

OCC Missing Link OCC Dixie Erica 814G RR Traveler 7301 Barbra 1010 7301 has been a real producer. W115 was a lead off Angus heifer in ’10 selling for $4,300, and this calf’s maternal brother caught the eye of Jon Gabel with Culver Cattle Co selling for $4,500. 7301 continues strong at fifteen years of age. Her calves have averaged a 80# BW.

Duff Basic Instinct

BW: 1.3

WW: 40.5

YW: 69.5

MK: 26

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Simmental Simmental Pen 13 Lot 2nd Division

The Simmental breed is on fire and getting more popular every day. One of Superiors top buyers and auctioneers said, “the big feeders like the Simm-Angus crosses better than any other cattle.” Calves sired by Yardley bulls bring a premium because they perform so well. THE GREATEST ADVANTAGE TO USING OUR BULLS WILL BE THE REPLACEMENT HEIFERS THEY WILL SIRE. THEY WILL BE THE BEST COWS YOU’VE EVER HAD. THEY’LL WEAN BIGGER CALVES, LIVE LONGER, STAY FATTER AND YOU WILL LOVE LOOKING AT THEM EVERY DAY. They come from cow families that have been stacked for many generations to excel in maternal traits and all phases of productivity.


Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN


BD: 8/30/08 CNS Dream On SVF Sheeza Beauty OCC Headliner OCC Miss Echo

Steel Force OCC Miss Headliner

The OCC genetics on the bottom side make this pedigree all the more desirable. This is a super soggy made individual that carries power in his pedigree. He did great on a set of cows this year, staying fat and sassy. He’s sound and functional with the ability to add the rib and maternal value needed in today’s cow base. Raised by Griswolds of Stillwater, OK.


BW: 2.7


WW: 19.9

YW: 44.3

Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN

BD: 3/12/10

MK: -3.7


BW: 96 ( ET)

CNS Dream On SVF Sheeza Beauty 3C Pasque by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley M100 Miss Yardley H27 X373 was a favorite all summer as a calf in 2010. He got seperated from his mother on the mountain in the fall and never came home. We rode & rode searching for this calf & finally decided he must have died. There was 10 or 12 feet of very heavy snow up there. He found his way down into a very big spring area where it never freezes and wintered there. It was a miracle that he ever made it. Out of the great M100 donor cow and Steel Force he has the potentail to produce greatness.

Steel Force


BW: -.6


WW: 27.25

YW: 46.15 MK: -3.85

Polled 3/8 Simm 5/8 An Y266

BD: 2/14/2011 YW: 1469

BW: 81 TG: 5.24

WW: 631 WDA: 3.5

SAF Focus Mytty Countess Yardley Impressive Miss Yardley W32 Miss Yardley T17 by Hustler Y266 boasts one of the highest gains on feed we’ve ever had at 5.24lb/ day and the highest adj YW of any bull this year at 1469# YW. Out of a first calf heifer this bull is loaded with light birth weights and calving ease top to bottom. His maternal grand dam averaged 71# BW on three calves and had only a 60# BW herself. Mytty In Focus is among the very top bulls in the breed for calving ease, and growth, and ranks #1 for daughters reported with nearly 8,000 daughters on record.

Mytty In Focus



BW: -4.15

WW: 25.6

YW: 55.65

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 2/5/2011 YW: 1220

BW: 80 TG: 3.43

MK: .40

Y256 WW: 671 WDA: 3.07

FV Primecut Dillons Miss Pretty Woman 3C Macho by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley W122 F44 by Bonanza x Whirlaway Longevity is an essential part of a profitable cow. This bull is out of a first calf heifer, who is out of one of the two oldest cows on our ranch. She is still going strong at 16 years old! She has averaged 81# BW’s on 14 head of calves! Out of one of the premier purebred calving ease Simmental sires, Cut Above. With a smooth shoulder and softness throughout; Y256 shows as much potential for calving ease as any Purebred Simmental in the offering.

Flying V Cut Above

26 • 435-310-0041

BW: .35

WW: 24

YW: 38.85

MK: 2.25



Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/5/2011 YW: 1258

BW: 87 TG: 3.52

Y354 WW: 694 WDA: 3.41

Emily &Tawnya

CNS Dream On Whirl of a Dream Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Y1 Corrector Miss Yardley R178 Miss Yardley H136 by Mr. Dunk We simply can’t say enough about our Whirl of a Dream calves. They are moderate with tons of performance, growth and eye appeal. Y354 is among the top of these. He is LONG, DEEP, WIDE, and GOOD! This calf tracks wide and fills in his step, he has a lot of flex to his pasterns and is very sound and functional. A maternal brother sold in our sale two years ago for $4,750 to our good friend Kade Brown of Central Valley Utah.


BW: 1.65


WW: 26.5

Spring Vaccinating 2011

YW: 41.15 MK: -6.95

Scurred 1/2 Sm 3/8 An 1/8 Ma Y401

BD: 3/14/2011 YW: 1303

BW: 94 TG: 3.41

WW: 757 WDA: 3.46

CNS Dream On NJC Ebony Antoinette OCC Missing Link Miss Yardley U55 Miss Yardley S157 by Yardley Pinetop Y401 earned his way to the top of the pen by being in the top ten on WDA, with an impressive 3.46 lbs. He is backed by a performance dominating cow family. His dam brags an impressive 811# WW. His maternal grand dam records a 765# adj WW on 3 calves with an individual WW of 760! Pounds at weaning equals money in your pocket; throw Y401 into your equation for profit!

SVF/NJC Built Right



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y294

BD: 3/17/2011 YW: 1223

BW: 77 TG: 3.41

WW: 677 WDA: 3.14

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman SAS Sweet Meat Miss Yardley W161 Miss Yardley S7 by CNS Dream On LONG, STOUT, SOGGY AND GOOD. With power and depth throughout this calf has the right look to make great replacements and the power to produce seed stock. This smooth shouldered calf will downsize and moderate a larger set of cows and has a lot to like no matter how you look at him.

Yardley Royal Jet


BW: -1.6


WW: 27.95

YW: 57.75 MK: -4.45

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y435

BD: 4/1/2011 YW: 1447

BW: 92 TG: 4.14

WW: 784 WDA: 3.96

SVF Steel Force OCC Juanada 898L Yardley Stockman Maple Leaf Miss Yardley R182 Miss Yardley N7 by Badger This calf boasts the highest WDA of any calf on the ranch! His dam R182 was a top notch producer raising the ’09 Lot 1 bull selling for $6,500 to our friends the Avila Family of California. Hard as Steel is a herd sire we purchased from Griswolds for $12,000. This is his first set of calves and he has done an excellent job on them including two feature heifers in our ’11 Focus on the Female sale. This calf has massive spring of rib and power throughout.

GCC Hard As Steel

BW: .7

WW: 26.85

YW: 52.4

MK: -5.65

www.yardleycattleco.com •




Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y347

BD: 3/4/2011 YW: 1377

BW: 95 TG: 4.10

WW: 722 WDA: 3.55

Yardley Impressive by Dinero Miss Yardley T68 by Pinion Y1 Bando Miss Yardley U157 Miss Yardley S435 (Angus) High Regard was our all-time high selling bull at $30,000. He has been doing an excellent job for Wernings and John Goeken in South Dakota. They recently sold a heifer in their sale out of him for $30,000. This heifer went on to be Grand Champion percentage heifer in Louisville KY. This is one of the few sons available in the sale. He is the type of half blood that has made half bloods so popular, and he has one of the biggest scrotals in the sale.

Yardley High Regard

ee run a family operation, with friendships formed under a starry sky and a mountain haven. Calving, changing water, riding for cows, hay, branding, and everything else that comes with ranching is done with one another, it’s a life of service. Service to the land, service to our family, and service to our God, this service forms a family united in love. You realize that without one another the cattle and the land are of little value. We welcome you to our sale, grateful for your business, but more grateful for your friendship.



Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y253

BD: 2/2/2011 YW: 1317

BW: 80 TG: 3.64

WW: 734 WDA: 3.34

West Fall Voyager by SVJ Power Surge WW Miss My Dream by CNS Dream On Northern Improvement by Stockman 365 Miss Yardley W85 Miss Yardley L53 by HSAF Prompeter ET L53 was the mother of our herd sire Mahogany. Mahogany’s calves have made some of our best mother cows. This calf’s dam is a daughter of L53. BMR Explorer has been one of the top AI calving ease bulls in the breed. Check out the explosive growth on this light birth weight bull; 80# to 1317# in a year, that’s putting on some pounds! Backed by two generations of 70# BWs and a phenomenal phenotype.

BMR Explorer



Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y390

BD: 3/13/2011 YW: 1285

BW: 88 TG: 4.05

WW: 637 WDA: 3.32

BC Lookout GCF Miss Isabella 3C Macho Miss Yardley T45 Miss Yardley P215 by Yardley Prompter It’s hard to find fault with this structurally flawless bull. He tracks wide filling his step, is deep and thick with a big top.

GCF Lonestar


BW: .45


WW: 33.5

YW: 61.4

MK: .5

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y371

BD:3/8/2011 YW: 1254

Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley N151

BW: 80 TG: 3.60

WW: 678 WDA: 3.38

Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer Sears 122 by Meyer Miss Yardley E54 by Bonanza

E54 was the last cow we had out of M10, Whirlaway’s Grandmother. This calf is pure Yardley Simmental from one of our strongest cow families. This big footed calf dominates the ground he walks on, filling in his track with every step.

28 • 435-310-0041

BW: -1.55

WW: 10.4

YW: 20.85

MK: -1.2

The Teichert’s


Maggie Ann Griswold

Est. September 15, 2011


Proud Parents John & Jeannie Griswold

ur family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger.

Rachelle Finlinson

Tawnya and Rodney Teichert


Proud Parents Jake & Julie Finlinson

The Yardley Family 2011

www.yardleycattleco.com •




Scurred 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y415

BD: 3/21/2011 YW: 1289

BW: 85 TG: 3.83

WW: 675 WDA: 3.47

Prowler Miss Yardley B78 by Whirlaway OCC 387L Miss Yardley P199 J440 by OCC Gladiator P199 is as pretty of donor cow as we own. She is a straight Ohlde bred cow that always looks good and stays fat with tons of middle and base width. Y415 should make some excellent females. Our Pinion daughters are super feminine with perfect udder and teat structure. This calf has a little attitude.

Yardley Prowler Pinion

Lot 99

Lot 100

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y249

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1284

BW: 85 TG: 3.24

WW: 766 WDA: 3.42

CNS Dream On Triple C Burning Power L3 OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley U176 Miss Yardley R178 by Y1 Corrector Analyze This, is a full brother to Burning Up, that was Grand Champion Simmental Bull at Denver. Their grandmother was a Whirlaway daughter. This is the kind of bull that has made percentage Simmentals so popular.

JS Analyze This

BW: -.25

WW: 23.35

YW: 47.1

MK: -.6

Lot 101

Polled 3/4 Simm

BD: 2/21/2011 YW: 1210

BW: 74 TG: 3.65

Y278 WW: 625 WDA: 3.01

CNS Dream on NJC Ebony Antoinett Y1 Lad Miss Yardley W164 630 With a 74# BW this smooth made correct calf with a nice front, powerful hind quarter and extended lower quarter brings a lot to the offering. Then consider his first calf heifer momma with an 80#BW and his Grandma’s 80# BW average on 5 calves, throw in a big scrotal and the calving ease package is complete.

SVF Built Right

BW: -1.1

Lot 102

WW: 24.15

YW: 44.55

MK: 1.95

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y393

BD: 3/12/2011 YW: 1238

BW: 85 TG: 3.41

WW: 692 WDA: 3.31

BC Lookout GCF Miss Isabella Aces of Fortune Miss Yardley T6 Miss Yardley R39 by Sears 122 by Meyer This super deep, big bellied bull with a strong top is a commercial cattleman’s dream!

GCF Lonestar

Lot 102

BW: -.35

Lot 103

WW: 19.45

YW: 41.10 MK: -3.15

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 Ma Y270

BD: 2/15/2011 YW: 1271

BW: 81 TG: 3.65

WW: 687 WDA: 3.19

FV Primecut Dillons Miss Pretty Woman Yardley Prowler Pinion Miss Yardley W101 Miss Yardley P206 by Commanche Stacked with a light birth weight pedigree this bull’s first calf heifer dam recorded a 68# BW. His maternal grand dam a 70# BW with a 74# BW average of 5 head of calves. These are also early maturing females. His maternal Grand Dam was born out of a yearling heifer in August of ’04 and was the first heifer to calve in January ’06! Cut Above has done a fantastic job as an AI sire and has thrown a lot of $5,000+ heifers across the country. Check out this super correct, stylish black baldy.

Flying V Cut Above

Lot 103 30 • 435-310-0041

BW: -.9

WW: 15.65

YW: 24.95

MK: .4

Lot 104

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y437

BD: 4/2/2011 YW: 1331

BW: 89 TG: 3.75

WW: 731 WDA: 3.51

Prowler by BBB Intrepid Miss Yardley B78 by Whirlaway Sitz Tradition 8805 Miss Yardley U107 Miss Yardley N173 by RAF Xplorer This hansome half blood was the sixth high gainer in the pen and boasts an impressive 1331 #adj YW.

Yardley Pinion

Lot 105

Polled PB Simm

BD: 2/19/11 YW: 1296

BW: 86 TG: 4.10

BMR Xplorer Miss Yardley W427

BW: -1.0

Lot 106

Y275 WW: 640 WDA: 3.17

Westfall Voyager Miss My Dream 429R Yardley Sundance R105 by Cracker Barrell x Whirlaway

WW: 16.45

YW: 30.35

MK: 4.8

Polled 5/8 Simm 1/4 An YY442

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1292

BW: 95 TG: 4.11

WW: 734 WDA: 3.33

CNS Dream On TC Bandiva 3C Pasque Miss Yardley M100 Miss Yardley H27 by Spade If you’re looking for a good red one then look no further. He’s that good! Backed by two generations of donor cows, the cow family behind him is second to none. Encore has been a very popular and consistent Dream On son.

WSJ Encore

BW: -.2

Lot 107

WW: 23.6

YW: 42

MK: -9.3

PolLed PB Simmental

BD: 2/10/2011 YW: 1247

BW: 75 TG: 3.65

Y264 WW: 662 WDA: 3.11

CNS Dream On 3C Melody Yardley Prowler Pinion Miss Yardley W121 Miss Yardley M24 by 3C Jigger This is one of the highest marbling bulls in the pen. His grand dam and great grand dam are two of the prettiest cows we own. They are tanks that always stay fat and look good. His dam has a 82#, grand dam 72# with 82# avg. on 8 calves, and great grand dam 70# birth weight!

Dream Catcher

BW: -.45

WW: 23.25

YW: 40.1

MK: 3.55

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 108

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y422

BD: 3/25/2011 YW: 1362

BW: 97 TG: 4.15

WW: 698 WDA: 3.59

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke Sears 122 Miss Yardley T94 Miss Yardley J27 by Big Country This high performing calf was fourth from the top on WDA of 3.59 # with a 1,362 adj WW. He is strong topped, with a lot of width and depth. His mother is out of J27 who has been a top producer of show heifer, including an $8,000 sale topper!

WLE Right On

BW: -.8

WW: 20.6

YW: 42.45

MK: -4.3

Josue Garcia mid summer drive - 2011

Lot 109

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y448

BD: 3/28/2011 YW: 1203

BW: 100 TG: 3.03

WW: 718 WDA: 3.29

SVF Steel Force OCC Dixie Erica 775P by OCC Kansas Yardley Prowler Pinion Miss Yardley T90 Miss Yardley N146 by 3C Roulette Power and style make this bull a complete package. A maternal brother to this bull sold in our ’10 sale as Lot 8 for $5,000 to a long time patron of our sale, Alan Kunzler of Park Valley Utah.

GCC Johnny 209

BW: -1.4

Lot 110

WW: 16

YW: 30.2 MK: -1.55

Polled 1/4 Simm 3/4 An Y445

BD: 4/6/2011 YW: 1215

BW: 93 TG: 3.51

WW: 653 WDA: 3.20

SVF Steel Force OCC Juanada 898L Sitz Tradition 8805 Miss Yardley U220 Miss Yardley P83 OGL Battle Cry This quarter blood bull has just enough Simmental to add a dose of performance to your commercial Angus cow herd. He is a functional sound bull with power and depth throughout.

GCC Hard As Steel

Lot 111

Polled 5/8 Simm 1/4 An Y416

BD: 3/23/2011 YW: 1156

BW: 88 TG: 3.00

WW: 676 WDA: 3.20

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanda 3C Picasso Miss Yardley R137 M195 by 3C Pasque by Meyer 734 If you like Ohlde bred cattle, but would like to add some Simmental hip and hybrid vigor to the equation, without adding size to your herd, Y416 is the bull to do it. He is a smaller framed bull with a lot of style and dimension that will throw moderate, soft made, easy keeping, easy looking females that wean big calves without eating haystacks to do it. His maternal brother sold in ’10 for $5,700 to long time repeat customer Jim Frost of Moses Lake Washington.

GCC Hard As Steel

32 • 435-310-0041

BW: -.8

WW: 22.45

YW: 42.75

MK: -1.4

Lot 112

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y365

BD: 3/6/2011 YW: 1158

BW: 84 TG: 3.27

WW: 635 WDA: 3.0

SVF Steel Force OCC Ms Headliner Pinion Miss Yardley U219 Miss Yardley J200 by Overtime Y365 is a nice fronted smooth shouldered baldy with pure muscle that has the right profile for today’s cattleman.

GCC Johnny 209

BW: .25

Lot 113

WW: 27.65

YW: 45.85 MK: -5.05

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y424

BD: 3/26/2011 YW: 1278

BW: 92 TG: 3.20

WW: 766 WDA: 3.43

Meyer 734 3C Crocus Sears 122 by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley U101 795 by Emulation EXT Both of U101’s calves weaned over 750#. 3C Macho has had several offspring sell for over $10,000. He works great on smaller framed Angus and low percentage cows.

3C Macho

BW: .55

Lot 114

WW: 27.05

YW: 46.6

MK: -2.65

Scurred 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y367

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1163

BW: 86 TG: 3.13

WW: 663 WDA: 3.18

SVF/NJC Mo Better Akres Ruby Yardley Black Cotton by Dinero Miss Yardley S193 Miss Yardley H27 by Spade One of the most complete calves in the pen; a deep soggy, moderate made bull with a big ol’ butt end on him, and backed by an H27 Daughter. H27 is a sturdy made, easy keeping ground sow which we have used as a Donor Cow along with her daughter M100.

SC Mo Magic

BW: 1.6

Lot 115

WW: 29.2

YW: 60.35 MK: -2.85

Polled 1/4 Simm 1/4 An Y451

BD: 3/30/2011 YW: 1233

BW: 95 TG: 3.80

GCC Johnny 209

SVF Steel Force OCC Dixie Erica 775P by OCC Kansas

Miss Yardley U225

WW: 649 WDA: 3.18

Miss Yardley R60 by 3C Picasso Check out the light birth weight maternal pedigree on this calf: dam 75#, grand dam 80#.

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 116

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 4/6/2011 YW: 1198

BW: 94 TG: 3.03

Y446 WW: 713 WDA: 3.22

Prowler by BBB Intrepid Miss Yardley B78 by Whirlaway CNS Dream On Miss Yardley U195 Miss Yardley R138 by PowerStroke Y446 traces back to two of our matron donors, M100 and H27. This is expressed in his stylish phenotype and expression.

Yardley Pinion

Lot 116

BW: -1.15 WW: 22.65

Lot 117

YW: 32.45 MK: -1.75

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y399

BD: 3/14/2011 YW: 1116

BW: 86 TG: 3.22

WW: 601 WDA: 2.89

BC Lookout GCF Miss Isabella CC Duramax Miss Yardley U210 Miss Yardley G41 by Mr. Arapahoe The cow family behind X399 is moderate made and easy keeping. His maternal grand dam has had sale toppers calves and at 15 she is still on our ranch. This bull is smooth made and soft in his design with flex in his joints and style throughout.

GCF Lonestar

Lot 117

Lot 118

Polled 5/8 Simm 1/4 An Y447

BD: 4/5/2011 YW: 1431

BW: 105 TG: 3.88

WW: 810 WDA: 3.89

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke CC Duramax Miss Yardley T52 Miss Yardley R91 by Whirlaway Y447 is the second high gainer in the pen with a 3.89 WDA, and an impressive 810# WW and 1431# YW! His dam has averaged 771# WW on three calves.

WLE Right On

BW: 1.85

WW: 20.65

YW: 42.6

MK: -.05

BW: -1.25

Lot 119

WW: 15.6

YW: 34.9

MK: 1.7

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y279

BD: 2/20/2011 YW: 1258

BW: 92 TG: 3.30

OCC Missing Link Miss Yardley W140

WW: 730 WDA: 3.23

OCC Headliner OCC Dixie Erica 946K Yardley Prowler Pinion Miss Yardley R53 by Bootprint Dinero

Missing Link half bloods are a hot commodity and lot 118 is no exception. Missing Links daughters are exceptional females and easy keepers. Pinion has been a maternal power house bull. On the bottom he adds performance and promises good uddered females.

BW: -.5

Lot 120

WW: 26.05

YW: 50.15

MK: -3.5

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y272

BD: 2/15/2011 YW: 1210

BW: 80 TG: 3.51

WW: 648 WDA: 3.03

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanda 709 V Yardley Prowler Pinion Miss Yardley W120 Miss Yardley K52 by Y1 Corrector Some of Jeannie’s favorite OCC mature cows at Griswolds are the OCC Just Rights. They are moderate sized cows with natural fleshing ability and eye appeal. Y272 carries all of these traits in a half blood package for extra rear quarter, squareness, bone and performance. He is tight sheathed, tight fronted, and super docile with a huge rib eye which is expressed in his width and top line. He should make some excellent replacements.

OCC Just Right

Lot 120

34 • 435-310-0041

BW: -2.0

WW: 12.55

YW: 22.2

MK: -2.10

Lot 121

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y422

BD: 3/25/2011 YW: 1362

BW: 97 TG: 4.15

WW: 698 WDA: 3.59

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke Sears 122 Miss Yardley T94 Miss Yardley J27 by Big Country Lot 107 blends performance, moderation, and style together into a complete package. His grand dam has been a top producer of lead off bulls. We had to give $10,000 for Right On, a black baldy son of Built Right, and full brother to popular AI sire Quota. He has done an excellent job with his first crop of calves. His feature heifer in our sale sold for $5,800.

WLE Right On

BW: -.8

Lot 122

WW: 20.6

YW: 42.45

Lot 121

MK: -4.3

Polled 3/8 Simm 5/8 An Y259

BD: 2/10/2011 YW: 1257

BW: 80 TG: 4.05

SP The Answer Miss Yardley W163

WW: 610 WDA: 3.03

SAV Final Answer SA Eline Design SVF Pressure Point Miss Yardley P53 by SVG Powersurge

The Answer is a popular calving ease Angus bull out of SAV Final Answer. Maternal birth weights are as follows dam 83#, grand dam 79#, great grand dam 71 #.

BW: -3.15 WW: 22.05

YW: 52.2

MK: 3.45

Lot 123 Horned 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y378 BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1227

BW: 85 TG: 3.35

WW: 691 WDA: 3.34

SVF Steel Force Miss Meyer Y1 Lad 630

GCC Chopper Miss Yardley R49

BW: -.65

Lot 125

WW: 23.05

YW: 35.8

BW: 89 TG: 4.10

MK: -2.75

WW: 699 WDA: 3.65

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer x Krugerand 490 U2 Miss Yardley P61 Miss Yardley H22 by Bonanza Commercial cattlemen take note. As third high gainer in the pen, this big brawny bull is range ready and rearin’ to go. Powerful from front to rear with ground stomping performance.

Yardley Doc Skipper

BW: .65

WW: 27.3

YW: 53.05

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y310

BD: 2/22/2011 YW: 1277

BW: 84 TG: 4.1

Miss Yardley G107

Polled 3/8 Simm 1/2 An Y434

BD: 4/1/2011 YW: 1355

Lot 124

Duff Outer Limit

One of the high marbling bulls, this big scrotal individual has what it takes to get the job done right and make some powerful calves come fall.

Lot 122

WW: 621 WDA: 3.31

DCC Outlook OCC Lady Blackcap DCS Mr. Dunk Miss Yardley E58 by Whirlaway

The Duff Cattle are mainly Ohlde breeding with a little more performance.

BW: .85

Lot 126

WW: 18.35

YW: 41.65

MK: 3.8

Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 An

BD: 3/16/2011 YW: 1316

BW: 79 TG: 3.80

Y397 WW: 708 WDA: 3.43

SVF Steel Force OCC Juanda JDJ Charisma Miss Yardley U166 Miss Yardley R132 by WLE Power Stroke With a massive rib eye, high performance and a light birth weight, this bull has all the right numbers.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: -.20

WW: 23.55

YW: 49.85 MK: -5.85

MK: 7.05

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 127

Scurred 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y370

BD: 3/8/2011 YW: 1159

BW: 96 TG: 2.88

WW: 697 WDA: 3.08

SVF Steel Force Miss Meyer OCC Legend Miss Yardley U450 Miss Yardley A144 by Whirlaway A144 was arguably our most influential Whirlaway daughter. We had three herd sires out of her and flushed her several times. U450 is a result of one of these flushes. Chopper has had excellent progeny out of our cows including Lot 2 from this years 2011 Focus on the Female and our all time high female, Yardley Sugar Doll Y85, to Randy Jones and Brent Tolle for an impressive $21,000!

GCC Chopper

Lot 127

Lot 128

1/4 Ma 1/4 Simm 1/2 An Y263

BD: 2/10/2011 YW: 1269

OCC Missing Link Miss Yardley W182

BW: 70 TG: 3.8

WW: 661 WDA: 3.14

OCC Headliner OCC Dixie Erica 946K BPF Sudden Impact Miss Yardley L111 by Spade x Oakie

If you need a slick haired one to handle the heat, this three-way cross bull will do the trick. He should have been in with the Maines but by the time we figured it out it was too late to switch him. Scurred

BW: .15

Lot 129

WW: 26.2

MK: -2.45

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y282

BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1330

BW: 83 TG: 4.04

WW: 684 WDA: 3.32

OCC Headliner OCC Dixie Erica 946K Kappes Trailblazer Miss Yardley W11 Miss Yardley T7 by Preferred Stock We should have pictured this bull; watch for video on our web-site. These percentage Missing Link sons have been some of the favorites in past sales.

OCC Missing Link

BW: -2.95 WW: 29.45

Lot 130

YW: 59.6

MK: -2.65

Polled 3/8 Simm 5/8 An Y428

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1145

BW: 87 TG: 3.22

OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley J94

Lot 130

YW: 38.4

WW: 630 WDA: 3.10

OCC Jet Stream OCC Dixie Erica 805G HHSF Overtime Miss Yardley S53 by Mr. Clean

Y428’s grandmother S53 was one of the greatest cows we have ever owned. She was the mother of Yardley Black Mountain, one of our top herd sires we raised. Rising Sun daughters are making excellent mother cows; they are deep ribbed, pretty, easy keeping cattle. Y428 should make the same.

BW: -1.3

Lot 131

WW: 19.55

YW: 41.15

MK: -3.4

Scurred 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y441

BD: 4/4/2011 YW: 1117

OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley L93

BW: 85 TG: 3.10

WW: 622 WDA: 3.08

OCC Jet Stream OCC Dixie Erica 805G Yardley Magnificent Miss Yardley E127 by Bonanza

L93’s last two calves to go through the sale averaged $5,375!

Lot 131 36 • 435-310-0041

BW: -1.5

WW: 12.75

YW: 31.9

MK: -.4

Lot 132

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y328

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1150

BW: 85 TG: 2.95

Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley T76

WW: 678 WDA: 3.10

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 ACC1 Hustler Miss Yardley H136 by Mr. Dunk

Lot 133

Scurred 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y394

BD: 3/12/2011 YW: 1281

BW: 85 TG: 3.67

WW: 694 WDA: 3.47

Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer Yardley Prompter Miss Yardley M139 by YI Corrector

Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley P146

Last years maternal brother sold for $4,000. Maternal siblings averaged 725# WW.

Tight in his front end and correct in his design this calf was in the top ten in the pen on gain.

BW: -.55

Lot 134

WW: 26.10

YW: 45.9

MK: 2.6

BW: -1

WW: 13.3

YW: 29

MK: -3.25

Polled 5/8 Simm 3/8 An Y444

BD: 4/5/2011 YW: 1135

BW: 96 TG: 2.70

WW: 703 WDA: 3.07

SVF Steel Force OCC Juanada 898L Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Miss Yardley U114 Miss Yardley F44 by Bonanza Y444 is out of another daughter of F44, one of the two oldest cows on the ranch at 16 years old, and is still going strong! Longevity is as important as any trait for profitable ranching. Last year F44 ran on top of the mountain at 10,000 feet, trailed home 20 miles and weaned a big calf! This calf’s maternal brother who was very similar in his design sold for $4,750 to Culver Cattle Company of Boulder Colorado.

GCC Hard As Steel

BW: -1.3

Lot 135

WW: 20.10

YW: 39.8

Lot 134

MK: -5.9

Horned PB Simmental Y284

BD: 2/9/2011 YW: 1163

BW: 60 TG: 3.7

WW: 571 WDA: 2.8

CNS Dream ON 3C Melody Yardley Impressive Miss Yardley W173 Miss Yardley T79 by GW Luck Charm With a 60# BW and 72# BWs two generations back, and out of a renowned heifer bull, Dream Catcher, this stylish, smooth shouldered baldy bull shows promising potential of being a calving ease bull.

WAGR Dream Catcher

BW: -1.05

Lot 136

WW: 22.3

YW: 44.2

MK: 3.85

Polled 3/8 Simm 1/2 AN Y297

BD: 3/22/2011 YW: 1284

BW: 80 TG: 3.65

WW: 700 WDA: 3.29

BC Lookout HP Royal Pride Yardley Watchman Miss Yardley W138 Miss Yardley R82 by SS Goldmine If you want a powerful red bull, Y297 is one of the last in the sale. He has a lot of depth and width. Yoplait was a BC Lookout son we bought from our friends, the Trennepohls as a cleanup heifer bull.

KNC Yoplait

BW: -1.5

WW: 20.8

YW: 43.65

MK: 10

Lot 135

Lot 137

Polled 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y392

BD: 3/13/2011 YW: 1151

BW: 72 TG: 3.22

WW: 636 WDA: 3.07

OCC Legend 616L Y Annie Coed 928 (Krugerand) Pinion Miss Yardley T111 Miss Yardley L201 by Yardley Ranger This calf has calving ease from both Apache and T111. T111 had a 75# BW and an 80# BW average on three head of calves!

SCC Apache Brave

BW: -2.7

WW: 13.5

YW: 23.95 MK: -2.45

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 138

Polled 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y230

BD: 4/22/2011 YW: 1107

BW: 107 TG: 3.10

WW: 611 WDA: 3.08

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 RAF Hairy All Miss Yardley P205 by Y1 Corrector

Y1 Whirl Of A Dream Miss Yardley S38

This calf is young but good. A maternal brother to this calf sold in our ’10 sale for $8,000 to the White Sage Ranch of Kanosh UT.

Lot 138

BW: -1.0

Lot 139

WW: 20.8

YW: 35.5 MK: -1.15

Polled 1/4 Simm 5/8 An Y292

BD: 3/4/2011 YW: 1151

BW: 75 TG: 3.38

WW: 610 WDA: 2.89

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Max Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley W154 Miss Yardley J200 by Overtime Quality runs deep in this offering. Y292 is one of Josue Garcia’s favorite calves in the pen; when you study his phenotype its easy to see why. This calf will work great on down sizing some larger cows. For those who run in tough conditions and want to stay away from too much growth, he’ll raise females that will be the moderate, easy keeping kind with plenty of rib for rough conditions.

Yardley Royal Jet

Lot 139

Lot 140 Scurred 3/4 Simm 1/4 An Y430 BD: 3/29/2011 YW: 1084

BW: 84 TG: 2.60

WW: 669 WDA: 2.92

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke CC Duramax Miss Yardley U47 S171 by Black Cotton by Dinero Y430 traces back to E13 on his maternal side. E13 sold in our sale at 15 yrs old as a donor cow to George Davis of Ohio. She was a beautiful stout made cow with easy fleshing ability that always stayed fat.

WLE Right On

BW: .25

WW: 9.9

YW: 26.5

MK: -.5

Lot 142 Scurred 1/2 Simm 1/2 An Y235 BD: 4/29/2011 YW: 1187

BW: 78 TG: 3.35

WW: 651 WDA: 3.29

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley L38 Miss Yardley J155 by Limit Up Y235 is a twin. L38’s previous calves have averaged 90# BWs.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: -1.7

WW: 20.95

38 • 435-310-0041

YW: 40.65 MK: -3.05

BW: -1.6

Lot 141

WW: 15.6

YW: 36.7

MK: 3.5

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/17/2011 YW: 1214

BW: 82 TG: 3.55

WLE Right On Miss Yardley P195

Y405 WW: 646 WDA: 3.27

SVF/NJC Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie Y1 Corrector Miss Yardley G41 by Mr. Arapahoe

P195 is a beautiful cow out of G41. G41 is a great cow we have flushed several times. She is still on the ranch at 15 yrs old!

BW: -2.15

Lot 143

WW: 12

YW: 24.65 MK: -2.35

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 986

WLE Right On Miss Yardley U150

BW: 80 TG: 2.35

Y456 WW: 610 WDA: 2.62

SVF Built Right by CNS Dream On WLE Sophie by Power Stroke Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley H48 by Black Beaver

This calf was sick for awhile which is reflected in his Yearling Weight.

BW: 1.3

WW: 22.5

YW: 38.65

MK: -.5

Maine Anjou

offering 2012

leading you on the path to SUCCESS

Lot 144

Yardley Fortune 5/8 maine

BD: 3/16/07 YW: 1165

Yardley Bouncer Miss Yardley R116

BW: 91

WW: 663

TML Bouncer 152L Earthquake Fear This Black Beaver

Fortune is functional, he’s sound, he’s easy fleshing, and he’s cool made, plus he’s more consistent than any Maine Anjou bull we have used in a long time. If you are looking for a bull that has the power and the conistency that’s so hard to find don’t let him pass you by. He has the muscle and design to make awesome slick steers and still produce females. He’s been viewed and analyzed by the most discriminative cattlemen in the industry and reported as being the most complete Maine Anjou breeding bull they had seen in the pasture. Polled.

Lot 145

BW: 5.4

WW: 50.1

YW: 86.5

MK: 14.2

Yardley Integrity 3/4 Maine

BD: 2/21/09 YW: 1129

BW: 87 TG: 2.87

WW: 685 WDA: 3.12

SDWL Ka Ching SDWL Miss 156L Yardley Oakie Rockylane Black Attraction

SDWL Nomad Miss Yardley G157

Fleshing ability is a major focus at Yardley Cattle Company. Integrity’s mother was 13 when we shipped her. She’s been a cow that has milked well and done a good job with her calves. Oakie daughters were a signature of quality in our operation. Integrity boasts an actual 40” yearling scrotal, an area many Maines are lacking in. He’s stayed fat all summer and is an easy keeper. Many of his calves are included in this year’s offering so you can see the quality he passes down to the next generation. We bought his grandmother in the Denver Sale 20 years ago for $4,000. Polled

BW: 1.3

Lot 146

WW: 39.5

YW: 71.8

MK: 27.6

Chi x Ma x An Walks Together

BD: 9/13/10

Walks Alone

BW: 84

WW: 640


Draft Pick son (ma) x An

Videos Online at

w w w. y a r d l e y c a t t l e c o . c o m

This fancy thick bull will really sire club calves. Walks Alone has sired lots of Champions and was the high seller in 2010. They are really heavy muscled cattle and have everything you want in show calves.

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 147

Scurred 1/2 Sm 1/4 Ma

BD: 4/24/2011 YW: 1345

BW: 100 TG: 4.38


WW: 645 WDA: 3.61

BC Lookout GCF Miss Isabella R120 Majors Money Man Miss Yardley T16 Miss Yardley R82 by Goldmine These Simmy-Maine calves are really something else. Y231 wasn’t born until nearly May, but don’t let his age fool you, he has performed extremely well and was the top gainer in the pen. This is a tremendously functional bull with a lot of eye appeal that tracks wide and fills in his step. Lonestar was a half blood Simmental we purchased in Denver from Grindstone Creek Farms in Missouri, He has some really outstanding bulls in this years offering.

GCF Lonestar

BW: -.80

Lot 148

WW: 26.3

YW: 48.85 MK: -1.10

Polled 1/2 Maine

BD: 3/18/2011 YW: 1286

BW: 85 TG: 3.61

Y409 WW: 709 WDA: 3.38

DMCC Lamborghinni Miss Jewel Irish Whiskey Miss Yardley U451 Miss Yardley F15 Take your pick, two Predator sons top the pen. We had a hard time deciding which was best, so you’ll just have to decide for yourself. They are very similar in their type and kind. Both are functional, sound calves that have “the look;” with a perfect leg set, plenty of flex in their pasterns, and a lot of depth and width to them. They have a cookie cutter pattern and moderate birth weights. Predator’s calves have been a hit across the country.


Lot 149

Polled 3/4 Maine

BD: 3/2/2011 YW: 1136

BW: 80 TG: 3.00

Y339 WW: 656 WDA: 3.05

DMCC Lamborghinni Ms Jewel 19N Chill Factor by Cunia Miss Yardley T147 Miss Yardley J103 by Oakie Y339 stems from one of our elite Maine cow lines at Yardley Cattle Co. His dam has averaged 78# BW on three calves. His maternal grand dam has averaged 77# on seven calves. A maternal sister to this bull’s dam sold ’10 to the renowned Maine breeder, Jirl Buck of Oklahoma, as a feature lot for $7,000! Predator’s calves have had some of our lighter Maine birth weights, they are smooth shouldered, sound, and stylish. He sired the ’10 American Royal Maine Anjou calf Champion heifer.


Lot 150

Scurred 3/4 Ma 1/4 An Y374

BD: 3/6/2011 YW: 1102

BW: 88 TG: 2.60

WW: 687 WDA: 2.96

Irish Whiskey Chill Factor by Cunia Money Man Miss Yardley U13 Miss Yardley S31 by Swoosh GCC Dubai had some of our most stylish Maine calves in last year’s sale; Y374 is following true to form this year. This is an extremely functional bull with an extended “showy” neck with plenty of rib depth that moves out soundly. He is big footed and fills in his step with a big hind quarter and an abundant lower quarter mass; a real show bull! Several of Dubai’s daughters have sold in Griswold’s sale for over $7,000. This bull has the look of a real female maker!

GCC Dubai

40 • 435-310-0041

BW: -.1

WW: 31.4

YW: 65.1

MK: 16.1

Lot 151

Polled 5/8 Maine

BD: 3/1/2011 YW: 1071

BW: 97 TG: 2.84

Y333 WW: 617 WDA: 2.93

Ice Chest GEF Miss Impact 100 Max Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley N81 Miss Yardley J101 by Oakie This stocky stout calf with big scrotals and a big butt is out of one of our most prestigious Maine cows, N81. She has had several elite offspring that have had a pivotal influence on our herd. Open Bar has done an outstanding job for our good friends and customers Wayne & Barb Olrichs of Norfork Nebraska. This calf’s pedigree is stacked with some of the very top quality functional Maine cattle. N81 is the dam to the best Maine heifer we’ve ever raised.

GEF Open Bar

Lot 152

BW: 4.8

WW: 42.8

YW: 38.2

Polled 5/8 Maine

BD: 3/26/2011 YW: 1208

BW: 100 TG: 3.61

MK: 19

Y425 WW: 631 WDA: 3.27

Yardley Bouncer by TML Bouncer 152L Miss Yardley R116 by Fear This BK Intense Plus Miss Yardley S58 Miss Yardley N99 by Cunia This stand out Fortune son is an example of the consistent quality Fortune’s offspring display. This calf displays not only eye-turning conformation, but is also backed by a dominant cow family. His maternal Grand Dam is a maternal powerhouse out of Cunia and one of our top Angus cows that we later flushed. This is Yardley Quality Genetics at their finest!

Yardley Fortune

BW: 3.9

Lot 153

WW: 45.3

YW: 82.4

Polled 5/8 Maine

BD: 3/29/2011 YW: 1219

BW: 105 TG: 3.50

MK: 17.2

Y432 WW: 659 WDA: 3.32

Yardley Bouncer by TML Bouncer 152L Miss Yardley R116 by Fear This Yardley Intense by BK Intense Plus Miss Yardley S210 Miss Yardley P115 by Draft Pick Last year the Fortune calves had some of the best carcass data on the ranch and this year looks like it will be the same. Y432 had one of the biggest rib eyes in the pen, and it shows when you look at how wide he is across the top. He was one of our highest performing Maine bulls. If you’re looking to upsize your herd he’ll do it for you.

Yardley Fortune

BW: 3.0

Lot 154

WW: 38.6

YW: 71.1

MK: 16.7

Polled 1/4 Simm 3/8 Ma Y421

BD: 3/24/2011 YW: 1209

BW: 81 TG: 3.37

WW: 671 WDA: 3.18

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanda BPJV Hotline Miss Yardley U149 Miss Yardley N81 by Cherokee This bull’s maternal grand dam, N81 has been a no-miss Cherokee daughter. She is a perfect made cow with a nice udder that brings home a top notch calf every fall. This bull combines the top qualities of our three breeds. He has the style of a Maine, the power and squareness of a Simmental, and the profile and rib depth of an Angus. He’ll cross great no matter how you breed him. If you want a stylish soft made bull with a strong maternal base, then put your hand in the air on this one!

GCC Hard As Steel

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 155

Polled 5/8 ma 3/8 Simm Y362

BD: 3/6/2011 YW: 1163

BW: 97 TG: 3.6

WW: 587 WDA: 3.07

DMCC Lamborghinni Ms Jewel 19N Cowans Ali Miss Yardley S30 Miss Yardley P146 by Y1 Prompter Two Predator sons are on the top of the list and this one isn’t far behind. Look at the conformation Predator gives to his calves. S30’s previous three calves had 75# BWs. Predator is being used by many of the Maine Anjou top breeders. He’s a smooth shouldered, clean fronted bull with a big hip, depth and a lot of style. His first heifer calf to sell sold for $30,750!


Lot 156

Polled 1/2 maine

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1214

BW: 77 TG: 3.57

Y321 WW: 643 WDA: 3.25

Irish Whiskey WAG Hairietta Sequoia Miss Yardley S216 Miss Yardley D37 by Witch Doctor This long necked individual’s dam is a tank. Her calf last year was the highest gaining Maine with the biggest rib eye in the sale selling for $4,750 to Shane Matthews of Panaca Nevada.

HFM First Impression

Lot 157

Polled PB Maine

BD: 3/1/2011 YW: 1231

BW: 80 TG: 3.56

Y283 WW: 662 WDA: 3.11

TJSC Hot Commodity DCC Playmate BPF Sudden Impact Miss Yardley W152 Miss Yardley S220 by Sequoia Premium was a fancy bull we bought in Denver from Bushy Park Farm of SD for $7,000.

BPF Premium

BW: 1.45

Lot 158

WW: 38

YW: 74.4

MK: 23.2

Polled 3/8 Ma 1/2 An

BD: 2/20/2011 YW: 1266

BW: 86 TG: 4.19

Y277 WW: 596 WDA: 3.07

OCC Kanga OCC Dixie Erica 867K DCC Smoking Joe by Ali Miss Yardley W22 Miss Yardley T143 by Pinetop This calf will moderate a larger set of cows adding softness, femininity, and fleshing ability in the process. He has a lot of depth and boasts an impressive 4.19lb./day Gain on feed.

OCC Prototype

42 • 435-310-0041

Lot 159

1/2 An 1/4 Ma 1/4 Sm

BD: 3/18/2011 YW: 1248


BW: 84 TG: 3.8

WW: 640 WDA: 3.14

Lot 160

BD: 2/28/2011 YW: 1248

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman SDWL Nomad Miss Yardley W48 Miss Yardley M145 (Simmental) Testicular development has a direct correlation with heifer maturity age. This bull had the largest scrotal measurement of his contemporary group. Not eligible for registration.

Polled 3/8 Ma 5/8 An

BD: 2/22/2011 YW: 1246

BW: 87 TG: 3.41

BW: 85 TG: 3.55

Y320 WW: 680 WDA: 3.36

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand Yardley Mtn. Power by Sandhills Cody Miss Yardley M70 Miss Yardley E179 by MCF Maine Break This calf was fifth high gainer in his contemporary group.

Yardley Royal Jet

Lot 161

Polled 3/8 Ma 1/2 an

Yardley Doc Skipper

Y281 WW: 700 WDA: 3.18

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman DCC Full Circle Miss Yardley W180 Miss Yardley S42 by CMAC Hardcore S42 produced a Feature Heifer in our 2010 Focus on the Female Sale to the Branscomb family of Logan Utah. She also produced a Reserve Champion show steer for Angela.

Yardley Royal Jet

Lot 162

Polled 1/2 maine

BD: 3/9/2011 YW: 1194

BW: 91 TG: 3.27

Y375 WW: 671 WDA: 3.13

Irish Whiskey WAG Hairietta Nomad by Kaching Miss Yardley U117 Miss Yardley G157 by Oakie U117 is a maternal sister to Integrity. Impression was a real fancy looking Irish Whisky son, we bought a semen package on him in Denver. He is out of one of the most prestigious females in the breed, WAG Hairietta.

HFM First Impression

BW: 1.8

WW: 40.5

YW: 75.1

MK: 21.1

Lot 161

Lot 163

Polled 3/8 Maine

BD: 3/8/2011 YW: 1310


BW: 90 TG: 3.80

WW: 702 WDA: 3.52

Irish Whiskey WAG Hairietta Yardley Pinetop by Oakie Miss Yardley S157 Miss Yardley M25 by Cezs Look at the performance, Y380 sits second in the pen for WDA and YW! His powerhouse dam boasts an impressive adj WW of 760# and a three calf average of 794# WW.

HFM First Impression

BW: 3.6

Lot 164

WW: 51.6

YW: 91.7

MK: 9.7

Scurred 3/4 Maine

BD: 3/20/2011 YW: 956

BW: 80 TG: 2.52

Y411 WW: 552 WDA: 2.64

SDWL Nomad Miss Yardley G157 by Oakie Ali Miss Yardley S43 Miss Yardley P109 by Cherokee Y411 was at an unfair advantage, his mother severely cut her foot and he was weaned early to give her a better chance to heal. S43 is as pretty an Ali daughter as you could pattern, she produced Y1 Sweet Whiskey that sold to Tim Johnston of Carpenter, Iowa for $6,250.

Yardley Integrity

Lot 164

BW: .9

WW: 32

YW: 61.9

MK: 27.7

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 165

Polled 1/4 Ma 3/4 An

BD: 3/1/2011 YW: 1272

BW: 80 TG: 3.7

Y286 WW: 680 WDA: 3.22

BC Lookout 7024 HP Royal Pride CMAC Hardcore Miss Yardley W113 Miss Yardley S46 by Gunsmoke Marbling is a carcass trait many feel they have to give up with continental based cattle, not so with Y286; he is one of the best marbling animals in the sale offering with just enough Maine to add pizzazz.

KNC Yoplait

Lot 166

Polled 1/2 Ma

BD: 3/1/2011 YW: 1203

BW: 94 TG: 3.50

GEF Open Bar Miss Yardley U136

YW: 75.7

MK: 17.4

Polled 3/4 Maine

BD: 3/22/2011 YW: 1021

BW: 86 TG: 2.79

Yardley Integrity Miss Yardley S27

WW: 643 WDA: 3.08

Ice Chest GEF Miss Impact 100 Max Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley R65 by Hide n’ Watch

BW: 2.75 WW: 40.15

Lot 167


BW: 2.4

Y418 WW: 575 WDA: 2.80

SDWL Nomad Miss Yardley G157 by Oakie Swoosh Miss Yardley P11 by Bouncer WW: 41

YW: 74.9

MK: 20.2

Lot 167

Lot 168

Polled 5/8 MA 3/8 An

BD: 2/27/2011 YW: 1105

BW: 80 TG: 3.44

YY448 WW: 554 WDA: 2.86

BK Ice Pick Miss Chill by Chill Factor Cowans Ali Miss Yardley R15 Miss Yardley N38 by Y1 Promptor R15 is as pretty of a cow as we have owned. She shares a maternal grand dam with Fortune. We flushed her to GCC Chilled Chivas. A full brother to this calf was our lead off Maine calf in our ’10 sale selling for $5,500 to Curt Soehner of Wray Colorado.

GCC Chilled Chivas

Lot 170

Lot 169

Scurred 1/4 Ma 1/2 An Y438

BD: 4/3/2011 YW: 1231

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley W190

BW: 78 TG: 3.60

WW: 655 WDA: 3.15

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman HAA Regulator Miss Yardley R147 by OCC Doctor

Polled 1/2 Maine 1/2 An Y241

BD: 5/24/2011 YW: 1216

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley S75

BW: 80 TG: 2.88

WW: 754 WDA: 3.44

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Yardley Pinetop by Oakie Miss Yardley E109 by Pistol Pete

Our little Cowgirls,

Whitley & Oakley Hoffman on Festus

44 • 435-310-0041

Lot 171


BD: 321/2011 YW: 1152

BW: 72 TG: 3.11

Y414 WW: 655 WDA: 3.17


2nd Division

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Miss Yardley R140 Miss Yardley L436 by California Travler Y414 is out of a cow that has never had a calf with a birth weight greater than 77#. He moves out nice and is a real functional made sound calf.

Yardley Doc Skipper

BW: 1.9

Lot 172

WW: 33

YW: 59.5


BD: 2/5/2011 YW: 1174

BW: 70 TG: 3.65

MK: 24

Lot 171

Y257 WW: 590 WDA: 2.86

Connealy Forefront Ruby 9095 Yardley Stockman Mahogony Miss Yardley W111 6242 by Basin Max 602 C Stylish and soft with a lot of length and depth, and only a 70# BW. This TC Freedom calf should work good on a set of heifers. His dam and grand dam both had light 70’s birth weights.

TC Freedom

BW: 2.1

Lot 173

WW: 47

YW: 86.5


BD: 3/4/2011 YW: 1290

OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley S131

BW: 95 TG: 4.05

MK: 18.5

Y351 WW: 642 WDA: 3.38

OCC Jet Stream OCC Dixie Erica 805 G TC Gridtopper Miss Yardley N83 by Xplorer

Lot 172

Lot 174


BD: 3/1/2011 YW: 1288

BW: 80 TG: 3.74

Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley P159

Y331 WW: 690 WDA: 3.46

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Miss Yardley G73 by Krugerand 490

Y351 OCC Rising Sun daughters have really made easy keeping, soft made moderate cows.

A full brother to this calf sold last year in the number six slot to the Utah Cattlemen’s, First Vice President Don Anderson, Calio Ut.

BW: 2.05

WW: 40.5

YW: 77.5

MK: 17

BW: 2.65

WW: 36.5

YW: 65.5

MK: 24


Brisket Disease of cattle is the result of right congestive Dr. Tim Holt of Colorado State University is heart failure, but is brought on specifically by effects of the countries greatest authority on this disease the lower oxygen pressures present when cattle are kept and has tested many thousands of cattle. Dr. at high altitudes above Holt recommends that 7,000 ft. elevation. The If you run below 7,000 feet elevation, PAP Scores bulls selected for cow test is a measure of should not be considered when selecting bulls. herds running above the pulmonary artery 7,000 feet have PAP pressure (PAP). It is Scores of less than 41 if tested as yearlings. 41conducted by inserting a large gauge needle into the jugular vein, passing a fluid filled catheter through the 45 is an acceptable score for animals tested over needle and allowing it to flow down into the pulmonary 16 months of age. artery that goes to the lungs. www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 175


BD: 3/3/2011 YW: 1103

BW: 68 TG: 2.86

Y288 WW: 645 WDA: 2.84

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman SCC Apache 9121 by Quantum

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley W203

68# BW, a smooth shoulder, whistle-front, and a dam with only a 78# BW.

Lot 175

Lot 176


BD: 3/24/2011 YW: 1196

BW: 81 TG: 3.35

Lot 177


Lot 178

WW: 36.5


BD: 3/30/2011 YW: 1193

BW: 95 TG: 3.40

Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley N83

BW: 2.55

Lot 180

YW: 56.5

YW: 61.5

Angus BW: 85 TG: 3.89

Yardley Doc Skipper 83

MK: 25.5

Y373 WW: 602 WDA: 3.23

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Emulation EXT Blackcap Bessie

Six calves have averaged 75# at birth.

BW: 3.25


WW: 37.5

YW: 62.5

MK: 19

alving heifers. We calve from 100-200

heifers every year and we always watch them closely. We always try to breed them to an easy calving bull. However, I don’t care how much of a calving ease bull you buy, if you want a live calf you have got to get up at 2:00 in the morning. We check our heifers every 4 hours. IF YOU GET THEM TOO FAT OR TOO THIN YOU ARE ALSO GOING TO HAVE TROUBLES. We like to not feed them

46 • 435-310-0041

BW: 76 TG: 4.15

BW: 2.85

Lot 179

WW: 35.5

BW: 91 TG: 3.38

Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley S63

BW: 2.9

Lot 181

YW: 62.5


BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1262

OCC Doctor N181 by RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Miss Yardley H82 Leachman Right Time

WW: 34.5

BD: 3/7/2011 YW: 1225

WW: 649 WDA: 3.26

Angus (Twin)

MK: 16

Y311 WW: 653 WDA: 3.44

Yardley Doc Skipper

MK: 14


YW: 52.5

OCC Doctor Miss Yardley N181 by RAF Xplorer Highline WMR Traveler 661 E Bar L433 E Bar Travler 7325 At ten years of age this L433 raised her own set of twins. Combined they had a 1390# act WW. This calf is one of them.

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanda 968G Highline Traveler 7132 Black Lady by Ritto 2100 Y420 OCC Jet Stream has really worked well for us and so have his sons. BW: .7

WW: 31

BD: 2/21/2011 YW: 1317

WW: 660 WDA: 3.26

OCC Jet Stream

BW: 1.2

Y317 WW: 721 WDA: 3.44

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 SAF 598 Bando Miss Yardley L168 by Rocking R Resistol

WW: 44

YW: 76.5


BD: 3/17/2011 YW: 1193

MK: 27

BW: 80 TG: 3.40

MK: 22.5

Y406 WW: 649 WDA: 3.24

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Miss Yardley R172 Miss Yardley L79 by Connealy Dateline This calf’s maternal grand dam was the great C72. His dam has averaged 80# BW on four head of calves.

Yardley Doc Skipper

BW: 3.1

WW: 34

YW: 61

MK: 22

over 1/3 alfalfa and they need some exercise. They need a little protein or the calves will be born weak and are a lot more susceptible to scours. But too much protein makes the calves bigger. All females should be watched closely during calving. You can’t predict whether any virgin bull will be a heifer bull until he’s sired a crop of calves. THE BEST WAY TO AVOID CALVING PROBLEMS IS TO EXPECT YOU WILL HAVE THEM.

Lot 182


BD: 3/31/2011 YW: 1157

BW: 82 TG: 3.13

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley N171

Y454 WW: 655 WDA: 3.19

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Miss Yardley J26 by GDAR Rolls Royce

This calf’s dam is as pretty and complete of a cow as we own. We are currently flushing her. His maternal sister sold for $7,000 as a bred heifer going to Michigan.

BW: 1.6

Lot 184

WW: 32

YW: 68


BD: 3/30/2011 YW: 1215

BW: 91 TG: 3.70

MK: 23

Lot 183


BD: 2/23/2011 YW: 1117

BW: 80 TG: 3.54

Y313 WW: 550 WDA: 2.92

OCC Focus OCC Black Bird 736K BEB Juneau Miss Yardley R36 E Bar 3188 by Connealy Forefront This calf was separated from his mother at three months age and remained a doggie thereafter. This is reflected in his WW which would have been a lot better had he remained with her. OCC Paxton is a real popular Tim Ohlde bred calving ease bull.

OCC Paxton

BW: 1.1

WW: 40.5

YW: 72.5

MK: 16

Y299 WW: 623 WDA: 3.09

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley W178 795 by Emulatioin EXT With a nice square hip, depth and width, Y299 is the type and kind to moderate a set of cows and make some awesome replacements.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: 1.2

Lot 185

WW: 36.5

YW: 61.5


BD: 3/10/2011 YW: 1092

BW: 82 TG: 3.03

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley W63

MK: 13.5

Lot 184

Y293 WW: 607 WDA: 2.77

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Duff New Edition Miss Yardley N171 by RAF Xplorer

We are currently flushing this cool calf’s maternal grand dam.

BW: .95

WW: 37.5

YW: 67.5

MK: 18

Lot 185

Lot 186


BD: 2/21/2011 YW: 1229

BW: TG: 4.17

YY429 WW: 562 WDA: 3.13

OCC Genesis OCC Dixie Erica by OCC Anchor Pappa Equator 2349 Annie 340 by RAJ Maternal Power This stout made calf is out of a great donor cow that was super stout made with lots of depth and capacity. He should make some real broody, easy-keeping females. We have loved the Duff New Edition females.

Duff New Edition

BW: 3.6

WW: 42

YW: 75

Lot 187


BD: 3/2/2011 YW: 1086

BW: 94 TG: 2.96

Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley P175

BW: 3.4

Y344 WW: 612 WDA: 2.95

OCC Doctor N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490 RAF Xplorer by Krugerand 490 Miss Yardley K155 by Resistol

WW: 34

YW: 61

MK: 23

MK: 17

www.yardleycattleco.com •


Lot 188


BD: 5/24/2011 YW: 1264


BW: 70 TG: 3.06

WW: 775 WDA: 3.57

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Yardley Gunsmoke Miss Yardley S46 Miss Yardley P52 by Connealy Forefront If you want to moderate some big cows and produce soft, easy fleshing, gentle females check out Y240. He is a very deep, soggy made bull with lots of capacity, a big hind quarter with lots of lower quarter to him and a deep flank. He has an extremely quiet disposition and is very correct throughout.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: 2.4

Lot 190

WW: 40

YW: 72

Commercial Angus

BD: 2/14/2011 YW: 1154

BW: 73 TG: 3.3

Y269 WW: 626 WDA: 2.89


BD: 4/25/2011 YW: 1095


BW: 81 TG: 2.93

WW: 626 WDA: 3.06

OCC Jet Stream by OCC Emblazon Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Poppa Universe 515 MIss Yardley L431 Ebar Enchantress 629 A maternal brother to this bull sold in last years sale in the lucky #7 slot for $5,000.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: 2.4

Lot 191

WW: 39

YW: 68.5

MK: 14

Commercial Angus

BD: 5/11/2011 YW: 1248



Yardley Stockman Mahogony Miss Yardley N173 by RAF Xplorer This calf sells as a commercial Angus. Don’t let this deter you from getting a great calf. With only a 73# BW he has a lot to offer. We think he has ¼ blood Simmental in him. Scurred.

Miss Yardley R89

Miss Yardley W143

Our precious moments.

MK: 16

Lot 189

BW: 78 TG: 3.32

Y238 WW: 717 WDA: 3.50

Juneau by Northern Improvement 8380 by California Traveler This calf sells as a commercial Angus, sire unknown. We think this is a ½ blood Simmental. Scurred. Birdy & Dad Junior prom

October 2011 Today we pictured the heifer calves for the sale. It’s the first year we haven’t had our little Birdy here to light up the day. The years seem like they have flown by and the realization that suddenly our little Birdy is all grown up. She graduated with top honors and as a Sterling Scholar this past year and is attending BYU-Idaho (Rexburg, Idaho is a long way from Beaver, UT). We sent her a picture of her favorite heifer, and she called the house pretty homesick and blue that she wasn’t there to hear all the chitter and chatter of the picture pen. We all love the cattle but the great part of this business is the fact that we have all got to grow up in it together, it’s the memories, the laughter, the day in and day out, that we really are all best friends. Miss you Birdy but we couldn’t be any prouder!

Whether you have come to invest in our genetics or are just looking for next time, we appreciate your support and business as well as your friendship.

Thanks so much and come back again! “The Girls” & Otis! Jeannie, Emily, Birdy. Moving cows on Creek Bed, Summer 2010

48 • 435-310-0041

YA R D L E Y C AT T L E CO. • P G 4 8 • 4 3 5 - 3 1 0 - 0 0 4 1

Y ardle Y Cattle CompanySire Lineup

Three seperate breeds, three individual herds of cattle, one common goal. Our focus in all three breeds is to produce cattle with rib shape, dimension, solid tops, easy fleshing, structurally sound and fuctional. We will continue to focus on solid cow familes combined with powerful herd sires. Semen Available on all sires.

WLE Right On 3/4 SIMMENTAL ASA # 2388614

Sire: SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Dam: WLE Sophie by Power Stroke

Right On is a bull you’re destined to love. Everybody loves a baldy, and when they are moderate framed and big topped with plenty of soundness and stretch it’s hard not to admire them. Right On carries that description. Built Right has sired a legacy of quality cattle and we have always loved our Power Stroke females. The combination of these two pedigree make this a sure fire bet to sire profitable progeny. A full brother to the popular AI sire Quota, Right On comes in the same build but with a full baldy face. He is moderate framed and easy fleshing. This picture was taken after a 60 day breeding season this summer. Right On will be available for viewing on sale day. We’re sure your going to admire him as much as we do.

Yardley Pinion


Sire: Prowler by BBB Intrepid Dam: Miss Yardley B78 by Yardley Whirlaway

2011 marked Pinions final set of natural calves. He only got used on a select number of females. His daughters are proving themselves as changers in the Simmental breed. A bull’s true value isn’t really known until his daughters are in production for a few years, Pinion daughters carry consistency, substance and style. They have flawless udders, and are proving maternal ablity in producing top of the market cattle. It’s a bold statement but they are flat out better than Meyer daughters. They’ll make their mark in the history books.

Yardley Sundance

1/2 SIMMENTAL 1/2 ANGUS ASA # 2404708

Sire: Yardley Treasure by Hairy All Dam: Miss Yardley P15 by Rest Easy by Meyer 734

Sundance has grown into a moderate made powerhouse with substance and style to be a breed changer. His calf crop this past year will prove him to be a profitable sire that will see heavy use in our program in the coming years. His daughters are just now coming into production and they are proving to be easy keeping nice made females.

Yardley High Regard PB SIMMENTAL ASA # 2522822

Sire: Y1 Impressive by Dinero by Meyer 734 x Power Surge Dam: Miss Yardley T68 by Pinion

Y1 High Regard was the $30,000 high selling bull in our 2010 sale to John Goken and Dale Werning Families of SD. Sired by Yardley Impressive x YI Pinion. The calves sired by High Regard are stout, cool made, and consistent. He hails from generations of good uddered, broody made females. His service sells along with progeny. Congratulations to the Werning family for their $30,000 sale heifer calf sired by High Regard who went on to be named Grand Champion percentage heifer at the NAILE in Louisville, KY. A High Regard son just sold for $24,000 in Wernings bull sale.

GCC Hard As Steel 144w 1/2 SIMMENTAL 1/2 ANGUS ASA REG 2511031 Sire: SVF Steel Force S701 Dam: OCC Jaunada 898L by OCC Homer

I had the opportunity to go to the Grass to Grid Sale, before I married John. I fell in love with Hard As Steel before I was real sure I was in love with John! I circled his lot number, put a star next to his name, and wrote love this bull in my footnotes. With a 70# BW, 15.67 REA, and a 40.5 yearling scrotal he was one you could like off of paper but he got better after a visual analysis. He is a female maker that is huge bodied with fleshing ability and style. His first calf crop did not disappoint. Owned with Curt Schoner, and Griswold Cattle Company. His mother has been in ET at Griswolds, she is one of the best cows that they purchased from Tim Ohlde. Hard as Steel cost us $12,000.

Yardley Fortune


Sire: Yardley Bouncer by TML Bouncer 152L Dam: Miss Yardley R116 Fear This x Black Beaver

Natural fleshing ability is always in style and in the Maine Anjou cow base it’s something that needs to be a focus area. There is no point to have to feed power into cattle. They should have it naturally, “gutts” shouldn’t come from a bunk. Fortune is functional, he’s sound, he’s easy fleshing, and he’s cool made, plus he’s more consistent than any Maine Anjou bull we have used in a long time. As a senior herd sire he’s earned his place with his calf crop. He’s been viewed and analyzed by the most discriminative cattlemen in the industry and reported as being the most complete Maine Anjou breeding bull they had seen in the pasture. This picture is after breeding cows for 60 days.

Yardley Integrity 3/4 MAINE ANJOU AMA REG # 40693

Sire: SDWL Nomad Dam: Miss Yardley G157 by Oakie

Fleshing Ability has been a major focus at Yardley Cattle Company in our Maine Anjou herd. Integrity’s mother was 13 this past year and we finally shipped her. She’s been a cow that milks well and has done a great job with her calves. Oakie daughters were a signature of quality in our operation. Integrity boasts an actual 40 inch yearling scrotal. He’s done great on a set of cows this past year.

Yardley Royal Jet ANGUS ASA REG #16704437

Sire: OCC Jet Stream Dam: Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman

Royal Jet is the type of bull that defines where we are taking our program, Soft made cattle that carry performance, thickness, fleshing ability, and style. OCC Jet Stream is now deceased, he stands as one of Ohlde’s greatest herd sires. Look at the performance this bull carries coupled with a perfect phenotype. This is as good as Angus bull as you will find anyplace. We used him to clean up all of our Angus heifers this past year. He’s the type of bull that will add belly, rib, and doability, without taking pounds away from your bottom line.

Yardley Doc Skipper

ANGUS REG # 1624811 Sire: OCC Doctor Dam: Miss Yardley N181 by Xplorer by Krugerand 490

cattle come from great cow families and Yardley Skipper hails from Great one of the best. His maternal sister sold in our Focus on the Female 2009 for $16,200 to Schnoor Sisters of Chowcilla, CA. Wayne and Barb Ohlrichs were the contending bidder and went on to purchase Miss Yardley N181 for $20,000, she is a hit and never miss cow. You’ll see from the feature lots in this sale that Skipper is following the tradition of the cow family behind him. He is functional and stout with the bone and body that you seldom see in PB Angus. He has been an extremely consistent producer of quality.

SCC Apache Brave ANGUS REG # 15759398

Sire: OCC Legend 616L Dam: Y Annie Coed 928 (Krugerrand granddaughter)

Apache Brave is going down as one of the greatest sires of Yardley Cattle Co. His progeny are top of the pen with 11 head of bulls averaging $4,568. A top hiefer calf sold for $10,500 this fall to Tim Johnston, Carpenter Iowa. He is an easy calving sire that produces cattle that have look and style. Grass fat cattle are what we need to breed. He always maintained his flesh while breeding cows and he wasn’t a bull that needed to primped and pampered. Apache was a moderator that kept performance and bred depth and rib into his progeny. Owned with Matt Sherwood.

SooLine North Country ANGUS REG # 16996619 Sire: HF Kodiak 5R Dam: Soo Line Annie by Cudlobe Yellowstone

A complete out-cross to most American pedigrees, North Country brings thickness, big bodied, strong uddered, eye appealing look to the table. Sired by Kodiak and out of Soo Line Annie, Soo Line states North Country is the result mating of the two greatest individuals they have ever owned. Soo Line Annie K was the Champion Female at the World Angus Forum in 2009. She sold for $100,000 and Kodiak sold for $150,000. One of the most exciting aspects of North Country comes from the consistency of his dam to produce high dollar, eye appealing progeny. The power of a cow family is immeasurable. North Country carries plenty of look and style along with an extra dose of performance, bone, and scrotal development. Semen $25 a straw. Owned with Griswold Cattle Company, Stillwater OK.

OCC Rising Sun

ANGUS REG # 15755575 Sire: OCC Jet Stream Dam: OCC Dixie Erica 805G by OCC Discovery

I have known and been a friend of Tim Ohlde of Palmer KS, it seems like forever. The world has beaten a path to his door because he has bred, developed, and selected a line and family of Angus cattle that have MORE FLESHING ABILITY, BETTER UDDERS, MODERATE FRAMES, and MORE DEPTH AND THICKNESS, than any other Angus in the Nation. OCC Rising Sun is a sound structured, pretty fronted, deep ribbed, powerhouse. We had previously used Jet Stream on our Simmental cows and loved the results. In a crossbreeding or purebred Angus situation we feel that Rising Sun will be a breed changer. Owned with Dunn & Son, Tetonia Idaho and Tim Ohlde.

Gib Yardley Family P.O. Box 288 Beaver UT 84713 (435) 310-0041

First Class



Breeder of America’s Finest Cattle

Yardley High Regard

March 10, 2012

At the ranch in beautiful Beaver,Utah

YI The Brand of Quality

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