Yardley Cattle Co 42nd Annual bull sale

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Y ardleY Cattle Company 42ndAnnual Bull Sale

SATURDAY, March 14, 2015 1:00 P.M. Mst Beaver, UT

Dear Friends, Fellow Cattlemen and Most Valued Customers, WELCOME to our 42nd Annual Bull Sale and GREETINGS FROM THE BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS of Southern Utah We are extremely pleased and excited with our offering of bulls we have for you this year. They are the best set we have ever raised. With cattle prices soaring at all time highs there has never been a greater or more exciting time to be involved in the cattle industry. Nor has there ever been a more important time to select animals with the best genetic value. Our bulls and their dams have been selected for a balanced package of performance, eye-appeal, structural soundness, fleshing ability, docility and genetic merit. We are confident in their ability to work in a variety of circumstances and situations. We have searched the nation over and not found a better set of individuals. The depth of quality in these animals is second to none. We have been alarmed by the amount of structural issues we have seen in cattle in our travels: small feet, crooked legs, toeing out, bad joints, excessive sheath, bad hooves, small scrotal measurements and bad teats and udders. We have held a very high standard of structural correctness in our animals and you will see this in our offering. Our bulls have never had an ounce of creep feed. They are raised under range conditions ranging from desert winter range at birth to Forest Service permits of over 10,000’ and trailing home twenty-five miles at weaning. After weaning they are put in big pens on a high roughage diet to ensure they are athletic and ready to work for you. Chad Gordon, of Oklahoma, who ultra sounded our bulls said they had some of the biggest rib eyes, lowest back fat (apx. 2/10” avg.) with adequate marbling of about any animals he has tested, which consists of approximately 7,000 head per year. We consider it a great privilege and honor to be selected as your seed-stock producer and take this responsibility very seriously. The cattle industry is one of the best ways in the world to make a living. While it is both difficult and challenging, it offers a great way to raise a family, to be surrounded by, and take part in God’s creations. The greatest part of the cattle industry is the high caliber of people involved in it. Thank you for trusting in our genetics for your herd improvement, and for enabling us to continue this lifestyle that we love so much. We value you as a customer and cherish your friendship. Please call if we can help you in any way in your selection process.



Steven Yardley 435-310-1725

Steven is a very sharp young cattleman. I just want to add a few things. Our cows wintering out on desert winter range are as fat as any cows you have ever seen and have had no hay. Our cows have natural fleshing ability and calve unassisted on the range. We go out and weigh and tag the calves. I will be 82 years old the day after our Bull Sale. My greatest accomplishment in life has been raising a wonderful family who love me and I love them and they love good cattle, good horses, good ranches and good working corrals. Jeannie has been on ranches all over the country and she says that she has never seen anything as handy as our working facilities and she misses them so much. I have spent my life breeding this herd of cattle and all 3 breeds look alike, deep, thick, big tops and square hips, with eye appealing good looks, correct phenotype, and structurally correct. I hope you all love and appreciate America the way we do. We are so blessed to have been able to live here and enjoy the wonderful life we have had. Obama and his czars want to redistribute the wealth and make us all equal. I hope this Republican Congress can stop him and turn it around and make him follow our Constitution, which is the greatest document that has ever been written by government and has enabled us to enjoy this standard of living. It was written by God loving, inspired Christen men. We are alarmed by the constant onslaught against freedom and Christian values and the general degradation of society and its moral underpinnings; however, we are comforted to some degree as we travel the country and are amazed at the caliber of people we are privileged to interact with. With that being said, the time has come, as never before, for us to band together, regardless of creed or religion, stand up and do everything in our power to protect our God-given freedoms, our core Christian values, our way of life, the sanctity of marriage and our inspired Constitution which protects our rights. Any virtue when taken to an extreme becomes a vice, and tolerance has become the vice and call word of the day. We need to be civil, but undaunted in standing firm for what we believe. We look forward to seeing you at the sale. We appreciate your friendship and interest in our cattle and program. Our greatest desire is that these cattle will do a good job for you and sire some market topping calves. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Sincerely yours for a better cattle business, Gib Yardley and Family

(435) 438-2424 home or (435) 310-0041 cell PO Box 288. Beaver, UT. 84713




STEVE BONHAM, Auctioneer..........................405-823-2972 New Castle, OK Logan Ipson......................................................916-947-2392 California, Nevada, & Utah Rep Western Livestock Journal Craig Talkington, .........................................785-623-1789 Hays , KS Ryan Denton.........................................................918-629-3004 Oklahoma


Gib Yardley................................................. 435-310-0041 Steven Yardley............................................435-310-1725 Jeannie Yardley Griswold.......................... 435-421-1200 jeannieyardley@yahoo.com Consultants John Griswold, Stillwater, OK......................405-780-3300 Jon Gabel, Boulder, CO................................303-594-5520


Herd Records: Michelle Smith, Minersville, UT Sales Clerk: Tawnya Yardley Teichert, Beaver, UT Ranch Staff: Josue Garcia, Jose Guzman, Cipriano Erivez, Steven Yardley, Emily Yardley Maxfield, Rodney & Tawnya Teichert, Angela Yardley Barton, Veterinarians: Dr. Evan Yardley, Beaver, UT Dr. Mont Myers, Nephi, UT Brand Inspector: Thane Marshall Pay Clerk: Michelle Smith, Lori Y. Hoffman, Emily Y. Maxfield AI Technician: Zane Yardley Barbeque: Darren Oberg Family and Dave Wilding Family


Beaver is 200 miles away from Salt Lake City or Las Vegas, NV, on I-15. From Salt Lake, Sky West Airline commuter (Delta Airlines) serves Cedar City, which is 50 miles south of Beaver and also St George which is 100 miles south. Many times tickets are cheaper through these venues. Beaver has many excellent motels and restuarants, and an airstrip for private planes. You must call us to meet your plane as there is no taxi service.


Please leave detailed information with the sales clerk about your trucking needs and arrangements. We will work with you to help find the best and most efficient means for hauling. We will guarantee to have your animals delivered anywhere within the United States for no more than $300/head.


Request the Yardley Cattle Company special room rate. Please try to reserve rooms as far in advance as possible to guarantee room rate. Comfort Inn......................................................435-438-6283 South Interchange $70 Delano Motel....................................................435-438-1175 Main Street $55 Days Inn .........................................................435-438-7800 North Interchange $29 Butch Cassidy Inn...........................................435-438-2438 Downtown limited trailer parking $55


Once you arrive in Beaver, go to the Post Office corner on Main and Center Streets in town. Take Milford Highway 21, go west on Center 1 & 1/2 miles to the Yardley Black Cow/Calf sign, turn right and proceed north and west across the field to our sale barn. You will pass our house 1/4 mile north of the highway, but continue one more mile to the barn. UPON Leaving Hwy 21, traveling north on the gravel road, except for our house and lot, the horses, cattle and land do not belong to us until you cross the cattle guard just below our sale barn.


We will begin to serve a complimentary barbecue dinner at 11:00 in the sale barn. Please join us!

TERMS & CONDITIONS TERMS: Terms of this sale are cash, or a good check, unless arrangements are made prior to the sale. Settlement to be made immediately at the conclusion of the sale before animals are loaded. The right of property title shall not pass until checks have cleared.

BIDDING: All animals will sell as single lots to the highest

ABSENTEE BIDDING If you are unable to attend the sale but would like to bid on the lots offered we encourage you to call prior to sale day. There are two ways to participate in the bidding if you are unable to attend the sale. Bids will be handled with the

strictest of confidentiality.

1-Work with one of us to fill your order...

bidder. Any disputes or challenges regarding bids will be set- Due to the size of the offering it is impossible to picture every tled by the auctioneer whose decision will be final. bull. There are many quality bulls that may not be highlighted RISK: All animals are at the owner’s risk prior to their sale and become the property of the buyer as soon as the animal is de- that will fit your program. Feel free to call anytime prior to clared sold by the auctioneer at which time the buyer assumes the sale. Sale days are crazy!! It is much easier for yourall risk. selves and for us if you are able to visit with us prior to the sale about certain lots. Gib: 435-310-0041, Jeannie: 435HEALTH: Every bull in this sale, to the best of our knowl421-1200, Steven: 435-310-1725 edge, is free of any disease and will be eligible for interstate transport. All bulls were Dextomax treated. They have been 2-Bidding via DVAuctions…. vaccinated twice for IBR, P13, BVD, BRSV, 8-way Blackleg, Bid via www.DVAuction.com. For more information contact One Shot Pasturella, plus Enforce. Kate @ 402-649-8048 or Roxanne @ 402-649-7946 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements from the auction 3-Sale Day Phones. These phones are only for bidblock will take precedence over any printed matter, and any ding and we HIGHLY RECOMMEND PRIOR ARRANGEother announcements. MENTS AS THE LINES MAY BE BUSY AND YOU MAY TRUCKING: All trucking is the responsibility of the buyer, NOT BE ABLE TO GET THROUGH. If prior arrangements but we will help make arrangements. Every effort will be made have been made we will accommodate you to the best of to minimize costs to the buyer. We can only get these bulls our ability. delivered to central points.

GUARANTEE: Every bull has been tested for Tric and

Jeannie.........................................................(435) 421-1200 Emily.............................................................(435) 310-0038 John Griswold...............................................(405) 780-3300 PRE-SALE REGISTRATION FOR ATTENDING BIDDERS AND ABSENTEE BIDDERS.

semen evaluated by a licensed veterinarian. We will guarantee the bulls selling in this sale to be fertile at the time of sale. Several of the bulls in this sale are of “Herd Sire” quality. If the buyer chooses to have semen collected on a bull, Yardley Cattle Company can not guarantee that the semen will freeze. If you would like to register as an absentee bidder KEEPING BULLS TILL MAY 15TH: We can do this but encour- please call 435-421-1200. You may be required to list age you to insure them as the risk is the responsibility of the your bank telephone number and your drivers license buyer. $3.00 per head per day will be charged until the bulls number. All absentee buyers must be pre-registered. are picked up.

LIABILITIES: Although accidents at livestock sales sel-

dom occur, everyone attending this sale does so at their own risk. The owners and employees of Yardley Cattle Company assume no liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of an accident, bodily injury, theft, act of God, errors in catalogs or ommissions, or percentage verification. We try to keep the most accurate records possible and have bull tight fences, but on a rare occasion, accidents of breeding occur that we are not aware of or cannot control. We will do everything we can to determine the correct parentage, but cannot guarantee it.

REGISTRATIONS: REGISTRATION PAPERS WILL ONLY BE FURNISHED IF REQUESTED AT THE TIME OF SETTLEMENT AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALE OR WITHIN 3 WEEKS. If requested later, buyer must pay additional registration fees. Leave the name and address to which you would like your bulls transferred on your sale slip when you settle up. Please print so that it is legible.

CONTRACT: The above Terms and Conditions of this

sale shall constitute a contract between buyer and seller and be equally binding on both. Animals that are resold following the sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two parties connected thereto are not covered by these Terms and Conditions.

Any lots purchased by new absentee bidders must be paid for in full via wire-transfer on March 16th, 2015 prior to load-out or delivery. We appreciate you cooperation.

View the Auction Live Bid online.....your ringside right at your own desk!

DVAuction Visit our website.... www.dvauction.com For more information and registering to bid! Call 402-316-5460 Before you can be approved you will need to provide a letter of reference from your lending institute. It must include the lenders letterhead, phone, address, contact person at the institution and a monetary range that can be used for purchases.

THESE BULLS WILL SELL IN EVERYONES PRICE RANGE. We cull bulls from branding up until the sale for structural soundness, quality, breeding soundness, and temperament. Not every bull is destined to sire calves. AS SEEDSTOCK PRODUCERS WE TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO MARKET QUALITY BULLS SERIOUS. We realize that your success depends upon our breeding program and we strive to have quality from the first lot sold to the last bull to walk through the sale ring.

First Year


All bulls selling for $3000 or more will be covered 50% by Yardley Cattle Co. if they are injured during their first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turnout of the bulls. 50% of the value of the injured bull, minus one-half salvage value, will be given as credit in a future sale or toward a replacement bull if one is available. Salvage value, if any, will be split equally

between Yardley Cattle Co. and the buyer. All injured bulls must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. All claims must be made by October 1st. We will not replace a dead animal for any reason.



Chad Gordon of Oklahoma ultrasonds over 7,000 bulls per year. He said our bulls have some of the largest rib eyes and least back fat (2/10 of an inch) of any bulls he has tested.


Our bulls are not pampered and are not overly fat. They are developed on high roughage rations for comparison only and not for maximum gain. You will not be paying for over fleshing that will melt away as the breeding season progresses. By not force feeding these bulls, you can be assured they will be sound, athletic, and ready to service cows. They are grown in big lots where they get lots of exercise, so they can take the toughest ranges. These bulls are grown mostly on hay with a 50/50 alfalfa grass mix with less than 1% of their body weight in grain.

We have always concentrated on producing a functional, balanced, all purpose beef animal. One that is thick and moderate framed, not too big or too small, and that has a natural fleshing ability. If a cow has feed, I expect her to stay fat while raising a 700 lb. calf. We believe in a balance between performance, eye appeal, and maternal traits. Above all, we have eliminated the problem cattle. To achieve balance, ranchers need cattle that are not necessarily the tops in all traits, but they can’t be weak in one single trait.

cern: rs Ultrasounding To whom it may con over the past 15 yea of cattle that vary Traveling the country eds bre and es many typ lity. Gib YardCattle I have seen qua c ypi not phe ts and greatly in carcass trai l about coming to Beaver, Utah and Fal the ley contacted in the s truly amazed with yearling bulls. I wa s in a ultrasounding their Yardley Bulls posses re the ng rbli ma and e ays beena pleasu amount of muscl package. It has alw of very sound functional tle of different breeds and what each cat te lua ll buyers from Bu 14 of mine to eva rch Ma On ef Industry. ortunity to purchase them offer to the Be tes will have the opp program that has ng across the United Sta edi bre a , Co ttle y Ca lity genetics from Yardle excel in carcass qua e and continues to k stood the test of tim a Purebred Seedstoc are you er eth Wh and maternal traits. ining ownership of ercial Rancher reta Producer or a Comm shing Yardley Genetics will work for fini ugh your calves thro h of Ribeye Area per ven that 1 square inc g Bull is average, you. It has been pro rlin Yea a on t body weigh t the Yardley Bulls hundred pounds of ring you will see tha offe the te lua eva adjusted %IMF Val h as you hig ing hav ile wh that de will certainly exceed Choice Quality Gra low a to d ate equ re is ues. A 4% IMF sco calves that are 1% will generally sire fed n as you on fed cattle, Bulls ed value. Translatio ust adj F %IM n ow ater higher than their F values of 4% or gre ile %IM h wit e sal the in g wh prin offs ir the see many Bulls to ues se high IMF val they will transmit the lowering numerical Yield Grades. It is size ultrasound bulls of increasing Ribeye to travel to Utah and ition, and work with always my pleasure pos dis et qui , ess soundn superior structural the te lua eva you a Great Family. As h confidence, you are purchases, buy wit Bulls and make you are you lls Bu at at not only buying Gre and the Yardley’s will stand behind wh m buying into a Progra they sell. Thanks Chad Gordon

Pap Test

Brisket Disease of cattle is the result of right congestive heart Dr. Tim Holt of Colorado State University is the countries failure, but is brought on specifically by effects of the lower greatest authority on this disease and has tested many oxygen pressures present thousands of cattle. Dr. when cattle are kept at If you run below 7,000 feet elevation, PAP Scores Holt recommends that high altitudes above 7,000 bulls selected for cow should not be considered when selecting bulls. ft. elevation. The test is a herds running above measure of the pulmonary 7,000 feet have PAP artery pressure (PAP). It is conducted by inserting a large gauge Scores of less than 41 if tested as yearlings. 41-45 is an needle into the jugular vein, passing a fluid filled catheter through acceptable score for animals tested over 16 months of age. the needle and allowing it to flow down into the pulmonary artery that goes to the lungs. For many ye various ca ars I read the Yardle ttle publica y Cattle Co tions alwa .a long way to y s thinking to dvertisements in d ri v e to buy bulls Finally in 2 myself “Th ”. 009 I mad at’s a e the trip fr UT and wa om Lafaye s not disap tte, CO to pointed in At that sale Bea th in bulls. I cam 2009 I intended to e bulls being offered ver, for sale. purchase fo e home wit bulls. Ove h six Sim/A u r th ngus bulls r to six Angus Angus and e next three years and two An Ip S g the Culver immental bulls from urchased 60 Angus, us Cattle bree Sim/ the Yardle y’s to be u ding progra extremely se well in the Culver herd m. The Yardley bulls d in 8,000 feet w elevation. The Simm that resided year rou orked increased ental and S nd above our wean w im/Angus eights by 3 outstandin bulls g 0 great contr set of replacement fe pounds and left us w ibutions to males. The ith an o conformati on correctn ur breeding program Angus bulls made ess, feed e ability. as well ad d fficiency a nd natural ing If you live fleshing at sea leve l or in the m or a truck loa o Yardley Ca d I’m confident you untains, need to buy can fill you tt o r needs at ne bull I would en le Co. Bull Sale. the 2015 joy discuss ing my exp Co. bulls. eriences w ith Yardley Jon Gab Cattle el (303)594-5 520


1. THE BIG FEEDERS PAY A PREMIUM FOR CALVES SIRED BY OUR BULLS BECAUSE THEY ARE THE BEST GAINERS AND THEY HAVE THE LOOK, EYE APPEAL AND UNIFORM PHENOTYPE. 2. Their daughters will be the most productive cows you’ve owned. 3. Their calves will weigh 25 to 100 lbs more at weaning. 4. These bulls are wintered in big lots on half grass/alfalfa and only 1% grain. 5. They are born unassisted on the range and walk 25 miles to and from the summer range that goes to 10,200 ft. elevation, so they have to be structurally correct. 6. You don’t have to baby and pamper them. 7. Our cows winter on desert winter range without hay. They have natural fleshing ability to stay fat on grass and take care of themselves. 8. All bulls are performance tested and backed by our first year breeding guarantee. 9. They have proven themselves to adapt to all environments and have sold into 30 states. 10. Simmental and Simmental crosses are some of the most sought after cattle by order buyers, feedlots and for replacement females. 11. YARDLEY BULLS ARE BRED WITH THE COMMERCIAL CATTLEMEN IN MIND. 12. You are buying from a family that is honest, we will treat you fairly. 13. GIB YARDLEY IS A MASTER CATTLE BREEDER. He will be 82 years old on March 15th. He has AI’d for 47 years and has produced one of America’s greatest cow herds. He has spent his life breeding this herd of cattle and raising a wonderful family. 14. THESE ARE NOT ORDINARY CATTLE. THEY HAVE MORE THICKNESS, DEPTH, MUSCLEING, FLESHING ABILITY, PERFORMANCE, & STRUCTURAL CORRECTNESS IN A MODERATE SIZED PACKAGE. 15. Cross breeding pays. You can’t afford not to.

“Today 90% of all cattle are bought and sold based on phenotype” Jarold Callahan, General Manager of Express Ranches, Yukon, OK during his judging commentary at the 2014 National Wester Angus Bull Show. Producing calves with more quality, performance, structural soundness and eye appeal are one of the major advantages of using Yardley bred bulls


THE BEAUTIFUL LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE I hope all of you appreciate what a great blessing we have all had to be born and raised in America. We strongly believe that his is a land, choice above all other lands. We also believe that God inspired Columbus, the pilgrims and other early settlers to come here for religious liberty. These courageous people wanted to be free and not have to live under a king that wouldn’t let them make their own decisions. They were very brave, courageous people who wanted to live in a free country. God inspired them to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Those delegates could not agree on what to write until they prayed about it and the God inspired them to write these sacred documents, which are the greatest documents on government ever written in the world to grant FREEDOM to the citizens of this great land. Ronald Reagan gave a speech in Seattle, Washington, on October 12, 1968. An excerpt from it follows: “Thomas Jefferson tells that on the day of our nation’s birth in the little hall in Philadelphia, debate had raged for hours. The men gathered there were honorable men hard pressed by a king who had flouted the very laws they were willing to obey. Even so, to sign a Declaration of Independence was such an irretrievable act that the walls resounded with the words “treason, the gallows, the headman’s axe,” and the issue remained in doubt. Then a man rose and spoke. Jefferson described him as not a young man, but one who had to summon all his energy for an impassioned plea. He cited the grievances that had brought them to this moment and finally, his voice failing, he said, “They may turn every tree into a gallows, every home into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can never die. To the mechanic in the workshop, they will speak hope: to the slave in the mines, freedom. Sign that parchment Sign if the next moment the noose is around your neck, for that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the Bible of the rights of man forever.” He fell back, exhausted. The 56 delegates, swept up by his eloquence, rushed forward and signed a document destined to be as immortal as a work of man can be. When they turned to thank him for his timely oratory, he was not to be found, nor could any be found who knew who he was or how he had come in or gone out through the locked and guarded doors. Fifty-six men, a little band so unique, we have never seen their like since: had pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.” These brave men pledged “THEIR LIVES, THEIR FORTUNES, AND THEIR SACRED HONOR” to establish this great country. The King of Great Britain did not want to give them their independence. They had to go to war to get their FREEDOM. The British army was the strongest in the world and it was an absolute miracle that George Washington with his little army of half dressed and often-hungry soldiers were able to defeat the British Army. God was with them or they never could have won. From then on this Nation has grown and prospered because men were

FREE to make their own choices and decisions. They could own their own property, which is the most basic right of a free people. They established the free market enterprise system. This encourages people to start their own business with the INCENTIVE TO MAKE A PROFIT AND GET AHEAD IN LIFE WHILE MAKING A LIVING FOR THEIR FAMILIES. This has given us the highest standard of living the world has ever known. We have all the modern conveniences to make life easier and more enjoyable. With FREEDOM, people have made all these wonderful inventions of every kind that we have and enjoy. Our Founding Fathers were devoted religious men who believed in the Bible and lived the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. America has always been a Christian nation and the majority live the teachings of Jesus and that is why God has blessed us so abundantly. There are now many people who are breaking God’s Commandments and having lives full of sorrow, they could change this by living the teachings of Jesus, for “Sin was never Happiness”. There are some leaders in our government and in the armed forces who want to belittle our Christian principles and we must use our power to never let them do this. The Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us to love and live peaceably. Obama and his supporters wrongly believe that our rights as Christian citizens are granted by the government, and can therefore be repealed by the government. They do not believe as you and I do, or even as our Founding Fathers did, that … OUR RIGHTS ARE INALIABLE BECAUSE THEY COME FROM GOD. We will never compromise on this truth. We can’t let left wing college professors, liberal politicians and bureaucracies , uninformed celebrities and environmentalist pass their hatred for America and poison the minds of our young people. We must stand strong, and make sure our students understand and appreciate the freedom, opportunity and prosperity that our nation represents. This administration wants to redistribute all the wealth. This is Communism and it has failed miserably wherever tried. Without freedom and the incentive to get ahead, there is not enough food raised so the people starve and become slaves to the government. The people that work should not have to take care of those that are too lazy to work. We are enthusiastic boosters of America. We are super patriotic and feel great pride when “Old Glory” is raised. We strongly believe in those principles upon which this great Nation was founded; Christian religious principles, hard work, freedom to excel, honesty, integrity, decency and high morals, private property rights, free enterprise, traditional marriage and family values. Let us all strive and do all we can to preserve this great country, as we have known it. I pray that our children and grandchildren can enjoy the happiness and ways of life we have been blessed with. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. Sincerely,


Gib Yardley


GamePlan Yardley

Lot 1

Polled PB Simmental

BD: 3/14/14 TG: 3.78

KCC1 Pinnacle Miss Yardley Y25 BW: 3.2

BW: 88 WDA: 3.72


WW: 795 YW: 1400

WAGR Driver by CNS Dream On CNS Tiara Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W8 by 3D WW: 65.9

YW: 93.6

MK: 17.4

From day one Game Plan has been a standout in the pen. It is rare to see this much shape and dimension in a purebred package. His young dam is an impeccably uddered, beautifully made baldy. His maternal sister is as pretty of a bred heifer as we own. Game Plan is sure to please with a 795# WW and a 1,400# YW in a moderate and correct package. Pinnacle’s offspring are some of our favorite bulls in our pens and Game Plan is at the top of our list with his cool front end and his perfect muscle pattern, with plenty of flex in his hocks and pasterns. Game plan is sure to make magnificent daughters in your herd and in the industry. Yardley Cattle Co retains a ½ semen interest, ½ possession interest in Game Plan. 80K TESTED Heterozygous Black, Homozygous Polled. www.yardleycattleco.com


Y ardle Y High Regard From the Purple to the Pasture


Sire: Y1 Impressive by Dinero x Power Surge Dam: Miss Yardley T68 by Pinion Y1 High Regard was the $30,000 high selling bull in our 2010 sale to John Goken and Dale Werning Families of SD. Sired by Yardley Impressive x Y1 Pinion. The calves sired by High Regard are stout, cool made, and consistent. He is siring sale toppers across the country demanding as much as $75,000. Another daughter was just crowned Grand Champion at the prestigious and tough Simmental Junior Nationals, the American Royal and Denver. High Regard hails from generations of good uddered, broody made females. They are real world cattle that will work in the show ring and we know will work in the pasture. As a complete outcross to Dream On he is the go to sire for functional, consistent quality. Sexed semen available.




Red Hawk Yardley

Lot 2

Scurred PB Simmental


BW: 78 WDA: 3.47

WW: 646 YW: 1310

BD: 2/22/14 TG: 4.15

Yardley Wah Wah Miss Yardley T68 BW: 0.4

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley M211 by WLE Bandwagon WW: 60.2

YW: 88.0

MK: 19.3

High Regard has created a small stir among the cattle industry with National Champion Purple Ribbons, $75,000 and $80,000 sale-toppers and sky rocketing semen sales. The incredible amount of style and substance backing these cattle shines through the numbers game and leaves you with a set of mouth-watering females. Here is your rare opportunity to own a maternal brother to this legendary sire. Red Hawk has the width, depth, hip and added dimension of his big brother, in an increasingly popular red package. He also has an equally impressive set of carcass data with a huge REA. Don’t miss out on this powerful package. 80K TESTED. www.yardleycattleco.com



Black Gold Yardley

There is no question that pounds on your calves is money in your wallet, especially with the value of cattle in today’s With that in mind, consider Black Gold. Black 3 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B364 market. Gold more than doubled his impressive 783# WW to a scale mashing 1,590# YW, the highest in Yardley Cattle Co histoBD: 3/3/14 BW: 90 WW: 783 TG: 5.05 WDA: 4.23 YW: 1590 ry! With a huge hip, massive depth and spring of rib coupled with an ideal leg set this big footed brute has all of the CNS Dream On by Nichols Legacy STF Shocking Dream power and potential to increase your bottom line and leave STF Miss by 600U you with a beautiful set of performance packed females. He OCC Jet Fleck Miss Yardley U187 is a very massive individual with a moderate frame. Black Miss Yardley M41 by BS Corrector Gold’s maternal sister was a feature bred heifer in our Focus BW: 1.0 WW: 67.3 YW: 98.9 MK: 18.5 On the Female Sale weaning at 697# and selling for $6,500. Shocking Dream is one of our favorite Dream On son’s and is the sire to Long Haul and several other impressive bulls. Yardley Cattle Co retains a ½ semen interest, ½ possession interest in Black Gold. 80K TESTED Heterozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.





Yardley NewAttraction

New Attraction has as much volume, capacity, length and depth coupled with finesse and style as any bull on the ranch. There is so much to love and appreciate about this docile powerhouse! Admire his massive hind quarter to his smooth lay with depth of body and rib extending from his 4 Scurred 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B400 shoulder heart girth to his flank. Power, style and softness are blended together in this wonderful masterpiece. We seriously contemBD: 3/10/14 BW: 84 WW: 745 TG: 4.69 WDA: 3.88 YW: 1495 plated keeping New Attraction as our next herd sire; he is that SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On good. His powerfully complete dam was a favorite we bought GCC Nickels N Dimes from Trenepohls. She has done a tremendous job on her first Joys Elegance two calves which averaged 740#. Her first bull, a sale favorite, Mr NLC Upgrade STCC Moon Grade sold for $7,500 to Beaver Creek Cattle Company, Waldon CO. EXAR Lassie by TC Moonshine New Attraction’s sire, Nickels and Dimes did not disappoint BW: 0.4 WW: 68.2 YW: 112.1 MK: 22.4 siring four top feature heifers in last year’s Focus On the Female sale, including $10,000 feature Bling, selling to Ron Shivers of IA. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black.





Lot 5

Polled 3/4 SM 3/16 AN


BW: 98 WDA: 3.59

WW: 725 YW: 1330

BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.78

WAGR Driver CNS Tiar SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Miss Anchor by OCC Anchor

KCC1 Pinnacle GCC Mirabelle

Pay Load

Yardley Pay Load will stand out in the crowd. He’s the kind of bull you want to have on display in the front pasture with his incredible spring of rib, wide top, big hind quarter and exceptional leg and foot structure. We can’t say enough good about Pinnacle’s first set of bulls and Pay Load is near the top. Payload’s impeccable dam is a standout Steel Force daughter that we bought out of the GCC Classic sale. She has done an exceptional job for us. Her first bull calf sold to Chiver’s ranch of Vernal UT for $5,750. Pay Load’s calves will push down the scales in the fall and his daughter’s will develop into a great set of replacements. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled. BW: 2.5

Lot 6

WW: 59.9

YW: 90

MK: 15.4

Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN


BW: 90 WDA: 3.72

WW: 700 YW: 1391

BD: 3/7/14 TG: 4.32

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by Dream On WSS McCallister Miss Yardley T138 Miss Yardley B78 by Whirlaway Yardley Best Bet hails from one of the best cow families on the ranch. Best Bet’s dam is a maternal sister to our legendary herd sire Pinion. She has been a no-miss momma. She has averaged 735# WW on five calves. Her dam averaged over 700# on 13 head of calves! A full brother to Best Bet sold as lot 7 in last year’s sale and was hand selected by long time customer and astute cattleman, Jim Frost of Moses Lake Washington, for $14,000. Best Bet has the same flawless phenotype with depth, power, performance and longevity. The odds are in your favor with Best Bet. This bull has a little attitude. 80K TESTED Heterozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.

GCF Billy the Kid

Best Bet

BW: 1.4

Lot 7

WW: 54.2

YW: 82.8

MK: 25.0

Scurred 5/8 SM 3/16 MA B448

BD: 3/15/14 TG: 3.90

BW: 88 WDA: 3.75

WW: 768 YW: 1393

STF Shocking Dream Miss Fancy Yardley T85 by 3C Macho Yardleys Ultra Meyer 734 Miss Yardley X48 Miss Yardley U270 by HAA New Level Black Diamond carries forward the tradition of excellence with an abundance of width, depth and dimension, which equates to pounds of profit in the fall. From his impressive 768# WW to his equally impressive 1,393# YW, Black Diamond packs performance into a moderate well made package. His beautifully uddered dam produced a full brother to Black Diamond, Moving Forward, in last year’s offering selling as lot 3 for $5000 to Art Wagner of Hampton Iowa. She has averaged over 700# WW on three calves. Long Haul has stamped his offspring with the rib, shape and dimension exemplified by Black Diamond. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black

STCC Long Haul

Black Diamond 14


BW: 1.2

WW: 60.5

YW: 89.3

MK: 20.4


Lot 8

Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN


BW: 85 WDA: 3.93

WW: 749 YW: 1464

BD: 3/1/14 TG: 4.47

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer U2 Miss Yardley P61 Miss Yardley H22 by Bonanza Black Eagle tied for the fourth highest WPD at 3.93 for a yearling weight of 1,464. When you study the amount of added depth and dimension infused with powerful muscling it’s easy to see why. His dam has an impressive track record of nine calves averaging over 749# at weaning; a true testament to her performance and longevity. Her last bull to sell was purchased by long-time customer, Dick Wheeler of Casper WY for $4,750. Hard as Steel has sired many of our high sellers including Yardley Utah, Yardley Boxcar, and Yardley Powerhouse just to name a few. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black, Heterozygous Polled.

GCC Hard as Steel

Lot 9

BW: 2.8

WW: 67.4

YW: 109.1 MK: 15.2


Polled 1/2 SM 1/8 MA B458

BD: 3/20/14 TG: 1378

BW: 94 WDA: 4.16

WW: 713 YW: 3.75

Nichols Muhammad GCF WhoWouldHave Dreamed Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley U136 Miss Yardley R65 by Hide N Watch Big Time hails from one of my favorite cow families on the ranch tracing back to his maternal great grand dam, M36. M36 is a maternal powerhouse who is still going strong at 13 years old, always stays fat and brings home a big calf in the fall. Her past three bull calves have averaged over $6,000. Big Time’s grand dam has averaged over 720# on 8 calves. The maternal backing coupled with Big Time’s own awesome phenotype and individual performance of 713#WW and 1,378# YW ensures beautiful replacements and powerful performers so vital to maximize profit. Grindstone is a stout built bull raised by Grindstone Creek Farms in Missouri. 80K TESTED.

GCF Grindstone

BW: 2.0

WW: 49.85

YW: 68.5 MK: 21.05

Lot 10 Polled 5/8 sm 1/4 an BD: 3/7/14 TG: 3.73

Big Time

BW: 100 WDA: 3.58

B386 WW: 717 YW: 1313

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer Nichols Legacy Miss Yardley P135 Miss Yardley E176 by Bonanza Circle and put a star next to Back Drop, he’s going to be center-stage; loaded with meat, depth, thickness, and huge capacity for real-world fleshing ability and gainability. Back Drop is arguably closer in phenotype to his impeccable sire, Hard as Steel than any bull we have ever raised. Back Drop’s productive dam has done a tremendous job weaning off eight calves averaging over 720# WW with half of them being heifers. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 2.8

WW: 60.3

YW: 93.0

MK: 14.3

Back Drop

Lot 11 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B367 BD: 3/3/14 TG: 4.10

BW: 88 WDA: 3.67

WW: 711 YW: 1367

STF Shocking Dream Miss Yardley W151 TC Grid Topper Miss Yardley W44 MissYardley P201 by Yardley Prompter You can’t find a hole in this deep bodied, soft made bull. He moves out nice, and brings to the table the best of both breeds; the length, depth, smooth shoulder, and extremely beautiful side profile coupled with the bone, width, power and performance of a high end Simmental. Ensign, his sire, is out of one of our best cow families and is really stamping a cool design on his offspring as exemplified by Cotton Wood. You’ll love this Simmy Angus Zion son. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.

Yardley Ensign

CottonWo od www.yardleycattleco.com



Lot 12 Polled 1/4 SM 1/4 AN B468 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.69

BW: 84 WDA: 3.88

WW: 745 YW: 1495

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley R134 Miss Yardley C208 by Whirlaway Believer stands out as a shining example of the ability of Billy the Kid to produce cattlemen’s kind of cattle that can go to the feed lot or the pasture and put on pounds of profit in a hurry. Believer’s prolific dam has done a great job averaging 695# on eight calves. With his huge hip, ideal leg set and athletic build and fluid movement, Believer will make a believer out of you! 80K TESTED.

GCF Billy the Kid


BW: 3.5

WW: 61.8

YW: 92.7

MK: 16.9

Lot 13 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B393 BD: 3/8/14 TG: 4.12

BW: 93 WDA: 3.93

WW: 805 YW: 1465

WAGR Driver by CNS Dream On CNS Tiara Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley X188 Miss Yardley P145 by OCC Legend In the industries quest for bigger weaning weights moderation and fleshing ability have been sacrificed for bigger framed faster growing cattle. Eagle Scout proves that this does not have to be the case. With over an 800#WW, 1595# YW, a 16”REA and built like a Sherman tank; Eagle Scout has the extreme depth, width, rib, guts, and dimension to efficiently convert feed while still maintaining a moderate, easy keeping animal that can thrive under harsher range conditions. Eagle Scout stands as a testament to the effectiveness and profitability of SimAngus genetics. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.

KCC1 Pinnacle


BW: 2.8

WW: 70.6

YW: 92.5

MK: 21.1

Lot 14 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B340 BD: 2/27/14 TG: 3.89

BW: 91 WDA: 3.70

WW: 743 YW: 1366

MCC Cupid GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On 3C Picasso by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley R71 Miss Yardley M35 by 3C Jigger Black baldy cattle are bringing a premium across the country and with a bull like Bald Eagle you’ll have a pot load of good ones come next spring. His highly productive stellar dam comes from one of the most powerful and prolific cow families on our ranch. She has weaned seven calves averaging over 710#WW, with her last two bull calves averaging $6,750. Her easy-fleshing powerhouse dam in turn has weaned off nine calves averaging over 710# as well with her past two bull calves averaging $6,500; a true testament to the longevity and productivity of the exceptional cow family backing Bald Eagle. 80K TESTED Heterozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.

GCF Billy the Kid


BW: 2.8

WW: 65.6

YW: 97.3

MK: 18.3

Lot 15 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B346 BD: 3/1/14 TG: 4.29

BW: 82 WDA: 3.82

WW: 735 YW: 1422

STF Shocking Dream by CNS Dream On Miss Fancy Yardley T85 by 3C Macho Angus S435 KCC Annabelle 111 by VDAR New Trend Long Haul’s offspring were barn burners last year from our ‘14 $20,000 sale topper, Overhaul that sold to Wheatland Cattle of Canada; to a $16,500 feature lot sold to Brent White of Iowa, along with our $14,500 high-selling bred heifer to Scott and Jeff Trennepohl. Black Osprey has the same standout phenotype and performance. Black Ospreys 735# WW to his 1,422# YW blends performance with eye appeal in a balanced and beautiful package. Abundant depth, thickness, strength of top, length of body and exceptional legs, feet, and motion. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled.

STCC Long Haul

BlackOsprey 16


BW: 0.1

WW: 66.1

YW: 84.6

MK: 21.8


Lot 16 Scurred 3/4 SM 1/8 AN B461 BD: 3/20/14 TG: 2.81

BW: 87 WDA: 3.52

WW: 802 YW: 1251

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley U83 Miss Yardley F73 by Black Beaver This is one of the most powerful, stylish and well balanced bulls in the sale with a cool front end and the look of greatness and style. An impressive 802# WW in a moderate package he promises to make exceptional show quality females that will work in the show ring and the front pasture. His elite, beautifully uddered dam has been a stellar producer. As a first calf heifer she raised our $20,000 ’10 female sale topper that sold to Randy and Troy Jones and Scott and Jeff Trennepohl. She has averaged nearly 750#WW on five calves. Her beautiful and highly productive dam also raised several sale features. 80K TESTED Homozygous Black.

Yardley Ensign

BW: -.05

WW: 53.9

YW: 64.7 MK: 20.05

Lot 17 Scurred 1/2 SM 5/16 MA B507 BD: 4/7/14 TG: 3.92

BW: 93 WDA: 3.74

WW: 749 YW: 1376

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho Yardley Fortune Miss Yardley X99 Miss Yardley P103 by Neel Swoosh Good red cattle are always in high demand. This red bull has been an eye catcher from day one. Extreme muscle expression, stoutness of hip, abundant depth, and fluid movement, with exceptional hair quality and disposition. He has plenty of style and performance wiht an extra dose of maternal to add to a set of bold colored calves. 80K TESTED.

Yardley Chrome

BW: 2.7

WW: 58.3

YW: 82.1

MK: 11

Lot 18 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B374 BD: 3/4/14 TG: 3.78

BW: 80 WDA: 3.65

WW: 738 YW: 1343

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 by CNS Dream On SCC Apache Brave by OCC Legend Miss Yardley W141 Miss Yardley S186 by SC Stockman 365 Yardley Utah will go down as one of our greatest herd sires! Bulls like B374 explain why. He is a “no holes” kind of bull with the ability to move your program in a positive direction. He has powerful depth, structure and equally impressive data. His performance driven dam has an epic track record of four calves weaning at 787# and her bull calves both selling for $5,500.

Yardley Utah

BW: 0.6

WW: 59.7

YW: 95.0

MK: 17.3

Lot 19 Scurred 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B471 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.69

BW: 84 WDA: 3.88

WW: 745 YW: 1495

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance SVF/HTP Pressure Point Miss Yardley U155 Miss Yardley B88 by Whirlaway When I was given the opportunity to purchase a few cows, U155 was one that I for sure wanted. Her dam B88, had effectively raised fourteen top notch calves that weaned over 700# on average—great performance and longevity. Her daughter F44 is the grand dam to our herd sire Yardley Chrome and raised sixteen calves; Her sire Pressure Point produces easy keeping cattle with the right design and plenty of fleshing ability and performance. U155 has not disappointed with five calves averaging just under 700# and raising a $7,500 bull calf.

GCC Nickels N Dimes

BW: 1.0

WW: 60.1

YW: 92.6

MK: 18.9




Lot 20 Polled PB Simmental B359 BD: 3/2/14 TG: 3.69

BW: 90 WDA: 3.38

WW: 665 YW: 1224

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 Mr Corrector Miss Yardley K114 Miss Yardley E119 by Whirlaway B359 hails from a Cornerstone maternal legend donor, who in turn is out of an epic donor. K114’s last bull calf sold for $9,500 to Culver Cattle Co. E119, her dam raised the first bull we ever raised to break the $10,000 mark. These are real world cows that are powerfully feminine and square in their design that always stay fat and have stood the test of time raising stylish productive calves along the way. K114 will be fifteen this year and hardly shows her age. We had E119 until she was fourteen. Longevity of a cow equates to profit. With the caliber of cattle B359 hails from, you’ll want his daughters in the herd as long as you can keep them. B359 does have some attitude, so keep that in mind. BW: 2.9 WW: 55.3 YW: 82.7 MK: 13.7

Yardley Utah

Lot 21 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B389 BD: 3/7/14 TG: 4.12

BW: 77 WDA: 3.78

WW: 777 YW: 1437

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer GCF Lonestar Miss Yardley Y144 Miss Yardley T156 by McCalister Talk about a stout made Simmy-Angus that brings it all together. You’re going to fall in love with this big-topped, square made bull. I love the Royal Jet half bloods and this is one of the best. Just look at his numbers 77# BW, 777# WW, and a 1,437# YW. There are just so many ways you can take a bull of this caliber. His young but productive dam has averaged over 780# on her first two calves; quite a record, quite a bull!

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: -0.7

WW: 55.5

YW: 97.5

MK: 27.5

Lot 22 Polled 1/4 SM 1/2 AN B381 BD: 3/5/14 TG: 3.90

BW: 92 WDA: 3.87

WW: 810 YW: 1435

WAGR Driver by CNS Dream On CNS Tiara Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley X87 KAV Miss Precision by Twin Valley Precision This massive bull of colossal proportions has an enormous amount of depth, giant testicles, and tons of mass. This is self evident in his astounding 810# WW and a 1,435# YW. If you sell by the pound, a bull like B381 is money in the pocket.

KCC1 Pinnacle

BW: 2.1

WW: 66.1

YW: 95.9

MK: 15.1

Lot 23 Scurred PB Simmental B521 BD: 4/12/14 TG: 3.89

BW: 102 WDA: 3.84

WW: 759 YW: 1382

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 TCF/RCC Temptation Miss Yardley M5 Miss Yardley K26 To wean a 740# calf without any creep feed is quite an accomplishment. To consistently do that on ten head of calves is incredible. That is exactly what B521’s dam has done, including a $6,500 bull calf. She is a maternal powerhouse with a massive hip, big top and extraordinary depth. We thought we had this bull pictured but it has got lost in the shuffle. This is a great bull!

Yardley Chrome

Dad and Maggie. Grandpa loves his little cowgirls!

BW: 4.3



WW: 66.6

YW: 100.2 MK: 22.8


Lot 24 Polled PB Simmental B302 BD: 2/15/14 TG: 4.08

BW: 71 WDA: 3.40

WW: 692 YW: 1345

R&R Warehouse Miss Jong by Meyer 734 Yardley High Regard Miss Yardley Z110 Miss Yardley G41 by Mr Arpahoe Here’s another beautifully blazed faced bull out of an own daughter of our tremendously productive donor G41. G41 was a perfect built female that did not miss. Her udder quality was second to none and she was loaded with fleshing ability and femininity with a very clean extended front. B302’s sire, DJ Salution, was the highlight bull of DeJong’s sale in SD. He is a very soft made, cool fronted calving ease sire that has produced some outstanding calves.

DJ Salution

BW: -0.7

WW: 57.6

YW: 74.3

MK: 24.6

Lot 25 Polled PB Simmental B281 BD: 2/5/14 TG: 4.20

BW: 86 WDA: 3.47

WW: 714 YW: 1385

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 WLE Power Miss Yardley Z162 Miss Yardley T139 by SVJ Powerhouse Zane Yardley does all of our AI’ing and raises commercial cattle, had this bull picked out as one of his favorites the first time he went in the pen. It’s easy to see why. Look at how much length of body, depth, and growth this bull has. Consider his 714# WW, out of a first calf heifer, and his 1,385# YW. With calves that sell by the pound a bull like this is money in the bank come weaning. His beautifully powerful maternal grand dam, T139 raised a $10,500 Billy the Kid son that sold to Ronnie Smith of Texas. Wah Wah, B281’s sire was our favorite Billy the Kid son and is also the sire to lot 3.

Yardley Wah Wah

BW: 0.4

WW: 62.1

YW: 85.3

MK: 15.5

Lot 26 Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 MA B291 BD: 2/9/14 TG: 4.11

BW: 93 WDA: 3.37

WW: 689 YW: 1346

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 GCC Whizard Miss Yardley Z154 Miss Yardley S203 by Partisover by Meyer 734 Here is an extremely wide topped individual who has depth, volume and real world capacity to make a tremendous set of standout female; the kind you keep in the front pasture. A maternal brother to his young dam sold for $6,750. Wah Wah’s offspring brag impressively large rib eyes and good carcass qualities along with exceptional maternal traits.

Yardley Wah Wah

BW: 1.2

WW: 63.1

YW: 85.1

MK: 12.9

Lot 27 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B288 BD: 2/8/14 TG: 3.58

BW: 90 WDA: 3.46

WW: 768 YW: 1341

SAV Final Answer SAV Blackbird BWL Hard Core Miss Yardley Z173 Miss Yardley W18 by SVJ Power Surge B288’s sire, SAV Pioneer 7301 is the $65,000 top-selling bull from the 2008 SAV Sale. He combines phenotype, performance, carcass quality, scrotal size and great temperament, to make him one of the best balanced sires in the business. Pioneer currently ranks among the top ten sires in the Angus breed for annual registrations. On his bottom side a maternal brother to B288’s dam sold to long time customers and friends, Avila Ranch of CA for $9,000. B288 scanned over a 16” REA. Dad Liked the Pioneer sons better than any other sire group in Schaffs sale.

SAV Pioneer

BW: 1.7

WW: 67.1

YW: 95.9

MK: 22





“I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can me rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, it’s breed of useful animals, and other branches of husbandman’s cares.” George Washington

Lot 28 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B434 BD: 3/14/14 TG: 4.50

BW: WDA: 3.88

WW: 766 YW: 1487

WAGR Driver CNS Tiara GCC Universal by Steel Force Miss Yardley Y42 Miss Yardley U190 by Duff New Edition If you traced his maternal line back one more generation you would find G69. She stands as one of the most influential broody, feminine herd matriarchs in our Angus herd. We currently are flushing W172, her daughter who sold a $20,000 and a $16,500 heifer in our last year’s Focus On the Female sale to Kevin Fisher of Ohio. B434’s maternal grand dam is a full sister to this highly profitable female, and stands near the top of the offering in performance.

KCC1 Pinnacle

BW: 2.6

WW: 65.2

YW: 102.6 MK: 17.0

Lot 29 Polled 1/2 SM 5/16 AN 3/16 MA B440 BD: 3/14/14 TG: 3.87

BW: 89 WDA: 3.59

WW: 744 YW: 1364

WAGR Driver by CNS Dream On CNS Tiara OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley Y12 Miss Yardley W159 by DCC Full Circle This strapping young lad is sure to turn into a performance packed herd sire. His sire Pinnacle, who led off Kearn’s Grand Champion pen of three bulls at the National Western Stock Show in ’13 did not disappoint. His first calf crop averaged over 730# WW, 1,364# YW and apx. 16”REA. You’ll like the shape and design of this fine bull loaded with explosive growth and performance.

KCC1 Pinnacle

BW: 2.2

WW: 60.2

YW: 70.8

MK: 19.2

Lot 30 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B409 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.95

BW: 86 WDA: 3.50

WW: 667 YW: 1298

CNS Dream On by Nichols Legacy Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley W146 KAV Blacklady 132 by Hyline Traveler Efficient cattle never go out of style. B409 will do a good job downsizing and softening up a herd of cattle, making easy keeping, eye appealing offspring.

Whirl of a Dream

BW: -0.3

WW: 44.3

YW: 62

MK: 18.4

Lot 31 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B446 BD: 3/15/14 TG: 3.54

BW: 93 WDA: 3.53

WW: 718 YW: 1284

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On SS Goldmine Miss Yardley P16 Miss Yardley M21 by Bodacious Black baldies of this caliber are hard to come by and increasingly popular. His dam is a beautifully made powerfully productive herd matron who has averaged over 700# on nine calves. A full brother to B446 sold in last year’s sale for $5,000 to Creston Black of Antimony UT. Another maternal brother sold for $6,000 to long time customer Dick Wheeler of Wyoming.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 1.8



WW: 58.1

YW: 83.5

MK: 21.6


Lot 32 Polled PB Simmental B405 BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.96

BW: 92 WDA: 3.56

WW: 683 YW: 1317

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway R&R Warehouse Miss Yardley T10 Miss Yardley R38 by Partisover by Meyer 734 This genuine beef machine that takes muscle and growth to a whole new level. He has the right muscling in all the right places and scanned a big rib eye. His powerfully built, big hipped dam raised a $7,000 bull that sold to Ken Nelson of Salina UT. She averaged 689# on five calves.

Whirl of a Dream

BW: 1.5

WW: 49.9

YW: 68.6

MK: 18.3

Lot 33 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B472 BD: 3/20/14 TG: 3.77

BW: 84 WDA: 3.49

WW: 695 YW: 1299

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 by CNS Dream On Yardley Extra Tradition Miss Yardley X136 Miss Yardley S173 by SC Stockman 365 Good front, smooth made, moderate, really deep and complete with cool hair; those are my personal notes on B472. That pretty well sums him up. Yardley Utah has done a tremendous job both here and at Wernings in South Dakota.

Yardley Utah

BW: 1.0

WW: 57.4

YW: 71.8

MK: 14.0

Lot 34 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 An B430 BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.68

BW: 91 WDA: 3.59

WW: 742 YW: 1331

MCC Cupid GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Northern Improvement by Stockman 365 Miss Yardley N2 Miss Yardley L165 by Spade If you are looking for a bull to add a little stretch and pounds of profit then check out this long bodied bull. His dam has averaged over 700# on ten head of calves. Billy the Kid does not disappoint. This bull breathes a little loud but shouldn’t be bothered by it with a low 35 PAP test. We guarantee him to be 100% healthy.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 1.8

WW: 56.4

YW: 88.3

MK: 19.9

Lot 35 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B442 BD: 3/13/14 TG: 4.38

BW: 89 WDA: 3.69

WW: 716 YW: 1417

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley T50 Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley Y217 Miss Yardley U7 by HSAF Bando 1961 Black baldies of the right style and design are sure to increase in popularity for years to come. Pinion daughters are renowned for their femininity and perfect udder design. Loaded with performance, B442 is ready to make you a whole herd full of beautiful bodied, perfect uddered blaze-faced females.

Yardley Brock

BW: 2.7

WW: 61.4

YW: 93.2

MK: 16.2




Lot 36 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B397 BD: 3/7/14 TG: 3.33

BW: 78 WDA: 3.63

WW: 817 YW: 1350

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 GCF Lonestar Miss Yardley Y145 Miss Yardley T156 by McCallister Royal Jet crosses up nicely on our powerful Simmental females. B397 is a great example of this; look at the abundant depth of rib, great body, tight sheath, cool front and smooth shoulder lay. B397’s dam has added a performance punch to the equation considering he had the second highest weaning weight on our ranch at 817#! Her first calf, a heifer weaned off at 739#.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: -0.9

WW: 53

YW: 85.8

MK: 26.2

Lot 37 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B410 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.85

BW: 87 WDA: 3.50

WW: 698 YW: 1314

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 by CNS Dream On Yardleys Ultra Meyer 734 Miss Yardley X44 Miss Yardley U47 by CC Duramax B410 has impressive performance. His maternal brother sold for $5,500 to Colby Paice of Coalville UT. His dam has averaged over 700# on three head of calves. Several Utah sons have sold for over $9,000 in our sale and in Werning’s of SD.

Yardley Utah

BW: 1.9

WW: 49.8

YW: 80

MK: 17.1

Lot 38 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B396 BD: 3/9/13 TG: 3.15

BW: 77 WDA: 3.32

WW: 719 YW: 1224

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 CNS Dream On Miss Yardley X146 Miss Yardley by BS Corrector The Zion half bloods are intriguing in their design. You’ll appreciate the rich depth of body, spring of rib, and side profile of these unique individuals. You’ll also love their softness and easy fleshing, moderate frames with light birth weights and ample performance. B396’s dam has done a tremendous job with her three calves averaging 718#WW.

Yardley Zion

BW: -0.45 WW: 59.1

YW: 85.05 MK: 18.35

Lot 39 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B362 BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.89

BW: 81 WDA:3.44

WW: 678 YW: 1301

CNS Dream On by Nichols Legacy Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway OCC Homer Miss Yardley X9 Miss Yardley U61 by OCC Rising Sun Here’s a calf with a cool front, smooth shoulder, a nice deep side profile and an equally impressive performance record. Whirl of a Dream’s calves topped our ’12 sale with over a $7,000 average. The Simmy-Angus cattle are on fire as producers in all facets of the industry come to appreciate the fleshing ability and real world performance and maternal traits these exceptional cattle have to offer.

Whirl of a Dream

BW: -0.4



WW: 49.9

YW: 52.2

MK: 20.5


Lot 40 Scurred 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B352 BD: 3/1/14 TG: 3.67

BW: 78 WDA: 3.39

WW: 667 YW: 1255

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection Yardley Impressive by Dinero Miss Yardley W36 Miss Yardley T41 by Aces of Fortune Billy the Kid has already left a big mark on our cow herd. His daughters are beautifully uddered, smooth shouldered, broody females loaded with volume and fleshing ability. B352 should do the same. His dam averaged 75# BW on four calves.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 0.5

WW: 54.3

YW: 84.0

MK: 17.4

Lot 41 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 3/4/14 TG: 3.59

BW: 86 WDA: 3.59

B373 WW: 799 YW: 1374

GCC Volumizer OCC Dixie Erica BWL Hard Core by CNS Dream On Miss Yardley Z128 Miss Yardley W74 by Yardley Pinion B373 has been an eye catcher all summer. His dam was in a pasture with Zion and every time we saw B373 we commented on how good he looked. His young, highly productive dam did a tremendous job on him, he weaned off at 799#. His maternal grand has weaned off five calves averaging 783#. Bottom line: maternal performance! B373 has continued to excel on feed weighing in at 1,374#. His huge top line reveals his 17+” REA. B373’s sire, GCC Volumizer is loaded with volume.

GCC Volumizer

BW: 1.5

WW: 60.7

YW: 74.6

MK: 16.3

Lot 42 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 42/1/14 TG: 3.97

BW: 76 WDA: 3.18

B267 WW: 648 YW: 1284

GCC Total Recall OCC Juanada STF Shocking Dream Miss Yardley Z86 Miss Yardley N146 by 3C Roulette Here is a super stylish bull out of the $50,000 GCC Gold Standard. He crossed up well on B267’s young dam producing a light birth weight masterpiece that will produce stylish, moderate, well muscled cattle with softness and fleshing ability. B267’s maternal grand dam has been a stellar producer with her past four bull calves averaging over $6,000 including an $8,250 son that sold to long time customer Jim Frost of Moses Lake WA.

GCC Gold Standard

BW: -0.9

WW: 52.4

YW: 72.9

MK: 15.6

Lot 43 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/1/14 TG: 3.81

BW: 78 WDA: 3.21

B280 WW: 671 YW: 1280

CNS Dream On GCF Miss Mt-Zel GCC Total Recall Miss Yardley Z1 GCC Miss Steel by SVF Steel Force B280 is a chunky made, belly dragging moderator who has a nice smooth shoulder lay and great width and muscle definition. His attractive and angular dam was a feature in our last Focus On the Female sale, selling for $6,200 to Bill Jessup of Indiana. His maternal grand dam was our lead off female in ‘13 sale for $11,500. She is as pretty and broody as any Steel Force daughter I have seen. This kind of maternal backing in a herd sire is priceless.

GCF Mr Amigo

BW: -0.6

WW: 57.4

YW: 68.9

MK: 6.3




Lot 44 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 4/7/14 TG: 3.87

BW: 91 WDA: 3.81

B506 WW: 778 YW: 1398

Lot 45 Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 MA B416 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.04

BW: 90 WDA: 3.63

WW: 696 YW: 1342

STF Shocking Dream Flying B Cut Above Yardley Chrome Miss Yardley W151 Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho OCC Jet Fleck DCC Full Circle Miss Yardley X69 Miss Yardley W180 Miss Yardley L148 by HHSF Overtime Miss Yardley S42 by CMAC Hard Core We really should have pictured more of the bulls from this pen. B506 would have Dam has averaged 702# WWs on three calves. been at the top of the list. He’s a really nice Ensign son with abundant depth and thickness, slingshot growth and out of a cow that has produced three calves averaging over 700#.

Yardley Ensign

PM BW: -.50WW: 47.8 YW: 59.65 MK: 22.3

Lot 46 Polled 5/8 SM 5/16 AN B406 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.92

BW: 92 WDA: 3.68

WW: 747 YW: 1374

BW: 1.7

WW: 54.6

YW: 71.9

MK: 15.5

Lot 47 Polled PB Simmental BD: 4/5/14 TG: 3.82

BW: 75 WDA: 3.73

B502 WW: 761 YW: 1372

MCC Cupid CNS Dream On Whirl of a Dream Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Rest Easy by Meyer 734 WAGR Dream Catcher Miss Yardley X41 Miss Yardley N36 Miss Yardley L97 by Yardley Black Beaver Miss Yardley U155 by SVF/HTP Pressure Point B502 is one of the youngest bulls in our pen, but has done an excellent job Here’s a nice Billy the Kid son with a big RE, great performance, style and depth. His twelve year old dam has effectively raised ten calves including a $5,500 bull keeping up with his older counter parts. His feather light birth weight, excellent performance, and large REA really draw you to him. His dam has averaged 71# calf. BW on four calves and had a 74# BW herself.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 2.3

WW: 57.5

YW: 87.7

MK: 15.4

BW: -0.5

WW: 52.2

YW: 70.9

MK: 18.6

Lot 48 Polled PB Simmental B404 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.29

BW: 92 WDA: 3.49

WW: 737 YW: 1263

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway WSS McCallister Miss Yardley U199 Miss Yardley E13 by BS Franchise A $4,000 maternal brother to B404 sold to long time customers and friends, Dean & Rodney Carter of Minersville UT. B404 also has an impressive weaning weight of 737. E13 was one of our very best donor cows.

Whirl of a Dream

BW: 2.5

WW: 51.3

YW: 57.6

MK: 17.4

Lot 48


alving heifers. We calve from 100-200

heifers every year and we always watch them closely. We always try to breed them to an easy calving bull. However, I don’t care how much of a calving ease bull you buy, if you want a live calf you have got to get up at 2:00 in the morning. We check our heifers every 4 hours. IF YOU GET THEM TO FAT OR TO THIN YOU ARE ALSO GOING TO HAVE TROUBLES. We like to not feed them



over 1/3 alfalfa and they need some exercise. They need a little protein or the calves will be born weak and are a lot more susceptible to scours. But too much protein makes the calves bigger. All females should be watched closely during calving. You can’t predict whether any virgin bull will be a heifer bull until he’s sired a crop of calves. THE BEST WAY TO AVOID CALVING PROBLEMS IS TO EXPECT YOU WILL HAVE THEM.


Lot 49 Polled 1/4 SM 3/4 AN B319 BD: 2/24/14 TG: 2.76

BW: 76 WDA: 3.07

WW: 665 YW: 1107

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On C&M Sterling Precision Miss Yardley S88 Ebar 7225 by California Traveler S88 is a real feminine, broody made, perfect uddered, profitable Angus female that throws the right kind of design every time in her calves. Her first bull calf sold for $10,250. Her next calf was a feature heifer in our sale that sold for $9,000 to Laurie Kenny of Iowa. Her calves have averaged 77# birth weights. With just enough Simmy to add some performance you’ll love B319.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: -0.7

WW: 42.2

YW: 50.4

MK: 17.2

Lot 50 Scurred 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B301 BD: 2/14/14 TG: 3.58

BW: 72 WDA: 3.21

WW: 648 YW: 1221

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance OCC Just Right Miss Yardley X15 Miss Yardley U3 by CNS Dream On Nickels and Dimes sires fancy ones whether they are bulls or heifers. B301’s dam is a beautifully uddered, soft made, feminine female with a lot of capacity. Her maternal brother sold for $6,500 to long-time customer and friend Lynn Swenson of Spanish Fork, UT.

GCC Nickels N Dimes

BW: -1.5

WW: 47.1

YW: 67.8

MK: 16.1

Lot 49

Lot 51 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B270 BD: 1/28/14 TG: 3.66

BW: 80 WDA: 3.25

WW: 702 YW: 1288

CNS Dream On STF Miss by 600U HF Ranger Smith Miss Yardley Z127 Miss Yardley X73 The arithmetic is in order on B270 with an impressive 702# WW and 1,288# YW. A maternal brother to B270’s young dam pleased the audience in last year’s sale selling for $9,500 to long time customer Craig Probst.

STF Shocking Dream

BW: 0.8

WW: 60.7

YW: 81.1

MK: 13.3

Lot 52 Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 MA B412 Lot 53 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B310 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 92 WDA: 3.28

WW: 681 YW: 1193

ZKCC Chopper Miss Yardley S123 by 3C Sturdy TCTC Patton by Irish Whiskey GCC Quince 419U OCC Dixie Erica by OCC Homer U419 is as pretty and broody of a female as I have ever seen. When the girls bought her from John Griswold’s sale for $8,000 I thought they would be a while rolling a profit on her, how wrong was I. Her first calf was a heifer that sold in Griswold’s sale for $29,000. Her past three calves have averaged $7,300 for a grand total of $51,000 on four calves. GOOD CATTLE DON’T COST MONEY, THEY MAKE MONEY. Here’s one of the best. Showdown topped our ‘12 sale for $18,000.

Yardley Showdown

BW: 0.7

WW: 52.4

YW: 69.6

MK: 13.2

Lot 54 Polled PB Simmental B299 BD: 2/13/14 TG: 3.78

BW: 80 WDA: 3.41

WW: 730 YW: 1335

CNS Dream On GCF Miss Mt-Zel Nichols Manifest by Nichols Legacy Miss Yardley Z19 Miss Yardley X69 by OCC Jet Fleck Here’s a big rib eyed, big performance bull out of National Champion Simmental bull, Amigo. Amigo is one of the best put together bulls I have seen in a long time. He is one of the only red bulls we have bred to in twenty years.

GCF Mr Amigo

BW: 0.6

WW: 68.6

YW: 80.3

MK: 6.0

BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.96

BW: 90 WDA: 3.58

WW: 701 YW: 1335

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley U219 Miss Yardley J200 by HSAF Overtime Here’s another nice baldy bull with great performance. His maternal grand dam was a real producer whose last bull calf sold for $8,500 to astute cattleman Jim Frost of Moses Lake

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 2.7

WW: 63.9

YW: 88.9

MK: 11.7

Lot 55 Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 AN B347 BD: 3/31/14 TG: 3.46

BW: 77 WDA: 3.56

WW: 782 YW: 1336

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Ms Meyer by Meyer 734 GCF Lonestar Miss Yardley Y173 Miss Yardley by Yardley Pinon B347’s dam is a maternal sister to this year’s Black Falcon, lot 20. His beautifully uddered grand dam has an exceptional phenotype and has been a stellar producer. As a first calf heifer she raised our $20,000 ’10 sale topper, Bedazzled that sold to astute showmen Randy and Troy Jones of Ohio and Scott and Jeff Trennepohl of Indiana. She has averaged nearly 750#WW on five calves.

ZKCC Chopper

BW: 1.1

WW: 62.2

YW: 82.3

MK: 19.2




Lot 56 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 MA B449 BD: 3/15/14 TG: 3.64

BW: 90 WDA: 3.46

Lot 57 Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 MA B384

WW: 705 YW: 1287

BD: 3/5/14 TG: 3.42

STF Shocking Dream by CNS Dream On Miss Fancy Yardley T85 by 3C Macho CMAC Tyson Miss Yardley X51 Miss Yardley N4 by Daines Icon Long Haul produced last year’s $20,000 sale topper Overhaul that sold to one of Canada’s best herds, Wheatland Cattle Co.

STCC Long Haul

BW: 1.0

WW: 55.7

YW: 79.3

BD: 3/20/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 73 WDA: 3.37

WW: 708 YW: 1220

WW: 721 YW: 1268

STF Shocking Dream Miss Fancy Yardley T85 BKR1 Trendsetter Miss Yardley X121 Miss Yardley R112 by Cherokee A maternal brother sold in last years sale for $5,500 to Roger Rees of Wales UT.

STCC Long Haul

MK: 17.4

Lot 58 Polled PB Simmental B463

BW: 75 WDA: 3.42

BW: -1.1

WW: 53.3

YW: 74.1

MK: 19.2

Lot 59 Polled 1/4 SM 7/16 M 1/4 A B354 BD: 3/2/14 TG: 3.60

BW: 75 WDA: 3.25

WW: 649 YW: 1224

CNS Dream On by Nichols Legacy Flying B Cut Above Whirl of a Dream Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho OCC Prototype Yardley Pinion GCC Juanada Miss Yardley W74 OCC Juanada 741K Miss Yardley N194 by Yardley Lad F400 B354 is out of Maternal sister to GCC Total Recall, one of the top Angus bulls of the TWIN. Maternal grand dam averaged over 720# on seven calves! breed.

Yardley Chrome

BW: 1.4

WW: 50.1

YW: 60.7

MK: 21.0

BW: -1.9

WW: 36.6

YW: 48.4

MK: 22.0

Summer The three Amigo’s

Heaven We run a family operation, with friendships formed under a starry sky and a mountain haven. Calving, changing water, riding for cows, hay, branding and everything else that comes with ranching is done with one another, it’s a life of service. Service to the land, service to our family and service to our God, this service forms a family united in love. You realize that without one another the cattle and the land are of little value. We welcome you to our sale, grateful for your business, but more grateful for your friendship

26 26

435-310-0041 435-310-0041 435-310-0041


Cornerstone Yardley

Lot 60 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.46

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley T66 BW: .1

B321 BW: 72 WDA: 3.63

WW: 764 YW: 1318

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 SAF 598 Bando 5175 GSK Miss Saphire by Connealy Forefront WW: 49

YW: 84

MK: 20

Cornerstone has been a favorite in our herd from day one. He is an extremely long bodied, deep-chested individual that carries a lot of lower quarter and eye appeal in a rock solid, performance packed package. His expressive mass and muscle pattern were expressed in his impressive 764# WW and 1,318# YW. He is a true form curve bender with an intriguingly light birth weight of only 72#. His performance oriented dam has an exceptional track record with six calves averaging over 730# WWs and her bull calves averaging over 1,310# YWs. She is a full sister to herd matriarch S504, the mother to our herd sires Zion and Embark. A maternal sister to them sold in our last Focus On the Female sale for $14,500. If you are looking for a bull to make beautiful daughters and heavy bull and steer calves in the fall, Cornerstone is your bull. 50K Tested. www.yardleycattleco.com



Lot 61 OHL Next To Heaven BD: 3/18/12 HERD BULL

BW: 87

WW: 790

Exar Lutton Plainview Pride TC Freedom OHL Angel OHL Sweet Dreams by Saugahatchee OHL Next to Heaven was the leadoff Lot 1 bull in our good friends Wanyne and Barb Ohlrichs’ sale this past spring. They felt he was one of the best bulls that they have ever raised of any breed. He has performance, muscle, body, smoothness, structure, style and balance – he has it all. You could label this bull any breed you wanted and be excited about him, there just aren’t many Angus bulls that are this good! His offspring sell in this sale so you can tell the type of muscling and style he injects into his offspring.

Plaineview Lutton

BW: 3.5

Lot 62

WW: 45

YW: 64

MK: 23

SAV Angus Icon

BD: 3/20/2013 BW: 77 HERD BULL

WW: 917 YW: 1525

SAV Iron Mountain SAV May by Bando 5175 SAV Emblynette 9211 SAV Bismark SAV Emblynette by Predominant Angus Icon was a top Angus Valley pick at the ’14 SAV sale. He was also a personal favorite of Kelly’s and a phenotypic standout, with what Kelly described as “powerful thickness, expressive muscle shape, and a fault-free structure.” His dam is the protégé of seven generations of pathfinder dams, she is loaded with femininity, a beautiful udder and is one of Rodney’s favorite cows in the SAV herd. SAV Angus Valley was the $200,000 lead-off bull from the ’12 SAV sale.

SAV Angus Valley

BW: 2.4

WW: 68

YW: 112

MK: 16

Lot 63 Angus Beaver Canyon Y309 BD: 2/22/2011 BW: 80 HERD BULL

WW: 705 YW: 1288

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 by Bando 598 SC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley T142 E Bar V Annie by EXT Destined for greatness, Beaver Canyon has matured into a powerfully designed bull with the right pounds in the right places. He’s well muscled and perfect patterned with great capacity and a powerful square hip. He moves out with the confidence of a king. He has done a tremendous job in our program and he will be a definite asset to yours. His sire, SAV Final Answer, produced over 600,000 units of semen and has sired more registered offspring and ranked in the top ten for ten consecutive years. He had an injury and we had to scratch him from the sale. We had 20 calls wanting to buy him after our sale but we decided to keep him. There are more sons of Final Answer in bull studs than about any other Angus bull and there is no more semen left on him. 50K Tested

SAV Final Answer

BW: .9



WW: 46

YW: 75

MK: 18



Yardley Lot 64



BW: 76 WDA: 3.56

WW: 777 YW: 1384

BD: 2/2/14 TG: 3.79

SAV Final Answer SAV Emblynette CA Ranger Miss Yardley X79 by SCC Apache Brave

SAV Mustang Miss Yardley Z13 PM:

BW: -.2

WW: 41

YW: 71

MK: 19.5

Topline boasts one of the most impressive performance records in the pen, an impressive light 76# BW and scale mashing 777# WW and 1,384# YW, the second heaviest in the pen. All of this out of a beautiful bodied first calf heifer makes him even more impressive. Topline has all of the right pounds in all the right places with depth, width, thickness throughout and a smooth shoulder lay. His sire, SAV Mustang has been one of our favorite SAV calving ease bulls. Two years ago he sired our high selling Yardley Black Mustang that sold to Rayne Bagley for $10,000. You’ll never find a more square, level hip on a bull. He has the perfect rear end. 50K Tested.




Lot 65 Angus


BD: 1/23/14 TG: 3.57

BW: 75 WDA: 3.28

WW: 713 YW: 1284

SAV Bismarck SAV Blackcap Miss Yardley Z186 Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley U7 by Bando 1961 The Brilliance offspring are one of our favorite sire groups in our offering. Leading off the group is Keystone. You will love this tremendous bull of epic proportions. He combines real world depth and capacity with style and substance in a calving ease package. His 713# WW and 1,284# WW show his real world ability to perform. His Sire SAV Brilliance has achieved widespread popularity as a proven calving-ease sire who transmits powerful phenotype. He ranks among the top 12 sires in the Angus breed for annual registrations. Brilliance stamps his low birth weight progeny with correctness, balance, superb-structure and eye-catching style. Brilliance was the #1 sire for entries at the 2013 National Junior Angus Show and his progeny dominate the show ring. 50K Tested.

SAV Brilliance


BW: 1.9

WW: 53

Lot 66 Angus

YW: 87

MK: 27


BD: 3/15/14 TG: 3.93

BW: 83 WDA: 3.75

WW: 766 YW: 1395

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 Connealy Forefront Ebar 3188 Ebar 225 by Leachman Heavy Weight Capstone is our lead off Angus bull in performance with a WDA of 3.75. Capstone has all the necessities to efficiently convert forage into pounds of profit. He has a tremendous profile starting with a huge hip, length and depth throughout with a smooth shoulder all built around a structurally sound frame with a strong top, good bone and a big hoof. His beautifully uddered dam has weaned nine calves averaging 660#, a true statement of her longevity and productivity. Royal Jet has done a tremendous job of siring calves with a tremendous amount of depth and thickness as exhibited by Capstone. 50K Tested.

Yardley Royal Jet


BW: 1.9

WW: 45

Lot 67 Angus BD: 1/21/14 TG: 3.71

YW: 72

MK: 16

B261 BW: 74 WDA: 3.27

WW: 704 YW: 1297

Sitz Traveler SAV Emulous Miss Yardley Z103 Soo Line Kodiak Miss Yardley U196 by OCC Rising Sun Before you start any major project, you start with a set of blue prints so you have the end result in mind from the beginning. Blue Print will do the same for your cowherd. With a 74# BW and weaning off at 704# out of a first-calf heifer, Blue Print has continued to excel in performance and eye appeal to a 1,297# YW. He is backed by an exceptional cow family. You will recall that his maternal grand dam U196 was our lead off Angus mature cow in our ’14 Focus On the Female Sale. She is a beautiful, phenotypically flawless female of exceptional dimension and broodiness. Blue Print is a bull for someone with big plans. He has a pedigree stacked with phenomenal females. 50K Tested.

SAV Final Answer

Blue Print 30


BW: 1.5

WW: 53

YW: 91

MK: 22


Lot 68 Angus


BD: 3/2/14 TG: 3.95

BW: 76 WDA: 3.51

WW: 733 YW: 1365

SAV Bismarck SAV Blackcap Miss Yardley Z70 Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley S19 by LCC New Standard We are super excited to introduce Boulder as your next prospective herd sire; he brings a boatload of length, width and depth to the table and comes from one of our greatest Angus cow families tracing back to our impeccable cornerstone herd matriarch, C72. Boulder’s tremendous grand dam has a perfect udder and always stays fat. Her first calf was our high yearling weight bull at 1,460#; selling for $10,000 to long time customers & friends, Brian and Robert Walker of Menan ID. She later weaned the high gaining heifer who had a WW of 784#. She has averaged over 740# on seven calves with only one bull calf. Brilliance daughters are making feminine, productive cows with beautiful udder quality. Here’s a heifer maker. 50K Tested.

SAV Brilliance

BW: 2.1

WW: 51

YW: 92

Lot 69 Angus BD: 3/5/14 TG: 3.25


MK: 30


BW: 84 WDA: 3.35

WW: 701 YW: 1220

OCC Backstop Blackbird of RR Pine Creek Right Time Miss Yardley S100 KAV Black Lady 5132 Foundation’s dam, S100 is as pretty, feminine, angular, and broody as any Angus female we own. She has a perfect udder with tiny teats but always brings home a heavy weight, stylish calf in the fall, with eight calves averaging 670#. A maternal brother to Foundation was purchased in last year’s sale by astute seed-stock producer Doug Jauer of Hinton IA. Foundation is sired by OCC Eureka who is the sire of many of Jeannie’s favorite daughters including an $80,000 female in their ’11 Classic sale. He sires moderate, high volume, easy fleshing progeny with excellent udder quality. Foundation is a female maker extraordinaire. 50K Tested.

OCC Eureka

BW: 3.0

WW: 47

Lot 70 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 2.98

YW: 83

MK: 18


B323 BW: 88 WDA: 3.31

WW: 718 YW: 1195

SAV Final Answer SAV Emblynette OCC Doctor Miss Yardley R6 Miss Yardley N56 by Gunsmoke If it’s not broke, don’t fix it. That was our strategy from the get go with R6 who is the mother to Bedrock and his full brother; our $10,000, ’13 high selling Angus, Yardley Black Mustang that sold to Rayne Bagley of Greenwich UT. Bedrock carries the same style and finesse with a wide base, big top and exceptional capacity. Long, wide, deep, and good are adjectives I would use to describe this elite individual. His dam is an epic herd matron. She is super feminine and broody with a nice tight udder and tiny teats. She has produced eight calves that have weaned over 700#. SAV Mustang sold for $80,000 in SAV’s ’10 sale. He is a well proven calving ease sire with added muscle, stoutness and eye appeal that has done an exceptional job of transmitting it to his progeny. 50K Tested.

SAV Mustang

BW: 2.5

WW: 48

YW: 79

MK: 23

BedRock www.yardleycattleco.com



Lot 71 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.01

B331 BW: 84 WDA: 3.29

WW: 710 YW: 1191

SAV Bismarck SAV Blackcap May SAV 8180 Traveler Miss Yardley S505 KAV Mariah by TC Freedom This is a sale stopping, flat out good bull. He is extremely deep and wide with good bone, a perfect leg set and awesome performance. No matter how you look at him it’s hard to find a hole. He is out of as pretty of an Angus cow as we have owned with an impeccable track record. S505 was Angela’s pick of the herd for obvious reasons. She is a moderate, easy keeping, wedgy made, broody cow with rib, volume and a nice bag with small teats. Her calves have averaged over 700# at weaning. She raised an $8,500 bull in ’12 and a $5,750 bull in ’13. She got hurt and we had to sell her this year; Pillar is your last opportunity at a great one out of this herd matron. 50K Tested.

SAV Brilliance

BW: 1.9

WW: 51

YW: 86

Lot 72 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 2.63

MK: 24


BW: 77 WDA: 3.10

WW: 729 YW: 1150

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel Yardley Royal Jet by OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley Y24 Miss Yardley W39 by Yardley Doc Skipper B330 is the cattleman’s kind of bull with real world depth and performance in a moderate, soft made package. His young, no-miss dam produced Yardley Consensus, a favorite in last year’s sale that sold for $7,500 to our good friend Rayne Bagley of Greenwich UT. B330’s maternal line is stacked with 70# birth weights three generations back. Quality calving ease genetics at their finest.

OHL Next to Heaven

BW: 2.3

WW: 46

YW: 68

Lot 73 Angus BD: 3/20/14 TG: 4.29

MK: 23


BW: 87 WDA: 3.52

WW: 667 YW: 1352

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel SAV Final Answer Miss Yardley Y64 Miss Yardley S19 You’ve seen him in the ads and loved him, just wait until you see him in person, He is so big bodied, deep ribbed, stylish and complete with good bone, fluid motion, an an extremely gentle disposition. The Angus cow family standing behind this bull is one of the best on our ranch. If you trace his line back he stems from our broody herd matriarch, C72. She has probably had more influence on our Angus herd than any other single female. B455’s dam was our high weaning heifer at 784# and his maternal grand dam has averaged 695# on seven calves with her first bull calf selling for $10,000.

OHL Next to Heaven

BW: 3.2

WW: 49

Lot 74 Angus BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.46


MK: 26


BW: 83 WDA: 3.58

WW: 749 YW: 1303

OCC Emblazon OCC Juanada Pine Creek Right Time Miss Yardley R120 Ebar Blackbird by Ebar Power Drive B366 is one of the best performers in the pen with a 749# WW, 1,303# YW and a 3.58 WDA. He is a real world performer that packs a punch with extra length and depth. Look for this performance packed package sale day.

OCC Jet Stream

BW: 1.5



WW: 48

YW: 74

MK: 17


Lot 75 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.74

BW: 88 WDA: 3.38

B325 WW: 663 YW: 1261

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley U203 E Bar 7301 by RR Traveler Zion has done an exceptional job of consistently producing offspring with extreme depth and rib dimension. His daughters are so broody and feminine with tremendous udder quality. B325 is a real world bull that will carry on the family tradition of excellence. His maternal grand dam raised fifteen calves, the last bull to run through the ring sold for $7,000. Fleshing ability, maternal traits, and longevity wrapped into a powerful package.

Yardley Zion

BW: 2.7

WW: 41

YW: 72

MK: 16

Lot 76 Angus B369 BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.15

BW: 77 WDA: 3.26

WW: 681 YW: 1186

SAV Bismarck SAV Blackcap May SC Stockman 365 by Stockman 365 Miss Yardley R167 Miss Yardley K151 by HARB Cincha The SAV Brilliance calves are really eye catchers; B369 is no exception. He is a deep bodied, super complete calf, loaded with softness and style to burn. He’ll do a really nice job moderating some bigger cows and making easy keeping females. His beautifully uddered dam is a maternal sister to our ’10 high seller at $10,000. R167’s last calf sold for $6,000 to good friend Jeff Alder of Malad ID. Another of her calves, Black Versace sold as a feature to Gerald Smithson of Preston IA. High quality genetics with strong maternal backing sold in volume!

SAV Brilliance

BW: 1.1

WW: 43

YW: 74

MK: 24

Lot 77 Angus B394 BD: 3/9/14 TG: 3.29

BW: 83 WDA: 3.33

WW: 708 YW: 1234

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel RAF Xplorer Miss Yardley N83 Miss Yardley H82 by Leachman Right Time This deep ribbed, soggy made individual has depth and dimension. This bull is a wide based tank that will moderate your bigger framed cows without sacrificing performance. Don’t let his moderate frame fool you. This bull out performed many of his larger pen mates with a 708# WW and a 1234# YW. Xplorer daughters have been some of our best females. B394’s dam has averaged nearly 700# on eleven calves with her last calf selling for $6,250 to good friends the Walkers, of Menan ID. This bull should really make some nice replacements you will keep in your herd for years to come.

OHL Next to Heaven

BW: 2.7

WW: 38


MK: 26

Lot 78 Angus B443 BD: 3/14/14 TG: 4.39

BW: 84 WDA: 3.67

WW: 707 YW: 1409

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley Y88 KAV Annie by Hyline Traveler This bull doubled his weight from weaning to yearling. He was the second highest YW in the Angus offering at 1,409#. He’s the right kind for pounds of profit in a pretty package. Whether your wanting to makes some performance packed females or sell some scalemashing steers B433 will get the job done, being loaded with length, depth, thickness and real world dimension.

OHL Next to Heaven

BW: 3.4

WW: 43


MK: 24




Lot 79 Angus B422 BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 80 WDA: 3.21

WW: 658 YW: 1170

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 SAF Fame Miss Yardley S117 Ebar Enchantress by Papa Universe B422 is a real moderator. He’s the kind that will make some soft made, easy keeping females that can hold their flesh in harsher conditions with extreme depth and rib dimension. His dam is a real breeding piece. Seven calves have averaged 650# WWs. Her last bull calf to sell sold for $5,250 to Zac Scholfield of Lonetree, WY. Zion injects fleshing ability and depth into his offspring and makes awesome females.

Yardley Zion

Lot 79

BW: 1.9

WW: 46

YW: 74

Lot 80 Angus BD: 3/1/14 TG: 3.96

BW: 68 WDA: 3.51

MK: 12

B351 WW: 695 YW: 1329

Nbar Prime Time Nbar Kinochtry Beauty OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley X168 Miss Yardley S505 by SAV 8180 Traveler WOW! Talk about a bull loaded with depth and dimension, length of body and capacity with a strong top and great hind quarter; not to mention his phenomenal maternal backing. His dam is a beautiful uddered female whose calves are always full of style. She raised Yardley Poppy, a feature in ’13 that sold to Dave Sohlberg for $6,750. B351’s maternal grand dam, S505 stands out as one of the all time favorite Angus in the herd. She was selected by Angela when she was given the pick of the herd.

Sinclair Mountain Pass

Lot 80

BW: 0

Lot 81 Angus BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.91

BW: 78 WDA: 3.50

B306 WW: 684 YW: 1309

BW: 1.0

WW: 45

YW: 81

MK: 24

YW: 87

Lot 82 Angus BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.99

SAV Final Answer SAV Emblynette OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley U196 Miss Yardley P197 by RAF Xplorer There were a couple of these Angus bulls we missed picturing and B306 was one of them. He’s out of the lead off Angus feature donor X196 from our ’14 sale. She’s a flawless package with depth, width, style and dimension in a moderate broody package. She always stays fat and her performance and numbers are equally impressive with a 75# BW and a 724# WW. We have another maternal sister to her that is equally impressive. SAV Mustang has become one of our favorite SAV calving ease sires. With calves like B306 its easy to see why.

SAV Mustang

WW: 46

BW: 83 WDA: 3.52

MK: 22

B311 WW: 697 YW: 1336

CAR Efficient Frosty Answer by SAV Final Answer WK Gunsmoke Miss Yardley N92 Miss Yardley H96 by Krugerrand 490 B311 is another calf we ran out of time on getting pictured. He was one of the top end performers in the pen with a 697# WW and an impressive 1,336# YW. His first-rate uddered dam has done an exceptional job of weaning ten calves averaging over 650# at weaning and 1250# YWs on her bull calves. Effective is a popular calving ease sire at Genex that sold for $40,000.

Schiefelbien Effective

BW: 1.8

WW: 46

Lot 83 Angus BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.96

YW: 88

BW: 83 WDA: 3.29

MK: 18

B360 WW: 625 YW: 1259

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley X196 Miss Yardley H96 by Krugerrand 490 When we talk about our favorite Angus cows on the ranch X196, B360’s dam is one of the first to get mentioned. She is so massively proportioned while still moderately framed and feminine designed. Her dam in turn was a broody made powerful Krugerand daughter. If you are wanting to make female replacements you will love the real world look, fleshing ability, and beautiful udder composition of B360’s offspring.

Yardley Zion

Lot 83


BW: 2.2


WW: 41.5

YW: 72

MK: 15.5


Lot 84 ANGUS BD: 1/31/14 TG: 3.62


BW: 75 WDA: 3.03

WW: 631 YW: 1210

GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale Connealy Final Product Miss Yardley Z69 Miss Yardley X56 by GCC Black Watch B264 is nearly a cookie cutter image of the B360. B360 is perfectly designed for making low maintenance females that will thrive under tougher conditions. His moderate frame and huge rib design with a soft shoulder lay and great feet and legs draw you to him. The more you look, the more you like. His Final Product dam exemplifies true breed character and his sire SAV Bismark is the popular and proven outcross, calving-ease sire who stamps his progeny with exceptional muscle shape, volume and style. He has led the breed in annual registrations and continues to be one of the most heavily used sires in the industry.

SAV Bismarck

BW: 1.8

WW: 48

YW: 89

MK: 25

Lot 85 Angus B395 BD: 3/9/14 TG: 5.12

BW: 81 WDA: 3.43

WW: 608 YW: 1427

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 TC Stockman 365 Miss Yardley N47 Rally Elba by GDAR Equalizer Carefully study the amount of power and real world depth exhibited by B395. As moderate as B395 is, he had the high yearling weight in the pen at 1,427#. When you study how much rib and capacity this fine stud exhibits with his expressive hip, width, bone and lower quarter the pieces of the puzzle come together; he’s pounds in the right package. His impeccably uddered, productive dam is a beautiful Stockman 365 daughter. She has weaned off ten calves at over 650# and her bull calves have averaged 1,266# YWs.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: 1.8

WW: 35

YW: 61

Lot 86 Angus BD: 3/1/14 TG: 3.38

MK: 17


BW: 82 WDA: 3.45

WW: 718 YW: 1258

OCC Backstop Blackbird Yardley Pinecreek Time Miss Yardley T187 Miss Yardley P145 by OCC Legend Here is a real performance packed bull with loads of rib. His dam is a massive made female with great volume and capacity that has done a great job on her calves. Jeannie says many of their favorite cattle at Griswolds are sired by OCC Eureka; deep bodied, broody and perfect uddered. His semen, if you can find it, has been selling for $145/unit.

OCC Eureka

BW: 2.2

WW: 48

YW: 72

Lot 87 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.23

BW: 71 WDA: 3.49

MK: 16

B320 WW: 747 YW: 1264

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 by SAF 598 Santanas Real Deal Miss Yardley T117 Miss Yardley P200 by RAF Xplorer A true curve bender B320 sky rocketed from a feather-light 71# BW to a 747# WW and on to a 1,264# YW. You’ll appreciate the amount of real world depth Zion puts into his calves. B320’s dam has done a really great job with six calves averaging under 78# at birth and over 720# at weaning.

Yardley Zion

BW: .9

WW: 49

YW: 79

The United States remains the last best hope for mankind plagued by tyranny and deprivation. America is no stronger than it’s people -- and that means you and me. Well, I believe in you, and I believe that if we work together, then one day we will say, “We fought the good fight. We finished the race. We kept the faith.” And to our children and our children’s children, we can say, “We did all what could be done in the brief time that was given us here on earth.” -President Ronald Reagan

MK: 21




Lot 88 Angus B278 BD: 2/1/14 TG: 3.38

BW: 76 WDA: 3.02

WW: 658 YW: 1199

SAV Bismarck AVF Sara Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley Z73 Miss Yardley by S63 by Bando 5175 B278’s sire, Buford All Purpose, is loaded with rib shape, depth of body, muscle and impeccable balance from the side. All Purpose is wide based and masculine in his features, yet has the breed character to sire females with longevity.

AVF All Purpose

Lot 89 Angus

It is almost surreal that our little Birdy is all grown up. She graduated from BYU-Idaho with honors in the top four of her class with her Registered Nursing degree. We love you! You have brought so much sunshine and light to our family. We love you so much and we are so proud of you and all you have accomplished!

BD: 2/26/14 TG: 3.86

B337 BW: 78 WDA: 3.21

WW: 590 YW: 1208

SAV Final Answer Miss Yardley by HARB Cincha OCC Legend Miss Yardley S87 Miss Yardley K166 by Primestock Check out B337’s light birth weight of 78#. His sire Yardley Answer was our ‘11 $10,000 high selling individual to John Dixon of WA. He has thrown some exceptional, light birth weight calves.

Yardley Answer X344

PM: BW: .2

WW: 41.5

YW: 70.5

MK: 15

Lot 90 Angus B466 BD: 3/15/14 TG: 2.81

BW: 80 WDA: 3.13

WW: 675 YW: 1125

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley W137 Miss Yardley N34 by HSAF Prompter ET You can’t help but like the amount of depth and capacity that Zion puts in his offspring as exhibited by B466. His dam has also been a real breeding piece; as a first calf heifer she weaned a 709# bull calf that sold for $9,000 to Culver Cattle Co.

Yardley Zion

BW: .85

WW: 42

YW: 68.5

Lot 91 Angus BD: 1/22/14 TG: 2.89

BW: 74 WDA: 2.84

MK: 18.5

B262 WW: 651 YW: 1114

SAV Final Answer SAV Emblynette Duff New Edition Miss Yardley Z82 Miss Yardley M30 by SC Stockman 365 All of the Angus bulls this year are extremely gentle, but B262 is the most gentle pet on our ranch; however, he’s a lot more than just a mellow fellow. He has an expressive hip with great lower quarter, lots of depth and a good leg set. He moves out nice and has a feather-light birth weight. He’s out of a beautifully uddered, feminine female whose dam has weaned eleven calves averaging over 700#, a true testament of longevity and productivity.

SAV Mustang

BW: 2.1



WW: 42

YW: 66

MK: 22


Lot 92 Angus BD: 2/11/14 TG: 3.17


BW: 70 WDA: 2.73

WW: 585 YW: 1092

OCC Legend Y Annie Coed Yardley Zion Miss Yardley Z206 Miss Yardley W39 by Yardley Doc Skipper You’ll really like the design of B295. He is just so soft made and soggy. He’ll definitely do a great job down sizing and softening up a set of harder doing females, making their offspring easy keepers, and adding a big dose of style to the equation. Apache was one of the best Angus sires we have ever owned. He is also the sire of Zion, $11,900 feature My Lil’ Birdy, an $8,500 bull calf and several other outstanding herd replacement females and sale highlights.

SCC Apache Brave

BW: .8

WW: 38

YW: 60

MK: 16

Lot 93 Angus BD: 2/7/14 TG: 3.16

Lot 92

BW: 75 WDA: 2.76

B250 WW: 554 YW: 1060

OCC Legend OCC Blackbird RAF Xplorer Miss Yardley N171 Miss Yardley J26 by GDAR Rolls Royce Talk about a cool made purebred Angus. He’s as showy and stylish as all get out. His dam was a top end broody Angus female with true breed character. She was deep as all get out and feminine as you could create. Her last bull calf sold for $7,000 to Robert John of Portage UT. Apache calves have been some of our best and the females are phenomenal.

SCC Apache Brave

PM: BW: 1.0

WW: 35

YW: 60.5

MK: 17.5

Lot 94 Angus B399 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.68

BW: 75 WDA: 3.45

WW: 701 YW:1290

OCC Legend Y Annie Coed OCC Prototype Miss Yardley X95 Miss Yardley T155 by Yardley Mahogany Check out the impressive spread, 75# BW to a 701# WW and on to a 1,290# YW. His maternal brother sold in last year’s sale for $5,750 to Mark Stevenson of Holden UT.

SCC Apache Brave

BW: 1.1

WW: 45

YW: 64

MK: 13

Lot 96 Angus BD: 3/5/14 TG: 3.16


BW: 75 WDA: 3.26

WW: 681 YW: 1186

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel Yardley Bando Miss Yardley U51 Miss Yardley S45 by Yardley Gunsmoke A maternal brother to B38 sold for $4,250.

OHL Next to Heaven

BW: 1.7

WW: 41

YW: 69

MK: 20

Lot 93

Lot 95 Angus B391 BD: 3/9/14 TG: 3.60

BW: 86 WDA: 3.24

WW: 683 YW: 1258

SAV Final Answer Miss Yardley T142 Yardley Doc Skipper Miss Yardley Z141 Miss Yardley W60 by Plainview Lutton Yardley Canyon is a beautiful and powerful SAV Final Answer son that we kept for a herd sire.

Yardley Beaver Canyon

BW: 4.7

WW: 45

YW: 73

MK: 73

Lot 97 Angus B492 BD: 3/31/14 TG: 2.85

BW: 82 WDA: 3.16

OHL Next to Heaven

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley P151 by SC Stockman 365

Miss Yardley X202

BW: 3.1

WW: 44


WW: 697 YW: 1153

MK: 19

The price of Freedom is high, In fact it is beyond value, for when it is lost, little else counts. www.yardleycattleco.com



Lot 98 Angus BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.42

BW: 86 WDA: 3.20

WW: 639 YW: 1187

Miss Yardley R2

WW: 45

YW: 77

Lot 100 Angus OHL Next to Heaven

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel OCC Jet Stream GSK Miss Saphire by Connealy Forefront

WW: 740 YW: 3.42

WW: 46

YW: 69

Lot 102 Angus

MK: 21

WW: 45

Lot 103 Angus

OHL Next to Heaven

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel Yardley Doc Skipper KAV Blackcap Bessie by Leachman Outback

YW: 61


BW: 75 WDA: 3.02

BW: 2.1


WW: 42

MK: 19

WW: 654 YW: 1202

NBar Prime Time NBar Kinochtry Beauty MF Net Return Miss Yardley Z81 Miss Yardley W147 by SCC Apache Brave Both B274’s dam and grand dam had BWs of 74 and 76 respectively. Sinclair Mountain Pass has raised some of our favorite Angus through the years.

BW: 74 WDA: 2.95

BW: 1.8

YW: 63

Sinclair Mountain Pass

BD: 3/5/14 TG: 2.54

Miss Yardley Y49

WW: 24

BD: 1/30/14 TG: 3.42

Dam is a maternal sister to S504. The mother to our herd sire Zion. PM: BW: 2.1

WW: 547 YW: 1106

Lot 101 Angus


BW: 83 WDA: 3.41

Miss Yardley Y87

Miss Yardley P159 BW: -.1

BW: 70 WDA: 2.97

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 RAF Xplorer by Krugerrand 490 Miss Yardley G73 by Kruggerrand 490

Yardley Royal Jet

MK: 16

BD:3/20/14 TG: 3.41


BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.50

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 by SAF 598 Bando 5175 Bon View New Design 878 Miss Yardley N8 by TC Freedom

Yardley Zion

BW: 3.3

Lot 99 Angus


WW: 692 YW: 1099

YW: 77

MK: 23


BD: 3/18/14 TG: 3.17

BW: 81 WDA: 3.14

WW: 637 YW:1144

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 Molitor Truman Garretts Annie 593 Ebar V Annie by Leachman Heavy Weight A maternal brother to B454 sold for $7,750. His dam lived to be fourteen, raising 650# average calves.

Yardley Royal Jet

MK: 23

BW: 1.5

WW: 31

YW: 59

Lot 104 Angus BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.64

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley X130

BW: 1.6

BW: 71 WDA: 3.15

MK: 15

B368 WW: 612 YW: 1194

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 Yardley Doc Skipper by OCC Doctor KAV Miss Pride by Papa Equator WW: 31

YW: 58

MK: 19

Excerpts from the last letter of my uncle Gib-Died in WW1 in France “…There are some things on earth worse than death and one of them is backing down when the other boys are giving their time and perhaps their lives for their country. Life to me is dear. I have a lot to live for but I always want to be able to say that I did my part, and I know that though it is costing us a lot you are thankful that I am here. Generations to come may not know of the humble soldiers who are fighting for liberty and peace but time will never erase the big thing (freedom) that these soldiers will bring to the world.” –Pvt. James G. Yardley, March 29, 1918. Taken from the last letter written by my Uncle Gib before he died and written to his loving parents. I was named after him; my dad idolized my Uncle Gib. James Gilbert “Gib” was able to meet his brother Jack who was serving an LDS mission in New York, just before he was shipped overseas to fight in WW1. He never made it back, he died Oct. 20, 1918 WWI, somewhere in France.




Lot 105 Angus BD: 2/13/14 TG: 3.07


BW: 70 WDA: 2.94

WW: 656 YW: 1147

SAV Final Answer SAV Emblynette Yardley Zion Miss Yardley W84 by SCC Apache Brave

SAV Mustang Miss Yardley Z130

SAV Mustang has been one of our favorite calving ease bulls, that sold for $80,000 in Schaff’s ’10 sale. B300’s pedigree is stacked with light birth weights. Both his dam and grand dam have BWs of 76# or less. B300 is his dam’s first calf. His grand dam has averaged 70# BWs on four head. BW: .4

WW: 44

Lot 107 Angus BD: 3/29/14 TG: 2.63

YW: 73

MK: 23

B482 BW: 77 WDA: 2.99

WW: 689 YW: 1110

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel Plainview Lutton Miss Yardley Y192 KAV Barbara A maternal brother sold for $7,000 in last year’s sale. WW: 43


Lot 109 Angus BD: 2/9/14 TG: 3.24

BW: 65 WDA: 2.69

BD: 3/1/14 TG: 4.29

B350 BW: 81 WDA: 3.25

WW: 605 YW: 1291

OCC Genesis OCC Dixie Erica Papa Equator Ebar Annie 2349 Ebar Annie 340 by Maternal Power 2349 is a beautifully uttered nicely designed female who we have flushed this same way. Duff New Edition is was the ’10 high seller in Duff’s sale for $325,000. We absolutely love the Duff New Edition daughters. They are functional high-capacity cattle that have “the look” and design of greatness.

Duff New Edition

BW: 3.4

WW: 45

YW: 77

Lot 108 Angus BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.69

BW: 84 WDA: 3.88

MK: 17

B421 WW: 745 YW: 1495

Plainview Lutton OHL Angel SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley X76 Miss Yardley P52 by Connealy Forefront A maternal brother sold in last year’s sale to good friend Ronnie Smith of TX for $11,000.

OHL Next to Heaven

BW: 2.8

Lot 106 Angus

OHL Next to Heaven

MK: 23


BW: 2.6

WW: 41


MK: 20

WW: 566 YW: 1085

Baldridge Kaboom Parka of Conanga Soo Line Kodiak Miss Yardley Z200 Miss Yardley S504 by Bando 5175 B290’s well designed dam was a maternal sister to our herd sire Zion that sold for $4,700 in our last sale. Connealy Thunder, his sire is a true breed piece in the Angus breed.

Connealy Thunder

BW: -.2

WW: 36

YW: 71

MK: 21

James on Lilly





Lot 110 Polled PB LMJJ Impartial BD: 3/24/12

BW: 70

WW: 741

Mr. NLC Upgrade WLD Cruisin Susan T26 CNS Dream On L186 KSR 52T KSR 77K We were very impressed with Impartial when we saw him in Denver at “The One” sale in 2012, and made the decision to buy him, chasing him to $10,000. Many of his calves are in our offering so you can view his ability to transmit hip and style. His dam has been a proven producer that raised two $20,000 daughters, one of which won reserve at the Chi show in Louisville. He was a calf champion at the North American show in Louisville. Homozygous black, Homozygous polled.

JF American Pride

BW: 2.7

WW: 66.9

YW: 98.9

MK: 19.7

Lot 111 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN A454 BD: 3/18/2013 BW: 78

WW: 708 YW: 1201

CNS Dream On Miss Yardley B75 by Whirliway Miss Yardley S175 Yardley Treasure P246 Miss Yardley N130 By Nichols Legacy A454 was our pick of the ’14 Whirl of a Dream son’s. He is massive hipped, wide topped, big-scrotaled, smooth shouldered, with abundant depth and athletic ability. His dam is a productive and shapely female with great depth and dimension. She is a maternal grand daughter of stellar producer and donor K114, whose dam E119 was also a beautiful, powerfully muscled female whose offspring still play a dominant role in our herd. A454’s maternal brother sold for $6,750 to Tracy Lake of Blackfoot ID. A454 is a mature bull ready to cover your herd.

Whirl of a Dream

BW: -0.6

WW: 47.6

YW: 60.7

MK: 15

Lot 112 Polled 3/8 sm 1/4 ma BD: 4/27/13 BW: 89

A243 WW: 675 YW: 1016

Bootprint Dinero F33 Miss Yardley P101 Cunia Miss Yardley N99 6283 by Traveler 411 A243 was one of the youngest bull calves last year. We normally would have cut him on this account, but we were very impressed by his phenotype and the amount of power he exhibited early on. At nearly two years old he’s more than ready to got to work. His tremendous dam is an own daughter of Cunia and raised one of the prettiest Maine cows on the ranch. We turned him out on the Mountain last summer.

Yardley Impressive

BW: 2.4



WW: 48.7

YW: 70.6

MK: 18.9

SIMMENTAL 2015 OFFERING P153 is a cool fronted, awesome uddered, blaze faced beauty donor cow who has raised some of the finest, pretty and profitable females including a ’11 113 Polled PB Simmental B383 feature that sold to good friends Wayne and Barb BD: 3/5/14 BW: 87 WW: 558 Olrichs of Norfork NE. Her daughter S25 is one of TG: 3.79 WDA: 3.09 YW: 1165 my personal favorites. Angela and Emily partnered Yardley Impressive by Dinero on another blaze faced daughter that was their pick Yardley High Regard Miss Yardley T68 of the heifer calves. There isn’t a calf in the sale with Partisover Partigirl by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley P153 much better maternal backing and style. P153 has Miss Yardley L5 by Yardley Lad F400 always had a lot of performance. We flushed her all BW: 1.0 WW: 42.1 YW: 59.0 MK: 23.5 summer and she was in a hot dry corral with poor hay and this calf never really had a chance. He has all the genetic potential in the world.





Lot 114 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 An BD: 2/24/14 TG: 4.51

BW: 76 WDA: 3.41

B317 WW: 693 YW: 1415

WAGR Driver CNS Tiara GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley Y197 Yardley U134 by Partysgirl by Meyer 734 B317 is a thick, muscular, moderate, well balanced bull with the look of a real cowmaker. 76# BW to a scale mashing 1,415# YW. His dam is a beautifully structured, broody, well uddered female with a feminine front end and a massive hind quarter. Pinnacles offspring have very expressive muscle pattern, are loaded with depth, big tops, and exceptional hind quarters with dominating performance. B317 could have led the sale with his awesome look and design and is one that you have to see in person to really appreciate.

KCCI Pinnacle

BW: 0.8

WW: 62.3

YW: 99.2

MK: 13.9

Lot 115 Polled PB Simmental B338 BD: 2/27/14 TG: 4.51

BW: 98 WDA: 3.60

WW: 703 YW: 1425

JF American Pride KSR 52 T by CNS Dream On Yardley Sundance MIss Yardley Z109 Miss Yardley T167 B338 is our favorite son of our $10,000 herd sire Impartial and one of the best bulls in our sale. He has awesome extension in his neck, a huge butt end and excellent rib shape and dimension with depth extending from his heart girth to his flank. A strong top line with a great REA completes this walking phenotypic wonder. His dam is a maternal sister to last year’s $12,500 lead off bull Powerhouse bought by Kevin Fisher of Ohio.

LMJJ Impartial

BW: 4.0

WW: 78.5

YW: 112.7

MK: 9.9

Lot 116 Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 MA B485 BD: 3/29/14 TG: 4.60

BW: 82 WDA: 3.76

WW: 696 YW: 1432

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer Analyze This Miss Yardley Y157 Miss Yardley U12 by OCC Legend Hard as Steel has sired some of our best sale toppers including $30,000 Yardley Utah, and $12,500 Yardley Powerhouse. Hard as Steel females are some of the prettiest, broody females with beautiful udders and tremendous fleshing ability. B485 exhibits many of the same features as his outstanding sire; expressive rib shape and dimension, the soft made, easy looking style that will be passed on to his offspring making a mouth watering set of replacements. TWIN

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 3.5

WW: 59.1

YW: 90.7

MK: 13.2

Lot 117 Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 MA B357 BD: 3/2/14 TG: 4.07

BW: 74 WDA: 3.43

WW: 704 YW: 1354

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Miss Chill by Chill Factor GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley Z171 Miss Yardley U185 by Yardley Sundance If we would have named this bull we would have called him Magnum. He is such a tank with so much look and style in a soggy easy keeping package. Wizzards have been some of our favorite cattle. The females are feminine and broody while the bulls are masculine and muscular. B357’s soft made stylish dam is a Billy the Kid daughter. Her maternal brother sold for $5,000 to long time customer and friend Boyd Snow from out in the Uintah Basin.

GCC Whizard

BW: -0.8



WW: 52.5

YW: 75.1

MK: 10


Lot 118 Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN BD: 4/7/14 TG: 4.08

BW: 94 WDA: 3.82

B511 WW: 774 YW: 1427

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer SVF/NJC Amazon Miss Yardley Y63 Miss Yardley U205 by DCC Hot Pick With scale mashing performance and show ring eye appeal, B511 stands at the top of the pen with a heavy weight 1,427# YW and a 3.82# WDA. Study the extreme volume and definition of muscle and rib shape he carries, you’ll be impressed. This is one of the coolest bulls in the sale. His performance packed dam had a 768# WW.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 3.2

WW: 64.7

YW: 102.8 MK: 12.5

Lot 119 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B467 BD: 3/22/14 TG: 3.65

BW: 93 WDA: 3.56

WW: 733 YW: 1317

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 3C Roulette Miss Yardley N138 Miss Yardley G231 by Spade B467 is a fancy baldy calf. His dam is one of the deepest bodied powerful females on our ranch and is also the grand dam of last year’s $20,000 high seller Overhaul that went to Wheatland Cattle Co. of Saskatchewan. N138 has averaged a stellar performance record of 732# on nine calves. Here is a calf that has it all! Performance, eye appeal, and strong maternal backing in a super cool baldy package.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: 1.0

WW: 57.2

YW: 88.4

MK: 19.4

Lot 120 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B525 BD: 4/17/14 TG: 3.67

BW: 79 WDA: 3.67

WW: 753 YW: 1341

STF Shocking Dream Miss Yardley W151 SVF/HTP Pressure Point Miss Yardley W86 Miss Yardley M5 by Temptation B525 hails from a performance driven cow family with a dam that has weaned off four calves at over 700# including a $6,000 bull calf. His maternal grand dam has weaned off ten calves averaging an impressive 740#, including a $6,500 bull calf: a true testament of her productivity, profitability and longevity. Both dam and grand dam are maternal powerhouses with massive hips, big tops and extraordinary depth.

Yardley Ensign

PM BW: 1.8 WW: 60.8

YW: 90.95 MK: 22.9

Lot 121 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B524 BD: 4/17/14 TG: 3.51

BW: 82 WDA: 3.69

WW: 763 YW: 1325

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley T50 by Duramax Yardley Gunsmoke Miss Yardley S46 Miss Yardley P52 by Connealy Forefront S46 is an extremely productive dam, loaded with rib shape and dimension and is one of the deepest bodied broodiest Angus females on the ranch always staying fat. Her calves have averaged 740#. We decided to cross her up Simmental and boy oh boy did it work, all of that body coupled with the added muscle definition and powerful hind quarter of a Simmental shows the real world value of the outstanding Simmy-Angus cross. His paper profile is as impressive as his profile. You’ll like B524.

Yardley Brock

BW: 1.1

WW: 49.8

YW: 61.7

MK: 17.4




Lot 122 Polled PB Simmental BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.20

BW: 88 WDA: 3.56

B401 WW: 700 YW: 1371

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley Y215 Miss Yardley T167 B401 is a stylish, deep bodied bull with a big hoof and fluid motion. His dam is a maternal sister to Powerhouse, our $12,500 lead off sale feature in Focus On the Female 2014.

GCC Nickles N Dimes

BW: 0.9

WW: 70.4

YW: 117.9 MK: 22.9

Lot 123 Polled 3/8 SM 19/32 AN B490 BD: 3/31/14 TG: 3.45

BW: 87 WDA: 3.46

WW: 701 YW: 1253

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley W186 Miss yardley J59 by Black Beaver I love this soft and soggy bull. He has a beautiful side profile and tons of depth. His well balanced, productive dam weaned off at 710# and sold as a feature lot in our last sale for $4,900 to Julie Lorg of Wyoming.

Yardley Zion

PM BW: .95

WW: 54.1

YW: 78.3 MK: 16.65

Lot 124 Polled PB Simmental B428 BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.38

BW: 68 WDA: 3.35

WW: 703 YW: 1244

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 ZKCC Chopper by SVF Steel Force Miss Yardley X91 Miss Yardley M159 by Spade Here’s a calf with style to burn and a feather light 68# BW to go with it. A maternal brother sold for $5,000. This bull has some attitude.

Yardley Utah

BW: 1.1

WW: 54.5

YW: 72.9

MK: 11.4

Lot 125 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B303 BD: 2/18/14 TG: 4.03

BW: 75 WDA: 3.34

WW: 680 YW: 1324

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley Z77 Miss Yardley U183 by Yardley Sundance Here is another light birth weight bull backed by double generations of light birth weight females. He has extreme depth, a square hip, strong top, and a smooth shoulder. Quality calving ease genetics with an impressive yearling weight growth.

Yardley Wah Wah

BW: -0.6



WW: 59.6

YW: 83.9

MK: 12.8


Lot 126 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B334 BD: 2/26/14 TG: 4.34

BW: 77 WDA: 3.43

WW: 611 YW: 1234

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer Juniper Miss Yardley S155 Miss Yardley N114 by Legacy Plus x F15 B334’s dam was struck by lightning on the mountain and so he had to go it alone for the latter part of his life which is reflected in his lighter WW. His first three brothers all weaned over 715# and averaged over $4,800. He is impressive in his depth and design and he more than doubled his weight from weaning to yearling.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 0.6

WW: 54.1

YW: 91.7

MK: 21.3

Lot 127 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B459 BD: 3/20/14 TG: 3.58

BW: 85 WDA: 3.47

WW: 713 YW: 1286

STF Shocking Dream Miss Fancy Yardley by 3C Macho OCC Prototype Miss Yardley X46 Miss Yardley U159 by Yardley Pinion Here’s a well balanced bull sired by Longhaul with all the credentials to work in your operation. Spring boarded early growth that tappers off promises heavy steers in the fall and moderate easy-fleshing females for a life time.

STCC Long Haul

BW: -0.1

WW: 58.7

YW: 79.8

MK: 17.1

Lot 128 Scurred 3/4 SM 3/16 AN B345 BD: 2/28/14 TG: 3.07

BW: 74 WDA: 3.24

WW: 726 YW: 1217

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance GCF Lonestar Miss Yardley Y141 Miss Yardley R65 by Hide N Watch If you were to trace B345’s maternal line back one more generation you would find M36. She is a Jigger daughter that always stays fat, weans off around a 700# calf and raises top notch bulls. Her last three have averaged over $6,000. B345 carries the same massive volume and dimension of his predecessors.

GCC Nickles N Dimes

BW: 0.2

WW: 51.4

YW: 70.6

MK: 18.1

Lot 129 Scurred 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B432 BD: 3/14/14 TG: 4.16

BW: 80 WDA: 3.71

WW: 705 YW: 1370

WAGR Driver CNS Tiara OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley U176 Miss Yardley R178 by BS Corrector Here’s another impressive Pinnacle son packed with consistent performance and ready to go to work.


BW: 1.0

WW: 58.5

YW: 90.2

MK: 16.9




Lot 130 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.42


BW: 56 WDA: 3.31

WW: 707 YW: 1254

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance Yardley Whirl of Dream Miss Yardley Y58 Miss Yardley S23 by R&R Warehouse TWIN. This is a moderate made chunky bull calf with depth and thickness throughout. He should really make some fancy females that you’ll keep in the herd for years to come.

GCC Nickles N Dimes

BW: .5

WW: 52.7

YW: 70.9

MK: 18.4

Lot 131 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN BD: 1/29/14 TG: 3.81

BW: 75 WDA: 3.08

B271 WW: 635 YW: 1244

HF Kodiak HF Annie Billy the Kid Miss Yardley Z138 Miss Yardley R138 by Y1 Trust You’ll like the style and extension in his front end and smooth shoulder lay and perfect posture. CA Ranger was our pick of Hamilton Farms Kodiak 5R son in Canada. Kodiak 5R is the only Canadian bull to ever sire the Champion pen of three in Denver. He later sold for $150,000 in the Bases Loaded sale in Denver.

HF Ranger Smith

BW: -1.7

WW: 48.1

YW: 66.0

MK: 14.6

Lot 132 Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 MA B451 BD: 3/17/14 TG: 3.81

BW: 91 WDA: 3.39

WW: 641 YW: 1250

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho Yardley Pinetop Miss Yardley S157 Miss Yardley M25 by CEZS 600 Here is a real bull for you consideration out of a prolific and powerful cow family. His maternal grand dam is as deep butted, big topped and huge hipped as any cow on the ranch. Yardley Chrome added just the right amount of white to the equation.

Yardley Chrome

BW: 1.8

WW: 45.2

YW: 62.8

MK: 22.3

Lot 133 Scurred 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 MA B341 BD: 2/27/14 TG: 5.00

BW: 77 WDA: 3.23

WW: 550 YW: 1350

ZKCC Chopper Miss Yardley S123 DCC Full Circle Miss Yardley U143 412 Angus Griswolds report excellent offspring out of Showdown our ’12 $18,500 sale topper sired by Chopper. B341 has really good carcass data and the depth and capacity to go with it.

Yardley Showdown

BW: -1.3



WW: 44.6

YW: 54.6

MK: 17.8


Lot 134 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 4/2/14 TG: 3.85


BW: 88 WDA: 3.52

WW: 668 YW: 1284

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by Dream On BSF Mr Corrector Miss Yardley M41 Miss Yardley E197 by Bad Monday Here is a tremendously cool made red calf, stamped with the huge hip, great depth and softness that Billy the Kid so consistently stamps on his offspring. With the reds growing ever more popular a bull like this will only appreciate in value along with his offspring.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 1.3

WW: 53.8

YW: 83.1

MK: 17.3

Lot 135 Polled 3/8 SM 1/2 AN BD: 3/5/14 TG: 3.87


BW: 89 WDA: 3.39

WW: 644 YW: 1264

SCC Apache Brave Miss Yardley S504 3C Kruiser by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley P75 Miss Yardley J21 by SAC Back Cover Zion is our go to bull for adding depth, softness, and fleshing ability to his offspring. His heifers are some of the nicest females on the ranch loaded with middle, excellent profiles, and great udder quality.

Yardley Zion


BW: 1.45

WW: 61.2

Your Future depends on many things, but mostly on you

YW: 87.75 MK: 17.9

Lot 136 Polled 3/8 SM 3/8 An 1/4 MA B335 BD: 2/26/14 TG: 3.81

BW: 68 WDA: 3.28

WW: 620 YW: 1229

GCC Hard as Steele Miss Yardley T170 by Dream On Yardley Pinetop MIss Yardley T172 3188 by Connealy Forefront TWIN. B335 combines the best of three breeds with style, rib shape, width and dimension. His sire, our ’12 high seller, Yardley Utah is proving to be a real breed piece.

Yardley Utah

BW: 2.3

WW: 57.4

YW: 82.4

MK: 10.6

Lot 137 Polled PB Simmental B363 BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.06

BW: 83 WDA: 3.09

WW: 658 YW: 1148

STF Shocking Dream Miss Yardley W151 Yardley Attraction Miss Yardley X192 Miss Yardley T185 Check out the bone and build of this moderate made powerhouse. You’ll love the amount of power B363 carries down through his lower quarter, his correctness and how he ties together so well. His sire Ensign is a beautiful blazed faced bull out of one of our best cow families and Shocking Dream.

Yardley Ensign

BW: 1.05 WW: 52.25

YW: 66.1 MK: 16.65




Lot 138 Polled PB Simmental B474 BD: 3/24/14 TG: 3.47

BW: 91 WDA: 3.43

WW: 733 YW: 1288

WAGR Driver by CNS Dream On CNS Tiara Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley Y200 Miss Yardley G108 by Meyers Blacktop The arithmetic has been done on this fine bull with an impressive set of numbers. A maternal brother to this long sided, deep bodied bull sold to long time friend and customer Brian Okleberry for $4,750. You’ll appreciate the consistent dimension and width added into all of Pinnacle’s offspring.

KCC1 Pinnacle

BW: 3.1

WW: 60.4

YW: 81.6

MK: 14.0

Lot 139 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 An B322 BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.87

BW: 73 WDA: 3.20

WW: 632 YW: 1252

F Nichols Muhammad GCF Who Would Have Dreamed STF Dominance Miss Yardley Y55 EBAR Annie S504 WOW! What a bull and what a cow family! His perfect uddered dam is a beautiful female loaded with volume, capacity, and a perfect conformation. She is a maternal sister to our herd sire Zion. We sold her as a feature in our sale. She pleased the crowd and brought an impressive $14,500 going to Corey Rains of Nebraska. Her daughter, a maternal sister to B322 commanded $14,500 as well going to astute cattlemen Trenepohls of Indiana. B322’s maternal grand dam is as pretty as any female we own. She has the depth and capacity that make for an easy keeping female in a broody, wedgy-made package. She is the mother to our proven herd sire Zion and up and coming Yardley Embark.

GCF Grindstone

BW: 1.3

WW: 49.3

YW: 70.3

MK: 24.3

Lot 140 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 An B314 BD: 2/22/14 TG: 3.27

BW: 75 WDA: 3.15

WW: 659 YW: 1183

Meyer Ranch 734 3C Crocus by 600U Yardley’s Meyer 734 Miss Yardley X49 Miss Yardley U431 by OCC Jet Fleck With his cool markings and awesome phenotype B314 has been one we have been watching closely ever since we took him to the mountain. We had a little 3C Macho, one of our favorite Meyer 734 sons, semen in the tank. We figured it would cross up well on B314’s beautifully constructed, extra moderate dam, we where right! This is one of the best carcassed bulls in the sale with a 1.53 REA/CW, one of the best in the offering. Check out the hip and the dimension on this chromed up package. His maternal brother sold for $6,100 to Johnny Dixon of Pomeroy WA.

3C Macho

BW: -0.3

WW: 42.7

YW: 54.5

MK: 25.3

Lot 141 Polled 1/4 SM 11/16 AN B499 BD: 4/02/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 95 WDA: 3.47

WW: 793 YW: 1305

GCC Volumizer OCC Dixie Erica STF Shocking Dream Miss Yardley Z64 R597 by Meyer 734 son Here stands a bull that has exceptional weights and carcass data. He is one of the best carcassed bulls in our sale with a 1.56 REA/CW, the best in the offering! Look at his nearly 800# WW out of a first calf heifer. His dam had a 755# WW herself, yet with all his performance he is a moderate made, smooth sided individual that will make some great females.

GCC Volumizer



BW: 2.1

WW: 63.2

YW: 81.6

MK: 17.0


Lot 142 Polled PB Simmental B470 BD: 3/22/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 87 WDA: 3.28

WW: 677 YW: 1189

Lot 143 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B504 BD: 4/5/14 TG: 3.58

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 by CNS Dream On SVJ Powerhouse Miss Yardley T167 Miss Yardley G239 by Black Beaver B470 is one of the coolest made bulls in the sale with a big hip, cool front, and style to burn. He is also a maternal brother to the leadoff bull in last year’s sale, $12,500 Powerhouse that sold to Kevin Fisher of Ohio. B470 combines his no-miss, dominating maternal powerhouse dam, with the added power and beautiful structure of Yardley Utah. B470 has some attitude.

Yardley Utah

BW: 2.2

WW: 61.8

YW: 86.5

MK: 9.2

Lot 144 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B431 BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.73

BW: 91 WDA: 3.44

WW: 671 YW: 1267

Flying B Cut Above Yardley Chrome Miss Yardley W122 Yardley Treasure Miss Yardley U182 Miss Yardley M8 by Prompter ET Here’s a nice moderate well muscled bull sired by Yardley Chrome. Check out his nice hind quarter sale day. BW: 3.0

WW: 53.9

YW: 76.4

MK: 12.3

Lot 146 Polled PB Simmental B484 BD: 3/29/14 TG: 3.51

BW: 75 WDA: 3.46

WW: 714 YW: 1276

WAGR Driver by CNS Dream On CNS Tiara SVF/HTP Pressure Point Miss Yardley X126 Miss Yardley S60 by SVF Cracker Barrel Check out the arithmetic and wide spread on this fellow. His sire, Pinnacle, is throwing consistent growth, great hips, and excellent carcass traits in his offspring. He was the lead off bull in Kearn’s ’13 champion pen of three Simmental bulls in Denver.

KCC1 Pinnacle

BW: 0.3

WW: 55.1

YW: 79.4

MK: 21.8

Lot 148 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B327 BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.56

BW: 80 WDA: 3.38

WW: 681 YW: 1250

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Reflection by Dream On SVF Craker Barrel MIss Yardley U156 Miss Yardley K114 by Mr Corrector Greatness is built upon greatness and B327 hails from one of our best and most powerful donor cows K114, who in turn is out of E119, another donor and herd matriarch. Both have had offspring sell for $10,000 and produced 14 calves each that have averaged over 700#WWs. B327’s dam is doing a wonderful job carrying on the family heritage. Her first calf sold for $6,750, her first heifer sold as a feature for $4,000 to astute cattleman Tim Johnson of Carpenter Iowa, and her bull calf last year sold for $5,000 to Don Harris of Rexburg ID.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 0.7

WW: 52.3

YW: 75.1

MK: 20.5

BW: 88 WDA: 3.38

WW: 675 YW: 1248

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by Dream On 3C Roulette Miss Yardley N146 Miss Yardley H150 by Prowler We simply did not have time to picture all of these fine individuals, but if we did B504 would have been one of the first in the picture pen. He is a deep bodied well numbered bull. He is out of one of our most powerfully made Simmental cows that consistently weans big calves and top sellers. Her past seven bull calves have averaged 720# at weaning, and her past five bull calves have averaged $6,000 including an $8,250 sale favorite that sold to Jim Frost of Moses Lake WA.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 1.2

WW: 52.3

YW: 75.4

Lot 145 Polled PB SM BD: 3/2/14 TG: 3.85

BW: 74 WDA: 3.31

MK: 14.8

B355 WW: 661 YW: 1277

WAGR Driver CNS Tiara WLE Right On Miss Yardley Y170 Miss Yardley G41 by Arapahoe Here is one of the lighter birth weight Pinnacle sons in the sale. His dam and grand dam had 74 and 76# birth weights. B355’s maternal grand dam was a beautifully constructed, broody made donor that always maintained her flesh. Several of G41’s calves sold for over $5,000. His dam also has the same look and style of her elite dam.

KCC Pinnacle

BW: -0.5

WW: 52.8

YW: 70.6

MK: 18.2

Lot 147 Polled 1/2 SM 3/16 AN B501 BD: 4/4/14 TG: 3.29

BW: 84 WDA: 3.39

WW: 757 YW: 1283

American Pride KSR 52 by CNS Dream On Yardley Fortune Miss Yardley Z211 Miss Yardley U149 With a scale mashing 757# WW this bull definitely has the potential to make some heavy weaning calves in the fall. A maternal brother to his dam raised a $5,000 bull that sold to Brett Woods of Vernal UT. B501’s beautiful, well designed maternal grand dam is out of one of the best Maines and donor females we have ever had, N81. We thought enough of his sire, Impartial to pay $10,000 for him.

LMJJ Impartial

BW: 2.4

WW: 63.4

YW: 68.0

MK: 22.3

Lot 149 Scurred 1/2 SM 5/32 AN B452 BD: 3/18/14 TG: 3.53

BW: 93 WDA: 3.40

WW: 678 YW: 1242

BK Cowboy Miss Irish Yardley Ranger Miss Yardley L201 Miss Yardley E131 by Bonanza This bull’s beautiful uddered dam is still going strong at soon to be fourteen years old. Her eleven calves have averaged right at 675# weaning. Strong maternal lines, powerful performance, and added longevity are all wrapped into a well balanced package.

BK Zook (Buck Cowboy)

PM BW: 1.7 WW: 45.8

YW: 56.45 MK: 13.75




Lot 150 Polled 1/2 SM 5/16 MA B590 BD: 2/28/14 TG: 4.15

BW: 88 WDA: 3.33

WW: 618 YW: 1282

Yardley Impressive Miss Yardley T68 by Impressive Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley N81 Miss Yardley J101 BY Oakie We decided to flush our favorite Maine cow to High Regard and this bull is the resulting offspring. N81 is as beautiful and stylish as any Maine we have ever owned. She has a big hip and is very broody and productive female.

Yardley High Regard

Our little “O” Oakley at Weaning

BW: 1.75 WW: 47.8

YW: 66.35 MK: 18.8

Lot 151 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B277 BD: 2/1/14 TG: 4.12

BW: 78 WDA: 3.14

WW: 620 YW: 1278

SAV Bismarck SAV Blackcap May Billy the Kid Miss Yardley Z187 Miss Yardley U114 by Yardley Treasure B277 combines the best of Angus super-sire SAV Brilliance with one of our greatest Simmental cow family; his depth, beautiful side profile, good front and cool hair from his sire; couple with the power, width and dimension brought by his beautiful young dam. B277’s dam is as pretty of a cow as we own. U114, B277’s maternal grand dam is a daughter of F44 as is the mother of Chrome. She is a beautifully designed baldy. She produced $7,500 Black Licorice that sold to Traymahn Ranches in Oregon. F44 raised sixteen tremendous calves.

SAV Brillance

BW: -0.7

WW: 56.3

YW: 83.8

MK: 22.2

Lot 152 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B419 BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.83

BW: 80 WDA: 3.34

WW: 632 YW: 1245

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 WAR Cowboy Up Miss Yardley T64 Miss Yardley J94 by Overtime Here’s a real ground tank. LOOK at the depth possessed by this individual. His dam has been a stellar producer with her previous four calves averaging over 720# at weaning. Her last calf to sell brought $7,000 selling to Paul Matthews of Panaca NV. B419’s maternal grand dam weaned eleven calves that averaged 680#. Talk about consistent performance, profitability, and longevity in a cow family; he’s got it.

Yardley Chrome

BW: 0.1

WW: 44.2

YW: 60.9

MK: 20.8

Lot 153 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B489 BD: 3/31/14 TG: 3.50

BW: 70 WDA: 3.38

WW: 709 YW: 1268

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 GCF Lone Star Miss Yardley Y175 Miss Yardley U152 by OCC Jet Fleck B489’s dam’s calves have both weaned at over 700#. Her last bull calf sold for $5,750 to Chiver’s Ranch of Vernal UT. Her dam U152 is one of my favorite Jet Fleck daughters. She’s big hipped, massive ribbed with an ideal phenotype. Her bull calf brought $11,000 going to long time customer and friend, Richard Wheeler of Casper WY.

Yardley Royal Jet

BW: -1.6



WW: 45.8

YW: 74.3

MK: 22.7


Lot 154 Polled PB SIMMENTAL B276 BD: 2/1/14 TG: 3.54

BW: 78 WDA: 3.02

WW: 642 YW: 1208

R&R Warehouse Miss Jong by Meyer 734 Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley Z195 Miss Yardley T182 by Powerhouse This handsome blazed faced bull is out of popular AI sire, DJ Salution, that was the featured bull at the 2007 DeJong Sale. He is described as a super stout, deep, thick and massive, yet very sound and good fronted. B276’s young dam was out of one of the most massive bodied cows, loaded with depth and thickness throughout. Her five calves averaged 658# including a $6,000 bull calf.

DJ Salution

BW: 0.1

WW: 52.6

YW: 66.8

MK: 17.4

Lot 155 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B438 BD: 3/14/14 TG: 3.32

BW: 76 WDA: 3.19

WW: 659 YW: 1190

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Yardley Birch Miss Yardley N14 Miss Yardley by HHSF Overtime B438 is out of a well made cow with exceptional udder and teat structure. She has weaned off ten calves averaging 680# and continues to go strong. Billy the Kid has been one of our most consistent producers. You’ll appreciate the balance, strength of top, smooth shoulder, big hip and bone of this fine individual.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: -0.4

WW: 45.2

YW: 61.7

MK: 20.2

Lot 156 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 2/6/14 TG: 4.03

BW: 76 WDA: 3.12

B284 WW: 622 YW: 1266

GCC Total Recall OCC Juanda STCC Longhaul Miss Yardley Z54 Miss Yardley K114 by Corrector x Whirlaway Z284 is a stylish made calf out of $50,000 herd sire GCC Gold Standard. His dam was one of the most anticipated calves of her season, out of legendary donor K114 crossed on Longhaul, sire to several of our best calves and top sellers, including last years $20,000 sale topper, Overhaul. K114 comes from a strong cow family and is a direct daughter of the great E119.

GCC Gold Standard

BW: -1.6

WW: 42.9

YW: 59.2

MK: 19.1

Lot 157 Polled 1/2 SM 1/8 MA B437 BD: 3/14/14 TG: 3.83

BW: 80 WDA: 3.58

WW: 724 YW: 1337

STF Shocking Dream by CNS Dream On Miss Fancy Yardley Max Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley N110 Miss Yardley J41 by Bonanza N110 is one of our prettiest made Maine Cows crossed up on Longhaul, one of my favorite Simmental bulls. His data is equally impressive with a 724# WW and a 1,337# YW.

STCC Long Haul

BW: 0.0

WW: 57.7

YW: 80.6

MK: 15.1

Lot 158 Polled PB Simmental B376 BD: 3/5/14 TG: 3.36

BW: 78 WDA: 3.11

WW: 610 YW: 1148

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance CNS Dream On Miss Yardley T170 Miss Yardley L21 by BS Corrector B376 is a maternal brother to Yardley Utah. Their dam is one of the prettiest cows. She is loaded with volume, a beautiful front, and a massive hip.

GCC Nickles N Dimes

BW: -0.4

WW: 48.2

YW: 65.4

MK: 15.2




Lot 160 Polled 5/8 SM 5/16 AN B275

Lot 159 Scurred PB Simmental B429 BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.67

BW: 99 WDA: 3.41

BD: 2/1/14 TG: 3.93

WW: 688 YW: 1276

STF Shocking Dream by Dream On Miss Fancy Yardley T85 Sweet Meat by In Dew Time Miss Yardley X40 Miss Yardley U176 by OCC Rising Sun Longhaul has sired some of our favorite calves. They are the right kind and in the right package.

STCC Long Haul

BW: 3.2

WW: 60.2

YW: 85.7

BW: 76 WDA: 3.16

WW: 648 YW: 1277

CNS Dream On GCF Miss Mossimo by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley W115 by New Edition

GCF Mr Amigo Miss Yardley Z78

MK: 21.9

Lot 161 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B390 BD: 3/7/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 83 WDA: 3.00

WW: 655 YW: 1167

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 GCF Mr Amigo Miss Yardley Z14 Miss Yardley X194 Here is a moderate made, well designed calf with good flex and motion out of a first calf Amigo daughter that you wish you could have a hundred more of in the pasture. Amigo was National Champion Simmental bull at Denver.

Yardley Wah Wah

BW: -0.9

Lot 161

Lot 162 Polled 1/2 SM 5/16 MA B753 BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.60

BW: 82 WDA: 3.60

WW: 602 YW: 1178

Yardley Impressive Miss Yardley T68 by Impressive Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley N81 Miss Yardley J101 BY Oakie We decided to flush our favorite Maine cow to High Regard and this bull is the resulting offspring. N81 is as beautiful and stylish as any Maine we have ever owned. She has a big hip and is very broody and productive female. YW: 66.35 MK: 18.8

BD: 2/11/4 TG: 3.64

Lot 164 Polled PB Simmental B462 Yardley Chrome Miss Yardley W74 TWIN

BW: 1.4

BW: 72 WDA: 3.49

WW: 672 YW: 1281

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley N194 by Yardley Lad F400 WW: 50.1

YW: 60.7

MK: 21.0

MK: 13.6

BW: 72 WDA: 3.09

Liberty and Private Property

WW: 645 YW: 1227

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Miss Chill by Chillfactor Yardley High Regard Miss Yardley Z46 Miss Yardley M100 by 3C Pasque K229 x H27 B296’s dam combines two of the most influential and dominant breed pieces in Yardley Genetics: High Regard and M100. High Regard needs no introduction as a sire of National Champions and phenomenal cattle. M100 stands in a league of her own with unsurpassed depth, thickness and fleshing ability. She is a second generation donor that has raised several offspring which have sold for over $5,000 including an $8,600 bull calf in 2012.

GCC Whizard

BW: -0.5

BD: 3/20/14 TG: 3.81

YW: 54.4

Lot 163 Polled 5/8 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 MA B296

Yardley High Regard

BW: 1.75 WW: 47.8

WW: 48.7

WW: 55.7

YW: 69.2

MK: 13.7

Lot 165 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN BD: 2/11/14 TG: 3.20

BW: 76 WDA: 3.07

SVF/NGC Built Right Miss Yardley Z212 BW: -0.5

B294 WW: 683 YW: 1195

CNS Dream On Ebony by Black Irish Kansas HF Ranger Smith Miss Yardley X75 by Yardley Attraction

WW: 46.2

YW: 56.4

MK: 19.9

Owning a piece of the American Dream isn’t just that everyone dreams of owning their own home. It’s that property rights aren’t just about land – they’re about FREEDOM.




Lot 166 Polled PB Simmental B305 BD:2/21/14 TG: 3.42

BW: 80 WDA: 3.38

Lot 167 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B407

WW: 695 YW: 1242

BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.29

WAGR Driver by Dream On CNS Tiara Yardley Watchman Miss Yardley W138 Miss Yardley R82 by SS Goldmine A set of reds together; take your pick, you won’t be disappointed. B305 is another performance packed Pinnacle son. A maternal brother to B305’s dam sold for $6,000 to Chivers of Vernal UT.

KCC Pinnacle

BW: 0.5

WW: 51.9

YW: 67.1

BW: 80 WDA: 3.15

WW: 670 YW: 1196

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance OCC Prototype Miss Yardley Y65 Miss Yardley S64 A maternal brother to this cool black baldy sold in last year’s sale to Zac Schofield of Lonetree WY for $6,000. A maternal brother to his dam sold for $8,500.

GCC Nickles N Dimes

MK: 18.5

BW: 1.3

WW: 49.2

YW: 71.1

MK: 21.3

Lot 168 Polled 3/8 SM 9/16 An 1/16 MA B265 Lot 169 Polled PB Simmental B339 BD: 1/24/14 TG: 383

BW: 60 WDA: 3.09

WW: 643 YW: 1256

BD: 2/27/14 TG: 3.19

CAR Efficient Frosty Answer 3979 GCC Whizzard Miss Yardley Z125 Miss Yardley W185 by Meyer 734 TWIN Check out this guy’s light weight 60# BW and sired by the $40,000 calving ease stud sire Effective. This calf has a little attitude.

Schiefelbeim Effective

BW: -1.8

WW: 60

YW: 91.7

BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.29

Yardley Utah Miss Yardley U47 BW: 1.5

BW: 82 WDA: 2.99

YW: 47.9

BW: 92 WDA: 3.51

WW: 590 YW: 1116

GCC Hard as Steel by SVF Steel Force Miss Yardley T170 by CNS Dream On Dameron Raptor Miss Yardley P10 Miss Yardley M3 by Dinero P10 has been a really nice breeding cow weaning off ten head at about 690# including a $5,000 bull calf. B494 also has really good performance. WW: 53.5

YW: 82.1

MK: 15.4

YW: 47.3

MK: 16.7

BW: 83 WDA: 3.12

Miss Yardley N12

WW: 59.1

YW: 90.7

Lot 173 Polled 1/4 SM 3/4 AN BD: 3/31/14 TG: 2.94

WW: 629 YW: 1191

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection 3C Kruiser by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley L74 by Overtime

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 3.5

Yardley Utah

BW: 1.5

BD: 2/28/14 TG: 3.51

MK: 17.5

WW: 732 YW: 1265

WW: 44.7

Lot 171 Scurred 5/8 SM 1/4 AN B487


Lot 172 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B494 BD: 3/31/14 TG: 3.33

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 WLE Right On Miss Yardley Z160 Miss Yardley U195 by CNS Dream On Here’s another fancy blaze faced baldy. BW: -0.9

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 CC Duramax by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley S171 by Yardley Black Cotton WW: 33.3

WW: 626 YW: 1136

Yardley Wah Wah

MK: 19.8

Lot 170 Polled 3/4 Sm 1/4 An

BW: 83 WDA: 2.90

BW: 78 WDA: 3.13

MK: 13.2

B488 WW: 655 YW: 1125

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On HSAF Bando Miss Yardley U7 Miss Yardley S87 by OCC Legend This calf breathes a little hard. We had a vet look at him and he said he would be fine.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: -1.0

WW: 40.0

YW: 58.4

MK: 20.5

Jessica, (Michelle’s oldest) reported for the Honolulu Hawaii Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints October 1, 2014. We miss her but couldn’t be any prouder of the young lady she has grown up to be. Love you Jess!




Lot 174 Scurred 1/4 SM 3/4 AN BD:2/8/14 TG: 3.71

BW: 69 WDA: 3.07

BD: 3/18/14 TG: 3.47

WW: 636 YW: 1229

HF Kodiak HF Annie SAV Mustang Miss Yardley X155 by Yardley Watchman

HF Ranger Smith MIss Yardley Z28 BW: -3.0

Lot 175 Polled PB Simmental B464


WW: 42

YW: 57.9

BW: WDA: 3.27

WW: 647 YW: 1202

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho Partisover Partigirl by Meyer 734 Miss Yardley S109 Miss Yardley H179 by Yardley Magnificent A full brother sold in last year’s sale for $4,500.

Yardley Chrome

MK: 19.8

BW: 1.8

WW: 38.9

YW: 53.8

MK: 26.9

Lot 176 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B508 BD: 4/5/14 TG: 3.87

BW: 85 WDA: 3.47

WW: 681 YW: 1300

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance OCC Missing Link Miss Yardley Y116 Miss Yardley P167 by OCC Jet Fleck Everybody loves a baldy. Picture a whole herd of them sired by this tremendous bull. His $10,000 sire Nickels N Dimes has far surpassed expectations siring four of our fifteen show heifers. His bull calves are equally impressive. As you study the catalog you’ll see what I mean.

GCC Nickels N Dimes

BW: 1.2

Lot 176

Lot 177 Scurred 3/8 SM 5/8 AN BD:2/24/14 TG: 3.48

BW: 75 WDA: 3.075

WW: 56.6

YW: 88.5

MK: 19.1

B316 WW: 645 YW: 1202

Duff New Edition Rosseta by OCC Missing Link TJSC Optimus Prime Miss Yardley Z106 Miss Yardley S5 by Dinero B316’s sire, Duff Angus is a superb New Edition son. He was syndicated for the first breeding season in the U.S. and was also a hit in Argentina, selling several thousand units of semen there this past fall. His calves are standouts for eye appeal, early growth and body type.

Duff Angus

BW: -0.7

WW: 53.2

YW: 65.2

MK: 19.7



435-310-0041 435-310-0041


Big Step


Big Step brings the necessary characteristics to not only change your herd but to change the entire Maine Anjou breed. He has a massive hip, huge top, exceptional bone and foot structure, and exceptional depth and spring of Polled 3/4 MAINE ANJOU B382 rib. He is flat-jointed and moves out with the prowess BD: 3/5/14 BW: 96 WW: 787 of a cat, has a giant set of testicles and an exceptionally TG: 4.56 WDA: 4.02 YW: 1517 quiet personality. Big Step’s power and performance are equally impressive. 787#WW to 1,517#YW, the second BK Cowboy Buck Cowboy highest yearling weight on our ranch. His beautiful and Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey moderate young dam is a real asset to our program. His GCC Chilled Chivas Miss Yardley X18 Miss Yardley U13 by Majors Money Man sire Buck Cowboy was Jirl Buck’s high performance, power bull and has proven his ability to transmit high BW: .8 WW: 51.5 YW: 75.3 MK: 8.5 performance on his first calf crop which averaged over 710#WW and 1,340#YWs.

Lot 178




Lot 179 Polled 5/8 MA BD: 3/31/14 TG: 3.83


BW: 90 WDA: 3.91

WW: 800 YW: 1412

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey HAA New Level Miss Yardley U5 S505 by Traveler We absolutely love Courage. He is so moderate framed and massive in his design; huge hip, tracks wide, big hoof, big foot, moves out like a cat on the prowl. Correct in his type, perfect in his kind with awesome performance; 800# WW and a 1,412# YW. His carcass data is some of the best on the ranch with well over a 16” REA. His dam is a beautifully uddered New Level daughter out of S505, one of the broodiest, deepest bodied, fullest ribbed, stylish Angus females we have ever raised. She raised an $8,500 High Regard son that sold to Lloyd Sells of Adkins TX.

Buck Cowboy


BW: 1.0

WW: 56.3

YW: 84.1

MK: 17.3

Lot 180 Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 M B476 BD: 3/25/14 TG: 4.78

BW: 83 WDA: 3.93

WW: 713 YW:1478

Shocking Dream Miss Yardley Fancy by 3C Macho TLM Bouncer Miss Yardley N128 Miss Yardley J136 by Black Irish Kansas Black Baldies are in high demand across the country, and ones the caliber of Blazer are a treasured find. He combines an impeccable conformation loaded with width, length, volume and mass in a structurally flawless package of real world dimension and growth. He has exceptional performance in a moderate package with a 713# WW and 1,478# YW. His productive, sound made dam is still going strong at thirteen years old and has weaned off ten calves averaging over 670#.

STCC Longhaul


BW: -0.1

WW: 50.1

YW: 75.2

Lot 181 Polled 3/8 MA BD: 3/14/14 TG: 3.46

MK: 13.7


BW: 80 WDA: 3.60

WW: 751 YW: 1305

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey OCC Jet Fleck Miss Yardley W126 Miss Yardley N72 by Image Cowtown is the kind of herd changer astute cattlemen seek long and hard to find. He is correct from head to tail and hoof to top line. He is exceptionally deep with a smooth shoulder lay, big hip, awesome lower quarter and an awesome top-line. He scanned the top rib eye area in our Maine pen which should adjust to around 18”. His powerfully composed, beautifully uddered dam sold as a feature in our cow sale for $5,200. Her maternal brother topped our sale several years ago at $7,200. His maternal Grand dam is still going strong at thirteen years old and has raised several sale features.

Buck Cowboy


PM: BW: .55

WW: 41.7

YW: 54.9 MK: 10.85

Lot 182 Scurred 3/8 MA BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.69

BW: 84 WDA: 3.88

B293 WW: 745 YW: 1495

OCC Kanga OCC Dixie Erica Yardley Integrity Miss Yardley Z180 Miss Yardley U13 by Majors Money Man Go Pro is an extremely soft made, soggy individual out of a first calf heifer. She did an exceptional job weaning him. Go Pro share’s Big Step’s maternal grand dam; both will be highly maternally based individuals. Go Pro has a lot of depth and real world dimension that proves so necessary time and again for easy keeping, low maintenance cattle with increased performance. OCC Prototype was Ohlde’s high selling bull in 2006 bull sale.

OCC Prototype

GoPro 56


BW: -2.6

WW: 51.6

YW: 70

MK: 17.7


Lot 183 Polled 3/8 MA BD: 2/16/14 TG: 3.98


BW: 88 WDA: 3.25

WW: 631 YW:1267

BK Ice Pick NTC Ever Ready by Cunia RAF Xplorer by Krugerrand 490 Miss Yardley N171 Miss Yardley J26 by GDAR RollsRoyce Sired by the immortal Irish Whiskey there is true power in the blood to be had in Irish Jig. He has the look and design of a bull that will make stylish and showy clubbies and feminine, attractive females. His sire, Irish Whiskey, while he needs no introduction deserves an honorable mention with many of his offspring selling for over $60,000 across the country. His Semen, if you can get your hands on it, sells for $700 on up. Irish Jig’s dam, N171 is as broody and feminine of an Angus Donor as we have owned; a true breed piece.

Irish Whiskey

BW: 0.7

WW: 43.6

Lot 184 Polled 1/2 MA BD: 2/8/14 TG: 3.64

YW: 65.9

MK: 11.9

Irish Jig


BW: 80 WDA: 3.22

WW: 648 YW:1230

Irish Whiskey Miss Chill by Chill Factor Yardley Cherokee Miss Yardley N81 Miss Yardley J101 by Oakie Behind every good bull stands a good dam. With that in mind Sobriety hails from our top Maine donor. He has awesome phenotype, muscle development and abundant long, straight hair in a stylish cool made package. His land mark dam was a beautifully made feminine donor that has style to burn, and always stays fat weaning off one of our favorite Maine calves. His sire, Cervesa is our favorite Irish Whiskey son. He is a perfectly proportioned, phenotypically stout made individual who adds a dose of paternal power through his dam Miss Chill 1829, a phenomenal donor at Griswolds, who also produced GCC Whizard. BW: 2.5 WW: 50.9 YW: 59.4 MK: 12.3


Lot 185 Polled 5/8 MA BD: 3/10/14 TG: 4.07



BW: 94 WDA: 3.77

WW: 740 YW: 1391

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey DCC Hot Pick by BPJV Hotline Miss Yardley U205 Miss Yardley R38 by Partisover by Meyer 734 These Cowboy sons really have grow and performance to them. Look at the tremendous amount of width, depth and dimension in such a stylish powerful package. Our Maine bull calves out averaged the Simmentals and the Angus, the first time this has happened in nearly fifty years. Calves like B402 tell the story why.

Buck Cowboy

BW: 1.6

WW: 52.1

YW: 74.8

MK: 14.5

Lot 186 Scurred 3/4 MA BD: 3/3/14 TG: 4.69

BW: 100 WDA: 3.95

B370 WW: 702 YW: 1495

BPF Mercedes Benz NBH Five Star CMAC Hardcore Miss Yardley W113 Miss Yardley S46 (Angus) by WK Gunsmoke Check out the massive hip on B370. He’s as wide and long and stylish as you could hope for. His dam has done an amazing job on four head of calves weaning off at 715# avg. Her last calf sold for $6,500 to Joseph Seys of Coal Valley IL. His maternal grand dam is a beautiful Angus loaded with unsurpassed depth and fleshing ability and a broody front end. B370’s sire, Comfort Zone, was the high selling bull in the 2012 Bushy Park Bull Sale.

Comfort Zone

BW: 2.6

WW: 49.0

YW: 61.3

MK: 18.1




Lot 187 Polled 3/8 MA 1/2 SM B469 BD: 3/22/14 TG: 3.22

BW: 100 WDA: 3.68

WW: 803 YW: 1318

Shocking Dream Miss Yardley Fancy by 3C Macho BPJV Hotline Miss Yardley U149 Miss Yardley N81 by Yardley Cherokee Check out this Baldy’s fancy features and impressive numbers! He’s fit to tie with his 803# WW, 1,318 # YW and his eye appealing style and design. His dam U149 is a daughter of one of the greatest Maine cows and donors we have ever owned, N81. Our Maines have the performance and power lacking in so much of the breed along with the fleshing ability, structural soundness, large scrotals, and eye appeal. Cowboy’s crop this year averaged 720#!

STCC Longhaul

BW: 3.0

WW: 54.7

YW: 78.0

Lot 188 Polled 3/4 MA BD: 4/10/14 TG: 3.91

BW: 99 WDA: 3.75

MK: 16.9

B513 WW: 746 YW: 1372

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey BPF Sudden Impact by HAA New Level Miss Yardley X191 Miss Yardley T42 by Caddy Shack Here’s another stout made Maine that will work for the showman and commercial cattleman alike. Raising cattle that work in the real world has been our quest from the beginning. Bulls like B513 have the ability to transmit show stopping eye appeal with dominating performance. His maternal powerhouse grand dam was purchased as a sale highlight by Dun Rite Cattle in Alberta Canada for $7,600 where she has taken a major role in their donor/embryo program. Raise your hand high and keep waving ‘till he’s yours.

Buck Cowboy

BW: 2.5

WW: 55.0

YW: 79.2

Lot 189 Scurred 5/8 MA BD: 2/21/14 TG: 3.97

BW: 2/21/14 WDA: 3.43

MK: 13.1

B308 WW: 655 YW: 1291

Irish Whiskey Miss Chill by Chill Factor SDWL Nomad Miss Yardley U117 Miss Yardley G157 by Oakie B308’s dam is a full sister to our former herd sire Integrity that now resides with Randy Lehmberg of Mason TX. Their dam was thirteen when we shipped her. Her calves averaged over 680# at weaning, and she always had a good udder and stayed fat doing it. We bought her mother as a top notch show heifer in Denver twenty years ago for $4,000. B308’s sire, Cerveza, is our favorite Irish Whiskey son and the sire of many high dollar individuals including last year’s sale feature Yardley Brandy which sold for $14,000 to Ronnie Smith of TX.


BW: 1.7

WW: 54

YW: 61.7

Lot 190 Polled 3/8 MA BD: 3/3/14 TG: 3.70

BW: 3/3/14 WDA: 3.28

MK: 12.2

B361 WW: 647 YW: 1238

Irish Whiskey Miss Chill by Chill Factor OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley X200 Miss Yardley R76 by Neel Swoosh Here is a bull with show stopping good looks and eye appeal to turn heads and catch attention. His arithmetic is equally impressive with good growth and performance. A maternal brother sold in last year’s sale to long time repeat customer and friend Jim Frost of Moses Lake WA for $6,500. Jim always finds some of the best. B361 has all the right parts and pieces to make a stylish and prominent herd sire.


BW: 1.9



WW: 48.4

YW: 56

MK: 11.7


Lot 191 Polled 3/4 MA BD: 1/29/14 TG: 3.95

BW: 75 WDA: 3.07

B272 WW: 618 YW: 1250

Irish Whiskey TCTC Midnight Chill GVC Special Delivery Miss Yardley Z18 Miss Yardley X18 by GCC Chilled Chivas Here’s a long spined individual that has the look and design of one destined to make purple ribbon winners. Sired by Patton a leading Senior Maine herd sire at GCC. He is a sire that produces sound, functional Maine influenced cattle with a moderate frame and good body depth. An own son of the Legendary Irish Whiskey.

TCTC Patton

BW: 0.2

WW: 51.2

YW: 66.4

MK: 8.7

Lot 192 Scurred PB Maine Anjou B309 BD: 2/21/14 TG: 4.04

BW: 96 WDA: 3.58

WW: 693 YW: 1339

DCC Hard Drive JJN Sierra BK Intense Plus Miss Yardley S58 Miss Yardley N99 by Cunia B309 hails from two of the top Maines in the breed; he’s got the look of a great one. His dam, S58, is a beautiful Intense Plus daughter out of an own Cunia daughter. She is as cool profiled and long-spined as you could design one and yet still carries a great amount of rib and capacity. Fred DeRouchy, one of the most respected cattlemen in the breed, told us that BPF Classic was one of the best Maine bulls he had ever seen and out of his favorite cow and cow family from BPF. He’s got style and substance and so does this fancy calf.

BPF Classic

BW: 2.1

WW: 52.1

YW: 69.8

MK: 17.4

Lot 193 Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 MA B342 BD: 2/27/14 TG: 3.46

BW: 92 WDA: 3.31

WW: 667 YW: 1221

CNS Dream On HTP/SVF Honey Dew Neel Swoosh Miss Yardley S27 Miss Yardley P11 by TLM Bouncer B342’s dam is as chisel fronted as any cow we own. Duracell is the popular brother to In Dew Time, who was featured in Sunset View Sale and Denver Pen. Many astute breeders believe Duracell is a stouter, more powerful version of his legendary brother. Homo black and homo polled.

HTP/SVF Duracell

BW: 1.1

WW: 56.6

YW: 81.6

MK: 18.8

Lot 194 Polled PB Maine Anjou B318 BD: 2/24/14 TG: 3.11

BW: 80 WDA: 3.30

WW: 701 YW: 1198

TJSC Hot Commodity BPF Miley by DCC Hard Drive Cowans Ali Miss Yardley W42 Miss Yardley N81 by Yardley Cherokee Here is one of the bulls that we had been keeping an eye on all year. B318 is big topped with a solid straigt top line, a super cool extended front, and he comes from our top Maine cow family as a maternal grand son of N81 our extra complete, super cool Donor cow. His sire, The Maine Man was the exciting $80,500 seller at the 2011 Frozen Gold Sale in Ohio. A maternal brother to I-80, the Maine Man offers more stoutness with a great look.

Goet The Maine Man

BW: 1.4

WW: 39.5

YW: 50.0

MK: 22.8




Lot 195 Scurred 1/2 MA BD: 3/5/14 TG: 4.13


BW: 84 WDA: 3.56

WW: 686 YW: 1347

Irish Whiskey Miss Chill by Chill Factor Yardley Fortune Miss Yardley X119 Miss Yardley P179 by Yardley Juniper Another cool Cerveza son, out of a real nice Fortune daughter.


BW: 2.6

WW: 57.2

YW: 68.6

MK: 6.9

Lot 196 Polled 5/8 MA BD: 3/5/14 TG: 4.56


BW: 96 WDA: 4.02

WW: 787 YW: 1517

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey GCC Chilled Chivas Miss Yardley X118 Miss Yardley P128 by Draft Pick Here is a really soggy made big bodied bull loaded with big volume capacity, a big hind quarter and excellent performance. He draws his power and performance from the strong maternal lines in his pedigree. His maternal grand dam was my pick of the herd. She was as big bodied, massive boned, and yet feminine and stylish as any Maine I have ever seen. Her dam was a broody and big bellied as the outdoors. She was a PB Angus Krugerand Daughter and Krugerand is still one of my favorite Angus sires.

Buck Cowboy

PM: BW: 1.3 WW: 53.9

YW: 79.9

MK: 9.6

Lot 197 Polled 1/4 MA 3/8 SM BD: 4/10/14 TG: 3.79

BW: 78 WDA: 3.50

B514 WW: 686 YW: 1293

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey Yardley Attraction Miss Yardley X106 Miss Yardley T17 by ACC1 Hustler Here’s a bull whose maternal side is full of light birth weights. His dam and grand dam both share a 60# BW. His maternal siblings have both weighed 75#. B514’s sire may add more to the equation on the birth weight end of things, he also adds a lot of power and performance.

Buck Cowboy

PM: BW: -1.5

WW: 41.1

YW: 52.6

MK: 11.1

Lot 198 Polled 3/8 MA BD: 2/7/14 TG: 3.77

BW: 87 WDA: 3.11

B287 WW: 642 YW: 1246

Irish Whiskey TCTC Midnight Chill SAV Mustang Miss Yardley Z11 Miss Yardley X128 by BPF Sudden Impact Here’s a real moderate made, deep bellied calving ease type Maine. Both his dam and his grand dam share a 78 #BW. Patton is a GCC owned, clean Irish Whiskey son that really stamps “the look” in his offspring. You’ll like his look.

TCTC Pattton

BW: 0.7



WW: 48.6

YW: 60.6

MK: 13.9


Lot 199 Polled 1/4 MA BD: 3/25/14 TG: 3.35

BW: 93 WDA: 3.56

B477 WW: 771 YW: 1307

CAR Efficient Frosty Answer Cunia Miss Yardley N99 Ebar Annie 6283 by Papa Optima Traveler B477 is out of an own daughter of Cunia. His performance is awesome with a 771# WW and a 1,307# YW. Effective is a Genex AI Sire that sold for $40,000.

Schiefelbein Effective

BW: -2.4

WW: 52.3

YW: 82.4

Lot 201 Polled 3/4 MA BD: 3/31/14 TG: 2.72

BW: 92 WDA: 3.15

MK: 26.3

B491 WW: 688 YW: 1124

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey HAA New Level Miss Yardley U270 Miss Yardley N128 by TLM Bouncer This bull’s dam was featured in our Fall sale and sold for $4,900 to good friend and customer Kirk Hansen of Centerfield UT.

Buck Cowboy

BW: 0.2

WW: 53.6

YW: 79.3

Lot 203 Polled 3/8 MA BD: 3/30/14 TG: 3.39

BW: 80 WDA: 3.88

MK: 15.4

B505 WW: 735 YW: 3.54

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey Connealy Forefront Miss Yardley P52 Ebar 6106 by Leachman Bank Roll Dam has weaned off nine calves averaging 700#. Yardley Pumpkin, a maternal sister sold to renowned cattleman Jirl Buck of Madill OK.

Buck Cowboy

PM: BW: 2.2

WW: 50.3

YW: 83.8

Lot 200 Scurred 1/2 MA BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.74


BW: 100 WDA: 3.52

WW: 696 YW: 1294

SVF Steel Force OCC Juanada HAA New Level Miss Yardley U20 Miss Yardley S70 by Daines Icon Hard as Steel is our $12,000 selection of the GCC offering several year’s back. He has been a true breed piece with several sale topping sons such as Yardley Utah, Yardley Powerhouse, and $7,250 lot 9 in last year’s sale. His females are feminine and broody as well; moderate easy keeping packages with great performance.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 1.9

WW: 51.1

YW: 77.5

MK: 9.8

Lot 202 Scurred 5/8 MA BD: 3/30/14 TG: 4.11


BW: 80 WDA: 3.79

WW: 730 YW: 1387

BK Cowboy Miss Irish by Irish Whiskey Neel Swoosh Miss Yardley P84 Miss Yardley Z100 by Warrant B495 is a top end performance bull near the top of the pen with a 80# BW, 730#WW and a 1,387#YW. A maternal brother sold for $5,500.

Buck Cowboy

BW: 1.2

WW: 49.2

YW: 68.3

MK: 15.7

Lot 204 Polled 1/2 MA BD: 3/12/14 TG: 3.35

BW: 73 WDA: 3.35

Yardley Royal Jet Miss Yardley N4 PM: BW: .1

B426 WW: 707 YW: 1243

OCC Jet Stream Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman 365 Daines Icon Miss Yardley L96 by LLND Gold Nugget WW: 37.5

YW: 57

MK: 13.9

MK: 14.9

In Loving Memory

We just had two wonderful friends leave this world and pass over to Heaven. They will be greatly missed by our family and others.

ALMA EVANS from Parowan, Utah lived all his life 30 miles south of Beaver. Alma had a semi truck and hauled our cattle for over 50 years. He was 96 years old and a friend to everyone. He was like a grandfather to my kids and thy all loved him. He had watched them grow up and as Jeannie said, “We have never had a better friend than Alma.” He has bought many bulls from us and has a good farm and herd of cattle. We will miss you Alma, we are glad that you got to be reunited with your sweetheart on the other side. Alma is survived by 4 sons and 1 daughter and many grandchildren. Alma left a great posterity 32 grand children and almost 89 great grandchildren, 16 great-great grandchildren. www.yardleycattleco.com



Lot 205 Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 MA B500 BD: 4/2/14 TG: 3.57

BW: 83 WDA: 3.19

WW: 655 YW: 1226

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Miss Chill by Chill Factor SVF Steel Force GCC Blackbird 192Y GCC Blackbird Here is possibly the most stylish Simmental bull in the offering. When our excellent and skilled hired hand and dear friend Jose Guzman chose a replacement from the herd 192Y was his choice. It’s easy to see why. This fine female developed by Griswolds and selected by us in their sale is as pretty of a Steel Force daughter as broody and feminine as you ever laid eyes on. Longhaul mated up with all the style and smoothness makes for one outstanding calf; a real show stopper.

GCC Whizard

BW: 0.7

WW: 57.5

YW: 83.2

MK: 10.7

Lot 206 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B266 BD: 1/31/14 TG: 4.30

BW: 76 WDA: 3.16

WW: 610 YW: 1298

HF Kodiak HF Annie GCC Hard As Steel Miss Yardley Z68 Miss Yardley L13 by Talk about a deep bodied female maker. You’ll like the looks of this one; his massive depth, his powerful hip, his big strong top, and his overall softness. His dam is a beautiful, broody Hard as Steel Daughter. B266 has just the right blend of Simmental to stouten up a set of Angus. CA Ranger was our $12,000 pick of the Hamilton offering in Canada. They raised Kodiak 5R, Ranger’s sire, who sold for $150,000 and is the only Canadian bull to have sired the Champion pen of three Angus in Denver.

HF Ranger Smith

BW: -1.4

WW: 47.4

YW: 75.5

MK: 13.8

Lot 207 Polled 5/8 SM 5/16 AN B527 BD: 4/19/14 TG: 3.68

BW: 78 WDA: 3.51

WW: 674 YW: 1263

CNS Dream On by Nichols Legacy Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley W187 Miss Yardley S162 by SC Stockman 365 This stylish calf sired by Whirl of a Dream has all of the look of a true breed piece. He’s long deep and good. A maternal brother to his dam sold for $5,500 to Brian Jorgensen of Idaho.

Whirl of a Dream

BW: -.7

WW: 51.7

YW: 73.5 MK: 12.7

Lot 208 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B526 BD: 4/17/14 TG: 3.84

BW: 80 WDA: 3.66

WW: 748 YW: 1362

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley Y190 Miss Yardley by OCC Rising Sun Don’t let his age fool you. This young bull has a performance record that would compete well against his older counterparts. With an impressive 748# WW and 1,362# YW he pushes down the scales like lead. His stylish dam was the featured in our last sale and sold to long time customer and friend Justin Roache of Garland UT. He always finds a good one. Her dam was a feature that sold for $11,500 to Darrell Scott of Mapleton IA.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 2.8



WW: 63

YW: 101.5

MK: 7.4


Lot 209 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 MA B532 BD: 5/20/14 TG: 2.87

BW: 90 WDA: 3.60

WW: 860 YW: 1319

STF Shocking Dream Miss Fancy Yardley T85 GVC Special Delivery Miss Yardley Y1 Miss Yardley W42 by Cowans Ali WOW! What a stud B532 may be the coolest blaze faced calf of the sale. Check out his great neck extension, his powerful hip and stylish body. He’s good and he knows it. His dam was our favorite Maine that year. She extends back to our donor cow N81 and has many of the same traits that made us love her grand dam; the deep body, the chisel front, the big hind quarter and structural integrity. Longhaul brings it all to the table with this one we know you’ll love him.

STCC Long Haul

BW: 2.3

WW: 65.2

YW: 81.5

MK: 16.8

Lot 210 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B456 BD: 3/20/14 TG: 3.15

BW: 86 WDA: 3.38

WW: 715 YW: 1220

MCC Cupid by OCC Legend GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Yardley Pinion Miss Yardley T90 Miss Yardley N146 by 3C Roulette This stylish bull’s powerhouse dam is out of one of the most profitable and productive cows on the ranch, N146. She has raised ten calves that have averaged 690# WWs, her past five bull calves have averaged 739# WWs, 1,335# YWs, and $6000 in the sale including an $8,250 lead off bull that was selected by astute cattleman Jim Frost of Washington. When we said we saved the best for last we meant it.

GCF Billy the Kid

BW: 0.7

WW: 46.9

YW: 63.5

MK: 15.7

Lot 211 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN BD: 3/10/14 TG: 3.70

BW: 66 WDA: 3.14

B414 WW: 620 YW: 1211

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On OCC Juanada by OCC Homer OCC Rising Sun Miss Yardley Y112 Miss Yardley by P135 by Nichols Legacy TWIN. This stylish bull’s beautifully uddered dam featured in our last last sale for $4,500. Her performance packed dam had a 745# WW and has averaged over 700# on eight calves.

GCC Hard as Steel

BW: 0.9

WW: 57

YW: 90.4

MK: 12.3

Lot 212 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B356 BD: 3/2/14 TG: 3.33

BW: 69 WDA: 3.04

WW: 652 YW: 1185

GCC Volumizer by OCC Missing Link OCC Dixie Erica WLE Right On Miss Yardley Z166 Miss Yardley U152 by OCC Jet Fleck Great cow families make great bulls; this deep, soggy made bull comes from one of the best. He’s out of a beautifully broody first calf heifer whose dam is my favorite Jet Fleck daughter on the ranch. She is so loaded with rib shape and stout muscling with a feminine front. Her last bull caught the crowd’s attention and was purchased by one of our best customers, Dick Wheeler, from Casper WY for $12,000. Great cow family, great bull! BW: -1.2 WW: 46.3 YW: 60.0 MK: 17.7

GCC Volumizer




Lot 213 Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN B344 BD: 2/28/14 TG: 2.95

BW: 68 WDA: 2.85

WW: 638 YW: 1190

Nichols Muhammad GCF Who Would Have Dreamed GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley Z191 Miss Yardley U208 by Yardley Treasure Here’s a calving ease bull with an extra light 68# BW. His dam and grand dam had 76 and 73# BWs respectively. This is his dam’s first calf and his grand dam averaged 78# on four calves. Low birth, stout hipped, deep bodied, and smooth shouldered, all B344 needs now is a set of heifers to go to work on!

GCF Grindstone

BW: -0.5

WW: 44.1

YW: 59.0

MK: 19.3

Lot 214 Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN B343 BD: 2/28/14 TG: 3.39

BW: 75 WDA: 3.05

WW: 652 YW: 1095

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley U154 Connealy Final Product Miss Yardley Z12 Miss Yardley S173 by S/C Stockman 365 B343 is another stylish made, complete calf. His PB Angus dam had a 73# BW and his maternal grand dam has averaged 76# BWs on six calves. Her last calf sold for $5,250 to Gary Peacock of Orangeville UT. Wah Wah is the sire to lot Red Hawk.

Yardley Wah Wah

BW: -0.9

WW: 56.6

YW: 73.1

MK: 21.9

Lot 215 Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 MA B279 BD: 1/28/14 TG: 3.72

BW: 73 WDA: 2.92

WW: 597 YW: 1192

SVF Steel Force Miss Chill by Chill Factor Flying V Cut Above Miss Yardley Z36 Miss Yardley X123 by Pinion B279’s sire GCC Whizard is a perfect blend of Steel Force with the dam of Cerveza that offers power, volume, eye appeal and excellent maternal traits. A maternal sister to B279’s dam sold for $5,750 to Beaver Creek Cattle of Waldon CO. for $5,750.

GCC Whizard

BW: 0.1

Lot 216 Polled PB Simmental B520 BD: 4/13/14 TG: 2.87

BW: 81 WDA: 3.29

WW: 757 YW: 1216

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance Whirl of a Dream Miss Yardley Y433 Miss Yardley T106 by Dinero We could have pictured B520, he’s a nice made individual with an awesome cow family backing him that traces back to M24 and K41 both were tremendously deep, thick, square made cows that always stayed fat and both weaned off calves that averaged well over 700#.

GCC Nickels N Dimes

BW: 0.0


WW: 52.2


YW: 70.8

MK: 16

WW: 51.6

YW: 65.5

MK: 12.7

Lot 217 Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 MA B533 BD: 5/20/14 TG: 3.39

BW: 90 WDA: 3.66

WW: 790 YW: 1333

STF Shocking Dream Miss Fancy Yardley T85 OCC Jet Fleck Miss Yardley Y109 Miss Yardley U104 by SDWL Nomad This younger red bull is out of as pretty of an OCC Jet Fleck daughter as we own. She is super moderate with depth extending from her heart girth to her flank, a nice udder and tiny teats. She has a very broody look and did an excellent job weaning this young calf that adjusted to 790#WW and 1,333#YW. His 1.56 REA/CW ratio is the best in the sale.

STCC Long Haul

BW: 2.0

WW: 70.3

YW: 95.0

MK: 16.9


Lot 218 Scurred PB Simmental B497 BD: 4/2/14 TG: 3.63

BW: 80 WDA: 3.32

GCC Nickels N Dimes Miss Yardley Y110

BW: 1.5

WW: 672 YW: 1253

SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Joys Elegance GWS Ebonys Trademark Miss Yardley U37 by CNS Dream On

WW: 63.3

YW: 92.6

MK: 15.7

Lot 219 Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN B478 BD: 3/25/14 TG: 3.00

BW: 89 WDA: 3.23

WW: 684 YW: 1164

Flying B Cut Above Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho Yardley Bando Miss Yardley U157 S435 ANGUS B487’s dam has raised two bulls that have averaged over $5,000. She’s still in the herd at twelve years of age.

Yardley Chrome

BW: 1.2

WW: 43.9

YW: 60.5

MK: 22.2

Lot 220 Polled 3/8 SM 3/8 AN 1/4 MA B519 Lot 221 Polled PB Simmental B473 BD: 4/11/14 TG: 3.16

BW: 93 WDA: 3.18

WW: 658 YW: 1163

BD: 3/23/14 TG: 2.99

BW: 82 WDA: 2.97

STF Shocking Dream LMJJ Impartial Miss Yardley W151 Miss Yardley Z153 Cunia Miss Yardley X120 Miss Yardley R208 by Xplorer x Krugerrand 490 Out of an own daughter of Cunia that raised a $6,250 bull in last year’s sale.

Yardley Ensign

BW: ,4

WW: 64.6

YW: 95.3

MK: 15.3

Lot 222 Polled 3/4 SM 3/16 AN B530 BD: 4/20/14 TG: 3.94

BW: 80 WDA: 3.52

WW: 632 YW: 1262

GCC Hard as Steel Miss Yardley T170 Yardley Xpress by Dinero Miss Yardley P39 Miss Yardley M24 by 3C Jigger A maternal brother sold for $5,500 in last year’s sale.

Yardley Utah

BW: 1.0

WW: 48.4

YW: 72.3

MK: 13.8

BW: 1.9

WW: 660 YW: 1139

American Pride KSR 52T by CNS Dream On Yardley Sundance Miss Yardley M35 by 3C Jigger WW: 60.6

YW: 80.2

MK: 16.2

Lot 223 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B528 BD: 4/23/14 TG: 3.17

BW: 71 WDA: 3.21

WW: 706 YW: 1213

American Pride KSR 52T by CNS Dream On GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley Z155 Miss Yardley W148 by New Edition We paid $10,000 for B528’s sire Impartial two years ago in Denver.

LMJJ Impartial

BW: -0.6

WW: 57.1

YW: 81.1

MK: 17.9

Lot 224 Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN B483 BD: 3/29/14 TG: 3.61

Yardley Brock Miss Yardley Y196 BW: 2.6

BW: 86 WDA: 3.26

WW: 654 YW: 1231

GCF Billy the Kid Miss Yardley T50 GCF Lonestar Miss Yardley K60 by Spade WW: 44.6

YW: 70.6

MK: 26.5

In Loving Memory

WARREN WILLIAMS spent his entire life 70 miles south of Beaver, in Cedar City UT. When we were boys Warren and I showed steers at the Southern Utah Jr. Livestock show. He had the Grand Champion one year and I had it the next. We have been close friends ever since. Warren was a very good manager and ran both sheep and cattle, but has since sold the sheep. We ran cattle together at Blue Springs Ranch, in the summer. He has bought many bulls from us. He rode bucking horses in many rodeos when he was young. He liked to go to the National Finals Rodeo and the Days of 47 Rodeo in Salt Lake City and he loved to come to our bull sale. He is survived by his wife Peggy, one son and two daughters.

www.yardleycattleco.com www.yardleycattleco.com


Angela & Steve Barton

We welcomed a new grand baby to Lori Ann & Toby Hoffman. Rhett Gilbert Hoffman was born August 2, 2014. He weighed 8 lbs oz. Emily married Weston Maxfield on the 23rd of August, 2014 in the Manti Temple. Our little Birdy followed suit and married Steve Barton on the 25th of August, 2014. Jessica, (Michelle’s oldest) reported for the Honolulu, Hawaii Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints October 1, 2014. We had a few crazy months!

Gib & Denise

Emily & Weston Maxfield


Steven & Leslie Yardley Family

John & Jeannie Griswold Family

Toby & Lori Ann Hoffman Family

Jake & Julie Finlinson Family

Rhett Gilbert Hoffman

Rodney & Tawnya Teichert “When God wants a great work done in the world or a great wrong righted, he goes about it in a very unusual way. He doesn’t stir up his earthquakes or send forth his thunderbolts. Instead, he has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple home. And then God puts the idea into the mother’s heart, and she puts it into the baby’s mind. And then God waits. The greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes and the thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are babies.”

Mark & Michelle Smith Family



Y ardleY Cattle CompanySire Lineup

Three separate breeds, three individual herds of cattle, one common goal. Our focus in all three breeds is to produce cattle with rib shape, dimension, solid tops, easy fleshing, and be structurally sound and functional. We will continue to focus on solid cow families combined with powerful herd sires. Semen Available on all sires.

GCF Billy the Kid 1/2 SIMM 1/2 ANGUS REG # 2548887

Sire: MCC Cupid by OCC Legend Dam: GCF Miss Reflection by CNS Dream On Billy the Kid did not disappoint. He has sired a group of calves second to none. They are big bodied, stout made, and there just isn’t any throw aways in them. They exhibit a soft made, easy doing look that is popular in everyone’s cow base. Billy the Kid was a member of Grindstone Creek Farms Pen of Three in Denver 2011. He has quickly earned a place in our Herd sire pen. You’re going to fall in love with his daughters at our Focus on the Female sale.

Y1 Whirl of a Dream W361 PB SIMMENTAL REG # 2533644

Sire: CNS Dream ON by Nichols Legacy Dam: Miss Yardley B75 by Whirlaway Whirl of a Dream was the pick of our ’10 bull offering. He’s big topped, large scrotaled, with bone and great muscle shape. His dam, B75, was a top producer for us weaning fifteen stout and stylish calves until she was seventeen years of age and always stayed fat doing it. Whirl of a Dream weaned off at 712# with no creep. A wise cattlemen once said if you love the cow, breed one of her sons and you’ll replicate her. There is performance, power, longevity and style in Whirl of a Dream’s pedigree. His calves are functional, big ribbed, thick made cattle with performance. His ’12 bulls were our top sire group averaging an impressive $7,000. SEMEN $30

Yardley Utah

3/4 SIMMENTAL 1/4 ANGUS REG # 2641894

Sire: GCC Hard as Steel Dam: Miss Yardley T170 by Dream On x Corrector We consider this bull one of the best, if not the very best we have ever raised. I am as critical a bull buyer as there is in the country and there isn’t a single thing I don’t like about Utah. He has perfect phenotype every place you look at him. I don’t like high tailed. I want them square over the tail head and he is. We consider his dam to be the perfect built, moderate sized cow and as pretty and good as any cow we own. His beautifully designed maternal grand dam was a stellar $7,700 feature in our sale that sold to Greg Kroupa of White Lake, SD. Utah has experienced great success in our program and at Wernings in Emery SD with several calves selling for over $15,000. A daughter of his was crowned Champion at the West Virginia State Fair. Owned with Griswold Cattle Co, Werning Cattle Co, Trennepohls.

Miss Yardley T170



GCC Hard As Steel 144w 1/2 SIMMENTAL 1/2 ANGUS ASA REG # 2511031

Sire: SVF Steel Force S701 Dam: OCC Jaunada 898L by OCC Homer I had the opportunity to go to the Grass to Grid Sale, before I married John. I fell in love with Hard As Steel before I was real sure I was in love with John! I circled his lot number, put a star next to his name, and wrote love this bull in my footnotes. With a 70# BW, 15.67 REA, and a 40.5 yearling scrotal he was one you could like off of paper but he got better after a visual analysis. He is a female maker that is huge bodied with fleshing ability and style. He has sired many of our top-sellers and herd sires including Yardley Utah and Yardley Powerhouse. Owned with Curt Suehner, and Griswold Cattle Company. His mother has been in ET at Griswolds, she is one of the best cows that they purchased from Tim Ohlde. Hard as Steel cost us $12,000. SEMEN $30

GCC Nickels n Dimes PB SIMMENTAL ASA REG # 2659379

Sire: SVF Steel Force by CNS Dream On Dam: AJE/JF Aunt Joys Elegance by 3C Macho

Joys Elegance

Joy’s Elegance was Grand Champion in Denver in the Junior show and matured into as picture perfect cow as she was show heifer. A true test of a great show heifer doesn’t come in the showing, it comes in her ability to produce and transmit the same look and quality in her offspring. Joy’s produced $106,000 in progeny sales this past year on four head with one of the most consistent flushes ever produced at Griswold Cattle. The two yearling heifers produced are proving to be as competitive in the show ring as their great dam. Nickels n’ Dimes is big topped and complete with plenty of rib, dimension, style and power with a killer look. This is the kind of bull to change a program with! Owned with Griswold Cattle.

Yardley Ensign Z394

3/4 SIMMENTAL 1/4 ANGUS ASA REG # 2690517

Sire: STF Shocking Dream by Dream On Dam: Miss Yardley W151 by 3D x Treasure x N130

Miss Yardley W151

Great cattle it seems are built by great cow families and the E119 cow family has been one of the most profitable we have ever owned. It doesn’t matter the generation E119 falls back through on the pedigree chart, they are destined to be good. N130 is a daughter of K114, E119’s best daughter and both donors. All three of these great females have produced sale toppers, the quality doesn’t get any better. Ensign is a bull that stuck out as soon as you walked in the pen. With plenty of rib, bone and power along with the look it takes to make class winners and sale toppers. He’s the real deal and we couldn’t be more excited about him!

Yardley Chrome Y256


Sire: Flying V Cut Above Dam: Miss Yardley W122 by 3C Macho x Bonanza x Whirlaway Longevity is essential to profitability in a cow base. Chrome’s, beautiful bodied, perfect uddered, maternal grand dam effectively raised sixteen calves; her powerful dam raised fourteen calves-longevity second to none! Sired by Cut Above, Chrome combines calving ease with efficiency and style and has matured into a great muscled, huge hipped herd sire that is an outcross to Dream On. He has raised several stylish calving ease bulls that have sold for $6,500 and over. He adds style, extra hip and a smooth shoulder to his offspring with plenty of blazed faces in the bunch. He has averaged 80# BWs on fifty-five calves. SEMEN $30



stcc Long Haul PB SIMMENTAL REG # 2540264

Sire: Shocking Dream by Dream On Dam: Miss Fancy Yardley T85 by 3C Macho Long Haul’s dam was the pick of our heifer calf crop in 2007 by Trennophl and Rist of Indiana. Long Haul held his flesh as well as any bull we have ever used. He was Intermediate Grand Champion bull in Denver 2012. He’s moderate framed, cool made, and his cow family stands second to none. He has produced numerous sale favorites and toppers including our ’14 $20,000 sale topper, Overhaul, that went to renowned Wheatland Cattle Co. and $16,500 ’14 sale highlight Yardley Blitz purchased by Brent White of Iowa. His Granddam produced the $21,000 high seller from last year’s sale that sold to Jones Show Cattle and Tulle Cattle Co. A maternal sister to his dam produced Sugar Plum, a crowd favorite in our 2009 sale that sold to Wayne and Barb Ohlrichs. Case in point is this cow family will PRODUCE! Owned with Trenepohls of Indiana; contact Trenepohls for semen purchases.

Yardley Wah Wah Z303 3/4 SIMMENTAL 1/4 ANGUS REG # 2690482

Sire: Billy the Kid Dam: Miss Yardley U154 by Ranchhand x E119 Wah Wah was the pick of our herd for our next herd sire in our bull battery. With his flawless phenotype that combines a massive hind quarter with a big top, deep chest, smooth shoulder, big hoof and ideal leg set in a unique blend of power and softness. He has an equally impressive set of weights with a huge spread from 78# at birth to 764# at weaning. His quiet disposition and awesome pedigree trace back to our herd matriarch and donor E119, is filled with equally impressive herd matrons and make Wah Wah the complete package and impeccable addition to our bull battery.

ZEIS Real Steel A23

1/2 SIMMENTAL 1/2 ANGUS REG # 2770310

Sire: SVF Steel Force Dam: BF GCC 5918 by OCC Legend This fancy ½ blood was Grand Champion Simmental bull wherever shown at the Nebraska State Fair, Iowa State Fair, The American Royal, Kansas City, North American in Louisville, and the greatest of all stock shows the National Western in Denver. He’s about perfect in his phenotype. My good friend Stan Sears from California and I were watching them judge the show and when he won we decided to buy him. He is by Steel Force out of an OCC Legend daughter. He had a 64# birth weight so we bred him to quite a few heifers. He cost us $15,000. He really held his flesh well after we turned him out to breed. Owned with Stan Sears.


ANGUS REG # 16996619 Sire: WAGR Driver Dam: CNS Tiara P405 by RCC Headliner M6051

Pinnacle was the lead off bull in the Grand Champion pen of three high % Simmental bulls in Denver. He cost us $16,000. We really have some fancy calves by him. He is sired by WAGR Driver and out of a Power Drive cow. He had an 87# BW and 775# WW. You’ll like his calves. He has done us a great job!



Yardley Zion X288

ANGUS REG # 17036377 Sire: SCC Apache Brave Dam: Miss Yardley S504 by SAF Bando 5175

S504 has been one of our very top producers, she does not miss. Zion was a bull that stood out as a top individual from the time we weaned. He had as much rib, rear quarter, power and overall mass as any bull in the pen. We just weaned his first calf crop, they have performance and eye appeal. He was severely hurt as a yearling, we babied him along for a solid year and he recovered. He is as pretty a mature bull as you could picture with the pedigree and performance to stand out from the crowd.

SCC Apache Brave

ANGUS REG # 15759398

Sire: OCC Legend 616L Dam: Y Annie Coed 928 (Krugerrand granddaughter) Apache Brave is going to go down as one of the greatest sires of Yardley Cattle Co. His progeny are top of the pen with 11 head of bulls averaging $4,568. He is an easy calving sire that produces cattle that have look and style. Grass fat cattle are what we need to breed. He always maintained his flesh while breeding cows and he wasn’t a bull that needed to primped and pampered. Apache was a moderator that kept performance and bred depth and rib into his progeny. Owned with Matt Sherwood.

Yardley Royal Jet ANGUS ASA REG #16704437

Sire: OCC Jet Stream Dam: Miss Yardley R192 by SC Stockman Royal Jet is the type of bull that defines where we are taking our program. Soft made cattle that carry performance, thickness, fleshing ability, and style. OCC Jet Stream is now deceased, he stands as one of Ohlde’s greatest herd sires. Look at the performance this bull carries coupled with a perfect phenotype. This is as good as Angus bull as you will find anyplace. We have used him to clean up our Angus heifers, cows, and crossed him up on Simmentals and Maines. The results are the same: sound made functional cattle with eye appeal and performance. Royal Jet is the type of bull that will add belly, rib, and doablity, without taking pounds away from your bottom line. SEMEN $30

Bk Zook “bk Cowboy” AMAA REG # 434993

Sire: BK Cowboy by Limited Edition Dam: Irish Whiskey BK Zook 588Z Buck Cowboy by Limited Edition x Irish Whiskey. We bought this bull from one of the most renowned Maine Anjou breeders in the country, Jirl Buck from Madill, OK. Jirl said this about the bull. “This is the highest performing bull in the offering. He is a bold ribbed, big hipped and attractive bull. Here’s a herd bull.” He has an 84# BW, Adj.WW 820#, YW 1480#. THIS GREAT BULL IS THE HIGHEST PERFORMING BULL THAT WE HAVE EVER OWNED OR BRED TO. His calves have that stylish picture perfect look and have grown faster than any Maines we have ever had. They have the highest yearling weights of any of our breeds and this is the first time they have out averaged the Simmentals and Angus. You will love his calves.



Gib Yardley Family P.O. Box 288 Beaver UT 84713 (435) 310-0041

First Class



Y ardleY Cattle Company


YI the brand of quality

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