Architectural Design Graduation Thesis

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Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Universita degli Studi di Firenze iCAD International Course on Architectural Design Graduation Thesis Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne Relatore Prof.Riccardo Renzi Cor-relatore Prof.Elena Bellini Prof.Valerio Alecci Prof.Burak Belge Arch.Giacomo Troiani Arch.Gabriele Marinari Yasarcan Kandur 2019/2020


















aegean civilizations and archeology museum of smyrna

Location and climate could be the most important catalyzer that effects the fate of the cities however it is not easy to be habitable from the neolithic period until 21st century.These kind of cities not only have the variety of architectural assets but also they have created their own micro cultures in nations.İzmir, aka ‘Smyrna’ is one of them.Maritime commerce was the leading factor that keeps complex demography alive thanks to the perfect location.Aegean lifestyle found a body in many different communities.Huge numbers of Italian and French Jewishes,Ottoman and Greek Christians and Ottoman Muslums lived together over centuries which can be seen in some parts of Anatolia. Therefore, intangible cultural properties and architectural styles are indispensably mixed and build environment of the city reflects this diversty. Project area is located in this kind of junction point where the Ancient Greek and Roman structures meets with Ottoman and Greek (mostly residential) architecture.Unfortunately,area around Kadifekale(Acropolis) is dominated by the unplanned urbanisation as a result of migration explosion affected by the industrialization and wrong urban politics during 1960’s.Even though,the area is in transformation by the Municipality, demographics and architecture is not going to change dramatically.1st Degree, 2nd Degree and 3rd Degree archaeological and urban site areas and the Kadifekale urban transformation project is made by the Municipality of İzmir and project area is defined in the 1/5000,1/1000 city development plans in 18.09.2000.Thesis project will follow this development plans in Map code (İZMİR-L18--a-08-c-2-d). Topic of the thesis is archeology museum design and the aim of design is an intent to reveal reintegrative power of archeology for dealign with architectural language and also with urban issues.Complex environments has complex requirements.Main concern is building an architectural language which can give answer more than one question.Furthermore,design should answer the needs and requirements defined by the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality,Directorate of Historic Environment and Cultural Properties.Relation with surroundings such as Kadifekale(Acropolis) south of project zone, Roman Theatre on east side,complex urban fabric and slums on west side and historical areas on north of the project site are the primary design topics. Project should not visually block the Kadifekale.On the other hand,it should become a new landmark for the city.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



turkey and west anatolia

TURKEY Position: 360-420 N , 260-450 E Population: 82.000.000

Turkish Republic stands between West Asia Continent and East Europe Continent, most of the land surrounded by the sea(360-420 N , 260-450 E).It was founded at 1923 right after the fall of Ottoman Empire. Turkish citizens build up new contemporary system of government but it does not mean that decline of Ottoman Empire ,yet it can be seen as a continuity of 1200 years of Turkish communities1.Morover, Turkish culture does not complalety based on Islamic intangible assets.Even today there are considerable amount of diverse ethnic groups and religiouns.This accompany was formed during Ottoman Era but before it is effected by the all Anatolian Civilizations.It is well known that Turks were moved from Middle Asia to Anatolia but there were much bigger civilizations who lived around ‘Fertile Crescent’2 such as Sumerians. According to some historians,intangible cultural assets still observable in daily life3.Since our topic is Aegean Civilizations it is better stay focused on West Anatolia. Quality and values are out of our discussion but if we consider quantity of artifacts than it is possible to see Civilazations such as Hittites,Ancient Greek Polises and Romans before monotheistic religions,were dominant in west Anatolia.Most of them well preserved after habitants left the settlement.Major damage taken by the earthquakes because of geographic and seismic

properties of Aegean Region.Seismic movement around Aegean Sea had created more than 3.000 islands through the history.Huge number of lands offered safe travel for merchants which has incremental effect on sea trade without dispute.This is one of the reason why many of old settlements occured around west Anatolia.Rather than opportunity of sea trade,perpendicular extension of mountains through the sea, created productive platos on sides.Agricultural activities become much easier when it is combined with mild mediterrenean climate conditions.Climate not only effected agriculture but also it gave form to the architecture of the cities.Hot weathers through the year provided more open air activities which also improves social bounds in communities.Average temperature in Izmir 17.8oC and average rainy day 78.1 in Izmir. Highest and coldest average temperatures are 43.00 and -8.1 according to General Directorate of Meteorology. Predominant wind direction is west and southwest. Highest snow fall was 32cm in 1945 but barely snows in winter.

Surface: 783,562 km2 Borders: Armenia, Azerbaijan Bulgaria,Georgia,Greece Iran,Iraq,Syria

İZMİR Position: 38° 25’ 7.86” N 27° 7’ 43.392” E Climate: Mediterranean Climate Population: 4.321.000

SMYRNA Project site and ancient city of Smyrna is located between Pagos hills and coast line. Throughout history new additions grew over ancient assets.Therefore, archeological entities are stucked in dense urban fabric.

1 Türklerin Tarihi,İlber Ortaylı,Timaş Publishes,2015 2 Fertile Crescent, the region where the first settled agricultural communities of the Middle East and Mediterranean basin are thought to have originated by the early 9th millennium BCE. The term was popularized by the American Orientalist James Henry,06.2020 3 Uygarlığın Kökeni Sümerliler,Muazzez İlmiye Çığ,Kaynak Publishes,2007


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



city states and smyrna

West Anatolia hosted many different and powerful civilizations and city states.Geographical opportunities provided not only good trade routes but also gave a chance to share knowlage.History of Ancient imperials started with Hittities and followed by Lydians and Ionian city states,Persian and Romans.All of them shattered and built their own cultures.Between these shifts two of historical occasions were brought major changes;conquer of Alexander the Great after Persian Invasian and Roman Era.While they brought burden of heavy taxes,most of grande investments made in these periods.These improvements can also be seen in ancient city of Smyrna but before looking that,it will be helpful to understand urban fragments of other well-developed Aegean city states.Pergamon Kingdom for instance ,went under command of Roman Empire by the will of King Attalos III in 133BC,was transformed to the kingdom at 283BC and first settlement had started around 700BC.City has two leveled allocation;one of themlocated below hill is mostly for citizens daily life and the one located above Acropolis is for Sacred Spaces.Town planning well succeded in spite of environmental difficulties,thanks to the location it is well preserved after all attacks.It would not be convenient to compare with gridal planned cities. Amorph and fluid movement of alignment of buildings can also be seen in Agora.Building is located on top

Top Right-Acropolis of Pergamon,Bottom Right-Pergamon Upper City Plan

of enterence path to holy space.It is not a clear square. Structure honors the beauty of natural environment rather than competing with it.Another crowded ancient Ionic city state was Priene,located in Aydın at the moment.It was a member of Ionian League which later sacked by Lydians and regained. City has similar fate like others.It was invaded by Persians around 500BC. Citizens built a new city during that time where there is a Temple of Athena Polias dedicated by Alexander the Great in current location.Priene mostly known by its very completed gridal urban design on top of a hill. According to Spiro Kostof ‘Orthogonal planning is as old as Egypt.But none of the pre-Greek grids can be considered fully coordinated systems of public and residential buildings with coherently organized blocks.This is the achivement of Greeks’1.Compare to the Pergamon this time city was leveled by succesive terraces.There are couple of main streets that flows into city center and there are not only Temple of Athena but also Agora with other buildings.Function of Agora varies through time and place and function has relation with form.’Greek and Roman civic center not only concentrated into the same space council chambers,law courts,temples and commemorative monuments(statues of benefactors,monuments celebrating military victories),but also often made that space the center of its commercial transanctions’2.It can be two or three

Top Right-Temple of Athena Polias Priene,Bottom Right-Priene City Plan

1 A History Of Architecture,Spiro Kostof,Second Edition,Oxford University Press,2009 2 CLASSICAL ARCHEOLOGY,p.170,Second Edition,Edited by Susan E. Alcock and Robin Osborne,2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


storey according to requirements.It might include basilica,bouleterion or other gathering spaces inside but it always has Stoa on one side.

Oldest house known was built around 900BC.City was surrounded with adobe wall construction.Therefore,it can be said that city gained state identity.First Smyrna’s golden age was between 700BC-600BC.There are many written object on offerings for the Temple of Athena(750BC-650BC)Although Lydians invade the city around 600BC,citizens succeeded to rebuilt their home. Unfortunately,city complately abandoned after Persian destruction.

Ephesus is another city close to Smyrna in west Anatolia.Environmental and climatic features are unexceptionally similar.Both cities are conquered by Macedonian general Lysimachus around 286-281BC. Lysimachus renamed city after him but it soon dropped as it happened in Smyrne.Hellenistic era brought wealth and produced significant artifacts until management of Roman Empire.Ephesus had become the first capital city of asia minor under ruling of Augustus.Therefore, its architectural develeopment and progress is apperent. There are two Agoras in city.While one of them used for mostly commercial activities other one is used for governmental issues.Space provided by commercial Agora is much bigger than state Agora in respect to the amount of users.State Agora embraces Roman Temple in courtyard rather than shine through among others. First location of Smyrna was in Bayraklı region which is located in the middle section of the İzmir gulf,at the end of Bornova plain.Excavations taking the date of settlement back to the 3000BC.Gridal planned streets are the earliest example for western civilizations. Housing units were one single space,built by mud-walls.


Top Right-Celsus Library Ephesus,Bottom Right-Ephesus City Plan

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

After death of Alexander the Great control gained by two generals, Antigonos Monophtalmos and Lysimakhos.According to Pausanias and Strabon, city moved to new location below Pagos hills in Hellenistic era.Although,it is formed during Hellenistic era city become much richer under Roman governing. New city of Smyrna located on the north hills of Pagos,surrounded by defence walls is safer than previous settlement in Bayraklı district.There is typological gridal urban plan in Greek States.Two main streets cuts amorph shape of city.One of them is Magnesia Gate;extends through east-west and connects north Aegean cities like Phokai,Pergamon,Kyme,Sardis and Magnesia.Ephesus Gate is the other entrance of the city and flows on the north-south axis.This street still exist in contemporary İzmir and still bears it’s initial role.Two streets meet in the middle of the city next

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

First Settlement of Smyrne in Bayraklı District


to Agora.Some archeologist such as Akın Ersoy allege Agora as a centre of urban expansion.Closeness to ancient harbour and two main streets is crucial for trade actions.Although,it is predicted that civil structures located around Agora respect to the gridal plan,none of civil artifacts had excavated yet.Unfortunately,unplanned urbanization caused archeological excavations nearly impossible to make it.Theatre,Temple of Zeus and Stadium follows Agora as an important archeological assests. Until second half of nineteenth centuary,exact locations of these structures are known thanks the Lamec Saad,Luigi Storari,Thomas Graves and other non-muslim planners and architects.Unfortunately,there is lack of written hictorical information during Ottoman Era.Archeological studies made by Otto Berg and Otto Walter for excavations and finding of theatre around 1912-1913.Independence War and after young and poor Republic of Turkey could not maintain studies on theatre until 2000(Beside that, Atatürk founded Türk Tarih Kurumu in 1931,to support historical and academic studies of archeological areas in Anatolia). Hellenistic theatre demolished couple times because of earthquakes and rebuilt by Roman Empire in it’s typological characteristic.Vitruvius claims that it has two storey height and some etchings varify this information.

While excavations has restarted in 2000 theatre was completely occupied by residential houses.Today, most of the houses demolished by the urban transformation. If we continue climbing throuh Pagos hill,we reach defence walls of Acropolis.Walls had been renovated many times under different rulings and each of them increased it’s strength by making renovation works. It is clearly observable today.Kadifekale’s high walls are one of the icons of contemporary İzmir with it’s unquestionable position.It is believed that there was sacred structures in Acropolis also findings dedicated to Artemis boost this idea.Apart from this,there is only Byzentine cistern and Kale masjid exist today. Other important artifact is Stadium.Even it’s location is predicted by historians and archeologists,structure is occupied by residential buildings as a result of explosion in migration at early 60’s.

Ancient City Of Smyrne in Pagos Hill,03.2020


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



history and expansion of city

Throughout the history, gulf of Smyrne had been most important factor for evolution of city and still it is. Natural environment had key role for many different communities.Shipping trade attracted many merchants and explorers. This variety created palimpsest both in social diversity and architectural assests over 9000 years.Neolithic settlements,ancient Greek and Roman ruins,Christian and Ottoman artifacts lay together. Earthquakes and fires gave ultimate harm to them although considerable amount of this values can been today.The great fire of Symrne occured in Armenian quarter during first world war nearly burned down all of residential buildings.Since the varnacular arhitecture uses mostly uses stone and wood it was easy to spread fire in town.

street coming from Epheus Gate throuh Agora is impressive.While we analyse other map it will be more clear to understand importance of main street.Existence of Stadium,Acropolis,Theatre and Temple of Zeus are outstanding datas without doubt. Furthermore,archeological areas did not invade by residents yet and this might be anticipated as the socio cultural respect related with places has cultural diversity. We can also understand the emptiness around theatre belowe Acropolis from gravures and paintings.Location and existence of Stadium is cleary there and known. Continuity of Acropolis is quite similar to other maps Luigi Storari 1854

Eventough,the city lived it’s golden age during Ottaman era there are few written information and drawings belong to them.On the other hand,we can gather information from the paintings and sketches of European voyagers.One of them is Luigi Storari, an Italian engineer form Ferrara who later moved to Smyrne and worked for urban planning as chartographer1.This map is giving significant information about urban texture.First of all,it is possible to see that city expands and grows between Agora and harbour.Existence of ancient Smyrne Drawing , Eugène Flandin



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


made during late 19th centuary.Unfortunately,there is not any data about sacred spaces inside Kadifekale. Location of Temple is clearly highlited but today there is not any archeological excavations about it.Apart from archeological areas information about urban texture is quite interesting.Most important building of the time Sarı Kışla is there on south-west part of sea side.Pier did not build yet.Biggest transformation in urban texture is in coatline;perpendicular streets getting narrower and number of them getting higher. For sure,this is the result of shipping trade which keeps Kemeraltı more vivid.

and easy to walk on Anafartalar Street which connects Basmane Station,Agora,Kemeraltı and Harbour after a passenger get out from the station.It become easier to understand existence of Ancient street on south-west in denser urban texture.Citizens decided to stay close to center as much as possible and city did not expanded although there is obvious growth.Another clear addition is Konak Pier designed and build by Gustave Eiffel in 1867.Both railways and harbour built to support commerce.Archeological areas still untouched although there is an growth in population and economy.Theatre was not occupied,Acropolis still empty without

Another cartographer is Lamec Saad.It might look similar to the map of Luigi Storari in first glance but there are significant changes that effects future of city. First of them is addition of railway.After railway connection city met with industrialization which will have incremental effect on economy but negative effects in terms of migration.Acording to French Statistics in 1875 total population is 150.000. There are 60.000 Turks 60.000 Greeks 15.000 Jewishes 10.000 Armenians and 6.000 Eurapeans1.There are two lines of railway and one of them will end in Basmane Train Station. Basmane Station is still the center of tranportation and closiness for archeological sites,landmarks,bazaar caused surroundings transforme to hotel district.It is possible

Lamec Saad 1876

View of Cittedella and Harbour of Smyrne 1800s

1 İzmir’de Yunanların Son Günleri,p.18, Bilge Umar 2011


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Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


residents,Stadium’s plan and Temple of Zeus still can be seen.Agora and altınpark archeological areas are used as graveyard.It is very common to transform pagan settlements to cemetry during Ottoman era. Moreover,this district’s name Mezarlıkbaşı(Graveside) comes from archeological areas. City’s growth continued until First World War. Population made a peak by over 250.000 citizens.There were 150.000 Turks,50.000 Ottoman Christians,50.000 Greek Christians,16.000 Jewishes,8.000 Italians,6.000 Armenians and around 2.0001. English and French people created ethnically divers community.After Independence War and great fire of Smyrne city got huge damage.Kültürpark build on place where there was a ruins of fire.North triangle of historical district re-designed in respect to Modern movement.Highrise buildings and wide streets created new language in contemporary city.Of course,all of these new trials has positive and negative effects but without going deeper about urbanization we need to focus around archeological areas.Major effect made by migration. There was an increasement in agricultural activity and industrial production after Second World War. Demographic properties were dramaticly changed. Demand for work force attracted huge amount of people so quickly,housing units could not

provide enough stock.While we take a look around Kadifekale,hills are invaded by chanty houses after two thousands year.Worse part of unplanned urbanization is that archeological areas are completely occupied.On the other hand Kemeraltı district,Agora and ancient street strength their existence.

M.S.B 1972

View of Coastline 1800s

2 İzmir’in Tarihi Before Balkan War (1912-1913),Raif Nezihi,p.8


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Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



View of Coastline and Sarıkışla 1800s

View of Ottoman District

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Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



View of City Center

Great Fire of Ä°zmir 1922

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Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Smyrna regained from Greeks and become one of the most important city of Turkish Republic.

Alexander the Great started to conquer Asia minor.He defeated Persians in Sardes.After that many cities in west Aegean Region went under the command of Alexander. When he came to old Smyrna before moving to Ephesos he command to build new city under the hill Pagos which will be new Smyrna.

City become richer therefore it is invaded by it’s neighbour Lydians.




Türkiye Cumhuriyeti was founded.


City attended 13 Ionic City Association.With the will of Pergamon King city went under Roma.Smyrna was independed in internal affairs but it was under command of Roma for external decision. Compare to the hellenistic period Smyrna had the richest period. After great earthquake,city is rebuilt by the Romans.Especially,Agora and Theatre has big differences in terms of architecture.




545BC 610BC




Persian invasion strongly blasted and devastated the city of Smyrna.Life in the city ended.


After Invasion of Ionians city involved in trade action which is crutial for it’s development.

After division of Roman Empire,Izmir conquered by East Roma (Byzantine).Byzantine effect can be seen mostly in Acrapolis and Cisterns. It is followed by Arab invasion in 665. City become one of the most important port in Aegean Sea.Increased trade activities brought Englissh,French and Hollandase people to Smyrna.


First settlement of İzmir located in Yeşilova during Neolithic Era.This early settlement lasted more than 1500 years than peaople left the city.

3 days after war, magnificient fire had occured in Armenian Quarter and Kemeraltı Bazaar.Nearly half of the city burned down. Demographic of the city is diversed.Population reached over 150.000 inhabitants.Most of them was Greek Christians, Ottoman Muslims and there were Ottoman Christians and Levantines. Levantines are christian merchants.

Second settlement in İzmir located in Bayraklı district.It was an extention of Aiol city.City plan was gridal and surrounded by pressed earth city walls. 26

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Umur Bey, leader of Aydınoğulları invaded Byzantine Smyrna. While Turks settled on Pagos hill,christians stayed on coastline.

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




First methodological development plans were prepeared after competition in 1953.It took twenty year for archeological and historical districts to gain special statuses in Ä°zmir.On following years,new urban conversation plans were accepted by the municipality at 1984,1990,1991 and 1999.Project site is located in different conservation zones defined by Ä°zmir Metropolitan Municipality with respect to urban conservation plan made in 2001.It has outstanding location with direct connections between three archeological sites which would increase to five zones. Urban transformation demolitions on south slope and north-west slope offers opportunity to give very needed empty greenery of the city.Area between Kadifekale and theatre is thought as Archeology Park.All of these districts around project area is creating a natural circle of heritages.Therefore,initial necessity is what is going to be on this point for connecting dispersed districts.


Danger Zone Historical Conservation Zone Natural Conservation Zone 3rd Degree Urban Conservation Zone 2nd Degree Archeological Conservation Zone 1st Degree Archeological Conservation Zone Project Area

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Stratigraphy analysis made by coloring only built environment.It has crucial importance for understanding urban texture without other factors. Main axis,coast line,openness planned and unplanned zones clearly observable.Circular shape behind harbour is Kemeraltı district.Bazaar made on top of the old harbour and main street(Anafartalar Street) follows same circular line of ancient coast line.Ancient street that flows through north is still there by Eşref Paşa name.East and west side of street shows the difference in texture.If we compare north side of Kemeraltı district and south side,it is easy to say which district is newly planned and which one is more organic fabric. Here,is the most important information is encoded around Acropolis.Small residential (mostly slums) houses around Kadifekale follows topography for alignment as natural outcomes of slums.On the other and,if we try to focus on north-west slope around Agora,it gives the sense of gridal alignment.Even though there is no considerable findings it is predictable that ancient Smyrna’s existence is still there.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Purpose of this analysis is highlighting textures of previous study rather than showing carways.While we see organic, dense and narrow streets of KemeraltÄą Bazaar,there are different languages on the north side. Couple of plannings were made during early Rupublic years, even Le Corbusier was invited to design master plan of new city but city has evolved in its unique direction.Is it realy hard to understand where is the center of the city?If we superpose this lines with functions of district than we may see that there are more than one center for different sections.Apart from that, close environment of Agora clearly has regular lines.Some deformations are negligible after 2000 years. But it is possible to understand per strigas(by band) scheme.A small number of east-west avenues diveded the territory into bands dissected by north-south avenues1.

1 A History Of Architecture,Spiro Kostof,Second Edition,Oxford University Press,2009


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Unfortunately,wrong politics and unplanned urban growth caused dramatic increase in density both for number of humans and houses.Unused green areas and agricultural lands transformed into residential islands. In this situation,İzmir Fair become the most precious area of city.There was ashes and dirt after great fire of İzmir ,1922.Later,government decided to built park for providing a space and cooperated with mayor of Moscow Municipality at 19361.Since then,Kültürpark has evolved many times and be the part of city.Other important breakpoint is extension of coastline.First project included extension of sea side by 28 meter for 4 km length in 1876.Than new constructions lasted until 1997.Coastline was filled for the extension of six line highway.Fortunately,plan was rejected after coastline transformed into conservation area.


1 19.Yüzyıldan Günümüze İzmir’in Morfolojisindeki Değişimde Taarihi Dokuların Yeri,Eti Akyüz Levi,Umut Devrim Genç,Türkiye Kentlsel Morfoloji Araştırma Ağı II.Kentsel Morfoloji Sempozyumu


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Areal view of İzmir gulf

Areal view of KültürPark

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Structures and districts which has a historical background or important role as landmark for city,coloured with red.Number of these landmarks can be increased easily but there are couple of main location for citizens such as KültürPark,Kemeraltı and Coastline(Kordon Boyu) we mentioned earlier.Clock tower of İzmir is the symbol of city and it is the most effective magnet without question.Konak Pier Harbour (whose architect is grande Gustave Eiffel) on the north, municipal buildings around,Kemeraltı Bazaar with it’s historical Ottoman Mosques and Synagogues on the east side,museums and libraries are located on the south side of city center.



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Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne





Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


left.Watch Tower of İzmir-right.Kızlarağası Hanı,Kemeraltı


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Historical center of İzmir has many opportunities for transportation.First of all there are two port that connects each part of gulf.Biggest share belongs to railway transportation.There are several metro stations around historical district.Each of the stations has closeness to different historical districts.Apart from that tram line on seaside carries considerable number of pessengers.It is possible to reach Agora under 15 minutes by walking.Pedesterian access has priority to increase interaction with community.Another factor is Basmane Train station.Oldest transportation hub in district,has huge potential to get attraction out of city1.

Railway Stations 5 minute walk 15 minute walk

1 İzmir Tarih Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Projesi,s25,


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Blue coloured buildings are registred structures and mostly residential houses.These numbers can easly be enlarged but idea focuses transformation of closer environment. Most of them are residential Greek dwellings built around 19th centuary.Unfortunately stuctures are in bad condition and facing with ownership problems.There are several researches on urban transformation and transportation in conservation areas made by Ä°zmir History Center under Ä°zmir Metropolitan Municipality. Moreover,some of the buildings has been turned into public spaces after restoration.Existence of these structures brought high opportunities.


Registred Buildings Shortlisted Buildings

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




There are 3 main directions to reach namazgah district.One from the sea side and KemeraltÄą Bazaar. Second one is metro stations on the north and the third one is Basmane Train Station.All of them are making the area easily accesible for citizens.Brown lines refers to the frequently used streets by pedestrians.Blue lines also refers to most used paths1.It is quite pleasant to see how these streets are overlapping with registered houses.There is big car parking building located on the north side of Agora.Even though,the quality of the architecture of building is low,it bears huge load of parking requirement in the area.

Registred Buildings Most Used Paths Second Degree Used Paths

1 Information taken from Directorate of Historic Environment and Cultural Properties


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




This graphic more likely to be a suggestion without transforming city,indeed it decodes information given by city itself.Primarily,from mezarlıkbaşı district till Acropolis, renovation of registred buildings should continue by making addition of functions which would work together with Archeology Museum.Creating some kind of symbiotic economic and social incomes. Then,dwellers can benefit from project.Projects aim is not creating urban policies but to sustain this idea we need to keep people physically here.The way of doing it is by fictionalizing main access for pedesterians.For sure there will be access for cars and services which will reach from west side of acropolis.In this scenario,visitor coming from seaside,Kemeraltı or Basmane Train station can reach Agora Archeological site within 15 minutes.Then,there will be another walk for project site. Purpose of this route not about reaching site quickly but offering local and social experiences. Finaly,visitor will reach project side and spread through teathre,acropolic,archeology park or green zones.As a conclusion,Archeology Museum is a place to reach,at the same time it is a gate for sacred hill and other archeological areas.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Agora immediately built after city moved to Pagos hill.It is a state agora including basilica,bouleterion and other gathering spaces.It is believed that there should be another commercial agora around harbour yet there is not reliable information about it.Excavation started in 20th centuary but major thanks to Naumann and Kantar (1950)studies bring many theories and data about archeological areaExcavations and researchs led by Prof.Akın Ersoy todayArcheological excavations are ongoing and most of the Agora has found until today. North and west stoa are nearly compilated but east and south1 wings are occupied by Namazgah district. Some of them lays under registred houses and ottoman buildings making studies harder.Construction started in Hellenistic Era later building had huge renovation under Romans.North wing measures 161x29 meters and has two storey over 15 meters height2.It is believed that there could be sacred structure in the middle of courtyard.Cross vaulted basement floor is one of the oldesst examples in west Anatolia.There are four galleries and 5 rooms for each of them under Basilica. On the facade there are 50 ionic and corinthian columns with span of 2.6 meters.In the central nave it becomes wider with 5.2 meter span creating problems for architraves3.

Top Right-Agora of Smyrna,Bottom Right-Basilica of Smyrna 1 Die Agora von Smyrne,Naumann and Kantar,1950,Istanbuler Forschungen 2 Foulles de l’Agora de Smyrne:Rapport sur la campagne de 2004,Mehmet Taşlıalan and T.Drew-Bear,2005,Anatolia Antiqua 3 Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterrenean Archeology,Burak Yolaçan,p399, 2011,Archeopress


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




It is clear why Pagos1 hill choosen for new allocation when geopolitical and militarily properties taken into consideration.Defensive hellenistic walls of Acropolis and secondary walls of city created safe zone for citizen. Need for defensive walls changed during time and while there is not,hilltop left empty.Researches revealed six main building and restoration periods over time2.Initially,Hellenistic wall covered by local andesite stone and filled with rubble stones.It has 3 meter width. Second period belong to Emperor Arcadius 400AD. Most of the walls were renovated and only minor additions were made.Walls were heavily damaged by Arabian attacks during middle Byzantine period for the third time under ruling of Michael III.Around 1300, walls were restorated again in late Byzantine Empire. Fifth time restoration works needed after wars between 1398-1402 in Beylics dominancy.Triangular buttresses are added to support stone south part of walls.Last time major addition and restoration had done by II.Mehmet during Ottoman Empire.Moreover,they built another series of walls inside of Acropolis to provide better defence system.Dense clay mortars used for construction of walls.

Top Right-Kadifekale,Bottom Right-Byzentine Cistern

1 Pagos means rocky-high hill in Ancient Greek 2 Smyrna/İzmir Excavations and Researches II,Burak Yolaçan-Akın Ersoy-Gözde Şakar,p.153, Ege Yayınları,2017


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Drawing of Agora,Chenevard,1843


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Gate of Kadifekale

Maps of Acropolis

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




According to ICOM ‘The term ‘museum’1 may mean either the institution or the establishment or the place generally designed to select, study and display the material and intangible evidence of man and his environment. The form and the functions of museums have varied considerably over the centuries. Their contents have diversified, as have their mission, their way of operating and their management’.We need to consider current situation of existing Archeology Museum of İzmir before coming up with design strategy.First museum built after three year span of gathering objects around İzmir in 1924.Later it moved to Kültürpark in 1951 but there was not enough space for exhibition.Therefore, new museum was built in Bahribaba Park while providing 5000 square meter for visitors.Unfortunately,requirements of today’s understanding of museology does not well suited with existing museum.First of all,there is not enough space and building is improper for expansion.Natural light comes behind the statues and makes them darker.Finish materials are inconvenient for exhibition.Public spaces are not enough and not flexible for activities.Idea of Louis Réau’s long-standing opinion: “We understand that museums are made for collections and that they must be built as it were from inside to outside, shaping the container according to the content” (Réau, 1908)2 is not accceptable today.Apart from that primitive mission

of museum defined by ICOM “Museums have a duty to acquire, preserve and promote their collections as a contribution to the safeguarding of the natural, cultural and scientific heritage”3.Under the lights of previous analysis and the needs of city and museum,location of ‘socio-cultural building site’ in urban development plans which is defined by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, would be well suited for Archeology Museum. Although decision was made for requirements of project site and needs of city,urban issues and problems of area was dominant on design strategy.Urban issues such as socio-cultural and economic transformation of residents,transportation and access rotues,restoration and conservation of architectural assests are deeply studied by İzmir History Project Center.Major time spent for understanding intangible needs of Pagos Hill. Acropolis has lost it’s holiness.Over 2000 years it hosted many different communities and for each of them Pagos hill was a sacred place and safe zone for citizens. They were walking on steep slope for a long time but they gifted by beautiful view of Smyrne at the end. Acropolis of Athens is quite similar to Smyrne in terms of topographical and climatic properties. Also,it is one of the best architectural example even today without question.Couple of questions were led design;how people walking to pray,what kind path they Drawing of Propyleae

1 n. (from the Greek mouseion, temple of the muses). – Equivalent in French: musée; panish:museo; German: Museum; Italian: museo;Portuguese: museu. Key Concepts of Museology,p.56, André Desvallées-and François Mairesse,2010 2 RÉAU L., 1908. “L’organisation des musées”, Revue de synthèse historique, t. 17, p. 146170 et 273-291.


3 ICOM Code of Ethics, 2006, article 2).

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


are following,what is the first structure they see and how the building is prepearing them for sacred garden. Undoubtedly,Propyleae has the answers.It is the gate between daily life and world of greek gods.It is the magnet that gathers and spreads people of Athens. Therefore,idea was designing Museum that will be the gate for Acropolis and other archeological areas. Another damage given to the sacredness of Pagos Hill is because of unplanned urbanization.Demolitions of these slums are ongoing more than 15 years,thanks to the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality for the slow but effective process.Hopefully,Acropolis will retrive it’s previous view at the end.Under these circumstances, museum must be build on lower part of project site as much as possible. Data decoded from urban analysis showed us,gridal alignments of ancient city exist in somewhere.Initially main axis extended through project site.Agora,theatre and Museum do create this intangible streets and also some of important streets such as Patlıcanlı Yokuşu are on superposition.Main pedesterian access will be from Patlıcanlı street,then we will locate our museum on a junction point of existing artifacts and areas. Since the visitors arrive to the museum,they will be informed,guided and directed through Ancient Theatre,Kadifekale(Acropolis),Archeology Park Drawing of Agora


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


(greenery between Kadifekale and Archeology Museum projected as Park with archeological exposition),Pagos Market of Local Producers(It is held in Acropolis at the moment but our project will relocate it to the north west slope out of Kadifekale,left side of project area), Martyrdom,South Slopes(it has major opportunity to transform into public greenery and to create connection with Meles River) and hopefuly Ancient Stadium could be excavated one day. Formal space of building started with very simple shape of Agora(according to Vitruvius).Rectangle with courtyard inside,divided into four pieces and volumetry was aligned with both fucntional and visual needs.This step mostly effected by existing tectonic movement of residential houses in district.Aim was to create suitable movement that will fit with surroundings. Therefore,height and length differences occured. Second step was to play with openness and closeness. Since,there is no need for uncontrolled direct light for exhibition solid mass represents exposition area and openness represents movement of people and public functions.Last step was addition of service line at the back of volumes.It will be possible provide systematic line of circulation and service areas,includes restrooms,maintenance rooms and storage places.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Primary object is to finding perfect location for construction.Main access for museum is coming from north part of Acropolis by walking.Neighbourhood’s dynamic are convenient for urban development and access routes can easly be increased.On the other hand,Patlıcanlı street (N.806) has the most direct and shortest connection between Agora and Archeology Museum.Moreover,it includes more than 15 registred houses which are loaded by public functions that will support Museum.Walkways on the two sides of building has no level differences.These paths can be compose by bus stops at their ends.On the east side it comes behind Ancient Theatre and on the west side,it passes through temporary Pagos Local Producer Bazaar.For sure walking can not be the only way to reach building therefore,bus and car stops located right infront of the Museum.Visitors must climb stairs again because of topography but there will be underground parking area for unaccesible visitors and staff.Building divided into three main volumes that extended through north-south axis.Back of the volumes meets with earth thanks to the slope.Roof of the building design as green roof which will include rocks and earths excavated from site bu it will not be walkable.Acces for Acropolis primitively design in respect to Archeology Park it may change according to landscape design.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Building Program Total Space 10.000m2 Exhibition Halls -Video Room -Relic,Tools,Objects -Mosaics -Jeweleries -Ionic,Hellenistic & Roman Sculpture and artifects -Byzentine & Ottoman assets -Indepence War & Turkish Republic Room Public Space -Fairs -Conference Hall -Temporary Exhibition -Bar -Library -Shop Management -Administration Offices -Information Desk & Cloakroom & Restrooms -Mechanic & Technical Rooms -Restoration Offices -Storages -Parking & Goods Receiving -Security Offices

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Basement Floor Plan as it is seen nearly the all part of building is located underground.It is crucial to underline that no cultural layer or relic has found in Archeo-Geophysics surveys made by 9 EylĂźl University*.Three volumes are separeted from each other.They have regular system of structural axis for sismic needs.In underground floor columns and curtain walls are made by precast concrete.Car Parking and servise enterence taken to the right wing of building.Middle volume is planned to use as storage of management.Under left volume there are connection of ramp,restoration room and storage place takes place. Only the restoration room has opening to the first layer of terrace.Visitors will have the oportunity to see objects without entering the building.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


This exterior architectural visualization made from north enterance of Museum.Stairways made by subtraction of topography.Integration of landscape tried to increase by different level of terraces.Visitors will reach to the first terrace where there is an visual connection of restoration works.Then they will continue to second terrace.It has quite wide view of Smyrne gulf.Right after the final steps they will reach to the final terrace within same level of enterence.As it is mentioned id concept glass facade shows movement of people and solid part hides exhibition section.There is only one open facade in ground floor.Therefore,visitors must enter into building from right wing. Design of mass followed by facade design.Idea was an abstraction of Propyleae and Agora.Existing columns of Agora taken,condesed and subtracted from plain facade.So,concave cylindrical voids are created.They are one more time condensed and made narrower for middle building which has the unique objects inside. Steel columns are located of the open parts.Light is aimed to be used in a different ways for different sections.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Ground Floor Plan, enterence is also accesible from west and east path.U shape allocation creates semi courtyard in the middle and north side of this open space sees the gulf.Visitors will first enter to fair space in left volume.They will find info desk and a long ramp there.Ramp will be available for visitor who may want to see temporary exhibitions,conference room,and other public spaces without buying a ticket.They will pass info desk,cloakroom,restroom and security room in order if they want to see archeology collection.Then they will see long circulation axis.First room include video preview of understanding general context.Rooms are seperated from circulation path by one wall.In front of middle and right volume there are storages and elevators.There is a collection of primitive settlement and mosaics in the last volume.After finishing ground floor,visitors can go upstair by using elevators and stairs. Steel structure will cotinue from ground floor to the very top.Facade of the building is covered with fibercement concrete panels.Width of the walls provide sound insulation.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


First Floor Plan,visit will continue from right volume after mosaics and object gallery.Here volume divided into two different space.First room is dedicated to jewelary collection.Then they will continue to double height gallery.Section of this space is compilately same with ancient basilica in Agora.Optimum degree of exposition of object provided by openings on top. Visitors may continue to walk on exterior path of gallery to see both object and beautiful view of Smyrne. Middle volume has different usage of natural light.It is known that there are some more important Hellenistic and Roman sculptures.Unique pieces requires unique exposition.A cylindrical cut made by copper extends from this floor to the top of building.On the left volume there are public space.After this long path some visitors may want to give a break.Others may continue to the upper and last floor.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


This architectural visualization made in Unique Sculptures Gallery.Light is one of the most important tool of architecture and museology.Here it is used for emphesize importance and beauty of unique pieces. Cylindrical volume bend through south and covered with semi reflective brushed copper panels.Top of the cut closed by glass to prevent rain.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Second Floor Plan, this is the last floor of the museum.There are temporary exhibition space and administrative offices located in the left volume.For the visitors who may want to continue,Byzentine and Ottoman objects and pieces from west Anatolia placed in the middle section.Gallery has double height and copper volume can be observable inside.Usage of natural light has opposite relationship with below room and cylindric element.While they continue to last room,visitors will find information about Ä°zmir after Independence War.It is possible to see also the gallery of statues.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



scale 1/20

13- Aluminium Load Bearing Column 800mmx200mm 12- Aluminium Glass Frame 80x80mm Double Glazed UV Protected Window 11- Ceramic Floor Finish 10- Leveling Screed 50mm 9- Separeting Layer & Impact Sound Insulation 50mm 8- Precast Concrete over Aluminium Trapezoid 50-100mm 7- Plasterboard 10mm 6- U Profile Aluminium 5- Aluminium Hanger



Steel Beam 400x180 Fibercement Concrete Panel 10mm Sound & Heat Insulation 100mm Fiberglass 50mm Polyuretan Steel Beam 400x180

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Gravel Steel Seperator Earth Filling Drain Membrane Geotextile Felt 20mm Foamboard 10mm Root Holder 20mm Sloped Concrete Screed 100-50mm Water Insulation Membrane Precast Concrete 50mm-100mm over Aluminium Trapezoid


Aluminium Hanger U Section Aluminium Plasterboard 10mm Steel Beam 400x180mm C Profile 100x50mm Steel Fibercement Concrete Panel Square Section Curved Steel 40x40mm Aluminium Load Bearing Clumn 800mmx200mm Steel Mesh Shader Aluminium Glass Frame 80x80mm

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne




Ceramic Finish Material Floating Screed Sound Impact Layer 50mm Precast Concrete 50mm-100mm over Aluminium Trapezoid Steel Anchor Plate Steel Beam 400x180mm Wide Flange Beam W760 x 380 Steel Frame 40x40mm Terrazzo Finish Cover 30mm

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Curved Copper 1mm Double Glazed UV Protected Glass Protection Glass 100mm C Profile 200x50mm Curved Steel Gravel Steel Seperator Earth Filling Drain Membrane Geotextile Felt 20mm Foamboard 10mm


Root Holder 20mm Sloped Concrete Screed 100-50mm Water Insulation Membrane Precast Concrete 50mm-100mm over Aluminium Trapezoid Steel Ancor Plate Steel Beam 400x180mm Aluminium Hanger U Section Aluminium Plasterboard 10mm

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


This architectural visualization made from collonade path around Hellenistic & Roman Statue Gallery.As it is mentioned before the section of this volume is same with Basilica of Agora.Showcases will be located on one side of this path.Curved steel mesh will provide shading.Movement of visitors will attract people’s attention from outside while it gives major opportunity to see İzmir Gulf,Agora and Theater. As a conclusion,much of the work of project design is spent for intangibles.Insistent walk of human being to reach sacred space will be gifted by the most beautiful kinds of light and the view of the Smyrne.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



AKYÜZ LEVİ Eti and DEVRİM GENÇ Umut,19. Yüzyıldan Günümüze İzmir’in Morfolojisindeki Değişimde Taarihi Dokuların Yeri,Türkiye Kentlsel Morfoloji Araştırma Ağı II.Kentsel Morfoloji Sempozyumu ALCOCK SusanE. and OSBORNE Robin, Classical Archeology,Second Edition,Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2012 AHUNBAY Zeynep,Tarihi Çevre Koruma ve Restorasyon,Yem Publishes,2010 DESVALLEES André and MARIESSE François,Key Concepts of Museology,p.56,2010 ERSOY Akın,Smyrna/İzmir Excavations and Researches II,p.153, Ege Yayınları,2017 ICOM Code of Ethics,2006 İLMİYE ÇIĞ Muazzez,Uygarlığın Kökeni Sümerler,Kaynak Publish,2007 KOSTOF SpiroA History Of Architecture,Second Edition,Oxford University Press,2009 KUTLU Gökhan,Agora,Kadifekale,First and Second Circle Residential Areas,2016 MEGIE David, Anadolu’da Romalılar III:Batı Anadolu Kent Devletleri,Arkeoloji ve Sanat NAUMANN and KANTAR,Die Agora von Smyrne,Istanbuler Forschungen,2015 NEZIHI Raif,İzmir’in Tarihi,İzmir Yayıncılık ORTAYLI İlber,Türklerin Tarihi,Timaş Publishes,2015



PEVSNER Nikolaus,A History of Building Types, Princeton University Press ROSENBLATT Arthur,Building Type Basics for Museums,John Wiley & Sons,2001 TAŞLIALAN Mehmet & BEAR T.Drew,Foulles de l’Agora de Smyrne:Rapport sur la campagne de 2004,Anatolia Antiqua,2005 TEKELİ İlhan,İzmir History Project Design Strategy Report,İzmir Metropolitan Municipality,2016 UMAR Bilge,İzmir’de Yunanlıların Son Günleri,Bilgi Publishes,2011 YOLAÇAN Burak,Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterrenean Archeology,p399,Archeopress,2011

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

8-Acropolis of Pergamon, 9-Temple of Athena Polias Priene, 10-Celsus Library of Ephesus, 14-Smyrne Drawing by Eugène Flandin 1800s, 16-View of Cittadella and Harbour of Smyrne 1800s, 18-View of Coastline 1800s, 20-Top view of city center and Sarı Kışla,1800s, 21-Ottoman Quarter, 22-Clock Tower and city center of Smyrne, hamzarüstem 23-Greatfire of İzmir, 24,25-Panaromic Picture of Smyrne, 28,29-Google Earth Aerial View 38-Aerial view of Izmir Gulf, 39-Aerial view of Kültürpark, 44-Watch tower of İzmir, 45-Kızlarağası Hanı, 50,51-Registred Houses around namazgah district,Hasan Uçar-Aygül UÇAR 56-Agora of Smyrna, 58-Kadifekale,,Byzentine Cistern, 62,63-Aerial view of project site,Directorate of İzmir History Center 63,64-Aerial view of project site,Directorate of İzmir History Center

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne


Special thanks to my source of happiness Irmak,to my endless supporter family and Directorate of Historic Environment and Cultural Properties for the documents provided.


Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne



Aegean Civilizations and Archeology Museum of Smyrne

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