Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Yawen Kang
(904859) Alex Wong + studio10
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
a diagram is specific a space. it always has a spatial correlation that it not only in the 3-demension space but in several other dimensions of reality. however , signs are including index ,icons and symbols that the relationship between form and content is toatlly arbitary and immaterial. Signs play a representational role for the dynamic object. So diagram dose not belong to a logic of representation, like the other signs, but inaugurates a logic of sensation aimed at bringing forward new worlds. It is just opposite to the sign and mediate betwee physical constructs and concepts or percepts on an organisational level. Diagram performance depends on how they are deployed.
Week One
Precedent Analysis This picture is the very begining of my rihno work. There are data and the basic figure of the Zumthor’s pavillion (such as the width of the different two part). At first, I traced the line work in the Adobe illusrtrator and then export into the In the week one, the most difficult problem for me is to cut the corner. In the corner, the left and right part are overlapping. I used the ‘trim’ in the rhino to get rid of those messy part
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture.
Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
In the article, Herzberger gives us his viewpoint that ‘the object design as an instrument rather than appartus.” So, it is useful to expand the purpose for the things we design. In the Zumthor’s pavillion, this idea is shows o several ways that it is not just a gallery. In other words, the function of the pavillion is multiple,. The mainly purpose of this aechitecture is the gallery that to hold the arts in it. However, Zumother’s work shows the idea of both ‘closed‘ and ‘open’. As the gallery it is priviate and a little like a maze. However, walking into another door, it is just like a big open corrido with several flora. In the ‘open’ area, it is more likely a garden that people can rest and chat in that place. What’s more the design of the eave is very useful that it can provide a cool ‘shelther’ for the visitor which is very very useful in the summer.
Week Two Isometric
THE ISOMATRIC VIEW This is the isomatric view of the Zumthor’s Sepentine Pavillion which looks in whole black. During the modeling, the most difficut part is to cut the overlapping part. What’s more, the structure of the pavillion is also very interesting. It is like a ‘ a small box in the big box’ that the pavillion is seperate into the two area: priviate areea and the common area. The reason to be shown in this angle is that we can clear see the doors on the wall and a little bit of inner part of the wholepavillion. I also tried use colors to express the relationship between the light and the shadow in the pavillion. So I added several line to make the pavillion more vivid. After thinking for a while, the circulation is not as simple as it thought to be. There are 6 gates in the pavillion, so there must be have at least 6 ways and more. However, no mather which situations, people all need to walk though the priviate area into the common area. So that in the circulation diagram, I empasize the ‘meeting point’ and the common area. And because of the threshold, that I totally figured out the functiona of the pavillion. I used the section part show the detail. Beside, I also put the other part but in no color to express a overview look. The first glace of the structure of this pavillion make me think of the architecture in the asian area. It let me think more about the safety and adavantage of this architecture.
Week Two
THE THRESHOLD I seperate the pavillion into several pieces, the roof, the middle part and the structure. In the middle part, i put the 2 parts together to show the relationship of the pavillion. Actually it is just like ‘a Matryoshka doll’ that ‘a box in another box’. It is an important detail in this pavillion. Also, with the section look, the colour use and the other element(the flora and the people), it is clear to see the whole relationship.
Appendix Process
This diagram shows the circulation of the pavillion. Zumothor’s pavillion is just like a huge black box . Actually it is just like ‘a Matryoshka doll’ that ‘a box in another box’. It is an important detail in this pavillion , so I use several colors try to seperate the function of different lines. The green line express the common area of the pavillion and the green cones shows the meating point. The other lines show the path of different doors.
the common area
meeting point
the door1
direction of ways
Appendix Process
Those pictures give me a very useful information that help me to the model and inspire me a lot.
Appendix Process
These pictures in the internect which shows the inner details (structure) of the pavilion. This is the structure of the Sepertine Pavillion.From the picture we can know that the pavillion is consists of the huge amount of units that placed together. So I imitated the same process in the rhino. Because of the lacking information, I struggle with the width and the every unit.