Alquds issue 68 hi re

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Al-Quds Weekly News

11 JUNE 2015, Issue no 68

«Ciobrs» Uncovers the Details of the Biggest Thouidi Project near Al-Aqsa

IN THIS ISSUE Netanyahu Transferms $ 25 Million for Judaizing the Buraq Wall Statistics: 952 Settlers Stormed Al-Aqsa Last Month

In their report issused on Wenesday (27/5), “Ciobrs” center uncovered new details related to the biggest Thouidi project, “Biblical Temple/ Kedem Center” that will take place near Al-Aqsa Mosque. “Ciobrs” mentioned that the occupying arms have scheduled a private session in this regard. It is also expected that the new Netanyahu government is to adopt this project. News has been reported that the occupation is pursuiting launching the project in 2017 within the “Golden Jubilee” ceremony on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of occupying East Jerusalem and Aqsa Mosque. According to “Ciobrs”, the building which will be established by the Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015

occupation at Wadi Hilweh neighborhood entrance just 20 meters to the south of the southern historical fence of the Old Jerusalem. The building includes the construction of seven layers, five of which are to be above ground and two others under it, taking a six-acres space and a 17000-square-meters structural area. It is clear from the documents “Ciobrs” has investigated that the this is a strategic project for the city of Jerusalem, as being planned to receive about 10 million visiters a year, as said by Nir Barakat”, the occupation mayor of Jerusalem. Palestinian News and Information Agency “Wafa” + “ Palestinians of 48 Website

Sheikh Kamal Khatib Prevented from Entering the city of Jerusalem for 6 Months Within a Month: 3 Martyrs and 350 Detainees Mostly from Jerusalem Nir Barkat: 20 Thounsand Homes in Jerusalem Without Permit and Subject to Demolition Islamic Cooperation Organization Mobilizes Support for Facilitating Visits for Jerusalem WWW.ALQUDSMALAYSIA.ORG

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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013

Netanyahu Transferms $ 25 Million for Judaizing the Buraq Wall

During the weekly government meeting held on Tuesday (26/5), the Occupation Government President, Benjamin Netanyahu, decided to transfer 100 million shekels ($ 25 million) for investment in Thouidih settleing works in the vicinity of Buraq Wall in Occupied Jerusalem. During the meeting, Netanyahu delivered a justification for this transformation that during the past five years there has been a large increase in the numbers of visitors to the Buraq Wall, claiming that “the Western Wall is for all the people of Israel” and that the decision taken today “reflects all of our commitment- my commitment as a son of Jerusalem, and the commitment of the Ministers to continue construction in Jerusalem,” as expressed by him. On the other hand, “Ciobrs” Center inspected on Thursday morning (28/5) a wooden bridge built by the newly executive arms of the occupation in the Buraq area, and it turned out that the bridge connects between the arena and the Mughrabi Gate- one of the western gates of Al Aqsa Mosque. The Center said that the bridge is being built along the old wooden bridge from wooden columns and panels, pointing out that it is still a short- height, and that it is hard now to see the bridge from the outside area of the Buraq Wall, but it is easy to see for anyone standing at the Islamic Chapel Museum or at the Mughrabi Gate. The Palestinian Centre for Media + Palestinians of 48 Website, 8/5/2015

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Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Statistics: 952 Settlers Stormed Al-Aqsa Last Month

Hemma Youth Media News Group said that Al-Aqsa Mosque was stormed by 952 settlers in addition to 166 members of the intelligence during the month of May, and that the occupation arrested, during the same period, 35 worshipers (22 men, 10 women, and three minors) from the courtyards of the Mosque. The police also threatened dozens of children, women and men of arbitrary detention under the pretext of “Takbeer” in the face of settlers during the incursion rounds. The Group said in a statement: “The number of deportees reached last month 32 (20 men, 9 women, and 3 minors), including: 26 citizens deported from Al-Aqsa Mosque, 5 youths deported from the Damascus Gate, a young man deported from the Old City, and another young man deported from the Sultan Suleiman Street. During the last month, serious violations by the settlers and the police against Al-Aqsa Mosque and the pioneers of the guards were observed and recorded. Hemma News Group also spotted 25 attacks on women, men, and children worshipers. Israeli police calls for investigation with 3 women were also spotted by the Group- among the women were one who was deported from Al-Aqsa Mosque, and another who was handed over a deportation note, knowing that she had been assaulted with beatings while being arrested by the occupation men a day before.” As for what has been spotted on the violations by settlers and the police against Al-Aqsa guards over the past month, the total was “4 assaults on male and female guards.” The Palestinain Media Centre, 2/6/2015 Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

Sheikh Kamal Khatib Prevented from Entering the city of Jerusalem for 6 Months

For the second time, the Home Front Commander in the Israeli army issued a decree, banning Sheikh Kamal Khatib, Deputy of the Islamic Movement in the Occupied Territories in 48, from entering the Holy City of Jerusalem and Aqsa Mosque. In his response to the banning, Sheikh Kamal Khatib posted on his Facebook page: “ Jerusalem is our capital, Al Aqsa is our distination, and we will never compromise on the oneness of our right to it. You can prevent us from reaching Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, and you can imprison us and even kill us, but you can never disarm certainty and absolute confidence that you shall leave our land, our Jerusalem and Aqsa; you can never disroot the fact that Jerusalem will be not only the capital of a Palestinian state but will be the capital of the global state of the Islamic caliphate. “ Palestinains of 48 Website, 31/5/2015

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Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Within a Month: 3 Martyrs and 350 Detainees Mostly from Jerusalem

Ahrar Center for prisoners and human rights’ Studies issused its monthly report on Sunday evening (31/5) which monitored the death of three Palestinians and the arrest of at least 352 civilians during the month of May 2015. Among the three martyrs was the citizen Amran Omar Abu Dheim (41) from Jerusalem who was shot by the Israeli police for allegedly running over two members of the Israeli police in Jerusalem. In terms of arrests, the report documented arresting at least 50 children and minors under the age of eighteen years- most of those arrests were concentrated in Jerusalem. Jeruslalem, recording the largest number of arrests for at least 115 citizens, was followed by the city of Hebron for 78 detainees, and then by the city of Ramallah, for at least 58 civilians. Palestinians of 48 Website, 1/6/2015

Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013

Nir Barkat: 20 Thounsand Homes in Jerusalem Without Permit and Subject to Demolition

Chairman of the occupation municipality in Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, said that there are about 20 thousand houses are standing without a permit in the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, and that they are subject to demolition. He claimed in a statement, on Thursday (28/5), that “the number of houses and installations that are being demolished in the west of Jerusalem is actually double the number of the houses demolished in East Jerusalem.” Barakat denied the intensions of “the municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Knowledge for the imposition of the Israeli curriculum in East Jerusalem schools next year.” The Palestinian Media Centre, 29/5/2015

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Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Islamic Cooperation Organization Mobilizes Support for Facilitating Visits for Jerusalem

The Director of Media and Editor of the Bulletin ‘issued by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Maha Aqil, said that the number “29” for the magazine shed light on the political, economic, religious and historical aspects of visiting Jerusalem and praying in Al Aqsa Mosque. The magazine highlighted what the state of Palestine and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation do to rally support from the Member States to cooperate facilitations for visiting Jerusalem for those who can, and to provide ways and controls for that. Aqeel said that the choice of Jerusalem as the capital of the Islamic tourism is an important occasion to draw attention to the special situation through which the Occupied City is going, as a result of the blockade and the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage sites and the damage of tourist facilities since occupation. The editor of the magazine said: “The issue included a summary of a lecture on the status and the historical aspect of Jerusalem, especially for the violations that has happened in the city in the recent years. Palestinian News and Information Agency “Wafa”, 1/6/2015

Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015



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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

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29th July, 2013

Issue No 68 // 11 JUNE , 2015

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