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Issue No 54 // 10 February , 2015

Sheikh Salah “An Israeli event will happen at Al-Aqsa Mosque” A study urges to support the Jerusalemites Programs to face Drug Two children from Jerusalem recognize two of martyr Abu Khdair’s killers

The Head of the Islamic Movement in the Palestinian Occupied Lands in 1948 Sheikh Raed Salah said to Al-Quds Channel on Wednesday 28-1-2015 that the Israeli occupation is preparing for something he described it as “bomb” that will target Al-Aqsa Mosque. Sheikh Salah predicts that the next days and weeks will be critical due to the Israeli election race between the different parties. Sheikh Salah saw the visit of the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to Al-Aqsa Mosque as a “stumbling block”, and the Israeli occupation is the primary beneficiary from this visit. He added “the Israeli forces closed four organizations within the last few days accused of advocating Jerusalem, in addition to deport more than 1000 Palestinians away from Al-Aqsa Mosque”. The Palestinian Center for Media, 28-1-2015 Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

The occupation detained number of Jerusalemites in Jerusalem Activists build “Eastern Jerusalem Gate” Village, the Israeli Occupation notifies them to leave Tafakgi calls for National Strategy to protect the Identity and Arabism of Jerusalem WWW.ALQUDSMALAYSIA.ORG

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A study urges to support the Jerusalemites Programs to face Drug

A study was carried out in Jerusalem showed that a large percentage of the Jerusalemites youth have the will to face the drug through implementing a programs to support the youth in Jerusalem. The project, implements by Save the Children Organization and in cooperation with ABC Company for Consulting, Developing the Youth Department, the Palestinian Center for Counseling and Bedna Capoeira Association and funded by the European Union, aims to support and enable the Jerusalemites youth to avoid the bad habits and behaviors such as addiction, and to provide the needed support for this group of people through implementing a number of activities which seek to improve their daily-life skills, in addition to raise the awareness inside the schools, houses and local societies. The General Director for Save the Children Organization Poulet Hasil said “this study highlights the suffering of the Jerusalemites youth due to the social and economic violations. Our project target 5000 youth between 15-25 years old in Shofat camp, Ezaria and Jerusalem City. The project started in last 2013 and will continue for the next year with budget reaches to 2,827,68 USD. The Palestinian News Agency- Wafa, 28-1-2015

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Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

Two children from Jerusalem recognize two of martyr Abu Khdair’s killers

The two brothers Mousa and Yahia Rami Zalloum recognized two of martyr Mohammed Abu Khdair’s killers during the session that held on Wednesday 28-1-2015 in the Israeli Central Court in occupied Jerusalem. The child Mousa Zalloum was kidnapped in last July during his walking with his mother and his brother Yahia in of Beit Hnaina’s streets, but the kidnapping attempt was failed after he screamed and his mother’s help. He was injured in his neck during the kidnapping attempt. Mohanned Jbara, the lawyer of martyr Mohammed Abu Khdair’s family, said that the Israeli defense team tried to make some confusion to doubt the family sayings. They also tried to doubt the children from Zalloum family but they failed and the children sayings condemned

Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

the settlers. The lawyer added “according to the Israeli attorney general, child Mousa’s sayings are better than a youth sayings. He was confident when he act what happened with him and he couldn’t forget it due to the extreme fear”. The lawyer concluded “the Court dated four continuous sessions next April and May, and the Court is interested in this case that shocked the Palestinian and Israeli public. The father of the martyr Mohammed Abu Khdair expressed his satisfaction after the end of the session and said “for the first time, I got out of the court and feeling satisfied, the children of Zalloum family recognized two of the killers despite the doubt attempts through the different questions. Also, I will call the Israeli authorities to demolish the settlers’ houses who killed his son”. Palestinians 48 Website, 28-1-2015


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The Tax and Municipality Members of the Israeli occupation stormed AlBostan Neighborhood in Salwan

On Thursday 29-1-2015, members of Israeli municipality and tax management accompanied with police and soldiers stormed AlBostan neighborhood southern Al-Aqsa Mosque. The member of the committee for the defense of Salwan lands Fakhri Abu Diab said “the Israeli forces carry out a campaign so-called “debts for the tax- Arnona” from people. The municipality members took photos for number of houses and streets in the neighborhood”. Abu Diab mentioned that there are more than 90 houses in AlBostan neighborhood and the majority were received demolition orders for settlement projects or for the Temple claim. In another context, the Israeli police wrote many traffic violations for dozens of cars stopped near to “Jothmania” area in Ra’s AlAmoud and AlAsbat Gate in Jerusalem. Al-Quds Center for legal Assistance and Human Rights said on Sunday 1-2-2015 that he issued an order from the Israeli Central Court to prevent demolishing a school for Bedouins in “Jaba’a” north-east Jerusalem. This schools serves more than 68 students male and female belong to “Ara’ara” family and supervised by five female teachers from the Ministry of Education. Palestinian News Agency- Wafa+ Palestinians 48 Website, 2-2-2015

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Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

The occupation detained number of Jerusalemites in Jerusalem

The Israeli forces detained on Wednesday 28-1-2015 the brothers Hasan and Osama AlShalbi after storming their shop in Salahuddin St. in Jerusalem. In addition, the Israeli occupation stormed on Thursday night 29-1-2015 the house of the child Mohammed Alqam 13 years old in Alttour St. The occupation forces detained on Saturday 31-1-2015 a Jerusalemite child accused of throwing firecrackers towards the policemen in Jabal Alttour, and a group of settlers arrested Nae’m AlHadra, 17 years old, from AlKhella neighborhood in Jerusalem. On Monday morning 2-2-2015, the Israeli forces detained five people from Qalandia camp in Jerusalem, in addition to detain the student Jehaz Ghazawi, 30 years old, and send her to “AlQashla” police center in Jerusalem. Also, the occupation forces detained Mohammed Yassir Abu AlHawa, 22 years old, and Mahmoud Abu Juma’a, 21 years old. In the same context, Wadi Helwa Information Center knew from the lawyer of AlDameer Association Mohammed Mahmoud that the Israeli forces kidnapped the two children Yazan AlAwar and Abdullah Siam from Salwan village after they left their school. Last Tuesday 3-2-2015, the occupation forces kidnapped Jehad Qaws, 21 years old, after they stormed his grandparent’s house in the Old Town in Jerusalem. The Head of the committee of the detainees’ families in Jerusalem Amjad Abu Asa’ab said that “the Israeli occupation detained more than 158 Jerusalemites since the beginning of the year include: 87 children, 83 youth and 25 women. The Palestinian Center for Media, 3-2-2015

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Activists build “Eastern Jerusalem Gate” Village, the Israeli Occupation notifies them to leave

On Tuesday 3-2-2015, activists built “Eastern Jerusalem Gate” village over the lands of “AlJahaleen Bedouins” eastern Jerusalem. The spokesman of popular resistance in Abu Dees Hani Halabia said that “around 250 of people and activists from Abu Dees, Sawahra, Ezaria, Arab AlJahaleen, AlSheikh Sae’ed and AlZaeem participated in building the new village between “Male’e Adomeem” and “Kidar” settlements eastern Jerusalem and against the plan so-called “E1”. In the same context, the Israeli forces stormed last Tuesday the new village and notified the activists and people to leave it within one hour or they will use force against them. Halabia added that “the occupation jeeps and its forces surrounded the village and the activists won’t leave it and won’t implement the order.

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Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

A new violations for settlers and an attempt to kidnap a child in Jerusalem

On Wednesday 28-1-2015, an Israeli settler violated the Jerusalemite child Ibrahim Ghaith, 14 years old, from AlThawri neighborhood in Salwan in Jerusalem and wounded him with minor cuts and bruises. At the same time, another woman settler tried on Thursday 29-1-2015 to kidnap the son of the Jerusalemite martyr Ghassan Abu Jamal in Jerusalem while he was playing in front of his home. The settler kidnapped him and send him to her settlement but his uncles released him and the settler ran away with another two settlers who were waiting for her. A group of settlers shot the ďŹ re on Monday 2-2-2015 towards the Jerusalemite youth Mohammed Barqan, 17 years old, from AlThawry neighborhood southern Jerusalem. A local sources said that Barqan was wounded with three bullets in his leg which led to send him to AlMaqased hospital for treatment. A foreign nun was injured on Monday with an external bleeding in the head and bruises in her body after she was ran over by a settler in AlAmoud Gate in Jerusalem. Al-Quds Newspaper- Jerusalem+ the Palestinian Center for Media, 2-2-2015

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Sheikh Sabri “Al-Aqsa Mosque will not subject to the decisions and courts of the Israeli occupation” The orator of Al-Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Ekrema Sabri condemned the continuous storming and violation of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Murabeteens of it by the occupation and Israeli police, in addition to arrest the Palestininan children without any consideration to the human rights. Sheikh Sabri assured during his Juma’a speech that AlAqsa Mosque will not subject to the decisions and courts of the Israeli Government and Knesset and it’s not a negotiable issue. Al-Quds Newspaper- Jerusalem, 30-1-2015

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Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

Articles and Interviews Tafakgi calls for National Strategy to protect the Identity and Arabism of Jerusalem Anyone looks at the streets, neighborhoods and entrances of Jerusalem city will notice clearly the changes inside the city because of the Judaization projects in the buildings, streets, villages, mountains and between valleys. Since the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem in 1967, the occupation government didn’t stop its plans to change and remove the Arab and Islamic nature inside Jerusalem using all ways and means. All that was for one aim, to make Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish State for all Jews all over the world. The Head of planning department at “Beit AlSharq Association” Khalil Tafakgi said to the reporter of the “Palestinian Center for Media” that “Jerusalem city is considered as the capital of the Jewish state for the Jews, not Jews who are living inside Palestine but also Jews who are outside of Palestine and all over the world. And for this reason, the occupation government targeted Jerusalem city since the year 1948 in the east and the west in order to reach to their strategic goals”. Tafakgi added “in 1967, the occupation government started the first operation of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem through destroyed and removed AlSharaf neighborhood next to AlMaghareba Gate. After that, this government started a new policy through seizing the Palestinian lands to build the settlements. In 1972, the Israeli occupation government headed by “Golda Meir” decided to form

Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

“Gevi Committee” which ordered to make the percentage of Arabs inside the Jerusalem municipality 22% of the total population in that area”. “To implement Gevi’s Committee orders, the occupation government seized more than 35% of the Palestinian lands eastern Jerusalem, then, they imposed the building regulations. The Israeli government opened a new streets and settlements and the total of settlements at that time was 15 settlements for more than 200,000 settlers. Since the year 1967 till now, the Israeli occupation controlled more than 87% of eastern Jerusalem” Tafakgi continued. Tafakgi mentioned that the Israeli policy towards Jerusalem not only geographical but also on population through implementing the policy of withdraw the IDs and demolish houses. Also, the apartheid wall plays a main role in displacement of more than 120,000 Jerusalemites who now are living behind the wall area. Tafakgi added “the most dangerous plans of the Israeli government towards Jerusalem city was the plan in 2000 which was prepared by the former Premier of the occupation government “Ehud Olmert” in the year 1994 which seeks to change the demographical map of people in Jerusalem in the year 2020. According to that plan, Jerusalem city will be a Jewish majority, 88%, and Arab minority, 12%, and to do that, they are building a new 85,000 settlements, a new roads and streets, a new factories, a new tunnels and bridges. The Israeli plan to assure that Jerusalem city is the head and the heart of the Jews all over the world and to reach to the strategic goal which is to decrease the number of Arabs in the holy city”. The Palestinian Center for Media, 29-1-2015


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Issue No 54 // 10th February , 2015

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