Impact of Politics on the planning of the new desert city of Toshka in Egypt

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Impact of politics on the planning of the New Desert City of Toshka in Egypt

Dr. Yehya M. Serag Ain Shams University Egypt Track 10 : Planning in weak institutional environments

Problematic background and Previous regional development attempts

1974 NASA

The pressing problem facing Egypt is the concentration of 93% of its 90 million inhabitants along the Nile valley. Hence, exerting a lot of pressure on both the settlements and rural lands of the valley Since the 1970s the exodus to the desert away from the Nile valley was the aim of the successive governments

The Planning Context in Egypt



Top down decisions usually affected the planning process in general till the Mid 2000s. Comprehensive planning prevailed until 2004 -

Starting from 2004 Strategic planning was adopted for existing cities and villages Citizen participation was hailed at starting from this point onwards. However, the funding mechanism was regulated in a central way.

Serag, 2008

The Planning Context in Egypt When it comes to planning New cities, making regional plans, or planning for large scale national projects; it is argued that the planning approach is still based on

a central top-down approach. The arguments for that, by some officials are: - In planning new cities and national projects: there are no people there to consult. - In Planning regions: the region should be planned based on its assets and resources, regardless of its inhabitants so as to ensure neutrality!

The new Capital Cairo is a recent example as it represents both a new city and a national project. Few people in the planning society knew about it, its location and function were announced to the wider public as a status quo, and the planning itself is assigned to an American firm.

The Toshka Project

The Toshka Project The main objectives of the project: - Creating a new rural community in the desert starting near the Aswan dam lake and ending in the Frafra Oasis. - Provide adequate pull factors to attract people to settle in the area and promoting spatial development away from the congested Nile valley.

This is done through the construction of the Toshka canal (Sheikh Zayed canal) to transfer the sufficient water for the rural development.

The proposed settlements pattern included a hierarchy of villages with the New city of Toshka on top of that as the main service center in the region.

The Toshka Project: The first rapid phase 1997---> 2000 -



The project started in 1997 with the backing of PM Ganzouri, who pushed forward for the project. Former President Mubarak backed the project, since it represented a mega national project. It was supposed to compose the new social contract with the youth The work in the project mainly in the canal advanced in a fast pace, because of the political will and the backing from the upper tiers of the government to achieve the project. The aim was to cultivate 500000 Feddans by 2017.



Former president Mubarak and PM Ganzouri during the construction of the canal 2003

The artificial canal from the Nile to the desert

The Massive pumping station from Lake Naser to the Canal

The Toshka Project: The slow down phase (1) 2000 ---> 2007 -




With the replacement of the Prime Minister, the project started to lose momentum although it did not stop. After having its fixed place in media coverage, news from the project started to fade away However, the structural plan for the city was completed by 2002, although no further steps were taken until 2007. Some of the farms, thrived at that period proving that the project had its productive edge , despite criticism.


The Toshka Project: The 1st revitalization phase 2007 ---> 2010 -

In 2007 the project once more gained priority, by the government.


In addition to the cultivation and farming project, priority was given by the Minister of Housing at that time to get the detailed plans of the main districts of the city ready for implementation including all infrastructure networks which was finalized by 2009/10.


The project at this point was aiming to realize the urban development dimension and make a real pull magnet to people over there.


The project at that point was assigned to a consultant office (ECOPA) for the detailed planning works

The Toshka Project: The almost total halt phase 2011 ---> 2012

During the rule of the SCAF, the interim governments could not take decisions in a broader way because of the fear of responsibility. - Some Mega projects were announced such as the million housing units project which was never realized , but argued to be well used in the media to appease the people.

- In January 2011, almost all the projects running in the country came to a halt because of the revolution. - President Mubarak to whom the Toshka project is affiliated was ousted. The project therefore lost a considerable support. - For the next year and half the country was run by the Supreme council of the Armed forces (SCAF)



Former PM Ganzoury, was appointed for another time to form an interim government, Toshka was brought back to the scene. However, because of the status of the interim government, no serious steps were taken to proceed with the project.

The Toshka Project: The total halt phase (1- The rule of the MB) 2012 ---> 2013



During the rule of Morsi (2012-2013) and because of his affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood, there was no desire or tendency to revive the Toshka project, so as to avoid any remembrance to the Mubarak rule. The Muslim Brotherhood at that time tried to erase any links with projects from the Mubarak Era. Their government at that time, announced several national projects, but many of which were only for the sake of propaganda , in another form of the Placebo effect.

The Toshka Project: The total halt phase (2- The June 2013 revolution) ---> 2014 -

The political situation in Egypt became steadily volatile since December 2012, leading to escalation and tension in the streets against the MB rule. The second revolution of June 30th 2013 took place to oust President Morsi and the MB rule


Following the revolution an interim president was sworn in and an interim government was assigned -

The Toshka project among others became of least priority to the interim government with the main concern focusing on saving the plunging economy and restoring safety and security amid a wave of violence until early 2014


The work in the new city of Toshka entered a vicious circle with technical conflicts between the line ministries involved in the project, with no real will in achieving progress in the project. Specially with the status of an interim government.

The Development situation in Egypt post June 2014 June 2014

===> Mega Projects as Flag ship projects Doubling of the Suez Canal

- Elected as a new president, El Sisi, stabilized the government and wanted to achieve concrete development projects, to reach for the people. - Gaining public support is to be realized through tangible development projects to improve the living conditions Some are regarded as practical, yet others remain controversial

The New Capital

Improving road networks

Revitalizing Toshka

Also, the one million housing units and the one million Feddans projects ===> Some are questionable in terms of scale and timing

The Toshka Project: The rushed phase 2014 ---> 2015 The city became a priority, the planning Agency asked the consultancy firm to carry to the level of detailed housing prototypes and the service centres. The Minister of Housing, asked the planning agency to perform modifications to ensure that construction starts in six months Against the advice of the planning consultancy firm several modifications were made that altered the master plan‌. - The area of the intended first phase was reduced drastically by 36%

Critical modifications were made in the master plan, upon request from the Ministry


Housing prototypes were cut down structural change in the masterplan was made mixing several housing levels and uses together - Critical modifications to the city center Do it now‌ Finally, the climate adapted designs of buildings made by the consultant, were replaced by prototypes from another region in Egypt, that are questioned to fit the 52 degrees temperature in the south. The voice of the consultant never reached the upper tiers as they were kept in the shadows

Although the prototypes were ready, the planning agency went for premade prototypes

The Toshka Project: The rushed phase 2014 ---> 2015 Priority projects set by the upper tiers of the government

Minister orders the affiliated planning agency to work on the plans Planning agency (members are not necessary of planning background) attempts to carry on orders without discussing the consequences

Contradicting requests to meet deadlines

The consultant planners are kept in the shadows with no communication with the upper tiers. It is very difficult to convey a sound opinion!

even if they are unrealistic If they reject‌ Someone else can do it‌

Planning agency presses on the consultants to carry out the requests even if they are questionable

The Toshka Project: Time line

Appeasing the President

1997 - 2010 Other tiers of the government attempt to push for the project as long as the president is interested

Appeasing the people – placebo effect

Showing concrete actions to people

2011-2012 2014 The government The new president attempts illustrate wants to achieve it as a mega project concrete projects to appease the on the grounds, people hence gaining public support

Appeasing the President

2015 The Ministers and lower tiers tend to appease the president as long as he is interested in the project

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