2016-17 Guide to Yellow Springs

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Fire, police, ambulance ................................................. 911 Anonymous hotline ............................................... 767-1604


Margaret Silliman, �scal of�cer .......................... 767-2460 ....... 20


Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs ........................... 20 John Gudgel ..................................................... 605-8754 Village of�ces, general information .................... 767-3402 ....... 20 Bryan Center scheduling and renting ............. 767-7209 Parks and recreation......................................... 767-3401 Village manager ................................................ 767-1279 Zoning/Code enforcement ............................... 767-3702 Clerk of Council ................................................ 767-9126 Clerk of courts ................................................. 767-3400 Economic development .................................... 767-1279 Gaunt Park Pool ................................................ 767-9172 Fire department, non-emergency .................... 767-7842 Police, non-emergency ..................................... 767-7206 Public works ...................................................... 767-3401 Utility billing ....................................... 767-7202, ext. 221 Councils, boards, commissions and task forces ........................ 21

A R T S & R E C R E AT I O N

Art & Soul, Lisa Goldberg .................................... 767-7285 ....... 10 Bridge, Ken Huber ............................................... 767-1160 ....... 10 Susan Freeman ................................................. 767-0235 Chamber Music in Yellow Springs reservations ... 374-8800 ....... 10 Community Band, James Johnston ............................................ 10 Community Chorus, James Johnston......................................... 10 Carol Cottom ..................................................... 767-1458 Foundry Theater .......................................................................... 10 Amanda Egloff .......................... 937-319-6139, ext. 7628 John Bryan Community Pottery ................................................. 11 Krystal Luketic, studio director ....................... 767-9022 Little Art Theatre .................................................. 767-7671 ....... 11 Shakespeare Reading Group ...................................................... 11 Deborah McGee ................................................ 823-8073 Weavers’ Guild, Diana Nelson ............................. 767-9487 ....... 11 World House Choir, Catherine Roma ........... 513-560-9082 ....... 11 Yellow Rockers, Ralph and Melanie Acton ......... 767-8951 ....... 11 Yellow Springs Arts Council ................................ 679-9722 ....... 11 Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra ........................................... 12 James Johnston Yellow Springs Contra Dance ..................................................... 12 Ben Hemmendinger .................................. 646-373-2361 Yellow Springs Strings, Shirley Mullins .............. 767-3361 ....... 12 Yellow Springs Theater Company ...................................... ....... 12 Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp


Antioch Review, Robert Fogarty.......................... 769-1365 ......... 7 Antioch Writers’ Workshop .................................. 769-1803 ......... 7 Yellow Springs Commnity Access Channel 5 ..... 767-7803 ........ 7 WYSO Public Radio .............................................. 767-6420 ......... 7 Yellow Springs News ............................................ 767-7373 ......... 7


365 Project .................................................................................... 24 AACW, Karen Patterson .............................................................. 24 African-American Genealogy Group .......................................... 24 Robert L. Harris ............................................... 767-1949 Alcoholics Anonymous ......................................... 222-2211 ....... 24 Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions, Susan Jennings ........... 767-2161 ....... 24 Better Health Co-op, Merrill Anderson .............. 879-0402 ....... 24 Charlie Brown Patient & Caregiver Support Group ................. 24 Rubin Battino .................................................... 767-1854 Community Resources ................................................................ 24 Christine Monroe-Beard .................................. 767-4820 Corner Cone Farmers Market .................................................... 24 Louise Berrier ................................................... 605-8765 Enhance Worldwide ..................................................................... 25 Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp ............................. 708-0144 Feminist Health Fund .......................................... 767-8949 ....... 25 Food Co-op, Luan Heit.......................................... 767-1823 ....... 25 Friends Care Community ..................................... 767-7363 ....... 25 Great Books, Ken Huber ...................................... 767-1160 ....... 25 Green Environmental Coalition ........................... 767-2109 ....... 25 Grinnell Mill Foundation, Chris Mucher ............ 767-1391 ....... 27 James A. McKee Association ...................................................... 27 Karen McKee .................................................... 767-4641 Peggy Erskine................................................... 767-7856 La Leche League, ........................................................................ 27 Laura Ann Ellison .........................767-1097 or 708-6392 Sylvia Ann Ellison ............................................. 708-6252 Masonic Lodge, Don Lewis .................................. 901-6211 ....... 27 McKinney/YSHS PTO ........................................................ ....... 27 Mills Lawn PTO, Nancy Sundell-Turner .................................... 27 Morgan Family Foundation, Lori M. Kuhn ........ 767-9208 ....... 27 National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) ............................. 27 Donna Sorrell ................................................... 767-8622 Narcotics Anonymous .......................................... 505-0705 ....... 30 Neighborhood Gardens ....................................... 767-2729 ....... 30


C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT I O N S c o n t ’d .

Odd Fellows, Ruth Jordan .................................... 878-7871 ....... 30 Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary .......................................... 30 Nick Ormes ....................................................... 231-1046 Riding Centre, The ............................................... 767-9087 ....... 30 Senior Center ........................................................ 767-5751 ....... 30 Tecumseh Land Trust, Krista Magaw ................. 767-9490 ....... 31 Tenant Cooperative, Paul Buterbaugh ................ 767-2224 ....... 31 Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs Theresa Sapunar ............................................. 234-SING ....... 31 UNICEF, Joy Fishbain .......................................... 767-7724 ....... 31 Winter Farmers Market ...................................... 767-7560 ...... 31 Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce ..................................... 34 Karen Wintrow ................................................. 767-2686 Yellow Springs Community Foundation ..................................... 34 Virgil Hervey..................................................... 767-2655 Yellow Springs Farmers Market ................................................. 34 Michele Burns .................................................. 319-6076 Yellow Springs Historical Society ............................................... 34 David Neuhardt ................................................ 767-7106 Gillian Hill ......................................................... 767-7432 Yellow Springs Home, Inc., Chris Hall ................ 767-2790 ....... 34 Yellow Springs Resilience Network ............................................ 35 Yellow Springs Time Exchange .................................................. 35 Kat Walter ......................................................... 475-9207 Yellow Springs Tree Committee ......767-2981 or 767-2162 ....... 35 Yellow Springs PetNet .......................................... 372-2044 ....... 35


The Antioch School .............................................. 767-7642 ....... 38 PRESCHOOL

Community Children’s Center ............................ 767-7236 ....... 40 Community Children’s Center After School Care .............................................. 767-8145 ....... 40 Friends Preschool Program ........................................................ 40 Kathy Harper ......................................767-1303, ext. 113 PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Yellow Springs Public Schools .................................................... 41 Mario Basora, superintendent ......................... 767-7381 Mills Lawn Elementary .................................... 767-7217 Matt Housh, principal Y.S. High School, McKinney School ............... 767-7224 Tim Krier, principal Greene County Career Center ............................. 372-6941 ....... 40 Greene County Educational Service Ctr ............ 767-1303 ...... 40 Greene County Learning Center ................................................ 41 Jason Miller ........................................ 767-1303, ext. 141 HIGHER EDUCATION

Antioch College .................................................... 767-1286 ....... 38 Antioch University ................................................ 769-1340 ....... 38 Antioch University Midwest ................................ 769-1818 ....... 39


Glen Helen Ecology Institute ............................... 769-1902 ....... 17 Outdoor Education Center & Raptor Center .... 767-7648 ....... 17 Nature Shop ...................................................... 767-1902 ....... 17 Trailside Museum and Visitor Center ............. 767-7798 ....... 17 Glen Helen Association .................................... 769-1904 ....... 17


DMS ink, Christine Soward ................................. 222-5056 ....... 50 ElectroShield, Inc. ................................................ 767-1054 ....... 50 EnviroFlght, LLC .................................................. 767-1988 ....... 50 Morris Bean & Company ..................................... 767-7301 ....... 50 S&G Artisan Distillery, LLC ....................................................... 50 Vernay Laboratories ............................................. 767-7261 ....... 50 Yellow Springs Brewery ....................................... 767-0222 ....... 50 YSI/Xylem Brand ................................................. 767-7241 ....... 51


Yellow Springs Community Library .................... 352-4003 ....... 55 Yellow Springs Library Association ............................................ 55 Beatrix Karthaus-Hunt


Bahá’í Faith, Roi and Linden Qualls .................... 767-7079 ....... 45 Bethel Lutheran Church ............................................................. 45 Pastor Larry Bannick ....................................... 323-2471 Central Chapel A.M.E. Church ............................ 767-3061 ....... 45 Rev. Timothy E. Loggins, pastor First Baptist Church .........................767-7659 or 767-7623 ....... 45 Pastor William F. Randolph Jr. First Presbyterian Church, of�ce ........................ 767-7751 ....... 45 Rev. Aaron Saari, pastor Grandmother Drum Healing Circle ........................................... 45 Grandmother Wolfheart ................................... 767-9331 Grandmother Moon Fire .................................. 767-1170 Heart Rhythm Meditation Class & Circle .................................. 45 Denise Runyon & Tom Malcolm ..................... 623-2047 Pleasant Grove Missionary Church .................... 767-8011 ....... 46 Pastor Matt Ransom St. Paul Catholic Church ...................................... 767-7450 ....... 46 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship .......372-5613, 767-1603 ....... 46


S P I R I T U A L C O M M U N I T Y c o n t ’d

Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center ................... 46 Pastor J. Ray Tyson .......................................... 767-9133 Yellow Springs Dharma Center ........................... 767-9919 ....... 46 Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) ....... 767-1312 ....... 47 Yellow Springs Havurah, Stephen Green ............ 767-9293 ....... 47 Yellow Springs United Methodist Church .......... 767-7560 ....... 47 Rev. Rick Jones


Boy Scouts .................................................................................... 62 Cub Scouts, Chris Wyatt ...................................... 767-0112 ....... 62 Fair Play 4-H Club........................................................................ 62 Kathleen Galarza ....... ....................... ...............838-7411 Girl Scouts, Susan Hyde ....................................... 767-7756 ....... 62 Perry League, Jimmy Chesire ............................. 767-7300 ....... 62 Sea Dogs, Deb Zendlovitz .................................... 545-4729 ....... 62 Yellow Springs Youth Baseball .................................................. 62 Tim and Jennifer Sherwood ............................ 767-8702 Yellow Springs Youth Soccer ...................................................... 65 Bill and Lynn Hardman .................................... 768-4140 Bob Curley ........................................................ 767-7070 Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association ............................ 65 Dennis Farmer YS Kids Playhouse, Ara Beal ............................... 767-7800 ....... 65

S TO R I E S In love with music, each other and Yellow Springs ................ 4 Room to write, and grow ........................................................... 8 The arts brought me here ...................................................... 13 Village was a great place to raise children ............................ 14 A wish to live deliberately ....................................................... 18 At 83, she’s no longer invisible ............................................... 22 A family of artists makes it work ............................................ 28 Glad to still be here, after almost 50 years ............................ 32 Finding healing and spiritual growth ..................................... 33 ‘Held in the nurturing folds of friends’ .................................. 37 Making a good life here .......................................................... 42 Living and learning in the real world ..................................... 48 Seeking a simpler life .............................................................. 52 Villagers, thanks to Google .................................................... 56 Antioch and fate drew Snows to village ................................. 58 Choosing a college and a town ............................................... 60 Two ‘nomads’ decide to settle down ...................................... 66 From the ‘last frontier’ to Ohio ............................................... 68



Washington address: Senate Of�ce Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3121

Mike Turner (R) 2239 Rayburn Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-6465 Fax: 202-225-6754 Web: turner.house.gov Dayton Of�ce 120 West 3rd St. Suite 305 Dayton, Ohio 45402 Phone: 937-225-2843 Fax: 937-225-2752

Sherrod Brown (D) 713 Hart Senate Of�ce Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-2315 Fax: 202-228-6321 Web: brown.senate.gov Columbus of�ce: 200 N. High St. Room 614 Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-469-2083 Fax: 614-469-2171 Toll Free 888-896-6446 Robert “Rob” Portman (R) 448 Russell Senate Of�ce Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3353 www.portman.senate.gov Columbus of�ce: 37 West Broad St. Room 300 Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-469-6774 Toll-Free: 800-205-6446


Chris Widener (R) Senate Building Capitol Square, 1st Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-466-3780 Email: SD10@senate.state.oh.us Web: ohio senate.gov/widener STATE HOUSE, 73RD DISTRICT

Rick Perales (R) 77 S. High St. 13th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-644-6020 Fax: 614-719-3970 Web: ohiohouse.gov/Rick-Perales


T H E G U I D E TO Y E L LOW S P R I N G S is created by a dedicated team including Robert Hasek and Suzanne Szempruch in advertising; Suzanne Szempruch and Matt Minde in design; Matt Minde who contributed overall design and cover art; Lauren Shows, who organized and edited submissions; Audrey Hackett, Dylan Taylor-Lehman, Lauren Shows and Diane Chiddister, who interviewed most of the people featured here; Amy Achor and Carol Simmons in proo�ng. We thank our advertisers for taking part in this effort, and we hope you enjoy this year’s Guide to Yellow Springs.


YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS A-C Service Company ...........................................58 Adoption Link, Inc.................................................52 Al Kahina Middle Eastern (Belly) Dance Studio ........................................9 Aleta’s Cafe ............................................................12 Antioch College .....................................................72 Antioch School, The..............................................61 Antioch University Midwest ................................23 Antioch Writers’ Workshop ..................................38 Arbor-Care of Ohio .................................................4 Asanda Imports .....................................................46 Atomic Fox.............................................................10 Back to Now ............................................................8 Bahnsen Gallery ...................................................70 Basho, a JCox company........................................53 Battino Counseling Services ................................69 Rubin Battino, M.S. Battle, Esther S., Ph.D., Inc. ................................48 Bauer Stoves and Fireplaces ................................43 Bentino’s Pizza ......................................................52 Bing Design ...........................................................15 Black Pug Bike Repair ..........................................22 Bradstreet & Associates, Inc. ..............................19 Brandeberry Winery ............................................59 Bryce Hill Inc. .......................................................23 Chamber Music in Yellow Springs ......................46 Clifton Garden Cabin ............................................25 Clifton Opera House .............................................51 Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors Jan Augenstein ................................................29 Craig Mesure ...................................................53 Bambi Williams, Sam Eckenrode, Minerva Bieri ..............................................59 Community Children’s Center.............................13 Community Physicians of Yellow Springs, Inc. .........................................36 Bobbi Barth, D.O. Cliff Fawcett, M.S.N., C.N.P. Rose Marie Marasco, C.N.P. Courtney Stroble, M.D. Lawrence Udom, M.D. Community Solutions, Arthur Morgan Institute for ..........................22 Complete Building Service, LLC .........................54 Conner, Susan, C.C.R............................................39 Corner Cone ..........................................................18 Creative Explorations ...........................................10 Current Cuisine .....................................................60

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Dark Star Bookstore .............................................24 DMS ink .................................................................64 Dunphy Real Estate, Inc. ......................................21 Jo Dunphy Sheila Dunphy-Palotta Teresa Dunphy Earth Energy Medicine ........................................30 Abigail Cobb, R.N. Earth Rose ...............................................................8 EdenWorld ............................................................61 Kim Plinovich, L.M.T. Ehman’s Garage ....................................................41 Eldridge Roo�ng, Inc............................................70 Emporium Wines / Underdog Café ....................35 Enon Veterinary Hospital .....................................28 EnviroFlight, LLC .................................................56 Flying Mouse Farms ............................................66 Friends Care Community .....................................44 Funderburg, Pamela, L.M.T. ................................39 Gailz Tattooz ..........................................................25 Glen Garden Gifts & Flowers ..............................50 Gravity Spa .............................................................42 Green Environmental Coalition ...........................34 Green Generation Building Co. ...........................67 Greene County Career Center.............................46 Greene County Public Health ..............................51 Greene County Council on Aging .......................47 Greenleaf Gardens ................................................45 Grinnell Mill Bed & Breakfast .............................34 Ha Ha Pizza ............................................................47 Hawthorne Place ...................................................52 Heart Rhythm Meditation ....................................55 Hearthstone Inn & Suites ....................................12 Holser, J. Marc, D.D.S. .........................................58 House of AUM Yoga Studio & Boutique ............57 House of Ravenwood ............................................14 Humanist Center Massage Therapy ...................15 Ruth A. Schroeder, L.M.T. Jackson Lytle & Lewis Funeral Homes ..............18 Jail House Suites ...................................................17 Jennifer’s Touch Fine Jewelry ............................55 John Bryan Community Pottery .........................51 Kadis, Paul P., Psy.D., LLC ...................................43 Legendary Roo�ng Co., The..................................4 Little Art Theatre ..................................................57 Meadowlark Restaurant .........................................6 Miami Township Fire-Rescue ............................16

WhyYS? When my husband and I moved to Yellow Springs in late 2012, we had no idea it would become our deeply cherished home. We relocated here, from Albuquerque, in response to a family medical crisis. Yes, Yellow Springs was lovely; yes, we felt more at home here in a couple of months than we had in a couple of years in New Mexico, but we were only in Ohio temporarily. Our real home lay elsewhere — though we weren’t sure where. Four years later, we consider ourselves true-blue, �e-dyed-in-the-wool Yellow Springers. We feel connected to the people, the land, the downtown. We feel welcome. We feel seen. We feel, in the fullest resonance of the word, at home. Nearly everyone I’ve talked to since coming to Yellow Springs seems to have their own “why I moved to Yellow Springs” story. Some of these stories involve chance events, twists of

What brings people to this community, and what makes them stay?

fate. Some involve inten�on, calcula�on, careful planning. But many stories share a common theme: those who like it here, really like it here. Yellow Springs has a way of claiming people, drawing them in and holding them fast. The village may not be an inten�onal commu-



Miami Valley Equine and Small Animal Acupressure .............................68 Miami Valley Pottery ............................................33 Mills Park Hotel ...................................................66 MinDesign .............................................................34 Mindfully Well Center ..........................................49 Morgan House Bed & Breakfast .........................21 Mr. Fub’s Party “Toys and More” .......................62 Nightingale Montessori School ...........................65 Nipper’s Corner.....................................................66 OATS — Ohio Antique Trading Supply .............63 Ohio Silver Co. ........................................................4 Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital ..............................35 Orthodontic Specialists of Ohio ..........................67 James Tetz, D.M.D. Peifer Orchards & Farm Market.........................27 Pleasant Grove Missionary Church ....................20 Positive Perspectives, Inc. Counseling Centers ........................................28 Re/Max Victory ....................................................27 Chris & Rick Kristensen Shelly Blackman Reichley Insurance Agency..................................62 Rita Caz Jewelry Studio ........................................30 Rumpke Waste Removal and Recycling................5 Sam & Eddie’s Open Books .................................58 Smoking Octopus, The .........................................40 Soin Medical Center .............................................26 Solid Gold Self Storage .........................................37 Southtown Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing ....................................56 Spring�eld Arts Council .......................................65 Spring�eld Museum of Art ..................................17 Spring�eld Symphony Orchestra ........................45 Spring�eld Urology ..............................................63 Eric Espinosa, M.D. Springs Healing Massage ....................................53 Keri Speck, L.M.T. Amy Spurr, L.M.T. St. Paul Catholic Church ......................................29 Star Pediatrics .......................................................22 Nancy Hesz, M.D. Thaddene Triplett, M.D. Stoney Creek Garden Center ..............................31 Sunrise Cafe ...........................................................11 360° Private Training Studio................................49 Melissa Heston, cP.T. Tibet Bazaar...........................................................50

Tom’s Market ........................................................28 Town Drug.............................................................38 Twin Coach Apartments ......................................61 Un�nished Creations ..............................................7 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs .................................................69 Urban Gypsy ..........................................................10 Village Artisans .....................................................48 Village Automotive................................................60 Village Cyclery ......................................................33 Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs .................................................30 Village of Yellow Springs ........................................7 Vitamin Outlet, The ..............................................37 Wagner Subaru......................................................32 Wavelength Aveda Salon/Spa ..............................68 Wellness Center at Antioch College, The ...........25 Wheat Penny Oven & Bar ......................................6 Wild�ower Boutique & Salon ..............................38 Winds Café / Winds Wine Cellar ........................39 World House Choir ...............................................67 Wright State Physicians Family Medicine .........52 WYSO Public Radio ..............................................24 Ye Olde Trail Tavern & Restaurant .....................12 Yellow Springs Brewery .......................................68 Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce..........7, 11 Yellow Springs Chiropractic.................................19 Erika Grushon, D.C. Katherine Hulbert, D.C. Yellow Springs Community Foundation .............62 Yellow Springs Farmers Market..........................43 Yellow Springs Home, Inc. ...................................20 Yellow Springs Library Assoc. .............................18 Yellow Springs News ............................................59 Yellow Springs Pottery .........................................25 Yellow Springs Psychological Center .................19 Bob Barcus, Ph.D. Aïda Merhemic, M.S. Yellow Springs Senior Center ................................5 Yellow Springs Tree Committee ..........................42 Yellow Springs United Methodist Church..........40 Young’s Jersey Dairy ............................................20 YS Federal Credit Union ........................................9 YSI/Xylem Brand ..................................................14

nity in the strict sense of the term, but it seems accurate to say that many who live here do so by conscious choice, daily renewed. Regardless of what accident tumbled us into these “1.9 square miles surrounded by reality,” as the local bumper s�cker has it, something, or many things, serve to keep us here. Last year, the News inaugurated an occasional series of ar�cles called “Why YS?” In this series, we profiled a mix of newer villagers and a few long�me residents, delving into what brought them to Yellow Springs. Perhaps not surprisingly, the stories we heard and reported were in�mately connected with people’s lives, careers, families, hopes and struggles. The decision about where to live — where to call home — is not one people take lightly, a�er all. It is a defining, consequen�al choice. In addi�on to these reported stories, we’ve included a few stories in people’s own words, submi�ed to the News last year. We hope you find all this material as fascina�ng and illumina�ng as we did. A few common themes emerge. People consistently say they live in Yellow

Springs because the community feels welcoming. Because it has a dis�nc�ve and appealing sense of place. Because it is a small town where people know each other, by sight and by name, yet it is also a place with cultural, ar�s�c and intellectual resources that rival those of much bigger towns. Because it is, most profoundly, a community, one that’s far from perfect but does a pre�y remarkable job of embracing all its members. There are challenges, of course. The village is expensive. Housing costs are high compared to surrounding areas, and rentals are hard to find. These factors par�cularly impact younger and poorer residents. Job opportuni�es in the village are limited. And Yellow Springs is in the midst of long-term demographic and social changes that are resul�ng in less racial and economic diversity, long valued as an aspect of life here. But there is also the sense, the persistent sense, that these are challenges Yellow Springers can face together. Here in our 1.9 square miles. Here in a place many of us gratefully call home. —Audrey Hacke�, Reporter







On a Tuesday night, the Tritschlers — Amy and Joe — were just finishing dinner on the pa�o at Peach’s. They were se�led comfortably in their chairs, their plates bearing the last bits of their meal. There was a sheet of paper lying on the table between them, with both of their names wri�en at the top, followed by dates, places, facts: knowing they were going to be asked to talk about themselves, they’d put their heads together and wri�en out a cheat sheet for the history of their lives. “I’m really bad at not going off on tangents,” said Joe. “I’ll reel him in,” said Amy. The two o�en eat dinner at Peach’s


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YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS P.O. Box 187 • Yellow Springs, OH 45387


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WHY YS? on Tuesday nights, when Joe hosts the restaurant’s open mic night. It’s also kind of a personal spot for the two: “This is where the spark happened,” said Amy. “The spark” — that indeterminate moment when two people’s histories begin to intertwine. Joe said it started four or five years ago, when he was si�ng behind a control board doing some sound engineering work for local band Love or Drugs.

YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS He made friends with local musicians, began playing gigs around town, picked up sound engineering work and became the open mic host at Peach’s. He started working odd repair jobs at SoundSpace, the independent recording studio on Dayton Street, and occasionally worked as a session ar�st there, eventually becoming a part-�me employee. “When I first moved out of my parents’ house,” he said, “there was no

In love with music, each other and Yellow Springs The band was playing, and then: “I heard a guest singer, Amy, singing just absolutely amazingly. So I looked up from the console and realized, ‘Oh, she’s OK to look at, too!’ So a�erwards I walked up and said, ‘Hey, I just wanted to let you know, that was really great!’ And she said, ‘Thanks!’ and walked away.” His interest piqued, Joe started going to Love or Drugs shows at Peach’s to hear Amy sing. Though she had played it cool at the recording session, Amy said she knew Joe from his gig hos�ng the Peach’s open mic, and because he was a well-known musician about town himself, performing under the moniker “Crazy Joe.” “He was a celebrity to me,” she said. One fateful night during a show at Peach’s, Amy performed with the band while wearing a shimmery shirt, which Joe said par�cularly caught his eye. He got up the nerve to send her a Facebook message, which read, “You sure were sparkly last night, Amy.” Thus, the spark ignited. Joe and Amy were surprised that they didn’t meet sooner. They had made a lot of the same friends and acquaintances in town, moved in some of the same circles, even though neither of them grew up in Yellow Springs. Joe’s family moved from Columbus to Enon in 1995 when he was s�ll in high school, and he instantly started forming connec�ons in Yellow Springs.

ques�on where I wanted to go. I wanted to move here. I had a lot of friends and musician acquaintances in town, so for me it was just natural.” Joe moved to town and began working full �me at SoundSpace. He lived in town for a few years, and his music career picked up and he began touring full �me. He said he wasn’t home much during that �me, and he wanted to build his own studio. It was more economical for him, he said, to buy a house somewhere else and set up shop there, so in 2007, he moved back to Enon. Meanwhile, Amy spent her forma�ve years in Springfield, but the village was always at her periphery: her dad grew up in Yellow Springs, her brother moved to town and works as a mail carrier here, and she would visit with friends when she was in high school. In 2008, she started working at the Community Children’s Center, and through that job she ended up making many of the friends that are s�ll nearest and dearest to her heart today. “I hate being so cliché about it,” she said, “but when you’re young and wan�ng to meet people, this is the place to go. People are so friendly, and it was just easy to meet people my age.” In 2009, Amy moved into an apartment in Yellow Springs — a�er Joe had already moved away. A�er the two met and started da�ng, Amy eventually moved in with Joe in Enon. “I wanted to live with some-



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body before I married them,” she said. “I know that’s crazy!” Joe shook his head. “That’s not crazy!” he said. The two married in the summer of 2015. By that �me, even though neither of them had lived in Yellow Springs for a while, they knew that’s where their lives were headed: independently of one another, they’d both built themselves into the community via work, friends and family. “There was never any ques�on where we were going,” said Joe, “almost like from the minute we met.” The Tritschlers made their triumphal return to Yellow Springs in the spring of this year. They had to downsize a bit from their spacious setup in Enon, where their home had a basement recording studio and a barn out back; at the moment, Joe said, all his recording equipment is in his sister’s basement in Ke�ering. “I’m working on building a studio,” he said. Amy laughed. “Yeah, there’s one in our living room right now,” she said. Despite these temporary inconveniences, the couple certainly doesn’t regret the move. Moving away from Yellow Springs a�er having lived there for several years was eye-opening for Amy. “It wasn’t just like you lose an address,” she said. “You kind of lose this whole feeling of being part of this

community.” The couple felt isolated, even though they weren’t far away. “It’s 14 minutes away,” said Joe. “That’s what he kept telling me,” said Amy, ‘It’s only 14 minutes!’ Now we ride our bikes down the street and we see six, seven people we know, and people yell out, ‘Hi, Tritschlers!’ These are our people.” Joe and Amy said they both dream of living the rest of their lives here. Amy now works as an interven�on specialist for hearing impaired children in Kettering public schools. Joe’s main gig is as an engineering lecturer at Wright State University — his Ph.D. focus

was electrical engineering — and he s�ll tours when his schedule allows, with other bands and as a solo act. A�er a waiter cleared away the plates from their table, Joe se�led back into his chair and mused over their shared futures in the village. “I’d really love to buy SoundSpace some day,” he said, sharing a smile with Amy. “I think you fell in love with that place when you started working there,” she said. “Every �me we drive by I think, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if you owned it?’” Joe shrugged. “In 20 years, who knows?”




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C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Antioch Review Robert Fogarty, editor, P.O. Box 148, 769-1365 E M A I L : rfogarty@antiochreview.org W E B : www.antiochreview.org C O N TA C T:

The Antioch Review is a quarterly publication of critical and creative thought that prints award-winning fiction, essays and poetr y from emerging and established writers. It is variously identi�ed as a literary journal, a scholarly quarterly and a little magazine. Established in 1941, the Review has attracted an international readership with an active interest in our culture as it is re�ected in the arts, politics and current affairs. For more than 70 years, creative authors, poets and thinkers have found a friendly reception in the Review, regardless of formal reputation. Antioch Review authors are consistently included in Best American anthologies and Pushcart prizes. The Review was a �nalist for the National Magazine Award in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in the �ction and essay categories. Subscriptions and single copies are available from the website or P.O. Box 148, Yellow Springs. Single copies are also available at Tom’s Market and Sam & Eddie’s Open Books. Excerpts from the current and upcoming issues can be viewed on the Reveiw’s website.

Antioch Writers’ Workshop c/o Antioch University Midwest, 900 Dayton St., 769-1803 E M A I L : info@antiochwritersworkshop.com W E B : www.antiochwritersworkshop.com C O N TA C T:

The Antioch Writers’ Workshop (AWW), in partnership with Antioch University Midwest, presents writing programs, including its annual week-long summer workshop. The workshop was initiated in 1985 by two retired Antioch College professors: Judson Jerome, a well-known poet, and William Baker, an experienced college administrator, dean and teacher. From the beginning, the workshop created a community of writers that mingled faculty and students informally throughout the day as well as during classes and seminars. Its mission was to encourage good writing, and the AWW organized a summer weeklong workshop as well as (in some years) a one-day fall workshop. In 1993, �ve trustees formed the Yellow Springs Writers’ Workshop as an of�cial 501(c)(3) nonpro�t; these trustees were Susan Carpenter, Jimmy Chesire, Suzanne Clauser, Ed Davis and Sandra Love. Starting in 2009, AWW is presented in partnership with Antioch University Midwest. AWW has brought many well-known and talented writers to Ohio over the years, including Sue Grafton, Ellen Gilchrist, William Least Heat-Moon, Joyce Carol Oates, Melissa Fay Greene, Natalie Goldberg, Sena Jeter Naslund and Nicholas Delbanco. The organization has also highlighted prominent Ohio authors, including Allan W. Eckert, John Jakes and Virginia Hamilton. AWW embraces diversity and strives to meet the high professional and artistic expectations participants bring to every program. By cultivating excellence in all the workshops, AWW

works to ensure Yellow Springs remains at the forefront of writing communities nationwide.

WYSO Public Radio 767-6420 wyso@wyso.org www.wyso.org


WYSO Public Radio, 91.3 FM, is the most listened-to public radio station ser ving the Miami Valley. It is the area’s primary source for National Public Radio programming, including “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered.” Entertainment favorites include “Car Talk,” “This American Life” and “Fresh Air.” For its overnight schedule, WYSO features news programming from the BBC World Service. WYSO produces news reports and features for its Miami Valley listeners as well as its own weekly magazine, “WYSO Weekend,” and many other locally hosted music programs. Programming, membership information and audio streaming are available online. WYSO is licensed to Antioch College and broadcasts at 50,000 watts from the Antioch campus to a weekly audience of almost 70,000 people. WYSO depends on listener and business support for most of its operating budget. Businesses interested in reaching WYSO’s audience through underwriting messages may contact the station for more information.

Yellow Springs Community Access (Channel 5) Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center, 767-7803; of�ce hours: 10 a.m.–noon each Saturday E M A I L : communityaccess@gmail.com W E B : www.yso.com C O N TA C T:

Thursday, the News is read regularly by more than 80 percent of Yellow Springers. Over the years, the paper has consistently won state and national journalism awards for its reporting, editorial writing, advertising, typography and community service. For the past six years in a row, the News has won the “Newspaper of the Year” award in its size category at the annual convention of the Ohio Newspaper Association.

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Yellow Springs Community Access is a local cable television station available to Time Warner cable subscribers (Channel 5) and online. The station broadcasts meetings of Village Council, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Miami Township Trustees, School Board and other organizations. Local groups and residents provide shows of interest to the community. Announcements of local events are aired between programs. Villagers and organizations are encouraged to submit photos, videos and announcements promoting local arts and culture. Station cameras and tripods are available on loan for residents who would like to record a community event or public meeting. Basic training is available with advance notice. The station is run by a part-time station manager.


Yellow Springs News


P.O. Box 187, 253 Xenia Ave., 767-7373, fax: 767-2042 E M A I L : ysnews@ysnews.com W E B : www.ysnews.com C O N TA C T:

For more than 130 years, the Yellow Springs News has re�ected the myriad activities in Yellow Springs and Miami Township, from coverage of the local governments and schools, to stories about interesting people who live here, to the many events that take place throughout the year. Published every


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BY AUDREY HACKETT Poets Heather Christle and Christopher DeWeese are new to Yellow Springs, but their daughter, Harriet, is a hometown girl. Harriet was born just about a year a�er the couple’s 2013 move to the village. At 20 months, she’s already a regular at the Emporium and the John Bryan Community Center playground. She dines at Sunrise Café and drools over her future reading choices at the public library. It’s too early to tell whether she’ll become a poet like her parents. Right now, she favors polka dots and dancing, and frequently wears one while doing the other. On a recent Saturday afternoon, the family was arrayed on the green rug they call “grass” in the living room of their north Yellow Springs home. Eyes closed, swaying in circles to so�, melodic music, Harriet was dancing — and, disturbingly, wearing stripes. “No dots today?” this reporter asked. Her dad li�ed up her striped shirt to reveal a second shirt, dense with dots, underneath. Harriet grinned. “She could dance all day,” DeWeese added, no�ng that her taste ran to punk and high-energy dance music. Christle, a New Hampshire na�ve, and DeWeese, who hails from Port Townsend, Wash., didn’t figure on ending up in the Midwest, though DeWeese a�ended Oberlin College in northern Ohio. They met in graduate school, at the University of Massachuse�s, Amherst, where each earned a Master of Fine Arts in poetry.

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They moved to Atlanta to teach for a couple of years, then returned to Massachuse�s, living in the town of Northampton. In the winter of 2013, DeWeese was offered a tenure-track posi�on at Wright State. His future colleagues drove him around several area towns on a January day to scope out neighborhoods. “Yellow Springs was the only place where people were walking around,” said DeWeese. “That really made an impression on me.” He took the job, and the couple rented

Y E L LO W S P R I N G S N E W S has informed their art, Christle and DeWeese said neither project they’re working on now is explicitly �ed to their change in residence. Her project, a departure from poetry, is a research-driven book on crying; his is a long-term poetry project on alterna�ve music, probing memory and nostalgia connected with the grunge scene of his youth. But Christle said her book on crying has been “definitely shaped” by the police killing of John Crawford III in 2014. She took part in the Black

Room to write, and grow a house on Park Place they’d seen only in pictures. It’s a sweet house with a bright front room (where the “grass” grows) and a high-ceilinged addi�on in the back. “With the high ceiling, there’s room for more thoughts,” Christle observed. Extra space for stacking up thoughts might be useful for the poets. Both in their mid-30s, she’s published four poetry collec�ons, he two, and each has more projects in the works. DeWeese’s latest collec�on, published last August, is called “The Father of the Arrow Is the Thought,” and explores the rela�onship between physical reality and the imagina�on. The book draws on Swiss painter Paul Klee’s “far-reaching ideas about art,” DeWeese explained. “I got kind of obsessed with it,” he added. Each poem bears the �tle of a natural feature (“The River,” “The Forest,” “The Harbor”), many drawing on the landscape of his upbringing on the Olympic Peninsula. One poem that didn’t make the cut was “The Glen,” which DeWeese described in an interview last year with Bucknell University’s West Branch Wired (an online journal) as “900 acres or so of dense, strange woods and streams and birds and deer and teenagers who are quite obviously on drugs.” DeWeese said he writes “from imagina�on and my own experience.” Christle’s latest book, published last March, is �tled “Heliopause,” the name for the boundary between the sun’s furthest reach and deep space. Many of the poems were composed amid reports from Voyager I as it neared, then crossed that border, she said. Boundary-crossing and the indeterminacy of what lies beyond a given boundary are themes that run through all the poems in the book, a focus she sensed but didn’t plan. She writes by hand, she said, and doesn’t make decisions before wri�ng. One sec�on of the book, “Dear Seth,” was wri�en during her first winter in Yellow Springs. It contains poems that ache for a friend le� behind in Massachuse�s and report on Christle’s new life in the Midwest. One begins: “It’s snowing again lightly in Ohio / like it had an idea and thought / There’s no harm / in trying it out / before growing distracted / by some town I cannot see.” In another poem, Christle writes of her fraught wait, during pregnancy, for the newest of new life: “There is fear the baby / when it arrives will be wrongly / or poorly loved / that the world is no place / for helpless things.” Asked how living in Yellow Springs

Lives Ma�er vigils in Xenia (“where almost everyone was from Yellow Springs”) and in local conversa�ons on the killing and similar shoo�ngs na�onwide. “No ma�er where we had been living, it would have been impossible not to be thinking about the murders of young African-American people,” she said. But the proximity of Crawford’s killing, and her involvement in a local response to it, gave her research into crying and representa�ons of grief “a feeling of urgency.” Reflec�ng on the character of Yellow Springs, DeWeese observed that villagers blend ac�vism with another trait: fierce enthusiasm for their town. “People love it here,” he said.

Deweese observed that villagers blend activism with fierce enthusiasm for their town. Christle said her childhood in Wolfeboro, N.H., another small town that draws tourists, equipped her with “an ingrained habit of looking to see if people are from out of town.” Her trick for doing so in Yellow Springs is to spot “people dressed up in �e-dye who might not” — she paused delicately — “necessarily wear �e-dye all the �me.” DeWeese said he’s enjoying teaching at Wright State; he’s up for tenure next year, and if all goes well, the family plans to put down roots in Yellow Springs. Christle has meanwhile held a variety of teaching posts. She taught poetry at An�och College during their first summer in the village. Last fall, she was a visi�ng poet at the University of Texas at Aus�n, and she and Harriet spent the semester there. And this spring, Christle is the Dixon professor of crea�ve wri�ng at Wi�enberg University in Springfield. “I live here; I am beginning to believe that,” Christle said in an interview last year with the Black Warrior Review, a literary journal. “We’ve been in a bit of a ‘baby bunker,’” she said a few weeks ago, explaining the slow dawning of the feeling that Yellow Springs is home. One serious reserva�on involves Ohioans’ lax a�tude toward snow removal — a moral and prac�cal impera�ve in her na�ve New England.





“We’re snobs about snow,” she said. Home is elusive, but not, it seems, to Harriet. Toward the end of the interview, she tried out a somersault, her first, nearly nailing it. She’s learning to put on her own coat, and that a�ernoon she stretched her arms into its blue sleeves (the coat was upside down) in a bid to head outside to the bright and spring-like February a�ernoon. “This is such a warm place for kids to grow up,” DeWeese reflected. “It’s safe but not dull.” He corrected himself. “Harriet will think it’s dull, but doesn’t everybody have to think that about the place they’re from?”

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A RT S & R E C R E AT I O N Art & Soul, YS Art Fair Lisa Goldberg, 767-7285 Lisa@YSArts.org www.ysarts.org/artSoul.html


Art and Soul: A YS Art Fair, a YS Arts production, entered the art scene in Yellow Springs in November of 2012. It is held on the third Saturday of November from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. at Mills Lawn Elementary School, 200 S. Walnut St. It is an intimate juried art fair with 30 artists from the region who gather in Yellow Springs to exhibit and sell their �ne art and crafts for the day. The name Art & Soul was chosen because “artists put their souls

into the making of their work.” Artists will have plenty of pottery, jewelry, �ber, paintings, photography, wood, glass and mixedmedia work available for sale. Traditionally, art work produced by students attending the Yellow Springs school system has been on display for patrons to admire. During the �rst three years of Art & Soul, show promoters donated over $2,300 to the Yellow Springs school system and Police Coat Fund. In addition, in 2014 they began to donate to the Lisa Goldberg/YS Arts Scholarship Fund held by the YS Community Foundation.

Bridge Ken Huber (Tuesday group), 7671160; Susan Freeman (Wednesday group), 767-0235


Creative Explorations Women’s Retreat • Relax • Reconnect • Renew

937-750-4117 253 Xenia Ave Yellow Springs www.creativeexplorations.net

Two informal bridge groups meet weekly in the village. On Tuesdays, 1–3:30 p.m., a group meets for party bridge in the Lawson Place common room. On Wednesdays, 6:30– 10 p.m., a group meets for duplicate bridge in the great room of the Senior Center, located at 227 Xenia Avenue.

Chamber Music Yellow Springs 374-8800 info@cmys.org www.cmys.org


Chamber Music in Yellow Springs has been bringing professional ensembles from all over

the world for over 30 years. Founded in 1983, the organization’s mission is to enrich the musical life of the community. Funded by generous donors, local advertisers and subscriptions, CMYS is also the recipient of an Ohio Arts Council sustainability grant. Each season the local booking committee selects chamber music ensembles and chooses a theme. This year’s theme is “Bringing Europe to Yellow Springs,” because all the groups were educated in and are based in Europe. Performances take place on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs, located at 314 Xenia Ave. The 2016–17 season opens on Oct. 9 with the Auryn Quartet from Germany. The Auryn has the longest unchanged membership continuity of all string quartets in the world today. Performing on magni�cent Italian instruments, they will bring to us the most mature of string quartet playing. The second concert of this season, two weeks later on Oct. 23, features the David Piano Trio from Italy. Since winning the CMYS Competition for Emerging Professional Ensembles in 2005, the David Trio has continued to have great success internationally. Their Italian pianist, Ukrainian violinist and Belgian cellist will perform two classic Russian piano trios. Jan. 29, 2017, brings the unique vocal programming of the Calmus Ensemble from Leipzig. This ensemble of soprano, countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass is both at home in great traditional vocal music and constantly discovering new repertoire. Calmus will bring some of both for us to hear. The Meccore String Quartet, from Poland, closes the regular season on March 12. Meccore is a rising star among young string quartets. They are the mirror image of the Auryn’s unsurpassed depth of experience. We get to hear both! The season comes to an end on April 23 with the �nals of the 32nd annual Competition for Emerging Professional Ensembles. Two finalist groups from among many entrants judged locally in the �rst round will present a double concert before a live audience and three distinguished judges who will award �rst and second prize. CMYS subscription concerts are recorded by SoundSpace Yellow Springs for broadcast on “Live and Local” at WDPR-FM (88.1) and WDPG-FM (89.9), at 10 a.m., usually on the Saturday morning before the next concert. These broadcasts can also be heard anywhere in the world on streaming audio at www.discoverclassical.org. This Season’s broadcast dates can be found on the Discover

Classical website as well. Concerts are preceded by a free pre-concert talk by musicologist and WSU Professor Emeritus Charles Larkowski or another music expert. There is a post-concert gourmet dinner and reception for the artists open to the public with a reservation and donation. CMYS concert season subscriptions are $100 for adults and $25 for students. Individual tickets are $25 for adults and $7 for students. Tickets are available online at www.cmys.org or can be reserved by phone at 937-374-8000.

Community Band James Johnston, Brian Mayer delphi@ameritech.net; bmayer@ysschools.org


The Community Band is open to all woodwind, brass and percussion players without audition. Music reading is necessary. The band plays about seven concerts a year: two in fall, two in winter/spring and three outdoor summer concerts in June and July. The repertoire includes standard marches, medleys of Broadway and Hollywood songs, big band and jazz sets and other works for concert band in a variety of styles. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the high school band room.

Community Chorus James Johnston, Carol Cottom, 767-1458 E M A I L : delphi@ameritech.net C O N TA C T:

Founded in 1972, the Yellow Springs Community Chorus is open without audition to all who enjoy singing, can attend rehearsals regularly and are able to learn and perform the music. The ability to read music is desirable, but not required. The chorus usually gives two or three performances a year, often with orchestra, and sings music from a variety of styles, periods and genres. Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings, 7–9 p.m., in the YSHS band room. The chorus gratefully receives United Way funds and other donations through the Yellow Springs Arts Council.

Foundry Theater Amanda Egloff, 937-319-6139, ext. 7628 E M A I L : aegloff@antiochcollege.org C O N TA C T:

The Foundry Theater at Antioch College reopened in September of 2014 after its �rst

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renovation since the 1980s. The black box theater has auditorium-style seating and a large performance area. The Foundr y Theater hosts performances and events by Antioch College students, as well as by various community groups. Recent performances include Antioch College’s production of Thornton Wilder’s “The Skin of Our Teeth” and the YSHS spring musical “West Side Story.” The theater also hosted two annual events, the YS Community Dance Concert and Women’s Voices Out Loud, among many others. For more information, visit www.antiochcollege. org/academics/areas-study/arts/foundr ytheater.

John Bryan Community Pottery Krystal Luketic, studio director, 767-9022; Todd Hickerson, studio technician; Geno Luketic, wood kiln manager, 100 Dayton St. E M A I L : jbcp.ys@gmail.com W E B : www.communitypottery.com C O N TA C T:

John Bryan Community Pottery is a community studio that offers an extensive array of classes, workshops and studio rentals. The pottery also features a gallery, exhibiting and selling the work of its members and other contemporary ceramic artists. For nearly 40 years, the nonpro�t studio has been providing opportunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well-equipped with a newly built wood kiln, a gas reduction kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, a slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24hour access to the studio. Visitors are always welcome to stop in at the Penguin Building and take a tour. Gallery and open studio hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon–4 p.m. A schedule and description of upcoming classes is available at www. communitypottery.com.

Little Art Theatre


ity, it made the leap into the digital age with a $500,000 renovation completed in 2013, but remains very much a hometown, single screen experience that cannot be replicated at the multiplexes. The Little Art takes pride in its mix of independent and mainstream offerings, with commercial favorites not being prioritized over important low-budget documentaries. The diverse programming is very much a re�ection of the diverse local community. The Little Art is among the most recognizable and beloved landmarks in Yellow Springs, and the iconic houselights, the classic marquee and the one-of-a-kind concession treats all represent an experience that is more personal than in large for-pro�t venues. The Little Art is also known for its special programs, such as “Community Presents,” which encourages local �lmmakers, organizations and community members to utilize the theater in numerous ways, including bringing documentaries that champion their cause. “Let’s Talk Movies” is a new program featuring area educators discussing �lmmaking and �lm analysis. And thanks to the renovation, the Little Art now offers “National Theatre Live” events, bringing the famous London theatre’s rebroadcasts, as well as the Bolshoi Ballet, to its screen. Also popular are the monthly “Retro Matinees” with classics like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Additionally, the Little Art hosts community events, including an Oscar party and New Year’s Eve celebration, and collaborates with other local nonprofits, such as Tecumseh Land Trust, Green Environmental Coalition and WYSO, as well as others from the greater Miami Valley, such as the Dayton International Film Festival. The theater is available for people to rent for their own special events as well. For more information or to become a Friend of the Little Art, email littleart.ys@att.net, call 7677671 or visit www.littleart.com.

Shakespeare Reading Group C O N TA C T:

767-7671 E M A I L : littleart.ys@att.net W E B : www.littleart.com C O N TA C T:

The Little Art Theatre has provided �lm entertainment and enlightenment — and so much more — to Yellow Springs and the surrounding Miami Valley for over 80 years. A donor supported 501(c)(3) nonpro�t facil-

Deborah McGee, 823-8073

Every Sunday, a number of villagers gather to revel in the English language at its richest, as written by The Bard. They sit at a table in a circle, and each person reads the next character’s lines — at one round you might be Othello, and at the next, Iago. Occasionally they stop to discuss or debate. Meetings last one-and-a-half hours, but once in a while,



259 Xenia Ave. www.sunrisecafe. n e t 767-7211

HOURS: M., W., Th. & F. 7:30 a.m.–2 p.m. & 5 p.m.–9 p.m.


Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m.–2 p.m. & 5 p.m.–9 p.m. Closed Tuesdays


the magic of a play holds the group for two hours. Several members have attended for many years, but they often have people dropping in just for the day. Sometimes they read well-known plays like “Hamlet,” or they pick a less familiar play, like “Pericles.” Meetings are at Friends Care Community in the Assisted Living meeting room. New and former members are always welcome. For more information, contact Deborah McGee, or see the Community Calendar on page two of the YS News.

Weavers’ Guild Diana Nelson, P.O. Box 825, 767-9487 W E B : www.wgmv.org C O N TA C T:

The Weavers’ Guild of the Miami Valley, organized in 1949 to promote interest in handweaving and spinning, moved to Yellow Springs from Dayton in 1998. The guild is a nonprofit educational organization that promotes handweaving, hand-spinning and the textile arts. The guild offers education programs in �ber techniques and processes and encourages artistic awareness through topical lectures, discussions, exhibits, workshops and demonstrations.

World House Choir Catherine Roma, 513-560-9082 caroma129@gmail.com www.facebook.com/worldhousechoir



The World House Choir is a diverse, multi-

cultural, mixed-voice choir, whose repertoire is drawn from different traditions, including world music, spirituals, gospel, folk and peace and justice. The choir’s mission is to perform music that motivates and inspires communities toward justice, diversity and equality in the pursuit of peace. New members are welcome. For more information about rehearsal times, locations and performances, contact choir director Catherine Roma at 513-5609082, or caroma129@gmail.com

Yellow Rockers C O N TA C T:


Ralph and Melanie Acton, 767-

Yellow Springs Yellow Rockers is a Western square dance club that dances at the plus level. Club dances are held on the second Sunday of each month, 7:30–10 p.m., in the Bryan Community Center. Square dancers who have completed the plus-level dance lessons — both singles and couples — are welcome.

Yellow Springs Arts Council Street address: 111 Corry St.; mailing address: P.O. Box 459; 937-6799722 E M A I L : ysartscouncil@gmail.com W E B : www.ysartscouncil.org C O N TA C T:

The Yellow Springs Arts Council suppor ts local ar ts infrastr ucture through program opportunities, publicity, education,



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advocacy and coordinated par tnerships across the community. Each year, the YSAC supports over 200 local creative workers. The organization began in the 1950s as the Yellow Springs Arts Association. In 1972, it incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonpro�t and adopted the full name, Yellow Springs Arts Council. In 2008, the YSAC expanded its mission to encompass all arts disciplines and launched the YSAC Community Galler y and Multi-Arts Center. YSAC increased its arts advocacy role in 2012, which led to the Yellow Springs Village Council’s adoption of a Public Arts Policy in January of 2013. Regional publicity for YSAC-suppor ted events, in partnership with the YS Chamber of Commerce, brings thousands of visitors to Yellow Springs annually for arts-related events. The Arts Council provides many opportunities for local artists to share and develop their work. Monthly exhibits in the gallery provide a diverse range of visual artists with a space to show and sell their work. Once a month, Arts Alive! showcases musicians, comedians, dancers, storytellers, poets and more in live performances in the Multi-Arts Center or on the outdoor stage. In September, the focus shifts to arts collectors with the Art House Hop. Art classes are offered periodically for children and adults in the MultiArts Space, which is available to the community as a class, meeting and performance space. YSAC also participates in public art projects, such as the Mills Park Hotel Fence Art Gallery Project and the National Bronze

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Sculpture Trail. YSAC is a member organization that relies on membership dues and donations and the dedication of a marvelous group of volunteers. The organization is also supported through grant writing and fundraising projects. Artists, appreciators and supporters of all arts disciplines are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the organization.

Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra

Yellow Springs Strings

James Johnston, delphi@ameritech.net



The Chamber Orchestra welcomes all intermediate and advanced string players and selected woodwind and brass players in consultation with the music director. Ability to read music is necessary. The ensemble gives two to three concerts a year, frequently with chorus, and performs standard repertoire from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the First Presbyterian Church.

Yellow Springs Contra Dance C O N TA C T:


Shirley Mullins, 767-3361

Yellow Springs Strings is a string orchestra for adults that meets Tuesdays, 7–8:30 p.m., at the Yellow Springs Senior Center’s great room. Players of modest-to-advanced levels of pro�ciency are welcome. There are no fees for participation. The ensemble is conducted by Shirley Mullins. Children and young adults join with the ensemble for special occasions, such as the Celebration Concert. Membership is �uid; college students home for vacation, children of orchestra members, etc. are welcome. The Yellow Springs Strings is assisted by the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association.

Ben Hemmendinger, 646-373-

contra@benhem.com yscontra.wordpress.com


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Xenia Avenue, and a suggested $5 donation helps pay for the venue. Check the website for the most current details. Absolutely all ages and experience levels (including zero) are welcome. Bring others or come alone. Most dances are open-band and open-calling; musicians and callers of all experience levels are welcome to join the band or call a dance. This is a great place to practice your skills.

Come dance! Contra dance is a blend of old and new cultural in�uences ranging from northern Europe to Africa. The heart of the dance is social interaction, meeting people and making new friends, set to music. The rest is just details. There aren’t many moves, and every dance begins with a walkthrough. Contra dance has a gentle learning curve, but holds great potential for creativity and experimentation for more experienced dancers. It’s energetic, the live music is exciting, and it is a generally joyous experience! Dances are held once per month, at the

YS NEWS CLASSIFIEDS WORK ALL WEEK. Find them online and in print.


Yellow Springs Theater Company EMAIL:


www.facebook.com/ystcohio; www.ystheater.org


With a belief that theater can enrich the soul, challenge the mind and expand the heart of the diverse community in which it serves, the Yellow Springs Theater Company is committed to producing new and classic works of theater that fearlessly examine and illuminate the human condition: past, present and future. Starting its third season, YSTC is comprised of local artists, actors, directors and musicians. Through performances of new and classic plays as well as the Yellow Springs 10-Minute Play festival, YSTC aims to present high quality and affordable theatrical performances for local audiences that both entertain and resonate. View the current season and support the company’s mission by making a donation at www.ystheater.org.

����������������� Good service, good food and a good environment. �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� 309 � � � � � � � � � � � � (937) � �� �� � � � � � � � � � � 532-3084 � � �� Xenia� Ave. �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � Dine � in� the�zen� � �� Bring� your � � �� Fresh � and � organic � �� or indoor �� garden � gallery � � � � favorite � � wine � � � � asgetwe � it!can� � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � F & Sa: 11 a.m.–9 p.m.; Su: 12–9 p.m.; M, W & Th 11–5 p.m. ����������������� ($5 corking fee)





mo ved to Yel low hus ban d, Ste ve Dea l, Nan cy Mel lon and her lag e in the boo k aft er fin din g the vil Spr ing s 13 yea rs ag o ive in the art ist Tow ns in Am eri ca. ” Act “Th e 100 Bes t Sm all Art nat or for ren tly ga lle ry coo rdi com mu nit y, she ’s cur s Cou nci l. the Yel low Spr ing s Art

The arts brought me here


Thirteen years ago my husband and I and my two sons moved from Redondo Beach, Calif., to Yellow Springs. At the �me my mother-in-law was struggling with Alzheimer’s and my father-in-law had been her caregiver for many years. It was �me. We needed to live much closer. They lived in Toledo. My husband suggested we look for a small art town near where they lived. I was a mixedmedia ar�st, an actress, a writer and a home schooling mom. My husband was a Renaissance man who went the gamut from being a space systems engineer, to a writer, to a comedian, to a musician. On the Internet, I found a book called “The 100 Best Small Art Towns in America.” They all sounded great, I wanted to visit them all. But we finally se�led on checking out seven towns within a fourhour radius of my in-laws. The summer we were supposed to move, we took a car trip to all seven and darn if we didn’t like them all. Well, except my 12-year-old son, who didn’t want to move and silently cried as we walked down Xenia Avenue. Yellow Springs was the first town we visited. He said “Don’t mind me mom, I’ll be OK.” And he was, as soon as he dis-

covered Dark Star Books and Comics. When we got home, I started going through the stack of papers, brochures and town guides that I had picked up from everywhere. As soon as I finished reading the Yellow Springs Guide, I thrust it up in the air and triumphantly called out, “This is where we are going to move!” It was a �ny village crammed full of interes�ng people who cared enough to get involved in an amazing amount of different things. It sounded like California with four seasons and best of all was walkable. I have always loved trees. While I was s�ll living in California, I was writing in my journal, “Please let us move somewhere that is green.” I think it is God’s sense of humor that we moved to Yellow Springs in Greene County. The first day we drove in, I started to cry because it was autumn in Yellow Springs and the maple trees on Dayton Street had turned orange and gold and peach and there was a line of dark li�le trees with bright red berries surrounded by green, green grass, lining Walnut Street. It was so glorious it hurt. My husband and I both love history. When we were looking for a home in Yellow Springs, there weren’t many

THE GUIDE to YELLOW SPRINGS 2016�17 available. But one of them was the Wheeling Gaunt home. We were fascinated. I had wri�en a one-woman show on women in the Civil War a couple of years back, and was s�ll very pulled to that period. We looked Wheeling Gaunt up on the Internet. Gaunt bought himself out of slavery while in Kentucky. He then worked as a teamster and was able to buy his wife, Amanda’s, freedom too. They moved to Yellow Springs and ended up owning a lot of property and building the wonderful brick house that we live in. I love to think of Amanda’s joy living in this home built for her. We ended up partnering with the YS Historical Society to open up a mini historical museum in the parlor for the first four years we lived in Yellow Springs. We moved in three days before Halloween, my sons’ favorite holiday. We had already been in contact with a couple of home schooling moms from Yellow Springs before we moved, so on Halloween, my sons were asked to join a group of homeschoolers to trick or treat. We were welcomed into the home schooling community of Yellow Springs before we even got here. From the moment we moved here, I kept bumping into other ar�sts. The first week I was here, I joined the Arts Council, and a couple of months later, Vil-


lage Artisans. Yellow Springs is a great place to blossom as an artist. There is an amazing abundance of artists here, performing artists, including musicians, dancers, actors, videographers; writers and poets; street artists, and visual artists of all kinds. They are friendly and generous with their creativity, knowledge and time. Why do I want to stay here? It’s the roots that grow so easily here; for me it was from a Women’s Circle and Journal Wri�ng groups, Arts Council, the Jafagirls, Village Ar�sans, my son gradua�ng from An�och and daily walks to Tom’s or with my dog and and seeing neighbors and friends all along the way. Like the redwoods that grow so amazingly tall but need the intertwined roots of other redwoods to hold them up, Yellow Springs is a network of roots beneath this small bit of earth. And it’s the surprises around each corner: the joyful live music everywhere, yarn-bombed trees, hand carved wooden sculptures in a yard, a barn that is covered in old tools that are arranged to make happy faces peek out at you, a mural on a garage door, a doorstop of a blue ceramic sky and musicians laughing and jamming together with people of all ages dancing in the glow of the Emporium’s golden light and right in front, two li�le bi�y girls gyra�ng like mad. I love it here because it feels alive. We are surrounded by beau�ful nature and warm, caring people. Something crea�ve is always happening in Yellow Springs.

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Robert and Olga Harris are the proud parents of three adult children who have each excelled in their chosen professions. Angela, the oldest, was the first African-American woman awarded tenure at the University of California/Berkeley Boalt Law School, and now teaches law at UC Davis. Anne, who lives in Chicago, is a professional violinist and songwriter who tours Europe and the United States with the O�s Taylor Band and also fronts her own group, the Anne Harris Band. And Michael, the baby of the family, is a Wall Street financier who works as the managing director of investment management at Morgan Stanley.

All this achievement came from talent and hard work, of course. But the Harrises believe that growing up in Yellow Springs also played a part in their children’s success. “I think Yellow Springs had a lot to do with it,” Bob Harris said in a recent interview. In the late 1960s when they moved to town, racial segrega�on and prejudice was a reality in most ci�es and towns, such as the Dayton neighborhood where the family lived previously. But in Yellow Springs, the Harrises found a place where their children were free to be who they wanted to be without the burden of racial prejudice, according to both parents.


Ironically, it wasn’t un�l they went away to college that the Harris children were affected by segrega�on and prejudice, but by then, they each had a strong sense of self. “They could just walk through

else. They were shown a house to rent on Lisa Lane, which was then on the eastern edge of town. “The girls loved it,” Olga said. “They acted like they felt right at home.” So the family moved to Yellow

the boundaries around them and s�ll be themselves,” Olga said. They believe their children also benefited from the focus of many villagers on doing meaningful work rather than just accumula�ng symbols of success. “People here are thinkers who want more out of life than just a big house or big car,” Bob said. It’s been almost 50 years since the Harris family moved to town, a move sparked by Angela turning 5. The family knew she was gi�ed — she started reading at age 3 — and didn’t want to send her to Dayton public schools, especially the segregated schools in the West Dayton neighborhood where they lived. Colleagues at Bob’s job at Wright-Pa�erson Air Force Base, where he worked as an engineer, suggested that Huber Heights, Wilberforce or Yellow Springs might offer be�er schools. But a�er visi�ng Yellow Springs, they didn’t bother going anywhere

Springs, and Olga was amazed by the neighbhood’s friendliness — every single neighbor showed up with a gi� of food or a gree�ng, she said. A year later, a�er new homes had been built on Miami Drive one street further east, Bob surprised himself by going to a sheriff’s auc�on and bidding on a house, the same house where they ended up raising their children and s�ll live. (He paid $24,500 for it.) “I’d never been to an auc�on before and I bought a house,” he said, shaking his head in wonderment. All didn’t go easily, however, as the Miami Deposit Bank, the local bank at the �me, wouldn’t give the family a loan, although Bob held a professional job at the base. But they did get a loan from a Springfield mortgage company, and the purchase went through. Decades of child-rearing followed, and the years were good ones. While Olga wishes the schools had had a gi�ed pro-

Village was a great place to raise children

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ing professional blacks, Bob said. But that black middle class “is not what is used to be,” Bob said, and he acknowledged that if he were young now and looking for a place to start out, he might choose a city over Yellow Springs with its current demographics. But the Harrises have no regrets about the choice they did make in the late 1960s, when Yellow Springs was the perfect place for a young professional African-American couple to raise their children. “If I had it to do over again, I’d do the same thing,” Bob said.

��������������� Massage Therapy

Ruth A. Schroeder, LMT licensed by Ohio Medical Board with advanced training in deep tissue and clinical massage �������������������������� �������������������������



al mo st 50 d (f or $2 4, 50 0) th ey pu rc ha se me ho ive Dr i os e sa me Mi am re e ch ild re n, wh rr is liv e in th e ra is e th eir th to e ac pl t Bo b an d Ol ga Ha en ll eir ho me . Sp rin gs an ex ce di sp la ye d in th ey fo un d Ye ll ow , ar e pr ou dl y en dr ye ar s ag o. Th hil dc an gr th eir th re e wi th th os e of ph ot os , al on g

gram for her daughter, Angela remained challenged by skipping two grades and entering college at age 16. Angela also loved music, and she and Anne both studied the violin with Shirley Mullins. Anne and Michael played soccer. “There was so much for them to do,” Olga said. She also appreciated the diverse ethnici�es of her children’s friends. A typical sleepover might involve children from Asian, African-American and Caucasian backgrounds, and the children seemed en�rely comfortable with those different from themselves. “They could mingle with anyone,” she said. The family’s bucolic life in the village was especially notable in contrast to the far more difficult lives of their parents, especially Bob’s parents. While Olga’s family came to this country from Barbados, Bob’s parents, the children of North Carolina sharecroppers, had stopped going to school a�er fi�h grade because children were needed to work in the fields. His grandfather brought the family to Philadelphia in search of opportunity. “I guess you could say they were illiterate,” Bob said of his parents, but they valued educa�on highly because they’d been denied it. Olga’s family, while more educated, also came to Philadelphia in search of opportunity. While both families made be�er lives than they had le�, they also experienced the reality of racism in this country. While blacks from Barbados didn’t mingle much with blacks from the South, they all looked the same to some white Americans, according to Olga.

“It didn’t ma�er if you were from the South or from the West Indies, you were s�ll discriminated against,” she said. Bob and Olga met in Philadelphia when Bob was visi�ng, and the two fell in love. They married and Olga moved to Ohio to be with him. She stayed home with the children and waited un�l Michael was in high school before working full�me, then worked many years in the Greene County library system, including the local library. She and Bob both re�red a li�le more than 20 years ago. Since then, Olga has pursued her love of pain�ng, along with kni�ng and crochet. She also volunteers, and helped to launch the annual Christmas Tree project at the library, in which villagers donate gi�s for those in need. Bob is clearly proud of his wife, but she shies away from the spotlight. “I like to fly under the radar,” she said. Since re�rement, Bob has stayed busy organizing the African-American Genealogical Society of Miami Valley, and also started a chess club, with the late Ken Champney. Along with being a good place to raise children, the village is a good place to grow older, Bob and Olga believe. While they feel the loss of good friends who have died, they also feel the nurturing of other friends, who look out for each other now that they’re older. Looking back over the last 50 years, Bob and Olga see changes in the village. When they arrived, there was a thriving black middle class in Yellow Springs, which set it apart from other small towns. Many of those professionals worked at Wright-Pa�erson Air Force Base, because the private sector s�ll wasn’t hir-



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Aft er a nine -ye ar eff ort , Gle n Hel en wa s off icia lly pre ser ved as a gre en spa ce for eve r in Aug ust 201 5. A col lab ora tio n of fed era l, sta te and loc al ag enc ies ass ist ed in the pro ces s of rai sin g fun ds to pur cha se con ser vat ion eas eme nts . Sho wn abo ve are Kri sta Ma ga w, exe cut ive dir ect or of Tec um seh Lan d Tru st, and Gle n Dir ect or Nic k Bou tis .

Glen Helen 405 Corry St., 769-1904 tclevenger@glenhelen.org www. glenhelen.org


Glen Helen is the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who donated a wooded glen to Antioch College in memory of his daughter, Helen Birch Bartlett. With this gift, Antioch accepted the responsibility of preserving the land into perpetuity. Today, the privately funded Glen Helen Ecology Institute manages the land and coordinates educational programs for the surrounding community. Along with private donations, the individual members of the Glen Helen Association strive to keep Glen Helen available as a resource for the community. The scenic 1,000-acre preserve is rich in natural formations and �xtures, accessible from a 20-mile trail system. Even on a short walk, visitors can witness spectacular blooming wildflowers, majestic 400-year-old trees, imposing limestone cliff overhangs, beautiful waterfalls and the amazing yellow spring for which the town is named. These trails are open year-round during daylight hours. Glen Helen’s quarterly program calendar

— including guided hikes, invasive species removal, after-school programs, public lectures and public workshops — can be accessed at www.glenhelen.org. The Ecology Institute depends on the support of individuals through the Glen Helen Association to maintain the preserve and its exciting and varied programs to the general public. The Glen Helen Association is a membership-based organization founded in 1960 to support Antioch College and its efforts to protect the Glen. Association members are essential to the continued functions of Glen Helen, as the nature preserve is a privately funded organization that does not receive funding from Greene County or the state of Ohio. Glen Helen Association members are entitled to complimentary parking at the preserve’s Corry Street entrance, discounts at the Glen Helen Nature Shop, discounted admission to many of the events in the preserve. Individual membership in the Association begins at $40. To support the Glen, visit www.glenhelen.org or send donations to: Glen Helen Association, 405 Corry St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Glen Helen programs and activities include the following: Outdoor Education Center — For over 50 years, the center has shaped the lives of

the �fth- and sixth-graders who visit it. The Outdoor Education Center is also the site of Glen Helen’s EcoCamps — summer day and overnight camps in which children and teenagers are immersed in nature. It is located at 1075 SR 343. Grounds are closed to the public when school is in session; call 767-7648. Raptor Center — This nationally recognized facility rehabilitates injured hawks, owls and other birds of prey, providing birds a second chance at life in the wild. Resident birds, used for educational programs, can be viewed on site. Open during daylight hours; limited parking for bird viewing is available at 1075 SR 343; call 767-7648. Trailside Museum — Serving as the preser ve’s Welcome Center, the Trailside Museum is the hub for regularly scheduled programs and hikes at Glen Helen. Stop in for a map, gear or information before venturing out onto the trails. Open weekends 10 a.m.–5 p.m., 505 Corry St.; call 767-7798. Nature Shop — Operated by the Glen Helen Association, the Nature Shop features a wide variety of �eld guides and other nature books, crafts, T-shirts, bird feeders and greeting cards. Hours: Monday–Friday from 9:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m., Saturday–Sunday from 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. Vernet Ecological Center, 405 Corry St.; call 769-1902. Extension Programs — Glen Helen

can bring a host of programs to your site, and our naturalists also offer guided hikes for private groups; call 767-7648. Rent the Glen — The Vernet Ecological Center, Birch Manor, the Outdoor Education Center complex and select outdoor settings within Glen Helen are available for rental for special events like weddings, retreats, conferences, meetings and memorials. Call 769-1902, ext. 3. Volunteering — Glen Helen has ongoing volunteer opportunities for habitat stewards, Nature Shop clerks, hike leaders, museum docents and more. Call 769-1902, ext. 5 for more information.

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It might be the oldest tug of all, at least in America: the tug to live differently, to “live deliberately,” as Thoreau wrote in the opening of “Walden.” Mandy Knaul and Theresa Nolan felt it, too. Un�l mid-2012, the couple lived in New York City, and loved it there, but also felt drawn to other ways of living. They didn’t head to the woods (though they considered moving to Vermont), but rather to small-town life in Yellow Springs, a place Knaul knew and loved from her years at An�och College in the late 1990s. “Like any decision, this one had so many sides to it,” Knaul reflected. Nolan


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agreed. A desire to grow more of their own food; a longing to keep bees; the wish to be nearer to aging parents and other family members; a certain weariness of the accumulated “weight” of New York City life — all these were factors, Nolan said, in their growing resolve to put down roots in soil, not concrete. “Our dog never got to see grass; our cat hadn’t been outside for eight years,” Nolan said. “It was �me.” Reflec�ng on their decision now, from the couch of their Yellow Springs home with their dog, Laveau, between them, the couple said moving out of New York to a small Ohio town — even to this par�cular small Ohio town, “this bubble,” as Knaul said more than once, rounding her hands to demonstrate — was fraught with trade-offs. The gravest nega�ve was deeply, woundingly personal. In New York, Nolan and Knaul were married; in Ohio, their marriage would not be recognized, un�l last year’s Supreme Court ruling. The couple asked themselves if they could “deal with the psychic injury of that” to make their lives here, Knaul recalled. “We decided we have as much right as anyone to be here, and we have to have the courage to design our lives,” she said. S�ll, Nolan said she carried their New York marriage cer�ficate wherever they traveled, and “felt nervous about all sorts of things,” including whether their marital rela�onship would be honored if

WHY YS? one of them got ill or injured. But Knaul, describing herself as a “butch-presenting person,” said she’s been “treated well” in Ohio. And in Yellow Springs, the couple felt, and feels, at home. “Yellow Springs created a sense of safety and welcome,” Nolan said. As the couple was ge�ng serious about leaving New York for points s�ll unknown, Knaul was meanwhile following An�och’s revival. “I’m not a magical

YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS “All around us folks were leaving corporate America jobs” to get back, in some way, to the land, Nolan said. “I thought we could be the very poor version of that.” Besides, she said, as “a wannabe farmer and a nonprofit worker,” the couple had no possibility of ever owning their own home in New York. S�ll, Nolan was skep�cal of her wife’s extravagant claims about Yellow Springs. “I said, ‘Mandy, there’s a reason I live

A wish to live deliberately

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thinker, but I really felt like something was happening with An�och,” said Knaul, a 2000 graduate. She was astounded to learn about the An�och Farm, a development that dovetailed with a shi� in her own interests. She had le� a doctoral program in philosophy at the New School to train in hor�culture at two major New York botanical gardens, then worked for a �me as a gardener for the Hudson River Park Trust. Her love of hor�culture blossomed into a passion for farming. When she learned that Doug Christen, whose wife, Kat, manages the An�och Farm, was seeking interns at Smaller Footprint Farm, a small CSA just outside the village, she buzzed with excitement. She talked to Nolan about the opportunity, then talked to Christen. “I felt an instant connec�on with Doug,” said Knaul. “He’s an amazing person.” She got the internship. “I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m doing another co-op,’” Knaul laughed. But as a self-iden�fied “mul�poten�alite” — a term the couple recently picked up from a TED Talk meaning, roughly, a Renaissance person — Knaul was only too happy to dig into another new pursuit. During the summer of 2012, while Knaul was working “five days a week from dawn to dusk some�mes” in the Ohio dirt and living with former villagers Hardy and Jeanne Ballan�ne, Nolan remained in New York City. She had a job of significant responsibility and visibility within the nonprofit world there, direc�ng an agency division serving homeless LGBTQ youth through naturebased programs. She loved her work. But her personal environmental commitments and, she said, “a serious, serious crush on being a beekeeper” were inclining her to more rural living.

in New York. I know small towns in this country,’” she recalled. Nolan has northern Ohio roots, and grew up in towns in Texas and Michigan. A�er moving to New York City at 25, she felt deeply at home. Knaul, who grew up in Columbus, said she, too, considers New York her “city home” — but “An�och College is my heart.” And she knew the college’s small town was unique. Nolan visited Yellow Springs for the

“Right away, I could feel the energy. I thought, ‘What is this town?’ ” first �me toward the end of Knaul’s internship summer. Closing her eyes she could almost — but not quite — imagine herself back in Brooklyn. “The village does feel a li�le bit like a city neighborhood,” she conceded. More importantly, she added, “Right away, I could feel the energy. I thought, ‘What is this town?’” When Christen invited Knaul to stay on beyond her internship to work yearround at Smaller Footprint, the offer sealed the couple’s decision to relocate. Knaul found a house to rent, and Nolan moved to Yellow Springs, dreaming of beekeeping and — a�er 13 years in cramped New York apartments — the luxury of closet space. As it turned out, the house lacked closets, and beekeeping was s�ll three years down the road. But Nolan took to the village immediately. “I loved the people, the sense of community and camaraderie,” she said.



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frame of reference has changed. (“We’ll get lost on the subway, or step off the curb at the wrong �me,” she joked.) Yellow Springs is no utopia, they realize. Nolan sees a need for more diversity on Village Council; Knaul has been ac�ve in Black Lives Matter and Zero Waste Yellow Springs. But they love the village, and the people in it, and the ques�on is no longer why they came, but why they stay. “There’s something about the spirit of it, the wide open spaces. We thought that if the geography has these wide open spaces, could that geography also widen our horizons?” Knaul reflected. “It has.”

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Money was �ght for a �me. “We had to be pa�ent with our finances,” Nolan said. She consulted with her former agency for a few months, then began looking for a posi�on closer to her new home. Wan�ng to stay in her field, she took an entry-level caseworker job at Homefull, a Dayton agency serving the needs of the city’s homeless. She’s since moved up in the agency, and currently serves as the chief performance officer. “This is the work I’ve done my whole career, and I love it,” she said. Homefull recently launched a microfarm in downtown Dayton, and Knaul is consul�ng with the agency “to bring its urban farming model to the next level,” said Nolan. Knaul also con�nues to work at Smaller Footprint, including “the bizarrely wonderful job” of caring for the farm’s Kiko goats. During her first winter in the village, she and Nolan laid plans for a flower business, which they launched in the summer of 2013, selling under the name Zen Blossoms at the Farmers Market. With Christen’s blessing and encouragement, Knaul trades her labor on the farm for land to grow her flowers — zinnias, Amaranth and deep red- and brown-hued sunflowers, among others. A true mul�poten�alite, Knaul is involved in a stunning array of local projects. She has a garden design business; she walks dogs; she reads manuscripts for the An�och Review; she’s recently begun collec�ng food scraps twice weekly from Mills Lawn for her own and the farm’s compost; she has several wri�ng projects; she paints and draws, and is working on a large mural that will go up over Pangaea, Dark Star and Current Cuisine on Xenia Avenue. “Mandy’s got lots of ‘noodles,’”

Nolan laughed, using their private term for Knaul’s profusion of ideas. “I wait un�l they’re fully cooked to eat dinner,” she added. If Nolan herself has fewer “noodles,” they tend to s�ck, she said. “Last year, I finally got to become a beekeeper.” She bought used beekeeping equipment and set up two hives at Smaller Footprint. “Now that we’re a few years into Yellow Springs, we’re moving closer to the reasons we came,” Noland said. “I feel like we’re influencing our little part of the world. We’re beekeeping, we’re growing our own food. We’ve found our ‘sweet spot’ here.” They do miss New York’s mul�culturalism, its ethnic neighborhoods, its food. They haven’t been back, and are a li�le afraid to, Nolan said — afraid both that a visit will touch off a yearning for the city, and conversely, reveal that their

Appreciating our community… Bob Barcus, Ph.D. Aïda Merhemic, M.S.

Yellow Springs Psychological Center


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LOCAL GOVERNMENT Miami Township Miami Township of�ces, 225 Corry St., 767-2460 E M A I L : trustees@miamitownship.net W E B : www.miamitownship.net C O N TA C T:

Miami Township, which includes Yellow Springs and Clifton, is governed by a three member Board of Trustees — currently Mark Crockett, Chris Mucher and Lamar Spracklen — and a Township Fiscal Of�cer, Margaret Silliman. The Township is zoned, and the trustees oversee and appoint the �ve members of the Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Township zoning code and map are available online.

The trustees also see to the maintenance of 14.35 miles of Township roads, all of which are hard surfaced, and the operation of three cemeteries: the Township cemetery in Clifton, the Glen Forest Cemetery and the private Grinnell Cemetery. The Township also owns the historic Grinnell Mill, which is open to the public on Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. For information regarding the Grinnell Mill Bed and Breakfast, call 767-0131. The Board of Trustees meets the �rst and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m., at the Township of�ces, located at 225 Corry St. in Yellow Springs. Township residents are invited to attend the meetings, which traditionally have an “open agenda” format. Meeting minutes may be viewed by visiting miamitownship.net.

Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs John Gudgel, 605-8754 MAccount@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us www.yso.org


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The Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs provides peaceful and productive methods of addressing con�ict in the Yellow Springs and Miami Township community. Skilled volunteer mediators provide free mediation sessions to assist community members with their disputes. Free facilitation and consultation services are available for nonpro�t, community service and education organizations. VMP offers a variety of workshops and training opportunities

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for local residents and organizations. New mediators are always welcomed.

Village of Yellow Springs Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St., 767-3402 W E B : www.yso.com C O N TA C T:

An engaged, active citizenry and a responsive government are a tradition in Yellow Springs. The Village of Yellow Springs is a political subdivision of the state of Ohio, governed by a home-rule charter adopted in 1950. The Village operates under the Council-Manager form of government, operating several departments including police, streets maintenance, parks, water treatment and distribution, sewer and storm water collection, water reclamation, refuse/recycling, and electrical service. Fire and EMS service are provided by Miami Township. The Village of�ces are located in the Bryan Center, at 100 Dayton St. The Village Council is a nonpartisan, �ve-member governing elected body. The Council serves as the policy-making body of the Village, with the Village Manager assisting Council with policy decisions through insightful analysis on policy alternatives, implementing policy decision and carrying out other duties as described in the Charter. Three of the �ve Council members are elected every two years, in the November general election in odd-numbered years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four-year terms, and the candidate with the third-highest total receives a twoyear term. Village Council is presided over by the Council President, who is a Council member elected by Council members with each newly elected Council. The Village Council meets on the �rst and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m., in the Bryan Center. Council provides time at each meeting for public input, on both matters being discussed before Council and on matters not on the agenda, but of interest to the community. Meetings are televised live via cable TV on Channel 5. The Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Bryan Center. The Planning Commission is presided over by an elected chair and consists of �ve members who are appointed by Village Council, including one Council representative. The commission provides time at each meeting for public input on matters being discussed before the commission. These meetings are also televised on

Channel 5. The Board of Zoning Appeals, or BZA, meets as needed to hear variance and other zoning matters. BZA is presided over by an elected chair and consists of �ve members, appointed by Council. BZA meetings are open to the public and are televised on Channel 5. Council also has established citizen advisor y committees and commissions who advise Council on policy matters. Membership is appointed by Council, but meetings remain open to the public for input and comment. These are the Library Commission, Human Relations Commission, Environmental Commission, Energy Board, Public Art Commission and Community Access Panel. The Village works with other local groups on speci�c projects. Village partners have included the Chamber of Commerce, Community Resources, Home, Inc., Tecumseh Land Trust, Bicycle Enhancement and Safe Routes to School Committee, the Senior Center, Yellow Springs Arts Council, the Tree Committee and several others. The Village operates a mediation program to help resolve disputes and foster peace in the community. The Bryan Center is a multi-use facility that provides space for Village government of�ces, Mayor’s Court, conference and meeting rooms, a youth center and a number of recreational and educational areas. The center is accessible to all citizens per the use policy. Facilities for tennis and basketball, as well as a pottery shop, toddler playground and the skate park are located at the rear of the Bryan Center property. Recreational activities in the village include numerous parks and the Bryan Center. Gaunt Park, located on West South College Street, is the Village’s largest park and is home to the public swimming pool. The Village’s swim team, the Seadogs, competes regionally. The two softball diamonds at Gaunt Park are used by men’s and women’s leagues and the Perry League, the local T-ball program. The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program also plays at Gaunt Park every summer. Ellis Park on the north end of town is a passive recreation park, and patrons enjoy strolling through the Lloyd Kennedy Arboretum and/or using the �shing pond. Ohio’s longest bike trail, the Little Miami Bike Trail, is adjacent to the Bryan Center parking lot. Residents and visitors use the trail for bicycling, walking, running, skating, horseback riding and other nonmotorized recreation. The Village manages its section of trail in conjunction with the Greene County Parks & Trails depart-

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LOCAL GOVERNMENT Council Boards, Commissions and Task Forces The following is a list of volunteer Village Council boards, commissions and task forces that allow villagers to serve the community in speci�c areas. Not all groups meet regularly or are always active, and some are called into action on an as-needed basis. Check the Yellow Springs News for monthly updates to meetings, times and availability of positions. Arts and Culture Commission Council Chambers, Bryan Center Beaver Managment Task Force Meets second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Board of Zoning Appeals Scheduled as needed by planning asst. Board of Tax Appeals Scheduled as needed by administration member Community Access Panel

Meets second Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center Economic Sustainability Commission Meets �rst Wednesday, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center Energy Board Meets second Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center Environmental Commission Meets third Thursday, 5:45 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center Human Relations Commission Meets �rst Thursday, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center Justice System Task Force Meets second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center Planning Commission Meets second and fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Center



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For her 60th birthday, Joan Champie jumped out of a plane. “I grinned all the way down,” she said of her first tandem parachute jump. Soon after, Champie got her pilot’s license and for the next 15 years, she flew a small plane in the skies above Austin, Texas, where she lived at the time. So Champie, 83, is no stranger to taking risks. And in 2014, she added one more risk to her already impressive list. At age 81, she moved across country to settle in a small Midwestern town where she knew exactly one person. That town was Yellow Springs. Two and a half years later, she has no regrets. “I feel like I have a new life,” she said in a recent interview. It was during her first visit to Yellow Springs, in the fall of 2013, that Champie decided to move here. She was visiting her longtime friend and fellow musician Mary White, and as the two women were poking around at the local farmers market, Champie suddenly felt sure that this was where she wanted to live. “I liked the faces of the people I saw here,” Champie said. “They looked interesting and open, as if they’d be happy to talk.” Yellow Springs felt like home to Champie, and the feeling was a new one. Although she’d lived in Austin for 30 years, having moved there to take a job, she’d long felt like a fish out of water. Texas cul-

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ture didn’t jibe with her liberalness and impulse toward authenticity. For instance, she was an older woman who wore jeans and let her hair turn white. But in Texas, hardly anyone else did. “In Texas, you don’t become whitehaired,” she said. “You become blonde.” Also in Texas, as an older woman, she often felt invisible to others. But she doesn’t feel invisible in Yellow Springs. “In this village there’s a wonderful community of older women who are thinking and feeling,” she said, counting her Park Meadows neighbors Julia Cady, Dimi Reber and Fran LaSalle as among that group. “These women are participating in the world, helping, volunteering, caring for others.” In Yellow Springs, Champie has found that seniors “are a vital part of the community.” Perhaps not surprisingly, Champie leads an ac�ve life in the village. She teaches sign language at the Senior Center and plays the recorder with a friend, a�er having to give up the accordian due to back problems. She’s a docent at the Air and Space Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base just to be around planes, and also volunteers at Glen Helen. She walks several miles every day and spends �me with new friends.

“The faces of the people I saw here ... looked interesting and open.” Asked if moving to Yellow Springs has met her expectations, Champie replied, “No, it’s exceeded my expectations.” Champie has herself been exceeding expecta�ons for some �me. As a young woman in the late 1950s, she was hired as an oboist in the Bal�more Symphony, the first woman ever in that group’s wind sec�on. However, a�er marriage and starting a family, Champie found that the life of a professional musician didn’t square with the demands of motherhood. So she stayed home with the kids but later, at age 38, pursued a college degree and then a master’s in speech pathology in Washington, D.C.

After her marriage broke up, Champie decamped with her two children for El Paso, Texas, leaving behind the trees and seasons of the East that she loved. “It was a shock,” she said of El Paso, citing a “lack of vegetation” and not much cultural life. A better job took Champie to Austin, where she worked as an administrator in a state school for deaf children. She drove hours to keep up her music,

At 83, she’s no longer invisible playing the oboe with a group in Dallas. She was also raising her children. Was it a challenge to be a single mother at a time when few women were divorced? “I didn’t know any other way,” she said with a shrug. After retirement, Champie decided to not only learn to fly but also to play the accordion. She enjoyed the Italian love songs and French café music she mastered, entertaining residents at nursing homes and hospice centers. She also kept busy volunteering at an AIDS center and the library. But the Texas culture never did grow on her. “The heat, the guns,” she said. And there was a lack of neighborliness. “If you said hello to someone on the street, there was no answer.” So in Yellow Springs, Champie is loving the trees, the seasons and the friendliness of the community. And even though she’s spent a lifetime taking risks, that doesn’t mean she’s fearless. The parachute jump two decades ago? “I was scared shitless,” Champie said. But she jumped anyway. And moving across country at age 81 to a place where you hardly know anyone? There have been hardships here, as well, such as landing in Yellow Springs in the dead of winter. It was difficult to get outdoors to take her daily walk, and it took a while to find

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her way around, even in a small town. People are busy in Yellow Springs, and Champie often needs to assert herself to be included. Housing is more expensive than in Texas, so she has less disposable income. And Champie misses her children — her son is in Austin and her daughter in Denver. But the children are grown and have their own lives. And the pleasures of feeling at home in Yellow Springs far outweigh the difficulties. To Champie, her latest risk was definitely one worth taking. “I’m glad every day to be here,” she said.

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Antioch University Midwest offers adults interested in furthering their education a range of graduate and undergraduate programs that are responsive to emerging societal needs and taught in a collaborative environment by faculty members who are leaders in their fields. We help our students fuel their passion with purpose toward bettering the world in pursuit of social, economic, and environmental justice.





C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT I O N S 365 Project

Elaine Comegys Film Fest, community conversations and myriad other activities. For more information, contact John Gudgel at jwgudge@sbcglobal.net or P.O. Box 165, Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

John Gudgel jwgudge@sbcglobal.net the365projectys.org


The 365 Project is a local volunteer organization that ser ves as a catalyst organization that challenges and supports the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township to engage critically and respectfully in dialogue and action that promotes and sustains diverse African-American heritage and culture and educational equity, 365 days a year. The 365 Project meets monthly and has sponsored the annual

AACW Karen Patterson kpatterson@karenpatterson.com www.aacw.org


AACW (African American Cross-Cultural Works) is a grass-roots community organization operating under Ohio guidelines for nonpro�t organizations. Its activities focus

on celebrating cultural diversity and working with other organizations to develop understanding of diversity in Yellow Springs, Wilberforce, Spring�eld, Xenia and neighboring communities. The group has held more than 50 events at various times of the year, including the annual Blues Fest, which has been successful, in part, because of the increasing collaborative efforts of many individuals and organizations in Yellow Springs and the surrounding area.

African-American Genealogy Group Robert L. Harris, 767-1949 rharris25@woh.rr.com www.aaggmv.org


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The African-American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley is a nonpro�t service and educational organization devoted to the promotion of African-American genealogy and the study of black and family histories. The organization’s main goals are to search for ancestors, their identi�cation and their documentation. Activities include lectures, networking, workshops and �eld trips for genealogical purposes. The organization also encourages the writing of personal family histories and historical and genealogical societies. Membership is open to everyone. Meetings are held monthly at various locations throughout the Miami Valley and southwestern Ohio.

Alcoholics Anonymous 222-2211 centralof�ce@aadaytononline.org www.aadaytononline.org


Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who meet to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no membership dues or fees. Meetings are held in Yellow Springs on Sundays at 8 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church; Mondays at 8 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church; Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. at United Methodist Church and Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus.

Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions Susan Jennings, 114 E. Whiteman St., 767-2161 E M A I L : info@communitysolution.org W E B : www.communitysolution.org, www.powerofcommunity.org, www.passivehouserevolution.org C O N TA C T:

The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions was founded in 1940 as Community Service, Inc. The Community Solutions program, started in 2003, provides knowledge and practices to support low-energy lifestyles, with a primary focus on reducing CO2 emissions in housing, transportation and food. The organization designs or locates solutions to the current unsustainable, fossil-fuel based, overly centralized way of living. The guiding principle for the organization is that small community living is optimal for society’s health. Community Solutions has

presented �ve Peak Oil and Climate Crisis Solutions conferences, written three books, including Plan C: Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate Change, and produced the award-winning �lms “Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil” and “The Passive House Revolution.”

Better Health Co-op Merrill Anderson, P.O. Box 340577, Beavercreek, OH 45434, 937-8790402


The Better Health Cooperative, Inc., is a lay organization working to achieve physical and mental well-being through emphasis on nutritional balance, physical exercise and spiritual awareness. The co-op’s main program is hair analysis. Membership is open to anyone interested in working on maintaining and improving their health. Membership fee is $10 a year for individuals, $12 a year for families and can be sent to the co-op’s post of�ce box.

Charlie Brown Patient and Caregiver Support Group Rubin Battino, 767-1854 rubin.battino@wright.edu


The Charlie Brown Exceptional Patient and Caregiver Support Group meets the �rst and third Thursdays of every month from 7–8:30 p.m. in the Senior Center great room. The group provides support for anyone who has (or has had) a life-challenging disease, and also for caregivers. The service is free. Meetings provide an opportunity for attendees to share in con�dence what is going on in their lives. Group members listen respectfully and attentively to each other’s stories. Meetings end with a healing meditation. There is a free lending library.

Community Resources Christine Monroe-Beard, chairperson, P.O. Box 214, 767-4820 E M A I L : communityresources@yellowsprings. com W E B : www.yellowsprings.com/cr C O N TA C T:

Community Resources is a nonpro�t community improvement corporation whose aim is to foster economic and community improvement by supporting projects, businesses and ideas in Yellow Springs and Miami Township, and to make this region a vibrant, economically healthy, diverse and affordable place to live and work. Village and township residents with projects, ideas and proposals or who wish to help with one of the projects are encouraged to contact Community Resources.

Corner Cone Farmers Market C O N TA C T:

Louise Berrier, 605-8765

The Corner Cone Farmers Market is in its eighth season and welcomes small and large growers to sell their produce and homemade products. There are 13 spaces, and at times, participants will squeeze together to accommodate an additional vendor. This market supports economic diversity and openness



C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z A T I O N S >27>

with as few rules as possible. The Corner Cone Farmers Market does not require rent or dues and is made possible by the generosity of Bob and Sue Swaney, owners of Corner Cone, located at the Corner of Dayton and Walnut streets. The market is open 7–11 a.m. Saturdays.

Enhance Worldwide Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp, 937708-0144 E M A I L : enhanceworldwide@gmail.com W E B : www.enhanceworldwide.org C O N TA C T:

Enhance Worldwide envisions communities where girls and women have the skills to lead meaningful, digni�ed lives and where each individual has agency, autonomy and aspirations. Working toward this vision, Enhance Worldwide helps girls, women and their communities discover strategies to navigate the challenges to their well-being in order to develop as individuals in their own right. The organization currently ser ves 150 direct bene�ciaries across three programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Activities focus on minimalizing the risk of child marriage, forced labor, violence and traf �cking through family support, access to education and life skills development.

Feminist Health Fund P.O. Box 323; 767-8949 E M A I L : info@feministhealthfund.org W E B : www.feministhealthfund.org C O N TA C T:

For more than 30 years, The Feminst Health Fund, a Yellow Springs-based nonpro�t, has raised funds to help women in Greene County pay for traditional and alternative medical, related expenses. For more information, to make a donation or to apply for a grant, call or visit the website, www. feministhealthfund.org

Food Co-op/Buying Club C O N TA C T:


Luan Heit, 767-1823

The Yellow Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other household products at affordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Members place orders online from a wide selection of products. Delivery is every four weeks on Wednesday afternoon.

Friends Care Community 150/170 E. Herman Street, 7677363 W E B : www.friendshealthcare.org C O N TA C T:

Friends Care Community has a single goal: the af�rmation of life. Friends Care’s continuous care community has succeeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek security and quality care, �rst with extended care, then with assisted living and independent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Association and has been a nonpro�t community for over 30 years. Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and longterm nursing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed construction on a new, 16-private-0room rehabilitation center, providing a distinct unit for care of short-term stay rehab and nursing services. Friends Assisted Living Center is a licensed 20-unit facility designed to enhance independence, security and socialization in a quiet setting. Friends Independent Living Homes are senior living duplexes. Buyers can choose between two- and three-bedroom units and two building design plans. Each duplex features a garage, appliances and maintenancefree living.

Great Books Ken Huber, 767-1160 kenneth.huber@att.net


Currently, meetings are held September through June on the �rst Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the �replace room of the YS Senior Center, 227 Xenia Ave. The Great Books Foundation, a pioneer of book discussion, brings together people whose love of reading is part of their zest for lifelong learning. The group uses the Foundation’s method of shared inquir y. This encourages participants to look to their own experiences rather than to outside sources of expertise in the discussion of a work.


News stories, web exclusives, blogs, video, audio, photo and the classifieds.

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Green Environmental Coalition P.O. Box 553, 767-2109 gec@greenlink.org www.greenlink.org


The Green Environmental Coalition (GEC) is a grass-roots activist group founded in 1990. The coalition’s mission is to have a positive impact on local, state and regional environmental issues. Currently GEC is involved in several projects in the area, including: • Helping to reduce the negative impact of the Cemex eastward quarry expansion on

• TATTOOS – your design or mine • Body piercing and jewelry

Health Dept. Licensed Gift Certificates Available


115 Glen St., Yellow Springs

Eight local artists producing elegant, functional, contemporary pottery. Hours: Located in Kings Yard Mon–Fri 12–5:30 Yellow Springs, OH Sat 11–5:30 937.767.1666 Sun 12–5:30 www.YellowSpringsPottery.com

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C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z A T I O N S >30>


local residents; • Monitoring air quality of the area through the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency; • Providing environmental educational information at the YS Street Fair; • Educating the community on local sustainable energy; • Continuing to conduct a campaign against the injection of fracking �uids into underground wells. GEC helps support neighbors’ involvement in a range of local environmental issues, as well as becoming involved in state and federal environmental regulation efforts. Interested persons are welcome to attend regular business meetings on the �rst Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., on the �rst �oor of the Union School House, located at 314 Dayton St.

babies will �nd encouragement and information from La Leche League International. La Leche League leaders are available by phone 24 hours a day. Leaders are available for private consultation, home visits and hospital visits. La Leche League is a motherto-mother breastfeeding suppor t group. La Leche League leaders are accredited through La Leche League International. Leaders stay informed of current medical research and best practice. Leaders encourage the sharing of personal experiences from mother-to-mother.

serve Yellow Springs and St. Cloud, Minn., and their immediate vicinity. In addition, other communities and organizations that are supported by board and family members may receive grants from time to time. Through June 2019, unsolicited grant requests are being considered only from St. Cloud.

Masonic Lodge


Grinnell Mill Foundation

The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge was chartered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal brotherhood that supports the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Masonr y is a place where one can find unlimited opportunities to acquire leadership experience, self-development and personal growth while enjoying fellowship and service to the community.

Chris Mucher, 767-1391 www.grinnellmill.org


The Grinnell Mill Foundation is a nonpro�t foundation comprised of Miami Township, Glen Helen and the Yellow Springs Historical Society. Its purpose is the preservation and promotion of the historical and educationally valuable Grinnell Mill located at 3536 Bryan Park Rd. For more information, visit www. grinnellmill.org.

James A. McKee Association Karen McKee, president,7674641; Peggy Erskine, 767-7856 E M A I L : caseym1200@yahoo.com W E B : www.45387.org C O N TA C T:

The James A. McKee Association, aka Jim’s Group, formerly known as the Yellow Springs Men’s Group, was organized by the late James A. McKee, the longtime police chief of Yellow Springs who was known to many villagers as simply “Chief.” At Jim’s Group’s bi-monthly meetings a guest speaker is invited to help keep the group informed about some element of the community — Village, Township or school representatives, business owners, and representatives from community organizations. The regular meeting agenda includes updates on Village, Township and school governance activities, as well as local business news. Jim’s Group sponsors the annual James A. McKee Scholarship award to deserving graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated both academic achievement and leadership skills. Jim’s Group also sponsors the annual Founders Award to recognize individuals and/or groups (nominated by villagers) who’ve made a signi�cant contribution to the community through voluntary effort. Jim’s Group also supports the annual Martin Luther King Jr. oratory contest, the Odd Felllows �reworks fund, as well as other community organizations. Jim’s Group continues to sponsor Candidates Night — a forum for candidates for local of�ce to present their views and to interact with voters.

La Leche League Laura Ann Ellison, 767-1097 or 708-6392; Sylvia Ann Ellison, 708-6252 E M A I L : ellisonla@mindspring.com; sylvia. ellison@wright.edu W E B : www.llli.org C O N TA C T:

Mothers who wish to breastfeed their



Don Lewis, 901-6211 www.yellowsprings421.org


McKinney/Yellow Springs High School PTO EMAIL:


All parents/guardians of students attending the McKinney School or YSHS will be considered members of the PTO. There are no membership dues. The PTO meets monthly; the regular meeting time will be announced at the beginning of the school year. Discussion, speakers and events are planned to strengthen the community and develop parent and educational success. For additional information, email yshspto@gmail.com.

Mills Lawn PTO Nancy Sundell-Turner, president, sundellturner@woh.rr.com W E B : www.millslawnpto.com; www.facebook. com/MillsLawnPTO C O N TA C T: EMAIL:

The Mills Lawn Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization that strives to support students, families and teachers in the educational process by providing educational enrichment programs and services, as well as social activities for the Mills Lawn Elementary School community. The PTO sponsors fundraising events to pay for these activities, programs and services.

Morgan Family Foundation Lori M. Kuhn, executive director, 767-9208 E M A I L : info@morganfamilyfdn.org W E B : www.morganfamilyfdn.org C O N TA C T:

The Morgan Family Foundation is a private family foundation based in Yellow Springs, and funded in December 2003 by Lee and Vicki Morgan. The foundation believes in: • building stronger, more inclusive communities; and • broadening horizons and inspiring action through the power of education and experiential learning. The foundation awards grants to public charitable organizations that primarily

NAMI of Clark, Greene & Madison Counties

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Donna Sorrell, 767-8622 info@namigreenecounty.org www.namigreenecounty.org


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The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a nonpro�t, grassroots organization offering support, education and advocacy for persons living with mental illness and their families, friends and caregivers throughout the U.S. Learn more at www. nami.org. NAMI Yellow Springs is part of it, as well as the large NAMI Greene County affiliate ser ving Fairborn, Xenia, Yellow Springs and beyond. The group fights against the stigma often associated with mental illness through community outreach and educational programs. It advocates for beneficial change in the current mental health system, both locally and throughout the state of Ohio. NAMI Connection Recover y Suppor t Group is a free and ongoing recovery support group for adults with mental illness. Participants can safely and con�dentially talk about their mental illness, learn new

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NEWS DEADLINES: Letters, In and around Yellow Springs; Classi�eds:


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MONDAY, NOON 767-7373 • ysnews@ysnews.com

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��������������� ��������������������������� Extended Hours: M,T,Th 7:30a–6p • Wed 8a–5p Fri 7:30a–5p • Sat 8a–Noon • Closed Sundays

BY DYLAN TAYLOR-LEHMAN Anna Burke, her husband, Ryan S�nson, and their daughter, Presley, are a young family whose apprecia�on for Yellow Springs has evolved over their four years in the village. They are familiar faces around town, as they both work at Tom’s Market, and this means they know everyone in town as well. Despite the occasional challenges of living in Yellow Springs, the overwhelming feeling of community has made them feel increasingly content and at home. The family recently spoke with the News in the laundromat about their percep�ons of the town and why they are happy to be here, cha�ng at a back table while Presley remained enthralled by the compelling sights and sounds of the laundromat’s many machines. “Actually, we owe a lot to the Spirited Goat,” S�nson said. The Goat was the couple’s introduc�on to the town, and the place where they met each other and many friends and bandmates. S�nson, 31, moved to town from Fairborn in 2012, to be close to some friends, and to play music at the Spirited Goat. He began emceeing the shop’s open mic night and met the guy who would become his best friend, connec�ons that solidified his interest in staying in town for the next li�le while. Burke, 24, who is originally from Fairborn, joined her sister in Yellow Springs a�er some �me “bopping around” other ci�es and states. It was a transi�onal point in her life, and she wel-


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comed the change. She packed her car, put her parakeet in the front seat, and moved, just like that, she said. Burke was drawn to the Goat when she got here as well, and she and S�nson hit it off not long a�er they met there. That first glorious summer of 2012 is something they both remember fondly. S�nson said that a�er meet-

ingly out of nowhere. People dropped off food and baby supplies, and gave advice and any support they needed. It’s a great place to raise a family, Burke said. They feel secure here anyway, but more so knowing that their daughter has an en�re community looking out for her. “She’s kind of a li�le celebrity around here,” Burke said. She’s always happy

A family of artists makes it work

ing at the Goat, they spent prac�cally the en�re summer playing music outside and being in each other’s company. “We got to know each other through a campfire,” he said. Not only was the Goat a nexus of love and music — S�nson’s band the Gin-Soaked Angels got its start there as well — but the community as a whole seemed to mirror the couple’s interests. Burke is a visual ar�st working in a number of media, and she said that she and other ar�sts are spoiled by the art scene in Yellow Springs. It’s a community that ac�vely supports its members’ endeavors, she said. Burke shares a studio with two other ar�sts, and she said that she o�en has the opportunity to learn something from them, or swap methods and techniques. The profusion of talented ar�sts in town means that there is a lot to experience and a lot to draw inspira�on from, S�nson said. Far from making one feel self-conscious and compe��ve, the talent here makes him try harder, to try to keep up with the people he looks up to. Burke and S�nson’s own ar�s�c produc�vity increased thanks to the various crea�ve communi�es in the village, but the couple also discovered that another community was ready to lend its support. “I didn’t realize the paren�ng community and family support system was so strong,” S�nson said. “We got to see this once we found out we were pregnant.” Presley, who is 18 months, was essen�ally taken care of once the couple announced they were expec�ng, Burke said. Not only were people they already knew suppor�ve, but many community members began offering their help seem-

to go into the woods, she said, and was grooving at the Gin-Soaked Angels’ recent show at the Emporium. However, for a young family like theirs, the high cost of living and the limited job opportuni�es can make for some difficulty get�ng established in Yellow Springs.

The art scene in Yellow Springs “is a community that actively supports its members’ endeavors.” “If you are new here, you’d have a really hard �me figuring it out,” S�nson said. “You really have to hustle to make it work.” Finding an affordable place to rent proved a challenge for S�nson and Burke. They, like many people they know, rely on the knowledge of friends and acquaintances in order to track down somewhere to live, as adver�sed housing opportuni�es are either too expensive or claimed right away. They both moved in with friends when they got here, and S�nson said every subsequent apartment they’ve lived in, both individually and as a couple, was found through word of mouth. They waited for their first apartment together, on Southgate, for almost a year. A friend told them their neighbor was going to be moving, and they kept in touch with the landlord in order to be next in line. Their next poten�al place, a house, was

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likewise found through word of mouth. Any housing possibility seen in print is likely taken by the �me it’s read, Burke said. She says she knows people who have lived in tents or who have been couch-surfing for six months, wai�ng to get into the “word-of-mouth bubble.” “But once you’re in it, it’s almost like you’re in a system,” Burke said, though S�nson added that being in the know doesn’t necessarily lead to cheaper places, just greater knowledge of the possibili�es. However, once a place to live is found, it’s almost certain that rent is going to be significantly higher than anywhere else nearby, Burke said, which is why living in Yellow Springs o�en requires residents to have more than one job. The

same word-of-mouth knowledge is necessary for employment, too, Burke said. Burke currently has four jobs to help pay the bills. She works as a cashier at Tom’s, does dreadlocks, works as a housekeeper and is an ar�st, though she is about to start a new job at the Addic�ons Resource Center that pays a li�le be�er and will cut down on her need to hustle so intensely. S�nson said he is lucky enough to work full�me in the deli at Tom’s, though revenue from playing shows with his band helps a bit, too. Burke added that, because of the cost of living, they can’t afford to make art and music strictly as a hobby — they have to make their passions work for them financially as well. “But we’re both very mo�-

vated people and we love working hard,” S�nson said, “and it pushes us to get be�er and be�er.” All in all, though, the couple agrees that the benefits of living in Yellow Springs are worth the challenge. They cited the schools, the safety and the art community among the reasons why they want to stay, even though they’ve found significantly cheaper places outside of town, in places like Enon and Xenia. “I joke around that it’s like living in New York City,” S�nson said. “You are paying for the experience of being here.” And it is this overall experience that has led Burke to feel increasingly attached to the village. She was part of the “younger par�er crowd” when she moved here, she said, but her years of experiencing what she says is the real pulse of the village have given her a deeper apprecia�on of what the town can offer her and her family. She came here when she was really lost, she said, and she got a community hug when she really needed it. There’s a higher level of consciousness and awareness among the people who live here, she said. People live here because they want to contribute to the community, and that inspires a different way of living for the village as a whole. S�nson said he used to come here with his parents when he was younger and always felt like he’d want to end up in Yellow Springs. “Now all we talk about is staying and growing old here,” he said.

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C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z A T I O N S >>>

coping skills and �nd hope for a realistic future. Meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., at the John Bryan Community Center, rooms A and B, located at 100 Dayton St. in Yellow Springs.

Neighborhood Gardens

NAMI Family Support Group is a free and ongoing support group for family and friends of individuals who live with mental illness. Participants share their experiences and offer mutual encouragement. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, from 7–8:30 p.m., at the John Bryan Community Center, rooms A and B. Contact Kathy Adams at 450-2903 or Kathryn Hitchcock, 408-3678.

Neighborhood gardening is based on a simple idea: to have places within walking distance of one’s home where neighbors can garden together — and have fun! Currently, six neighborhood gardens are open, and a seventh is planned: at Friends Care, the oldest garden; Fair Acres Park, the most neighborly garden; Corr y Street, the largest and most sociable garden; Bill Duncan Park, the most celebritous garden; Frogtown Reser ve on Glass Farm, the most tried garden; President Street, the newest garden; and the Children’s Garden, which is upcoming. This year, more than 70 villagers sign up for garden plots. Most present gardeners do not have land, or do not have suitable sites for home gardens because of shade. Fees and deposits are not required in order to promote central values of inclusiveness, equality and affordability. Because of such values, the neighborhood gardens collectively is one of the most demographically and socio-economically rich and diverse of all the village’s institutions — with the most native edible weeds! The initiative offers safe places to garden, explore, fail, succeed, develop, experiment, show off, fall �at on your face, see how others garden, learn from others and have fun. The steering committee is comprised of elected representatives from each neighborhood garden, experienced garden mentors and landowner representatives, if the need arises. For more information or to sign up for a plot or two, contact Thor and Friends at 767-2729 or 750-6090.

For more information about NAMI or to �nd out about special events, educational programs and how to help with its mission, contact the group as listed above. In case of any medical emergency, dial 911.

Narcotics Anonymous C O N TA C T:



Helpline 937-505-0705, 800-587-


Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for achieving recovery from addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using drugs. The program has found that one addict helping another works to achieve that, when all else fails. An open meeting is held in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church on Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m.

The Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs is dedicated to providing peaceful and productive methods for addressing conflict to Village and Township residents for free. Mediation is a place for... Addressing conflict Productive conversation Making decisions Gaining clarity Saying what you need to say Working things out


Many people use mediation... Neighbors Landlords & Tenants Separated parents Family members Young people Co-workers

The Village Mediation Program assists organizations by providing Facilitators for meetings, Consultation on options for addressing a dispute or Training in conflict resolution skills.

To contact the Village Mediation Program: (937)605-8754 or mediation@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us

767-2729; 750-6090 www.facebook.com/NeighborhoodGardensofYellowSprings


Odd Fellows Ruth Jordan, 937-878-7871 (home), 937-607-8115 (cell) E M A I L : ysoddfellows@gmail.com C O N TA C T:

The Yellow Springs Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows dates back to 1855. Odd Fellows follow the precept to “visit the sick, bury the dead and educate the orphan.” The lodge sponsors annual scholarships for Yellow Springs seniors and contributes to charitable organizations. Recent activities include sponsorship of the Fourth of

July parade and Fourth of July �reworks at Gaunt Park, road cleanup, park maintenance, Street Fair participation, Art Stroll and various fun activities. IOOF Lodge #279 meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Lodge Hall, located at 261 Xenia Ave., beginning with a social hour at 6:15 p.m. Men and women over the age of 16 are welcome to join.

Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary Nick Ormes, 937-231-1046 theranchmenagerie@yahoo.com W E B : www.TheRanchMenagerie.org; www. facebook.com/TheRanchMenagerie C O N TA C T: EMAIL:

For nearly ten years now, the ranch has become home to many mixed breed sheep and goats and other small, misfit farm animals that would have been euthanized or sent to slaughter. The sanctuar y finds forever homes for some; the rest live out their lives in a quiet, natural environment. To date, over 50 sheep and goats have been adopted. The ranch is not open to the public, except by appointment or invitation. All volunteers must be 18 or older.

The Riding Centre 767-9087 www.RidingCentre.org


The Riding Centre was established in 1960 by Louise Soelberg as an educational, nonpro�t project dedicated to the teaching of horsemanship, the care and management of horses and the training of young teachers. Located on a portion of Glen Helen, Riding Centre facilities include a large outdoor ring, a lighted indoor ring, a cross-country hunt course, several trails and two stables, which house the school’s horses, boarders and the Therapeutic Riding Program. The Therapeutic Riding Program, started in 1974, ser ves adults and children with developmental disabilities. Carolyn Bailey is the riding teacher for the program. The Riding Centre also features summer riding day camps, in which children attend a four-hour-daily schedule for one week, learning about the care of horses and the skills of riding.

Senior Center 227 Xenia Ave., 767-5751 ysscof�ce1@gmail.com www.seniorcitizenscenter.org


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The Yellow Springs Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the dignity and quality of life for seniors in Yellow Springs and Miami Township and has been a mainstay of the community since 1959. The Senior Center is located in the heart of Yellow Springs on Xenia Avenue. The Senior Center provides assistance in the following areas: • Support Ser vices — assists seniors with navigation of available bene�ts, assists in �nding solutions for seniors to remain in their homes, assists caregivers and provides linkages to services through the Greene County Council on Aging and other Greene County services. • Transpor tation — assists seniors



�PAGE 33 >>>� with transportation to and from medical appointments, personal care appointments or tasks and Senior Center activities and programs. • Homemaking Ser vices — assists seniors with homemaking tasks such as cleaning, laundr y, food preparation and errands. • Activities — provides activities at the Senior Center and other locations to assist seniors and others with enjoyable socialization, physical exercise and learning new skills. Membership in the Senior Center is open to ever yone. Family members are encouraged to join and become aware of the resources available. A bi-monthly newsletter is produced that provides information on all the activities and programs available at the Senior Center. The Senior Center is open Monday–Friday, 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Tecumseh Land Trust Krista Magaw, P.O. Box 417, 767-9490 E M A I L : krista@tecumsehlandtrust.org W E B : www.tecumsehlandtrust.org C O N TA C T:

Tecumseh Land Tr ust protects local farmland, water and natural areas forever. Donations to this local nonpro�t make it possible for volunteers and staff to reach out to and assist private landowners who wish to preser ve their special farms or natural properties. Grant monies and tax


C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z A T I O N S >34> bene�ts are sometimes available to such landowners. The land trust has preserved 139 properties, encompassing over 25,000 acres and 42 stream miles. Glen Helen, enjoyed by many visitors every year, is the best-known property protected by the land trust. Land owners and land lovers alike are encouraged to contact the land trust to learn more about the land trust’s work, upcoming walks, local food events and volunteer opportunities.

Tenant Cooperative Paul Buterbaugh, 767-2224 paulbuterbaugh@sbcglobal.net


The Tenant Cooperative of Yellow Springs and Miami Township offers free consultation on matters of tenant/landlord disputes. Typical problems relate to security deposit return, maintenance, eviction and discrimination in rental offerings.

Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs Theresa Sapunar, 234-SING (7464) E M A I L : yssingers@gmail.com W E B : www.thresholdchoir.org/yellowsprings C O N TA C T:

Through bedside song, the women of the Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs bring compassion and comfort to those struggling with the thresholds of living and dying. When invited, a small group (two to three) of volun-

teer women come to sing quietly at the bedside for a comfortable length of time (perhaps 20–30 minutes) in hospitals, nursing homes and private homes. Singers are sensitive to the physical and emotional needs of the individual and always respect the desire for privacy and family time. The singing is usually quiet and tender, and is meant to soothe, nourish and inspire. Family, friends and caregivers are welcome to listen quietly or join in. There is never a charge for services. The Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs is open to all women who feel called to this volunteer service. Neither musical training nor a “fancy voice” are necessary — only a desire to sing from your heart and blend your voice with other singers as they learn the Threshold Choir repertoire. Since this is not a performance choir, the group works on learning to sing quietly together, carefully listening to one another and blending their voices. Singing at bedsides comes in time, when one is ready. At most rehearsals, the group has time for members to rest in a reclining chair in the center of the circle and experience being sung to by others. the group rehearses on three Sunday afternoons a month, and on the fourth Sunday, sings at Friends Care, our local assisted living/nursing home. To schedule a visit, or for information about joining, email or call 234-SING.


Joy Fishbain, 767-7724

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s

Fund, has worked since 1946 to protect the lives of children around the world. Assistance is provided in the areas of health care, safe water supply, sanitation, nutrition, education and training. The Yellow Springs community has given generous support to UNICEF. Many residents make an effort to purchase Unicef cards and children collect donations during Halloween “Trick or Treat for Unicef.” The holiday card consignee program has been discontinued, but cards can be purchased from Hallmark Gold Crown Stores, Pier One Imports, Barnes and Noble or by contacting Joy Fishbain for assistance.

Winter Farmers Market C O N TA C T:




Located in the Great Room at the Yellow Springs Senior Center at 227 Xenia Ave., the winter market is open every Saturday morning, January–March, 9 a.m.–noon. The market features hoop-house produce, baked goods, jellies, honey, eggs, pork, cheese, maple syrup, granola and more items from many of the same vendors who attend the summer markets. Some Saturdays feature local musicians. Follow the market on Facebook at “Yellow Springs Winter Farmers Market.”

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Glad to still be here, after almost 50 years BY JOHN “RUSTY” NEFF

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Love brought me to Yellow Springs, and love keeps me here. I actually started coming here in the ’60s to see Shakespeare under the Stars and really liked the small town feel. I was living in Dayton co-oping at Inland and going to General Motors Ins�tute in Flint, Mich. I grew up outside of Greenville, Ohio, and was having trouble adjus�ng to “city” life. Then, during my last year, I met an An�och student and we decided to live together in Yellow Springs. That led me to ge�ng a job running the engineering lab and teaching basic engineering courses and helping with many other classes. I started mee�ng local people and playing music and made a lot of wonderful friends. I eventually taught the Musical Instrument Building Class and then later a�er the Engineering Department folded I was repairing equipment for the Science Ins�tute. During this period the Arab oil embargo happened and I built an electric car just because I could. That got me my five minutes of “fame.” Shortly a�er giving George Asakawa a ride in the electric in the fall of 1975, I

was offered a job at Vernay Laboratories as an automa�on engineer, which I took eagerly! I was there for 12 years when family obliga�ons took me to Taiwan for two years, and then to Columbus for five years. Then we decided to move back to Yellow Springs, and I commuted to my job in Columbus for six more years. Soon a�er moving back here, my wife le� and I was thinking of moving back to Columbus to save all that driving. But I was looking at re�rement coming up and thinking would I rather be re�red here or in Columbus? Downing’s Hardware Store had just been turned back into a real hardware store and I was liking being here for the weekends and making friends and I really like my house. So I stayed! I re�red in 2001 and am so glad to s�ll be here. We have a lot of things going on all the �me and the best grocery anywhere. I have been in a rela�onship for 16 years that just keeps going and ge�ng be�er. The town is small enough that you can recognize most of the “locals.” And it’s friendly. If you look for me I’ll probably be sit�ng on the porch or down at Dino’s.





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Deborah Fugett moved to the village almost 40 years ago and stays because of the abundance of social justice and spiritual activities. She’s

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shown giving a massage at her home business, Moon Rose


Finding healing and spiritual growth BY DEBORAH J. FUGETT

The first awareness I had of Yellow Springs was when I was 6 and saw a news story on television about An�och College and beatniks. There was footage of a female student riding a beat-up old bike and wearing a long black cape that flowed out behind her. I wanted to go to that place and I wanted to ride a beat-up old bike next to her, with my own cape and hair flowing in the wind. My next experience of Yellow Springs was when I was 12. My older brother brought me and two nephews here from Springboro to go hiking at John Bryan State Park. I loved the park, but even more, I loved the li�le town we stopped in. We parked in front of Oten Gallery, which I thought was such a cool place. As a young adult, living in Dayton, I would visit YS with friends and I loved it! I started massage school in Columbus in 1979 while I was s�ll working on the assembly line at Fridgidaire. A�er the plant closed, I moved to Yellow Springs, made new friends and got involved with H.U.M.A.N., a group dedicated to diversity and social awareness. There I made friends with Diana Robinson, Jim Dunn, Bill Chappelle and many others. A�er growing up in a very white community that was sports oriented, I knew that I was home! A deep thirst was quenched. I got my massage therapy license, started to prac�ce, and rode my bike everywhere in town and all over the surrounding countryside, feeling free

and happy! I started working on an art degree at Wright State and competed that, all the while staying involved with YS friends and events. I had a lot of healing to do from growing up in a less-than-happy environment. So many of the things I have done in YS have involved healing and music and spirituality. In addi�on to my own prac�ce, Moon Rose Massage and Spa, which has provided so much healing for myself and others, here are some highlights over the years: My Goddess children Amber and David; being friends and co-counselors with my mentor Hazel Tulecke; being in a 16-year rela�onship with my soul-mate, John Neff; healing power of music workshops and monthly music gatherings with Ken Simon at his “GarageMahal;” prac�cing massage therapy at the WEB Center (Women’s Enterprise Builders); co-managing the WEB Coffeehouse for many years with Laurie Dreamspinner and several others; spiritual prac�ces such as welcoming the Age of Aquarius with half the town on the golf course at sunrise during the Harmonic Convergence; women’s weekends with Na�ve American teacher Amy Lee; Sufi dancing and Dances of Universal Peace; potlucks, music, dance; AACW Blues Fest; and many more events that I could never have known about when I first saw that An�och student on her bike on my television screen! I am looking forward to more decades of healing, music, playing, spiritual growth and riding my bike with my “cape” flowing behind me!

Massage and Spa.

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mvpottery.com 145 hyde rd, ys



C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z A T I O N S >>>

Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce Karen Wintrow, executive director, 101 Dayton St., 767-2686 E M A I L : info@yellowspringsohio.org W E B : www.yellowspringsohio.org C O N TA C T:


The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce is a nonpro�t organization whose mission is to encourage a business environment that drives the prosperity of its members while enhancing Yellow Springs’ quality of life. The YS Chamber supports more than 300 members. The YS Chamber hosts member events on the third Thursday of every month. Chamber Chats are informal member gatherings to

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discuss areas of interest for members. Lunch and Learn events bring guest speakers with a focus on issues of concern for members. Meetings are held either at 9 a.m. or noon in the Bryan Center, rooms A and B. Business After Hours are networking events held at member locations as an opportunity for them to highlight their business and are held from 5:30-7:30 p.m., also on the third Thursday. With of�ces centrally located in the Yellow Springs Train Station on the Little Miami Bike Trail, visitors and residents can stop in the of�ce for information and brochures. YS Chamber employees typically staff the of�ce from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. weekdays and noon–5 p.m. on the weekends. Twice a year — on the second Saturday in June and October — the YS Chamber sponsors the Yellow Springs Street Fair, an all-day craft, food, music and beer festival to showcase the community. The YS Chamber partners on several other major events including YS Pride, SpringsFest, Cyclops Fest, YS Open Studios and Holiday in the Springs plus numerous smaller events throughout the year.

Yellow Springs Community Foundation Virgil Hervey, foundation administrator, 767-2655 E M A I L : info@yscf.org W E B : www.yscf.org C O N TA C T:

The Yellow Springs Community Foundation is a tax-exempt, public charitable foundation established to bene�t the citizens and community of Yellow Springs and Miami Township.

Yellow Springs Farmers Market Michele Burns, 319-6076 www.yellowspringsfarmersmarket.com


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Yellow Springs Historical Society David Neuhardt, president, 7677106; Gillian Hill, 767-7432, P.O. Box 501 W E B : www.yshistory.org; blog.yshistory.org; www.facebook.com/YellowSpringsHistorical Society” C O N TA C T:

The Yellow Springs Historical Society is dedicated to telling the stories of Yellow

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Yellow Springs Home, Inc. Chris Hall, program manager, P.O. Box 503, 767-2790 E M A I L : info@yshome.org W E B : www.yshome.org; www.facebook.com/ yellowspringshomeinc C O N TA C T:

Yellow Springs Home, Inc. is a nonpro�t community development corporation whose mission is to strengthen community and diversity in Yellow Springs and Miami Township by providing permanently affordable, sustainable housing through its Community Land Trust. Home, Inc. accomplishes its mission through four major areas: • Working with households to prepare for homeownership through the Getting Ready program, which is centered around individualized one-on-one �nancial coaching; • Building and rehabbing homes and rentals affordable to low- and moderate-income families; • Supporting homeowners in the program through stewardship activities;




For over 30 years, the Yellow Springs Farmers Market has provided locally grown produce, meats, eggs and much more, all from area farmers and businesses. Conveniently located behind the Trail Tavern in the Kings Yard parking lot. The market is open every Saturday, April–November except the second Saturday in June and October, when the market moves to Sunday. Hours: April, from 8 a.m.–noon; May–October, from 7 a.m.–noon; and November, from 8 a.m.–noon. “Like” us on Facebook for weekly offerings.

Springs’ history. The society looks for fresh ways of making the history of Yellow Springs, Miami Township and the region real and exciting to local residents and visitors. The society plans four or more programs a year at which a different story is told. In addition, the society seeks to make these stories accessible to a wider audience through other means. These other efforts have included photo and other exhibits at the Street Fair and other public events; publications, including the popular reprint of Harold Igo’s local ghost stories from the Yellow Springs News and a biography of William Mills by Jane Baker; cooperation with local history programs in schools; stories and announcements on the website and Facebook; community events and celebrations; support of oral and video history projects; advocacy for the preservation, and for collecting the stories, of historic structures and maintenance of the Antioch Bookplate archives. Future projects include walking tours with supplemental brochures, a formal inventory of a growing collection of artifacts, in-depth research on the historical houses of Yellow Springs and the long-term vision of a museum and research center. The Historical Society is a co-sponsor of the Grinnell Mill Foundation, which promotes the preservation of the mill. The historic Grinnell Mill Museum is open to the public year-round on Sunday. Membership fees are modest, and the group’s public programs are free and open to the public.


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The foundation’s mission is to enhance community life by providing means for charitable giving and grant making that fund a broad range of activities. Created in 1974, the foundation has assets of $10 million. Endowment funds account for most of those assets, and bene�ciaries include Glen Helen, Community Children’s Center, Senior Citizens, educational scholarships and awards, community athletic and music programs, YS Endowment for Education, YS Kids Playhouse, Yellow Springs Library, a student-run youth philanthropy program, the Women’s Park, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Home, Inc., Chamber Music in Yellow Springs, Friends Care Community, Green Environmental Coalition and Tecumseh Land Trust. The Richard and Nolan Miller Endowment bene�ts Antioch students demonstrating commitment to working with nonpro�ts in Yellow Springs. The work of the foundation is made possible by the contributions of communityminded donors. Gifts may be made for general or speci�c purposes. Donors may choose direct donations, bequests and a wide variety of other planned gifts. Families may choose to honor a loved one through a memorial fund.










Yellow Springs Resilience Network ysresilience@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ysresiliencenetwork


The Yellow Springs Resilience Network is a collaborative network of individuals and organizations in the village who aim to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and create long-term resilience — not only to the effects of climate change, but also as an ecological community in the village. The network is committed to developing a highly inclusive and equitable local economy, increasing local renewable energy production, greatly increasing and distributing the amount of locally produced food, cutting transportation

emissions, supporting the development of highly energy-ef�cient housing and buildings and eliminating waste entirely. All are welcome to participate. And necessary.

Yellow Springs Time Exchange Kat Walter, 937-475-9207 kat@volksmail.com www.ystimeexchange.org


The Yellow Springs Time Exchange is building a stronger, self-suf�cient community by connecting individuals and organizations in Yellow Springs and the surrounding region who trade talents and services to meet needs, hour for hour. The core belief is that everyone has talents and “gifts” — resources — that people need. All services are equal in value and can provide mutual bene�t for the community.

Yellow Springs Tree Committee C O N TA C T:

P.O. Box 122, 767-2162, 767-2981

The Yellow Springs Tree Committee was founded in 1982 with these goals: • To provide leadership in the planting and care of trees on the public lands of Yellow Springs; • To serve as an advisory group to the public on tree and shrub care, selection and removal; • To promote the improvement of private property through the wise selection and use of trees. The Tree Committee grew out of two com-

munity tree-planting projects: a 1976 planting of trees on the Mills Lawn school grounds to honor Yellow Springs News editor Kieth Howard, and a continuing beauti�cation program of tree plantings throughout the village. The committee offers a tribute and memorial tree-planting program to honor a life, a service or a signi�cant event. New members are always welcome to join the Tree Committee.

YS PetNet P.O. Box 21, 937-372-2044


W E B : www.facebook.com/YSPetNet

PetNet of Yellow Springs is a collective of

area animal lovers committed to standing between lost pets and the pound. We seek to provide excellent short-term foster care while we work with local authorities, animal shelters and the community to return each rescue home. PetNet collaborates with area resources to rehome unclaimed, or stray, animals when appropriate. PetNet is only as effective as our community is strong. We are always seeing volunteer fosters, but even if you can’t open your home, there are plenty of other ways you can help. For more information, contact the group on Facebook or call.

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• Advocating for sustainable development. Home, Inc. has built or rehabbed more than 20 housing units and has not had a single foreclosure since founding. Home, Inc. is organized as a membershipbased Community Land Trust (CLT) with a board of directors that is at least one-third low-income and includes homeowner representation. The CLT model encourages the permanent affordability of each home built. Funding from local donors, foundations, and county and state government helps to support its housing development efforts. Contact Home, Inc. for more information on homes for sale, rentals and the Getting Ready program. Home, Inc. also welcomes community volunteers. Become a member today: yshome.org/ become-a-member.

100 West Main St. Springfield




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‘Held in the nurturing fold of friends’ BY ANITA BROWN Last Halloween, Michael and I celebrated our move to Yellow Springs 25 years ago. After a few years in a small Vermont town and a brief stint in Paris, finding the perfect home was a tall order. We were not brought here for a job, or school, or relatives, or a house we loved, or its proximity to anywhere else. We chose Yellow Springs because it seemed like a fabulous place for us and Elizabeth, and later Ethan and Hannah. There is something uniquely magical about this village, and our memories are rich and colorful. There are hundreds of reasons why we’ve stayed, but they almost all boil down to one thing: the people who live here, people who care about the things we care about and people who care about us. In 1995, a�er five years of renting, we purchased our home. To say it needed work is an enormous understatement and, at the �me, if friends were asked our greatest talents, none would have had “handy” on their lists. We hired a team to do the big jobs, but what remained was overwhelming. Our incredible friends embraced us with loving arms, offering freely their valuable

�me and talents, and recrui�ng others with exper�se in this or that who were strangers to us, but members of a community that pulls together when �mes get tough, even for one li�le family. Less than three years later, Michael was diagnosed with a noncancerous but dangerous and growing brain tumor. A�er our due diligence, we opted for a month-long daily radia�on regimen at the University of Cincinna�. With three children between the ages of 2 and 10 and Michael’s forbiddance to drive, this was indeed a challenge, on top of an already terrifying situa�on. Once again, we were held in the nurturing fold of friends and acquaintances who fed us emo�onally, spiritually and physically. Michael spent that month focused on the work of ge�ng well, being chauffeured to every treatment by happy volunteers, and our family carried on with school and music lessons and play dates, with lovingly prepared meals delivered each night to our home. These are remarkable signs affirming our choice to call this place home. There are thousands of smaller, more subtle gestures of affec�on and respect that have endeared each of our family members to this very special village.

The Vitamin Outlet in the Yellow Springs News of�ce, 2531/2 Xenia Ave. • 767-7373

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E D U C AT I O N Antioch College 767-1286 E M A I L : info@antiochcollege.edu W E B : www.antiochcollege.edu C O N TA C T:

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We have Premium Abdallah chocolates, vitamins, a full line of Burt’s Bees products, cards, Antioch apparel & more! 767-1070 • 263 Xenia Ave. MON.– FRI. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. SAT. 10 a.m.–2 p.m.


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Janice Blandford, R.PH., mgr. Emma Robinow, R.PH.


Since entering its �rst class in 1853, with the eminent scholar Horace Mann as its �rst president, Antioch College has been a pioneering liberal arts college preparing students for lives of signi�cance, service and engaged and effective citizenship, whether they choose to pursue graduate education or embark directly on a career. The newly independent Antioch College continued this tradition when it welcomed its �rst class in the fall of 2011 and graduated this class in June 2015. The mission of the college is to provide a rigorous liberal arts education on the belief that scholarship and life experience are strengthened when linked, that diversity in all its manifestations is a fundamental component of excellence in education and that authentic social and community engagement is vital for those who strive to win victories for humanity. The college rede�ned liberal arts education by initiating an entrepreneurial and experiential curriculum through the development of its hallmark cooperative work program. Many of the now common elements of today’s liberal arts education — self-designed majors, study abroad, interdisciplinary study, and portfolio evaluation — had an early start at Antioch College. The college was also among the �rst to make a commitment to community governance and the authentic participation of students in institutional deci-



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sion-making. Throughout the generations, Antioch College faculty, students, staff and alumni have committed themselves to important causes. Consistent with its mission, Antioch College has always given equal weight to understanding theory, engaging in practice and taking action. An Antioch College education has always encouraged independent thinking and invention. As a result, the college has earned signi�cant notoriety for producing alumni who make signi�cant contributions. These include two Nobel Laureates, seven MacArthur Foundation Fellows and numerous Fulbright Scholars. There are 200 acres and 25 buildings on the Antioch College campus, which �ts easily and comfortably into Yellow Springs, melding effortlessly into the surrounding neighborhoods. It incorporates the Romanesque and Greek revival architecture styles that were popular in the latter part of the 1800s. The campus opens onto a huge park of ancient trees, which leads the eye easily to the 1,000-acre Glen Helen Nature Preserve, the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who, in 1929, donated the wooded glen to Antioch College in memory of his daughter, Helen.

Antioch School, The 767-7642 mj@antiochschool.org www.antiochschool.org


Perhaps the oldest democratic school in the United States, the Antioch School was founded in 1921 by Arthur Morgan, the president of Antioch College. In 1951 the school moved to its current idyllic setting, nestled in beautiful green space neighboring the Glen Helen nature preserve. The building was designed by architect Eero Saarinen to connect the indoors with the outdoors and was renovated in 2007 to be more energyef�cient and environmentally friendly. The Antioch School is a place where childhood is respected and children are encouraged to pursue their innate curiosity wherever their abilities take them. The Antioch School offers programs for children aged 3-and-a-half to 12 based on the ideals of respect and trust and “challenge and choice” — a wide variety of educational opportunities are provided, with students encouraged to involve themselves in their own choices, matching their needs and abilities to resources for learning and growth.

The children are grouped in the Nursery, for 3-and-a-half- to 5-year-olds; Kindergarten, for 5- to 6-year-olds; the Younger Group, for 6- to 8-year-olds; and the Older Group, for 9- to 12-year-olds. The Nursery and Kindergarten offer half- or full-day programs. The school also of fers ar t and science programs, music instruction and an afterschool program. Development of reading, writing and mathematics abilities is emphasized, along with social and self-discipline skills — the interaction of children as a means for self-de�nition and growth is valued. Individualized instruction works two ways at the school: teacher-tochild and child-to-child. In addition, there are opportunities for the children to participate in a variety of activities, such as unicycling, drama, music and art, including pottery, painting, sculpture and stained glass. An emphasis is placed on physical activities, with children playing together on the school’s expansive grounds and swimming and skating �eld trips. The children attend school-day performances at the Victoria Theatre and Schuster Center in Dayton and Kuss Auditorium in Spring�eld. Directing the school’s operations is a board of directors consisting of parents and faculty members, facilitated by a full-time manager. Family involvement is vital to the school’s learning environment. Because the Antioch School is small, group size and enrollment numbers are limited. Tuition is comparatively low among area private schools. Applications are accepted throughout the year and �nancial aid is available. Tuition rates are available upon request. Visitors to the school are always welcome.

Antioch University Administrative of�ces, 769-1340 www.antioch.edu


Antioch University is a multi-campus university the traces its linage to 1852 in Yellow Springs. AU serves adult students in Yellow Springs, Seattle, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Keene, N.H., online and around the world. Antioch University has a rich histor y �lled with the ideals of social, economic and environmental justice. It challenges students to unite their passion with purpose and go forth with these ideals to accomplish their goals and make the world a better place. For more information, call 769-1340 or visit www. antioch.edu.


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� Reflexology



Working with all � ages � � races � � levels of physical & emotional health �

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Antioch University Midwest 769-1818 admission.aum@antioch.edu antiochmidwest.edu


Founded in 1988, Antioch University Midwest (AUM) empowers its adult student community to demonstrate the core competencies required not only for career success, but to instigate change and have a positive impact on the world. With the purpose of being an innovative center of real-world teaching and lifelong learning, AUM’s goal is to be the destination for those who seek exceptional career preparation for today and the future. Whether you are seeking to improve your skill sets, change careers or simply enhance your life, AUM offers a wide range of professional development, bachelor completion and master’s degree programs that are responsive to emerging societal needs in industries such as healthcare, education, business and

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management. Each AUM program features classroom and/or online learning, as well as service learning goals that connect students with industry professionals and their communities. Faculty encourages students to draw on past experiences, share their own goals and take what they learn and put it to the test in the most challenging scenario of all: the real world. A prime example of AUM’s exceptional programs are those in the School of Education, which is nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), and its graduates boast a 100 percent teacher licensure pass rate. A key element that leads to the success of AUM students is its distinguished faculty members, who are as diverse as the student body and include esteemed professionals, acclaimed authors and Fulbright Scholars committed to helping adult learners achieve their career goals. Antioch University Midwest also supports


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opportunities for community ser vice and partnership, from its 200-seat auditorium to its classroom facilities, which host events such as the annual Antioch Writers’ Workshop.

Community Children’s Center 320 Corry St., 767-7236 info@ysccc.org www.ysccc.org


The Community Children’s Center is a not-for-pro�t, high quality program offering education and care for children 18-months to 12 years of age. Licensed by the state of Ohio, the center is star-rated through the Job and Family Services Step Up To Quality program. The program meets high program and staff standards. The philosophy of the school is based on the belief that children learn through play experiences. The teachers prepare hands-on learning activities to challenge and encourage children at each developmental level. A variety of open-ended materials, activities and social experiences are provided in an environment of comfort and security. Children choose activities, interact with each other, try new roles, experiment with their own ideas, build on their experiences and solve problems. Individualized attention is promoted by small groupings and a low childto-teacher ratio. Parent and community par ticipation enhance program offerings. Staff and enrollment policies encourage diversity of racial,


religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The Children’s Center operates Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with a late program until 6 p.m. Full- and halfday programs from two to �ve days a week are designed to meet the needs of three age groups: 18 months through 36 months, 3 years through kindergarten and kindergarten through 12 years of age. The early morning and afternoon program for schoolage children provides a secure environment, breakfast, lunch, light snack, variety of group and individual enrichment activities and access to community resources. Governed by an elected board of trustees, the Children’s Center is funded through private tuition, United Way allocations, contracts with Greene, Clark and Montgomery county departments of Jobs and Family Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and support from the community. The center staff welcomes inquiries and observation visits.

Community Children’s Center After School Care C O N TA C T:



Children’s Center After School Care, located at Mills Lawn School and administered by the Community Children’s Center, is a recreational program offering after-school care for students ages 5 to 12. The program is designed to provide a safe, stimulating and enriching environment that is child-centered. Children may choose activities according to


their own interests, including inside and outside play, organized games, sports, arts and crafts and homework support. In addition, a daily snack is provided. After School Program is a nonprofit organization with a community-based board of trustees. The program offers full-time all-year care and is staffed by a director and child care teachers licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Ser vices. Fees, kept as low as possible, range from $100 to $200 a month. The program also accepts Title XX tuition assistance. For registration materials or more information, leave a message at 767-8145.

Friends Preschool Program Kathy Harper, early childhod director, 767-1303, ext. 113 E M A I L : kharper@greeneesc.org C O N TA C T:

Friends Preschool Program is a public school program operated by the Greene County Educational Service Center. Located at Friends Care Community, the program provides rich educational experiences to children with delays in development. A few slots are also available for tuition students from the community. Therapy services are available as needed. The program is dedicated to helping seniors and children learn together through the development of intergenerational programs. The program includes a strong educational component with structured teaching, as well as a health, nutrition and social service component. Class sizes are small. All staff have bachelor’s or master’s degrees in education. The program follows a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards. Bus transportation is available. The program is free to children with disabilities. There is a nominal tuition charge for private pay children. Friends Preschool serves children ages 3–5 from both Yellow Springs and Cedar Cliff school districts.

Greene County Career Center 2960 W. Enon Road, 372-6941 rbolender@greeneccc.com www.greeneccc.com; www.greeneESC.



Greene County Career Center has served as the region’s premier provider of careertechnical education for high school and adult

students since 1967. The center serves as a hub for high school juniors and seniors who seek career and college preparation in a hands-on environment. Approximately 60 percent of those completing a career-technical program at GCCC go on to a two- or fouryear college or university, a career or trade school or an accredited apprenticeship program. In addition to programs offered on the main campus, the career center also provides instruction at all seven school districts in Greene County in addition to the new Equine Science and Veterinar y Science program offered at the Agricultural Research Center. At Yellow Springs High School, engineering classes are provided by Greene County Career Center. The school also is the home of one of the premier adult programs in Ohio, the Peace Officer Basic Training class. Each year, dozens of new police of�cers earn their certi�cation thanks to this program. Additionally, Greene County Career Center also provides refresher courses for current law enforcement professionals and runs an academy for upcoming corrections of�cers. Beginning in 2014, a partnership through Clark State allows adults to take HVAC and Welding classes at the GCCC campus on West Enon Road.

Greene County Educational Service Center 360 E. Enon Road, 767-1303 www.greene.k12.oh.us


The Greene County Educational Service Center (GCESC) is located in the Arthur Morgan Building next to Yellow Springs High School and has been at this site since 1990. The GCESC provides a variety of educational services to Greene County school districts and other regional agencies. The GCESC employs over 170 workers in the areas of education and therapy and is one of the largest employers in Yellow Springs. The mission of the GCESC is to promote widespread success for students by providing essential, effective, specialized and innovative services that foster collaborative, valued partnerships amongst all stakeholders. The Greene County Educational Service Center provides high quality special education and instructional services to the districts. The services provided to each district vary depending on the size of the district and the special needs that each district has. The ESC contracts with each district on a yearly basis.

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E D U C AT I O N By coordinating services for the districts, the GCESC is able to help them reduce duplication of personnel and programs, therefore reducing costs for the schools. The Center is considered to be a premier provider of therapy services for students — including Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Adapted Physical Education. The GCESC also provides school-based mental health therapists to all of the county’s school districts. Further, the mental health staff has been working in speci�c districts on the PAX Good Behavior Game — a positive, disruption-reducing classroom management program that increases engaged learning and is considered to be a best practice by the American Federation of Teachers, the Surgeon General, and the Centers for Substance Abuse Prevention. The Greene County Educational Service Center also provides educational programs for students with emotional and/or behavioral issues at the Greene County Learning Center in Yellow Springs and an Outdoor Education Program for students in grades six–eight, as well as an alternative high school for students in grades nine–12, both of which are located at our site in Bellbrook. At the Bellbrook site are also the Intensive Needs Classrooms for students with severe communication disorders and behavioral issues. To �nd out more about the GCESC and updates on what is being offered, visit the website at www.greeneESC.org.

Greene County Learning Center Jason Miller, director of education, 360 E. Enon Rd., 767-1303, ext. 141 E M A I L : jmiller@greeneesc.org C O N TA C T:

The Greene County Learning Center, or GCLC, is a public “separate facility” school program for students in grades K–12 that serves students from all school districts in Greene County. The caring staff at GCLC work as a team to meet the academic and emotional needs of the youth that they serve. The major objectives of the program are to help the individual gain self-awareness skills, learn new coping skills, increase the ability to make appropriate choices and improve social-interpersonal interaction with peers and adults. An additional objective is to help the students achieve academically to the best of their abilities. The ultimate goal is to help each students to successfully return to the home school environment and to function more fully in the world around them.

Yellow Springs Public Schools Mario Basora, superintendent, 767-7381; Matt Housh, Mills Lawn principal, 767-7217; Tim Krier, McKinney School/Yellow Springs High School principal, 767-7224 W E B : www.ysschools.org C O N TA C T:

Students in Yellow Springs have the opportunity to pursue an education in three Blue Ribbon National Schools of Excellence: Mills Lawn Elementary School, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School. In 2014, the entire school district was chosen to join the Ohio Innovative Learning Network,

a selective group (2 percent of districts statewide) of schools doing innovative work in public education. The schools are dedicated to helping students become the global change leaders of the future. Through the implementation of the district’s 2020 Strategic Plan, it is giving students the tools necessary to make a positive impact on our world and achieve their personal goals and dreams. The schools have a longstanding reputation for encouraging critical thinking, individual creativity, respect and appreciation for diversity, and authentic learning in science, the �ne arts and the humanities. The public schools are a vital and integral part of the Yellow Springs community and provide an education based on the belief that small schools can provide big opportunities. More recently, the schools have been noted for an instructional shift to Project-Based Learning, using inquiry and student voice/choice to guide learning. Yellow Springs High School provides a comprehensive and varied curriculum for ninth- through 12th-grade students. Advanced placement courses, college prep courses, vocational courses (through the Greene County Career Center), Post Secondar y Options Education (PSEO), and a variety of electives are offered in many subject areas. Numerous co-curricular oppor tunities are available to students: athletics, including a dozen varsity sports; band/orchestra; a theater program; academic clubs; the School Forest Club; Poetry/Spanish Night; Charlotte Drake Youth Philanthropy Group; S.P.I.D.E.E.; the Bulldog Contemporar y Dance Competition, and other activities. All students are required to perform 45 hours of community service and a senior project as graduation requirements. Students in grades seven and eight attend McKinney Middle School, which is under the same roof as the high school, but McKinney School students have their own band and orchestra programs and participate in seasonal interscholastic sports activities. Emphasis is placed on assessing and accommodating the uniqueness of the early adolescent child in a middle school environment. Considerable effort is made to incorporate interdisciplinary studies through thematic units. McKinney students are afforded a variety of co-curricular opportunities including: athletics, Power of the Pen, Student Council and other activities. Mills Lawn School focuses on excellence and quality in its mission to educate students in grades kindergarten through sixth. The school offers a safe and engaging environment that promotes inquiry and problem-solving. Mills Lawn School encourages students to “own” their learning and take pride in their work, as well as their school. The school ensures that students develop strong reading and math skills by focusing on the individual and using data to drive instruction. Mills Lawn School pursues an integrated academic approach that helps students see the connections between subject areas. The school’s focus on arts education and problembased learning allows students to learn by doing, thinking and creating. Classes regularly leave the building to explore nature or visit important places that inspire their learning. The school actively recruits and welcomes guests to the school to help students understand their world from many perspectives.


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Walk by a certain Cliff Street porch on a spring or summer evening, and Cory and Amanda Howard will likely be out in the cooling air. Townes, their soulful Walker coonhound, might be flopped beside them, or quietly patrolling the perimeter of their yard. Two cats might be snuggled inside the house, a third mewing to come outside. “We love just hanging out, enjoying our lives,” observed Amanda on a sunny Saturday a�ernoon. Cory had just come home from work, and she was off for the weekend. Townes was being Townes in the yard. There are other places Cory and Amanda could be, but it’s here in Yel-

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low Springs that they’ve chosen to live. The couple grew up in Pitchin, near South Charleston (Cory moved there from Springfield in the third grade). They didn’t meet un�l high school, though, and got together as a couple in 2009. Cory, now 27, went to Wright State, gradua�ng with a bachelor’s in history. He took lots of Africa-centric classes, he said, and had a par�cular interest in African trade unions. Amanda, now 24, went away to Marie�a College, but missed Cory and her family and ended up returning to the area and earning her associate degree from Clark State in social work. A�er living in Beavercreek while Cory was in college, then briefly with Cory’s mom, the couple moved to Yellow Springs four-and-a-half years ago to try out a community they hoped to make their permanent home. They wanted to get married and start a family, Amanda said, and Yellow Springs seemed like a good place to put down roots. “Coming from a small town, we were looking for another small town. Something with a homey feeling that was safe and secure,” she said. Yellow Springs had “everything” they wanted, she added: parks, good schools, low crime, a peaceful atmosphere, even a record store. (Cory is a serious collector of vinyl, with a collec�on of around 1,000 records.) “And we didn’t have to go far to find it,” Cory said. For their first two years in the village, the couple lived in an apartment above Williams Eatery. It was spacious and


rela�vely affordable, they said. But hot in the summer — 100 degrees at �mes. “We fed Townes peanut bu�er ice cream” to cool him down, Amanda recalled. Cory said they were lucky to find jobs in the village within a month of moving here. Amanda worked at the Children’s Center in the morn-

ner of North Winter and Cliff streets. “We lucked into it,” Amanda said. A Saturday morning yard sale stop at the home revealed that the then-tenants were moving out. Amanda and Cory passed along their informa�on to the home’s owner, Be�y Ford, and “before we knew it,” they were moving in.

ing, Tom’s Market in the a�ernoon. Cory worked in the kitchen at Sunrise Cafe. They got by, he said. But they needed more financial security.

The previous tenants, who were moving to a houseboat in Florida, even sold them a lawnmower and le� other homesteading essen�als behind. The couple clearly loves where they live. They feed the birds; they take in stray cats; they observe the local wildlife — everything from deer in their back yard to a pileated woodpecker family nearby to a family of squirrels in their maple. “We respect where we live,” Amanda said. “We want to take care of it.” A few months a�er moving in, their life changed in another way. On Oct. 11, 2014, they got married at Camp Birch, which Cory knew and loved from his Boy Scout days. “We thought about a church wedding, but this felt more like us,” Amanda said. As it happened, that par�cular blissful Saturday was Fall Street Fair day. “It was hell,” Cory laughed, describing the logis�cs of maneuvering from their home to Camp Birch. “But it all worked out.” Townes, a rescue named a�er Townes Van Zandt, Cory’s favorite musician, was their ca-

Making a good life here “It’s really familyoriented here; I can’t wait to be included in that niche of friends with kids.” “I wanted to start stabilizing our life,” said Cory. So he went to work as a CNC operator at a steel shop in Springfield. “It was really good for us,” said Cory of the increase in responsibility and pay the posi�on provided. Amanda meanwhile began working from home for Assurant, an insurance company, doing medical billing. And around this �me, the couple moved from the apartment above Williams to their current rental, a house on the cor-


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nine ring bearer. Amanda, who’s clever with cra�s, made the li�le ring pillow they strapped to Townes’ back. And last spring, their lives changed again. Cory was s�ll working at the Springfield steel shop when he heard about a company in Yellow Springs — just two blocks from their house — that was doing agricultural research using black soldier flies. Three of Amanda’s high school classmates from Pitchin were already working there. “At first I thought, ‘This can’t be real,’” Cory laughed. But further inves�ga�on revealed what sounded to him like a “great gig.” He applied, and gave no�ce at the steel shop. “I went out on a limb, but I knew I wanted to find something closer and be�er.” He was hired by EnviroFlight in March of 2015. “It’s changed our life,” Cory said. “Financially we are so much more secure.” Cory said he loves his work. As processing supervisor for the company, he transforms the black fly larvae into the finished product, larvae-based feed meal. According to previous News reports, EnviroFlight is seeking federal approval for the sale of the meal as livestock feed, a step the company believes could transform the farming industry and fight world hunger. To Cory, the vision is compelling. “I believe in it. Everyone here is really on board, really driven. We believe this is something.” Cory appreciates the professional atmosphere at EnviroFlight. “I have a college degree, but I’ve always worked with my hands.” This posi�on seems to span the two worlds. “Glen honors people who have degrees,” Cory said. (Glen Courtright is the company’s founder.) The workforce is young, educated and serious about their work, he added. Cory even likes the flies. “They’re

just cool dudes,” he said, describing the large, slow-moving creatures. If it wasn’t for the EnviroFlight job, “we’d probably s�ll be here [in Yellow Springs],” Cory said. “But the job made a difference. It solidified everything.” And that solidity has ushered in yet another change in the couple’s life, he said. “It spurred us to want to have a child.” Amanda is currently eight months pregnant. The nursery, which is also her cra� room, is ready: the crib is set up, blankets she kni�ed and crocheted are neatly folded inside. Colorful paper cra�s le� over from their wedding hang on the wall. Amanda now works full �me at an insurance broker’s office in Springfield, a job she intends to con�nue a�er the baby comes. The couple s�ll needs to figure out child-care arrangements. “It’s nerve wracking, but it will all fall into place,” Amanda said. “We’re good at bouncing back, at making the best of situa�ons,” Cory added. And living in Yellow Springs will help, he believes. The couple is already part of a community of young parents in the village. “It’s really family-oriented here,” said Amanda. “I can’t wait to be included in that niche of friends with kids.” Friends outside Yellow Springs point out that Cory and Amanda could be making house payments elsewhere for the amount they pay in rent here. “But we’re paying for what comes with living here,” Cory said. One example among many stands out. For about a year, Cory and Amanda had a li�le feisty orange cat they named Archie, a stray who adopted them. “He followed us whenever Townes and I would go for a walk,” Amanda explained. “And then he just stayed.” Archie became a familiar presence in the neighbor-

hood, and when he died recently, “we had to tell all these people who kept asking us where he was,” Cory said. “Something as small as a stray cat ma�ered to people,” he reflected. “There was this acknowledgement of his existence.” (Archie is now buried in their yard.) That, he believes, is a unique quality of a place where people linger on porches, and walkers stroll, and stop, by. Cory works with a couple of young men who grew up in Yellow Springs, and he senses a certain op�mism and innocence to their outlook, a “glass half full” view of life. “They’re different — in a good way,” he said. The couple hopes to give their children a similarly good life in the village. About this ar�cle Cory said, “We can tell our child, ‘See, we did this for you.’” His face was serious, and he was smiling.

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Bahá’í Faith Roi and Linden Qualls, 767-7079 ysbahai@gmail.com www.ohiobahai.org


In the words of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í faith, “The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.” Bahá’u’lláh taught that there is one God who progressively reveals his will to humanity. Each of the great religions initiated by one of God’s divine messengers — Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad — represents a successive stage in the spiritual development of humankind. All religions are seen as one in spirit because, essentially, they share a common aim and origin. Bahá’ís regard Bahá’u’lláh as the most recent of these messengers, whose teachings address the ethical and spiritual challenges of the modern world. For more than a century, Bahá’í communities around the globe have worked to dissolve prejudices based on nationality, race, religion and gender. They have collaborated with other like-minded organizations to promote social justice, world peace and love for all humankind. Bahá’ís living in Yellow Springs meet regularly for worship. Their holy day celebrations, devotional services, children’s classes and study circles are all open to the public. The Bahá’í Center in Yellow Springs is located at 502 Dayton St.

Bethel Lutheran Church Rev. Larry Bannick, pastor, 2731 W. Jasckson Rd., 323-2471


Bethel Lutheran Church was founded in 1844 by Ezra Keller, who was also a cofounder of Wittenberg University. This ELCA church has developed from its traditional country heritage to serve a diverse congregation. It is a small, family-oriented church in which every member or visitor is valued. The Rev. Larry Bannick became the pastor in January of 2006. Sunday School for children and adults is held at 9:30 a.m. and church services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. The Kay Glaesner Community Center was completed by church and community members in 2006 and is available to rent for receptions and other events. The center has full kitchen facilities and accommodates up to 90 people. For rental information, contact Lois Pelekoudas at 284-0287.

Central Chapel A.M.E. Church Rev. Timoty E. Luggins, M.Div., pastor; 411 S. High St. Church of�ce, 7673061 E M A I L : TheChapelOne@aol.com C O N TA C T:

Central Chapel is a local church in the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) denomination. It began in 1866 in the Old Central School House on State Route 370, and the church moved twice before settling at High and Davis streets. Members now worship in the second sanctuary located at that location. In order to better serve the congregation and community, the church family erected an addition, the Education and Family Life Center. The church has and will continue to address the spiritual, civil rights, physical and educational needs of all persons in Yellow


S P I R I T U A L C O M M U N I T Y >46>

Springs and beyond. The A.M.E. motto is “God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, Humankind our Family.” Sunday church school is held at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday morning worship begins at 11 a.m.; Bible study takes place Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

First Baptist Church William E. Randolph Jr., pastor, 600 Dayton St. Church of�ce, 767-7659 or 767-7623


The First Baptist Church was originally called Zion Baptist Church when it was founded in May 1863. According to its records, it was formed to meet the needs of freed slaves. In 1876 members were able to purchase the then new First Baptist Church located on Xenia Avenue. After 134 years at the Xenia Avenue site, members held a �nal service on Aug. 17, 1997, and departed to the new location at 600 Dayton St. On March 25, 2006, the church, by God’s grace, achieved the extraordinary by celebrating the mortgage burning for the new building. Besides many groups and events serving its members, the church is noted for annual community events, the most noteworthy of which is the annual Calendar Tea, which has taken place for 55 years. The church also has an AWANA Program held each Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. AWANA is a Bible-based club for youth, kindergarten through seventh grades. AWANA combines fun, physical activity, Bible memorization and the basis of a relationship with God. In 2012, Pastor William E. Randolph Jr. was selected by the church body to serve as its pastor. Pastor Randolph delivered his �rst sermon on Oct. 7, 2012, and was of�cially installed on Nov. 11. Sunday worship service is held at 10:45 a.m., and Sunday school for adults and children meets at 9:15 a.m. Bible study is held each Wednesday at noon, with prayer and Bible study also held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. The church prescribes for itself a core belief in the love of all mankind generated by the love of God, and is a caring community of Christians who desire to be in the community, seeking to transform the community for the glory of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs Rev. Aaron Saari, pastor, 314 Xenia Ave. Of�ce hours: 9 a.m.–noon, Monday–Friday. Pastor’s hours: 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. Church of�ce, 767-7751 E M A I L : �rpys@gmail.com W E B : www.facebook.com/FPCYS C O N TA C T:

The First Presbyterian Church was organized in Yellow Springs in 1855. Its presence in the community has been a very visible one, and the new addition built in 1958 was dedicated for ministry oriented toward the community. A strong musical emphasis has brought excellence and diversity to its own musical program, as well as making the church a center for community music programs. It also offers space for meetings by many community groups as a part of its ministry, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Boy

Scouts, Monday Morning Artists, Chamber Music, Montessori School, Dayton Mandolin Orchestra, support groups, social justice and peacemaking and dance and movement classes. The church offers diverse styles of worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school for children and youth and both adult and children’s choirs. The church is an inclusive community of God’s people continuing Christ’s ministry of justice, mercy and love in the world.

lowing drumming, participants share �nger foods and conversations.

Grandmother Drum Healing Circle

Looking for insight, strength and hope, healing and guidance? We find it in the Heart, an inner source that is typically unnoticed and untapped due to our belief that we

Grandmother Wolfheart, 7679331; Grandmother Moon Fire, 767-1170

Heart Rhythm Meditation Classes and Meditation Circle Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm, 937-623-2047 E M A I L : darun@sbcglobal.net W E B : www.friendsoftheheartcenter.com C O N TA C T:


The Grandmother Drum Healing Circle holds monthly gatherings on the Saturday nearest the full moon, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus. The group draws from indigenous spiritual practices that recognize and honor the wisdom of female elders, the healing power of the drum and the importance of our connection to the earth. The group aims to build community and support one another. Each gathering begins with a silent meditation, followed by a �re ceremony and drumming. Colored cloths represent the four directions, and these colors swirl together to form pastels that �ow out in all directions with a voice for peace. The circle is open to everyone to honor the sacredness of the full moon. Fol-

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can think our way through our problems. Our thinking is very helpful, but limited. Our hearts are so much more than we know. Heart Rhythm Meditation offers the tools needed to experience a Change of Heart. Our goal is heart consciousness in which we reach an integration of self that includes the body, mind, heart and soul. In doing so we see ourselves, each other and the world differently and creatively. The HRM method of using the breath and heart beat in rhythm together is based on long standing mystical teachings and supported by scienti�c research. It is an applied, engaged kind of meditation that yields improved health, relationships, purpose and spiritual life. We learn to access the wisdom, insight, power, emotion, energy and harmony that we seek to live fully and wholly. Heart Rhythm Meditation is universal. All hearts are welcome. Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm lead a guided Heart Rhythm Meditation weekly on Tuesdays, 7–8 pm, at the Friends of the Heart Center, located at 794 Dayton St. in Yellow Springs. Newcomers are encouraged to come to a monthly Introduction to Heart Rhythm Meditation session on the �rst Tuesday of the month, 6–7 p.m. Individual instruction is also available by request. Seminars and workshops are announced on our website and in the YS News. Denise and Tom, in addition to having established careers in the medical and helping professions, are graduates of the Institute for Applied Meditation, iamheart.org. For more informatio, visit www.friendsoftheheartcenter.com, email darun@sbcglobal. net, or call 623-2047.

morning services. Sunday evening service is held at 6 p.m. and includes worship, training, music, ministry opportunities, choir practice and kid’s Bible quizzing. Adult Bible Fellowship is held Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., and small groups meet on Fridays at 6:30 p.m.

Pleasant Grove Missionary Church


Paster Matt Ransom, 491 W. Hyde Rd. Church of�ce, 767-8011 E M A I L : pleasantgrovemc@gmail.com W E B : www.pleasantgroveMC.org; www. facebook.com/pleasantgrovemc

Unitarian Universalists value a free search for truth, the importance of reason and the right of conscience, drawing inspiration from science, history and all world religions. Unitarian Universalists believe that spiritual wisdom is ever-changing, and seek to act as a moral force in the world, putting faith into action through social justice work in the community and the wider world. Unitarian Universalists are united by seven principles: • The inherent worth and dignity of every person. • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. • Acceptance of one another and encouragement for spiritual growth. • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. • The right of conscience and the democratic process. • Peace, liberty and justice for all. • Respect for the interdependent web of life. Individuals of all races, ethnic origins, religious philosophies, lifestyles, abilities and gender orientations are welcome at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs. The fellowship is located two miles south of Yellow Springs at 2884 U.S. 68 in Goes Station. Services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays year-round, with religious education for children and youth and child care for babies and toddlers. The building is wheelchair accessible. All are invited to explore the UUFYS website, visit the fellowship and discover the inclusive community of Unitarian Universalism.


The Missionary Church is an Evangelical denomination, committed to church planting and world missions. The Pleasant Grove Missionary Church has been a part of this community since 1945. A warm welcome awaits visitors by the people of this country church. Adult Bible Fellowship, Elective Class and Sunday School classes for children are held on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.; worship service for adults and children’s church are held at 10:30 a.m. Sundays; a nursery is available for all Sunday


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St. Paul Catholic Church 308 Phillips St., 767-7450, fax: 767-7465 E M A I L : of�ce@stpaulchurchyso.org W E B : www.stpaulchurchyso.org C O N TA C T:

The cornerstone of the first St. Paul Catholic Church was laid in 1856 on a lot at the corner of West North College and High streets. In 1908 the current church at the corner of Phillips and Elm streets was dedicated in a building that once housed the First Christian Church. St. Paul has 310 registered family units on its roster, a religious education program for approximately 40 children and youth, and adult education programs offered throughout the year. The parish praises God in word, song and Eucharist in its masses on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. The church has an outreach to various groups and persons in the area. It rejoices in the richness of the Roman Catholic tradition and in the diversity of a worshipping community drawn from the variety of Yellow Springs and its environs.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs 2884 U.S. 68, 372-5613, 7671603 W E B : www.uufys.org, www.uua.org

Yellow Springs Christian Center Assembly of God Pastor J. Ray Tyson, 324 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd., 767-9133 E M A I L : yscc@ag.org C O N TA C T:

The assembly is a small family church where the special unique quality of each individual is cherished and nurtured. The body of believers is warm and supportive with strong belief in the Bible as God’s manual for everyday living. Worship is informal and participatory. The Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center began in 1975 as an independent fellowship, and in 1977 associated with the Assemblies of God Fellowship.

Yellow Springs Dharma Center 502 Livermore St., 767-9919 info@ysdharma.org www.ysdharma.org


The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is a Buddhist meditation center supporting practice in the traditions of Vipassana, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. The center seeks to create an environment that supports the development of calm, compassion and generosity; to encourage an awareness of one’s own thoughts; and to consider how one’s words and actions impact the world. To this end, the center sponsors many activities at the big brown house on Livermore Street. Daily silent meditation is offered at 7 a.m. every Monday through Friday, and at 7 p.m. every evening except Saturday. Zen meditation is offered on Saturday, 7:30–9:30 a.m., and Vipassana meditation is offered on Sunday, 8–9:30 a.m. Vajrayana practice is held twice each month and is scheduled according to the Tibetan lunar calendar, so the Dharma Center’s website calendar should be consulted for practice dates. Those new to meditation and wanting to familiarize themselves with a beginning practice are invited to attend a brief orientation session held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 7:45 p.m. Additionally, six-week Basic Meditation Courses are offered throughout the year by senior practitioners at the Dharma Center. Half-day retreats at the center and residential retreats of up to one week duration are held at various times during the year as well. The Book Discussion Group meets regularly on Thursday evenings at 7:45 p.m. Schedules, titles and leader information are posted on the center’s website. A lending library is available for community use, with the contents posted on our website. Visiting teachers from the three traditions frequently hold teachings and practice retreats. Visit www.ysdharma. org for additional information, changes and updates to the schedule, and follow the center on Facebook.

Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) Rockford Chapel, 515 President St. on Antioch College campus, 767-1312 W E B : www.yellowspringsfriendsmeeting.org C O N TA C T:

Members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) meet each Sunday at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College





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campus. Meetings for worship are held in silence at 8:30 and 11:15 a.m., with individuals delivering spoken ministry when led by the spirit. Quakers recognize a measure of divine presence in every person, and their quiet worship times, called meetings, are intended to deepen devotion to this Spirit. Religious education is offered for children and adults Sundays from 10 to 10:50 a.m., September through May. An additional meeting for worship is held at Rockford Chapel each Wednesday from 7 to 8 a.m. The meeting sponsors a peace witness every Saturday at noon on the corner of Limestone Street and Xenia Avenue. Yellow Springs Friends have been active in peace and social concerns at local, national and international levels. In the 1970s, this body initiated formation of an extended-care facility in Yellow Springs now known as Friends Care Community; assisted living and independent living accommodations have been added.

Yellow Springs Havurah C O N TA C T:

Stephen Green, 767-9293

The Yellow Springs Havurah provides Jewish spiritual, religious, cultural, social and educational experiences. The Havurah holds Shabbat services the �rst and third Saturday of each month at 10 a.m., at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus. A schedule of Havurah activities is posted at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yellowspringshavurah/.

Yellow Springs United Methodist Church Rev. Rick Jones; Linda Shook, 202 S. Winter St. Church of�ce, 767-7560 E M A I L : pastor-ysumc@yellowsprings.com W E B : www.yellowspringsumc.com C O N TA C T:

The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a warm, friendly, communityoriented congregation. The membership is diverse and consists of professional, working class, and farm people, theologically representing the entire spectrum of faith understandings, from conservative to progressive. The congregation is also racially and ethnically diverse. The force that holds the group together is love: the love of Christ and a love for humankind. The United Methodist Church has been a presence in the village since 1837. Its current building was completed in 1846, dedicated in 1850, and has experienced a number of additions and improvements over the years. Today, the church serves the community by providing space for local support groups and organizations, the community Emergency Food Pantry and Home, Inc., a nonpro�t housing corporation. Sunday worship is held at 10:30 a.m. yearround. Church school begins at 9:30 a.m., September through May. Bible studies and other programs sponsored by the church are always open to the community. The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a faith-based community where everyone is welcome.

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�������������� ���������������� Support for Greene County Seniors & Caregivers • Information and Assistance Seniors and caregivers can call/e-mail the Yellow Springs Senior Center or Council for information on senior/caregiving issues and services. The Council’s Directory of Services and Support is available at the Center. • Partners in Care (PIC) Program Designed to keep seniors (60+) in their own or family member’s home for as long as possible. Depending on need, in-home services are purchased from local agencies. Council staff works with the Yellow Springs Senior Center when assisting Yellow Springs seniors and families. • Caregiver Support Caregiver Resource Center – information and materials on a wide variety of topics to review, borrow & keep. Caregiver support groups, educational and wellness programs and respite care.

937-376-5486 or 1-888-795-8600/www.gccoa.org Programs provided by the Council on Aging are possible through a countywide senior services levy.



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“Hey, Alex.” “Hi, Alex.” “Alex!” From the Mills Park Hotel to the Spirited Goat, people know her by name. A former Antioch College student and onetime Tom’s Market employee, she now works as the special events coordinator for the Chamber of Commerce. Meet Alexandra Scott: event planner, poet, activist, coffeehouse lover, future entrepreneur, villager. Scott, 22, moved to Yellow Springs in 2012 to attend Antioch, drawn by its progressive legacy and the chance to help remake the college, but decided to leave Antioch during her second year. “It just wasn’t the right time in my life” for college, she reflected in a recent interview. But she enjoyed the blend of art and social justice in Yellow Springs. And so she stayed. “I don’t have any regrets. I’m really glad I’m here,” she said. In fact, the Columbus native had been coming to Yellow Springs since she was a baby — for Street Fair. “My mom and I are huge festival fans,” Scott grinned. Scott was raised by her mom, Karen; her dad died when she was three, and perhaps as a result, mother and daughter have always been close. Scott counts her among her mentors and heroes. Scott and her mom still take part in Street Fair. But these days Scott is the organizing force behind the twice-annual event — the June 2016 Street Fair was the third she’d had a major hand in planning — and her mom

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helps staff the event as a volunteer. Mother and daughter share another passion: poetry. Scott described difficult times earlier in her life. “I was bullied in elementary and middle school,” she said. “I was really shy; I didn’t like myself.” But she began to flourish in high school after discovering poetry and finding her niche in the Columbus poetry scene. Soon she was writing and performing regularly. She even co-performed a piece during the 2011 Individual World Poetry Slam, a national event. And she brought her mom into poetry.

stairs living room,” she laughed. That location is key. Scott is just down the street from the Spirited Goat, “a place that means a lot to me,” she said. It was at the Goat that she discovered she loved to dance, and where she learned to play guitar. “I came out of my shell here,” she said, referring both to the coffeehouse and the wider village. Coffeehouses are important to Scott — so important that she hopes to open her own someday. “I want to make people happy, and bring the arts to them” through poetry, music and visual art

If poetry has been transformative, so has making her way in Yellow Springs. When Scott left Antioch in 2014, she faced two immediate challenges: finding a job, and finding a place to live. She worked at Tom’s Market as a cashier for nearly a year. (She was part of the “Antioch takeover” at Tom’s, she joked, a period that saw a surge of students working there.) She picked up a few hours of weekend work at the Chamber while still employed at Tom’s, and accepted her current Chamber position in March of 2015.

on the walls, she said. Her favorite Columbus coffeehouse is Kafe Kerouac, which she considers “another home to me.” She still goes back there, and helps staff their annual overnight poetry event, working from 1 a.m. to noon. “I want to open a coffee shop when I’m older, but I’m not sure when ‘older’ is supposed to be,” Scott said. For now, she’s “saving up and just working on myself — pursuing my passions that aren’t work-related.” She doesn’t plan to return to a residential college, but rather envisions getting an online associate degree in business to help advance her coffeehouse dream. Scott is deeply engaged by social justice issues, especially concerns pertinent to women, African Americans and trans people. Through her Chamber work, she’s helped organize Yellow Springs Pride, and she recently joined the Home, Inc. board as an interim member, prompted by her passion for tenant rights issues. “I can stand up for people who aren’t me,” she said, emphasizing the importance of “being an ally to people whose oppressions are different from yours.” But sometimes she struggles to stand up for herself “in that hard moment when something comes up.” She recently made the decision to do so. “I think I’m over worrying about people getting upset with me,” she said. “I’m a black woman and I’d like to be respected as a human being.” A few years ago, Scott self-published a poetry chapbook titled, “If I Could Be Louder.” She’s just not loud or confrontational by nature, she said; people tend to describe her as “really chill,” “so nice” and “old soul.” Yet in her own quiet way, she’s having an impact, according to Chamber Executive Director Wintrow. “We work under some very stressful situations especially with Street Fair and I’ve never seen her lose her cool or get angry. She puts everyone we work with at ease with her humor, helpfulness and kindness,” Wintrow wrote in an email this week. Scott reflected that she’s “changed a lot” since coming to Yellow Springs. “I’m stronger than I was four years ago, that’s for sure,” she said. “I’ve learned a lot, experienced a lot.”

Living and learning in the real world

“There’s always someone there when you need something; if I was anywhere else, I would not have made it this far.” “Before I worked for the Chamber, things were a lot harder,” Scott admitted, describing a time when making ends meet was tough. “When I was so broke I could barely afford food, people helped me,” she said. If she needed something, she could put the word out on Facebook, and count on villagers to respond. “There’s always someone there when you need something,” she said. To her, this willingness to help is a defining characteristic of life in Yellow Springs. “If I was anywhere else I would not have made it this far,” she speculated. She credits Karen Wintrow, her boss at the Chamber, for professional mentoring and support. “She treats me like a co-worker, she listens to my ideas,” Scott said. She’s been similarly lucky in her housing experiences, she said. She lived with a friend briefly, then rented a room from villager Leslie Lippert, “who took a chance on me.” Lippert remains a mentor and friend. About a year ago, Scott was able to rent her own apartment on Dayton Street, where “the people watching is great, and the Gulch is my down-





Lippert, who saw Scott through some early “growing pains,” said it’s been a pleasure to watch her flourish. “I always thought Alex was somebody really special. ... It’s been gratifying to see her grow up and find her place in the world.” This fall, after October Street Fair, Scott plans to head to the Colorado mountains for a visit. Having never lived outside Ohio, she’s keen to travel. And given that touch of wanderlust, Yellow Springs may not be her home forever, she admitted. But it will remain her home in another, deeper way. “This is where I came to be who I am,” she said.

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2016-17 Program

937-769-5019 • 1525 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs • www.TLC-AC.com




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DMS ink

ElectroShield, Inc.

Christine Soward, 937-222-5056 E M A I L : info@dmsink.us W E B : www.dmsink.us



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DMS ink (formerly Dayton Mailing Ser vices) is a minority- and woman-owned certified business that has thrived in the direct mail, digital print and data management industries for more than 30 years. DMS ink provides innovative, cutting edge solutions in the areas of project management, material acquisitions, data programming, variable content, digital, inkjet and offset printing, as well as fulfillment and mailing ser vices. By applying the latest technology and methodology to increase capabilities, improve ef ficiency and reduce costs, DMS ink maximizes consumer response and meets or exceeds the needs of the client. The company’s unique capabilities are sought by a wide range of businesses, from healthcare, financial, retail, political, energy, automotive and nonprofits. DMS ink moved its corporate headquarters to the Yellow Springs facility in the spring of 2016, along with its subsidiaries, The Bricks Agency, a creative strategy and marketing firm, and Bar rett Brothers Legal Publishing. The goal of owner and president Christine Soward is for DMS ink and its subsidiaries to be true partners to customers while also an extension of their business through trust and dedication.


708 S. High St.; 767-1054 www.electroshield.com

ElectroShield was founded in 1976 as a manufacturer of burglar alarms. Over time, the company transitioned into distribution and has grown to be the largest stocking distributor of Fujikura (formally DDK) and Conxall commercial circular connectors. ElectroShield’s connector lines are used in industrial manufacturing, including prominent use in the automotive assembly, automation and agricultural industries. Among many other applications, our products are used on servo motors, encoders, sensors, control boxes and scales to connect them with both signal and power. ElectroShield employs more than 15 empowered people, who are focused on enhancing customers’ business by providing quick, knowledgeable service and excellent delivery of commercial connectors.

EnviroFlight, LLC 303 N. Walnut St., 767-1988 info@enviro�ight.net www.enviro�ight.net


EnviroFlight harnesses the power of the black soldier �y (Hermetia illucens) through applied technology for nutrient recover y. The company uses co-products from breweries, ethanol production and preconsumer food residuals as feedstock for black soldier larvae to produce cost-effective, sustainable, high quality nutrients and fertilizer.

Morris Bean & Company 777 E. Hyde Road, 767-7301 www.morrisbean.com


Morris Bean & Company had its beginnings as a co-op work project of Antioch College. It was once known as the Antioch Foundr y and occupied what is now the Foundry Theater on Corry Street. Morris Bean was assigned to the project as student manager in 1928, and the business incorporated with Morris as president and partowner in 1946. The company supplies precision castings with extraordinary performance characteristics to manufacturers of commercial refrigeration, locomotive turbochargers, medical and cryogenic equipment. Morris Bean & Company is recognized as the source for castings exceeding normal industry capabilities.


S and G Artisan Distillery, LLC, sandgartisandistillery@woh.rr.com www.sandgartisandistillery.com


S and G Artisan Distillery, LLC is a true hand-created, small-batch distillery dedicated to hand-crafting �ne spirits, unusual liqueurs and traditional European schnaps. S and G was founded in 2011 and made its home in the community of Yellow Springs. Founding members Meg Solomon-Gujer, Steven Gujer, Hajo Scheuner and Kerry Scheuner work collaboratively in the creation, manufacturing, and business of the distillery. S and G’s brand, “The Spirits of Yellow Springs,” flagship products of Apple Pie Moonshine, made with S and G’s own exceptional rum, have proven

to be fan favorites, and the 44 proof version was voted a top pick of Ohio’s new products in 2015 (Ohio Magazine Readers’ Poll, Ed. January 2015). S and G’s tasting room offers tastings of all current products and some samplings of items in research and development. Located in the Millworks Complex, 305 N. Walnut Street, the tasting room is open Wednesday through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m., Saturdays from noon to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. You can �nd the distillery online at www.sandgartisandistillery.com and on Facebook under “The Spirits of Yellow Springs.”

Vernay Laboratories 120 E. South College St., 7677261 W E B : www.vernay.com C O N TA C T:

Vernay Laboratories is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacture of sophisticated fluid-handling components. Since Sergius Vernet’s invention of the waxexpansion element that revolutionized the automotive thermostat in 1938, the company has been dedicated to meeting and exceeding the specialized needs of the global marketplace. Vernay ser ves the industrialized world through sales and manufacturing facilities in Ohio, Georgia, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Brazil, Japan, Singapore and China. Vernay’s headquarters and research and development operation remain in Yellow Springs at its facility on East South College Street. Vernay produces precision rubber products for the automotive, appliance, consumer, small engine and medical industries. Products include duckbill check valves, umbrella check valves, v-balls, diaphragms, bidirectional valves, combination valves, check valve assemblies, �ow controls and a variety of precision molded inserted products, such as the v-tip needle valves, poppets, solenoid armatures and seals. Vernay was incorporated in 1946 and will celebrate its 70th anniversary in 2017.

Yellow Springs Brewery 305 N. Walnut St., Suite B; 7670222 W E B : www.yellowspringsbrewery.com C O N TA C T:

Yellow Springs Brewery is an award-winning microbrewery committed to crafting high-quality artisanal beer for the village and the region. Founded in 2013 by Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters, Yellow Springs Brewer y boasts a 15-barrel production brew house and public taproom at its location in the MillWorks business park. Yellow Springs Brewer y has set itself apar t in the growing craft beer market by brewing well-balanced beers that are unique takes on traditional styles, winning a silver medal at the prestigious Great American Beer Festival in its �rst year of operation. It has produced a wide variety of beers, including pale ales, stouts, saisons, IPAs, brown ales, barrel-aged beers, wheat beers, cream ales, milds and more. In 2015 the brew house doubled in capacity, and will soon churn out 4,000 barrels of beer per year. Yellow Springs Brewery cans two of its �agship beers for the retail market, and has plans for more brands produced in cans in 2017. More than 100 bars and restaurants in the Dayton, Columbus and Cin-




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For over 40 years, this non-profit studio has been providing opportunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well equipped with a wood kiln, a gas reduction kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24-hour access to the studio.

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YSI/Xylem Brand C O N TA C T:


1700/1725 Brannum Lane, 767-

info@ysi.com www.ysi.com







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YSI, Incorporated, a Xylem brand, is a manufacturer of precision scienti�c equipment. The company was founded in the village in 1948 by graduates of Antioch College. YSI’s global headquarters, research and development lab, and largest manufacturing facility are located in Yellow Springs. YSI employs over 200 people locally and has additional employees who work in YSI facilities all over the world. YSI’s major instruments and sensors are focused on environmental monitoring, namely water quality and velocity. These systems deliver high-quality data to governments and independent professionals who are actively maintaining our natural resources and ecosystems. The Life Sciences division of YSI also manufactures bio-analyzers for pharmaceutical, healthcare and alternative fuel processing applications. YSI’s slogan — “Who’s Minding the

Planet?”® — asks us to consider the commitment made by those who use our products to protect the planet and ensure a rich, sustainable future. Citizens who drink clean water, receive �ood warnings, enjoy recreational �shing, and patients with diabetes have all encountered the bene�ts of dedicated professionals utilizing YSI products. You can connect with YSI on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social media sites. To read more about how customers are using YSI instruments to manage local and global environmental issues, visit the compay’s blog at www.ysi.com/blog. YSI is both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registered.


cinnati areas already carry Yellow Springs Brewery beer on tap. Meanwhile, the local taproom features constantly changing art exhibits and guided weekly tours of the production facility. Yellow Springs Brewery also gives back to local nonpro�ts by donating $1 per beer for several hours on many Thursday nights. The brewery has around 30 full-time and part-time employees.

������������������������������� ��Built in 1893, the Clifton Opera House hosts entertainment March–November.

� Every weekend you can find a variety of musical offerings & entertainment. � The Opera House is currently hosting live concerts and events every Friday and Saturday night. INFO : 937-342-2175 www.villageofclifton.com

Visitors welcome. Open Studio Hours Saturday & Sunday from 12-4 P.M.


100 Dayton Street Yellow Springs Look for a schedule and description of upcoming classes at


Greene County Public Health




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BY AUDREY HACKETT All roads into Yellow Springs are just two lanes wide, and new resident Rajan Kose likes them that way. “There’s no four-lane highway into town,” he noted in a recent interview. “As you enter Yellow Springs ... things simplify and become slower. The roads into town are representa�ve of what this place means to me.” Kose first drove into the village five or six years ago, from Boulder, Colorado, to visit his “oldest, dearest” friend, Ruth Paige, and her husband, Harvey, both long�me residents here. Paige and Kose grew up together in India, the children of missionaries working in that country during the

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last days of Bri�sh colonial control. “We met when we were one year old,” said Kose. “We’re not blood relations, but we call each other brother and sister.” Kose said he loved Yellow Springs from the moment he first saw it, charmed by its compactness, its lack of preten�on, its peace and calm. “I thought, ‘Someday I want to live here.’” Someday came around much sooner

part of a life drawing group that gathers weekly at local ar�st Tom Verdon’s studio, and he’s ac�ve in the Yellow Springs Arts Council, “a really fine ins�tu�on.” Given his interna�onal upbringing, Kose is pleased with the cosmopolitan feel of Yellow Springs. “Many people are world-centric in their outlook,” he said. “I really love that.” Though there’s not an organized Indophile community, he said he’s met quite a few people in

Seeking a simpler life than he expected. A couple of years later, in the spring of 2013, he decided to try out village living for a few months. He secured a short-term rental and spent three months in Yellow Springs. The experience deepened and confirmed his first impressions. “I found it to be a peaceful life,” he recalled. “People stop on sidewalks or in Tom’s Market to talk. People aren’t in such a hurry; it’s not ‘Hi, I have to be in a mee�ng.’ People are willing to take �me and chat.” This was the kind of life he found himself longing for, a�er 38 years of living in Boulder. He moved to that city in 1975, he said, when it was s�ll a “sleepy western college town,” part cowboy, part hippie. Kose raised two children there, and built a career as a fine art photographer and, later, graphic designer. But the city changed with the influx of California money, he said, and despite many friends and a long history there, he began to feel less at home. So when his trial run of Yellow Springs was up, he decided to move here for good. He found a house to rent just a few blocks from downtown and took up permanent residence in July, 2013. “This seemed like the ideal place for me to live at this point in my life, so I made the plunge,” he said. And village life has proven “ideal” in myriad ways, according to Kose, who’s known as Raj here, an abbrevia�on of Rajan, a name he took many years ago as emblema�c of his Indian roots. He’s formed many friendships in Yellow Springs, par�cularly among those in the ar�st community, which he’s found to be suppor�ve and welcoming. “There’s not a lot of ego here,” he noted. He’s

the village who have connec�ons with India, Asia and other parts of the world. He’s a fan of the Chamber Music Fes�val, delighted by the world-class musicians that the group pulls in. And he’s a regular at the Emporium’s Friday night wine and music events, serving a couple of �mes each month as a volunteer pourer. “The Emporium is such a gem,”

Kose said he loved Yellow Springs from the moment he first saw it, charmed by its compactness, its lack of pretention, its peace and calm. he said. “It’s unpreten�ous, comfortable.” But the “crown jewel” of Yellow Springs, according to Kose, is the public library. “I’ve been to libraries all over the country [but here] you can get any book in the world, and that blows me away,” he said. He makes two or three trips to the library each week. He’s struck by how loyal Yellow Springers are to these and other local ins�tu�ons. “People are loyal to this community and want to see it thrive, even if that means digging deeper into their pocketbooks,” he said. His sense of prevailing local a�tudes is that people want a strong economy, but not at the expense of what

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stead, he was entering what the Hindus called the “hermit” phase, or in Western terms, the �me of re�rement. “This is when you begin to divest yourself of worldly possessions and reflect on your life, hopefully gather wisdom from your experience,” he explained, adding that he is not a Hindu, but finds value in the faith’s ways of conceptualizing human life. Kose is not sure how long he will stay in Yellow Springs, or what might lead him elsewhere. For now, he is simply happy to be here. “This feels so, so right for me, for my mind and heart,” he said.



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makes Yellow Springs Yellow Springs. Kose was s�ll new to the village when the CBE issue came before voters two years ago. “In many ways, I think the town was wise to reject [the plan],” he said. Boulder offers a cau�onary tale, he believes, demonstra�ng how a burst of outside business and money can “change the nature of a place.” That could happen in Yellow Springs, he said. His experience in the local economy has been difficult, he admi�ed. Kose owned his own business, Kose Graphic Design, for many years in Colorado. A�er taking a couple of years off around his move, he’s been working to restart the business in Yellow Springs. But finding new clients has been tough. “I’ve made a fairly strong effort to generate clientele,” he said. “But it hasn’t

worked to my advantage.” He speculated that Yellow Springs, as a smaller market, may not be large enough to support very many of any given type of business. “I do miss having gainful employment,” he said with a wry smile, but then added, “Challenges make life worth ge�ng up for.” Economic challenges aside, Kose said he sought a simpler life in leaving Boulder, and found it in Yellow Springs. His decision to relocate has a deeper meaning, he explained. Drawing on Hindu understandings of the four stages of life, he said he realized several years ago that his “householder” phase — the phase of middle life typically involving community building, employment and raising children — was coming to an end. In-


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LIBRARY Yellow Springs Community Library Connie Collett, head librarian; Janet Ogden and Ara Beal, youth services librarians, 352-4003 E M A I L : ccollett@gcpl.lib.oh.us W E B : www.greenelibrary.info C O N TA C T:

Do you need entertainment that is free and close to home? Do you need a fast Internet connection? Do you need a learning and social time for your baby, toddler or preschooler? Do you need something for your kids or teens to do? Do you need a good book to read? Do you just need some answers? Your local library provides all of this for free! The Yellow Springs Library houses almost 60,000 items, including books, movies, audiobooks, music, magazines and newspapers. Millions more can be borrowed from other libraries, including six other public libraries right here in Greene County. Quickly gaining popularity are free, downloadable e-books, audiobooks, music and videos for your iPad, e-reader or other device. Computers for the public and a high-speed Internet connection make the library the place to go when there’s slow or no Internet at home. Wireless for your own laptop lets you connect to the Internet and use all the library’s online services. One-on-one instruction for computer novices ensures that no one is left behind. Story times for babies, toddlers and preschoolers are a fun way to make sure your child gets an early start in reading. Children ages 0–5 can sign up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and receive a free book in the mail each month until they’re ready for kindergarten. Special activities for older kids and teens — including a Teen Advisory Group — keep them busy, connected and reading. The Summer Reading Program keeps people of all ages reading over the summer, educates and entertains with great programs and prizes to keep everyone motivated. If you have questions, there’s always someone to help �nd an answer, whether in person, by phone or online. The library’s subscriptions to premium databases often make getting answers easier than Googling on your own. If you’re homebound and can’t make it to the library, the library’s Outreach Department will bring books and other materials to you. All these services are available to you for free, paid for by your tax dollars. When our community joins together to fund a public library, the payoff for each of us is much greater than the cost of our individual contributions. More use means more value. Don’t miss out! The Yellow Springs Community Library is located at 415 Xenia Ave. Hours of operation are: Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sundays (September through May), 1 to 5 p.m.

Yellow Springs Library Association Beatrix Karthaus-Hunt, president beakarthaus@msn.com W E B : www.facebook.com/YellowSpringsLibraryAssociation C O N TA C T: EMAIL:

Membership in the Yellow Springs Library Association, or YSLA, is open to anyone inter-

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ested in serving the community and willing to pay the small annual membership fee of $5. YSLA assists the Yellow Springs Community Library in many ways, providing funds for many of the extras that make the library so useful and appealing. The YSLA: • Publishes a newsletter, ExLibris, four times per year • Holds a bi-annual YSLA Tea • Provides refreshments and prizes for library programs • Funds speci�c projects such as repairs to the roof, new bike racks, updated media shelving and meeting room lighting improvement • Supplies supplemental activities for the summer reading program • Gives a book to local newborns • Augments the librar y’s collection of DVDs, CDs, toys and books • Helps the library with the purchase of equipment and furnishings • Maintains and expands the Corky Shiff Circulation Art Collection • Raises funds through such activities as the Founders’ Day celebration and usedbook sales • Supports library outreach with book

donations • Works on library landscaping, including removal of invasive honeysuckle and maintaining garden plots. The YSLA has a long history of volunteer achievement. The doors of the �rst library in Yellow Springs opened in 1899 through the efforts of a group that, in 1901, incorporated as the YSLA. The group was responsible for maintaining every aspect of the library until 1926, when the library became part of the Greene County library system. In 1980, the association produced “This Town Is Our Town,” a slide and tape histor y of Yellow Springs, and in 1978 it founded the Corky Schiff Circulating Art Collection and established a local authors shelf. The association commissioned Jon Barlow Hudson to create “Tree of Knowledge,” an outdoor sculpture that was dedicated in 1993. All are invited to �nd the YSLA on its Facebook page, facebook.com/YellowSpringsLibrar yAssociation. Annual membership dues are $5 per household, with the opportunity for lifetime membership for $100. YSLA borchures with membership application forms are available at the entrances to the librar y.

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The YSLA is now a “Friends of the Librar y” organization. The governance of the librar y and its day-to-day operation are the responsibility of the Greene County system.



Applied Meditation for a Change of Hear�

¶ Weekly Guided Meditation Group ¶ Monthly Int�oduction Session ¶ Workshops ¶ Individual Mentoring for Deepening and Healing ¶ Laby�inth

The Friends of the Hear� Center

794 Day�on St., Yellow Springs

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A simple Google search brought Dorothy Dean and Jarod Rogers to Yellow Springs. “I literally Googled, ‘What is the most liberal town in Ohio?’” Dean recalled, laughing, in a recent interview. It was the spring of 2015. The couple were looking to move from Nashville to Ohio to be closer to Rogers’ children, 8-year-old identical twins Anna and Sarah, who had relocated to Columbus with their mother. Dean, 32, had graduated from Oberlin, and was hoping to find another small, progressive college town. Google steered them to Yellow Springs, a town previously unknown to them. A visit to the village in June convinced them they could live here. Their first stop? The Corner Cone, whose vegan options delighted Dean. After walking around a bit, the village “just felt right” to them, Rogers said. Less than two months later, they’d bought a house on the north side of town and moved in. From the living room of that home on a recent weekend, they said they were deeply pleased to be in Yellow Springs. “All the trees,” said Dean. “I was so enchanted by all the trees all around.” And she likes the casualness of the village. “The tents in the backyard, the tree houses, the


chickens roaming around — there’s so much spirit here,” she said. Rogers shares that view. “It’s nice to be a little bit more free,” he said, referring to the looser way of living practiced by many Yellow Spring-


thing with a human element,” he said, and is particularly proud of his storytelling around the lives of wounded veterans. “Telling stories about our men and women in the military is a particular passion of mine,” he said.

Villagers, thanks to Google ers. “You can spend your entire life manicuring life and not spend a moment enjoying it,” he reflected. The peace of their new surroundings belies a year of challenge and change. Rogers, 36, is a photographer and vid-

“I was so enchanted by all the trees all around. ... The tents in the backyard, the tree houses, the chickens roaming around — there’s so much spirit here.” eographer who’s spent much of his career in TV news. He’s won regional Emmys and a regional Edward R. Murrow award for his work. He loves “any-

At the time the couple left Nashville, however, Rogers was working as a corporate multimedia specialist, and was ready for a change. Moving to Yellow Springs, he decided to break away from the corporate routine and launch his own videography business. That business, Immersion Media, has been gradually taking off, though he and Dean — who is a coowner and active in aspects of the company — said they’d underestimated the difficulty of starting an entrepreneurial venture while also settling into a new town and home. But taking on a bit too much is not unusual for the couple, who met online two-and-a-half years ago and quickly plunged into shared life. They are different but complementary, they said. Rogers was born and raised in Tennessee, part of a farming family who also owned a local hardware store. He was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome at age 7, and his experience with the illness set him





“They are so glad to be out of the city.” The girls have made friends in the neighborhood. “They tell us, ‘Everybody here is so nice. There are no mean kids.’ That’s a direct quote,” Dean said. There’s a bit of wonder in the couple’s voices as they reflect on how a Google algorithm led them from Nashville to “the most liberal town” in Ohio. “We are very pleased with our choice to come here,” Rogers said. “We’ve been nothing but pleased.” “This is a good little town,” Dean agreed.

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on a path to study nursing, with the goal of eventually going to medical school. But exposure to journalism and communications in college led him to switch focus. Dean was born in New Jersey, of Texan parents, but grew up in Australia, where her parents relocated when she was 5. She came to the U.S. for college, surprising herself by being drawn to religious studies, and has remained here since. The U.S. is now her home, though she retains a “wandering spirit,” even as her vocabulary has slowly shed its Aussie words (“brolly” has given way to umbrella, for example). The couple got married, about a year after moving to Yellow Springs, and spent a brief honeymoon in Iceland. “We both get really excited about things, and do them,” Dean said. “We’re both kind of impulsive.” Rogers said he thrives on deadlines and a fast pace, and likes being the one who “does the thing that maybe can’t be done” in his professional work. His wife is the planner and researcher who “has wonderful ideas.” He paused. “Some ideas are more farfetched than others,” he confided. “One project at a time,” Dean said. “That’s a song we sing to remind ourselves to slow down.” She may not be taking her own advice, however. In addition to moving, getting married and helping to launch Immersion Media, Dean is

finishing her dissertation. She is a Ph.D. candidate in theology at Vanderbilt University. Working in the “constructive” theological tradition, which understands religion as story and metaphor, her particular focus is eco-theology — a reimagining, and healing, of the relationship between humans and the earth. In addition to her doctoral work, she taught as an adjunct professor at Antioch College last spring, and will be teaching there again this fall. “Antioch students are so cool,” she said. “I’ve been really impressed with how much they care.” Dean plans to defend her dissertation this spring and begin a job search thereafter. Though she hopes to find a teaching position in the area, both she and Rogers recognize that the realities of the academic job market might push them further afield. But they are putting down roots here nonetheless — planting a small garden, building a free-standing deck in their back yard, redoing the plumbing in their house. Yellow Springs has been good to them, they said. And Rogers’ daughters, who spend part of their time in the village, are loving being in a small town — especially one that’s next to a big nature preserve. The twins attended eco-camp at Glen Helen, and the family spends a lot of time together in the Glen, as well as at Ellis Pond and the area around Glass Farm. “They both crave nature,” Rogers said.



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“It’s fate,” said Susan Snow, explaining how she and her daughter, Jumana, landed in Yellow Springs. Mother and daughter moved here in 2014, from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for Jumana to attend Antioch College. They share an apartment on Xenia Avenue, just adjacent to the college, where Jumana is a fourth-year student. Fate — and an email Susan received years ago. “I love to tell this story,” she said in a recent interview over plates of hummus, dates and pickled turnips. She was working in the counseling office at the American International School at Jeddah, she explained, when she learned, via email, that a little college in Ohio was offering full scholarships. Jumana was still a few years away from graduating high school, but the email stuck in Susan’s mind. “I wanted my daughter to have some kind of education, but as a Jordanian girl in Saudi Arabia, that’s difficult to do,” she explained. Susan was born and raised in Vermont; in her twenties, she met and married a Jordanian man, Mahmoud Shetawi, and went to live with him and his family in Saudi Arabia. They raised a daughter there, and when it came time for college, Susan and her husband looked into schools in the United States. Financing college was a problem. Jumana applied to, and was accepted by, several schools in Vermont, including the New England Culinary In-

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stitute, but the family wasn’t sure how to pay for Jumana to attend. Then Susan remembered the email. “She applied, and a few months later had a Skype interview with Micah [Canal, the former dean of admission],” said Susan. On April 2, 2014, waking up after an obligatory mid-day nap in the Saudi heat, Jumana learned she’d been accepted. “We couldn’t believe it!” mother and daughter recalled. Aside from the full scholarship, Ju-

vercreek has a large Muslim community, she added, and people there don’t necessarily share her sense of safety. Susan currently tutors two Saudi Arabian women attending graduate school in Dayton; they were adamant about paying the small amount of money they owed her “in case something happened to them,” she said. “Americans don’t know that much about Islam,” Susan said, emphasizing the warmth and gracious-

Antioch and fate drew Snows to village mana, who loves to paint and create, was drawn to An�och because of its small size, diversity and strength in visual arts. “I felt like there were lots of caring, loving people here,” she said. The fact that alumni had worked to reopen the school also impressed her. “I thought, maybe I could do something like that,” she said. But Susan hadn’t lived in the States for 28 years, and Jumana never had, though both had visited Susan’s family in Vermont and California. Susan said she and her husband felt apprehensive about sending Jumana alone to live in the States. And they knew nothing about Ohio or Yellow Springs, Susan said. “You read things online, you know, and it scares you,” she explained. So, in a move unusual by American standards, but perhaps less so by Arab ones (Susan described living with her in-laws for 20 years), mother and daughter came to Yellow Springs together. Jumana’s father remained in Saudi Arabia. “When I was first accepted, I needed my mom,” said Jumana. “But I’ve gotten the hang of living in America.” She’s not sure she needs a parental presence now, she added. “I want to be alone, to have that experience.” She’s looking forward to a co-op abroad, probably in Spain. Jumana said she feels safe and accepted at Antioch and within Yellow Springs. Susan agreed. “I feel safe here in this town,” Susan said. Bea-

ness she has encountered among Arab friends and rela�ons. “When you have guests in your house, they are more important than family members,” she said of the culture of profound hospitality she’s experienced during nearly three decades in Saudi Arabia, where she’s lived, and Jor-

“All those lovely people standing for peace. I love those people.” dan, where her husband’s family is from. Susan said she preferred to keep her own religious beliefs and practices private. But she spoke a bit about her sense of cultural dislocation — of being American, yet also Arab. “I feel like a baby here, having to learn everything again,” she said. The first year was tough. She felt isolated, and applied for many jobs but got few responses. Shortterm stints washing dishes and selling jewelry didn’t work out, though she was glad to be given a chance to do something, she said. An administrative position at Layh and Associates opened up, and she got the job. “It was such a relief,” she said. Jumana said her own adjustment has

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stay in Yellow Springs, or even the United States, beyond graduation. “I want to explore the world and find a place where I want to be and have a stable life,” she said. She envisions owning her own bakery or art gallery. And Susan is not sure if she’ll return to Saudi Arabia, or if she and her husband will settle elsewhere. They have a house in Jordan, she said, in hills that remind her of Vermont. Yellow Springs is likely a temporary stop. But one image of life here is unforgettable, Susan said: the Saturday morning peace activists. “All those lovely people standing for peace,” she said. “I love those people.”

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

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been smooth. “It doesn’t feel that different than home,” she said of Antioch. “I hang out with friends, we go to the coffee shop, that kind of thing.” She’s a soccer enthusiast — the afternoon she spoke with the News, she wore a soccer ball pendant around her neck — and plays soccer with an adult league in Dayton. A multi-sport athlete, she’s tried to revive sports like soccer, basketball and volleyball at Antioch, with mixed results so far. Last year, Jumana was a Miller Fellow at the Yellow Springs Arts Council, where she also organized her own show of photographs and artifacts, “Captivating Jordan,” last spring. Cooking is another love, and she’s entered the YSAC cookie contest twice, winning second place both times (Susan

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won first last year). Both mother and daughter cook a mixture of Middle Eastern and American dishes. One new dimension of Jumana’s life here is her exposure to social justice issues at Antioch. A year ago, she was part of a group of students who attended a Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration in Selma, Ala. “It was really inspiring, all the people who came together,” she said. Last fall, she attended a leadership conference for people of color in Michigan. And she and other Antioch students walked to express solidarity with their African-American peers at Mizzou. “This is kind of new to me in the States, how different races are treated differently,” she said. Jumana doesn’t know if she’ll

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BY DIANE CHIDDISTER When Lori Collins-Hall and Chris Burgher first visited Yellow Springs two years ago, they were checking out the village as a place to live. Collins-Hall had recently been offered the job of vice president of academic affairs at Antioch College, and the job was appealing. But before they arrived, the women weren’t too sure about the town. They already lived in a small town in upstate New York, population 15,000, and Yellow Springs was, well, really small. They pulled into the village on a Friday night and parked downtown, surprised to hear live music pouring from the Emporium. And the sidewalk was full of people, talking and laughing. The next day, they stopped into the Train Station for a calendar of activities, and were amazed at all that was going on. “There was more going on here than where we came from,” Burgher said recently, with a laugh. “I immediately fell in love with the town.” At the time, Collins-Hall was chair of the sociology department and university assessment and institutional effectivenss at Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y. She had recently opened up an email in which then Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt was asking if she might be interested in coming to Antioch to help rebuild the college. “I thought it was a prank,” she said of the email. But it wasn’t a prank, and CollinsHall was attracted to the job. She had the expertise, having focused her career on building skills in both strategic planning and institutional effectiveness, skills sorely needed by a recently revived college. And she was intrigued by the opportunity. “There aren’t many people in higher education administration who get to be involved in raising up a college,” she said. “The door opened and it seemed foolish not to walk through it.” Not long after, Collins-Hall moved to Yellow Springs to take the job, which also involved helping to oversee the effort to gain accreditation. The hours were very long

— she sometimes worked 16 hour days — but she wasn’t surprised. “Friends had told me about the life of a vice president of academic affairs,” she said. “I knew there would be long days.” And it helped that she enjoyed her co-workers. “My colleagues at the college are

Choosing a college and a town wonderful,” she said. “I’ve rarely worked with a group of people who care so much about what they’re doing.” At the time, it also helped that Burgher hadn’t yet moved to Ohio, so that Collins-Hall didn’t mind quite so much not coming home until after dark. Burgher worked nine more months at her job as an administrative assistant at the State University of New York at Oneonta, visiting Yellow Springs regularly to look for a house. While housing prices in Yellow Springs were higher than they expected, the women found a rental with a big backyard on Gardendale Drive, which they now share with Snickers, their dog. They also have room for visiting relatives — both women have two adult children, with Burgher’s two sons ages 26 and 29 and Collins-Hall’s daughters ages 21 and 24. The women laugh when they explain that they met on Match.com. It’s funny because they had circled each other for decades, living in the same town, working in close-by universities, having the same friends and even going to the same Happy Hour — but until Match.com, they hadn’t met. Now, they’ve been a couple for eight years, and were married in New York state two years ago. Burgher re�red from her job on Jan. 30, 2015, and set off to drive to Yellow Springs the next day. While the couple doesn’t see each other quite as much as they would like (although the hours aren’t quite so long now that accredita�on has been won), Burgher is se�ling into life in her new home. She enjoys taking pottery classes at John Bryan Community Po�ery, hiking in the Glen and gardening. When she wants more ac�vity, she takes on contract work, and oversaw

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the college’s commencement ac�vi�es. And on weekends she and Collins-Hall like to hike and explore their new area — some Sundays they’ll set off in the car and just decide on the spur of the moment whether to turn le� or right. For Collins-Hall, work at the college, where she is now provost, remains rewarding. While the accredita�on efforts are over un�l the 10-year review, she hopes to help the college define itself as a dis�nc�ve ins�tu�on that offers real opportunity for young people to make a difference, both in

their studies and in their school. “Every liberal arts college these days say they offer a holis�c experience,” Collins-Hall said. “But both the vision and the experience at An�och set it apart in the very real integra�on of students’ lives both in and out of the classroom. We want to capture that, the ways that students are involved in every aspect of the college.” Both Collins-Hall and Burgher are glad they ended up in Yellow Springs. “I love the work I do,” Collins-Hall said. “Every day it’s full and meaningful.”

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Boy Scouts WEBSITE:


Local Boy Scout Troop 78 has been in existence for more than 60 years, meeting regularly at the First Presbyterian Church. Outdoor activities are the highlight of the program. The troop is also involved in community service, leadership training and fostering cooperation. Recent and planned activities include backpacking in southern Ohio and Kentucky, caving, summer camp, an 80-mile bike trip, whitewater rafting and a four-day canoe trip.

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Y O U T H O R G A N I Z A T I O N S >65>

The troop sells Christmas wreaths in late November and December to raise money for trips and conducts the annual Christmas tree removal in January, which is its largest community project.

Cub Scouts C O N TA C T:

Chris Wyatt, 767-0112

Cub Scouts is a volunteer program for boys who are in the first through fifth grades (ages 6–11). It is a home-centered program with activities that involve the whole family. The Cub Scouts in Yellow Springs are represented by Pack 578, sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church. Pack 578 is grouped into dens of Webelos, Wolf, Bear and Tiger Cubs. Boys in the �rst grade may participate in the Tiger Cub program. Den meetings are held twice a month, with a pack meeting once a month at the Presbyterian Church. The Cub Scout program helps boys grow through character development, craft skills, citizenship training and activities that involve skits and games and physical �tness skills. Pack events include a Pinewood Derby and other races, an overnight camp, Cub Scouts Days at Camp Birch and a family picnic. Currently, individual den leaders run the dens in Yellow Springs. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.

Fair Play 4-H Club Kathleen Galarza, 937-838-7411 galarzaohio@earthlink.net


The Fair Play 4-H Club includes boys and girls ages 5–18, and helps them grow into productive, contributing members of society. Fair Play 4-H Club offers fun, active oppor tunities for personal learning and growth through club meetings, projects, hands-on learning, leadership opportunities, fairs and activities. Participants are encouraged to explore their own unique interests and share their knowledge with others in the club.

Girl Scouts Susan Hyde, 767-7756; Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, 800-233-4845 E M A I L : susanhyde@aol.com C O N TA C T:

The Girl Scouts of the USA strive to develop self-esteem, a strong personal value system, skill in interpersonal relationships and the ability and desire to contribute meaningfully to society. Locally, girls 5 to 17 can participate in a variety of activities such as camping, earning badges, community service and product sales. Troop camping, resident and day camps are available for all ages. Leaders for troops are needed every year; leaders do not need to be a parent of an active scout. Volunteers are welcome.

Perry League Jimmy Chesire, 767-7300, 937708-9243 E M A I L : jimmy.chesire@wright.edu C O N TA C T:

Your Trusted Partner in Local Giving For over forty years the Yellow Springs Community Foundation has managed funds from generous donors to provide grants for education, arts, wellness, public recreation, conservation, research, and environmental improvement that improve and enhance community life in Yellow Springs and Miami Township. Trustees* and Members Lisa Abel* Basim Blunt Richard Bullock Matthew Denman Leigh Duncan Terry Graham Tia Huston

Ellis Jacobs* Lisa Kreeger* Joanne Lakomski Maureen Lynch* Rachel McKinley* Kevin McGruder Sandy McHugh

Susan Miller* Evan Scott* Mary Kay Smith Tim Sherwood* Kathryn Van der Heiden Sterling Wiggins*

Yellow Springs Community Foundation • P.O. Box 55 • Yellow Springs, OH 45387

767-2655 • yscf@yscf.org • www.yscf.org

Perry League, Yellow Springs’s unique, hilarious and wonderful T-ball program, is a noncompetitive beginner’s baseball program for girls and boys ages 2 to 9. Two- and 3year-olds are welcome if accompanied on the diamond by an adult. There is no fee, no registration. Children can begin to play on any of the 10 Friday nights, and there is no requirement to play every week. Organizers try to keep it simple, try to make it fun and are serious about keeping it noncompetitive. There are no outs, no runs, no scores and no one ever strikes out: you get 1,000 strikes in T-ball. Every child gets a chance to �eld and to bat a couple of times each evening. Organizers try to be as tender, patient and

loving as possible. The program is open to all children regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, ability or disability or spiritual inclination. Children come out to play ball, to play in the water at the drinking fountain, to play in the grasses around the two �elds, to hang out with their old and/or new friends and they often come out to just sit and play in the dust of the Gaunt Park ball diamonds. The Perr y League is a self-sustaining, all volunteer program. Donations from parents, grandparents, loving aunts, ugly uncles, big brothers, big sisters, friends of the program and the children themselves and the sale of T-shirts allow the program to pay for itself. Perry League is held every Friday night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Gaunt Park. The season runs for 10 weeks beginning on the �rst Friday in June and ending on the �rst Friday in August with a wiener roast potluck picnic, at which every child is awarded a Perry League trophy. It’s great fun for kids and adults alike, so why don’t you come on out and play?

Sea Dogs Deb Zendlovitz, 545-4729 www.ysacseadogs.swimtopia.com


The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs is a competitive summer swim team for youth ages 5–18. The season runs from the beginning of June until the end of July. There are eight dual meets and a championship meet during June and July. The Sea Dogs swim team teaches the essentials of all four competitive strokes in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun. Practices are held Monday–Thursday. For more information, go to ysacseadogs. swimtopia.com.

Yellow Springs Youth Baseball C O N TA C T:


Tim and Jennifer Sherwood, 767-

The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program has two divisions: the Minor League for children aged 6 to 9 or 10; and the Major League for children ages 10 or 11 to 14. This is recreational baseball with a focus on fundamentals, sportsmanship, teamwork and fun. The season runs from after Memorial Day through July and is a volunteer organiza-





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tion. A volunteer coordinator is needed for each of the leagues. Parents and other adults are needed to volunteer to coach teams and referee games. Volunteers are also needed to prep the fields before games (except mowing.) High school community service credits are available for this function. The Minor League plays coach-pitch with some modi�cation of standard baseball rules to promote learning and the basics of baseball. The Major League plays by standard baseball rules with only a few changes to promote learning advanced concepts of the game. All games are played at Gaunt Park, with the Minor League playing on the diamond nearest the forest tree line, and the Major League playing on the large diamond closest to the pool area. All teams usually play two games per week with the games during evening hours and on the weekends. There is a registration fee to help cover team uniform and league supply expenses. Scholarships are available.

Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association Dennis Farmer dfarmer2663@yahoo.com



The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, or YSYOA, was formed in 1964 as an organization interested in promoting and supporting music education and activities for the youth of Yellow Springs. This is accomplished through loan and repair of instruments, scholarships and concerts. YSYOA offers a two-week summer music camp for students who have played an instrument for at least a year. The camp includes group and individual instruction, and ends with a grand �nale concert for the public. In recent years, the YSYOA has expanded to include intergenerational playing groups such as the Yellow Springs Strings, which meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Yellow Springs Senior Center great room. Email dfarmer2663@yahoo.com for more information.

Yellow Springs Youth Soccer Bob Curley, 767-7070; Bill and Lynn Hardman, 937-768-4140 E M A I L : hardmansoccer@sbcglobal.net W E B : www.facebook.com/ YellowSpringsSoccerInc C O N TA C T:

The mission of Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc. (YSSI) is to encourage and assist in the development and growth of community leagues, associations, organizations, programs and teams, so that soccer is made available to more people at all levels of competition. Since its inception 51 years ago, the recreational soccer program has offered accessible soccer ever y fall and spring to the children of Yellow Springs and nearby communities. The program continues to be run entirely by volunteers and is funded by donations — no registration fees are charged for inclusion on a recreational soccer team. There are currently four age levels of recreational youth soccer that form groups or teams after an annual registration clinic in late summer: • Copper Cup — pre-K to kindergarten

• Bronze Cup — �rst to third grade (or similar age) • Silver Cup — fourth to �fth grade • Gold Cup — sixth to eighth grade Traveling teams also form as interest warrants. Contact YSSI for more information. YSSI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, bene�ts from monetary donations and an annual soccer camp each June. If you’d like to contribute, make checks out to YSSI and mail to: YSSI, P.O. Box 813, Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse (YSKP) Ara Beal, 767-7800 admin@yskp.org W E B : www.yskp.org; www.facebook.com/ theyskp C O N TA C T: EMAIL:

The YS Kids Playhouse is a multimedia theater experience by and for youth. YSKP holds introductor y and advanced acting and technical theater ar ts immersion experiences for youth ages 7–18 throughout the year. Each summer immersion focuses theater arts education around both knowledge and hands-on experiences by producing newly commissioned musicals and plays for youth. As the only Daytonarea theater to exclusively present original work, YSKP of fers professional quality and innovative entertainment for all ages. It promotes creative interaction between area youth, professional artists and a variety of art forms. YSKP’s projects reflect cultural and ethnic diversity and issues important to today’s youth. Participation in productions is open to all. Participation fees are offset by scholarships as needed. Through YSKP, area youth have the opportunity to engage in a structured learning experience within a broad range of theater skills. Founded in 1995 by John Fleming, and currently under the direction of Ara Beal, YSKP is critically acclaimed by area theater critics and regularly cited in their lists of the best theater work in the Dayton area. YSKP is the recipient of numerous grant awards, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ohio Arts Council, CultureWorks, the Morgan Family Foundation and the YS Community Foundation. As a nonpro�t community theater arts education program, it also receives individual, business and corporate support.

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BY AUDREY HACKETT An ar�st and an academic move to Yellow Springs. They find people, jobs, a community they enjoy. They have a child. In a few years, they buy a house. They make plans for their little boy’s future. In short, they se�le down, for the first �me in their lives. “We liked the people and community and environment right away. We liked our jobs. We like everything right now,” said James Lucke�, a photographer and cook. “We feel really fortunate,” he said, wonderingly. His wife, Tanya Maus, said she immediately felt at home in Yellow Springs, even before it was their home. “There’s a sense of belonging that I’ve not experienced before,” she said. She’s amazed, she said, that a community of just 3,500 people can have such richness and depth. “There are all these networks of people here that you can be a part of. It’s not New York or San Francisco ... but there’s so much complexity in village life.” Maus and Lucke� moved to Yellow Springs in July of 2013. Then a professor of history and East Asian studies at Wi�enberg University, Maus had been living in Springfield since 2007. But she found herself increasingly gravita�ng to Yellow Springs, frequently driving south to prac�ce yoga at Yoga Springs (now closed). The women she came to know through the studio became “a community I felt richly connected to,” she said. Lucke� moved to Springfield, from Ann Arbor, Mich., in 2009 to live with Maus. They had been friends for many

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WHY YS? years, he said, and their friendship had burgeoned into a romance. The couple got married that year. A photographer and cook, Lucke� began teaching at several area colleges and working at the Emporium. “With James’ job, we found ourselves coming to Yellow Springs more and more,” Maus said. So they decided to move to the vil-

war, having earned her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2007. At Wi�enberg, she taught courses on the atomic bombing. In addi�on to maintaining the Peace Resource Center’s scholarly archives, she also creates programming to promote Kingean nonviolence and a culture of peace on campus and beyond. Last year, for example, on the 70th an-

Two‘nomads’ decide to settle down

lage. “It just felt comfortable,” Maus said. But finding housing was a feat. “We would follow every lead in the newspaper and call within an hour, but they all were taken,” she recalled. Five months into the process, their luck turned, and they rented a home on Allen Street. Just six months a�er moving to Yellow Springs, their son was born. They gave the small boy a grand name, August Frederick Townes, a�er three of their ar�s�c icons: playwright August Strindberg, photographer Frederick Sommers and singer-songwriter Townes Van Zandt. August is now 2½ and a connoisseur of the village’s playgrounds, favoring those at Mills Lawn and An�och School. August recently started day care at the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, a�er the family tried a day care facility out of town. “It was a beau�ful place, but he didn’t like it,” Maus said. By contrast, August “loves the Children’s Center,” she said. “It was as if he was telling us, we need to be in the community.” Maus le� her teaching posi�on at Wi�enberg University in 2014, and the next year, became the director of Wilmington College’s Peace Resource Center, an archive of historical documents pertaining to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Center has a significant Yellow Springs connec�on: it was founded by Quaker ac�vist Barbara Reynolds, wife of one�me An�och College professor Earle Reynolds. Both husband and wife were ac�ve in gathering and dissemina�ng informa�on about the bombings a�er the war, Maus said. The job fits well with Maus’ academic interests and personal commitments to peace and nonviolence. She’s a scholar of modern Japanese history with a par�cular focus on people’s history, including experiences of poverty, childhood and

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niversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, she led a commemora�ve program at the college that included 12 hours of readings from Hiroshima survivors. “I think I’ve always just intui�vely understood the destruc�veness of abuses of power, and that’s always informed” both her ac�vism and choice of career, she reflected.

“There’s a sense of belonging that I’ve not experienced before. ... There are all these networks of people you can be a part of. ... It’s not New York or San Francisco, but There’s so much complexity in village life.” Maus grew up on a small family farm in Minnesota, went to college in Aus�n, Texas, and spent her graduate school years in Chicago. She’s also been to Japan several �mes, living there for a total of about four years as an exchange student and scholar. That experience of Japan is something she holds in common with Lucke�. A fellow nomad, he grew up in Washington state in several small communi�es around Sea�le, went to graduate school in Arizona, then lived in Chicago and Tokyo with his then-wife, who was Japanese. While in Tokyo, he became proficient in Japanese home-style cooking — not restaurant-style sushi and tempura, but the simple rice, fish and vegetable dishes that Japanese moms and aunts make, he explained. He even opened a catering business providing home-style cooking to foreigners and Japanese who lacked the skills or experience to prepare such dishes. He conceded that some in Japan viewed an American man preparing tradi�onal food as a bit strange, but “people were grateful to have it.” With a wry smile, Lucke� added, “I’ve always been an anachronism,” ci�ng his training in analog photography and





residence with one of the most capacious porches in Yellow Springs. Aided by affordable housing agency Home, Inc., they are on the path to purchasing the home, their first. “There’s no way we could have bought a house in Yellow Springs without Home, Inc.,” Maus said. The blue house has already rooted them more deeply in Yellow Springs. Right a�er they moved in, the family re-

HA CK ET T PH OT O | AU DR EY es , at Fr ed er ick To wn eir so n, Au gu st th th wi mp ro me s Lu ck et t in 20 13, a Ma us an d Ja Ye ll ow Sp rin gs Vil la ge rs Ta ny et t mo ve d to ck Lu d an us Ma mi ly pu t pl ay gr ou nd . su mm er , th e fa th e Mi ll s La wn hs la te r. Th is nt mo x si rn bo s h Ho me , Inc . an d Au gu st wa a ho me th ro ug ro ot s, bu yin g t en an rm pe do wn

chemical darkrooms, as well as s�nts working in libraries shelving and managing physical collec�ons of books. Lucke� is currently an adjunct professor of photography at An�och College and a cook at the new Tables of Contents Café, part of Blue Jacket Books in Xenia. In his life, photography and food intertwine. “I’m always wan�ng to provide something to people,” he said, whether the medium is food or art. These two callings strikingly coexist on his Instagram account, where hundreds of photographs of dishes he’s prepared commingle with desolate or darkly humorous streetscapes of Xenia near Blue Jacket Books and evoca�ve pictures of his son, usually iden�fied as “the young August Frederick Townes.” The images of August are not typical “cute kid” images, he said. Rather, they’re attempts to capture the boy as “a capable, fully grown, willful human being — an un-aged being, an eternal being.” In all his photographic art, Lucke� said he is trying to “make pictures of invisible things” to represent a feeling or mood. “The picture isn’t about what you’re seeing, it’s about what you’re feeling,” he said. O�en these images have been melancholic, reflec�ng his temperament and his desire to make sad or darker experiences visible in a “success and posi�vity” world, he explained. The images of August are a departure from that saddertoned work, reflec�ng his sense of being “more in balance” now that he’s a father. And then there’s the joy of the new house. In late July, the family moved into a home they’ve already christened “the blue house,” a 1954 North High Street

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Before moving to Yellow Springs, Eric and Kelley Oberg had never owned a home with a doorbell. The 16´ by 20´ cabin they built near Denali Na�onal Park in Alaska didn’t need one. Nor did their old farmhouse in rural Hocking Hills, Ohio, where neighbors were a car ride away. But now that they live in Yellow Springs’ Fair Acres neighborhood, the doorbell on their brick ranch home has proved so useful that it “wore through and broke” within a year, according to Eric. The Obergs moved to the village in October of 2014 with their two children, Sage, now 6, and Cole, now 9. Sage and Cole fit easily into a neighborhood full of kids. “There’s way more people than at my old school,” Sage observed during a recent interview in the backyard of the family’s home. “It’s more populated,” Cole agreed, with the seriousness of a rising fourth grader using a big word. Friends of the siblings are heavy users of the Oberg doorbell. If the family has traded privacy and remoteness for community and proximity, they’ve done so deliberately. “This is what we asked for,” Eric laughed. “I’m s�ll ge�ng used to people just stopping by. But that’s what community is.” Eric was born and raised in Alaska, where both his parents and one set of grandparents were also born and raised. He grew up on Kodiak Island in the town of Larsen Bay, an Aleut community. He

WHY YS? and his brother were the only non-Na�ve children there, an experience he said has given him an unusual perspec�ve on being a minority. His family later moved to the mainland, and he a�ended high school in Anchorage, leaving for college in Colorado a�er gradua�on. “As amazing as Alaska is, I couldn’t wait to leave,” he said. But two years studying to be a sportscaster made him real-

YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS So Eric began looking for a job, a process he thought “would buy me years,” he joked. But he readily found a posi�on in the Columbus office of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, and the couple decided to move to Ohio. They bought a farmhouse in the Hocking Hills area with three acres for largescale gardening, a lifelong love of Eric’s. “We felt we needed to wean our-

From the‘last frontier’ to Ohio ize how much he missed the outdoors, specifically the Alaskan outdoors, so he le� school and returned to his home state to work at Denali Na�onal Park. On his first day at the park, he met another young park worker, Eli Kramer, a na�ve of Yellow Springs. They became friends, and from that friendship grew a small but real connec�on to a place he’d never seen — but would one day live. Kelley grew up in Cincinna�, but headed for Colorado a�er high school to work at a ski resort. She did seasonal work, spending her summers in the Grand Tetons and her winters in Colorado and Montana. She and Eric became friends when he was in college in Colorado; a�er he returned to Alaska, Kelley and several friends drove north to spend the winter there. “Five broke 20-year-olds se�ng out for Alaska at the end of October is not a good idea,” she laughed. But the trip reconnected her to Eric, and they spent their twen�es together in the far north. For four years, they worked together as sled dog trainers for the Iditarod, the 1,000-mile dog sled race that is “Alaska’s Super Bowl,” Eric said. They each took part in 300-mile races of their own. And when they weren’t running dogs, they worked in Denali. Eric ran a trail crew 90 miles into the park along its one old mining road, and Kelley worked on a construc�on crew 50 miles in. The work was one week on, one week off. Photos of all these rugged adventures hang, somewhat incongruously, on the walls of their cheerful kitchen in Yellow Springs. One photo shows Cole as a baby, and it was his birth that spurred the couple to think about “coming back down,” Kelley said. The desire to be nearer to her parents in Cincinna� was a big mo�vator for the move.

selves back into society,” he said of their choice to homestead in rural Ohio. They lived there for seven years, “trying to make it work,” Kelley said, but realized the area didn’t fit them. Though they enjoyed aspects of life there, they were distressed by the insularity, homogeny and the “deep-seated racism and intolerance” that was open, not hidden, among many residents, according to Kelley. “It was really disheartening,” she said. “As the years went on, it became apparent that we didn’t want to raise our kids there.” And they missed the sense of community they’d known in Alaska. “Rural Alaska is very different from rural Ohio,” Eric observed. In Alaska, people need their neighbors, however far-flung they are, and that poten�ally life-ordeath reliance on others “forces community,” he said. Eric and Kelley also missed the mix of cultures and viewpoints they’d taken for granted in Denali, some�mes described as “where camo meets �e-dye,” Kelley said, for its mélange of na�ve Alaskans, coal mine workers and Na�onal Park employees. Where might they find an open, diverse and tolerant community in Ohio? Having visited the family of Eli Kramer — he’s the son of Len Kramer and Fern Opotow — in Yellow Springs several �mes, they thought they had a pre�y good idea. With only a month between selling their farmhouse and needing to move, they “lucked into a wonderful house” that they were just able to afford, Eric said. The house and neighborhood were unexpected gi�s, but they knew from the start that they





in Alaska, and hope their children will strike out for the far north some day. For Eric, Alaska will always be home. He misses the “absolute quiet,” though he’s found compensations in the glory and diversity of Ohio’s trees. For Kelley, “home is where my family is.” Yellow Springs — their “last shot” — is going to last, the couple believes. Their village home is already a homestead, with fruit trees they’ve planted out front, a chicken coop with four resident chickens and a �dy enclosure of raised garden beds Eric built out back, plus an asparagus patch in the side yard. A few blocks away, at the Fair Acres community garden, they’re into their second season of homegrown garlic. All this, and a doorbell, too.

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wanted their children in Yellow Springs schools. The district has “exceeded our expecta�ons 1,000 percent,” said Kelley, who worked in the lunch room of Mills Lawn last year and marveled at the relaxed and caring atmosphere. About six months a�er they moved to the village, Eric’s boss re�red, and Eric was in a posi�on to lobby to move the Rails-to-Trails’ Midwest Regional Office from Columbus to Yellow Springs. That office opened on Xenia Avenue last fall, with Eric as the director of trail development. Kelley also works close to home, as a part-�me projec�onist at the Li�le Art Theatre. The family went from budge�ng hundreds of dollars a month for gas to needing to fill their tank once every few weeks. They are finally living the mission of Rails-to-Trails, Eric said, which is to promote walking and biking not just as recrea�onal ac�vi�es, but as everyday modes of transporta�on. “Living in Yellow Springs, I get to do the things I believe in,” he said. The family bikes everywhere, and Eric and Kelley believe the village offers its residents a uniquely foot- and pedal-friendly lifestyle. That’s not all they see as unique about Yellow Springs. It’s a place where people “try new things, try new ways to deal with hard issues,” Eric said. He said he o�en hears from long�me residents that the village “isn’t what it used to be.” But he sees lots of evidence, from the school district’s embrace of projectbased learning to villagewide efforts to make the village more open and affordable, that Yellow Springs is living up to its

legacy of “doing things differently, finding be�er and unique ways of living.” At the same time, Eric and Kelley have noticed surprising continuities between Yellow Springs and Alaska. Both communities are places people want to live, Eric said. “You don’t just end up in Alaska,” he reflected. “It’s the end of the line — people are chasing something or running away from something.” That makes for a colorful community of “characters,” he said. Yellow Springs is likewise a place where people actively choose to live, the couple believes. And the village has its own share of characters, though perhaps not quite on the epic scale of the vast, “last frontier” state. One thing Eric misses is the diversity of views he regularly encountered in Alaska, where his associates included a “notorious wolf-trapper” and park service employees. Though liberal in their social and political views, the couple said they enjoyed, in Eric’s words, “bridging the divide” between different worlds. Yellow Springs has less of that diversity, he believes. But he appreciates Yellow Springs’ outspoken, activist culture and its penchant for argument and debate — a stark contrast to the apathy he and Kelley found troubling in their previous Hocking Hills community. “Here, people care, almost to a fault,” Eric said. “Yellow Springs people will debate you on everything.” Kelley quipped, “It’s a dream come true for Eric.” Still, will the adventurers stay in the Midwest? “Yellow Springs was our last shot at Ohio,” said Eric. He and Kelley still own that cabin, plus four acres,

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FAL L S T R E E T FAIR Sat., Oct. 8, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (downtown) CH AM B E R M U S IC IN YE L LOW S P R IN G S : T H E AU RYN Q UART E T Sun., Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church) ART S T RO L L Fri., Oct. 14, 6–9 p.m. (downtown) YS ZO M B IE WAL K Sat., Oct. 15 (TBA) YS O P E N S T U D IO S Sat. and Sun., Oct. 15 and 16, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (various village locations)


CH AM B E R M U S IC IN YE L LOW S P R IN G S : T H E DAVID P IAN O T R IO Sun., Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)

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YS ARTS CO U N CIL H O L IDAY ART J U M B L E Thurs., Nov. 24–Sat., Dec. 31. (YSAC Community Gallery) L EG E N DARY L IG H TS O F CL IF TO N Nov. 25–Jan. 1 (Clifton, OH) DEC

S CH O O L FO R E S T F E S T IVAL Sat. and Sun., Dec. 3–4, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. (Bryan Park Road) SAN TA PAN CAK E B R E AK FAS T Sat., Dec. 3, 9–11:30 a.m. (United Methodist Church) H O L IDAY F E S T Dec. 10 (downtown; details TBA)



YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS • Xenia Ave. Yellow Springs, OH 45387 • (937) 767-7373 • www.ysnews.com

M ART IN LU T H E R K IN G J R . P E ACE WAL K Mon., Jan. 16, 10:30 a.m. (downtown) CH AM B E R M U S IC IN YE L LOW S P R IN G S : T H E CAL M U S E N S E M B L E Sun., Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church)



1930’s & 40’s American Photography


Sat., Nov. 19, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn)

CH AM B E R M U S IC IN YE L LOW S P R IN G S : T H E M ECCO R E S T R IN G Q UART E T Sun., Mar. 17, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church) S P R IN G S T R E E T FAIR Sat., June 10, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (downtown) ART S T RO L L Fri., June 16, 6–9 p.m. (downtown)


YS K ID S P L AYH O U S E 23 rd O R IG IN AL M U S ICAL June 22–July 2 (Antioch College Amphitheater) A N T IO CH W R IT E R S ’ WO R K S H O P Sat., July 8–Fri., July 14 (Antioch University Midwest) F R IE N D S M U S IC CAM P G L E N H E L E N B E N E F IT CO N CE RT Sat., July 29 (location TBA)


B O O K FAIR Sat., Aug. 5, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn School) A RT O N T H E L AW N Sat., Aug. 12, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn School) CL IF TO N G O RG E ART AN D M U S IC F E S T IVAL TBA (Clifton, OH)


AACW JAZZ, B LU E S AN D G O S P E L F E S T First weekend after Labor Day. (location TBA) CYCLO P S F E S T Date TBA (Bryan Center lawn)


CO R N E R CO N E FAR M E R S M AR K E T Saturdays, 7 a.m.–noon, April–Nov.(Corner Cone parking lot) YE L LOW S P R IN G S FAR M E R S M AR K E T Saturdays, 7 a.m.–noon, April–Nov. (Kings Yard parking lot)

w w w. B a h n s e n G a l l e r y. c o m


4444 E. Enon Rd., YS by appointment only

YE L LOW S P R IN G S W IN T E R M AR K E T Saturdays, 9 a.m.–noon, Jan.–March (Senior Center Great Room)

4 For a comprehensive list of community activities, read the Yellow Springs News each Thursday or visit ysnews.com.



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TheVillage of YellowSprings �











WHY ANTIOCH COLLEGE? "Without the confidence I gained through doing at Antioch, I wouldn't be where I am today."

-Eric Rhodes, Class of 2016 who studied history at Antioch and has been accepted into the masters program of his choice at Miami University.

Antioch College is a laboratory for developing new and better ways of living. We believe that college should be a platform for learning to live your education now and for the rest of your life. It starts with demanding classroom study with talented faculty who are world class mentors. But that's the foundation, not the finish. Our students test theories and build their professional networks through our co-op work program—it's so much more than just an internship—it's about connecting classroom learning with practical, real-time skills. Students spend one quarter each year working full-time with businesses and organizations around the world. It's the kind of adventure that can change the course of your life, if you show up, dig deep and commit to the hard work. Just ask the proud members of our class of 2016. Eighty percent graduated with honors. Many have been accepted into the graduate programs of their choice. Antioch College has a long history of preparing leaders and agents of change. Join the legacy. It’s a big wide world out here.

Office of Admission & Financial Aid 1 Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, Ohio Antiochcollege.edu 937-319-0074 Antioch College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission

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