2016 Yellow Springs High School Graduation

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* These students also completed a certified program at the Greene County Career Center ° International exchange student † This student is graduating from Carroll High School

COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY TA K E S P L A C E O N T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 2 6 , 7 P . M . , I N T H E H I G H S C H O O L G Y M The responses and photos in this publication were compiled with the generous assistance of YSHS’s Dave Smith and GCCC’s Pamela Pickle. The Yellow Springs News is pleased to honor the Yellow Springs High School CLASS OF 2016 with this special section. It is made possible by the sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout.


Yellow Springs High School

C L A S S O F 2016

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S


Dhamani and Kevin Harris

No response submitted.


Dawson and Andre Jones


and Beth Bridgeman


I have always thought about how surreal it will feel to be filling out the form to submit this bio. It’s one of the little things I’ve seen years of friends do before me. I’ve always felt excitement for them when this time of the year rolls around, but it was always accompanied with a sense of eagerness to be in their shoes. However, that eagerness absolutely in no way signifies a negative experience. The very notion of trying to encapsulate my gratitude and regard for the Yellow Springs community, for my parents, older sibling, for WYSO and for this land we live on into a couple-of-paragraphs summary itself doesn’t do these feelings justice. That being said, I am also immeasurably content with the fact we have this platform for my peers and I to try to communicate these things to the town that has raised us. Things are moving fast. Faster than they ever have up to this point. I know most of the folks reading this will already know what this feels like, but for the people like me who have watched so many people before them shift this way and are now watching me, it feels really, really, good. Don’t make it go faster than it needs to.

When I first came to Yellow Springs in the second half of my junior year, I was very nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, but mainly I wondered how I was going to be treated. Yellow Springs High School is way different than Dayton public schools; people are more affectionate and welcoming. People here make conversation, greet me, and try to get to know me as a person. I’m a very friendly person; it takes me some time to open up, though, because I’m pretty shy. Sometimes I’m afraid to talk because I don’t want to be judged. I wish I would’ve attended Yellow Springs schools my whole life, it’s a united community and has amazing people and the best teaching system I’ve ever been exposed to. Yellow Springs has helped me open up more, but also helped me focus on my work. There were many distractions and things going on in my life while I was living in Dayton. Moving here was the best, I wouldn’t change anything about this school. I would rather make other schools like YSHS. In the next couple of years I will be attending the University of Rio Grande, running track, majoring in early childhood development and minoring in business/economics. After I graduate college, I want to open my own daycare business. I have the biggest passion for working with children and I’ve also had experience at a daycare working through Youth Works summer job O U R

AC Service

services in Dayton. I loved it; once I worked there I knew that was what I wanted to pursue. I also feel that we need more bosses in the world, that’s a contributor to many reasons I want my own daycare service. I can put buildings at locations where I please and hire who’s best for my business. I can also coordinate activities and decorate my daycares the way that I like while meeting all the requirements that daycares have to meet. I just want to help the community while I am also doing something I love. In 10 years I will be pushing 30 and I plan for my daycare business to be running smoothly and be as successful as possible. I want to be owning multiple daycares, living in a nice condo and having a 2016 Cadillac Escalade, a teacup Yorkie and a fiancé or even husband. I may be ready to start a family by then. While I’m in my 20’s, though, I just want to explore and focus on my success. I want to visit Hawaii, Bahamas, Jamaica, Australia, Rome, etc. I just want to travel and eat all the different kinds of food they have to offer while experiencing all the different cultures! I’m so excited to start my life, I’ve been through so much to get where I am today and I will never stop pushing until I’ve reached all my goals. Many times I’ve wanted to just give up, but that’s not going to get me where I want to be nor where I want my family to be. My senior year has been my best year of high school by far! I’ve become friends with so many students, coaches and teachers. Such a bittersweet experience and I will truly miss high school. Thank you so much for having me in Yellow Springs and welcoming me into YSHS! Shout-outs: my family, track squad, cheer squad, volleyball squad, quadtuplets, Gudgel for being the coolest coach and Mrs. Lutz for being the coolest teacher.


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No response submitted.



Dionne Barclay

No response submitted.


Michele Brown


No response submitted.


Antioch College Antioch School

Antioch University Midwest

Yellow Springs High School

CLASS OF 2 0 1 6

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

community where I have made friends that will hopefully last a lifetime, and get certain opportunities that maybe in other places, you would not get. My plans for the next years are to go to the University of Cinncinati where I am going in undecided, but I will be a part of their exploratory studies program, which will help guide me towards my major. Yellow Springs will always have an impact on how I live my life, and will always be a place I call “home.”





Butler and Stephanie HarshawButler

I’ve grown up in Yellow Springs since third grade. This town has always been good to me. Even from a young age I received support and encouragement from everyone, in school and out. It was easy for me to succeed here. I found a lot of friends quickly and almost my entire class has been together since we were all little. For me, some of the most meaningful moments I’ve had in Yellow Springs have been during sports. Going to camp for a week with my high school team as a freshman was a great time with so many memories. Or just the experience of being on the YSHS varsity soccer team for four years was amazing. I had great times in school too. My math and science classes were amazing all through middle and high school. The most valuable things I had during my time in YS schools were the memories and people I met. Thank you to all my teachers since the beginning for putting up with me and not quitting on me. Thank you to all my coaches who taught me so much. Last, but not least, thanks to my family and friends, who have helped me make memories I’ll never forget. 2016!


I’m an exchange student from Brazil, and my experience in Yellow Springs High School was simply amazing. It was great to experience how open, liberal and comprehensive the whole school is. It will definitely change my life and open my mind to new ways to view the world, and I’m excited to take a little bit of Yellow Spring with me and spread it around the globe.


and Christy Comerford


Tracy Clark


Growing up in Yellow Springs was such a great experience, and something that sticks with you forever. What I find most meaningful about growing up in Yellow Springs is the small village or high school O U R

Bing Design

I have had an amazing time growing up in Yellow Springs. My town has shaped me into who I am today through challenging my beliefs and giving me a safe community to thrive in. At Antioch School I learned the importance of playing, working with others and being myself (I still practice all of these things to this day). I met lifelong friends, learned to ride a five-foot unicycle and started my lifetime love of skiing. I am very thankful for everything Antioch gave me. Thank you to my Antioch School teachers: Ann, Jeannie, Kit, Chris, Bill and Brian. In high school, what really stood out to me was my time in School Forest. I loved the outdoors, camping under the stars and School Forest trips. Thank you, Mr. Day. The teachers made my high school experience unique. Thank you, Ms. Reynolds, Mr. Farmer, Ms. Holly,

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Ms. Eguaroje and Mr. Smith. Dr. Krier ’s support and the flexibility of the school schedule allowed me to complete two amazing internships: one with Attorney General Mike DeWine’s office and the other with orthopedic pediatric surgeon Dr. Albert. I am very thankful to have had these enlightening experiences. Thank you to my French family, Marc, Claire, Raphelle, Cécile and especially my French sister Marion, for opening their home to me and welcoming me into their family. Thank you to my Tanzanian family, Mama Danny, Mercy and Daniela, for their hospitality and constant care. Thank you, Dr. Albert and Ann Smith, for making it possible to do many of my extracurricular activities, including skiing. I am grateful for my extra grandparents with an extra thanks for Fran and AG Mike DeWine for all of the food, friendship and kindness they have shown me and my family. I can always count on Bli, Jalana and Naysan for fun dinners and great food and I don’t know what I would do without my extra parents, Amanda, Eve, Jen and Chaz. Thank you to Jim and Libby Hammond for all the generous help with my senior project and to Nancy Sundell-Turner for always being there when I called. Most importantly, I thank my family: Dad, Mom, sister Ella, Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Ronald, Aunt Amy and cousins Mary, Fielding, Fisher and Sam, for their continuous help, love, laughter and support. I love that I know so many of the faces that I see when I am in town. I love that even when faces are not familiar people still say “Hi” when they pass on the street. I love that even if I do not know them they may know me or my family. I love feeling like the Glen is in my backyard. I love kayaking the Little Miami. I love drinking tea while watching a movie at the Little Art. I love Halloween bonfires at the Grotes’. I love pumpkin launches at the Mullins’. I love fireworks on the hill. I love coffee at Dino’s with Molly. Most importantly, I love that my family is here with me for trashing vans, exploding pumpkins, Easter egg wars, birthdays, hikes and Sunday dinners. I will miss my town.


Jerome Borchers, Lamm’s Insurance


Children’s Center After School Program


Yellow Springs High School

C L A S S O F 2016


Jason Crawford


No response submitted.


Nicholas Cunningham


Thomas Cunningham was a member of the YSHS golf team for three years. As a student at GCCC, he took natural resource technology. After graduation, he plans to attend college. He is thankful for the support his father gave him all through school.


John Day


I have lived in Yellow Springs for all 18 years of my life. Only in

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

the past few years have I begun to appreciate the numerous positive ways in which this community has influenced me. Simply walking through town, I am struck by how many houses I pass that belong to friends, classmates, musicians with whom I have played, current and former employers or nameless friendly faces who make this village pleasant. I have enjoyed and benefited from quirky YS traditions such as School Forest, Community Band, Dungeons and Dragons at the public library and classic movies at the Little Art. It is a special community in which I, as a child and young adult, was not railroaded into a single path for life, but encouraged to be a scholar at school, a tennis player at weekly pickup matches, a naturalist in the Glen, an activist at the street corner and an amateur art critic at my mother’s shows. To say nothing of the countless musical opportunities I have had, from performing well-attended concerts of jazz, classical and everything in between, to being asked my honest opinion on a performer by respected musicians in town. Musical mentors — including James Johnston, Dennis Farmer, Shirley Mullins, Brian Mayer and Mary Fahrenbruck, not to mention my fantastic saxophone instructors Adam McCord and Tom Zinninger — have made a tremendous positive difference in my life. What Yellow Springs lacks in size and physical resources, it more than makes up for with an attitude that everyone should take part in raising a child, investing one’s time and talents so that the young can develop into better people and have untold opportunities in life. While Yellow Springs has its flaws, I have undoubtedly benefitted tremendously from this approach, and any of my own successes are largely attributable to the Yellow Springs community. I consider myself a socialist, and have always appreciated the left-wing beliefs popular in Yellow Springs. While the village’s political beliefs are one of its admirable qualities and have made me feel welcome, I sense that a willingness to keep an open mind is sometimes lacking. I have noticed a tendency among some Yellow Springers to thoughtlessly reject individuals deemed conservative or possessO U R

Craig Mesure, Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors

ing alternative political perspectives. Yellow Springs will always remain liberal — I sincerely hope that it does — but conservative arguments must be consciously confronted through understanding and consideration, rather than with knee-jerk political correctness. Progressive causes would be better served by people who have thought about and chosen liberal beliefs, rather than those who have been indoctrinated with liberal orthodoxy from the cradle, taught that those with whom they disagree deserved to be silenced as “offensive.” I especially hope that the many young adults in the community interested in political action and social change embrace open-mindedness and be willing to listen to all opinions — especially those with which they disagree. Next year I will begin studying at the University of Chicago. I am most excited to learn about mathematical proofs, using logic to discover the fascinating properties governing numbers, patterns and shapes. Eventually, I hope to pursue graduate degrees in math, and become a college math professor. I am grateful for the teaching and inspiration of my math teachers, MacKenzie Reynolds and Dee Ann Holly, throughout high school. Russian literature has also captivated me ever since I took a flex credit class with Angela Brintlinger, and I have her to thank for an ongoing love of the subject, which I hope to study in college as well. I would like to thank all of my fantastic high school teachers, especially Dave Smith, who has been an indispensable source of moral and logistical support throughout high school, in addition to being an engaging French teacher; Iyabo Eguaroje, one of the most effective and loving teachers at YSHS; and Kathy Burkland, a caring person always ready with a smile, a Spanish greeting and a good conversation. Most of all, I appreciate my family, John, Angela and Peter Day, for the love and support which they have provided for me. School Forest, beautiful artwork and late night conversations about all types of music are gifts from my family for which I will always be grateful. Thank you family, thank you friends and thank you Yellow

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Springs! I’ve had a great time with all of you, and it’s not over yet.


DeWine and Megan Werner

I moved to Yellow Springs in the second grade from Springfield. It didn’t take long to meet new people and make new friends because of how open and friendly everyone was. Everyone says “hello” to each other just walking by on the sidewalk. It was a completely different environment from what I was used to. When you move to Yellow Springs, it becomes a part of you. It’s not just a place where you live, it becomes a way you live. That sense of hospitality rubs off and you become part of the town. My favorite part of my Yellow Springs experience was being able to keep friends throughout my entire K–12 career. I got to play soccer, basketball and baseball with the same people and I was able to build chemistry with all of my teammates who were also my classmates.


Mullins and John Gibbs

No response submitted.


Bambi Williams, Sam Eckenrode & Minerva Bieri, Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors


Current Cuisine

Yellow Springs High School

CLASS OF 2 0 1 6

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

that Yellow Springs schools keep in their curriculum for the benefit of generations to come. The administration takes into consideration, and actively supports, individual learning styles. I will be attending Lewis University in Illinois and majoring in aviation and aerospace technology with a minor in unmanned aircraft systems. I’ll also be playing in their orchestra.


Jim Grote


My parents and my grandfathers grew up in Yellow Springs, and I have been lucky enough to be able to grow up here too. I started school in Ann’s nursery group at the Antioch School, where I also went for kindergarten through the sixth grade. They gave me a solid foundation to build on and they made learning fun. I want to thank everyone in the Yellow Springs community, my friends, all of my teachers, family, grandparents and, most of all, my parents for supporting me. I also want to thank Frank Beafore at SelectTech GeoSpatial Advanced Manufacturing Facility for giving me the opportunity to intern with his company; my percussion teacher Michael LaMattina, James Johnston, Shirley Mullins, Dennis Farmer and Brian Mayer for giving me lots of wonderful music opportunities; and the Springfield Youth Symphony. Yellow Springs is a special place unlike any other, and it has played a huge role in the person I am today. I have had lots of experiences that I couldn’t have had living anywhere else. The Miami Township Fire-Rescue Explorer Post was one of the organizations I was able to take part in, and is where I earned the majority of my community service hours. I want to thank everyone at the department. Project-based learning (PBL) has really helped me excel in high school and is something I hope


Hawkins and Jamie Stefanski


Lynn Hardman


Growing up in Yellow Springs has had a very positive effect on me throughout my time attending Yellow Springs Schools. I’ve learned so many important things while I’ve lived here, but above all I’ve learned that to be kind and respectful and accept people for who they are means everything in a world so fixated on hate. As I take the next step in my life, I will always remember the many kindhearted and amazing people of this town, and be grateful for all the help and opportunities the great teachers of this school have given me. Thank you!


Dunphy Real Estate Jo, Teresa and Sheila

Growing up in Yellow Springs was an experience that I regret not having. So many positive things have come out of the three short years I had the opportunity to spend here. No one can be prepared for moving to a new school and starting all over, but YSHS welcomed me with open arms and open minds. I think that attitude is one that nearly the entire town shares. I have not once felt like an outsider, even in such a small village where everyone knows everyone else and all of their business. That type of closeness has not bothered me and has given me an opportunity to really reflect on what type of person I want to be and what kind of reputation I want to keep. My time spent here has allowed me to give and take so much from so many people: experiences, knowledge, relationships and so many opportunities. I have learned from living here that there is always someone who is willing to help and support you, no matter how well they may know you personally. It is safe to trust but it is also okay to be cautious and make decisions for yourself. It is okay to wonder and talk, but it is much more vital to care about others’ wellbeing. No matter how hard you try to keep a secret, someone will know, but that is okay because it is always fun to sit out and laugh with those who care enough to ask. Everyone has something to add to a situation, no matter how arbi-

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trary it seems. These attributes make every person in this village unique and lovable. I love these two square miles for everything they are and everything they are not. I could not have asked for a better place in which to grow and mature into a young adult. In three very short, sweet years, Yellow Springs has shaped my view of myself and how I want to impact the world, no matter how small that impact may be. I have chosen to join The Ohio State University class of 2020, which consists of more than 10,000 members, three-fold the entire population of Yellow Springs. I have been given the opportunity to feel what it likes to be part of a small community, something I will cherish and dearly miss as I go on into my future endeavors.


Hendrickson and Lori Kuhn

I’ve lived in Yellow Springs my whole life. Although I’ve desperately wanted to escape and live somewhere else at times, I have come to appreciate and treasure my upbringing in this small town. I would first like to thank the Riding Centre and Funderburg Farm, especially Carolyn Bailey and Laura Funderburg, for encouraging my love of horses and helping me grow. I would not be anywhere close to where I am today without them. They are irreplaceable. Yellow Springs High School is a unique place. Despite being an extremely small school, we have


e-Health Data Solutions


Ehman’s Garage


Yellow Springs High School

C L A S S O F 2016

countless high-quality teachers. Every teacher has had an impact on me and I am extremely grateful. I would especially like to thank Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Holly, Mr. Day, Ms. Lutz and Mr. Smith. These teachers’ passions for their subject are evident in their teaching styles and their encouragement of students. Ms. Reynolds and Ms. Holly have pushed me to strive to do my best in their respective math classes. I would like to thank them for helping me all throughout high school and supporting my love for math. Mr. Day is both a great teacher and awesome School Forest advisor. Psychology/sociology was one of the best classes I took at the high school, and I have Mr. Day to thank for that. School Forest has been an incredible experience. The trips are something I will remember for the rest of my life. Ms. Lutz’s class is one of the most enjoyable. There is never a dull moment and we are always learning. I enjoyed every book we read in class, especially “Crime and Punishment” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” The discussions we had in class were extremely helpful to analyze the book as well as help with AP test preparation. I have Ms. Lutz to thank for all of that. Mr. Smith is both the French teacher and guidance counselor. He is such an insightful and helpful person, I can’t thank him enough. He was there for me through the college process, both the stressful and the exciting parts, always reassuring or congratulating. He was there to answer my millions of questions and support my decisions. There is not enough gratitude in the world to express how helpful and wonderful Mr. Smith has been. I am so incredibly grateful for everyone who has made an impact on my life. Thank you to my teachers, my friends and most importantly, my family. I am the person I have become as a result of them. The unconditional love and support I have received is unlike any other. In regards to my future, I will be attending Albion College in Albion, Mich. I hope to study business, though I am undecided on my major. I know that horses will always be a huge part of my life. I

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

would like to finally thank Yellow Springs for all of the opportunities it has presented. I will be back.


Jason Hodge Sr.


I haven’t lived in Yellow Springs my whole life, but I have since the age of 12, and have been visiting YS ever since I can remember. I started attending YSHS my junior year and have enjoyed going here ever since. I enjoy working out at the Wellness Center, long boarding on the bike path and hiking the Glen. I think the most valuable part of living in Yellow Springs was being able to experience the mix of cultures that Yellow Springs holds. Over the next few years I plan on joining the Air National Guard and attending Wright State University. As far as after that I have no clue what I will pursue in my career. I love to hunt, fish and target shoot, so I would like to have a career doing something along those lines. I know for sure I don’t want to be sitting in a cubicle all day on a computer or being stuck in a job that I despise, so I want to make sure I get a proper education and strive for a career I enjoy.

that I was trying to adapt in a new culture and environment and the most difficult thing was my math skill. My math skill was terrible because I didn’t go to school for one whole year because of the Ebola situation in my country [Liberia], but when I got here, this school and community came and put their arms, love, care around me and made me who I am today. The most meaningful things found in this school and community are love and peace because these people are always there when you need them. This is the kind of people and community we need in this whole world, people who don’t care about your color and the situation you have passed through — they will always love you. The good things I like about this school are love, their great impact and their nice encouragement that they give to students. When I go back I’m definitely going to change the mindset of people and the community about American schools and communities and the people themselves. My plan in the next couple years is to give back to Yellow Springs High School and the community because no matter where I will go or who I will be in this world, it is because your impact, love, courage and care made me.


M ay 26, 201 6

I was born in Florida, lived in Illinois, Germany, Guam, Louisiana, and now Yellow Springs, Ohio. By far my most favorite place to live was Germany. Just the people, the location and setting I was in, I loved it. Now I’m in Yellow Springs, and I absolutely love it here. It reminds me so much of the village I lived in in Germany. One of the most important things about why I love it here in Yellow Springs is because I feel accepted. When I moved here it was a change, though.



No response submitted.


Mike Kremer



Ewald-Orme and Jim Orme

I’m an exchange student at the high school but my experience in this school and community is very awesome. When I got here at first, it was very hard for me in the sense


Emporium Wines/Underdog Café


Robert King


Being a military brat my whole life I’ve never felt like I was accepted anywhere. I’ve lived in multiple places all over the world.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many members of this community who have helped me grow, expanded my knowledge and encouraged me as I grew up in Yellow Springs. I moved to Yellow Springs when I was 3, and attended Mills Lawn Elementary School from kindergarten through sixth grade. Then I moved up to McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School, in which I have spent six years collectively. As I have grown up in Yellow Springs, I have relatively little with which to compare my experience from other schools and towns. In my final years here, as for many other students too, one can start feeling a bit stifled — a common


Pamela Funderburg, LMT Glen Garden Gifts

Greene County Career Center

Yellow Springs High School

CLASS OF 2 0 1 6

effect of living in a small town. However, through the years, this tiny town has provided me with many opportunities for which I am so grateful. First, I would like to thank the Bahá’í community in Yellow Springs, especially Roi and Linden Qualls, for their support and guidance through these 18 years. It shaped my character and directed my thoughts and actions toward what is good and right. It encouraged me to reach outside of my comfort zone at times and applauded my decisions throughout my life. It provided a warm community for me, to the point where every gathering was practically a family reunion! I will miss all of you! Second, I would like to thank everyone who was involved in providing for me and other youth of Yellow Springs some of the amazing opportunities that this town has to offer. One of these opportunities is the Antioch Writers’ Workshop. Power of the Pen in middle school was another experience that shaped my writing, my interests and my life in a massive way. Therefore, thank you to everyone at Antioch Writers’ Workshop, Kristina McBride and Ms. Aurelia Blake. Another opportunity that I am so grateful for is the theater programming available through the high school and the YS Kids Playhouse. The fact that I performed in a production of “Macbeth” alone blows me away. It is wonderful that such challenging, rewarding plays and musicals are available for the youth in Yellow Springs. Another opportunity that I am so pleased to have taken advantage of is the EF Trip to Rome and Paris through Yellow Springs High School earlier in 2016. I would especially like to send many thanks to Mr. Hurwitz, Ms. Simon and Ms. Chick for making that experience happen. It was so beautiful and exciting to visit both places and the trip solidified my hopes and plans to travel. Of course, I could not forget thanking my wonderful family! Greta has been a wonderful friend and a true ally throughout high school. My parents have provided constant support and encouragement, both in my interests outside

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of school and after graduation. I would like to thank them for making as many of my dreams come true as they could and for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. My plan for after high school is to serve and work at the Townshend International School in Hluboká nad Vltavou in the Czech Republic for one year. Following that, I intend to pursue a major in English or creative writing at, at this point, an undetermined college. There are so many people who have helped me along the path to adulthood and high school graduation, including Sarah Wallis, my soccer coach and so many dedicated teachers — too many to list. So, to all who have guided and aided me, thank you.


Kevin McAnerney


Dan Marion


Chauncey Longshaw

It’s been a wonderful time here in Yellow Springs. Though I didn’t move here until I was in seventh grade, I’ve been going to school here since I was in kindergarten. Going to school in Yellow Springs was a wonderful experience. The teachers are wonderful, caring and willing to spend extra time to help you succeed in all of your goals. I really value time teachers have spent with me helping me understand when I really feel as if something is impossible. After graduation, I plan on attending Youngstown State University in fall 2016! I’m very excited to study


Greene County Public Health Todd McManus, O.D.


Yellow Springs has been a wonderful place to grow up. I remain thankful and highly appreciative of all who have supported me along my way. This village has taught me how to act through ways of kindness and acceptance rather than selfish means, which I believe will serve me well as I look forward to becoming a nurse through Ohio University. Although I will be away from Yellow Springs, I will always remember it for its tight-knight community feel and benevolence as I continue to have pride in the fact that it is my hometown.



nursing and work in a hospital. When I graduate from YSU I will have my BSN. I want to wish the best of luck to the Class of 2016! We did it guys!



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I’ve been part of the Yellow Springs school system since kindergarten — geez, that’s a long time — and the relationship has been mostly positive. Sure, we’ve had our disagreements of how to do things, especially in the last couple of years, but I guess I don’t have very much room to complain. Thirteenth in Ohio isn’t too bad and it got me into college with good grades, plenty of AP credits and an all-around well-rounded academic skill set that will come in handy at THE Ohio State University next fall (how about that segue) where I will be seeking a degree in finance (maybe Yellow Springs didn’t have that big of an influence after all). Spending two-thirds of your life anywhere doing anything is sure to have a major impact on your life and at least a portion of my success surely is to be attributed to Yellow Springs, so for that I give you guys a preemptive “thank you.”


Chris & Rick Kristensen & Shelly Blackman Re/Max Victory

Reichley Insurance Agency


Yellow Springs High School

C L A S S O F 2016


Ellison and Mike Kelly

(Note: for a more fulfilling and complex reading experience, I recommend listening to The Avett Brothers’ “Paranoia in Bb Major” while you consume this text.) A Thank-You Note To All Of The People Who Raised Me, For How They Raised Me: My parents will try to tell you I raised myself, but they’re wrong. They’ve done more than I could possibly put in writing, more than I can understand. But I know it’s a lot, and I know they did more than the usual amount of things right. And I am so lucky. Thank you for giving me everything a kid deserves and more. Every kind of a mother I could want, every iteration of a father I could hope for. Thank you for giving me the home and the space and the mind to make mistakes. Thank you for yelling at me sometimes, and for holding me sometimes, and for always keeping me on my toes, in the best of ways imaginable. Thank you for Yellow Springs, for Shepherdstown, for Bloomington. Thank you for the people in my life, all of the people with their wonderful things and their terrible things, and the things in between that I haven’t figured out yet. Thank you for the things I’ve learned from you, and not from

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

you. Thank you for letting me learn things not from you. Thank you for letting me discover complexities. I never believed good people could do bad things. I never knew I could control my happiness. Thank you for teaching me about truth, so that I always know what to do. Thank you for being there when I forget. Thank you for West Virginia, for Indiana, for Ohio. Thank you for my brain and my body, and the words I know, and the music I listen to. Thank you for letting me be many things at once. If I know you, if I like you, if I don’t like you, thank you. Everyone has taught me something, and nobody has taught me everything. I love you and this town and these people and this life. Love, Alice


Mike Miller


Yellow Springs built the strongest community I could have asked for. Whether it was the support I got at my photography booth from villagers or the help I received on one of my many projects, my community was always there. Sometimes it seemed overwhelming. Like I had 100 moms all keeping an eye on me, but even that helped shape me. I grew from it. I learned that I have to live a lifestyle in which I am never ashamed of what I am doing. One in which I am proud of what I have accomplished. This community especially


Soin Medical Center

strives in our schooling. I especially thank our administration for all the amazing opportunities they have given me. I have been to San Diego to look at High Tech High, Cleveland to educate other schools and given an hour to educate our school on suicide and depression. Not many kids out there can say that their school allowed them these possibilities. In our community I started a chapter of Scouts for Equality and got amazing support. I have built an art base through the village and was able to supply the Mills Park Hotel with art. I have rebuilt the school’s bathrooms from the ground up. Everything that I set my mind to, the community was there to back me up. It has been amazing. This community has taught me to stand up for those who need a helping hand. That while your group may not be oppressed, you need to use your strength to help the group that is. I have taken every single chance to help others in need. I give credit to my community, my religion and especially my parents for building this strong core belief. Tikkun Olam, it’s called in Judaism. The idea of repairing the world. It’s been beautiful to see a community so involved in and concerned with repairing the world. I want to make a special shoutout to my mom and dad for standing behind my every idea, no matter how big or crazy. Without their love and support I would have never made it to this place. Thank you so much for being such a powerful community. I have gotten so close to a lot of you and appreciate the whole community’s support of me. I will be attending Wittenberg starting in the fall to study business.

M ay 26, 201 6


and Paul Mullin

I have a ton of people to thank: my friends, who are amazing people and consistently make my life more interesting whether we’re doing something, or absolutely nothing. The teachers that have given me my education — from Ms. Lutz to Mr. Smith to Kit Crawford to Carolyn Bailey, they are all great at what they do, and never take academic perfection more seriously than life in general. I’m very grateful to have spent the last four years at a school that consistently looks for ways to improve itself. Honestly, everybody has probably heard way too much about PBL, but the concept of creating a learning system that works for a diverse group of students is certainly worthwhile, even if it takes some time to perfect. YSHS isn’t the only place where I’ve learned, though — the Antioch School gave me an enormous sense of freedom and excitement for learning, and I could not possibly write this without saying something about the Riding Centre, which taught me not only to ride, but also an infinite number of life lessons. It was at the Centre I met some of my best friends, my nowhorse and some great people I otherwise would never have known. I still remember being told one day, while dealing with a particularly uncooperative horse, “Don’t get quiet, get back up there and fix it,” which should definitely become a famous quote. One of the best things about


TCN Behavioral Health Services Tom’s Market


Town Drug

Yellow Springs High School

CLASS OF 2 0 1 6

being at a small school (besides knowing everyone) is having the opportunity to try anything you want to. I have to say one of the best school clubs I’ve been a part of is School Forest. If any freshmen are reading this, I highly encourage you to join. Time is never wasted lying on the ground and staring at trees, or weed-whacking. Actually, yes, weed-whacking may be a waste of time, but School Forest is totally worth it. I definitely want to thank my parents, too. For some reason, in 2006, they decided we could move to a farm, and now I can’t imagine living somewhere that isn’t populated by who-knows-how-many goats chickens and pigs. My mom, Caroline Mullin, is always up to trying new things, and a lot of my best experiences (such as living on a farm) have come from her suggestions. My dad, Paul Mullin, is constantly inventing and building, and did not flinch at letting 10year-old me use power saws to construct admittedly less than stellar carpentry projects. For my 17th birthday they gave me a dilapidated trailer and a toolbox. So seriously, they’re very cool. Thanks, Mom and Dad. My future plans are to go to OSU, do interesting things, have an adventure and someday achieve my lifelong dream of owning a house with an indoor trampoline. Where will I be 10 years from now? Well, if I knew that, it wouldn’t be much of an adventure, would it? Thank you to everyone I didn’t mention, there are so many!

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

| M ay 26, 201 6








No response submitted.

My experience living in Yellow Springs has probably been one of the most influential aspects of my maturation and development. My main admiration of our small town is its liberalness and acceptance of people regarding their differences. I think that growing up in Yellow Springs has made me a more mature and understanding person, and I encourage the village to maintain its qualities. I always feel comfortable in our town and my high school. My school shares similarities with the village as a whole: it’s liberal, accepting and relaxing. I have very supportive friends, family and teachers. I would like to thank Mrs. Eguaroje for being such a kind and supportive biology teacher, Mrs. Holly for being a great math teacher, Mr. Gudgel for being an awesome track coach and Mr. Krier for raising the bar, both literally and academically. I can’t give enough thanks to parents and grandparents for guiding me down the correct path and supporting me as I travel it. In conclusion, I would like to send a message to any students reading this: no words can describe the advantages that academia can bring you. If you work hard for success in school, the number of opportunities you open will be tremendous.


Alimatu (Alima) Musah is my name. I am a foreign exchange student from Ghana, West Africa. I am 17 years old and a senior in Yellow Springs High School for my exchange year. I am so grateful for been hosted in Yellow Springs schools, and the community at large. My experience here for the school year is unique and memorable. I improved in speaking English more fluently, making new friends, trying new good things and most importantly learning the differences in culture. If I return to my home country I plan on studying Liberal Arts at college. I want to be an invetigative journalist in the future. I also have plans to give back to my community after returning home. I am really happy for my exchange year and very thankful to all those who made feel at home. Even though I will be leaving soon, I have printed the names of my host families and all the people of Yellow Springs schools in my heart. I will miss them so much and it is my hope that will meet again someday.


Nipper’s Corner (formerly Village BP)

Whorton and Temba Ngqakayi


Mark Nielsen


Dear Mom, Thank you for 18 years of wisdom, love and laughter. I wouldn’t be who I am today without your constant support and unconditional love. I am so grateful to have been raised by such a genuine, bright, creative and fun person. Love, Madeline P.S. You were right about everything.

Kresge and Opolot Okia


Jaimie Wilke, Holistic Massage The Winds Cafe

YS Federal Credit Union


Yellow Springs High School

C L A S S O F 2016




Kingsley Perry III

Curley and Violette-Anne OnfroyCurley

I’d like to start by thanking my entire family, in Yellow Springs and abroad, as well as my all my teachers, kindergarten through senior year, especially Mrs. Pettiford, Mrs. Lutz and Ms. Burkland. Without support from these people, I would have had a much harder time in school. I am grateful for the town that we live in, the personal attention each student can receive and community support for the students because of the small size and kind nature of Yellow Springs. Something I always took for granted was the free rec soccer league in town, which I played in since I was 4 years old. I always knew my friends and I would meet up on Saturday morning and it would be a great time. This is not something that all towns have and we should be very grateful for it. I believe this was the best place I could grow up, but as you grow you have to move on, and I feel it’s a good time for me to move on. I will always have fond memories of having fun goofing around at Mills Lawn (I’m sure we did work too, but those memories didn’t stick). It’s been a blast growing up in Yellow Springs, but there’s only so much room in a tiny town. I am more than ready to move on and attend Ohio State this fall and I’m excited for what the future has in store.

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S



No response submitted.


and Beth Rubin


Is it pessimistic to believe that pessimism and realism are the same thing? Or is it realistic? I’ve always considered my view on life to be very realistic. I’ve never been diagnosed with any psychopathic tendencies — isn’t it unsettling when a sentence starts like that? — but when asked if I would kill a puppy for a million dollars, I was very quick to say “yes.” The hypothetical included that no one except me would know what I had done. Mind you, I don’t like dogs. In fact, they’re my


Yellow Springs Board of Education

second least-favorite animal (I hate horses). My immediate affirmation was simply based on the fact that, in my life, a million dollars does me a lot more good than killing a puppy does me bad. Now, you don’t live in a town such as Yellow Springs and go around telling people that you hate horses and would kill a puppy. And yet I’m writing exactly that in the Yellow Springs News. I’m not sure that this counts as telling the whole town, however, as I predict upwards of five people to actually read my specific passage. There are other things I probably shouldn’t say to the town of Yellow Springs. Like how YS isn’t nearly as entitled as it thinks it is. Or how it disgusts me when I read articles in the YS News shaming the police department for busting someone for marijuana possession. But only five people are reading this, right? That being said, Yellow Springs is very similar to the “puppy conundrum,” in that it has done me more good than bad. YS has a certain charm that I have grown to love and will always be thankful for and I consider myself lucky to have gone to school here my entire life. It’s nice to know most everyone you see downtown (even if the great majority of them will chew your ear off, giving you their complete opinion about some goddamn who-knows-what). I wonder how representative of life Yellow Springs is. I can’t imagine that the outside world is nearly as sheltering and overprotective as YS. No, not all of YS is overprotective; I’ve seen the 11-year-olds who, screaming and unsupervised, run around downtown at midnight without shoes and socks. But that’s just bad parenting. Don’t worry, I’m definitely not talking about you. I’m sure you’re the greatest parent out there, you so-and-so. But I kid. No, Yellow Springs isn’t perfect, but where is? I’m happy here and I hope to live out the majority of my adult life in YS. I’ll miss Yellow Springs greatly over the next four years and more. I love Yellow Springs and the five people reading this. Maybe you’re person number six. And all you’ve gotten from this is “Who the f**k would kill a puppy?!” I, Henry Potts-Rubin, would kill a puppy.


M ay 26, 201 6


Peyroux and Matthew Price

I’ve been in Yellow Springs for two years but I have come to love this town and all its idiosyncrasies. Coming into the town I was worried that I would feel like an outsider but in my time here I’ve only ever been welcomed into the community. I’ve been really lucky to live near my family and to have made a lot of friends in the town both in and outside of school. As someone who wants to go into drama, I have been exceptionally fortunate to have been nurtured not only by the school drama club but also by YSTC. Even though I was a newcomer to these organizations, I was always treated as a valued and worthy member of the production. Since being in YS I’ve been on crew for nine shows and I would like to thank Lorrie SparrowKnapp, Ed Knapp and Ara Beal for their constant support and guidance. My teachers over the past two years have been amazing and should not be blamed for my terrible spelling and grammar; I was a lost cause when I came to them. In particular, I would like to thank Ms. Lutz, Mr. Mayer and Ms. Reynolds for putting up with my mediocre work ethic and my constant chatter. Next year I will be attending The University of London to study theater and politics and I hope to take the lessons I have learned from living in this singular town with me.


Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce

Yellow Springs Chiropractic

CLASS OF 2 0 1 6

Yellow Springs High School

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S


Megan Rion


No response submitted.


and Kirk Rowe


Oscar Robinson


Although I did not grow up in Yellow Springs or live there I still felt the togetherness of the community. What’s good about the YS schools is that they value working together and are very supportive of their students. They reward and acknowledge the students. The community shows good school spirit and is always involved in events. I wouldn’t change anything. My plans are to attend Bowling Green State University in the fall and I will be majoring in fashion merchandising. I hope to become a buyer for a company and become very successful!

I’ve been making a “happy list” for over six years now. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a long list of things that make me happy. I’m glad to say that my years in Yellow Springs have aided me immensely in adding to this list. It sounds too good to be true, but I can’t think of a better place to have grown up in than in the Yellow Springs community. I didn’t spend my whole childhood here, which I think is the biggest reason I have grown to love and appreciate this town so much. I’ve been lucky enough to have been able to live in several different cities and cultures. Back in 2006 when we first moved from Yellow Springs, I may not have chosen the word “lucky.” Moving was not something I had high on my happy list. Japan was our first stop, and though it turned out to be one of the most amazing three-year experiences for our family, I always looked forward to our summer visits back home to Yellow Springs. After Japan was Florida, which was the birthplace of “Meredith’s happy list.” When we were finally back in Yellow Springs, it felt like home again. I could add Dino’s and full moon hikes and YSKP to my happy list. Yellow Springs has always been a home base after all of our moving around. It’s always been the place where I could be myself, and that’s something I didn’t realize until I had lived places where I couldn’t. It still amazes me what O U R

Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center

a high density of incredible people live in Yellow Springs. Ever since eighth grade I’ve been a part of dozens of clubs and groups and there has never been a group where I haven’t met a new friend or someone who I really admired. I also continue to be impressed at the high density of amazing teachers at our tiny school. Mr. Day was my favorite teacher in high school, especially when I took his psychology/sociology class. I learned so much and was introduced to positive psychology which is essentially the study of being happy. I never knew I could be so excited to learn about something. Mr. Day was wonderful in giving me extra websites and additional information so I could discover more on my own. Now, I am excited to say that I plan to study psychology at McGill University next year, and hope I can find a path that leads me to researching more about human happiness. Though a busy schedule continually gets in the way, I am still always adding to my happy list. There is always something each day that I can be grateful for, be it my amazing role model, Mr. Smith, or the incredible grilled cheese sandwich I had for lunch. I am happy living in Yellow Springs. It’s crazy to say that I wouldn’t want to change anything, but I wouldn’t. Things have been hard sometimes but I know that if they weren’t, the good times wouldn’t have been as good. I love all the people I have met; teachers who really care, friendly strangers on the street, parents of friends who have nearly become my own. I am so grateful for their support and love. I also have to thank my parents and grandparents for supporting everything I have wanted to do and supporting the person I have wanted to be. I am proud to say I was able to spend a majority of my school years in Yellow Springs, and that my happy list is at 4,303 and counting.

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Tim Sherwood


Growing up in Yellow Springs I have found out that this town is not like any other. This town is peaceful, it’s inspiring, and it’s a town that does not judge anyone for who they are. I’ve lived in Yellow Springs for 16 years and they have been the best years of my life, and I want to continue living here. Something meaningful to me about Yellow Springs is how friendly everyone is. You can walk down the street and say “hello” to someone and get a nice warm friendly smile back. I liked going to Yellow Springs schools because of the atmosphere within the school. The teachers will smile at you, they will help through your hard times whether its home life or school life. I went to the Greene County Career Center for my junior and senior year of high school for digital media. I still stayed connected and played soccer and ran track. My plans for the next couple years are to attend Clark State on a $3,000 tech prep scholarship for the digital media program. After my two years at Clark State, I would like to attend the University of Cincinnati, for the D.A.P.P. program. In 10 years, if I’m not working for National Geographic, I would like to be successful working as graphic design artist for a good business, creating logos and websites.


Yellow Springs Country Bed & Breakfast


The Yellow Springs Community Foundation


Yellow Springs High School

C L A S S O F 2016

A Special Section of the YELLO W SPRINGS NE W S

Aside from doing tech, I am a member of School Forest, which has created some of my favorite memories from high school. The group, run by Mr. Day, seems simple, taking care of and selling trees, but the traditions and the campouts give it so much more. Every campout I have attended has been a huge pleasure to be a part of. I obtained a burliness from School Forest that can’t be obtained from any other suppliers of burliness. Finally, I would like to give thanks to my parents, Audra and Emmanuel Trillana. They were always there in my room to nag me to not procrastinate, and to keep my grades up. They got me where I am today.



No response submitted.


Emmanuel Trillana


and Micheal Taylor


Yellow Spings will always be a special place to me. Yellow Springs is where I took my first steps as a child, played my first organized sports and made some lifelong friends. I would like to thank the Yellow Springs community for helping shape and mold me as a person; without them, I would have been a completely different person. My plans are to attend Bluffton University this coming fall and study exercise science along with playing basketball for them.


Yellow Springs Library Association Yellow Springs Police Dept.

M ay 26, 201 6


Denyelle Willis

I have been in the Yellow Springs school system for 13 years now, from kindergarten to twelfth grade. Every person along the way has helped me be the person I am today, and unfortunately I can’t thank each and every one of them. High school has been a journey in which I learned how to be my own person and to find my own path. I’m sure I have much more to learn about myself, but Yellow Springs has taught me most of what I know of that today. I would especially like to thank my wonderful teachers at these schools. Mr. Smith, for being a great teacher, advisor and dude. Mrs. Lutz, for showing me the beauty in literature. And my math teachers for teaching me math. Shout out to the amazing theatre here at Yellow Springs, especially the techies. Doing tech for 25 productions around the community has been one of the highlights of my life so far, and has inspired me to further my education in theatre by going to the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music for theatre lighting design and technology. Theatre has always been a big part of my life thanks to the theatre groups in this town. I owe so much to the productions of our high school, the Yellow Springs Theatre Company and the Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse, as well as the people involved, Ara Beal, Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp, John Fleming and all of the techies I’ve had the honor of working with. O U R



Growing up in Yellow Springs was fun. I also had a good experience at Yellow Springs High School and think it’s different from a lot of other schools. Kids who came here from other places said YSHS is a little more lenient, and better at helping students grow into themselves. I wish, though, that YSHS had a football program that I could have been part of. There was some football at middle school but nothing in my four years of high school.


and Rick Walkey


I had a good time growing up in Yellow Springs. I had fun doing theater, swimming and running with the community and high school. I have had many opportunities and could not have done it without the people here! Next year, I will be going to South Korea with a scholarship and I hope to be going to college there for fashion design after that.


YS Psychological Center, Aïda Merhemic & Bob Barcus

Young’s Jersey Dairy

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